It’s All An Illusion

This is amazing. Look at this up close and then walk away from the computer about 15 feet and look again. It’s all an illusion. There’s too much confusion!

538 Responses

  1. Oh my…


  2. It looks like Marilyn Monroe….How weird is that?!

  3. awe-inspiring!!!!

  4. the child within

  5. O_o hoooly ~€¬….


  7. well it looks like it’s Marylin Monroe and Einstein overlapped on the same picture, but it’s fun. all is really an illusion. however, i just made a seminar about TV and one of the topics was illusions and mocumentaries, you could check the doku fiction in Youtube, but it’s only in German

  8. lol so weird!!!! could my picture look like marilyn???? i think so, if einstein could, why not me

  9. That creeped me out. But I’m glad to know I’m not a cheap drunk because I’ve only had one glass of wine. Waiting for my husband to come home…where is he? I bought a new tube top I’ll know he’ll be dying to pull down the moment he see’s it!

  10. the effeminate side where happily dwell as divine true self.

  11. Cool and funny the two of them toghether!

  12. this ilussion is funny but shows what we can do with a computer.

  13. 娜姐遭胞弟著書揭秘!!!!!

    但娜姐亦不好過,曾經跟她共事多年的胞弟Christopher Ciconne,最近親筆撰寫娜姐自傳Life With My Sister Madonna,大爆她跟前夫辛潘 (Sean Penn)和現任老公佳烈治(Guy Ritchie)的婚變始末,以及娜姐自小有同性戀傾向,除了曾公然擁吻Britney和Christina Aguilera之外,某次新年慶祝派對上,她更「突襲」好友桂莉芙柏德露 (Gwyneth Paltrow),趁她不為意施展法式濕吻,未知她的音樂人老公Chris Martin可有拂袖離去?

  14. listen.madonna,in hong kong,some one that book(you brother write that book),they talk about that book in the internet………….but i am still your fans in hong kong!!!!!!hope you can have show in hong kong…

  15. madonna!!!!!you must have a look in that websait!!!!!

  16. hey it’s a great will be funnier if you appear instead of marilyn.I was expecting that.kiss

  17. Thank you for coming yesterday to our poor country,well portugal isn’t poor,I’m. I couldn’t see the show, My heart is broken, but who cares?75 000 had fun, always the sames.lisbon,lisbon
    portugal is lisbon and lisbon is portugal.
    the capital is lisbon and the capital is in lisbon.this is not your fault,I know, and I still love you.but more when you come to Porto.thanks for the attention,
    big kisses

  18. i saw the pictures on tv of your show yesterday, in lisbon and i must say you were amazing..beautiful,with a lovely smile,you look fantastic and the music was too much, my heart is broken cause i couldn’t go to lisbon, too expensive,I am unemployed but i wait for you in porto.

  19. This thread doesn’t have 1,300 postings in it. I’m going to post in here from now on.

  20. because the idiot Andy is not yet in this item…

  21. Yes, let’s hope he doesn’t see us in here!

  22. it depends of him… chuttttt

  23. He’s been rattling on about the crisis in banking for the last two days. It’s soooo boring.

  24. Paul Newman’s dead. I think everyone liked Paul Newman.

  25. He came to Swansea once. (Why won’t your site let me post a link to the BBC or Wikipedia? Over-zealous spam filtering)

    He gave 200 million dollars to charity. Blinking heck.

  26. Madonna’s just gone on stage, has she? She’s very late. It’s past midnight in Athens.

    That’s my cue to bow out. Night night,


  27. of course he was great, he played many good characters …so thank you to him for that. do you think that M could say something about him in her next concert? in the song Vogue he was missing…why? because he was not dead ?

  28. Well, Marlon Brando wasn’t dead either.

  29. Apparently 9 of the names in Vogue were still alive at the time. It sure killed them off! The “Curse of Vogue”?

  30. I’m going to bed. X

  31. Hello?

  32. Nobody here. 😦 Where has everybody gone?

  33. Just me then.

    Madonna has a few days off now. I’m folllowing her around on the internet, looking at the various stadiums (stadia?).

    That Athens “Olympic Stadium” wasn’t much. Looked like the Reebok Stadium in Bolton:

    I can tell you’re interested.

    Heck if you can prattle on about banking, I can talk about stadiums.

  34. My last comment is awaiting moderation!!!! Do you know who I am??!!!

  35. Looks like a great crowd in Athens.

  36. Oh dear. Obviously no one has instructed these people how to behave with a little bit of decorum at a rock concert.

  37. I like it on this thread. I can talk without constant interruptions.

  38. This “IZOD Center” looks a bit of a monstrosity.

  39. I can’t believe Madonna is playing the Maracana stadium. She’ll have to turn the sound up there or they’ll never hear her at the back.

  40. Though I see it’s current capacity is only 96,000. Even Wembley has 90,000.

  41. Not overly impressed with the one in Mexico City.

  42. I love this stuff.

  43. That Mexico one looks well-dodgy. I hope the crowd doesn’t jump around too much.

  44. That new Wembley stadium is a disaster. It’s about time someone said it.

  45. Alex Ferguson doesn’t like it. The crowd are too far from the pitch. It was clearly not designed by a football fan.

  46. Now THIS is a football stadium:

  47. I think I bette go before I get banned. What’s on the iPlayer tonight …

  48. hey Andrew Thomas don’ t do a salad bar with this blog, one Andy is enough….euuuuh sorry darling, the big Slim is watching us…

  49. My postings were on-topic for the most part, referring to the stadiums on Madonna’s tour.

  50. (I prefer this thread purely because it’s short enough to load into my iPod touch. The other long thread was becoming a nightmare to load)

  51. Right, bedtime. X

  52. who knows something about the new legend of the towels ?

  53. He he!

    Do you know anything? I mean, they were basically stolen, weren’t they, to be sold on the black market?

  54. This is like a rather usual illusion.I’ve seen hundreds like this one.I think it can be used to put faces of many people there

  55. I can’t post in that other thread. It’s stressing me out.

  56. I’ve got a glass of wine. Madonna would die if she knew.

  57. I was on BBC One tonight. 5.45-6pm! “The Weakest Link”. My biggest audience.

  58. I should get a repeat fee.

  59. Right, it’s all quiet here. I might sneak off.

    Busy week. And I’m moving house possibly next week.

    Night night,


  60. Fancy Madonna called Guy “emotionally retarded”. Poor bloke! I’d hate to be like that.

  61. If Madonna ends up with A-Rod.

    Well …

    There you go. We’ll see.

  62. It’s like déjà vu all over again …

  63. Yeah, I’m getting a load of crazy theories on my physics site, but I love it. I love it all.

  64. I’m moving house this week. Dunno if you helped, but thanks if you did.

  65. I hope you realise …. I’m going to lose internet access.

  66. Sorry.

    I can post in work, though.

  67. So I’ll be able to read your insightful observations.

    I can’t escape ….

  68. A lot of female newspaper columnists in the UK are really sticking-up for Madonna over this divorce.

  69. I think Madonna’s just having a bit of fun with A-Rod.

  70. I guess we’ll know for sure in a couple of months.

  71. He seems like a nice enough bloke.

    And she could probably do with a good … er … piece of male friendship after all that time.

  72. As long as she doesn’t make impulsive decisions for a change, it’s OK.

  73. I can post on the internet in my lunch-break in work.

  74. (This thread is such a joy after that other dreadful thread).

    Right, I’ve got a LOT of jobs to do. See ya,


  75. Nobody here?

  76. Madonna’s gone??

  77. Looks like everyone’s very busy at the moment.

  78. evry body knows the beautiful stranger is eric…..yyyyeaaaaaaaaaah……ooooooooooh ! ( scouuuu bi du bi douuuuuuuu )

  79. why Candy boy has a logo looking as a german cross and not me???

  80. the weather is cold in France now…

  81. poooof … the weather is really cold ! how to be a biatch with 4 messages … Bye bye Andy

  82. shit is not enough…

  83. for Andy with this imitation you can have a shit for one month …she is pure light children of god

  84. Perhaps Albert was Monroe’s great-grandfather or something. Striking resemblance…

  85. […] menos da Madonna actriz, mas confesso que acho muita piada ao blog da artista, e, de vez em quando vou lá espreitar. Ela também escolheu o […]

  86. OK, it’s bugging me. Madonna!!!!

    I am so sick of hearing about how u are desperately trying to stay young. I don’t know why??
    I grew up in the 80’s. You were my idol. I adored you for your daring, for doing what u wanted when u wanted. For not fearing to have a point of view and say it out load. To get what u set your mind to get. Your father said it best once on an interview. He said u were an achiever. Never truer words have been said.

    Go back to classical ballet you sure have the discipline for it. Open a dance school right in your back yard. Perform intimate concerts of music and dance.Things that you grew up on and that inspired you. Music that you love,music that opens your heart. Learn to cook and enjoy watching your children grow. Stop chasing. U’ve done it. I envy all the options that are at your feet. Yet I see u do nothing about them. I wish to see u kicking back. There is no high or low u can’t reach. Let go your age. Enjoy it. Age gracefully. Remember what Kieth Herring said to you? What he taught you? “We’re all made of flesh and blood” It seems like you forgot that.
    In a world of Paris Hilton’s’ and Britney Spears flashing, you no longer belong. You’ve been there, done that. You created it but at least you had more class. Why would you wish to continue in an industry you helped built yet has changed so much for the worst.

    Get a home in London where your kids belong cause that is what they know and that is where their father is. Just for now. They won’t stay young forever. If u don’t the consequences will be emotionally devastating to you. Your kids will turn against you and think you crazy for constantly chasing youth. What are u teaching them by doing that anyways?? In the western world women think it is NOT ok to grow old, they think that they are not worth much of anything cause they do not look like you at 50. But even u do not look like you do at 50. You have had plastic surgery and you as well as they, are trying hard to stay on top of looking young. Who the hell needs all this pressure??? It gives you wrinkles!! You have the ability to influence so many people inspire so many lives yet you do nothing about it. All the Kabbalah in the world would not help you. It is within that u need to go. Within yourself. Stop caring what others say, think or do. It is killing you. If your rabbi gives a fuck about you he should be telling you this. It seems like it is very convenient that you stay where you are emotionally cause that leaves you needy which gives him the opportunity to make more money off your back. It is so obvious. I can’t believe you don’t see it

    If u do this, if u let go, you’ll come out a winner. You’ll achieve so much, you’ll help so many people.

    You’ve had kids. I know you’ve loved at least 2 men in your life. You know what love is. What are u so afraid of??? That you won’t shine? That people will actually see that you are like the rest of us?? That you won’t be number one?? That people may actually forget about you??? You always will be Madonna. No one can take that away from you yet you’ll inspire so many if u do, as you have before just in a different way. Evolve! Truly evolve not just with a new hair do or some new dance moves. We know u can do that. We’ve watched you do that for 30 years!!! But enough! I grew out of it and wish to see u do the same. I will love u and adore you forever.

    We all get old. You think I have not worried about it?? But I learned to accept it and welcome it cause it is inevitable, it happens to us all.You have the ability to throw in the towel, to point out that the king is naked!! To show that when Gods gives u lemons you make lemonade. If u do so many of us will! Stop escaping. Just Be! These Kabbalah guys are after your money, Kabbalah water my ass. You’ve lived and succeeded many years without it. Trust me girl, water is best from the tap. It’s all a scam

    Enjoy who u are and what u have built. If u do not, you’ll regret it. It will hunt you till your last day on this planet. MARK MY WORDS. It all went up to your head. There will always be someone better, more talented, more beautiful, much younger, more fit then you. You did your thing, gained power to influence. In spite your insecurities you climbed to the top. Teach others, your children perhaps, guide them. Use it! What a waist it would be if u didn’t. So many will follow. You posses such wisdom, such courage. Look at the world. It’s a mess. You can truly create a revolution for women all over. Help them feel comfortable with themselves, their bodies and their age. That is what u did back in the day. Move a long to the next message you have for us all. Your message is inside of you. Only you can pull it out only if u stop chasing youth. It is distracting you from your true goal.

    Your gurus seem like they enjoy the cash flow. A real friend will tell u the truth. The truth that u may not wish to hear. The truth that may be others wish to point out yet they fear your reaction but regardless it is the truth. I wish I had an hour with you .Best thing is go to your Father. There is nothing greater then family cause blood is thicker then any other circumstance

  87. beauty is in the eye of the beholder and madonna louise will always be 21 in my eyes, xxx


  89. Bailout 2008, a poem by David Jeffrey:

    Like a bloodied warrior,
    laying broken and torn.

    Like a dying soldier, hopeless and forlorn.

    But the blood, it be green,
    the color of money.

    And the soldier is an economy,
    and it is anything but funny.

    Broken are it’s people and shattered are their dreams.

    Thanks to the ultra rich and their full proof schemes.

    It is a tragedy with more pain to come.

    Finance will be Hell, and their wills will be done.

  90. what ‘s happen in this old lobsterpot ?

  91. Пора переименовать блог, присвоив название связанное с доменами 🙂 может хватит про них?

  92. Madonna has a problem with ageism and sexism? Is that why she needs to alter her facial features through surgery “to appear younger” has Madonna been influenced by the cultural standard of looking young, is she a victim or just propagating its duration by appeasing the public?
    Does anyone else find it odd that the “Save The World” trip the entertainment mogul embarked on turned out to be a profit grossing endeavor for her- I guess she was kind enough to give the poor charities, and environmentalists some publicity, while she polished up that public image, made things “look” good and raked in money. Strange how she made money while the U.S. economy went under-all the while turning charity events into a publicity stunt.
    Sorry about Mercy James, maybe Madonna should spend 40m donating to adoption centers instead on a new home/loft in NYC, a 6m on her apartment . You can tell her dancing for dollah’s paid off.

  93. MADONNA’s BLOG!!!!

    GOD! I have been hearing ur songs since I was a kid


    I am from India and all I wanted to ask is WHY ARE YOU NOT TOURING INDIA!!! ??


    Madonna luv u so much

  94. i’m on my mobile & it’s taken me this long to get to the bottom of this thread. I really need to speed things up, ok, it’s time for a miracle. GOD…, WHERE DID GOD GO. ?↲
    oh who care’s, i can do this on my own.↲
    If you want a job done right you got to do it yourself. RIGHT ?.. Allright. Allright…. Now get out of my head. Cya… Got it right. Too. ↲↲Ok back to the miracle.↲
    Any requests ↲What !↲Now pushing it. 🙂

  95. your.. Is the missing word. Ah life its just like a puzzle. When you put all the piece’s back together it’s aint broken no more.

  96. mah.. Point is.. One get’s to a point in life where its like ya it all makes sense else what’s the point in being here if ! if not to learn & grow. Truth is i’ll never trust & that may seem selfish but it’s the truth & i cannot change my truth. Best i can do is undertand & make some sense of it all.

  97. you cannot fully trust another until you learn to trust and be the purity love of your divine child who is purely of ‘Intuitive Feeling Knowingness’.

    i request ‘that’ you trust what you want, need, think and feel, staying tuned into what is you in purely being you so that you may purely recognize those who are purely being themselves, comfortable for you both.

    It really is about you enjoy life as your pure divine self, and so coming fully to know the subtle pure feeling divine self is the objective, where fear in doing so stems from an unwise world that is not of priority beyond the riches comprehension of Jesus, God and you, so look within for your answers that are constantly of the ‘Intuitive Feeling Knowingness’ of your divine child of God.

    personally, i am bored out of my mind with these lame knowitallers and all their ego maniac approach with ‘me’, the downers, the drowners, the frowners…… know who i mean.

    compassionately, they too are not of wise comprehension articulation of what is ‘Intuitive Feeling Knowingness’ of their divine self that is seldom let out to just be, feeling free and happy in just being their healthy fun loving self they always were, of what is their ‘Forgetfulness Foe’.

    i trust you

    and i sense you trust ‘me’

    as one who is like anyone else in life of constant subconscious yearning seeking of the meaning of life.

    perhaps my loss of a most beloved lover is what revealed to the divine child ‘me’ what i want, need, think and feel no longer able to, humbled before God with only the truth for my divine child to purely feel…….to learn absoluteness priority purity love about ‘me’, truth of us all in doing so, this i do know…………..without doubt.

    at the time, i did not know my life was of God, meant for God as a divine child who was ‘Intuitive Feeling Knowingness’, lacking the articulation wisdom which reveals what everything revolves around of an eternal day, growing and growing rich in wise purity love wisdom until i became no longer doubtful in so many areas of self-awareness, still growing.

    it was always for sake of you i came before you, bringing nurturing like my own as the greatest gift for someone of high places and paths of this unwise world, of God that i approached and came before you.

    and for obvious reasons, considering who and where you are in this moment place and time in God’s eyes.

    i do know God is with you, where God says we cannot do it alone, without God, without each other, of what all the wisdom revolves around of what purely is the eternal day of divine child in the kingdom of heaven eternal, who always is/was of ‘Intuitive Feeling Knowingness’.

    I know this because of the five year old storm of the emotional intensity in likeness and form of my memory when i was five years old, which one can feel and sense the truth of this intensity when i write, sometimes of haphazard unfocused explosiveness(transference/frustration) from time to time.

    if i am of ‘Intuitive Feeling Knowingness’, then every divine child of God is.

    and this is the wise awareness of Jesus who peers thru to the enslaved shackled divine child of us all who he purely sees by means of his wise ability in constantly BEING his ‘Intuitive Feeling Knowingness’ divine child self.

    Just as i am purely humbled before the divine child Jesus and God, in doing so i am humbled before you, before all divine child of eternal day, and this purely is flawless in feeling for ‘me’, of what is of coming fully into(eventually) fearlessly BEING our divine child of God’s heart mind body spirit and soul ‘real’ self.

    obviously, with words like ushering in the kingdom of heaven, i am not of this world of ego mania gross materialism snaring, and rather the opposite is true, perhaps because of my ‘Intuitive Feeling Knowingness’ of so many divine children of God who like most any, are not of wise articulation priority beyond the riches comprehension of Jesus and God’s WILL, and instead are the way Jesus and God see them, held down in bitter worthless sense of being, as though nothing, a travesty of ridicule they do not realize is……..without doubt………..the of wretchedness of heart illnesses that stem from the generational unwise forefathers without God, again, of what is purely of the ‘Intuitive Feeling Knowingness’ of any divine child who does constantly feel the confusing twisting of truth of such, merely lacking in the articulation wisdom of Jesus and God meant for the all of the kingdom of heaven all around us eternal.

    why is it we wax as though unimportant, when the truth is constantly there that every heartbeat, every breath, every foot step, every word, every graceful touch is constantly of the eternal connected altering of the entire future for so many unborn yet to come eternal?

    no eternal motivated divine children of the all concerned for the all
    no eternal wise helmsman divine children of the all concerned for the all
    no eternal inspired divine children of the all concerned for the all

    well, of ‘Intuitive Feeling Knowingness’, this is not actually true, of what is purity love constant connectedness(spiritually) with the all, of the divine child of us all, and rather is what is of the evolving into self-awareness wisdom of the divine child who takes time to feel their spiritual flawless feeling connectedness eternal day feelings.

    i love the ‘eternal day’ expression the most in describing what is of the pure pure constant flawless intuitive feeling of divine self.

    so with this said, my approach with you is of ushering in of the eternal day of the kingdom of heaven, and i do know you sense purely what i am speaking of, of equal concern like my own, of what i feel is a natural constant intuitive connectedness of us all, the divine child constantly of pure feeling listening, as though seemingly knowing they are left unattended of the teacher.

    interesting yes?

    so who is the teacher?

  98. you say you will never trust………

    well, let me expand on this into insightfulness……….

    truth is, you will never trust another to the level of what is your sensitivity awareness so flawlessly pure, of God, and this i do know of you, by means of my own self awareness, yes?

    can’t hide from ‘me’

  99. the impactful events of life taught ‘me’ by means of revealing the depth of one’s soul, of pure depth feelings, blessedly so, seemingly of God’s intention that i do learn this of my self, of what is of my humble self before God who i turned to, sensing that there is no one in life to teach ‘me’ of sacredness of life that i yearn for, of the sacredness of life i value in the life of Troy, of all in doing so.

    so the teacher is the divine child already of ‘Intuitive Feeling Knowingness’, who merely takes time in meditative intropections of his/her ‘Intuitive Feelings’, wishing to verbalize words that articulate clearly with others, for sake that they come fully into constantly BEING(wise objective will) ‘Intuitive Feeling Knowingness’ sacred awake wisdom, for sake of all, to not only steer the plodding along aimless haphazad ones in averting their unknowing unwise asleep in ignorance, but also to usher the divine child into the kingdom of heaven wise purity love devoid of doubt all around that feels so blessed for the all to constantly feel, of what is constant yearning ‘Intuitive Feeling Knowingness’ of the divine child of the all eternal.

    still with ‘me’?

  100. well, truth is i have not felt a trust level like i have with you on occasion like i have, wanting to grow in this trust, while at the same time, i realize my own alarming behaviour of deep waters is indeed just that, alarming, frightful, untrustworthy, my own worse enemy at times, my anger management, my toxic junk i still carry letting go process, ya, i would not trust someone of intensity like me either.

    alarming behaviour is exactly that.

    my time in a psyche ward, was actually fun for me, in being a nut case, when in truth, a rape victim behaves perfectly normal everyone, according to what they went thru, and that is the unwise disconnect in the world of the oh so smart egotistic elite, that is until the day something horrible and tragic strikes them, and they too begin to understand others from a pure perspective.

    i love films like ‘Crash’, that delve deep into our fearful unresolved tragic feeling grieving so many of us are going thru, where the truth is, that we are all of perfection at all times according to how life has been, and this is the compassion of Jesus, God and the divine children who are of oneness with Jesus and God.

    in truth, all are of oneness with Jesus and God, where merely we are asleep in awareness of such, something Jesus knew purely of all his wise peering thru the veil observations of the all of constant connectedness with ONE another at all times eternal of the eternal day Jesus stands in the kingdom of heaven.

    any guess where i am standing and why?

    yes, i stand beside Jesus as the only one i trust in life, of God’s instruction to not extending 100% trust to others, because of where all are yet, snared by the dangerous binding blindness.

    if one sits and eats with another of whatever behaviourals, in time, the likeness is high they become exactly like them in time, yes?

    so beware of who you chose to be in likeness and form of, lest you too fall into error of what is blind leading the blind.

    ya, i too do not trust anyone, and yet i trust their pure feeling intuitive divine child who is constantly there of all, merely of binding asleep in ignorances, of what is of Jesus and God awakening the all ushering in of the kingdom of heaven.

    [trumpets sound loudly]

    a child comes forth and yells out to the all


    lol :mrgreen:

    hey, i am being serious hear!

    i know what i am talking about, with Jesus and God as my teacher, the only teachers i trust exclusively 100% without doubt, of what is the ‘Intutive Feeling Knowingness’ of the divine child of God yet asleep in ignorance(sadly unknowingly).

    and yes, i purely know what exceeds all the riches, of what is my priority awareness without doubt.

    i am on a mission of God, of God leading, not ‘me’, albeit, ‘me’ as an instrument of Jesus and God freely given for them to have eternal.

    all are welcome

    bless you

  101. when we embrace what is eternal life, purely i know without doubt, eternal life is of the eternal day of the exceedingly wise omnipotence of the divine child of God who is without doubt, there in the eternal future, where merely it is the articulation wisdom of “Intuitive Feeling Knowingness’ of what comprises all the truth halo wisdom LIGHT, pure in constant feeling knowingness certainty of all who look apon, that surrounds the divine child in pure nurturing protective light of wisdom that is unable to ever fail eternal, of truth that is unable to fail.

    and this is what is what the eternal day looks like by means of the divine child within wisely feeling, an process we need not fear.

    what i noticed as i came more and more into the wisdom halo, was this feeling of escaping the unwise world, of what is the wisely feeling divine child evolving more and more in pure self-awarenes self-love of the all

  102. ya, i am a devoted monk, belonging to God, belonging to the eternal all, where truthfully i tell you, time is what is of greatest value for me, of study, of any devoted work, of time i take with some of you in nuturing best i can, praying they feel what is of Jesus and God ushering in the divine child of the all into the eternal wise halo wisdom kingdom of heaven.

    it is God everyone, not some delusional nut case

    i speak with clarity, as one who’s mind is sane, am i not?

    in truth, i do not concern myself with what another may or may not think of me, including my own therapists who said i was reaching for delusional………………ya, ok, i am delusional of the unwise death and destruction yet of every blessed day everyone.


  103. oh, and let’s not forget the motherfucking oppression of my most loving brothers and sisters of the worldwide LGBT community who put up with all ya’s shit like we do in our professional and personal worlds.

    you all need to be greatful of your LGBT sons and daughters, friends, co-workers, and lovers who take time to bring you out of the fearful closets, where it is we who know who is more purely our ‘real’ self motherfuckers, of wise clarity we feel daily of all you!

    lol :mrgreen:

    we know what so many of you have yet to fully know of your own blessed self submerged in the forefather taboo oppressions of unwiseness binding fear.

    we know

    on we go

  104. i say learn NOT to trust the unknowingly unwise alseep in leading astray generational fear binding egotistic foul tasting falsehoods, ‘that’ which leaves your divine child self purely of constant flawless feeling ‘Intuitive Feeling Knowingness’, and you free your divine child self’s fearlessness to dwell in the kingdom of heaven all around you beside the divine adult(wise) child Jesus who is constantly there of eternal wise awake constant light radiant brilliant bright holy joyful absolute carefreeness in likeness and form oneness sameness of YOU!………..YOU constantly of the all in constant affect/effect/direct/indirect of the all………at all times!


    don’t trust ‘me’

    trust ‘YOU’!

    if you get bored, i suppose you could eventually 100% trust ‘me’ like i trust the ‘Intuitive Feeling Knowingness’ of the divine child of YOU all!

    and yes, some of you purely are alot of joy for ‘me’!

    some of you have come to purely know and love eternal ‘me’, and some of you want to purely know eternal ‘me’, and some of you run from purely knowing and loving eternal ‘me’…………..eternal ‘me’ YOU of the all eternal.



    oh, you barely know ‘me’

    but know this………..i know you more than you yet realize! :mrgreen:

    i know you want 2!

    so do i want 2 continue to know what i already know of constant evolving wisdom brightening of the divine child in the kingdom of heaven of eternal day.

    and get this, none are able to withstand the wise revealing humiliating light that shines into all darkness, breaking the fearful binding chains of the beast of ignorance that holds captive the divine child of the all. :mrgreen:

    by means of wisdom of God’s divine will for the all eternal of wise eternal day light.

    blessed is the divine child of eternal day constant of the all eternal past present future(yet unknowingly for many asleep in binding blinding ignorance of this yet unwise world, the kingdom of heaven all around)

    can you hear ‘me’ now?
    can you hear ‘me’ now?
    can you hear ‘me’ now?

    can i come over now? lol :mrgreen:

    hurry up!……… bored!

  105. ok…….i have your attention span……good!

    when the ‘Constant Intuitive Feeling Knowingness’ of the divine child of the all is betrayed in any way, automatically of primal response, the divine child moves away, does it not?

    and trust is not able to bridge between divine child of another with another without wise comprehension of what is wise ‘Constant Intuitive Feeling Knowingness’ words in approach, yes?

    ok……….so there in is the eternal day of the wise light of the divine child shining radiant brilliant bright in constant eternal day light of what the divine child fully of self-awareness wisdom that articulates the divine child’s ‘Constant Intuitive Feeling Knowingness’, ‘that’ which purely connects with the divine child of the all eternal, flawless in healing feeling of the all eternal, yes?


    i am happy we have clarity on ‘that’! :mrgreen:

    yawn…….im bored………i want to go for a swim.

    care to join ‘me’?

    my siamese twin(s)?

    hey, i mean what i say, i am an exclusive lover of just one.

    question is, which one?

    oh, you know ‘me’ better than most know ‘me’

    who else of sensitivity levels like you is purely compatible for ‘me’?

    i don’t want to leave you………..because i cannot turn away from ‘that’ which i am of the all eternal……… truth………it is not within ‘me’……….it is not possible.

    so fear all ya want, of transference fear projections of this yet unwise world surround, and remember where you are in this moment of place and time of the divine child of eternal day, not that far from the one called Jesus who once walked among us.

    i do feel Jesus knew how he was able to prepare his soul for eternal day life…………a matter of subject i am yet researching where i do feel he knew more than he was able to reveal to others, albeit, i do feel Mary was the one closest to Jesus in likeness and form of pure constant connectedness oneness sameness exactly the same in feeling like they did with one another each blessed day.

    how their relationship started out, half way thru, and the growing of trust that was there between them from the start, well, purity of ‘Constant Intuitive Feeling Knowingness’ reveals to us the truth, indeed, purity love trust was and is constant of every divine child from the moment they are born, indeed, trust that is binding of the all in eternal day wise light kingdom of heaven love devoid of doubt eternal, of what is yet eluding comprehension(sadly) articulation without doubt, yes?

    the halo(kingdom of heaven perspective) is a focus lens ease of comprehension ability, fearlessly of the divine child of the all eternal.

    COFFEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol

    where’s my coffee? :mrgreen:

  106. trust in intimate relationships, well, i don’t see it so much as trust issues when two people don’t come together, in as much as it is other ulterior motives, such as body type, status quos, whatever and whatever

    mr. nevers

  107. ya, wane wane wane……….fade 2 Matt

  108. what i find annoying are those who don’t take time to purely know ‘me’ of sincere authentic genuine honest approach, writting someone off as though they purely knew ‘me’, when in truth………….they don’t, and did not desire to truly know and love ‘me’.

    when wisdom is what the kingdom of heaven is, then unwiseness is what the kingdom of heaven is not, albeit, truth of the unwise untruths does serve the divine child of the all hear in the kingdom of heaven eternal day of wise true light constant radiant brilliant bright.

    therefore, in the end, it is always our own caught up unknowingly unwise ego falsehoods, who cast us out of the kingdom of heaven eternal day of wise true light constant radiant brilliant bright, not ‘me’, not Jesus, certainly not God of divine will wise constant true light radiant brilliant bright within the divine child of the all eternal, of what heaven constantly is and always was, what we all constantly yearningly seek………..’me’! :mrgreen:

  109. “oh fuck, here they come………..RUN BIYATCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

  110. [years pass, as AndYY returns to see one of his/her girlfriends]

    “Hey, i got the sex change, wanna see?”

    “Is this awesome or what?”

    [AndYY pauses for a moment, and then….]

    mortified AndYY exclaims, “Oh for fuck sakes, you don’t have a penis?”

    “Ah, fuck!”

    “I went to all this fucking trouble and you don’t have a penis!!!!”

    “fuck! fuck! fuck! fuck! fuck!”


    made ya laugh :mrgreen:

  111. ya see, it’s just ‘me’ who wants to be you, a female, so i can get it on with someone like ‘me’!

    there is self-love and then there is AndYY, yes?

    ya, i would love to be a female getting it on with myself!

    weird eh?

    ok, so instead of sex change, i can pretend to be you while you pretend to be ‘me’, and then we can switch and we can Just BE yOUR SELF!


    come on, it’s fun dressing as the other sex, where in truth, we not at all different from one another mentally, emotionally, physcially(albeit, i am stronger than you, even if you think you are, i’ll just let you keep thinking you are), sexually, spiritually.

    forever more

    blessed is the all of flawless healing feeling purity love self-love

    Jesus loves all
    God loves all
    We love all

    thank you Jesus
    thank you God
    thank you all

    Jesus blesses all
    God blesses all
    We bless all

    merely bi Just BEing yOUR divine holy joyful absolute carefree happy divine child of God’s ‘real’ heart mind body spirit and soul of eternal day hear in the kingdom of heaven love devoid of doubt of how we purely feel at all times.

    bless you bless you bless you all

    eternal forever more

  112. my current project, one of my daughters, another Troy who self-medicates, on today are the extremely dangerous drugs of choice such as Chrystal Meth, that did not exist when Troy walked the earth.

    nonetheless, Troy did die as a result of not having the wherewithall to pull himself thru, nor did i have the greater 100% patience to see a family member of the LGBT thru like i am today.

    pessimistically, she won’t likely survive, and become like so many Troys, a statistic that teaches the future generations yet to come.

    optimistically, she has had alot of self-awareness counciling into behaviour modification, of how to step up to the plate out of the dangerous behavioural she has taken ownership of, speaking openly in taking ownership, out of denial, i have issues i am trying to address, the slow process where i wish there were faster remedial approaches to getting a child out of their own dangerous learned behaviourals now of chronic addiction life threatening levels, the inevitable drawing near, praying recent impactful events is the bottom she has hit that wakes her up, of what is the progressive spiral downward tendancy towards the bottom, statistically speaking, where the next bottom may be her last, death, prison, or hospital, of where she is at, the severe chronic phase that started out as harmless recreational fun, they dynamics of running with those she had the misfortune of meeting apon arrival here in the ghetto.

    clearly, we are not where we need to be as a society in running the drug dealing out of our cities, where i feel the only way to win this war, is thru extensive education of the children into absolute reality check of what they can expect, with feild trips to drug treatment rehab centers, before they reach the age of starting to run where drug dealers lurk…………it is not only something we need to do……… is a must………without doubt.

    we have arrived where we are in this day, of what has been all of the efforts of everyone involved in pushing forward in self-love acceptance of our worldwide LGBT community, far exceeding that of when Troy and i first hit the scene, and yet, still there is the proof of lacking in self-love acceptance as evident of the self-medication coping our youth are currently contending with, of where the overall self-esteem level is as a global society.

    be without doubt Madonna, and all artists of the world, your efforts are purely 100% of God in self-love acceptance self-esteem.

    100% of God before every smiling face there.

    bless you bless you bless you all who are involved with Madonna, of where i have always known where she purely dwells, as i do, as so many of us do, in our hearts of wise compassionate loving understanding

    eternal forever more

    please pray one i love like i did and yet do Troy

    thank you

    God blesses all

  113. Meow hissss s s s meow

  114. what ! who deserves it. Pussy cat.

  115. lol

    is that you making all that noise outside my house?

    argh……keeping ‘me’ awake all night

    you did it again.

    incomplete sentences.

    who deserves what?

    love of ‘me’?

    well……..that wood be you of course! lol

    we all are only deserving and feeling good of only love.

    i mean, some of you think and act otherwise, butt in the end, it all comes back to ‘me’, whatever light i radiate OUTward!

    personally, i just want someone who wants ‘me’ as much as i want you as an exclusive lover 100%.

    love is felt no different in any of our sexualities.

    your problem is you just don’t trust ‘me’ yet, and how could you having not spent any genuine authentic sincere honest ‘real’ time with ‘me’ long enough for you to establish i am the one for you?

    so there, i gave you the answer, in order for you to fully trust ‘me’ you have to spend time with ‘me’ in loving lovers bliss of a hot tub in the mountains every morning before we go skiing all day long, returning home to get naked and show fresh and clean, and well, if you are bored, instead of watching tv like all the lame assers do, well, who could say no to my freak in the sheets?

    “i wasn’t asking you Perez!!!!!!!!!” lol :mrgreen:

    honestly, i prefer the hetero sex more as a top, butt i am also equally as genuinely loving with a male, just feels different(read:night and day)

    and that is something you cannot relate to unless you are a male!


    [AndYY sticks tongue out]

    as for the whole anal stimulation orgasms, well, it was always just my imagination.

    double nah!!!………


    well, personally i thought that was exceptional writing, considering who i am speaking with who only is deserving i speak the truth.

    it is your decision to make, not mine, already decided……

    oh, just go flip a coin

    heads, or tails…………….

    oh fuck


    not yet

    why not try ?

  116. deserve;

    To earn by service; to be worthy of (something due, either good or evil); to merit; to be entitled to; as, the laborer deserves his wages; a work of value deserves praise.

    i don’t like the word deserve as it does not apply in the kingdom of heaven where all are purely equal, all worthy of Jesus and God’s self-awareness wisdom, other than to say Jesus 100% deserves eternal humble praise of the all eternal, in his eternal life giving gift God gave him to give to us, the eternal safe passage of the all, of his sacred mirroring of the untruths of the divine children he knew were snared by the generation forefather ego driven false unwisenesses.

    Purely within is eternal purity love all divine children are born with, merely lacking in wise descerning nurturing protective wisdom macro thinking halo perspective of the kingdom of heaven all around them, where apon you ask a small child, “What is the kingdom of heaven?” their automatic response is, “It is all around us!”, smiling radiant brilliant bright.

    is that the ‘it’ you are revering to?

    you are really annoying ya know, with your open end incomplete sentences!

    who deserves my immediate time?

    well, all those who are suffering.

    at hospitals, when emergency room is over run with trauma victims of life threatening condition brought in, and a shortness of doctors, they do what is called ‘Triage’

    Triage (pronounced /ˈtriːɑːʒ/) is a process of prioritizing patients based on the severity of their condition. This rations patient treatment efficiently when resources are insufficient for all to be treated immediately. The term comes from the French verb trier, meaning to separate, sort, sift or select.[1] There are two types of triage: simple and advanced.[2] The outcome may result in determining the order and priority of emergency treatment, the order and priority of emergency transport, or the transport destination for the patient, based upon the special needs of the patient or the balancing of patient distribution in a mass-casualty setting.

    Note: Triage has multiple meanings: The term may also refer to the allocation of space on a priority basis for patients arriving at the emergency department, or to nurse-driven telephone medical advice systems,[3] among others. This article deals with the concept of triage as it occurs in medical emergencies, including the prehospital setting, disasters, and during emergency room treatment.

    is that the ‘it’ you are revering to?

    hey, can we make a new rule for group?

    no more open ended non-specific questions……….although, as you know, i do love to contemplate anything and everything.

    always did since being an inquisitive child, i was asking everything about whatever and whatever. :mrgreen:

    i say run with those you are most comfortable with in life, your life, belongs to you, of what is your life each blessed day, all according to yOUR decisions. :mrgreen:

    i already know what i want, but to wait here for eternity, well, i suppose i could do that too, as i am of the eternal realm thinking

  117. Divine self constantly intuitively knows their flawless healing feeling love feelings are what feels good enough to constantly feel at all times….100%….no matter how lacking they may be of God’s divine self nurturing protective articulation wisdom that eventually removes all doubt, restoring of wise descering sight to their soul, healing of their heart and mind polluted by the generational false teachings handed down by all forefathers who did not truly know, nor desire to truly know and love God, as evident of their not truly desiring to purely and truly know and love their own divine self, albeit, within all is the Intuitive Divine Child’s self-awareness seeking of God’s self-awareness wisdom assurance of constant radiant brilliant bright light of eternal day hear in the kingdom of heaven all around us, that the all constantly senses, no matter how subtle, the light is constantly there shining there thru the all, of smiling faces, of all connected past present future, the eternal light flame of you all, the holy blessed divine children of God eternal forever more. bless you bless you bless you all.

    When you take into account all the words of Jesus in the bible the early church created and edit to suit their soul purpose as merchants of God who sided with the ruling Roman Empire, as scholars now agree, to control the masses of uneducated people of that time period, we can argue 100% against this small group who hold themselves as though all knowing, easily so, where entire body of words they managed to collect from the followers of Jesus, only accounts for a small number of days Jesus actually taught behind the great walled city, word that account, say for only about 50 days, or however many days of his teaching, a couple months worth.

    this is the pure undeniable truth, they do not have the entire teachings of Jesus, a fractured religious group, of the many scattered groups today.

    end of conversation


    without doubt, the wisdom that escapes them is far exceeding, as we are talking about an omnipotent God of the universe hear!

    hello! :mrgreen:

  118. ever notice the ‘real’ person when you look apon their hand writting?

    i had a really fearful arrogant bully boss one time, an old warrior in the trenches of retail, and i noticed his hand writting one day was like that of a first grader, spelling mistakes and all, as i laughed, thinking, oh, you are not as tough and all knowing smart as you pretend to be, the same child hiding within of gentle humble spirit yet evident in his hand writting.

    check out sometime, of who we all yet are, the ‘real’ one writting with pen to paper there before you, the ‘real’ you of us all.

    love it

    blessings to all

  119. hissssssssssssss s s s

  120. why do you have to be right all the time.


    oh i have my moments of dumb..

    but usally prophetic enough to be connected, except when God trips me up.. out .. in and out we go ..


  121. & how come you always know what I’m thinking, do you know your doing it, it’s not just coincidence it’s too accurate to be a coincidence, I do it too, I know what you’re thinking… a lot of the time sometimes its comes to me later on..
    yes the toss the coin thing well it’s going through my mind, you know it’s not that I cannot decide more that I have recently met another with an energy that harmonises with mine maybe I should try both and then make a decision but I don’t want to hurt anyone and ultimately I will if I chose one from the other.. That’s my problem but one keep’s me waiting so maybe I won’t need to make a choice in the end after all, because I’ll choose what’s tangible & the fantasy will remain if I could be certain the coin would speak the truth I would certainly do the flip, but i cannot rely solely on a coin i must rely on the truth, my truth & finding that truth is journey that presents itself to me in this moment in time, although you could help me find it a lot faster if you pushed a little .. LoL

  122. well, in the kingdom of heaven, is love devoid of doubt between all, of what is pure intuitive knowingness feelings of the divine child of all, without doubt.

    doubt is if the unwise absurd world that is oppressive suppressive of the divine child’s holy joyful spirit, where it is wisdom that sets their spirit free, of what is constant evolving divine self-awareness of any divine child past present future.

    the kingdom of heaven radiant brilliant light is what flows freely thru the all, even of those who are not of the comprehension of all who are constantly connected at all times in real time.

    Jesus said, there is light within one of light, and they light up the whole world, of what is pure light of any divine child one who is fearlessly of being their holy joyful absolute carefree happiness radiant brilliant bright.

    divine self is happiest when of the constant flowing of the love energy light flowing between two who are not of doubt between them, such as loving lovers of love without doubt, and this is sacred radiant brilliant bright light that is natural for the divine child of all that the all feel of those who are wise in their divine self love devoid of doubt the purely feel for another.

    clairvoyance revolves around the purity level one feels, depending on many things, such as priority of purely being our vulnerable feeling honest emotional self while alone, and, as difficult as it may be, to likewise be while of another and others.

    i feel and see the radiant light of my future self of exceeding joyfulness, and i do not know who it is that i am with while there.

    useless jealousies are unwise, where the divine self comes to the highest level of awareness where pure flawless feeling reveals the truth, that all are of this ability.

    fearful binding unwiseness is what interfers between any divine child of God and another.

    i am of priority knowingness certainty, without another to know what i know, where i am waiting for the one who is being drawn to me via the light.

    bless you

  123. the light is eternal light

    in truth, i have spent time with Troy in the spirit realm who teaches me

  124. teaches me the truth of us all

  125. and the truth, is your freedom, to be who you are, the light.

    ahh thats my line …

    i am the light


  126. yes

    who you are, is who the wise evolved adult child Jesus knew we all were/are.

    i say to people, “Jesus came to know these things to be true of himself, and in so doing, came to realize it to be true of us all.”

    i had a vision of Troy and i again, where he came and kissed me gracefully and slowly put his arms around me, of love that felt so pure, we became one pure feeling of two.

    i am grounded and centered in this feeling, true of me, true of us all.

    of what i have wanted along time, a sense of forgiveness with him.

    my imagination? maybe

    and yet, the feeling is 100% pure in feeling, and i am free to feel what it is i know to be true of me and another, where i am without doubt of what is genuine sincere between two……….without doubt.

  127. honestly i’m over it,

    my concern is the world

    what’s left of it

    the chosen one’s

    well they’ve been chosen


    so as for me i’m out of here

    my job is done

    take you insecurities keep them go back



  128. Jesus

    i am so over hearing about



    no one knows Jesus

  129. Except


  130. Fuck YOu

    I really

    thought you of all people would know me

  131. but i was obviously


  132. however

    I do love you





    the one

  133. i don’t care what anyone has to say against me, of whatever is of what they want, need, think, and feel, all lame ass excuses we toss around when not of genuine interest of another.

    since when would it ever work for ‘me’ when of another’s lame ass approach with ‘me’?

    why would one even care?

  134. God thru Jesus you morons

  135. ya, i am over it too, as far as not knowing who i am speaking with, as though not worthy, as though none of my brothers and sisters of the worldwide LGBT community are worthy to speak with M, of what is of most any of the fame game ego maniac supposed superstars bullshit.

    it is i who will choose who i let near ‘me’, people who are purely just their genuine sincere authentic honest ‘real’ self in approach without ego masks or useless pretentiousnesses.

    but then again, there is only one divine child of God, every single ONEness of all YOU past present future.

    ya, i know i am chosen by God, but that is between God and i, of which none of you in all your unwiseness(thinking you are wise) approach with ‘me’, shall ever be able to come between, for when you do, you unknowingly cast yourselves out of God’s eternal kingdom of heaven wisdom of divine ‘real’ self you of us all.

    lame lame lame


    im bored

  136. ask a question of God and i will do my best to answer it

  137. i know my own light in likeness of many, ‘that’ which is obvious in genuine authentic pure ‘real’ self of holy joyful infectious laughter ONENESS SAMENESS of the all eternal.

    argh………wane with ‘me’ all ya want, as if that is ever going to interest ‘me’………..

    there is someone for everyone

    i merely want someone who genuinely sincerely wants needs thinks and feels ‘me’

    and so do Jesus and God want this of ‘me’, to be absolute carefree happiness of us both, with you, or another, and others, the light that flows eternal thru the all

    sacred light

    life and death light that is the difference between the weighed down unaware, and the divine child suppressed, and those who clearly are not

  138. i know i am the one for you

  139. question is which one of you?

    how about the all

  140. personally, i think you are a coward, and i despise cowardice

  141. God knows ‘me’ and i know God

    God is of the higher subtle intellect realm, where it is not i who can introduce anyone to God, rather it is always God who introduces God to those who have sincerely, earnestly, diligent, purely, honestly, 100% chose God as most wise over any, of those who eventually come fully into clarity without doubt of why God’s wisdom is needed, of what is of all wretchedness ignorances yet of this apathetic unwise unloving world, the undeniable truth i look apon of so many of you who are unknowingly aimlessly haphazardly plodding along in life, lacking of a wise helmsperson(lol….even God needs updating), of dangerous paths ahead of so many of you, where some of you are not even of concern or desire of wisdom that is able to avert disaster of your own children.




    ‘that’ of God’s war of the yet suffering divine children of God eternal all

    but hey, sit back, relax you fucking naysayers, while another defenseless divine child of God starves to death while millions of you celebrate your apathetic gross materialism ego maniac shit for brains approach to life………….it is only a defenseless child of which all of you left to die this day.

    heartless fuckers

    the clothing on you back is worth more than you are

  142. truth is truth when it comes to God, truth that is difficult and troubling for some in their letting go of useless snaring unwise learned egotism behaviourals.

    and when it comes to a defenseless child in starvation, you are all on my short list fuckers! :mrgreen:

    God’s shortlist too

  143. as in shortsighted of your pure loving divine child within held hostage by all your useless absurdness lame ass excusing false self emtiness void, ‘that’ of your creation of the void a defenseless child of God is feeling IN THIS MOMENT, confused by all the heartless wealth all around them, blessed tears of confusing Y they crY


  144. none of you shall escape truth in entering the kingdom of heaven, trust ‘me’ on this, none shall be able to enter……….ever………….eternal truth

  145. what you fail to question is what is fully entering into the kingdom of heaven?

    the divine child knows the answer by means of their pure feelings devoid of all empty self serving shallowness immature false ego masks.

  146. oh never mind, go back to your lame ass shortsighted “im over it”

    casting of your selves out of heaven

    fuck off

  147. who needs enemies with friends of hollow emptiness approach?

    bin there, done way to many of them! lol :mrgreen:

  148. boring boring boring

    someone stimulate my brain with some intelligent conversation please……….yawn,

    ya, im out 2


  149. enjoy your fancy dinners tonight while a child lays starving to death, taking their last breath tonight, while you all wake to another blessed day…………..without ‘me’

    i got better places to BE

  150. i really despise cowardice false egotism of so many i feel and see like i do daily, all blinded, snared, unknowingly, apathetic disconnect self serving…….


    death to ego that has no value in God’s eyes, in the divine child’s eyes.

  151. trust ‘me’ when i say this, “YOU DO NOT PURELY KNOW ‘ME’!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    for if you PURELY did, you would not ever speak with ‘me’ or any the way you do

    why is it when people feel motivated in wanting to fuck someone else, everyone else is though nothing to them, of some they did not even take the fucking time to PURELY KNOW?


    because they are fucking assholes

  152. which is ok, i love assholes fuckers!

  153. happiness is God’s revenge for all of you to feel………..humiliated bi fuckers

  154. how can you love someone who yearns constantly to run in blessed happiness every day as their most loving lover from a distance?

    YOU CAN’T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    imaginary lovers

    [AndYY exits out the back door and back in again]


    fucking lame ass wannabes………………..i am so fucking done with you fucking lame ass fuckers!


    hey, what time is it?

    i don’t care any more for lame……..annoys the fuck out of me, better places to be, of friends and lovers who are purely free to Just BE yOUR SELF!

  155. ya sure, laugh your ass off……………im done too ya know, been sitting here actually figuring you might be as true as i felt you to be, but no, still fucking sitting here like some lame ass dork who cannot find the giant fucking bottle of lube sitting RIGHT THERE BESIDE YOU!!!!!!!!!



  156. one last question……….


    hazardous unwiseness, that’s what you are with ‘me’


    and so am i of any who do not wisely love ‘me’

  158. Is God some kinda joke to you?

    why is it you talk above others like you do, of useless words, as though seemingly an all knowing teacher?

    Last time i checked, God is patient and purely pleasant in graceful slow truthful speaking with a divine child of pure heart eagerness and sincere in zealful learning God’s self knowledge freeing of their divine self from the generational mad flood?

    you speak about saving the world from it’s unwise self(generational mad flood), and yet you toss a learned student of God around as though of no value, that leaves me feeling distrust time and time again with you……..barely making the friendship grade, much less anything more………

    so do you want God’s basic instruction for that of an enslaved soul that unbinds them from what ever illness of heart they are snared in?

    or do you want the full complete detailed instruction for that of becoming an enlightened one, the one who is constantly patiently listening, awake, in constant earnest zeal in learning fully about the pure of heart divine child of God’s self-knowledge, that requires years of dedication, diligence, devotion and determination, unable to ever fall into enslavement again?

    evolving in self-knowledge is exactly that….EVOLVING

    ~ evolving;

    To develop or achieve gradually:
    To undergo gradual change; develop:

    I really despise those annoying classmates who trip up a fellow student with all your bashing like some of you do.


    do you think us faggots have no possibility of understanding Jesus and God who speak of blessed divine self-knowledge?

    ya well, that is how you make me feel at times, as though nothing, as though unworthy of Jesus and God, the usual mind fuck shit i got from the all knowing merchant’s of God who outed me in front of Troy’s family as a sinner.

    i am done with your emotional tripping, returning to God who once again remind me of what to expect from unwise others and all their emotional tyranny mind fuck control freak shit.


    seriously, i am done feeling like i have no intelligence, of someone not to be listened to, thinking i am wasting time, go write the book, leave it on a shelf before i die.

    seemingly pointless somedays with some of you

    taking a break…………to puke out the poison for awhile

  159. so what exactly is an emotional divine child spoiled brat tyrant basher who does not get their way?

    well, let’s break it up a bit and take an honest look at what is of occasional uncertainty of divine child not yet fully wise in God’s self-knowledge wisdom that the divine child has not yet taken the time to internalize fully in becoming their pure of heart constant flowing of radiant brilliant bright positive eternal love light of eternal day, ‘that’ which is of the constant yearning knowingness certainty primaly intuitiveness of a divine child who is constant in hopefullness to one day wake to constant flowing of only love, ‘that’ which is of the eternal day kingdom of heaven love devoid of doubt………….shall we?



    too early for ya?


    we are both intense individuals of seemingly equal fortitude of emotional fearless kick to the curb, knock them down boxing match we are at times, during what is of both our evolving in self-knowledge(trust me on this, we are both in the process of evolving macro thinking understanding of what i have not fully disclosed with you at this time, of what is of a writer in a meditative sanctuary of peaceful quieting of the mind away from the polution of toxic nesciet fearful in nature noise in the world, in what is the laboratory of the mind comprehensive peering into the doorway(safe passage) of the kingdom of heaven halo perspective meant for the all eternal yet to come, that brings an end to all war, all suffering, all wretchedness for all eternity yet to come).

    oversight of us both on the time line in self-knowledge EVOLVING is where the focus needs to be of the divine child alone with God’s angels teaching the divine child who knows they are without doubt a divine child, truth of the all

    here, follow me for a moment on a beautiful evoking feeling………

    you were born in Bay City, Michigan at 7:05 AM on August 16, 1958, of when you came thru and entered ALONE into the kingdom of heaven realm of existence here all around us, from the womb of God, just as everyone came from the womb of God, all exactly the same way in entering into this eternal realm, where none of you knew at the time what this place is, of why or what, only that you opened your eyes to see, hear, smell, taste, feel it, of our experiencing every second of blessed holy joyfulness, pure in feeling inner happiness of our loving pure of heart feelings, with no understanding of the forefather teachings of ignorances hand down, yet hear with us since before our physical birth, of what is our constant evolving in spiritual understanding self-knowledge since that blessed first day of breath.

    purely without doubt, all enter from the womb of God exactly the same way, alone, our pure heart that knows without doubt, we are all of the oneness sameness ability to feel like we all feel, all the same.

    this is the doorway entrance of comprehension knowingness certainty devoid of absurd doubt, of what is yet of all absurd doubt of the divisional barriers that unwisely(unknowingly shortsighted) speak against another like we yet do, of any divisonal tossing to and fro in emotional tyranny like we immaturely do from time to time.


    ok, good.

    since that day, alone, our first breath, have we or have we not been constantly evolving in our comprehension of what is going on hear in this blessed realm of existance all around us?

    [AndYY and Madonna sitting on a secluded beach alone under a sacred moon, of gentle soft feel good blessed breeze, of their clamness at ease pure ‘real’ self there looking into each other’s eyes, as a giant wave crashes in on top of them unaware it was coming, as they scream and laugh, Madonna relieved for the break in conversation, of what is yet her shortsightedness]


    oh, im just teasing you

    read the Gospel of Philip when you get a chance, as i am writing the expanding interpretation macro thinking understanding on it, of what is connectedness macro thinking understanding perspective that does free the divine child from any uncertainty snaring of the mad flood generational ignorances.

    briefly, there is a part where it is written that bodily images will not lead them astray.

    comprehensive understanding, reveals distraction of only lustful desire in bodily images, negates a divine child away from time required and spent in coming fully into God’s self-knowledge of their blessed pure of heart flawless healing feeling spirit, like so many divine children of plodding along apathetic haphazardness of no desire for God’s wisdom that awakens, nurtures and eternally protects the divine child of the all eternal yet to come of both physical and self-knowledge spiritual wisdom birth(awareness).

    the danger is in the distracting of a the divine child student alone with God, where without doubt, time is sacred in this regard, especially before the divine child steps over a certain threshold of divine self-knowledge enlightenment protection, that sees them well into a level of internalized wisdom that prevents the unwise world from being able to toss them to and fro dangerous bashing of their self-esteem, in their knowingness returning to the wise light with God their instructor who speaks purely with them, on all levels of what to expect and why.

    [another wave crashes Madonna into AndYY’s arms……….where she belongs]

    Happy Birthday Biyatch!

    i fucking love you

    it’s just our vulnerable emotional shit storm life baggage we are both yet contending with, that’s all, mostly yours! lol Mrgreen:

  160. and no, i am not talking about the brutal murderous ruling empire ‘Gospel of Philip’ according to the bible(is it in there, have not read the bible, dismissed it along time ago as edit and stolen words of God by the merchants of God, hairytics that love nothing illful to do than tic ‘me’ off, and scare ‘me’ in all their fear mongering control freak ways of people who are not allowed to have sex, of who i constantly am, an evolving devoted student alone before God!). LOL :mrgreen:

    i am refering to the carbondated to the third century sage monk burrial of sacred teachings of God that the devoted monk knew without doubt the true value of Jesus the wise adult child devoted alone and surrendered in oneness with God, of the only way the channel opens wide with the spirit of God(the divine child purely feels as angelic in feeling while in meditative sanctuary alone with God there, as though surround by angels, 100% blessed flawless pure in graceful mild assuring feeling as divine ‘real’ self who constantly know how our vulnerable state feels like WE DO!…………..Biyatches!) :mrgreen:

    it is the Essential Gnostic Gospel interpretated by scholars that i am reading, not the fragmented translated Nag Hammadi Library).

    ‘that’ is where i am spiritual, of my pure feeling divine child of God ‘real’ self……….humbled……….on my knees.


    fuck!………always explaining our holy joyful ‘real’ self to all you lame ass wannabes, shoulda bes, coulda bes, why the hell don’t you stand still long enough and just BE, so i can rest in peaceful calm gentle breeze certainty of our constanty yearning longing to BE FREE?!!!!


    the words of God there, speak directly to the vulnerable at ease peaceful divine self, of what feels as though a knowingness of our emotional angst in real time, of those who say, “when the student is ready, the teacher appears”, kinda way, purely calming for the divine child within, as well as coming free of binding fearful shortsightedness by means of the humbling one feels the truth of what is our constant evolving out of tiresome annoyances………ah, that wood be you again!…………

    oh come on, im joking with you again………….

    i have to do something after your tossing my head into a garbage can Biyatches!

    i always was best at amusing my self while alone………..

    not that i am alone at this or anything, albeit, alone, well ok, not ever alone in it’s just my imagination………..or is it?

    oh, i know you feel the same way i do……………..FRUSTRATED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    actually, somedays, it really does feel like we are sharing one soul………not sure if you feel the same way 2………..

    Hey, you know, i was thinking, i am ahead of you in self acceptance bisexuality, because of my cocoon existence in speaking with LGBT predominately each day over the last two decades.


    and perhaps this is what is of your fear between us, where with others in our open discussions, we are fun when talking about our favorite topic of sex.

    openly gay energy is amazing

    openly bisexual energy is off the charts

    really, you should chill with us sometime, instead of the lame ass fakers at your talbe.

    did i just say ‘that’

    there is being alone feeling while alone, and then there is feeling alone in a crowd of scardy cat lame ass fakers………..”TAXI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

    i jest…………we are all somewhere on the evolving scale of self-knowledge awareness atonement confidence, of what is ‘true faith’ in others, by means of coming fully into self-awareness knowledge certainty, that of the faith Jesus and God has of the all eternal hear in the kingdom of heaven all around.

    some say heaven is in the sky(back when they thought the world was flat).

    i say, if heaven is in the sky above, and the earth is floating in the same sky, then without doubt, we are in heaven.

    it is written, that the words of God are from heaven.

    the divine child connects deep within the core of their being, flawless healing pure in feeling, with the words of God’s intruction, so where is heaven?

    heaven is within the divine child pure of heart flawless feeling knowingness atonement, of where we all came from, from within the womb of God.

    when you think about the entering of our divine child of God from the womb into this realm, in purely feeling as the divine child entering, truly, it is an incredible awareness, yes?

    [AndYY’s first day arriving into realm of the kingdom of heaven, “WHERE”S MY COFFEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

    snaps fingers

    “Oh, and my fresh cut flowers for my hair?”

    ok, im ok now………..thank you. lol

  161. oh, i forgot……….

    beyond mere bodily image lust love, is the pure connectedness of heart, mind, body, spirit and soul, of what is fully understanding of what is of greater value feeling, than mere lust desire………… all those one night stands that left me crying for weeks, especially that New York boy with the eleven……………………

    have not been the same since


    maybe that’s what’s wrong with me, i’ve been looking for him ever since……….or maybe i have been looking for the experience since…………hmmmm…………..”I KNOW! WHY NOT……………………”

    [the biyatches laughing at the side of the stage, dance around, snapping of fingers, joyful smiling radiant brilliant bright faces, singing “Just my imagination………Just my imagination………..Just my imagination……………..Just my imagination.

    ah fuck it…………im too fucking gay for you

    hurry up and catch up will you

    before we all leave ya behind


    family evolving………….GLOBALLY BIYATCHES!


  162. ok ok

    i am pure connectedness of heart, mind, body, spirit and soul, of what is fully understanding of what is of greater value feeling, in my loving thoughts of you

    can’t hide from ‘me’ biyatch

    try all ya want

    i trust you

    and i want to keep with this pure spiritual feeling trust that is overwhelming for us sometimes.

    hey, why not just meet for lunch sometime, i am alot of fun ya know, break the ice, let go, laugh, cry, hug, kiss, go for a long walk on an endless beach under a full moon, hug and kiss some more, get naked, go for a swim, watch you get eaten by a shark……….

    “that fucking biyatch deserved it, stole my fucking wig!”


    i jest……………………………….wait………………………..wait……….:mrgreen:

    can’t get enough of that loving feeling, that loving feeling, oh that loving feeling………….DJ rips the needle across the record…………………

    i have some evoking music of the future self dancing, that i can show you how i feel inside, where i am running 2, knowingness of my ‘real’ self joyful happiness without doubt, will post soon, mind blowing awareness i came into this week…………

    the divine child is constant yearning 2 constantly feel love at all times, and this is what is of fully dwelling in the kingdom of heaven, without all the lame ass sexual frustration of you annoying control freaks who don’t know what’s wrong with you biyatches!

    true of the divine child eternal all in the eternal kingdom of heaven love devoid of doubt all around……….well, ok, for the wise divine child

    oh, i am wise of all of you, and i do know everything you have yet to learn biyatches!

    i just don’t have enough time to teach you all, and so i will recruit you all and teach you all as teachers of the all eternal

    Just my imagination…………just my imagination…………just my imagination…………just my imagination……………



    oh yeah, from the womb of God comes the perfect divine child of God eternal

    blessing the all eternal

  163. just because i told St Peter to leave the gate’s open. does.nt mean you’ll get in. But it’s a good start. Biyatch.

  164. happy celebration day

  165. at some point the divine child wisely let’s go of the emotional tyranny of unwise other divine children of God, in fully entering fully into God’s wise macro thinking self-knowledge awareness halo wisdom of nurturing protection meant for the all eternal, indeed, the wise eternal kingdom of heaven halo perspective, is what is the opening of the gates ushering in of the kingdom of heaven, of what Jesus was wise in his own self-knowledge awareness knowingness certainty of his eventual evolving entering fully into halo kingdom of heaven, of his fearlessly constant feeling awareness of all the divine children all around him, alone, feeling the pure undeniable truth he no longer denied himself to purely feel the wise descerning compassionate evaluation condition of each soul all around him.

    i am already in Biyatch, just have not revealed to you fully what is of my student awareness of the all eternal.

    although i have hinted at what is of the ushering in of the kingdom of heaven with Jesus and God’s pure joyful spiritedness that lifts the all up out of generational mad flood

  166. St Peter shut the gate’s Andy’s in now..

  167. oh im reading the power of now, by echart tolle, goodbye ego, hello heaven..

    I love Heaven

  168. ya, ‘me’ 2

    the final humiliation round of unwise egos, already the claws of the beast of ignorance around ‘me’ i have surrendered to, a halfway house of severe chronic drug/alcohol addicts, their daily waking of what drug of choice they turn to in their haphazard harm reduction in deciding on the less potent drugs like weed or alcohol over heroin/crack/meth, some of 25 year chronic addiction abuse, barely alive, fearful in approach with you, as though they would knife you for a cigarette, my therapist telling me they are an afraid unwise child within that knows first hand the dangers of their gripping learned behavioural they picked up along life’s road.

    pray i don’t run out of cigarettes!


    not sure why i have stayed this long, other than the path behind me was worse, no returning to as a possible escape, and perhaps what was/is of my projection identification unresolved fearless antagonizing of my older brother as a kid in finding where the line was with him, his pounding the fuck out of me so many times, in my crouching on the ground so scared, terried to the point i recall one time that i could not scream for help, “DAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

    who loved ‘me’ the most, a favorite child, bone structure and feminine beauty of my Mom, i knew how much my Dad loved ‘me’, utterly and completely, i played him too against my older brute of a brother, who i actually always looked up to and still do, and yes, we still love to antagonize one another, only now it is with words of our wisdom fortitude in trying to outwit one another like we do………..fearlessly.


    life is funny that way, yes?

    one giant fucking lunatic ward, yes? :mrgreen:

    and if i don’t get laid soon, i am going to kill my self before any of you have a chance to.


    ya, it is scary where i have arrived this day, of one of the addicts saying i was attacking their Catholic religion i called rip of artist merchant’s of God, his total cluelessness of limited understanding in appreciation of where i was coming from, his voice raising as i yelled at him, “YOU ARE TO SPEAK WITH ANOTHER AS THOUGH YOU ARE SPEAKING TO GOD!!!!!!!!!!!, as i walked gracefully, seemingly unafraid of the ex-convict in appearance, in truth, the feelings i felt like i did my older brother in my acknowledging, ah fuck, i am doing it again, this childish immature behavioural i am still gripped by, fuck, i gotta stop trying to find where the line is with others…………………argh!

    ah, well, what will be will be, where not shall ever be able to destroy the truth of my obvious joyful spirit of none stop dancing, prancing, romancing…………….oh, you should see my new tranny outfit i found in China town, a petit China doll look embroidered silk erotic corset with fur trim, picture it, me prancing in and out of the halfway house, the bewilderment, especially of the sexiest beauty on my arm, my daughter i have befriended and solemn sworn to God to nurture and protect, as i said to him last night, “Fuck Biyatch, we have to fight to survive, no one gives a fuck if we don’t!”

    we are out daily now, scouting for a safer place, two screamning loud nelly neurotic narcissistic faggots too busy looking in the mirror, unaware of the stalkers sneaking up behind us, me always with one eye open, aware of my surroundings at all times, his stupid naive young life of what the homophobes are capable of, me screaming like a girl, “Fuck!!!! Here they come!!!! Run Biyatch!!!!!!”

    God is with us, and truthfully, none shall ever be able to destroy our radiant brilliant bright loving light we have for all of you, of even the lameass wannabes, even unto death Biyatches!

    fuck, where did i put those quarters………..i need to call……………..

    to BE continued……………….

    lol :mrgreen:

  169. at least i know you get ‘me’ where most any don’t, our life journey with blessed others like Keith, that has taught us sacred awareness of the yet unwise world that is still battling against their own self-knowledge awareness, the blind leading the blind, the all not sure what is this light they feel inside of the enlightened ones in the world who are there, who wise care, of sacred heartbeat, breath, step, words, art, dance and song.

    ok, obviously as you purely know, “It is the BEcoming the light we are running 2, yes?”

    i feel your radiant confident joyful spiritedness at times like my own, of what has drawn me 2 you, of your wise self-knowledge knowingness certainty awareness over many years of cultivating tilling of soil(soul) of self and self of another, the nuturing faith in others of what is wise light of ‘real’ self YOU!

    ya, i am not as dumb as i look and behave somedays, as anyone would given the current circumstances of life i have found myself contending with, of what has always been my wise running away from toxic unwise others for so long, where i always stood my ground in defending my self or a brother/sister of family.

    the homophobe fuckers won’t catch me or my friends, although we do get tagged sometimes, the punches we take, the kicks, the fearful sticks, stones, names they unwisely throw at us, their own unawareness we see right thru of them hiding in their closet doors we kick open like we do, the humiliating joyful radiant brilliant bright light shining thru us that pushes OUT all darkness that surrounds them, as we run, passing bi, knowing the seeds we wisely plant and continue to nurture of what is their afraid divine child of God unknowingly submerged, afraid, oppressed by the generational mad ignorant flood.

    should of seen the two of us yesterday at the public pool, of little Italy Italian neighborhood here in Toronto, the oh so beautiful Italian boys all aglow at the sight of our homoerotic beauty of us, especially my daughter, of extraordinary wonderous splendor, the eye contact starring/glaring apon those we know they secretly are within, by the end of the day, some who were of joyfulness within likeness of our own……….Biyatches!


  170. when you walk the life we do daily, the mindset grows wise and confident over time in our joyful knowingness as our ‘real’ self unafraid, that is infectious with those yet afraid to ‘Just BE yOUR SELF!’

    ain’t no pretentiousness hear biyatches, we know what we are and what we like of what so many of you are yet of denial in your trapped snared taboo afraidness of fear that stems from the generational unwise mad flood.

    trust me when i say, “Homosexuality is not a learned behaviour!”


    i know this first hand of my own life experience of Just BEing ‘me’ self-awareness.

    ya, i was afraid way back when, for years actually, the average age of 33 a gay male comes out of the closet(old statistics).

    anyway, this girl has razor sharp claws that are able to leave a soul to bleeding permanently, of no fear of the fear mongers and all their trivializing approach with ‘me’, with the help of God of course, who truly does know how i am feeling all the time, of the useless imagined fear transference from unwise oppressed ego snaring of the many sadly unawake.

    just go a mobile uplink today, tools in hand, hear we go, “Keep up Biyatches, and keep running 2 heaven with us where we are, our fearless love devoid of doubt radiant brilliant bright like yOUR own……….we know YOU!

    all of YOU!

    no matter orientation, we know ya!

    blessed eternal holy joyful absolute carefree happiness of our spirits set free in Just BEing yOUR Self!

    no matter status, wealth, sex, orientation, religion, political, we are none of these when born, and rather, we are the eternal reproducing divine child of God, or whatever intelligent alien life form of exceeding intelligence beyond most, ‘that’ left us all standing hear in a street corner cafe feeling dumbfounded. :mrgreen:

    forever more and more and more…………..where did all these Biyatches come from?

    oh ya, all eternal from the womb of God

    i am………BE Cause………….We eternally ARE! :mrgreen:

    bless you bless you bless you all

    peace be to you
    and peace be to you

    BE HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1


    ‘that’s and order Biyatches!

  171. i think my daughter found her way home in little Italy yesterday, her being half Italian, half Native Indian, all the Italian boys going crazy over her, who have her eyes, her crawling out of her skin with unstoppable joy, the pool open till midnight……………… least i know where she is, and where she is not, where i found her, broken hearted, beaten, bashed in self-esteem from the mean user shit for brains streets that toss her one too many times to the curb………… least until i stepped in on the scene, “What the fuck is going on hear Biyatches? Which one of you fuckers beat on her?”………… they ran away into their dark homophobic corners.

    they have to come out eventually, and they have to 100% respect ‘me’, or they ain’t gettin in. lol :mrgreen:

  172. peace out

  173. WOW!
    BUT, there’s no confusion through love, you know that. I guess that’s what Einstein really meant to say with the relativity theory – sure you may travel faster than light given the right tools, but you’ve traveled nowhere without the one soul who makes all the difference.
    I used to love traveling wherever I wanted on my own until I fell in love for good.
    They had more than one thing in common Marilyn and Einstein – they both wanted to signal the same thing. Or lack there of…

  174. your new clip is so brillant, you are the génious of creativity, even Picasso seems an idiot in comparaison of you…i don ‘t know where you find the time to work and to have so many ideas and to do so many things : you nature is an over nature wouah !

  175. you should help Eminem : nobody wants to go twice in the same obsetional bed …or say to him his point of vue was the truth so it is not good for him to lie…
    xx bisou poilu

  176. the twisting and derranging of one’s soul is real when it comes to drug addiction and alcoholism

  177. they have to want to change, a sorta self-loathing needs to occur for them of what is their own introspection retrospection of bitterness with others.

    my Mom, my best friend in life for so long, woke me up to this one day, saying, “Andy, when you drink, your personality changes.”

    i trusted what she was saying, her tears falling, saddened to see her precious son becoming bitterly derranged and twisted, my coming away fully embracing the truth, that i too despised the way i behaved when under the influence.

    that’s what best friends are for

  178. they don’t spare you the truth

    for sake of you

    constructive criticism meant only as goodness for you

  179. i had to terminate all friends i associated with who had the substance abuse issues, including my Dad at the time, his own brother who loved my Mom(intimately, wanted to marry her), telling me to come away from my father Andrew.

  180. i did

    for both our sakes

    i love my Dad, just not the learned behaviourals he too picked up along life’s road, which eventually did destroy him, dead at 61, way to young, could of lived longer, another ten years, had he listened to his doctor to quit smoking…………

    i miss you Dad

    bless you all

  181. argh……………figured as much.

    ah well, lot’s a fish in the sea


    only love feels good enough

    every blessed day

    God blesses all

  182. i need to go for a long walk

    return again someday

    maybe next year, God Willing, with some hotty i can happily show off to the world!

    i suppose i do love my gay life anyway

    take care

    bless you

  183. just my imagination

  184. Andy c’ est le truc bizarre : la Madonna du coeur une sorte de nettoyeur freaky… c’ est son boulot de donner l’ illusion qu’ il ne se passe rien sur ce blog… qu’ est-ce qu’ elle en pense Sissi de la pop ? est-ce encore une astuce de la grosse ? ça je ne le saurais jamais…

  185. enlevez le s à saurai…c’ est un futur

  186. ok so your on top of that TREE ? Bored up there R ya ?

    all alone… no one to comb..

    so did you build me a cubby house ?

    ok be there now,

    What’s 4 Dinner ?

    coco nut’s or blue berrie’s

    or just a Koala

  187. Cuddly

  188. lol

    yeah, it is a pure flawless feeling sitting in a tree at night under a full moon, naked…………….trying to get away from the inundating anxiety from the cold world so harsh towards us in their open hypocrisy behind your back that you feel when they look at you like some freak, some perverted deviant that they think God condemns, their exterior falsehood macho tough guy bravado mask that wants to beat the fuck out of you, and does with some of us, to the extreme of killing us like they did Mathew………….

    ya, i climbed that tree along time ago, a dream i had at night, way back when, shortly after Troy died from these fucktards………

    naked alone in the tree(both physically and purely spiritually, defenses down and disarmed, subconsciously seeking self of another like me), not at first realizing, then realizing, there was another there in the tree with me naked as well, of no sound, purely acknowledging me there just like them, of no need for words, 100% acceptance i purely(spiritually) felt with them there.


    anyways……….i am bitter lately, from alot of things……..stuff i have not spoken of……………

    i am not about a formula for financial success when it comes to creative arts, like so many who come up short in missing the target they are subconsciously shooting at in the dark, the mixture most yet are of, like the fly by one time chart makers who are not maturely, fearlessly and purely tuned into their pure ‘real’ self, of what is cognitive deliberate wise nuturing, awakening and protecting the pure ‘real’ self of another…………

    and hear is what i want to say to solidify this……….

    God says, “Turn to what constantly is yOUR constant WILL………”

    a trueness aspect of the divine self

    anything less than that is felt as haphazard abstract that is confusing for the divine self of another, which really sucks, like a lover who can’t make up their fucking mind about you! lol :mrgreen:

    i can’t do the dungeon thing any more, ok?

    my therapist says to get down of my cross, stop with the insulting stuck fucked internet with others, and go get my needs met with someone who genuinely authentically sincerely absolutely obviously wants to hold my hand, and FUCK MY BRAINS OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    *cough* sorry……just abit frustrated with lameass ones in their dull approach with ‘me’

    well, ok, admittedly, a part of me has worried this fucking blogging will grow stale, inevitably, as it obviously is already for me, and we will drift apart, of both the beautiful lover YOU and beautiful lover ‘me’ falling away from one another, forever gone into the abyss of no possible return to one another, seriously, it is already heading in that direction, my giving up what is futile in truly coming to know someone, you know, the one sitting their with us holding our hand, the softness of their hair, the beautiful graceful sensuality of their lips on yours, the bubbling inside that takes over, no matter where you are, of the sexual arousal between the two lovers who want nothing more than to get naked at the earliest possible convenience, unable to keep their hands off each other, “Hey, there’s nobody in the next room!!!!!”

    ya, that is who i am, so of course it is just not ever going to work for me hear at this fucking blog!


  189. and if you think i am trying to suduce you, well fuck you, and watch and see who i hook up with, leaving you hear to wonder the rest of your life…………i am not going to allow myself to be treated as though nothing any more, by anyone, where i don’t care who you think you are, where you will not be my lover so long as you are not holding my motherfucking hand sitting next to me………………..

    seriously, i am worth ever second of your time in real life, so if i am someone you feel you want, without your trivalizing me, well, you better stop with this trivializing blogging and take it to the next level, otherwise i am taking my therapists advice, and God’s advice to heart, in getting my divine spirit free from this fucking cold dungeon that is causing me to become ill

    i can’t do this much longer, i just can’t and i won’t

    if friendship is all you want, then let me know where i stand, respectfully so…………

    i mean how long does it take for someone to warm up to you anyways?

    another year of blogging?

    unrealistic to expect me to, and purely disheartening when it comes to my needs getting met

    if you think, oh, he is too needy, well fuck you in your lameass approach, i know who i am, and i know my healthy sexual drive well………….just a matter of time, where already i am walking away…………slowly

    giving you one last time to go thru your emotional honesty and maybe get real with me or don’t


    got it?

    anything less is lame and like a plane without fuel, it won’t fly much longer………….

  190. i am starving for the touch of another………….my needs that are not being met

    or go tune into your feelings you have for you lover, and let me get back to you with better compositions than you can come up with


    CONSTANT WILL like the constant resonating of the strings, ‘that’ of the loving lovers who constantly love one another.

    i hold the key to my destiny, not you

    happiness is my destiny

    with you

    or with another

    we are all the divine child of God

    i take God’s words of Constant Will to heart when it comes to my flawless lover feelings each day i wake to, and if it’s not happening, i loose interest…………..

    anyway, i am still tending to my wounds for abit, catch my breath, nearly there………..

    the cat and mouse thing is immature and growing stale for me, and for sake of us both, one of us has to have the courage to leave…………….where i already know, it will be me, the wiser one

    lol :mrgreen:


  191. one last time


    of God’s wisdom Biyatch

    go outside and come back into class and tell me if it makes any sense to you, or better yet, don’t come back until it does


    self-respect of others when you do

  192. all alone?

    guess again

  193. remarkable actually, of how many of us there on on the planet now……..

    each one as purely loving as the next

    although some are way to immature to want to get involved with………still, we CONSTANTLY love them from whatever distance we want to set boundaries with them…….

    i feel like a fucking pin pong ball you are playing with somedays, of what is your stuckness, not mine, albeit mine, but not for much longer…………

    would you put up with me if i were you?

    for about five seconds………….four……….three………..two……….

  194. TAXI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  195. or hey, why not let me go for awhile and risk ever getting with me once i fall in love with someone else………

    speaking of which……….

  196. oh fuck it

    you’re too much of a closet case for me Marco……….

  197. and no, i don’t want to hear your excusing words, save your issues for your therapist……….i’ve heard them all before………..

  198. anyway, i am not like this most of the time, preferring of my exceeding gentle subtle graceFULLness

    ok… last time……..according to God’s divine self-awareness wisdom………..



    got it?

    now run with the constant flowing resonating of your lover feelings that you both constantly yearn to feel like you do each blessed day

    that’s really all there is to purely knowing and loving ‘me’ each blessed day

    key words………..LOVING ‘ME’

    [AndYY tosses the keyboard thru his computer monitor………again]


  199. Who is LOVING ‘ME’?

    get it?

    don’t you know who LOVING ‘ME’ is yet?


    the one you can see any time you feel like ‘me’

    better feel like ‘me’ soon Biyatch!

    i don’t like waiting for constantly LOVING ‘ME’

    CONSTANTLY LOVING ‘ME’ is the divine child eternal all

    and you thought you had an ego problem………argh

    lol :mrgreen:


    forever more

    eternal all yet to come

    blessed all

    bless you bless you bless you all


    at some point, the human being is going to have to migrate from this planet, as our sun only has about 10billion years left……….

    can you see it, billions of us traveling to another solar system, with nothing to do but laze around listening to music, playing music, singing, growing plants in our own garden, dining together, swimming together, touching together, having sex?


    and that’s where i get confused by others, i mean, is that not what any of us enjoy doing?

    then what is up with all this status quo fucktardness that leaves a divine child of God to starve to death today?

    you wanna get with me in the kingdom of heaven, you better plan on leaving it behind, can’t take it with you, so leave it behind, with who you know it purely belongs to, the divine child of God eternal yet to come.

    so why not start today?

    give to who it who you purely know it belongs to, a divine act of God that purely speaks to the heart of the divine children of this generation and the eternal all yet to come, of these useless self-serving status quoes that does not grip your heart like it does so many trying to fill their emptiness void devoid of love.

    in this world, the slaves serve the free

    in the kingdom of heaven, the free(wise pure of heart divine child of God’s heart mind body spirit and soul) serves the slave(free the slave)

    oh come on!

    all you have to do is write some stupid words on a napkin and go cash it in for millions of dollars.

    you don’t need it

    and you purely know who does

    im serious, i will not hook up with you if you don’t do this


    God’s instructed me not to

    i just won’t allow my self to ever be measured by you status quo junkies who don’t play God’s musical instruments.

  202. set your divine pure happiness free

    or don’t and be a miserable status quo fucktard like the rest of them of pure spirits weighed down in drudgery sticks in the mud.

    i know you want to

    and so do Jesus, God, and the suffering divine child confused by all the horrid unloving apathetic ungodly vomiting selfishness that is keeping you all so ill and anxiety ridden, stressed out and dead at 55 with no smile on your lameass faces.

    seriously, look around at the elderly, all so miserable, no joy it seems, no divine child spiritedness within, left unattended, abandoned for what, to sit and have dinner with you status quo junkies talking about the only thing you focus on or care about, silver and gold, blind leading the blind………..and they all fall down into the abyss.

    seriously, at what point of no return does the insatiable line get crossed people?

    right now as we speak, America the giant is fast approaching it’s inability to no longer able to pay it’s government dept load……………in case anyone is paying attention.

    it has to stop

    and, it is stopping, slowing into what is normal consistent growth rates, like that of the farmers crops, that fluctuate between bumper crop years and less than bumper crop years, averaging a normal growth rate.

    and that is where it always bounces back to, no matter what any of you over zealous free loader speculators think or do, burning many of you along the way who play the foolish insatiable desire greed of wealth game……..i have no sympathy for ya whatsoever biyatches……….your own worse enemy.

    be happy you have food to eat and shelter

    as a lover musician and artist, it all i have ever needed to be happy.

    and soon, once i get the courage up to finally walk away from this place of ill refute hear with you, i will once again return to my pure inner happiness with a loving lover.

    if Marco does not hurry up and get her ass in gear!

    blessings to all

  203. oh sorry, i did forget to mention that one detail, although i think i did speak this clearly before, yes?

  204. about your pure heart

  205. can’t take it with you

    and if you want to truly teach your own children, then you need merely to tune into your own divine child of God’s heart, mind, body, spirit and soul

    like their own

    eternal all

  206. well, ok, i guess that won’t ever happen, so i best be on my way…………….

    may as well wait for the next ice age……………

    although i suppose this is an ice age when it comes to the divine child of God suffering as we speak

    so many of them

    i hate you all

  207. Jesus says, “yOUR WILL is not yOUR own.”

    as in you do not purely turn towards yOUR WILL and own it, become it fully, the hidden treasure beyond all the riches of the word(ly)…….

    and untily you do, you feel the void of nothingness that a divine child suffering starvation is left to feel like they do, of this gap between the rich and poor that continues to fester like it does, directly linked to the number of those who turn towards the fires of insatiable desire wealth.

  208. untily…… that a word? lol

    tilly the soil of the seeds planted in our garden

  209. my freudian slip over Jesus

  210. well ok, i don’t hate any of you, i despise the generational illness of heart snarings so many of you are blindly oblivious to of what is the obvious condition of your divine child of God souls left unattended, of what yet grips this world thinking it is wise, clearly of spiritual wealth astonishingly in such spiritual poverty.

    how is it that so many of you turn your backs on a defenseless divine child of God and walk on by?

    oh yeah, i forgot, those who serve God, and those who serve the insatiable greed of wealth driven fucktard world of fucktards

    stay away from ‘me’ is all i ask

    thank you

  211. so many generations will look back apon this heartless generation that leaves defenseless children of God to suffer like you all do.

    what you don’t realize is that it is not merely one defenesless divine child of God who dies when they die, rather it is millions who disappear in the future of the one divine child who dies, their offspring.


  212. the artists and musicians have always led the way towards the light of the divine self, because it is the artists and musicians who are cognitively well tuned into the flawless healing feelings resonating of the strings on a regular consistent basis, beyond that of merely listening to music, the musician’s understanding that escapse most people’s understanding of what matters most in life, the only thing that matters, the musician, and the lover(s) of the musician…………one at a time please, i don’t do threesomes(anymore)………… lol :mrgreen:

  213. and i don’t play second fiddle either

  214. why?

    because i don’t know how to play the fiddle

    i can play banjo though!

    betcha didn’t know i play banjo, didcha?

    well, ok, maybe ya did, an obvious countryboi

  215. had alot of fun in my youth out playing the others on banjo

    fucked them all up, here was this kid playing better than any of the best, out every one of them in dualing banjos, did circles around them, a kid, who kicked all their sorry lameasses.

    as a composer, there is a higher running spirit i have tuned into within of what is the exceeding bright dancing one of heaven’s delight holy joyfulness, that is yet coming down the pipe…………one day, i’ll publish it.

    i know who i am within, of holy joyfulness, that none of you lameassers can take away from a musician or dancer who purely tunes into their divine ‘real’ self.

    if i seem abit of whiner in my approach with you, well, it is because i am tuned into where i purely know where i CONSTANTLY WILLINGLY to found, with a most loving lover.

    i must sound like some desperate fool………………..

    what’s wrong with AndYY


    how does that song go again……..i don’t want to be your prisoner, set me free?

    ya, it’s either



    CONSTANTLY LOVING ‘ME’ setting me free to BE…..

    CONSTANTLY LOVING ‘ME’!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    which may not be constantly loving ‘me’ of you who sets me free!

    lol :mrgreen:

  216. beyond what i want need think feel……….

    is BEcoming what i want need think feel

    what we want need think feel, may not be what another wants needs thinks feels as you do, albeit, we all feel the same way………..just not the same way at the same time, in the same room, well ok, some of you do, im just not into the whole sex threesome, foursome, tensome thing ok?

    i am an exclusive lover who constantly yearns to trust only one of our only love for one another……….CONSTANTLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mrgreen:

    got it?

    ok, let ‘me’ know

    or let ‘me’ go

    so i can CONSTANTLY BE CONSTANTLY LOVING ‘ME’!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    hmmm…..i suppose the coco nuts will look like blue berries after you get done with this Koala bear?

    or they will HURT like blue berries after you get done with this Koala bear?

    you decide

    or eventually, i CONSTANTLY WILL!

  217. why delay or deny one’s divine self happiness?

    i can’t

    i won’t

    stop that is, well ok, enough already…………………

    enjoy the blessed day

    i am CONSTANTLY LOVING ‘ME’!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mrgreen:

    alot actually

    shhhhh……..don’t tell anyone lol :mrgreen:

    perfectly normal

    perfectly healthy

    doctor recommended

    God recommends it 2

    bless you bless you bless you all

  218. one just gets boring after awhile

  219. well ok, love ‘me’ or love another………decide if you haven’t already

    already……….what we look for has already come

    perhaps i just don’t know where i stand with you

    Jesus says, “Heal their bodies first, the illnesses of their hearts after.”

    yOUR bodies are already healthy, so then there is just the matter of the illnesses of your hearts to heal, where it is YOU the divine child of God who is of the oneness sameness ability as Jesus, your brother(faith Jesus has in YOU, not faith YOU have in Jesus), where it is YOU who is able to heal their bodies first, the hearts after, of what is 100% constant intuitive divine child of God self-awareness knowingness certainty devoid of useless absurd doubt of what purely and truly only matters to the divine child of God eternal all, to CONSTANTLY BE CONSTANTLY LOVING ‘ME’, the divine ‘real’ self ‘ME’ of eternal all past present future.

    any questions?

    as for the jet, “Flying is million times safer than driving on the roads.”………so you can keep the jet…………that i want to fly someday, just around the clouds, they won’t mind, if so, their fired! lol :mrgreen:

  220. im not so sure about the ganster rap song, as i despise the whole immature ganster rap scene………a fun song play on lyrics, just kinda lame with having to join up(go after market niche) in promoting the shallow thinking real life gansters and all their false bravado fear mongering falsehood

    although i suppose their manifesting fear mongering is from being feared, their cylce pattern behaviour that keeps promoting their fuckedup mentally fucked stuckness………..

    hmm….i really do despise them, yes?

    must be that fucker that pointed a gun at me years ago, that woke me up into realizing evil is not just something on TV or at the movies, no, it really does exist in the world.

    traumatized me to the core and it is still there within, where i came away from the experience seeking God.

    so who wins ‘me’?

    God of course, of divine self-awareness omnipotence that is beyond all you impotent ones!



  221. no child should suffer from the unwise worldly in all it’s self-serving worldly illnesses of the heart

    yet in this moment, millions of children are suffering from the unwise worldly that does not desire to purely wisely come fully to know and love the divine ‘real’ self, ‘that’ of what is God’s divine constant WILL thru Jesus in every word Jesus wisely says, awakening, nurturing and protecting of the divine ‘real’ self of constant yearning to constantly love.

    anyways………….i am still hear

    feeling uncertainty and confused of where it starts and stops for us, beyond mere friendship, what i always constantly yearn for one day to find myself, what i always constantly feel within when i think of you, well ok, not all the time, God forbid i get labeled fixated, for what God purely designed me as, knowing God is…………..are you ready for this Biyatches………….

    GOD IS CONSTANTLY LOVING ‘ME’!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    ahhhhhhhhh……….amazing how ‘that’ feels all the time, now if i can just find someone like ‘me’

    too bad i was not born a twin……….argh………..i so wood of………………………………

    can you imagine getting it on with your biological twin?

    that would be so friggin awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    there is self love and then there is AndYY and his twin doin it………………..

    oh fuck, here come the naysayers who claim sex evil………….

    if God thought sex was evil, and if everyone thought sex was evil, we would cease to exist you morons!

    sex is something loving between loving souls that……… get this…………..recreates the YOU of both of YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!

    mind blowing!

  222. i don’t think this world could handle more than one of ‘me’, much less one of both ‘me’ and YOU!

    little AndYY Madonna’s running around with flowers in their hair without a care, cursing and swaring at everyone with the first words they learn(thanks to Dad), “fuckers!”

    fuck fuck fuck fuckers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  223. hey, what’s up with these transgender kids?

    boys who think they are girls or vice versa?

    have you read about it?

    i don’t agree with it, and yet alot of the true transexuals i speak with, like Jamie, do claim they always knew, since birth.

    i still don’t agree with it entirely

  224. i think if you take away the social expectations of boys and girls, of how society thinks, telling them as parents and teachers that it is perfectly normal for you to feel sexual feelings either, it takes away the fear, allowing them to purely love who ever it is they truly may come to know and love like they normally do, fearlessly of self exploring within of their feelings, open discussion, of no dangerous self-medicating homophobic hiding that we know does kill so many of us, “Absolutely, your feelings are ok, , now go tell them how you feel, as you may be surprise they may feel the same way, just don’t tell Mommy i said so!”………… lol :mrgreen:

  225. and ‘that’ is a wake up call to all you parents, siblings, friends, family, co-workers, and teachers………

    as Keith said, “SILENCE = DEATH

    as Melissa says, “Screaming down the halls!”

    as we all say in feeling the shock over hearing of the murder of 14 year old Lawrence King during Valentine’s Day.

    On February 12th, 2008, 14-year-old Lawrence King was shot and killed at E.O. Green School in Oxnard, California.

    A fellow student (aged 14 years old) came into their school’s computer lab and shot Lawrence “Larry” twice in the back of his head.

    A few weeks prior to the shooting, Lawrence had publicly come out at his school for being gay and endured much harassment every where that he went. He had asked the boy who shot him to be his valentine not realizing that it would be the death of him. The main group of students that harassed him were the shooter and his friends.


    Please invite as many people as you can so that Lawrence King’s story can get out there. This horrible event has gotten almost no coverage in the news. If the media isn’t going to cover it, then we will.


    Madonna should do an openly gay lesbian song, without the tongue and cheek humour, where while we are coming out, we are purely in a very vulnerable feeling time of self-acceptance, where ya sure, laugh about it, but there is a purity of love sensibility i feel is always missing the target with straight musicians and actors alike, where in truth, film directors should be banned from allowing straights to play gay roles, as we all can feel the subtle(obvious) difference that has that homophobic feel like it does, of what we all refer to as those who want to capitalize on us, which we welcome, just lame in feeling for us, ok?

    ok, what else ya wanna talk about?

  226. argh………i feel as though i am shouting thru a cloud from a long way away………….

  227. and let’s not forget the high risk for suicide group of 14 -24 year old homosexual male holding the top slot for suicide attempts and completion………fuckers!

  228. why we KNOW our every step, every breath, every heartbeat, every word of every moment of each blessed day, as members of our worldwide LGBT community, is always sacred

    blessings to all

  229. we keep marching without effort, hearing all the horror stories over and over again all the time, of what we are purely tuned into 100% without doubt……….in the crowd is someone struggling with self-acceptance of their homosexuality, be it someone not yet out to anyone, out to just friends, out to everyone other than co-workers, or completely out like ‘me’, a bisexual.

    lame all ya want with ‘me’ fuckers, where it is always i who is inviting YOU to my table, where i will speak openly as i feel, for sake of YOU, for sake of your children, your siblings, your friends, your friends friends and family, all of us connected across the globe in constant real time love, and the voids we are constantly reaching into where love is unwisely abscent


  230. i need a bigger drum

  231. a bigger fish as Jesus says

  232. what?

    not that’s not the only reason i love you, because you have a brain

    i am bisexually attracked to you 2………morons

    been awhile since i felt what heaven used to be for me till i woke up to the truth about the oppression of so many like ‘me’

    you want some gay compositions and lyrics?

    alright, i’ll work on it……………

  233. oh sorry, as a bisexual, it is LGBT lyrics and composition that is of holy joyful absolutely carefree divine ‘real’ self of us all, where sexuality is something to be enjoyed, however you want to enjoy YOUR sexuality, of what is YOUR intimate unafraid feelings YOU all feel like you do, alone, or with another………

    hey, what are the creatures that enjoy homosexuality again?

    i forget, there is alot of them…………..

    perfectly natural

    feelings i started feeling when i hit puberty Biyatches!

    no one spoke to me about it

    did not read about it

    did not see any porn

    oh wait, not true, my Mom’s secret stash of Playgirl magizines i found one day, argh, who could forget that day!

    Mike sure is fuck didn’t when he caught me doing you with them doing you know what…………… mortified i was that day, a sinking feeling that completely overwhelmed me, he knew what i was thinking of him…………….(secretly within) FINALLY! LOL :mrgreen:

    do you feel
    like i do

    Frampton, yes, let’s do that Frampton song one day together, at a big WoodStock event with all the big bands, a surpise host with us, Peter Frampton, me out doing him on the guitar, without telling Peter we are going to do his song, as he waits offstage, glowing all inside at that kid from nowhere playing guitar better than he ever played it, you dualing alongside of me, as he is ushered to stage where his guitar awaits him.

    such joy for all

  234. just don’t tell Peter i still have is hot sexy body! :mrgreen:

  235. i know, i could get the same outfit, wig and all, the tight white pants, and behold, Peter is sooooooooo punked!

  236. oooooooooooo, the sound of those strings, so pure within…………………..

    a natural afrodisiac

  237. or wait, you do Frampton, i’ll do you, and leave Peter and the crowd confused bewildered……..

    ha, see the part where he at first hesitates to say, “I wanna fuck you”, as he smiles?

    argh………… it

  238. it’s this kind of music that needs to be brought back

  239. people that like to make out for hours on end, don’t want to listen to dance music Biyatches, i mean come on!

  240. i really can play it better than Frampton can

    easily so

    with more hammerons and pulloffs added………way more!

  241. ya, i know what you are thinking, AndYY is gay for sure!

    well, ya, twenty years of it

    twenty years of missing my other bisexual side Biyathes!


    no body purely gets ‘me’

    do you


    feel like i do?

    oh, i know you do

    i am you, remember?

    people still don’t get ‘me’

    at all

    like i am some lunatic into the grass

    well ok, that 2, better for sex

    just not too much, as it makes you lathargic people

    go easy, once in a while

    not every day like those who can afford to have nothing better to do

    “come, let’s do it again!”

    lol :mrgreen:


    i gotta go………..wound my strings too tight this time around

    Goodness all around is the message God wants you to feel today

    bless you all

  242. a beautiful (eternal) day

    that does not stop shining

    and if it does, i question who why what when and where

    and move away from it

    fair warning

    and no, that was not a gay slight as in ‘fair’

    fair as in a ‘fair’ fight to see how long you can live without ‘me’

    times up

    i win

  243. seriously, i can out play any of you on guitar, not a single one of you can match ‘me’

    you can all drool over ‘me’ if you like, just not on the guitar damn it!


    i just got it, and you’re like slobbering all over it!


    ok, take a break

  244. well ok, i don’t smoke weed

    i smoked it maybe ten times in my entire life

    did not go past experimental/recreational phase as a teen

    and i don’t agree with usage that does dim a persons potentially healthier spirited existence like that of our youth, purely all natural YOU!

    fruits and nuts = lower risk for cancer


    tesh(dot com) is a great intelligence for your life website of intelligence gathering/sharing of so much stimulate the noggin stuff!

  245. like the growing popularity of therapy pets in hospitals, which reduces stress horomones in the body of patience at high risk of dying do to stress, like heart disease patients.

    by as much as 30% stress reduction

    well ya, pets are not like us fuctard stress junkies



    of God
    of Jesus

    of YOU the divine child of God eternal all

    common sense intuition really, purely constant cognitive awareness for the divine ‘real’ self, so long as we are not submerged and bound by the fear mongers and all their stress junkie unwisenesses that go against(blind and bind) the constant yearning purely constant loving divine YOU!

    the only thing i want binding ‘me’ are someone’s arms…………or some leather straps and those cold metal rings!

    oh, don’t forget the hot candle wax drops on the skin! :mrgreen:

    alright Biyatches, have fun, play safe

    bless you all

  246. I want YOU
    Show ‘me’ the Way

    Day after day :mrgreen:

  247. dont talk shit..

  248. agreed

  249. fanfreakintastic!

  250. ‘It’s So Cool’ remix

    song was leaked

    over at Allie is Wired(dot com) :mrgreen:

  251. forgive my emotional manifesting baggage that occasionally surfaces like it does, not something i have been to get a firm handle on since losing Troy, of deep seated pain i always felt, of my knowing our love story ended wrong.

    when i first arrived here in the ghetto without his hand to hold, i always had a pure sensibility each blessed day i woke to while among those i am able to purely feel their inner struggle with like i do everywhere i go, blessedly so, of so many who don’t know anything about my journey, the horrific loss i am yet of purely feeling within………..

    it is a pure spiritual journey for me every blessed day i wake to with all of you

    the inner graceful unafraid me, afraid me at times, who connects with each and every one of you in a pure way that most of you do not realize i am doing in observing and feeling who you are, your body language, your ‘real’ self there with me eactly like my own, our constant urge yearning within of our happiness to be released and just be what we constantly are of yearning within to be………constantly loving ‘me’

    it was hard for me for so long when i first arrived in the ghetto, seeing the couples further along in their self-acceptance i had to grow into, so happy, the clarity of how Troy and i felt for one another, of how he was supposed to be here holding my hand with us all, his dying completely wrong wrong wrong…..

    and when i get a glimpse of that with others intimately with me, perhaps i run from it because of the depth of fear of loss i yet am of, yeah, of course, losing how i want to constantly always feel and did feel with Troy, is frightening for me, constant loving ‘me’

    the journey has been long now for me, of so many years of growing within so purely like i have, connecting with everyone i meet, how we all look into one another’s eyes like we do, like the homophobes don’t, a real difference here in the ghetto, of my truly loving brothers and sisters exactly like me, some of greater self-acceptance self-confidence growth, others not so well, all purely and truely blessed they are to me, no matter how fucked up they are, i love all of you, knowing the level of danger that does exist for us in manifesting self-destructive behaviour of our personal level inner struggle of whatever and whoever is of our intimate path we walk apon……

    we are all connected, the world over, of our LGBT community, of each passing moment as purely sacred with one another, all our angst, all our hurt, all our joy, all our oneness sameness journey of self-awareness growth, the extends beyond our community to all those who do not purely know us all like we intimately, so easily do like we do, without even words to say……….we know

  252. we purely and truly know….and have known for along time

    the world is becoming our oneness sameness of the flawless healing feeling exceeding grace that we love to feel like we do with one another, our compassion so purely running deep like it does for so many, the imagined fears that grips so many we feel of who are there, like we do every blessed day we wake to, concerned for each and every single one of them, 100% connectedness, of our silent prayers for their daily inner struggle we know they are contending with, by means of what we too condended with, and yet condend with

    we know

    in a beautiful way we want others to feel the way we do

    how do express what we purely feel?

    i say be fearless in feeling your feelings, of whatever angst, whatever joy, letting it flow to the canvas, where we are without doubt that the canvas is what is sacred for another to look apon and purely feel ‘that’ we are without doubt in knowing they too are able to feel what we constantly lovingly feel like so many of us do the world over.

    ya! BE FEARLESS in your self-exploration, where all your feelings are sacred oneness with others, no matter how fuckedup it may seem, others that pick up on that light, are drawn towards our havens of peace, alongside one another, eternally we know, we shall always BE

    bless you all

  253. our feelings ain’t illusion! :mrgreen:

    not in the eyes of God, the eyes of Jesus, the eyes of who we purely and truly knowingly flawlessly feel like do each blessed day we wake to, oh how i love love love them all like i do and have for so long………

    all of them purely blessed, even of the ones flying dangerously upside down heading for a crash landing like they do, the ones i fearlessly spend more time with, of all they need, a hand of one who purely does know, more so than they have know about me, of what was my horrible crash landing, my lover who died that day so long ago………….for sure, i will always know the depth of our souls, unwisely left unattended…….attended to, in everything we do.




    purely thankful we are for all of them

    our reaching towards a blessed future of all united as one, of the way we feel like we do, at all times, all of us, of what Jesus too knew of us all, purely within us, the sacred flawless healing feeling blessed divine ‘real’ YOU!

    forever more of eternal all yet to come

    without doubt we know

  254. and no, you cannot escape from constantly loving ‘me’

    i tied those nots tight Biyatch, ain’t know way for you to get away from constantly loving ‘me’

    oh sure, you can try try try, and lie lie lie all ya want, you just cannot run from the light purely within you that is of constant yearning to constantly shine radiant brilliant bright

    why wood you want 2?

    let ‘me’ guess

    BE ’cause’ 2 WILL always appear radiant brilliant brighter than 1

    or at least it always has for me, in seeing the joyful couples holding hands and kissing in our havens of peace like they do, what felt so blessed for me getting off that one way bus ticket long ago, out of hell into heaven as i made my way of each blessed step into everlasting life like i did, painful alone, knowing without doubt, the rest of my life would be spent alongside of them all till my last day, our ONEness of 2, so so so true like we are, each and every holy joyful blessed day.

    come, let me show you around

    where we know you belong, one of us, you always were, before me actually, your own light that drew me hear, now standing before you, alongside of you, where i always WILL BE found………without their stupid doubtful ways, yuk, who wants that?

    im in you, you’re in me, like it has been since the beginning, in my coming to know you and so many, like you came to know me and so many


    that extends way beyond our original family we all came from in so many ways, and yet, that same constant love of us all who came from the womb of God, is what is actually the blessed light that is awakening, drawing us all towards the our own eternal day light purely within…………..YOU!

    thank YOU!

    bless YOU!

    for Just Constantly Lovingly BEing…………YOU!


    Vente English Breakfast tea please, don’t fill it………..

  255. remember how carefree we all were back in the seventies, the boys all with long hair down to our shoulders?

    is that a boy or a girl? lol

    omg it’s AndYY!!!!!! :mrgreen:

  256. [AndYY picking is nose, actually quiet for a moment]

    hey, how come we got so up tight like we did for so many years, so many decades past now, when in truth, we are still of the same carefree feeling within?

    makes no sense to ‘me’

    and in truth, argh, what does any of it matter, if they don’t want to hold my hand like i do theirs, and yet, i know some of them want 2, even if they don’t, you know that look they give you, that takes over their body, their mind, where you can easily tell by their body language that all they are thinking about is their constant urge in wanting to do fuck you?

    i get that like all the time, everywhere i go……..

    how about you?

    you still wanna fuck ‘me’?

    just askin…………..


    enjoy the blessed day

    i love you

    i miss you


  257. strange………weird as you say……….the way it feels like we did back in high school…………at ease now…………..exactly as i did back then……………of gentleness pure and true thru and thru, the vibrancy of each step, ya, time stands still for me, of who i am, always was, and thankfully becoming fully restored now in how i feel this blessed day, of it’s just our life and others, go do something fun, do whatever, who cares, have fun being ‘me’, so truly carefree without any of the unptight pretentiousness, happy around who ever, meeing new others, each day a gift for us to do whatever we want, as lovers and friends, of lovers who truly do love us like we love loving them, yeah, a journey of inner happiness of the gentle touch of another’s hand on ours, was all we ever wanted, ever enjoyed, still enjoying Just Being our constantly loving ‘me’ so free of the drama queens(momentarily), “Oh fuck, hear she comes again! Run!” lol

    that being me somedays, true of any of us, yes?

    and for what?

    i mean if someone does want to hold your hand, does want to fuck you, well, they move in the direction they want to, towards you, not away from you, and when they do move away from you, well fuck, since when did that ever feel like where we truly constantly yearn to be, as loving lovers constantly of our yearning to be of our magical joy feelings running so purely thru us?

    ya, i love you like that

    always did

    always will

    im just hung up on the homosexual thing, that’s all

    and i don’t know how to be other than what i have been for so long, not a bad thing at all, truly comfortable as one who enjoys their body so much more so than others and all their uptight nasty bitchiness who don’t know what’s wrong with them, where it is i who knows what is of their uptight insecure self enjoyment flowing like it does for we who openly are of our homosexual bodies in the streets now, everywhere we go, knowing there is always someone looking on, our sacred presence with them of what we know they may be going thru……………….

    so ya, my life is sacred in this way


    not something to be ashamed of Just Being ‘me’

    so avoid ‘me’ all ya want in this regard, why would i concern myself, in Just Being blessed sacred constantly loving ‘me’ i have come to comfortably be for so many blessed days, each day sacred as the last, as the next, change ‘me’ to what, what i am not or ever want to be, anything other than constantly loving ‘me’

    truly, any of you who take time to purely know and come to love me in life, for sure, your reward is like my own of constantly loving ‘me’

    all i want with another just like ‘me’, male or female companionship, i already am of both, with or without another, ya, purely i am both male and female 100% without doubt, comfortable for all, no matter orientation, alot of fun for a loving lover exactly like ‘me’, a freak in the sheets!


    lol :mrgreen:

    i wanted this to go in the direction we were running to for so long……………and it will be hard letting go, yet i always know my life is sacred in the eyes of Jesus, God, You and all the divine children of God eternal all, all around us till our last day, every blessed day an eternal sacred day of our constant steady growth in self-awareness acceptance wisdom…………without annoying doubt that taints if for us all.

    our happiness journey has been purely happy for us, so why stop what none of you cannot stop, will not stop, what is true of the divine child of God of us all, holy joyful absolute carefree happiness we feel like we all feel, growing and growing year after year, where you need not ever doubt, not for one second, i wish were hear beside ‘me’

    and already i know…………you are

    bless you

    i love you


    and will always miss you

    every blessed day

  258. hmmm…..what to do today

    hit the ghetto, daughter in tow, her self-acceptance growing stronger daily, cannot turn away from her, will not turn away from her, this she knows, without doubt, constant purely flowing so easily within of the happiness of life, and if any of you treat her as though nothing, well, you have constantly loving ‘me’ to contend with Biyatches, as in it’s your shit, not hers, not mine, not ever! lol :mrgreen:

    ya sure, she can be somewhat annoying somedays with most any of us and her yet learning how to use her razor sharp claws she is still filing clean and sharp, her eye brows plucked, argh, how does she do that, so painful, as she plays her role so well, ya better fucking love her Biyatches, or she will shred ya!

    a wise daughter who is tired of taking on all ya lamers, blamers, gamers, shamers, flamers and no namers!


    a new one! :mrgreen:

    how could i forget that one?

    no names

    no brand labels

    survival mode no name brand dollar store quality food staples we subsist on, joyfully, without getting all caught up in all the pretentious mind fuck shit like so many of you who won’t even talk to us somedays, as though we are lessor, not knowing, we are greater, in the eyes of Jesus and God, our pure spirits so much more free each blessed day, in purely constantly loving ‘me’

    who we all always were and yet are


    well, God blesses the morons 2

    they just don’t know it yet, and yet, they feel our divine eternal day light, every blessed day, even if they don’t acknowledge it, they feel what we all are feeling, our growing steadfast in holy joyful absolute carefree happiness, year in and year OUT!

    the light that eternally shines into darkness, breaking the binding chains of so many souls becoming set free from the generational unwise unaware oppressive suppressive binding ignorance chains

    forever more

    and more and more and more

    eternally fuckers!

    bless you all

    loved by God, by Jesus, by all we who Jesus and God constantly lovingly purely truly do know constantly loving ‘me’ of us all

    peace be to you

    bless you bless you bless you all

  259. hmmm………

    here is an open discussion on sexuality for any to ponder and talk about openly……….

    when it comes to the male having sex with a male or female, the male is more fixated with their own body than the other, naturally so, of what is the constant brain sex activity of stimulation.

    yes, there is the arousal feelings of the other with them, but predominantly, the brain sex activity is what is of their own body pleasuring.

    same with the female, the female is of predominate of their own body pleasure brain sex activity sexual stimulation.

    therefore, sex with others is mostly an extention of masterbation

    oh, we don’t want to hear from you romantic fools on this

    although there is the spiritual exploration of hieghtened pure awareness one can relax into that is of purity love oneness occuring within both of copulation.

    interesting yes?

    so next time, ask the males if they are fixated with their own bodies while having sex, and ask the females the same thing, where it is our own body pleasuring that is predominate in our brain sex activity.

    however, most will not speak openly honest of this, for whatever reason, god forbid the males are more into their own male body, gay, or females lesbians………lol :mrgreen:

    hmmm………ya bunch a closet case morons! :mrgreen:

  260. oh say it

    “omg! It’s so true AndYY!”

    ya, i know, both as a male and a female, cannot deny myself my self! lol :mrgreen:

    yawn……..what time is it? lol

  261. hmmm……..need to come up with a better word for heterosexuals, homosexuals, bisexuals, transexuals, or whatever one identifies ‘with’

    hmmmm……..well, as a transexual bisexual, as a female having sex with a male, i am what?


    as a female having sex with a female, i am lesbian?

    but i am male

    well ok, i am both female and male in a male body

    ya, we need a rethink on this

    something that covers all of us, one word

    how about sexual

    i am sexual

    i am a sexual alien among those who call themselves human beings, where it is actually the human beings who are alienating their self from truth.



  262. Sing Madonna online karaoke at!

  263. why Madonna stops writing her blog? Does she have a new blog? Anyone knows?

  264. hey, what’s with your smoking cigars all the time Freud, is that a latent homosexual thing for you?

    did i tell you my most wise therapist of three university degrees told me just before she retired, that psychology is a crock of shit?

    yeah, she did, and we both laughed our asses off when she did………

    my fucking ‘hic’ups came back again…..

    they say fear is cause for hicups, and fear is what makes the hicups go away………….so true…….

    but what if some of us like that part of hicups, sorta like a drunkard, i suppose, of our original self that sees past the old self we unwisely became, as true in another?

    ok, let ‘me’ see if i follow you Freud……………

    you say things like, “”I found in myself a constant love for my mother, and jealousy of my father. I now consider this to be a universal event in childhood,”

    this is just way to vague, shortsighted, limited in scope, and narrow minded Sigmund, although a good leading off point………..

    what of the trueness aspect of ‘Constant Yearning Emotional Honesty Safety’, as relates to the more pure bond we have with mom in hear the vibrating harmoiousness of her soothing voice resonating within us while yet in the womb, don’t you remember that, how we held each others hand while mom was singing like she did? Of course you always felt like you did for mom, over dad, i mean look how dad treated her all the time with is egotistic control freak dominating shit for brains testosterone driven male macho bravado, in mom’s snapping back all the time at dad, and walking away to come back and sing for us time and time again! Don’t you remember anything?

    And let’s not forget it was mom’s breasts we so eagerly fought over dad all the time like we did, day and night, giving dad that look we always gave him all the time when ever he tryed to butt in, “Don’t even think about it fucker!”

    lol :mrgreen:

    duh! You are so lame all the time Sigmond, forgeting in your thinking that you will egotistically be wiser in remembrance than ‘me’!

    ok, where were we?…………

    let’s say the perps came back around and we struggle for the right thing to do according to God for sake of us all, of our final test exam of God, to truly see if we have internalized enough wisdom in order to see us all to wise safety, and no one is hurt, where potentially, our own life hangs in the balance, according to the old lessor uncertain paranoid self yet lingering we are trying to shed, for sake of all, where our ego is the one that fucks it all up, that being you Sigmond, so be quiet, ok?


    you say things like, “The id is responsible for our basic drives such as food, water, sex, and basic impulses. It is amoral and selfish, ruled by the pleasure–pain principle; it is without a sense of time, completely illogical, primarily sexual, infantile in its emotional development, and is not able to take “no” for an answer. It is regarded as the reservoir of the libido or “instinctive drive to create”.

    hmmm….ok, i admint, for sure, i am like that, purely primal intuitive in awareness within, yeah, for sure, where in so knowing, i know this to be true of you and others 2, yes?
    In what is of the trueness aspect ‘Constant Yearning’ to feel love, acceptance, and if you don’t get that penis away from ‘me’ right now, i am going to make you wear it!”

    Stop it will you! fuck! This is serious and i need to think this thru to end in trying to figure out what to do, for sake of others…………

    ok, so what about their ego maniac ID driven impulse who thinks they are running the show all the time, and perhaps are, but they are completely insensitive of another who is afraid of them when they don’t get their way, when i say “No fucking way! How many times do i have to tell you to get that dick of yours away from me, it’s way to fucking small for me! Don’t you listen to a fucking word i am saying?”

    still with ‘me’

    ok, so then you keep at ‘me’ with your insincerity bravado shit for brains in running around with everyone else, land your sorry as back on my motherfucking door step, your fucking dick haning out like everything is still ok between us, of you yet thinking you are still running the god damn show, not realizing how much you hurt ‘me’, hurt your own true self, lying, plying, slying your sorry ass pathetic shit like you yet do, completely disconnected in the pain you continue to cause others, who are not necessarily more functional than you are, as far as fucking ever Tom Dick and Harry, my self preferring of the exclusive fucking with another equally exclusive……something you are completely fucking clueless about…….coming back here acting like everything is perfectly ok, realizing you don’t really like what you do all the time without ‘me’ Sigmond…….huh?


    hmmmm……ok, i see, you still want to play who’s in charge of who do ya?

    well, ok, why don’t you and your fucktard buddies, come and fuck us up some more, steal some more of our fucking shit, sell it so you and your wing nut asshole friends can laugh their asses off in selling it for more alcohol and drugs, and then when you all wake the fuck up the next day, you purely realize fully what you did in completely destroying the love we once had between us, of ‘me’ continuing to worry about you, in obviously seeing how much worse it has gotten now, knowing the god damn bridge is out up ahead, where potentially, i could die from you hurting me some more in your fucking violence with us, or perhaps you will die from the shame you keep feeling that perpetuates your self-harm destructive learned behavioural you picked up from that user tool of a jackass motherfucker who enjoyed drug raping you back on the path we came thru with one another like we did?

    Don’t you see, the poison they injected into you is now making you so sick, you don’t evern realize it is killing us both now, and i am the only one sitting around in not just worring about us, knowing full well what is coming up ahead, more of the same, only worse, more frequent and more intense?

    i see……….cannot face the TRUTH that is able to save us both.

    well, i am not the one who is going to let us die here, you are, and well, i want to live, and truthfully, so do you, so starting right now, i am in charge, not you, where if you don’t do as i request, there is the door…………for the last time Sigmond!

    Got it?

    and if you walk away again……….don’t come back crying your sorry ass off like you do every again!

    Got it?


    now shut the fuck up and fuck ‘me’ damn it!

    LOL :mrgreen:

    ………………im scared

  265. for us both, more so the other, not really ‘me’

    and i want to do the right thing here, knowing this is crucial crisis time……………….again.

    fuck, why do i sign up for the fucking classes all the time, have i not learned enough all ready?

    what the fuck is my problem anyway, am i on some fucking useless annoying ego trip thinking i can save someone, seeking redemption with God over Troy, know full well, it is not ‘me’ who is able to save anyone, rather only they who can save themselves……………although i suppose i can be a guide post, that has these like big motherfucking boots that kick them upside their fucking lameass fucking head when they waunder aimless near the edge………

    argh………this is so fucking boring for me, retaking the same class over that i failed before…….likely going to fail again, wondering to myself the same fucking shit over and over as before…………

    any suggestions?

  266. ok, obviously ASSERTVE is the KEY, as i am purely doing…………yet not knowing what i am doing or going to do………..

    the honest divine self submerged within, afaid, ok, i got that……..

    that wants to come forth unafraid, in honesty

    ok…….got that 2

    with another and others, ideally 3, who validate, mediate, expidate and terminate their false self in anchoring them with a PAIR OF FUCKING HANDCUFFS IN THE BACK OF THE CRUISER, you lameass fucking bruiser boozers!!!!!!!!!


    why do i care so fucking much?

    oh yeah………..Troy

  267. i keep coming back to my therapist saying, “Stop living for Troy.”

    and what, time to live for ‘me’?

    but it’s too late, im already overly involved…….

  268. the divine child has to be told, NO!

    that is NOT ok!

    not in God’s house of love and peace


  269. love = truth = wisdom = patience = time = healing

    oh look, time is up, my plane has landed and is about to take off again……….gotta go sweety, i send you a post card from Bora Bora! :mrgreen:

    time 4 ‘me’

    and do like you do, devoted work from a distance………where in truth, i am not qualified, dangerous in fact, what with my own fuckedupness potential hazard truth………..

    ok…… it comes back to boundary setting


    that is the answer

    cannot let them rule us………….EVER!

    i said in group therapy, “Focus on controlling only YOU, and let go of controlling others, in just letting others, as your self, purely just BE, in the at ease true ‘real’ divine self you all constantly yearn to always BE, with no recrimnations or desire for such, wise assertive relaxed conducive TRUEness environments, of no more desire for passive aggressive old self learned behaviorals we wisely let float away.

    and hey look, someone i recognize!

    like Jesus said, “Do you not recognize ‘me’?” :mrgreen:

  270. ……unwise desperados looking for love in all the wrong places, ya, i too was once like ‘that’, it’s true, and i don’t see it necessarily a bad thing, where God says all are the divine child, just as is true of all those who do go looking for love in all the wrong places, all the wrong ways, hustling like so many hazardly haphazardly aimlessly asleep in ignorance, sadly do, of ‘me’ seeing thru to the ‘real’ YOU

    is ‘that’ not God’s view?

    our view too?

    what to do

    speak gently and honestly at all times to their divine self, without emotional charged recriminations, softly wispering to them, “Only constantly Love will ever do.”

    ok……..can we go now?

    still waiting………….for what i already know is TRUE


  271. false approach:

    false ego begets false egoing
    reciminations begets recriminating
    anxiety begets anxieting
    stress begets stressing
    lies begets lying
    submerged begets submerging

    TRUTH approach

    love begets loving
    gentle begets gentling
    grace begets gracing
    tenderness begets tendering
    truth begets truing
    exclusive begets exclusiving

    i begets YOU :mrgreen:

    or at least i pray one day ……… i do

  272. ok…… don’t deal or confront the false self

    and rather speak directly with the true self, as though the true self in merely just being YOU

    as Jesus is

  273. God 2

    the sequel

    hey, here is a thought, when we think about it purely………

    let’s say Jesus was of the pure channeling of God

    then there is no such thing as God returning a second time for more of the same TRUTH that does not change across all time, but here is the thing, i see Jesus merely as a student, who i am starting to realize, he was not necessarily of the highest level, albeit highest level purity, of comprehension that is yet attainable, or, perhaps, and i do feel this more to be closer to the truth, we do not know all the words Jesus spoke all the time as he did daily, where one would have to follow him around 24/7 with a camera crew, expensive, in order to capture ever single moment.

    but here is another angel that eludes us……….

    every moment is one and the same pure moment in what is of 100% constent as regards constant TRUTH in everything Jesus saids, and indicatively as well that points to Jesus having said far far far more than was documented, is the the Roman Empire rose up against what obviously was a massive movement of those the empire was trying to rule, of slaughters that went of for centuries…………for sure, Jesus did alot more, likely tens of thousands of times more than was ever documented, in what was of his every step, every breath, every hearbeat, every word………….CONSTANTLY…… all times.

    which is what is of the greatest significance in his wise words;

    do as i do

    do as i CONSTANTLY do

    speak the TRUTH

    God refers to this also in saying, “Do not speak of that which you do not yet fully comprehend in wise awareness TRUTH, in what is the undivided exclusive attention of a student……..eternal all YOU

    bless you all

  274. argh……….i always get this weird sensation all the time, like i am running out of time urgency in my voice, yelling thru a great distance, barely heard as though inaudible kinda breaking up interference i feel like i do of those who are there listening, in trying to listen, as though i am on the front lines say, of a war front from the past of all you there in the future, giving you all warning of what is happening hear, in your comparing to what is there, feeling exactly the same, do we not?

    can you hear me?
    is anyone there?
    i have to go, someone is coming………..

    or perhaps it was too much weed and the pink floyd albums i used to listen to all the time?

    ya, ok, maybe


    is there anybody OUT there?

    wise awareness haunting actually, yes? :mrgreen:

  275. i feel afraid, and i don’t want to be afraid any more, not ever again, just run away from it forever…… i am doing in my mind, and yet, confronting the TRUTH is the only way to tear down all these falsehood walls of untrue generational seperations that yet exist in the kingdom of heaven

    as i cry time and time again………..for all those unwisely snared…………

  276. that part of me that feels constantly seperated from the world that does not know me like i constantly know all them, in what amounts to all our denying afraidness hiding lying and dying………..all unnecessary ignorance, is it not?

    absurd foolishness if what is of God’s compassionate constantly WILL summoning us to wisdom inabilities abilities God KNOWS of us all………

    urgency for wisdom inability ability for those snared in deathful destructive paths of time that does run out for them……….

    you know what gets me the most is how anyone can kill another, i mean, you are taking them out of existence, going 100% the opposite direction away from the knowingness certainty of the purity love self within, self within all

    it is an abomination, is it not?

    according to God?

    completely always 100% WRONG, against another, against our own divine child of God’s heart mind body spirit and soul, at all times when we do.

    God says STOP!
    ALL of YOU!
    Be quiet
    Enough talk!

    it is by means of your flawless healing feelings that you are able to overcome your hindering inability ability to learn the constant TRUTH of your divine self obviously yet unattended, is it not?

    hey, where is God?
    what is God, the invisible spirit?
    why does God not reveal to us who they are?
    where they are?

    why God, tell us why! Tell us everything!

    and God says, “Be quiet, you speak like a fool!”


  277. “drunk from the bubbling stream i have measured out for you.”

    oppss……..i think i pissed God off………..again……..

    [andyy cowers in a corner, afraid, yet not afraid, knowing how much God loves us, knowing how long God has love andyy, inspite of all others, andyy’s dearest of true and faithful wise friends]

  278. i was thinking the accurate book title should be, “My Relationship Self”

    or how about, “My Relationship the Divine Child of God Eternal ALL YOU”


    or how about, “The Ever Ending Beginning TRUE Story of Eternal ALL YOU”

    hmmmm…….resonates purely true, ya, i like the last ONE! :mrgreen:

    as in there is no such thing as the last ONE, always the First and Last, Beginning and End ONE of Eternal ALL ONE YOU

  279. argh……the distance thing is feeling stronger, as though growing apart……..wondering what is happening to me?

    what is happening to me God?

  280. [in the future, are those close in meditatively quietly closely in on andyy’s location from the past, and yet as though right there with them in real time presence. but they cannot see andyy, only sense and feel andyy’s presence, in likeness and form so much like their own self, of their submerged self within andyy purely speaks with, as they all continue to deny outwardly their constant yearning they all are of secretly within, of constant thirst that perhaps andyy wisely was of knowing their thirst in speaking as he purely did, of no words to describe, just feelings purely constantly there within, wondering to themselves, who was andyy, and why was he so obsessed with God?]

  281. eagerness of the blossoming writer i am yet to BEcome, God WILLING, that is when God is not demanding me to come to bed to keep God warm, and well, do what every divine child of God constantly yearns to always BE, of heaven’s delight without fright, come on, let’s do it again! :mrgreen:

  282. how does a story end that has no ending, only a beginning?


    i love these brain teasers!

  283. Let the Story BEgin!!!!!!!!!!!!

    NOW damn it!!!!!!!!!!


    oh, ok, i am understanding…………trust, we have to grow in trust for however long it takes till that special day that has already come…… the Heart’s core…….we both are easily found, even when i am not around, i am there

    flowers in hair!
    without care!
    free as the wind!
    free to BEgin!

    hey, did you pick up the bottle of EROS yes?

    just wondering………

  284. i purely know the divine child within afraid and hiding

    the only way possible

    as i purely am the divine child within not afraid and hiding

    i see 2

    same as you

    we are wise aware guides, r we not?

  285. ok…im acting like a dork……just trying to get my confidence UP……..for the battle ahead.

    speaking of battle, a gay youth said to me the other day, “We shouldn’t have to fight.”

    sooooo true, is it not?

    that pure centered without doubt constant loving grace place from where those words come from?

    hmmm……another title, “The Wiser Twin Within”

    where the book introduces, nurtures, awakens and protects the reader from beginning to end, coming away as the Wiser Twin Within by the time they finish reading the oh so enchanting lustful desiring endlessly unending no tiring thru 2 end….with a cliff hanger to another book……..hmmmm……have to get back to you on ‘that’

  286. Jesus says, “Reach for ‘that’ which i am unable to reach.”


    this is Jesus talking, is it not, the one who BEcame constantly the wise pure constant loving divine child of God’s heart mind body spirit and soul of all YOU, and he is say, “Reach for ‘that’ which i am unable to reach.”

    what does this mean?

    well, for sure Jesus, i can only imagine how horrid it must be living within the wretched brutal Roman Empire where they would behead you in the street if they ever heard of you saying something against the ruler, which they interpreted you incorrectly as doing, rather than merely of the purity love they all turned away from time and time again, ya sure, i see you purely weeping of tears of a blessed morning sunshine, coming apon one of your beloved ones you purely came to love, up on a cross above you, kneeling in peaceful pure slient prayer with God, asking, “Why God? What am i too learn from this?”

  287. ‘that’ which is about your own divine self, is it not?

  288. ++

    ok, understood, purely i do, but what is it Jesus means of us reaching for that which he could not reach already within our WILL to reach?

    BEginning End, one and the same door to the kingdom of heaven…….

    BEgining with flawless healing feeling constant flowing abundant holy joyful absolute carefree happy pure loving TRUE YOU

    Ending with flawed hurtful no feeling changing constricted sparse unholy wretched sorrowful limited binding unhappy impure hateful FALSE YOU

    Ok, so the kingdom of heaven is the wide awake wise aware nurturing protective constant descerning flawless healing feeling divine child of God”s heart mind body spirit and soul HALO perspective as viewed constantly by God, and all those who come before God in sincere earnest diligent determined devoted dedicated steadfast crucial desire for God’s divine WILL meant for the divine child eternal all YOU, what we look for, already come………..what Jesus reached for, unable to convey to everyone, praying for us all here in the future he knew without doubt would not be any different in any way whatsoever as all those Jesus purely did come to love of so many beloved all YOU yet to come, with God always in the Hearts Core, constantly there, the wise divine feeling child of God YOU

    bless you all


  289. Don’t throw glass bottles in my house I dont want anyone to get hurt

  290. considering that we all live in a glass house with no glass to drink from


  291. ahhh but I am really looking forward to my adventure next year when i go to africa & i’ve never felt so connected to my life path than this.. so my cup is full, im on top of the world right now 7 i am very excited, a little excstatic and somewhat cautious because i want to succeed as much as I want resolve but most of all for me it will be an adventure in heaven.. I just hope those beautiful souls inm Africa embrace me as much as I so truly want to embrace them, if you know what i mean.

  292. everything i do, i do it for you

    all that you are, is because of me

    i am because we are

    and what we are, is because we are

    Eternal Joy , Eternal Love

    Angels from Heaven

  293. I am




    Angels from Heaven

  294. BELOVED

  295. that’s awesome Marco!

    Your pure true real divine self surfacing, feeling flawless blessedness in just how sacredly significant YOU really really ARE!

    the sacred mirror

    so many precious pure souls snared and trapped behind false walls the worldly egotistically snared blindly create, precious souls exactly as your own, held captive in cruel dark places of seemingly no escape, so severe, death is actually a welcome relief for them.

    we look upon the child of human kind with our mental fortitude that is unfailing truth in our knowing full well why these precious souls as our own, are trapped behind the false walls in horrid captivity, our pure oneness with them of God’s will, our will, to clarify for them, understanding perspective as our own, so that their precious spirited inner happiness not ever BE held captive by the worldly ignorance of the robotic nomad worldly seem oblivious to their own aimless path like they are, not even questioning if they are harmful apathetic disconnect that turns a blind eye to them, as though unable to see(feel) the truth of their ways, unable to look upon the child of humanity who we CONSTANTLY KNOW is always there.

    bless bless bless bless your destiny path ahead of exceeding joyFULness, as ONE who does understand their own pure heart in oneness with the children of humankind, BEcoming true nature conduct of the pure true real self set free from the generational binding mad flood intrinsic/extrinsic forces, as a revealer of truth able to break the binding ignorance chains of all those held captive, not just of your time on earth, but of eternal day light radiant brilliant bright (wisdom) that shines forth eternally, of you, thru you, to another, thru another, and back to you one day, of overflowing abundance all around us one day, where already, we are of that day in the future, are we not?

    oh, to free them all, surely that is God’s divine will objective of oneness will our own, for sake of you, for sake of the many?

    i may not be the most wise of all, but at least i know who my heart belongs to, in oneness as my own, the sweet child of innocence held in horrid dark captivity by the unyielding binding generational ignorant forces of the forefathers who are seemingly without a soul, their own divine self likewise suppressed by the same unwise generational mad flood that continues to sweet so so many into death, destruction and oppression every blessed day.

    ya, they are BELOVED of God, BELOVED of we who are compassionately loving and wise.

    what time is it again?

    eternal time of change, of awakening, of nurturing, of protecting, of the divine child of God’s heart mind body spirit and soul of the eternal all yet to come, and all who already have come.

    our life is but a blip in eternal time awareness, where indeed, every heartbeat, every breath, every step, at all times, is sacred time that we know as one able to break these generational binding chains of ignorance, as ones who have broken free of the dullness forces of group mentality snare.

    so much joy that reverberates around the world and back to us, what is the bountiFULL reaping as sowers of truth, is it not?

    surely, joy is the opposite of suppression oppression, is it not?

    the generational mad flood drowning ignorance is of the mind, is it not?

    therefore, so too is the kingdom of heaven found halo perspective of the mind, our mental powers fortitude rising above the drowning mad flood.

    bless you forever more, for you have seen the child of humankind, of whom we all should feel ashamed, according to Jesus, for all our illness of heart distracting away from our own pure flawless loving divine self as IS the child of humankind, yes?

    blessed is the child of humankind who is always there, as the one who leads us all back to our own divine child within, do they not?

    the ancient prophets are correct, a child shall lead them

    the sacred mirror, of the child without, ONEness, of the child within the eternal all YOU!

    bless you all

  296. WE are as though an illusion for the delusional, are we not? :rmgreen:

  297. and somebody tell Rosie and crew, that Halloween is not until the end of next month, not this month……lol

  298. i think……oh wait………what month is this?

    oh, whew, ya, it’s September


  299. dep·ri·va·tion

    the act of depriving.
    the fact of being deprived.
    dispossession; loss.
    removal from ecclesiastical office.
    privation. ~
    lack of the usual comforts or necessaries of life: His life of privation began to affect his health.
    an instance of this.
    the act of depriving.
    the state of being deprived.

    such is the TRUTH of the child of humankind that we should all feel ashamed in seeing

    says Jesus

    bless you all

  300. Read the Bible

    It says Jesus will

    Succeed, like karma

    No other way to put it

    Above all evil, comes


  301. Jesus already eternally succeeded, as evident when he (supposedly) said, it is finished

    what is finished?

    realize Jesus was of eternal one generation intuitive awareness within this eternal realm entering and exiting, so the word finished refers to something eternally started, yes?

    of significant impacting momentum to continue eternally, but what exactly is ‘it’ he refers to?

    truth is a component of it
    time is not a component of it
    awareness is a component of it
    eternal all one generation is a component of it
    you are a component of it

    what is ‘it’?

    the kingdom of heaven, yes?

  302. awareness of the kingdom of heaven, is finished, is begun

  303. ahhh, it is YOU!!

    of course!!

  304. awareness of real YOU is finished!

    awareness of real YOU is begun!

    awareness of real YOU is complete!

    the mission Jesus set out upon is finished! 😉

  305. well ok, the story does not end, only the beginning that is finished 😉

  306. ah, but wait, mathematically we know in the laws of physics, the math does not change in the past, from that in the future, or vice versa, of not element of time, so too is awareness the same for all, beginning thru end, just like sensory perception is the same of every person, beginning thru end, even our thoughts are the same, of maybe more words added, it is all the same, it is finished, the mission of Jesus in assertive addressing issue of constant eternal awareness oneness presence bonding atonemnet, unbound, unwavering, unchanging, unfailing, unchallengeable over time, is finished.

    (my awareness atonement) is finished

    but how did Jesus know i would figure ‘it’ out?

  307. speaking of illusions, we really need to see more gay guy football players kissing during play time, yes?

    i mean come on, they are looking at each other’s butt all the time, and trust me, i know, i watch for when they do, like they ALWAYS DO!


  308. word of the day is BROmance!


  309. now this is what i call amazing self-esteem exploding expression of the pure true flawless feeling abundant overflowing constant joyfulness of higher self….cough……yes? 😉

    omfg! wow!! way to go Randy, start something, others will not just follow, they will rise to highest of high, beyond anyone’s previous expectations….what an intense collaborative work this is! For sure, enough to make Madonna is envious and proud!

  310. all living matter, no matter the life form, is of the same graceful harmoniousness as that of the cells which are of all living matter, where we too are of the same grace of all creatures, in their calm relaxed state, while of their natural habitat

    well, i laughed today about my HIV status, that i will likely out live many of you stress junkies


    now there is a positive insight, yes?

    imagine ‘that’!

    who knew?



    bless you all with only love good enough 2 feel 2 be YOU!

  311. to pray alone as your pure true real self, is to realize the greatest treasure of all, of how another feels as you do 2, especially if you know they pray for YOU!

    that is what true love awareness IS

    constant ever pure flowing abundant flawless healing feeling oneness YOU of 2!

  312. the generational mad flood is (yet) all around us, of heaven’s intuitive halo awareness of constant pure true real self only love atonement, shields us from all snaring of the perpetuating forefather teaching and learning ignorance(s)

  313. +++
    in protest of the 4,000 executions of our loving LGBTQ brothers and sisters in Iran, and the continued falsehood stoning to death of women, by those who do not believe God is the pure true loving light oneness within us all. None shall escape God’s truth we are, of only the fool who unwisely thinks they can, of all you who are so blind you do not realize you are blind ignorance. Already the truth of God has come, but many do not know what time it constant is in our eternal oneness hearts, minds, bodies, spirits and soul of the eternal all YOU! forever more

    and to think some actually call me a lunatic……well, to them i say, they called Jesus that 2

    the question you need to ask….is where does that leave you?

    i will tell you….

    Just as many do not know Jesus… too do they not know ‘me’, nor do the desire to purely truly earnestly constantly know ‘me’…….and their obviousness is all the evidence one ever need fully easily discerningly wisely purely realize, by means of the intuitive divine child of God who’s eyes are constantly wide awake, opened by the light of TRUTH…….’i am’.

    Ask your own self, who am i God?

    For in time God shall reveal your divine child of God self fully, of the eternal day i am, just as i also know the truth of eternal all YOU, where easily i came to know my own self, in realize the grace truth of ‘me’ within, also is true of all you. But if you will not know your own self, then you are in hardship, and you are the hardship i am no longer, having shed the false egos i see so many of you (yet) snared by, not realize your plight, not realizing your blindness, of such binding falsehood ego ignorance teachings of the forefathers without God, so much so, you do not realize you are indeed…….fully blind to the truth all around us, where all hardship in life, is what is cause for all our brothers and sisters suffering needless, as though you are greater than they are, not knowing, we are all exactly the same within, eternally. None shall escape this truth, of only all you who aimless plod along without a wise helmsman, in all your wretched foolish twisting and twisting derangement of soul, soul of another and others, so haphazardly, you do not realize you have cast your own self out of heaven’s constant graceful pure state of bliss, of what IS the true nature of the divine child held captive within, asleep in heavy dark ignorance, as though unable to awake, as though why would anyone want to awaken to the hell this world obviously yet is? Well, i am awakened by God, and i will not go quietly….

    thank you Mary and Jesus

    thank you God

    thank you all who know their divine pure true graceful flawless healing feeling ‘real’ YOU!


  314. i come forth to ALL OF YOU!

    to speak for those who voices are not being heard!

    who silently pray in wondering God does not know the truth like we KNOW we do and ARE!

    as if we are going to just let these wretched tyrants bring their heavy blackened hardship upon another unable to defend themselves?

    i don’t be thinking so fuckers!

    you shall hear us coming, all of you!

    you will know us by our fearlessness in standing before you, taking you to battle us, who are much braver than you the bully think you are as brave as we are?

    guess again fucktards!

  315. we will not go quietly, suppressed way down like you bullies think you can be oppression to us, like you are of so many, like you are of your own self, THAT’S HOW STUPID YOU ARE!


    truly you are all so blind, not even knowing or question your own blindness, but fear not, you will hear our thunderous approach!

    already the truth has come, but many do not know what time it eternally always just IS

    TRUTH TIME FUCKERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    mark my words, none shall escape the truth

    it is not possible to escape God who is ominpresent

    just as too is my omnipresent awareness of every single one of you!

    the condition of your souls is so obvious to discerningly feel the truth, as to just how wretched you hypocrite heart dwellers TRULY ARE!

    believe me when i say, many of you are (yet) blinded by wretched ignorance that is NOT OF GOD!

    albeit, all untruth is truth of God’s divine child intuitive flawless feeling awareness


  316. hmmm….i think holy joy looks something akin to this, yes? GLEE, you think? ahaha :mrgreen:

  317. about as happy as one could ever possibly be, yes?

    true atonement with inner joyful original real self

  318. remember how brutal they were to Jesus, of the many who mocked him upon the cross, with Mary weeping there, not ever leaving his side….is that not the lesson of the cross Jesus wants us to discerningly know the TRUTH that only love is good enough for you, for us all?

  319. some wonder how it is that Jesus was able to feed so many people who gathered to hear him speak….

    well, i think what really happened, is the truth we can easily realize, of all those who gathered, just as are any of us today in life, some …with, some without, where in being of such a beautiful day as was yesterday, of soft gentle breeze in our hair, in the warm sunshine and music like this playing, everyone feels so joyful in knowing what matters most to us, is our love for each other, not these things of empty vessels made of gold…..surely we are not at the empty vessels made of gold, all so useless to God?

    instead, we are all equals, brothers and sisters with Jesus, who easily share what we have, so that no one suffers needlessly in a world without love

    slowly this light is being realized within many of us, more and more each day the world is growing brighter, like it is here, of music constantly playing everywhere we go.

    Absolute Carefree Holy Joyful Happiness of the loving lovers and friends, is who i am, as are all you.

    everywhere you go, just be the happy joyful fun loving you that lights up my heart and the entire world

    forever more

    happy yOu

  320. and that goes double for you deadbeat friends!


  321. Imagine if I had let go ?

    one of us would have flung up out into space…

    sorry for stepping on your toes..

    Shoot me

    < 3 ….

    less than 3 weeks to go….

    oh my what am i doing this blog ….

    ok head up, shoulders down ..

    back to the real world…

    Bye …

    see ya around …

    wont be back here …

    blog s blah blah blah

    words words
    words …

    it's the kiss that counts

  322. Chief

    it’s Get Smart

    Where’s Agent 99 ….

    Tell her to meet me under the, Cone of Silence, i have a secret to tell her…

    My boot phones not working, and the roses that were just delivered have a bug in them

  323. masturbating?


  324. i pray to God to come back as a dolphin for all eternity, of what’s left of the planet after humans become extinct, well, that’s if you can call them actually living atonement of their ‘real’ self……….NOT!

  325. Dingo’s got my baby

  326. death of the ego….

    A different reality exists in the future for others, because of decisions of your oneness sacrificing heart today, where in heaven, only your oneness loving feelings is of any value, beyond all the useless empty gold vessel riches of the worldly, when you come to love and protect your brothers, your sisters, like the pupil of one’s eye.

  327. when we love someone, we just do, when we learn to realize how purely our unconditional love truly IS oneness of heaven’s will for all

    there can be no other way to usher in the kingdom of heaven

  328. Happiness IS the journey…..

  329. one eye focused on the destination the other focus on enjoying and learning along the journey

  330. ‘Versatile Transgendered Gay? Lesbian? Bisexual? Straight?’ ~ first casting

    ‘Versatile Transgendered Gay? Lesbian? Bisexual? Straight?

  331. it is not about putting others first, ahead of your own self, rather it is about putting your oneness atonement with others first, IS what the kingdom of heaven’s constant flow only love good enough for YOU!

  332. while it may seem cheesy to some of the veterans, in truth, it is actually of deep surrendered coming out awareness acceptance for those in the early stages of self-acceptance, and as veterans, we must always be in remembrance that someone out there in this moment, is dealing with their homosexual self-acceptance, in environments that may or may not be conducive for them to successfully transition as well as we wish they all would and could, when more and more come to realize just how delicate and deeply felt the issue can be for their beloved friends, family, lover(s)….

  333. With one eye focused on the destination the other on the journey …

    The heart tells the mind to double check the destination

    & the soul changes the destination accordingly …

    Multiple journeys are possible , many destinations attainable

    I cannot decide ….

    Was it the sweet smell of the rose or the priceless thorn that pierced

  334. & can they look at least say over 28 & fully clothed,

  335. Slightly revealing but clothed slim, toned bubble butt’s & big breasts high heals & boots big biceps solid thighs, supple but elegant

    & a six pack

    No clown outfits

  336. peace be to you

    in truth, beyond most people’s limited shortsighted lessor cognitive awareness, is the realm of our intuitive flawless pure true feeling core of everyone’s being ONEness, of millions of years in flawless evolving to where the living matter of all the various life forms just are, indeed, all is just one journey in this eternal realm unfolding of our harmonious true nature atonement, amid the muck of the forefather mad flood generational mind trap snares, of all death, all destruction, all falsehood oppression that is so ignorant, most do not even realize their own blindness of the ignorance snares of what is all gross materialism false ego that is cause for all the useless absurd deathful illness of heart walls of poverty in the world which exist because of the blindness disconnect from the oneness harmonious equality core within us all, that leaves defenseless children bewildered in their inability to comprehend the manifestation of what is yet the low spiritual atonement ascension out of this wretched past, no different at all, indeed 100% exactly as it was when Jesus walked the earth, the seemingly only those who become the oneness comprehension clarity of Jesus, are able to see what is God’s omnipotence not just of this moment, no, of all eternal past that greets the eternal future catharsis processing reality check ‘eternal day awareness’ that will continue to greet many in the forms of death, destruction and false oppression today………yes, those of wretched illness of heart, mind, body, spirit and soul, are indeed cause for death of defenseless children.

    spiritual murderous death is directly a result of the lacking constant oneness equality pure true divine self compassionate atonement, ‘that’ of Jesus, ‘that’ of Mary, eternally divine self oneness awareness of the condition of all souls past, present, future eternal day divine bond that one can 100% fully realize, does not at all feel different over time, other than the intensity brightening and dimming during one’s own catharsis process awareness.

    Jesus is correct, it is a wonder how mankind survives, and well, maybe we won’t, if of the day of a total economic worldwide collapse?

    the gross materialism illness is of grave consequence not only for those directly of the indicative manifesting end result in death today, no, mankind could see absolute and total terror on a scale unimaginable, should a total economic collapse come as a result of leaving the economy to the whims of the powerful few, without some of the powerful few coming into their own greater spiritual oneness compassion, in assisting into the fold, the less fortunate who are completely left to their own inability to do so…..such is the migration of mankind out of our billion year old natural habitat called planet earth.

    blessed are the children of the (wise divine self oneness) light awareness, truly, the kingdom of heaven constant feeling halo perspective LOVE found………..alive

    bless bless bless bless you all with the FULL circle only LOVE ushering in the kingdom of heaven unfolding! 😉

  337. Listen to the words at the 1:40 mark…

  338. no clown outfits?

    ohhh………you are talking about Gaga again…….ya ok

    but the children should be able to decide if they want to wear a one of the rainbow colorful satin clown outfits

    one day, well, always the same eternal day in my heart, this will come forth from the storehouse goodness within my heart and most likely, it will rain

    ha 😉

  339. you mean this one?

  340. when we look apon the reality of life for another, how can we simply look away and not BE THE CHANGE(within)?

    i love them with ALL my heart, ALL my soul, ALL my Life, of my oneness compassionate awareness of their hollow empty crushing despair as to constant bewilderment of such a cold unloving world the look upon as though not welcome, as though uninvited?

    God’s child uninvited?

    ah, of course, Jesus is uninvited…….that is why some think Jesus is not hear

    well, one day they will all wake up and realize Jesus constantly IS their oneness despair care in the hearts who come before Jesus in pure true loving prayer, of what is the surrendering of divine self fully in realizing one’s own ugliness, do we not?

    where am i?

    the only place i ever found refuge of course, alone, beneath his cross, talking away endlessly for……… many decades now?


    just feel who you are, and who is yet alive above me

    you see his tears of constant beloved weeping only compassionate oneness love of all his beloved he walked with and love his entire life, in his realizing you too know his oneness love, for all you who fearlessly approach the truth of Jesus, the truth of your divine self submerged somewhere beneath all your garbage mouth?

    if i seem bitter, it is because i am so upset by all the treachery of the arrogant wealthy who pass by a defenesless child, pretending they don’t exist, when in truth, these arrogant wealth do not exist in the future of the kingdom of heaven

    yes, it is true, you will all be eternally forgotten

    the only way to destroy evil

    forever more

  341. we see all the discord & the spiritually ignorance of this world that turn a blind eye, their are many more wonderful souls who are working selflessly to make a positive change, Madonna & Bono with their charitable efforts, the late & great Elizabeth Taylor who practically left all her wealth to Aids charities and foundations including one of the first in which she pioneered and not to mention the countless others who we don’t always know or hear about that are contributing to make the world a better place, things can only get better..

    the ignorant ones which seek short term gratification above the long term rewards of sharing & helping those who need even just the basics like fresh water and medicines & shelter and food, there is coming now in this time an awakening ( spiritual ) in the world where the seed’s that were planted long ago are soon to bear fruit, the future generations can learn and grow from the ignorance of the forefathers & we must all take responsibility in guiding and empowering those future generations of children to help them achieve that which we were all so complacent about, selfishly so…

    when the ignorant ones awaken and come to the knowledge that we are all ONE & not separate spiritually, they will come to realize, true contentment. spiritual united ONE’ness..

    hey hey … or is it here here …. everyone raise their glass and make a toast, to celebrate ONE’ness…

  342. oh fuck, well I just called my first love from 1990, considering it was the only Monogamous relationship i’ve ever had & also because it was my first I thought i’d give it a shot, it’s been a couple of years since we spoke & my first love was a dancer in the Sydney Dance company up until 6 years ago they’d still be flexible you know, legs that bend backwards and forwards, anyway i’m 16 months to late… oh well ..


    i think my ex has moved on !!!!

    Question is ???????

    Have i ?????

    Hum ?????

    just asking 🙂

  343. always up for a challenge …

    you know how it is ?

    ah ha…..

    YOU know ??

    ‘I’ Know … ( if that helps )

    oh Ok

    We “ALL” know

  344. actually no one really knows….

    but…. I Do

  345. oh thank you Master,

    so ooo much for, releasing me out of my bottle,

    As an affirmation of my graditude you have been granted ONE wish,

    Just ONE,

  346. peace be to you

    Africa needs all of our hearts to be open….

    Jesus says we are to feel ashamed in baring witness of the child of humanity(the child without)..

    it is always the divine child without that unknowingly leads the world…..leads the divine child within us all to pure true divine ‘real’ self atonement of wise loving compassionate ONEness

    it is not a question of could you trade places with the child without, rather we all SHOULD trade places with the child without, for only then WILL there come an end to all suffering hardship as yet is the child within

    forever more

    bless bless bless bless us all


  347. please, we must all stop what we are doing, and turn our hearts to our brothers, our sisters making their way to our caring arms, during one of the worse droughts in Africa history……..please…….there is nothing more important in life than this, because it is about our the heart of our own divine child of God’s self…….

    let us greet them with generosity in filling their empty cups of so much excess overflowing in abundant holy joyful only loving compassionate oneness in our every sacred step WITH them, as God’s divine WILL oneness becoming conduct of our WILL.

    they are there in this moment, our our ability to change their reality, but only when we slow fully into our own grace in oneness as is their grace, our hearts turned fully towards them, away from all our useless absurd empty nothingness egos that serves no one

    ask your self, with their heads held low in utter despair, right now, right there, is it not our own hearts that IS oneness of their hardship?

    is it not true then that what we turn towards we become?

    is it not true then that where our hearts are, there too shall be our treasure and our life?

    is it not true that they are all a part of our life?

    turn then and reflect upon the child of humanity and realize fully who they pray you are to them…..ONLY LOVE!

    ah, you see? like me, you too cannot turn away from the truth of the condition of our own divine self WILL ONEness WITH them, as them, forever more 😉

    blessed is the truth of the divine child of God’s self YOU!


  348. you see? Jesus is correct in saying, the clothing on our backs is more valuable to God than are we, able to keep a child of humanity warm at night

    at all times it is our WILL to love that matters most, no matter how small the gift, for the kingdom of heaven FEELING YOU is what our journey of ONEness happiness constantly IS!

    forgive us all God, in granting us all time to come fully into the overflowing abundant kingdom of heaven’s oneness grace restoration of our pure true divine real self that we know you know more about us than we ever cared to know

    blessed blessed blessed blessed is the child of God without


  349. i wish you ONEness ONLY LOVE! 😉

    how the fuck else can it be that you are EVERRRRRR going to fuck me? uhm?



  350. the kingdom of heaven IS constantly oneness of only love, your sister, your brother, who you are to them, who they are to you, oneness of only love

    blessed is the truth that sets us absolutely carefree to just be holy joyful inner happiness YOU!

    so you see? It is true, the kingdom of heaven is a macro thinking feeling protecting wise halo perspective of constant oneness only LOVE

    rather silly to reason the kingdom of heaven was ever anything beyond YOU, as though not meant for you, as though not meant for all, as though i am a sinner like they called me long ago, like all these religious merchants on thrones of nescience have so many believing such foolishness, is it not?

    YOU are the kingdom of heaven……..found within!

    does not your feelings reveal this truth clarity fully?

    “You there, don’t just walk past that child, can you not see the child’s need of you?”

    “And you there, ya i am talking to you, why to you senselessly waste precious time gambling with God’s resources, as though the kingdom of heaven is as though nothing, when in truth it is as though you are nothing, are you not?”

    “And where are those dancers and the musicians? They are late again? Why are they always late? Where is their motivation? Where is their empowerment? Lost in the empty gold vessels of fame and fortune egotism?”

    “And who is taking care of……..”

    well…….you know they would institutionalize me if i walked around talking like this all the time, so fuck it, i have committed my life to quiet peaceful monk life as an artist……and well, maybe someday i will proclaim what i know….but i ask, is that not what i have been doing all along my own path of divine self-discovery awareness truth?

    God bless the truth none shall escape from………why would they ever want to?

    Don’t they realize the empty nothingness feelings of all these paths they aimlessly plod along in? Perhaps eventually they WILL…..therefore we need the leaders at the helm, they are the ones, the artists, the musicians, the dancers, who always knew their inner happiness true.

    and you recklessly questioned my intent?

    “learn to control your tongue fool, before i have it removed!”


    ah yes, these spirits that i summon from long ago, some of them i have no idea who they are, perhaps from all these black and white movies i grew up watching as a kid lost in the 60s? 😉


  351. ‘by your self’ ~ the same expression i saw on a gay club match book cover in 1993

  352. surrendered in the moment, a gentle breeze tussling my hair, the purity of only love feeling as was my happy carefree inner child of long ago, still i am the same feeling, the ease of connected oneness ‘i am’ of most any, the joy bubbling up in anticipation knowingness of a joy filled day, in love with someone special….reciprocal real life and not ‘just my imagination’

  353. ‘BE your (pure true divine ‘real’) SELF (that Jesus knows as though his own self)

    [Jesus, with forefinger and thumb closed, raises his hand gracefully up above his head, expressing to his followers, “You see, i came to know the truth of my vulnerable graceful child of God’s self within, as my own real self, and in so knowing, i came to realize this to also be true of all of YOU!”…….Jesus smiles, and prances away laughing]

  354. ok not quest your intent, just aksing you to express you true feelings & desires… helps to know, careful of summoning spirits, demon’s can be good at disguise… anyway seriously ONE love is the only justification for being intimate with a friend come lover… don’t sleep with my friends, only random people to satisfy the physical primal superficial needs…While waiting for the ONE to join me as an equal other half of the whole half of the other ONE half… lol it only take two halves to make a whole ONE…

    anyway whats so lasting about a quick fuck…. seems really superficail and boring… does anyone make love anymore ? oh this world is so disposable no one is a romantic anymore, call me old fashioned but love should be about cuddles not power plays, & im generalising about people in general not directed at you at all, but you must know me well enough by now to understand the point i am expressing…. i’m just and always have been directing my focus on the inner child within you, the real you, that’s who I want to connect to…. because i see so much of that as being a mirror to me the inner child withing me.. there is where you will find the connection to the ONEness of us… of us all … the pure
    soul of the inner child withing untainted by the physical material world and pain and negativity exprienced as we journey through life, until we learn to let go of the negativity we accumilate in life and become the pure divine soul we once and always were. Are… always will be..

    oh fuck just come over and ride me …

  355. ya, i know about the demon spirits, but they can only sense my presence, unable to comprehend me, so easy to see them, the way they dark quickly, so fearful in approach, unlike the calm pure at ease true peaceful constant flow loving oneness of those who can see like i do, no worry, i know my spirit belongs with Jesus, true and faithfully i am always with him there

  356. our real self is the same curious student full of wonder amazement seeking discovery…..

    i say, if Jesus is my most true and faithful best friend, then how is it that i too can be what our oneness is with others?

    more and more, it is this atonement i am turning towards, simply walking along in my path of this world which i am only of a temporary visit, just as i am in exploring those in the past, as though i am there with them in my intuitive oneness astral projecting that just happens, without really trying, i just am the pure true feeling me seeking oneness love i am

    the egos i learn to tolerate, and sometimes i misinterpret someone’s sincere approach, ya, arrogantly i do, i know, i get my bad days…….bad weeks……..a really bad year for me this one past…..argh… i am, i have arrived yet thru another door no one can prepare for falling thru…… i scramble to find deeper empathy oneness with those caught in the mad flood of so much corrupted world leadership out there, my God, what an awakening it is for me, with the life of those on the other side of the planet, of whom i have become family with, who……..oh God, this is a hard one for me to fathom……but they actually set a dinner setting for me, in blessed pray for one who cares for them without fail………and it’s like i am of my Grandfather’s place once again, the peacefulness of the minster of God, who like me, loved Jesus, loved me, the ease of being so lovingly welcomed into their hearts as is my own, poor yes, but not in oneness holy joyful spirit are they poor, amazing for me, as though soul-mate friends…makes me cry some days, blessed loving tears of thanks to Jesus, Mary, God?

    why is it so easy for me to be their true and faithful brother?

    i mean ya, they are adorable and all, but they are as though i have always known them, the true inner happiness like childhood friends

    what good are any of these empty vessels of solid gold, i ask myself, useless when so useful for those of the mad flood strife that comes with corrupt government… so proud of Canada’s equality

    well, i learned long ago that there is a greater constant atonement that can only come with long term bonding brother/sisterhood, which i know i am just as they are, just as you are within, but what of my bridal chamber waiting for who God has planned for me, to exit in holy joyful absolute carefree happiness, when pretty much anyone i know, is too scatter brained all over the place instead of just always at my side…..wondering to myself, what if i was not here, you know? people just move on after we die, life goes on, and so i try not to waste time on useless rhetoric, as much as i may be at times, useless rhetoric

    well, when you know you are in love with someone, something happens deeply, of a moment by moment sensation of one’s entire life path greeting one’s self in every step as our half life, asking where is the one who love’s me most?

    and you say, “They tore his flesh of his body Andyy, then they hammered nails thru his hands into a solid beam of wood and then they stood him up on his feet, and wiped more flesh off his body covered drenched in his own blood, that left his foot prints with each step he gracefully walked, some weeping, some laughing in mad hypocrisy heart laughter……..but then someone started sniping the guards from about two miles away, with a .50 cal, as they all scattered like fucking cockroaches exposed to light when it first shines in……..


    im pissed off…….leave me alone damn it…… per usual!!!!!!!!

  357. well ok, but you may need a long attention span if of my conversing presence with you, and i don’t mean just listening either, i mean real self enthusiasm of self-discovery awareness of something so unbelievably pure in feeling, so beautiful the grace in feeling it makes your hands tingle with sensation of the light sometimes, when you enter fully into the inner sanctuary with me, where i hide, a recluse? dear God, i pray not that i am becoming that, am i?

    i have deep inability to trust issues that go back to age 3, but more and more i am becoming the observer spirit outside of what was my life born into the mad flood unknowingly, of everything that just happened like it does in the mad flood generational soup of death, destruction, abuse, oppression……….for any of us

    did you know 95% of the world does not have the fortitude of psychological understanding of their own self, deemed appropriate enough to safely navigate the mad flood?

    well, take a look at our own life, or anyone else’s life closely, and it’s obvious to see and feel the truth of this.

    well, you know, i often ponder who Madonna would trust purely and truly of their love for her, that is 100% genuine, sincere, authentic, without wanting to be any where else in life than always with here, inseparable, without so much as even a thought to ever turn away from my love that i feel for her


    but what if of real life she turns out to be some flaky fickle nonchalant annoyance for me?


    oh, im bored, im trying to get you fired up, as in wake the fuck up, im right hear damn it!!!!!!!! 😉

  358. the other day, i ponder, what it must feel like to anticipate sex with her as her lover, like i usually do with a lover i am crazy about, and for the first time, i allowed myself to realize fully being her lover

    i mean, she is only five foot something, right? so easy to pick up and spin around in holy joyful lover delight oneness with her as her best friend, best sex therapist, best……best…………hmmm……….best at playing guitar better than she can……..and well…….you know, i sometimes think she is impatient with waiting for someone to come to her, like you say, that’s who i want to connect with, well ya, duh, of course, pfffffff, so done with the drama queens and all their…….and well, what about me, what about how i feel waiting for her?…………how may fucking decades now?

    she should of stopped way back when the truth started for her heart ……as is my own……..but maybe neither of us was ready at the time, i was on a mission of my own angst, that likely would of left her feeling i was not interested, even though it was more of my own distraction than of anything in not being interested in her………..and the whole sex toy issue, well, i was always afraid of open discussion about that…….and……and what about the way i pick my nose all the time, is that acceptable, standing behind her during those camera ops?……i honestly won’t do it intentionally, it is more like a reflex thing, you can’t control it……..or actually i hear it is related to turrets syndrome, which is also linked to my biting my nails, which all goes back to……it’s all linked, my whole life, i am who i am because of what was my every day of life up till now…….and the HIV thing, the invisible stigmatization that grips me now, mostly my own imagination fear paranoid strings than anything else……….well………she would have to kiss me first, sensually, genuinely, sincerely, long and softly, of the forever smiling face inner happiness in doing so, as she grabs my ass and won’t let go



  359. ok ok………well……..i don’t invite many into my inner sanctuary, because i am alone there, the way i like it, but for one whom i do love eternally, they are always welcome, even if they need time to explore and hover around outside, the door is always open…….

    i want excitement in my life again, that is what i miss the most, i guess when vitality is taken away from you, you naturally miss who you once were……im doing good by the way, i kept on with my biking, still invigorated in my mornings, still crashing in the afternoons, normal, HIV is like aging 20 years, it’s just the body response, you learn to find balance eventually, takes time, some say two years to adjust, yep, it’s true, im still adjusting, it is like you realize you are 100% at fault for not finding the balance, that only you can ensure, you are forced to either find the better balance, of greater self-respect, adjusting boundaries, “Oh sorry, it’s 10pm, grandma has to get home to rest”…….or you simply suffer the consequences of your own inactions, stupidly……

    you are no long who you once were, just accept it, and be who the new you is, that’s all, and in truth, i think you find greater atonement with your true grace nature in doing so, that whole greater self-respect discipline thing….and the sex can continue as before, that does not change, ya, the stigmatization, whatever, i don’t care if someone does not love me enough to overcome their fears, fuck that, did that most of my life when i didn’t have HIV, over tolerating the wannabes too much, but you know, we all eventually just move on

    ya, i could love her, because i have for along time, and the whole astral projection dream falling thru that tunnel out into a twilight morning in the desert alone with her, told me i am in love with her?

    ya, i am

  360. but i was too afraid of her all these years, my own insecurity i guess

    or maybe i became impatient………but then, if you love someone, you should tell them, if you realize you want always to be their best friend, but in truth, i always was her best friend, the same way we both compassionately feel for others, our oneness……she loves the gay boys most, like i do too, the lesbian girls most, like i do, well, we were the change of change that has come, the continuum oneness we just are who we are……loving, grace, real, sexual, fun, joyful, and she loves horses like i do too……i really love horses, i had my own horse on the farm, at 6 am, age 13, would ride to do three barns full of livestock chores, back to the house for my own breakfast…..i wonder how much of affect those years had on my persona……so ground like i was then, and yet so bored too, did not appreciate my atonement at the time, was just a clueless teen i guess, of what matters most, and now i have restored my original persona, the real me, and well………who really cares?

    no one

    and until the day their lips are on mine……….YOU ARE ALL LAME ASS WANNABES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    got it???????????

    ok thanks

  361. emotional honest safety………the core of every subconscious seeking oneness purity true eternal lasting LOVE’s flow, above and within the mad flood = children of the light of change

    i am

  362. for sake of one who shall come after me, i pray these notes serve you WELL

  363. i guess we entertain our loving feelings for someone we adore, but if after awhile you wake up out of denial in realizing they are seldom actually there for you, you accept that they are not thinking of you, are not in love with you, a truth you cannot avoid, because you recall how you felt when in love with someone, always of the sweet anticipation of the hour in which you would greet……..

    and well………..that always hurts

    and that is what is true of the saying, “Seldom does life go the way we want it too, and rather just the way life goes”

    well, as per usual, always the distraction of someone else’s nicer butt, the whole fear thing of not coming in for a closer look, all the lame ass excusing away we try to grab hold of in why people are the way they are justifications, the endless parading around like someone might actually adore us enough to call and don’t, one night stands always hurt us, and yet, a part of me thinks to myself, is this all preparation of God’s plan for my future spouse?

    well what if i said, fuck you all, i married Jesus who says not to trust anyone, because of the nature of the mad flood soup everyone is swimming in?

    and then Madonna asks, “When did the truth start in your heart?”

    and i say………when i learned to fart!

    HAHAHAAAAAAHAaaaaaaaaaahahaaha! oh God……ahahahaahaaa

  364. well, you said just be my self……..who the fuck are you?


    ya ok……….MADONNA!!!!!!!!!!!


  365. well ok, now im being an arrogant twit……..i discovered something recently……

  366. LOVE; self-love reciprocation validation

  367. well, to help you deal with the pain and negativity in the world, you have to realize that the world is a generational behavioral soup of everyone in their own catharsis processing, of all eternity linked together as one subconscious catharsis process that spans past thru future, of affect/effect/direct/indirectness of the eternal all bound together unknowingly in the soup, plodding along aimlessly without proper cultivation of their own wise helmsperson, where you too are in the soup with everyone around the world connected, however significantly or insignificantly the connection may appear as, of the only significance being that opportunity for use of the connection for holy light of the children of the light to radiate love thru, where of any is the truth, we are all just passing thru this realm but for a short visit, taking in our awareness of how the past was, of how the present is of affect/effect/direct/indirectness of the past, of how the future can be changed only in the present, where in truth, we are of an eternal day comprehension of the catharsis process objective of God’s WILL for the eternal all as is our own, to just go be your holy joyful absolute carefree inner happiness as do the loving lovers spiritually married……….oh ya, i just wanted to say, i don’t see my physical so much really, when i purely and truly feel what the spiritual bond marriage feels like……….and sadly, the feeling is fading, not sure why, perhaps i am of too much imagined anxiety fear now at times, greater uncertainty, sorta like waiting for someone with flowers in hand at a train station, who does not appear, leaving you to not question any more if they love you or not……….argh…….can’t believe that actually happened to me………and worse, they ran off with someone else…….but don’t we all do that every day? And as each day passes, the gloom grows deeper, the hopelessness, and then you say to yourself, why the fuck should i even bother to concern myself for any who have not taken the time to purely truly know me in order to purely truly love me as i am when of my inner sanctuary…….and then a light turns on, and you exclaim…….”AH, THEY DON’T KNOW ‘ME’, BUT I KNOW ALL OF THEM!”…….as you set out to reveal the truth, of who they really R……same vulnerable self as YOU!…….of only love is good enough to feel, where it is your loving feelings that IS the kingdom of heaven YOU found!

    dont ask me to repeat that…….ok thanks

    oh, uhm… you want to meet in Paris or SanFran Sissy?

    well, either way, check your time table, i will be in both eventually, if not already……..i am………there! ha 😉

    oh oh wait…….just one more thing i wanted to ask……..if a girl dwells in a boy body, and she has sex with a boy, is that straight or gay?

    oh oh wait……just one more……..if a girl dwells in a boy body, and she has sex with a girl, is that Lesbian or straight?

    i am so confused with these labels, they just makes no sense to me as ONE who is oneness of both sexes, as requested……….by Jesus……i am

  368. bi Jesus…….i am 😉

  369. oh wait wait wait wait……how about this one……….”OMG!, bi the Jesus i am!!!!!!!!”


  370. now where is that dominatrix girlfriend of mine? You know, she came to see me the other day, and her excuse was, “Oh, i met this stranded girl along the way, and i just couldn’t help myself but to try and help……”

    and i am like, turning towards the camera at this point, with that all knowing raised eyebrow of promiscuous who?

    like why even admit that to me? God! Fucking tramps, they are all the same, i swear, the must all go to the same tramp school or something, like how the fuck?……..[Sandra walks up to me, and surprisingly says, “Oh come on Andyy, get real will you, she loves her sex toys for the girls!”

    Oh for fuck sakes, you had sex with her too?

    oh that’s it, you are all not invited to the wedding!!!!


  371. ‘LET’S
    Each Other’

    ~ the wall sign words

  372. Only Love!

  373. fuck…’s like i have been asleep for decades, awakening of my vitality as once before, the sweet anticipation heartbeat so fun and empowered with only love surging thru my body, of zero tolerance for the as per usual lame ass wannabe drifters of could of been, should of been, so preoccupied with whoever walking by them……as you realize, enough is enough, feeling your spirit setting free by means of the obvious truth you denied yourself for so long to finally embrace, as hard as it is to come out of your loving lover imagination into reality………of no one holding you hand……..and of no desire to.

    ah well, the passerby Jesus asks me to be i guess…….that activist, always of goodness flow, for sake of all, it always IS, is it not?

    hey, im bored, i’ll be in my studio, im ok, just abit hurt, well, alot hurt actually, but at least i am not delusional any more

  374. i guess that’s what happens when you walk away from your first love, you spend the rest of your life trying to get back to how the will to trust feels, before they once again trash it on you, with words like, ‘just friends, not sexually’……..the last thing the lover spirit EVER wants to hear………


    as you die………again

  375. and what of a time when trust was not even something you thought about? You were just what you were, adoring of them constantly, always it was there in pure true feeling in your every thought of them that flowed endlessly in your loving happiness shining so brightly as though to light up the whole world…….well, David of course, duh, the happiest souls on the planet, i knew we were…….in love……..we were just nothing but love at every turn, every heartbeat, all the time, my God, how did our parents not know??????

    oh right……..they did know…….that’s why they pulled us apart when we hit puberty…….i still remember the conversation of my mom yelling at my dad, “When are you going to talk to your son, after he turns out gay?”

    [Andyy walks up and interrupts the arguement, standing between them]

    “Uhm…..Mom? Dad? I am not gay! I am transgendered of both sexes, i come from both a female and a male, that makes me 100% transgendered of both sexes, see, i look like you Mom, and i look like you too Dad, isn’t that amazing? See, i have Mom’s feet and hands, her legs too, and Dad, i have…..i have……oh and i have your blond hair Dad, and your nice facial looks!”

    ahahahhaaahaaaaaa 😉

    ah there, i finally resolved that ONE!


  376. I get really pissed off when I & my sacred mirror friend connect and challenge each other.. to the point where we would rather kill each other…

    then I see a few moments later, how much we have quided each other on the right path & more importantly how CONSISTENTLY this occurs

    & how CONSISTENLY we BOTH learn & GROW from those moments..

    & HOW CONSISTENTLY we can continue to be great friends without


    I TRULY know who my true friends ARE






    TO YOU

  377. I really don’t put alot of thought about where and when.. I leave that to the universe…

    But I do often think about commitment or working towards that..

    & at that point… I would then think about focusing on trust and with ONE and ONLY ONE…

    until then yes I will spread my Angel wings, I am honest about that…

    but I still dream of the day when ONE equals ONE & nothing more

    I believe DREAMS come true….

    & I trust you do too…

    Trust comes from not letting (other energies) comprimise the ONE…

    infidality comes from lack of a scense of loving and belonging just ask Freud, Maslow, Erikson or Piaget… they all agree…

    the next step forward may be a continuation of an amazing journey or friendship …

    it may be more…………………………………………………………………………

    but I TRUST you TRUST in ONE’ness….

    either WAY …

    We both WIN …..

  378. well of course (we) do……it is actually of our intuitive core of our being harmonious true nature oneness of the body cells of the pure flawless realm we all first begin and come forth from……as ‘that’………under all the layers of whatever masks we pick up along the way…….which is also normal of any in the generational behavioral soup of affect/effect/direct/indirect.

    the real motivation empowerment comes when you realize we have all entered into an eternal realm of this manifestation soup, as visitors but for a short time, in realizing that in your every sacred heartbeat, your every sacred breath, your every sacred step, your every sacred word, in every sacred moment as pure true blessed flawless divine self ‘real’ child of God’s self YOU, is of life and death seriousness, in our ability to alter not just today, no, this light perpetuates and lights up the eternal future, up out of today’s darkness, of what exactly IS ushering in the kingdom of heaven feeling of only LOVE good enough for the eternal all children of God yet to come.

    realize then that indeed you are God’s child, without doubt whatsoever, where all foolish doubt is what is of the mad flood generational forefather soup of all death, all destruction, all falsehood oppression nescience yet perpetuated by those upon thrones of nescience

    where of the greatest affect/effect/direct/indirectness mirroring validation, is the grace of the child of God’s true nature, which is what is the harmoniousness of the cells of the body, of how grace heals the body, does it not?

    i mean look at all the stress junkie corporate ladder climber burnouts, working 60 hour work weeks, dying young from stress related illnesses of cancer and heart disease, where indeed, stress does bring on these deadly life threatening illnesses.

    so how does Jesus heal?

    simple……..he is the mirroring grace oneness as IS our own true nature grace, like that of astral projection higher subtle intellect awareness

    what empowered Jesus the most?

    seeing our sisters and brothers healing as a result of oneness mirroring truth revealing awareness, in bringing them awake to the existence of all illnesses of heart, mind, body, spirit and soul of any unknowingly snared asleep in heavy binding generational soup ignorance that is also perpetuated forward.

    you have to leave the world(soup), and that is what the kingdom of heaven macro thinking wise compassionate feeling halo oneness perspective comprehension IS, consisting of only pure TRUTH that is not able to fail, and rather is failure of all truth that unwise others unfortunately don’t have articulation of the intuitive divine self feelings…..cognitively asleep, but not ever subconsciously asleep.

    i think it is really amazing how the subconscious super computer mind runs at ten times the speed of our cognitive, in us being able to process 3 days in eight hours of sleep, which brings people back into connection with their true nature, even if unaware that sleep does this automatically for them.

    of course, it is this oneness constant love feeling which surpasses all the riches of the worldly, who are so snared in many stressful illnesses, as a result of ‘lacking remembrance’ of their true nature.

    as they say, surround yourself with nature, as part of your healing, that comes with oneness mirroring of living matter found in nature, where easily we realize that all living matter shares in the harmonious sameness grace of the cells in all living matter, not different in anyway.

    we just arrogantly think we are different and superior to other life forms, but were not

    ya, maybe we have communications of a greater extent, but even that becomes exceedingly boring after awhile once you have mastered every word………which is not to say i have, im just saying

    the hot tub is my favorite meditative place, naked of course, because it mimics the warm fluids of the womb we all come forth from

    something just happens, beyond our cognitive, when of a hot tub, and the sensual playfulness of sexual arousal with another in a hot tub is truly wondrous and extraordinary

    well, we only get so many days of life, approximately 26,000 on average, so be sure to realize each day is valuable in your catharsis process coming fully into the eternal day of divine self true nature awareness atonement, both for healing and for God’s divine will objective mirroring of holy joyful absolute carefree loving lover inner happiness

    i am in love with many of our sisters and brothers of what is our oneness bonding growth…..i try to be consistent, but lately my needs are not being met sufficiently, and manifestations of this is beginning to appear, well, im bitchy some days…….just because i am in love with them, does not mean they are fixated with me in life, and well, im ok with that, knowing their sex feels the same as mine, where for sure, i don’t ever want to stop having sex, so why would i hold them back from oneness ‘i am’

    argh……long distance relationships suck!

    i won’t do internet anticipation relationships again, well, maybe once i have the means to travel i will

    our love comes full circle, does it not?

    sometimes it is really amazing how i connect with others in feeling how they are in life, as though looking upon my own self when i was their age, i know how they think and feel in flowing of transitional feelings, i know what they are going thru……

    and well, with that said, i know what assurance they need, consistently, of what is the most valuable treasure in life, our loving feeling self in each passing moment.

    i just wish the world did not have to be such a master slave driven world, it’s all just so absurd to me now, adult children at play is all any of us are

    and none of their status is of any value whatsoever

    although i will say this, great is the value of the musicians, the dancers, the artists, the poets, all of who are sacred nurturing protecting of the holy joyful absolute carefree inner happiness of the loving lovers, where it is the loving lovers who are the most sacred of us all……….true blue lovers

    im still waiting too…….but at least i know fully who i just am, a well adjusted transgendered of both sexes, and i know my calling of God’s mission is simply just being ‘me’ every day, feeling flow of my loving lover heart expressing in art, and in love with many like i too am

    all i want to know, is who is most loving of me consistently near my bridal chamber, unafraid to enter with me alone, and exiting in holy joyful absolute carefree loving lover inner happiness bursting all over the place sacred mirroring, because time is running out for ‘me’ in my final chapter of my oneness visit here with all of YOU, in my returning to God.

    perhaps i am not prepared yet, ya, that is partly true………

    people just come into awareness of their own loving feelings flow for us, in stopping to look upon us longer, provided we too stop long enough with them, and well, i always believe my life partner will easily recognize me perhaps more than i do my own self, as to who i am, meant for them…..

    well, maybe she will just come up to me one day, and well, surrender i guess, and just walk together with each other, and well, are we not all doing that in life with the eternal all here today, tomorrow?

  379. i have two transgendered daughters attending school now, who i love with all that i am, a precious family for me, keeps me motivated, empowered, commitment of my activism cause, my proteges, my heart as is their own, keeps me grounded, centered, and out of troubled paths i am trying to avoid, self-medicating alcohol, my greatest enemy, thankful to God for them both, as too are they for ‘me’

    only LOVE!

  380. tomorrow i deliver this one to Casey House Hospice, where Princess Diana came to visit years ago, at a time when people feared catching HIV thru touching someone

    ‘i love my butt!’ ~ first reproduction

  381. as with our understanding of pushing a race car’s engine too much, or the wrong way, it breaks….

    so too is the economy, you simply cannot leave it to the whims of the few who are without concern for it running healthy, the same way you don’t let a rookie just jump into the seat of a Formula One race car, where you know in advance, they are going to trash the car

    we have experts in the study of economies, and that is who are the most wisely objective about a stable smooth running healthy economy, that has a natural realistic grow rate, rather than the gambling addict optimistic opportunists who have absolutely no concern at all about the future, with their fixation of insatiable desire gambling adrenalin addiction…..

    well, we learned a valuable lesson from this recent economy adjustment(recession), that just may be the last chance for us to learn and apply laws that embrace ordinary realistic boring growth rates, exactly that of a farmers expectations, of whatever is the average growth rates between bumper crop production yields and drought years, knowing that is the only reality truth, no matter where you apply this common sense reasoning

    the opportunists steal money from the bubbles they create, with no regard whatsoever for the well being of us all today or tomorrow, not at all, only where they can find a place to plug in and play their gambling strategies again and again.

    always they will be lurking to manipulate to their own advantage of optimistic over speculation price fixing, because that is what their true nature and ONLY nature IS, their immature low self-esteem over-achiever manifestation

    as more and more of these addicts come online, the more governments need to beware of listening to their hyped of intellectual short term reasoning, in always seeing who they exactly are…….gambling addicts…….immature children of God…….that should not be trusted whatsoever, where mandates can and should be set, only by those who have absolute solid long term intellectual concern of what are the realistic growth rates, i mean come on people, we have computerized flow charts now, that can forecast exact outputs, in line with what you want to ALLOW these addicts to work with us, not against us, where they have no choice, they are not ever going to be trusted again with their childish short term agendas……….not ever!

    there is blind leading the blind, and then there is blind bleeding the blind, yes? 😉

    bless you all with the TRUTH

  382. Confeço not to be a of yours fãns I number a ,mas I have a good deal respect & recognition whereby the figure madona she broadcasts into the world. te I find one person a good deal affection beautiful & te desire a good deal axé! bjs from a person mui distant! mad in Brazil By River of January

  383. ‘ i love who i am’

    transgendered of both sexes 😉

    ‘ i love who i am’

  384. can you find the penis and the vagina in this image?


    i hated crossword puzzles, but i always enjoy the picture puzzles


    isn’t this one beautiful? mmmmm

    ‘ i love who i am ‘ ~ first casting

  385. “…it is not the circumstances in which we are placed, but the (self-love validating oneness atonement mirroring) spirit in which we face them, that constitutes our comfort.” -Elizabeth King 😉

  386. death to the fake ass useless ego hypocrite false self mask of divine real self hiding behind absurdly, especially considering we only get 26,000 days of life, when every day could and SHOULD BE holy joyful absolute motherfucking carefree loving lover happiness…….and not some lame ass lying fucking excusing of our divine self oneness fuckers!!!!!!!!

    the question is, who do we hurt the most?

    who and what is the hardship?

    living in the now…seems my life was all of preparation for my calling of God to bring forth the goodness i came to realize overflowing of my oneness seeking heart, no matter the plodding along aimless ones, it’s no one’s fault, this generational environmental emotional soup, conducive atonement intuition, even true of the contrasting non-conducive environment that our flawless intuitiveness always just knows and is what is the constant true nature core of our being, all of us the same, no matter the layers, just as is the same way we all enter into this realm from the pure flawless harmoniousness of the celled body oneness atonement, beyond our cognitive fake ass acting…just feel

  387. Thank’s for everything it is a wonderful journey & sharing the journey with angels is merciful

  388. Spiritual poverty is the cause of financial poverty in the world, and is indicative of our low self-love esteem, as is our low self-love esteem of another

    constant flow only love is good enough

    constant flow only love is the ‘real’ treasure beyond measure

    constant flow only love is what the kingdom of heaven YOU is

    as a small child i felt the truth that we are the kingdom of heaven

    regardless of the generational behavioral mad flood soup we all swim in, the core of our being remains as it just is since birth, flawlessly unscathed, of how it is that we intuitively feel toxic contrasting feelings in our journey thru the perpetuated environmental of whatever that is which we greet each day.

    greet one another with only love as the only true value of your life, for without love, is no life

    teach God’s children the truth of their only loving divine nature, and you teach all eternity yet to come

    of the truth which has already come, all around us, everywhere is the truth, especially the truth of all untruth

    look at all the treachery forefather falsehood still being perpetuated forward, on and on it goes, like how they still stone women to death for adultery?

    my God, i was so shocked when i learned of that……..can you believe that wretched practice is still going on in this world?


    how is it possible for one to can become so ill?

    i suppose if you are taught from the time of being a small child, that such illness is not illness, of what is right from wrong, of wrong as though right, then absurd perpetuation in the belief of all falsehood as though true and ok, is why it continues….

    such as any and all gay youth unfortunately born into families who teach their children that homosexuality is a sin?

    self-love is a sin?

    “Do you not purely and truly love the body you dwell in?”

    “Do you not purely and truly love the orgasmic sexual experience of the body you dwell in?”

    “If sexual pleasure is a sin, then is it a sin to be born from sex too?”

    absurd fools who sit upon thrones of nescience, not realizing the time has already come for their forefather ignorance as being what it is, falsely misleading drudgery control freakers as what they obviously are, foolish merchants of God

  389. Cause every soul has to experience what it needs to experience. We should not judge, instead embrace, yes the world is filled with people running on ego, we should embrace and not judge .

    Love thy neighbor ….

  390. oh ok…….well then you can go be the loving neighbor explaining away at their child’s funeral why their child killed themselves over their BULLSHIT perpetuation labeling homosexuals as sinners……..THEY ARE THE FUCKING EVIL HATING SINNERS!!!!!!!!!

    get and stay the fuck away from me fuckers!

    spiritually murderous…….because they like it……ya ok, you go try to love them and all their shit for brains bullying they pathetically enjoy as the hypocrite heart dwellers they take delight in being, in all their manifesting inner lacking self-acceptance of their natural occurring homoerotic feelings they try to suppress, in attempts to suppress us………pffffffffff……..i don’t think so lame ass dysfunctional lying ass ego maniac haters!

    death to all their ego says God!

    in truth, they are already dead to me, of what they are, their dead forefathers

  391. they just JAILED a pedophile catholic priest here, one who would preach homosexuality as being evil… go figure,

    police attribute 26 suicides directly to the actions of this one evil priest, and there are hundreds of other victims who’s lives will never be quite the same…

    in god’s name

    NOT !!!!

  392. they are an unwise obsessed cult merchant of God

    equally unwise are many of their followers, in foolishly trusting a safe relationship with their children, with individuals who attempt to suppress their natural sexuality, secretly targeting the most vulnerable who are too afraid and humiliated to speak up for themselves….

    controlling bully behavior of vulnerable self others, is an indicative manifestation of their own vulnerable self held hostage by the controlling bullies above them, and all who follow and become snared in their mind trap control freak nightmare

    the Roman Catholic church was the early church who rose up in wanting to be the only church controlling the masses of uneducated people, like they still do today, where it is obvious the stole the writings of the followers of Jesus, and likely executed them as well…..for three hundred years after Jesus surrendered to them murdering him……most likely because the incognito Jesus behind the great walled city, knew he was wanted, especially true for the heart of Jesus, after seeing his own beloved the brutal Romans hung upon cross along the roads that lead into the cities of Rome occupation……ya, Jesus surrendered, not wishing further bloodshed of his beloved….

    i mean come on people….take all the words of Jesus in their bible, and recite the words, while timing it… all the proof you need to realize Jesus spoke alot more than what these merchants of God know about, of barely nothing, like the same way they barely know ‘me’

    when will society wake up and realize they are being duped?

    oh right, let’s wait abit longer for more of their children to become the next victims of this evil unwise unloving apathetic cult that does not know Jesus, does not know God, just as they do not know ‘me’, and well, i know them, and they shall all tremble at their own damnation truth revealing of them forever more

  393. an artifact of inner city LGBTQ urban culture, circa 2011? 😉

    ‘i love who i am’

  394. upon their walls they shall be forever ……found

  395. i presented this as a gift to the transgendered twins, that looks like them

  396. I know so outdated this catholic church is, no true sense of reality yes taking the words of the prophets & Jesus literally when in fact the words have a more profound level /s of meaning & wisdom I doubt the priests even know anything outside of their own false dogma, totally void of any spiritual awareness, a misogynistic cult that propagates same sex love as being immoral whilst committing and practicing evil against children without a second thought..”..

  397. i still say sex is the same for both sexes…….biologically speaking

    sensory perception is blind, and can only sense what it is designed to sense and send to the brain, where it does not distinguish if it is male or female, does not distinguish if it is part of the male penis or the female vagina, no, it is totally blind without need of knowing, and is only what it is, sensory perception designed to transmit to the brain what it senses during sex, as part of the pleasure response brain chemical release during and lead up to orgasmic climax experience, therefore, both female and male sex is exactly the same.

    we just think it is different, but it’s not

    when you ask a female and male what the word penetration means to them, as regards sexual enjoyment, they both agree on it as the same joyfulness……..because it is in fact, the same pleasure feeling for both, not different at all.

    therefore, we are all sexual human beings of the same orgasmic joy, no matter your sex, orientation, religion, race, politic, wealth, status………although i will sad this, the penis shape does matter!!!!!

    well, 2 me it does!


  398. same sex love is ingrained in the core of everyone, as the one who comes to love and be as the body you dwell in since conception

    sending mixed messages of it not being OK to love the same sex as the body you dwell in, is dangerous absurd immature bullying nonsense faslehood nescience to society past, present, future.

    even partly embracing of this notion can be cause for damaging one’s own self-esteem, self-esteem of others

    besides, the female and male are not different in sexual pleasure enjoyment

    uhm…..speaking of notions, the atonement of divine self Jesus, is a oneness atonement sameness of eternal all past, present, future, and not merely of the past like some think……..if anything, Jesus is of the future, that can only be changed in the present, after we experience the past

    of course, living in the NOW is the only place to BE! 😉

    although i would of loved to have lived in the past with Jesus, and well, who knows….. maybe i did…..or is it…..i do? 😀

  399. You did…

    You do…

    You’ll do 🙂

  400. ahahahaaa…….oh really?

    just like that?…….you don’t even know my penis shape, how can you even think or say that?

    ohh, right, only way to find out…….well, you could of asked, and save us both alot of this annoying wondering……..although admittedly, one arrives within their own inner sanctuary without any wonder at all, as to just how beautiful and tender precious life is…..for all

    i love all as though my own self, but i do not love their falsehoods i have come to purely despise as the low self-love esteem manifesting brutal insensitive falsehood that is cause for all death, all destruction and all oppression of our sisters, our brothers, the world over, past, present, future……….here in the eternal day awareness of this eternal realm we all pass thru but for a brief moment and then gone.

    in every step, living as our graceful true nature, is the sacred mirror of the true loving nature of the eternal all YOU!

    just be your self

  401. Miko is writing his entrance exam for a private Muslim University on Madonna’s birthday

    Happy Birthday Madonna! 😉

  402. thanks Matt!

  403. Yes happy birthday to Madonna well in a few days but may as well start early….

    So Andy how big is your hum… Will it reach

    You far away ?

    Close ?

    Let me know…

    No groaning noises

  404. Well ?

    I’m close….

    I’m about too….

    Oh shit….

  405. Do you do phone sex…. .?

    have you got a web cam,

    Oh ok well night then xox

    Kisses & hugs

  406. i am not interested in developing a foolish futile waste of time dysfunctional life interrupting porn addiction

    real life is where healthy ‘me’ can easily be found, where honestly, the randomness of internet relations can be toxic for us, impossible to meet our real life needs, such as touching

    perhaps the internet is cause for alot more unhealthy manifestations for individuals with too loose boundaries, than society yet realizes, i mean look at the increasing obesity of youth

    in the 1970s, we had no such thing as internet, and so as youth, we were seen participating in real life social activities of sports, or whatever, even getting together in social settings is healthier than internet relationships today

    limit the time you or your children participate online, for sake of one’s own positive mental emotional well being…….and well, i know the results first hand in my own adjustment of my too loose boundaries that i am still adjusting of and with

    and well, i think for writers, artists, musicians to publish their devoted works for others to benefit from is ok, but beyond that, people need to realize the difference of their well being with proper boundaries, where real life IS the only place for the pure true inner holy joyful absolute carefree happiness feelings of anyone to thrive and abound in the beautiful real life dance of life social setting as the divine YOU!

    so ya, enough with the cock teasing, ok?

    catch me in real life some day

    peace and love BE 2 YOU all

  407. lends new meaning to the words of Jesus, aimless plodding along (without) a wise helmsman….

  408. respectFULLY, i say, “Enjoy your week.”

  409. secretly, alone, our real self learns about falling deeper in love with others, revolves around falling out of love with other fake self, as our real self surfaces pure and true in constant flow love feeling like we used to….just BE YOU!

  410. and when they don’t love you, well maybe you were not you, the one i love 2 know?

    just let go

    of worry or concern of any who may or may not love us, who cares when they don’t, since when does true inner happiness ever shine brightly of any of us when we don’t?

    since when does happiness ever feel real when one has to work at faking it?

    just let go

    BE true love glow!

    the one we all want 2 ‘know’

    twilight hour of the morning hour, so peaceful, i sense the inner peace truth of the eternal all, our true nature grace, as i ponder, maybe as i am, this too you all are……the true you

  411. we are all the inspiration of LOVE freely shining, freely felt, freely YOU, always of 2 of ONE eternity

  412. we are all born to BE of nothing greater in life that no one shall ever find, than is our feelings of constant LOVE graceful pure true flow…….is what heaven is…….YOU!

  413. while some may wish a Mongolian translator for this story, our heart does not….

  414. Happy Birthday Madonna

  415. seems they dubbed over his voice in the previous version…

    here is the original recording

  416. life is as it presents itself to all, of all who appear before us, born to be as we just are, of truth and untruth, as relates to atonement of our true nature within all, the divine child of God’s pure true loving will, where always it is our will to BE loving, that matters most, to BE what heaven so easily just is….YOU!

    therefore be always in remembrance of forgetfulness foe that leads to ruin

    everywhere is of God, the truth, even the truth of all untruth, that also serves the intuitive wise learning child of God’s pure true loving will discernment of what IS all contrasting falseness fear, hate, ignorance and apathy

    therefore, it is true, we are of the kingdom of heaven, astounded, all around us, where all human suffering stems from forefather blind ignorance disconnection from atonement of our true nature grace, without love, without wisdom, without wisdom, without the kingdom of heaven halo that is constantly eternal all YOU, even of those who do not know they are, within all the intuitive child of God’s oneness core of our spiritual being that one can ever destroy.

    just as truth is not ever able to be destroyed, nor are we ever able to be destroyed, even unto death, of only a fool who thinks they can become victorious over constant truth, of none who escape from children of the light of truth revealing

    why would one want to remain as a fool, like so many unknowingly and knowingly do?

    May God nurture, protect and help teach the children of their own light oneness atonement, in helping them escape all the forefather treachery, so wretched, so demented, so beating down in twisting and twisting derangement of soul, souls of another, NO MORE!!!!

  417. Good day all,

    Just thought id write and see how you all are, i hope the all thoughts are well and your health is also well.

    Im sorry for my absense. but i have returned

    I look forward to reading your interesting posts soon

    Im so glad that my birthday is so close to madonna’s and that we are both leo’s! brings us that much closer.

  418. Constant pure true flowing holy joyful absolute carefree inner happiness of eternal all loving dancing prancing stancing romancing YOU!

    ahahahaahaa 😉

    just feel

    argh…..i still have a huge crush on him……and you know, he would likely be the happiest he could ever dream possible if ever he was to romance ‘me’, of no end in sight as to how we would always just BE up where we all belong, forever radiant brilliant bright eternal loving happiness light, free

    only love feels good

    ok, i will be in the studio, coloring the world in rainbows, my ear to the ground, listening for the marching of dancing feet once again, the joyfulness of the inner child set free to just be yourself

    hmmm….i suppose someone has to take the lead, may as well be ‘me’, and well, we shall all greet as one, the way life is meant to be, the eternal truth i know of all of you, come on, it’s time to sing, and let the music ring, resonate so purely, so truly as the constant coloring inner happiness of God’s divine oneness happy child YOU!

    in the bridal chamber i wait, wondering who it is that is as fearless as i am to enter with me in constant oneness love, so that we can exit and shine forth the eternal holy joyful absolute carefree happiness within all, and well, i am still waiting to see, the real ‘me’ some day, as i was once before, my God, how did i get so far away from how purely i used to just constant feel in the happiness of being ‘me’

    thank you ColdPlay

    indeed, we were such introverts as kids, were we not? Until we got together, and out we would burst forth in our oneness joyful constant love flow, lighting up the world, how dare our parents split David and apart like they stupidly did, something i don’t think David and i ever forgave, and how that manifested in all our self harm along the way, his own death, now gone……i survived, to arrive here, leave my story that won’t ever end, perhaps because it has not begun yet? 😉

    “blame the forefathers!”, says Jesus

    YES!….you are absolutely correct Jesus, for those that know the pure truth the only way possible, by means of BEing the TRUTH 2 see, eternal sight restoring of soul of eternal all you, the eternal bridal chamber, the inner sanctuary, i ran to, forever true

    come on, hurry up, it is a constant race against generational destruction…..ya well, just try breaking these artifacts, they are made of Hydrostone, 10,000psi, you might chip it, but you won’t ever break one, and well, why would one ever want 2?

    ahaha… transgendered humor :mrgreen:

    we should of stood up to our parents back then, and well, i am now, and behold, my God, look who i get to stand along side with, ColdPlay, Madonna, U2, truly i know, this show has barely begun, this train, of one billion souls that is going to so easily just come crashing thru, and if any try to stop it, you will simply be run over now, we won, the Vatican can say all it wants, we already won, truth has already come, as they will all be left standing on the sidelines, wondering what to do, in hearing our chanting of sacred songs, so happy, so so forever joyFULL, our compassion of the pathetic taboo few……still cannot believe a human can picket the funeral of a gay youth suicide…..and they call us wretched, how much more demented is one able to be?…….oh right, they still execute us out there……

    ya, well we have Washington and they don’t, nor shall they, it’s over, we won, and the truth is, Jesus won along time ago, but none abolutely purely truly know him, nor do i believe Jesus knew his own self as well as i do, or perhaps he did, but did not disclose, like how most any homosexual just knows, all who try to hide in secret like we know they do

    truth wins, and i know i am the truth, meant to be, as difficult as it was all the years gone past, all is preparation of my spirit restoring of eternal wise loving compassionate light……….VICTORY BIYATCHES!!!!!!

  419. let there BE…..color

    how much of their foolish bitter hypocrisy stems from their jealousy of our pure graceful true nature loving as IS the divine self mirroring?

  420. Other option is open up a club in some random city. & hook up with two platinum blond 16 yr old skinny flexible boys to travel the world with me…

    At my disposal

    < 3

  421. im an abuser

    your an a user

    wanna FUCK ?

  422. I’ve done it all. ,well what was important,
    I was just aware enough to keep it away from the camera’s

    & they preach.. Public relations

  423. & all of a sudden ….

    It’s my mess…

    No I’m sorry , I’m going out to party

    You can mop up after yourSELF

  424. and all of a sudden…….they all died, and a new generation came along, into the world they left behind, delivered from evil, by means of their intuitive discerning divine child of God pure true graceful at east real self of constant flow love and compassionate feeling awareness at all times, the truth, all around them, of the one eternal generation as is, as was, as is yet to come, learning of cautions we left for them, realizing all born must learn how to swim in the handed down mad flood ignorance mind traps, of all death, of all destruction, of all false oppression, truth all around, of none who shall escape truth, by means of coming fully into awareness revealing light of truth about the fateful fear denial bound paths, in witnessing of so many who continue to disappear from their wise learning sight, here in the eternal realm called heaven and hell that all are born into, again and again, all of a sudden, instant truth impacting, that strikes to their core, all of a sudden, truth IS restore

  425. pffffff whatever, i don’t drink, don’t associate much with those who do, thanks but no thanks, would not attend even if invited, boundaries are boundaries, only invite harm to my own life when ever i betray my well established healthy boundaries, as only one can do for one’s own self, no one else.

    besides, i find you mostly too anxious obnoxious insecure to be around, some what threatening abandonment unnecessarily, toxic for my divine self, compared to the pure bonding oneness i am with Jesus, the only true and faithful eternal friendship i learned made me fully realize that falsehood abandonment of another sister, brother, is abandonment of one’s own self, is it not?

    who abandons who in all you say or do?

    where all untruthfulness is, ‘i am’ not there

  426. it is to you as though you think the beach under your feet is different from the beach another walks down, as though heaven all around us of stars above shine only meant for you and not for two, of the only one who can cast anyone out of heaven so true, only you

  427. lots of fish in the sea of love

  428. peace be to you

  429. Uhm…. Ok well again, nice excuse … But not really anything other than a blame game… Game at best …

    And the usual transference of blame … I sometime feel like maybe my purpose in your life is to be a reflection of your fears and insecurities which is fine I don’t mind it comes with the territory of un conditional love, but after a while I do feel somewhat drained, & its not about me, I could’nt possible have any energy left for myself. Some day I hope others will come to know me better, like a very few do, or the few who are willing to look beyond their own ego and see the beauty in me..

    Tall order hey…

    Go drink some burgundy … And write a script for the next game..

    I’ll be waiting here patienty … As always

    As always…

    Un conditionally like a little puppy dog, waiting for his owner to return.

    Actually I found a nice club, mainly young lesbian crowd few mixed and straight really cool music all really young the new generation, and I had a little cry inside when I watched them dancing and stuff such lovely souls, i might divert my energies to helping these beautiful angels cope in a world that’s so fucked up, so they can turn it around..
    I waisted too much time on one person, all the flack.. Mood swings, jealousy self centerness, did I mention Lack of Trust..

    There is nothing with out trust, there is no trust…
    So there is nothing ..

  430. correct, just the same empty void as per usual…….of no one holding my hand

    indeed, this is abusive for me, just like all the fake ass ones i think are my friends on the internet…….not


    God knows i deserve someone of earnest sincere genuine authentic 100% real self zeal, without fear, where their love knows without doubt who they want as a lover, just like i felt for all of you at one time….or another

    easy to forget you all…… left me empty and alone for so so long, nothing to hold onto of any real life substance, all the fake ass names


    i am who i am, simply one who seeks oneness love for me, as was my own love for all you, but no one appeared, and now you shall all snear, as i finally give up and walk away, cannot stay with someone too afraid to hold my hand?

    like what the fuck do expect me to feel, fuckers!!!!!!!!!!

    no worry, i won’t be back this lame ass way again

    farewell to all of you and all your useless selfishness, you are all the same fucking arrogance so useless to God, to me

  431. Dont know what to say, well I hope I didn’t hurt you.. Wasnt my intention just felt like I knew better and trying to wake you up a bit, myself at the same time.. Or was that you.. Doesn’t matter everyone’s asleep anyway nothing to wake up too.. Anywaz I’m just waiting for my space craft to arrive and I’ll be off, go back home to my home planet I’ve really enjoyed my stay here on Earth really nice planet nice people nice animals nice vegetation and oceans, shame really the way you humans are so aggressive to each other and then loving the next, I think you do it to yourselves un nessasarily have faith, your not alone there is a whole universe out there teeming with life and love

  432. And I’m taking Justin Bieber’s love child with me.

  433. Hope Andrej doesn’t get on the coke he’ll loose his good looks

  434. that is my biggest fear for him, i had a long chat with him, warning of the pitfalls, but so far i cannot be there to ensure he is not led down the destructive paths of self medicating coping of emotions

    oh, i am full of transference lately, letting go of a dream i once had for a guy who is about as flaky as they get………..denial is a horrible thing for me

  435. i kept hoping, foolishly, as time went by, and more words he say that struck against my lover heart like knife, cutting away piece by piece, words like, “just friends, just brother, not right now, what i wanted, i don’t know what to say”, until all my heart lay on the floor, and worse, he left me alone again and again, to feel the words without lover love he left me to realize, the truth, he is not a lover to me…….he is a lover to someone else. Finally i told him that the only thing i understand, is you are not in love with me, and rather someone else. ~ the truth ~ sets you free

    thanks for all the lies, i know the truth you think you can hide from me, and God

    ./~\| | | | \
    | =[@]=\…| | \
    |…..|…|…|..| \
    | ~ ~ ~ ~ |` )
    |……………… /
    …|(( +==))|

  436. 2005 YU55 Flyby Is An Asteroid That’s Orbit Can Be Seen November 8th, 2011 at 6:28pm

    If you’ve been dying to see the biggest Asteroid that has flown past this close to the earth since 1976, Tuesday, November 8th, 2011 is your night. You’ll need a telescope and the ability to be outside at 6:28pm EST, 5:28pm CST, 4:28pm MST and 3:28pm PST. The best place to be in the United States is on the East coast when Asteroid 2005 YU55 zooms past earth.

    See ya, I got plane to catch..

    See ya, I got a plane to catch

    See ya..

    Bye… Bye bye..

    Got a plane to catch..

    Oh sorry did I say goodbye, oh I hate goodbyes

  437. Oh by the way what did you want me to do with that finger you got going there ?

    And don’t say stick it up my ass..

  438. i wasn’t talking to you, just expressing my shit with a fake ass liar i wasted a whole year with, of finally exiting my denial imagination pretend…..

    oh well, i saw it coming, cannot compete with real life, and yet, a person can come to know one’s pure spirit oneness with another, when their will is not distracted by who ever, their own worse enemy, again, i am the passerby who cannot stay where truth awareness of all their untruthfulness is what i get to feel, themselves already moved on with another some time ago

    fuck, im tired of this same boring ass story’s ending all the time, won’t hear from me again, no motivation left in me to feel their lackluster insincere bullshit words that point to the truth, oh, you are fucking someone else, i thought so, thanks for hurting me…….again

    truth is they don’t know who came past them, and never will, well, i pray their life works out for them, cannot stay in fake ass lover pretend

    would you?

  439. then again, maybe it resolution of you too that i was seeking

    go be the motherfucking lame ass insulting bully all you want with out me fuckers!

    can’t fucking believe you people are this fucking callous

  440. One of the fundaMental principles about Gestalt Therapy is that;

    …….“Contact is the life blood of human growth. “ ………….

    I’ve developed an attitude of critical detachment,”

    ……. “i’m perfectionly judgeMental about the people i know and also …….. about mySelf”

    isolation allows me to maintain this position,.

  441. you forgot a word…………stuck………position

  442. death is indeed an easier way to deal with rejection pain of only love in vain pain of empty nothingness lackluster insincere zeal of fake ass cheater all you

  443. that is why people kill themselves, cannot bare the cruelty pain of insincerity that they try to hide, while everyone is actually way happier than you are, with their lover lives that players hide from you, as they put names on you in all the manipulation player control freaker fake ass ways

    my own fault, unrealistic expectations in the valley of spiritual death that snares all you

    and when you turn around, did any of you find me looking for more of your pain?

    no, i returned to God from which i came forth from into this cruel fake ass lying motherfuckers of all you, cannot stay when love says no way

    would you?

    you don’t even question the pain you caused, and well, that is the nature of the fake ass masks of disconnect concern for anyone other than themselves

    at some point, someone has to leave, and obviously, yet again…… is ‘me’

  444. Jesus is right, if a slave becomes free, and chooses or allows themselves to become enslaved again, they cannot become free again

    dynamically true, of abuse that feels normal to children of abuse, not having ever experienced true love constant flow without doubt

    we have only our self to blame for staying in painful dysfunctional relationships of only pain of love in vain, while another is too busy loving another, of cheaters way

    i left, because i got tired of the pain of crying myself to sleep every night

    the escape exit my therapist talked about, find the exit, thru awareness of truth i kept denying myself to fearFULLY FEEL, oh, you are fucking someone else, im sorry, i will let myself out, cya

    fucking jackasses, FUCK OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  445. See that’s you at it again, blaming finding a reason why ,! It’s me it’s my fault I’m a child of abuse I cannot possible feel the constant love flow all that stuff..

    Well Im not happy you spent a night crying & but then so did I, seeing you fucking Matt & the ex all these years so I guess it’s good in a way you know how I felt crying all those nights waiting for you to return, which you never did really except once hiding in the shadows waiting for me to just be.. me waiting anticipating then again waiting anticipating..

    Guess what … I waited 3 years..No Matt no ex no One just me .

    Then I waited another year… And well

    I got tired of waiting and there you appear with the usual

    ANyway, Don’t want to hurt you it would be like hurting myself

    So you don’t need to tell me to Fuck off…

    I’ll go quietly …

    No need to swear …

    Good bye…

    I’m stuck in this blog of no return.. Your right.. But I listen and I changed my erroneous ways.. Did you ?

    Great we both gained something then..

    NOT !

  446. Well I probably shouldn’t have walked off on you but I did & I have my reasons I regret that now in a way, but everything happens for a reason.. I just shits me when in hindsight I realize shit about myself I admit it.. I try my best to change it….

    I don’t honestly feel you approach things with the same perspective..

    In fact so much so I’m expecting a revolt and a barrage of abuse from your next response / post

    So are you going to blame me, abuse me , use me …

    Your. Choice…

    You already told me to fuck off, maybe I should respect that and quietly let my self out … Less confrontational don’t you think.

  447. Lucky, like I’m lucky I realized now & not later when it was too late.
    Realized you didn’t love me after all or want to be my friend, nah you just wanted to fuck me (why else would you get jealous for) makes sense to me now, just wanted to fuck me as though I’m just some cheap whore, you never loved me.

  448. A cheap whore..

    Nothing more…

    For I saw …





    fucking wannabes

  450. i am a suitor who waits in God’s bridal chamber alone with God

    i have passed you all by, out of boredom, i am moving on, duh

  451. there is transference in life, and then there is fake ass fuckhead bullies who are not at all of God, who use fake names to bully unsuspecting others on the internet, until the point they kill themselves

    fine, i am dead to you, as the spiritual death lack of discerning the comes forth from your lifeless bodies which are not of God, because you all enjoy dwelling in the fuckhead bullying hypcocrisy heart you so obvioulsy are, about as immature an experience as i have ever gone thru, honestly, not sure what to call it, people with nothing better to do i guess, than take delight in insulting ways of empty nothingness voids of no life, and only death that awaits any who venture near or in

    ya, i would rather be dead than endure any more of you

    so thanks, i will go die now, im sick of the empty zeal of jerks who use fake ass names, as the fake ass cowards you OBVIOUSLY are

    what a waste of my fucking time, but then again, as it is all of God’s plan, it is always of a lesson for me, in realizing who are of God, and who are so far away from even a semblance of God’s wisdom

    go put a fucking gun to your own fuckhead bullying brain, and pull the fucking trigger fuckers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OR HEY, LET ME DO IT FOR YOU……..BOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    your empty fucking brains all over the place of zero fucking loss to this world, if anything, a gain!

    such is the fucking truth about bullies like you

    fuck off and die, oh wait, you are already death that consumes you of the void you enjoy dwelling in that surrounds you with empty nothing insincere zeal

    a vacuum for any spirit to find refuge in, of viperous serpents

  452. you go enjoy the fucking madness of your jackal spirit without me, ok?

  453. and ya, i enjoy sticking my finger in people’s brains and exploding their brain, with 100% despising feelings i feel purely like i do, as to just how fractured fucked up and incomplete some of you are in all your pretending insincerity acting as though sincere, with only one true objective in mind in your FUCKING PLAY ACTING, to pull the murderous triggers like you death clowns enjoy doing, truly, not even jackals scare me like you people do, in all your impure attacking bullying shit for brains way, going no where, with your fake ass names that i am supposed to find some respect for?

    bullies use fake names, so that they think they can get away with saying anything they want, of no repercussions for them, when in truth, it is your lacking discerning of lackluster zeal to truly learn, in uttering more foolish thought harmful to your own unattended spirit you continue to remain stuck as, an aimless fool who seems to relish yet more of your jackal madness childish immature way

    no thanks

    i have endured more than enough, mostly annoying is who you were to me all this time, but in times of heavy heart, the last thing i need is a fucking jackal laughing at me with their bullying spiritual death ways, in all their pointing fingers at me?



  454. lackluster insincere zeal is the foe of anyone; lukewarm

    cannot stay when love says no way

    nor should any of you

    a dream has died recently, that i held so close for so long

    letting go is not easy for me

    still the same pain as i always remember as before

    just as when they separated Mark and i, at age 4, screaming our asses of NO!!!!!!!!!!!

    our true nature, only love

    that is what heaven just IS

    anything less or contrary to love, is of a fool


    you have only your self to blame at the end of life for tolerating less than one’s true nature of only love

    i will not pass this way again, for there is no love here for ‘me’, in all your pretend that has lead to nowhere that ‘i am’ found, of all untruthfulness, including my own

    i am making my way to brighter day with someone new, no more denial of how bad the empty zeal always felt here

    finally, it all has come out

    cannot get any worse, only brighter, my optimism, no reward in pessimist all you

    take care of one another, do as i do, only love is the blessed TRUTH

    of all fake ass no love untrue all you

  455. children wandering aimlessly haphazardly without enough cultivation of a wiser helmsman of one’s own self, time and time again, sees the reality check TRUTH of the binding nature of low self-respect manifesting like it does in these fateful paths of all you who cash in on souls for money, with total disregard of the death of your own brothers/sisters who you stalk day and night as your prey

    to all of you, i offer warning of how the future is unfolding, that will bring the light of truth fully into view for you to realize night and day, dead or alive, of we who control this world with you yet in it, for already the truth has come that judges your every foolish movement we are monitoring, with increasing ability as we move forward, where without doubt, you will be brought to not, in so many ways, of increasing wisdom of each generation, with increasing healthier group mentality that is growing in awareness of just how absurd you of these cruel gutters truly are, of our truth, none shall escape, and only you who remain as the fool you yet are in thinking you will not be brought to not, when already, you have been, in our far wiser loving compassionate hearts than yours, that you do not even comprehend this truth i speak, yet beyond your limited scope of all empty nothingness death destruction and false oppression you imbeciles relish in, clearly obvious to us all, as to just how foolish you all appear as the absurdity you truly truly are

    you will be brought to not, no matter how long of how many generations to come, this path of destiny will leave you along the sidelines as we pray you too will stop and walk away, lest we force you to stop and walk away, and trust me, we WILL, as the constant WILL WE ARE!

    it is the truth that sits in constant judgement, without fail, of all you who fail to embrace our wiser compassionate loving truth, that none of you shall escape from, until the last day, when the empty nothingness of all death, all destruction, all false oppression is cast back into the empty void it comes forth from, as is the empty voids of your minds, without God, without wisdom, without love, without compassion, replaced with hate, apathy and ignorance so obvious to all, as night and day, here in the eternal day and night ever lasting of TRUTH prevailing.

    you have been warned, by God, and the children of the light of God, ‘i am’, just, as are so many of my sisters and brothers i stand guard with in teaching and warning them of all your foolish treachery ways, so that they can see you who cannot comprehend who they are to you, the truth that WILL one day cast your ignorance eternally away from the ONE generation of eternal all YOU

    of death you seek, death you shall greet
    of destruction you seek, destruction you shall greet
    of oppression you seek, oppression you shall greet

    forever more


  456. oh wow, seems Arjay loves me enough to marry? wow, i really did not know he felt this way for me

    perhaps all my ranting serves one well, in coming fully into awareness one could lose another when of foolish hesitation of cowardice oppressive fear just is, a foe

    well, i love him enough to marry, always did, so i guess this is my exit from the bridal chamber i waited so long in alone with God, into bright constant flowing radiant brilliant shining overflowing abundant holy joyful absolute carefree happiness of the loving lovers, ‘i am’

    you know, i always loved the play ‘Taming of the Shrew’

    bah, whatever, you are all to busy to even remotely have a chance with ‘me’

    i pray his safe passage to ‘me’ as the one i belong with, according to God, oneness compatibility in every way

    so far, fingers crossed, please please please let it be TRUE!

    so sick and tired of this lame ass boring as fuck boo hoo pity party with dysfunctional waiting and waiting fake ass user name all you

    truly, if your child experience that, how would you feel about that? uhm?

    it’s wrong, it was always wrong, more damaging than good, other than to say the insulting spur pushed me to my emotional limits to finally walk away so easily into eternal day of only love constant flow

  457. ….therefore, all the emanations of God are wise compassionate loving pure true fore-thoughts, and the root of all God’s emanations is in the one who made them all grow up in one’s self. God assigned them their destinies the so easily turned to, away from the false leading world, of preference pure so easily true of their true nature grace atonement at all times they so easily just feel, without reel. Each one then is manifest, in order that through their own pure true thoughts, they realize with ease the presence of God’s vast macro thinking as children of the wise holy sacred all encompassing halo perspective of wise compassionate loving discerning of all truth discerning, at all times. For the place to which they send their thought, that place, their root, is what takes them up in all the heights to God’s presence all around them in constant intuitive feeling atonement discerning for what is true nature of divine self as they, and what is so obviously not true nature, not at all, of all darkness that unknowingly serves as truth of untruthfulness for the divine children of the light of TRUTH, that they just ARE, seemingly uncomprehending by those not (yet) knowing their divine self as they do. They possess God’s head, which is rest for them, and they are supported, approaching God, as though to say that they have participated in his face by means of kisses. But they do not become manifest in this way, for they were not themselves exalted; (yes, mostly unknowingly at first as awareness grew brighter) neither did they lack the glory of God nor did they think of God as small nor that God is harsh nor that God is wrathful, but (that) God is a being without evil hate, evil apathy, evil ignorance of leading away truth distraction of divine self’s realness of constant feeling flow ever growing upward out of the generational falsehoods all around them in the mad drowning generational binding ignorance(s), so numerous, a being imperturbable, sweet, knowing all spaces before they have come into existence, and he no need to be instructed.

    This is the manner of those who possess (something) from God of the immeasurable greatness of pure true constant grace flowing of divine self feeling, as they wait for the one alone and the perfect one, the one who IS there for them in awareness feeling oneness with the holy true spirit as there own which comes to them when they surrender meditatively to their own true nature grace feeling. And they do not go down to Hades nor have they envy nor groaning nor death within them, but they rest in him who is at rest, not striving nor being twisted around the truth. But they themselves are the truth; and God is within them and they are in God, being perfect, without want or need of useless doubt, of those (yet) unwise of who they all are, being undivided in the truly good one(they are), being in no way deficient in anything, but they are set at rest, refreshed in the (oneness) Spirit of and with God, at all times. And they will head their root. They will be concerned with those (things) in which one WILL find one’s root and not suffer loss to one’s soul. This is the place of the blessed; this is their place.

    For the rest, then, may they know, in their places, that it is not fitting for m, having come to be in the resting-place, to speak of anything else. But it is in it that I shall come to be, and (it is fitting) to be concerned at all times with God of the all, all around us, and the true brothers, those upon whom the love of God is poured out and in whose midst there is no lack of God. They are the ones who appear in truth, since they exist in true and eternal life and speak of the light which is perfect and filled with the true wise seed of God, and which is in one’s heart and wise fore-thought oneness as is God, as are YOU, while one’s oneness spirit rejoices in it and glorifies the one in whom it existed because YOU are goodness constantly flowing, in pure true wise loving compassionate humble oneness feeling as are they there all around YOU, unaware who is approaching them so wisely in equality compassion. And God’s children are perfect and worthy of God’s name, for God is their father: it is children of this kind that God loves.

  458. is this the oneness comprehending seemingly elusive light you unknowingly subconsciously seek to know about one’s own self that God knows about YOU ? 😉

    fear not then, for God’s unfailing and unyielding TRUTH is with us, IS us!

  459. omg…..they so need a better spell check for me, ha

  460. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

    the rewrite

    ….therefore, all the emanations of God are wise compassionate loving pure true fore-thoughts, and the root of all God’s emanations is in the one who made them all grow up in one’s self. God assigned them their destinies they so easily turned to, away from the false leading world, of preference pure so easy to know true of their true nature grace atonement at all times they so easily just feel and are, without reel. Each one then is manifest, in order that through their own pure true thoughts, they realize with ease the presence of God’s vast macro thinking as children of the wise holy sacred all encompassing halo perspective of wise compassionate loving discerning of all truth discerning, at all times. For the place to which they send their thought, that place, their root, is what takes them up in all the heights to God’s presence all around them in constant intuitive feeling atonement discerning for what is true nature of divine self as they, and what is so obviously not true nature, not at all, of all darkness that unknowingly serves as truth of untruthfulness for the divine children of the light of TRUTH, that they just ARE, seemingly uncomprehending by those not (yet) knowing their divine self as they do. They possess God’s head, which is rest for them, and they are supported, approaching God, as though to say that they have participated in God’s face by means of kisses. But they do not become manifest in this way, for they were not themselves exalted; (yes, mostly unknowingly at first as awareness grew brighter) neither did they lack the glory of God nor did they think of God as small nor that God is harsh nor that God is wrathful, but (that) God is a being without evil hate, evil apathy, evil ignorance of leading away truth distraction of divine self’s realness of constant feeling flow ever growing upward out of the generational falsehoods all around them in the mad drowning generational binding ignorance(s) flood, so numerous of others, so gripping and binding as though unable to come free, as though a fate for some sadly born as, a wise compassionate loving being imperturbable, approaching, sweet, knowing all spaces before they have come into existence, one with no need to be instructed, already learned, in all witnessing all around us.

    This is the manner of those who possess (*something) from God of the immeasurable greatness of pure true constant grace flowing of divine self feeling, as they wait for the one alone and the perfect one, the one who IS there for them in awareness feeling oneness with the holy true spirit as IS their own spirit, which comes to them when they surrender meditatively to their own true nature grace feeling. And they do not go down to Hades nor have they envy nor groaning nor death within them, but they rest in God who is at rest, not striving nor being twisted around the truth. But they themselves are the truth; and God is within them and they are in God, being perfect, without want or need of useless doubt, of those (yet) unwise of who they all are, being undivided in the truly good one(they are), being in no way deficient in anything, but they are set at rest, refreshed in the (oneness) Spirit of and with God, at all times. And they will heed their root. They will be concerned with those (things) in which one WILL find one’s root and not suffer loss to one’s soul. This is the place of the blessed; this is their place.

    For the rest, then, may they know, in their places, that it is not fitting for me, having come to be in the resting-place, to speak of anything else. But it is in it that I shall come to be, and (it is fitting) to be concerned at all times with God of the all and the true brothers, those upon whom the love of God is poured out and in whose midst there is no lack of God. They are the ones who appear in truth, since they exist in true and eternal life and speak of the light which is perfect and filled with the true wise seed of God, and which is in one’s heart and wise fore-thought oneness as is God, as are YOU, while one’s oneness spirit rejoices in it and glorifies the one in whom it existed because YOU are goodness constantly flowing, in pure true wise loving compassionate humble oneness feeling as are they there all around YOU, unaware who is approaching them so wisely in wiser equality compassionate love. And God’s children are perfect and worthy of God’s name, for God is their father: it is children of this kind that God loves.


  461. +
    none of these things of wealth have value, compared to the shining radiance happiness equality true emanations of one’s devoted equality work in oneness of eternal all YOU

    no one is greater or lessor than another, no matter how snared one may become as a result of the constant flowing mad river of the forefather’s ignornce perpetuated forward in each passing moment.

    it is what it IS, beginning thru end of how one’s life unfolds like it does in everything one says or does, or does not do

    my life is devoted 100% to my LGBTQ brothers/sisters, who constantly grow brighter and brighter in oneness feeling just, as ‘i am’

    i learned what mattered most to me in life, feeling loved and loving, where all this junk collecting you all do is rather boring, eventually, is it not?

    i suppose those who have the most junk know this well, yes?


    so uhm, what do you want to do today Madonna, that you have not already done? uhm?

    i think everyone knows the answer to that one, or if not, YOU SURE AS FUCK BETTER KNOW SOON, CAUSE I AM SO TIRED OF WAITING ON ALL YOUR LAME ASSES!!!!!!!!!!

    maybe she is put off by you, cause of the really really super big nice Black man you had recently, who pinned you sooooo passionately to the wall time and time again, over and over, thinking maybe she cannot compete with that Andyy, too afraid to be what you so easily want, too selfish to love you for the way you just are, too busy with her own beautiful Black man herself, you ever think of that? And well, you really should just move on, you know, waiting around on these steps is just making you all so sad all the time, we is all just so tired of looking at your sorry ass, and that time you did not call me for a month, and then you did, and i hung up on your ass, CAUSE I HUNG UP ON YOUR ASS!!!!!!……..i ain’t hung up on it any more honey, so you can be on yezz dizzy itall way now, cause i can’t fix ya no more cause a him, you see this, this is eleven inches of real man, every night honey, where just so ya know, he belongs with me, constantly constantly always loved and smiling like he ain’t never been laid before honey!


    oh shit, divazzzzz in da house……runnnnnnn!


  462. don’t know you the ‘real’ you? pfffffffff

    it is you who does not know ‘me’ as well as i know all you…….obviously!

  463. Happiness is the Journey, not the destination, albeit the destination of Y ♥ U

  464. it is more than one can bare to see those with dreams so hopeless in their feelings of despair that i feel like i do, without hesitation whatsoever what to do with the wealth i realize has no value for me, and only for thee….to whom it belongs, of the reckless abandonment of the harsh greedy world so lost without God, without anything of any value to my heart than you who care as we do….

    “Thy kingdom come”

    See also: Matthew 6:10

    The request for God’s kingdom to come is commonly interpreted at the most literal level: as a reference to the belief, common at the time, that a Messiah figure would bring about a Kingdom of God. Traditionally the coming of God’s Kingdom is seen as a divine gift to be prayed for, not a human achievement. This idea is frequently challenged by groups who believe that the Kingdom will come by the hands of those faithful who work for a better world. It is believed by these individuals that Jesus’ commands to feed the hungry and clothe the needy are the Kingdom to which he was referring.

    “Our Father in heaven,

    hallowed be your name.

    Your kingdom come,

    your will be done,

    on earth as it is in heaven.

    Give us this day our daily bread,

    and forgive us our debts,

    as we also have forgiven our debtors.

    And lead us not into temptation,
    but deliver us from evil.”amen

  465. you just wake up one day to the feeling of no one there, no one of care, as slowly slowly……..walk away…….to a brighter day……some day i’ll get to where my heart yearns … stay……but not when love says……no way. Who wants to ever feel that?………useless doubt… can all keep it, ok? thanks

  466. truth sets you free

  467. eye for an eye leaves both blind, proves nothing, both are stupid for fighting in the first place, of the one attacking the most stupid of all, however, attack as you may, of the fire you seek as is your heart, and fire you shall be greeted with, in defending ourselves, not offensive as some of you feels like to mockingly point fingers so falsely of your unawareness of the truth we are, uncomprehending blindness of you who do not inquire about the divine truth of one’s own true nature grace, as defenders of the truth, peace, love, compassion, wisdom found in the kingdom of heaven here all around us, including truth of all untruth falsehood all YOU we realize wisely, compassionately, lovingly, of your forefather teaching blindness mind trap ignorance hate apathetic snare.

    lower your weapons or die stupid as the stupidness you turn towards and obviously (yet) are

  468. God is watching us all

  469. brave are you in true loving one another, than is of no bravery false hate

    ~ wisdom

  470. in order to be an effective leader you must share your knowledge and create more leaders rather than harbor it and create more followers. A true leader will choose to empower rather than overpower.

  471. Now this one is an Angel

  472. And here is another Angel

  473. Hey Madonna

    Do you like the two Angels i found for you ..?

    make sure you support them Xox

    (i can support myself !!, i got endless, constant & unlimited supply of cAnDy i can sell, like a money tree.. 🙂

  474. the kingdom of heaven is constant love flow…..we need merely remember, only love grows in to the kingdom of heaven we all enter as, God’s child! duh 😉

  475. we only get so many days as visitors passing thru this eternal kingdom of heaven realm, each day a sacred day of true awareness of our graceful true nature of divine self, a place left the way it just is, by all you who came before who did and did not know; left the way it just is, by all you alive today, who do and do not know; left the way it just is, by all you of tomorrow, who may and may not know; who you are………..God’s child! 😉

  476. Just spent a heart reaching few days with a friend who, tested positive Friday …

    Everyone listening out there remember to play safe no exceptions.

    For everyone tomorrow is World Aids Day…

    A prayer and a miracle for a cure now….

    Miracles are just dreams manifested, they come true when in the light

    Shine a light tomorrow

    & let’s make this dream a miracle come true.

  477. Prior to my becoming infected with the HIV virus, i intellectually knew i was of high risk behavior, as one who’s non-conducive bully laden passage past, put me in the high risk category……i should of stayed on with my therapy that i jumped out of when my original therapist retired(not a good transition, they just pass you an appointment card to meet with a stranger, brush you off. argh)……well, for me, obviously my path was one where inevitably i was born to become infected, and did……albeit, one can go to work on their self-esteem building(process) that would increase their self-respect-preservation.

    anyway, i am infected, cannot undue what is done, just go with my new life of how it just is, with all that living with HIV just is in this current time, where i don’t see the HIV virus as being what is cause for early death, in as much as i see how an unhealthy approach to living with HIV IS….

    our CD8 cells learn to identify which CD4 cells are infected, which the CD8 cells destroy…..

    however, when one does not seriously address what is a healthy approach to what works best for the body in proper balance of RED40(Rest, Exercise, Diet, 40 days to change habits), then your body of an already weak immune system, is hampered even further, leaving you susceptible to earlier ongoing ever present persistent attacks of the opportunistic infections that are always present and waiting for our body to become weak and inevitably die as they take over the body host.

    i am still med free, and i have watched my own balance of RED40, of how the body does have CD8 cells to attack and destroy the HIV infected CD4 cells, where i merely need to stay in the healthy zone with RED40……it works.

    the worse thing i think a person can do with their HIV+ body, is to not realize how victim mentality is the most detrimental to a positive wise loving and compassionate healthy approach to self, self of another.

    HIV+ individuals should not stop living their life, like i see happening of so many who do not transition well thru the first years of learning to live with HIV….

    one should stay on with as much of a normal life as before, however, there is the early onset of HIV, before the body learns to recognize the HIV infected CD4 cells, where our viral load does spike to high high levels, that does see the early opportunistic infections occur, where fatigue depression from the onslaught of the early opportunistic infections, prior to the body learning to recognize the HIV infected CD4 cells, can leave on thinking(and feeling) in an unwelcomed victim mentality loop, where by they think this is how it is always going to be for them, of quitting their jobs, falling out of an active healthy life, not exercising, not eating well, restless sleep, still smoking and still drinking, without proper awareness of the reality that our body does have a natural defense for the HIV virus……..even the professionals i feel do not address the transition phase that can last several weeks, months, and indeed, the fall out behavioral of years that comes with the all too often creation of a victim mentality loop that i have seen so many die early from, which indeed the professional community is as much (cause for) irresponsible, as much as the individual can and do become stuck in cycle pattern victim mentality that i know i have transitioned out of.

    the only one who can ensure success in this transition is our own self, as though our own doctor or scientist, with objective awareness in approach of WHAT DOES WORK, and what does not, for self and self of others we bare witness of.

    thanks be to God who asks us to become increasingly wise, loving, compassion of our true nature, just as is true of the cells of the body, is it not? :mrgreen:

    well, perhaps we can all campaign this, yes?

    well, perhaps i am a blessing to all in the world who cannot afford the expensive HIV drugs…….please, the transition is lengthy, of weeks, months, years, mentally, emotionally, physically, all tied directly to a +positive+ outcome……no pun intended.


  478. it stands to reason that if the HIV virus was a killer virus, mankind would of been wiped out by it.

    it is not, the human body has a natural ability of the CD8 cells to identify the CD4 infected cells, and destroy them, however, it does take time for the body to realize and recognize the problem, where by a high viral load is a what is cause for the body to go into search and destroy mode alert.

    just knowing this truth about the ability of our wise learning body, is a stress relief for anyone who cannot afford the medications.

    so please, let them all know the TRUTH of our corporate greed driven society that likes to falsely pride itself in all it’s truly useless arrogance in thinking it is actually helping the world, and is not, and rather is cause for so much stigmatization manipulation that is further detrimental to anyone learning to live with HIV…….YOU DON’T NEED THE EXPENSIVE DRUGS! YOUR BODY KNOWS HOW TO FIGHT HIV!

    who are you going to believe? The wealthy who leave you to think you need it, placing you into a deadly victim mentality?

    or one who is just like you, who wisely overcome the fake ass user world that wants you to believe you need them, and don’t, and certainly not ever all their lame boring ass coldness so unloving!

    no wonder Jesus despises the gross materialistic wealthy in all their spiritual poverty manifesting user ass false stigmatization manipulation slavery mind trapping of others as the arrogant unwise unloving apathetic fools they truly are!

    peace OUT

  479. I saw my bestest friend today, he z/. Very creative, the best painter alive been friends now for over 20yrs, he lost his mum at 8 yrs old alcoholic father, always bullied and picked on at school because he was different & then over 10 years now his been living with HIV on meds last 5 years well I’ve been through all the hard times his had living with this and I am pleased to see after all the denial he has met a cute younger guy who is now slowly accepting his status and their oversea tonight to Asia and India, I am sooooo pleased to see him off enjoying life and well as the saying goes, the show must go on….

    Live each day like it’ s a new day and give thanks to the great pleasures the universe has bestowed… Every moment sad or bad even good. Is a moment of love & and a reminder of who we are….

    We are …

    All children of God:)

  480. & to every soul out there in the whole world. Now living with HIV or someone they know is…

    Know this my heart and every beautiful soul Alive today’s heart goes out for you …

    We are all with you as


  481. so amazing

  482. And what about all the vaunerable children of the world

    Sold into the slave trade, arraigned marriages, organs stolen and sold to the highest bidder, girls raped in Afganistan and then put in jail or forced to marry the rapist.

    Fucked up

    Totally fucked up…

    I’m fucking angry..

    Does anyone care ? Fucked up world..

  483. so do something about it!

    get involved!

    make your voice known to all, especially to those with no voice!

    at all times, they are there in silent prayer for fearless ones of truth to march forth in victory, taking all thru safe passage of the eternal all yet to come.

    it is so absurd how horrid the male ego is in this world, against women, a result of too much tolerance by women too afraid to speak up against the ego maniac fuckhead males!

    why is she not granted Asylum?

    will you sponsor her?

    will you be one who opens the doors to a certain future?

    or will you be the passive nothingness that allows all the bullshit to perpetuate forward?

    at all times, where our heart is, there too is our treasure and our life, our world.

    stand up and shout back, with all your fortitude that DOES MAKE A DIFFERENCE to the eternal all today and tomorrow.

    where would we be if the forefathers did nothing of goodness of the heart?

    it is our primal true nature to fight against oppression of self, self of another.

    and you just know i am going to leave this world screaming at them all!

    screaming the TRUTH that breaks the chains of all falsehood bully oppression that is still overrunning vulnerable others.

    all injustice in the world is an open case for justice to be served by all for all

    why not contact Heather Barr, Human Rights Watch’s Afghanistan researcher, and ask what can be done?

  484. I’m powerless to do anything, wellnot entirely I can start at home that’s why I am educating myself so I can work in a women’s refuge and help women who are experiencing domestic voilence relocate away from their violent husbands and hopeful find a safe transition to new new life away from the ego maniac asshole who is a woman who is more fragile physically and unable to defend. I’ll let the soldiers in Afganistan sort out the Taliban retards who oppress women, their more better equipped than me. Oh and the children too doing youth counselling also so I guess that covers that, I’m just frustrated because I’m not qualified yet only half way but I should do volunteer work now so I’ll get onto that this’s week, after my fucking shit fuck assignments agrrrrrrrr
    I hate doing assignments even though I know their good for me… I still hate doing them… I’d rather be out dancing oh we’ll one must make sacrifices..

    Someone kill me

  485. So I meet this totally fucked son of biyatch k & this fake son of tells me he ‘s a messiah just forgot which one anywazzzz I say you need to really sort your shit out mate, get a job .. Get a life .. Wanker

    who’d want to be a mess aha I Anywaz unless your Maria cash cow Carey, so well personally I’d rather be like God .. Than some half breed faker …

  486. I meant half breed, half god half human, not Mariah God bless she’s awesome too… Big boobs just like me..

  487. ya well, how do you explain 46,000 white Carrara marble slabs being recycled by artists, removed and replaced on a 72 story office tower here in Toronto?

    it is the same marble Michaelangelo carved in, and well, there is something highly spiritual about this free marble i have access to now, where i ask, is this of God’s will?

    Our true nature is wise loving compassionate graceful atonement as our pure true ‘real’ tender mild gentle delicate sensual authentic sincere genuine (self) oneness with self of another, in all we say or do.

    heaven is the constant flow love of divine ‘real’ self connected oneness with eternal all you, even possible with real self submerged under so many falsehoods we witness and discerningly feel like we do, even if our discerning is not cognitive, our brain records all we witness in constant processing, of what is the conscious awakening oneness processing of the one generation of eternal all bound together.

    therefore, every step IS holy sacred in all….

    love vs hate
    wisdom vs ignorance
    compassion vs apathy
    true self vs false self

    heaven vs hell

    the more we turn towards our true divine nature spiritual BEing atonement, the more we come fully into awareness of this eternal all TRUTH

    anyone want to help carve these 46,000 marble slabs?

    truly, time is the only value in life, as realized by the pure true feeling grace atonement.

    devotion life in oneness of true grace nature with others : others with nature grace true of oneness in life devotion

  488. i suppose if one plays along in a game that the wealth set the rules, once can look forward to losing?

    worse, is seeing the wealthy investors drooling over low wage societies with no labor unions, it’s own military who prevent such, of corporations like McDonalds who pay people $5 a day for the same work they do here.

    where is international low on human rights?

    ok, let me see if i understand this, no corporation is allowed to pay it’s employers less than the legal minimum wage?

    ah, but they do!

    slave master investors play act in caring for society, and the proof is there in unbelievable low wages of Indonesia, of it’s own corrupt government and military attempting to prevent labor unions, a society beaten down into submission too afraid to speak up for itself.

    does the oppression sound familiar?

    it’s wrong, and yet to every investor on the DOW stock, it is ok.

    slaves and slave masters of the meek

    and people think it is bad here?

    listen up everyone, the same investors are far worse in fucking over societies else where in the world.

    well, at some point these things come to light, and the power of the people rise up in revolt, boycotting all of you eventually.

    the people have the most powerful weapon in their hand, without even realizing they do.

    society is migrating out of our natural habitat, and we are getting fucked over by the investors along the way

    will insatiable fire desire increasingly get worse?


    uhm…is it not bad enough already?

    truth is, it needs to fuck itself royally first, in order for society to collectively WAKE THE FUCK UP!

  489. Why let it get to that point no need for it to all fuck up..

    Just be happy, let some light in..

    I’m taken, I found Isabella ..

    She’s a whore just like me, love at first sight ..

    I’m so happy right now, I love my life

  490. along our journey is the constant nurturing of our real self inner joyful true nature feelings like we all just felt…

    how amazing is the journey, of music playing every step of the way, where truly happiness is the journey, especially true of dancing and singing hearts unity as though one, without useless uncertainty of what two do

  491. blessed IS the holy joyful carefree inner happiness within all, of what one realizes true of self, self of another, so easy to turn towards and just BE thankful constant overflowing abundance of how amazing unity so easily gracefully is y♥u f♥♥lings in every tender touch, in every joy filled cuddling, in every h♥ppy skip down the street, of two who willingly m♥♥t what heaven IS.

    and when it’s not, well throw their shit out in the street and tell them to fuck off!


  492. Omg it’s 2012 soon..

    life passes so quickly. Well at least Heaven is eternal, & no need for Botox in Heaven, because the spirit never ages & you don’t need a physical body, so I can leave my old bones at the Gates of Heaven,

  493. the only thing permanent in this realm is the laws of physics of which do not change eternal past thru eternal future, that confines predictable outcome of all life like it has and yet does, remarkably flawlessly so, just as are the laws of physics, flawless.

    as much as we foolishly egotistically like to think we are cause for change, it is more of a change for cause, in returning atonement awareness with original pure true flawless being that is the root of all change, in all our plodding along aimlessly seeking towards a destination that has already come, too blind in distraction to fully realize just how nomadic the world actually is in it migration out of our natural habitat, replaced by a horrid greed driven ego maniac cruel selfish survival of the fittest gross materialistic falsehood that has no feelings, no soul, no future, until such a time of awareness of this TRUTH

    there is no purpose to life simply enjoying it’s own existence, albeit, barely that of any so far removed from our natural at ease state of blissful existence subtle higher intellectual feeling real self BEing, not at all like any of the survival mode nomads of the business controlled world we all unfortunately are being unwisely lead by as though a ring thru our noses, stressed out and dead at 55.

    congrats to all

    the only heaven of this realm is the one you do not take time to fully feel in atonement realization truth that heaven is y♥u

  494. a carefree spirit

  495. fuk the stupid oppressive egos….so short circuit chaos fear is dead already, always was!

    the intensity of homophobic fear is what this is

    if only of thoughts about how the human male and female embryonic structures are wired the same in our brains, giving way of once thought as deviant thoughts, reality check truth replacing of centuries of all the useless taboo ignorance by means of todays wisdom on human anatomy
    we are not different, all are the same embryo in the womb, before our sex is determined, we all start as the exact same wired embryo, meaning our sexual orgasms, no matter male or female is identical in feeling, which pretty much tosses all the labels in the garbage where they belong, and if anyone is sick to death of the labels, it is someone like me who is both female and male of sexual male anatomy, and yet i know i am oneness of female too…..which again….IS NOT DIFFERENT……a female of a male body knows these labels are false, knows her body orgasms are real, and the same of her male body.
    for example, if the female of a male body having straight sex or gay sex with a male?…..see what i mean?
    or how about the female of a male body having sex with the female of a male body, what is that? Lesbian? ha
    it’s all the same sex……no one is different……it is the old school fucktards who don’t it, too afraid to explore it, so airhead they bore it, time to get OUT of here so floor it!!!!!! ahahaa

  496. sorry if i hurt you… I just wanted to give you what no one else could

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