I’m the Director! Now. Shut up and do as you are told!

Ok. I know I shouldn’t say this, but some of these actors are going to make me lose it! This actress (I won’t name names) said she has creative differences with me about MY FILM! I told her to do as she is told or she will be looking for a new job! You see…I am THE DIRECTOR. It’s my vision. It’s my artistic integrity that is on the line. You are just the actress who will read the lines as she is instructed to do. Sorry. I just had to vent. These actors are going to cause me to get my first wrinkle!

1,255 Responses

  1. So fire her,and give me the job! GIVE IT TO ME !

  2. oooooo………there she is, my dominatrix girlfriend!


    fuck, was worried sick about you for so long, i got sick myself in the process, fuck!


    ah well, bad things happen to good people

  3. well that is not very open minded, open hearted of you…..

    you should take time to listen in oneness with them, and forget about the budget, where in doing so, even if you don’t come into awareness agreement they may be coming from, you at least gain a higher level of moral with their at ease comfortable loving true real self, which i feel is the only true capable actor able to get into character

    oh for fuck sakes, i am so not following you down the path of Director

    i have more interest in Jesus and God the director………of my wise wide awakening heart mind body spirit and soul like your own


    use tact

       /tækt/ Show Spelled[takt] Show IPA
    a keen sense of what to say or do to avoid giving offense; skill in dealing with difficult or delicate situations.
    a keen sense of what is appropriate, tasteful, or aesthetically pleasing; taste; discrimination.
    3. touch or the sense of touch.

    can i be tactful with you?

    come on, let’s get tactful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  4. uhm, vision, artistic integrity? blah blah blah

    you have a vision?

    what is it?

    i have 2 wait and SEE?

    getting into the deeper realm of vulnerable true graceful calm self of anyone, a sorta trance like feeling, requires admiration and trust with one another, where while the director may be in charge, a good director gives you the time needed to go deep within your own self in bringing forth what only the actor can bring forth purely and truthfully from within

    hey, i know, why not try a sleep over, getting them all on board in oneness direction with the project objective achievement we all purely feel as one in bringing forth what we all feel matters to the entire world in accomplishing our visionary goal(s)!

    what did you say the vision was again?

    oh, you see, i feel so left out all the time! fuck!

    fuck fuck fuck fuck!!!!!!!!

    ok, i will be in the studio, you know where to find ‘me’

    just be sure you do ONE day!

    the eternal day that IS!

    if they do not know the vision, how can they become it?

    i would say the greatest ability of a director is sound effect directness exacting communication that starts with the director, prior to entering into the studio

    and remember, there is no such thing as a finished film, it is what it is at the end of the budget, where effective concise precise smarter use of time is what works, and less frustrating for directors and actors alike

    anyway, im just rambling on, don’t know much at all about directing, although i would say that if you don’t win over the true heart of the actor, you may as well forget it

    just sayin

  5. personally, i would alot a portion of budget consideration daily, that actors can use freely before the camera, in your allowing the to freelance their previous evening thoughts of each up coming shoot, then do how you want to see it, where you just never know, your actors most likely may have something special of their own, but if you don’t allow them to explore what could potentially better than your own, you won’t find it.

    if nothing else, you develop a much purer bond with your team players, in their ability to go deeper in bringing forth more believable real self expression in their getting into character, no different that a dancer who clearly is emotionally in step with the music that resonates purely within them, indeed, IS them.

    just an idea, you know, an hour of time well spent, that is of wise growth orientation direction in necessary pureness bonding trust building that may result in what you are attempting to achieve, with the option of better that you all may discover

    ok, i will stop annoying you in my endless ranting, you need your rest and peace of mind, realizing i am not likely helping much, my shit that i need to calm down.

    sorry about that……………

    carry on…………….Biyatches!


  6. oh, and as director and editors know, you do not have to share with the actors, which shoots you are going to use later during editing, where the objective is to have more potentially better material available later to edit, no different than a photo shoot of 100 shots taken as opposed to 10, narrowing it down to the best two, then one

    hope the helps

  7. oh, and remember, Jesus lovingly wisely compassionate restore(s)(d) pure loving heart felt sight to the blind man’s soul, not his eyes……..albeit, his eyes, spiritually pure and true of YOU all

    blessings to all

  8. you know, i really really do know the pure loving hearts of the unborn yet to come in the distant future, feeling what we feel, in holding these stone carvings in their loving hands of the eternal day awakening awareness as my own

    if you do fearless know your own feelings true, how is one able to fearlessly knowingly evokingly cathardically convey awaken another so sadly lost and tragically oppressed along the way?

    it’s not like God can just stop the universe and start over, knowing the capability of our brain, in all it’s useless empty nowhere meanderings over human history like it has and yet does, as much as God would like to start over.

    can we start over?

    no wait, wrong question

    can we start?


    just sayin

    ok, i will stop with my bisexual frustration

  9. my heart constantly aches to be in love, in step, in every blessed step i take, to always feel someone truly truly does love ‘me’ like i do them

    i am in love
    with all of you
    even of gloves
    beating me black and blue

    hey, that’s it, i will take up boxing, good aesthetic value results in so many ways!


  10. he stepped thru an approaching door he purely felt coming up within him, in his surrendering to step thru like he compassionately did

    question is, why?

    what was the single most compelling thinking and feeling Jesus was of in his surrendering processing he was of in the days leading up to surrendering to the cross?

    do you know?

    i am still trying to establish exactly what it is, mentally, emotionally, sexually, spiritually

    i mean he knew once he stepped thru the door, that would be it for his precious loving life……….what is perplexing of the carbon dated text from the third century, is that Jesus speaks of the kingdom of heaven as being all around us, not in the sky, so why would he choose to leave his loving life behind of so many he obviously loved so much like he did?

    he does speak of a spiritual realm he seemed to be of realization(imagination) belief that he was from, so much so, of no fear in stepping thru his physical death door that he willingly stepped thru

    my God, my God, did Jesus love us all hear in the future so much so as to marter himself……..apparently 100% he knowingly did

    question is, was Jesus a precious soul surrendered completely for God’s spirit to dwell in, an humble oppression of sorts in knowing God is the wiser than he was?

    was it all a mindfuck religious bullshit of some kid who became obssessed with the monk teachers of his time?

    there is not much documentation of Jesus outside of the last few years of his life that lead up to his demise

    i will say this, to marter yourself for sake of teaching others, well, in truth there is no greater love than those who lay down their life for others

    such is the soldiers heart, is it not?

    war is always the most foolish last attempt in deeling with foolish harmful others

    and yet, of those seeking to harm my brothers and sisters, you have go get past ‘me’ first Biyatches!

    get it?

    unknowingly asleep at the wheel ‘me’?

    oh never mind, go back to sleep

    i love you
    i am afraid to love you like i do
    i am afraid you won’t love me like i do
    what to do?

    run Andyy run!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  11. i am purely 100% of the eternal day Jesus speaks of now, at all times, everywhere i go, wisely feeling what is of so many of these souls along the way, that i know inside feel as i do too, no matter how oppressed they me tragically sadly be, like my dad was, such a sad homosexual ending of dad dying in a closet he was too afraid to come out of, and yet did, with me.

    my dad loved me with every fiber of his body, and i always that about him

    and so did and does my mom, in always shared our oneness love as though one

    rather than the loving conducive environment of a loving family of kids forever at play, homosexuals have each other as family, of pure true eternal feeling love constantly always there in their eyes with each other, day after blessed day, as we watch out for the new comers approaching along the way, knowing most likely of the ones who will stay, of the so many strays who find there where here to the gay ghetto.

    i live a blessed life

    and i have know this for some time now

    every step, every hour, is sacred, at all times, all of us growing more and more fearless like we do year in and year out, of no difficulty at all in knowing where we belong, along side one another, the harmful others always who are there, with gay bashing glare

    we grow

    we keep growing

    till our last day

    in awareness of the eternal day we all walk in

    while most may be subconsciously unaware in cognitive alertness of the changing of times by means of the pure light within us all, some of us are awake at all times like we are, for sake of the aimless haphazard asleep at the wheel others so lost, so oppressed like we too once were along their way

    it is easier for me to be gay

    never thought i would ever hear myself say that one! fuck!

    hey, that’s progress Biyatches!

    well ok, the bisexual issue, whew!

    like i said, it’s not you, so much as it is the others, oppressive of ‘me’ 2, who i know is just like YOU!

    what to do?

    well, how be i stop annoying you with my ranting sexual frustration manifestations, repectfully so at this juncture in time, so you can focus on what i sense is of spiritual value work for you at this time.

    i don’t want you to fall away from the precious zone you may be of, in my not purely knowing where you are, as much as i want to

    bisexuality is equally as much a homophobic struggle, if not more, as is homosexual coming out.

    i had no idea until i got fully into it that it really is, in likeness and form of transsexuals who are seemingly the only ones who understand their own self in process, something i learned about transsexual transitioning from being one sex to another, where ya, transsexuals know how much the love the female body, to the degree they purely do feel and seem as they purely are……..female, for the M-F transsexuals, like wise of the F-M testosterone injectors

    so be happy fuckers that someone takes time to share their transsexual bisexual issue with you, that may help you or another, even if you do feel what i have to say as babbling validation of my own self

    you should ALL be fucking thankful i bother with you at all!

    and that is the motherfucking truth, where i am way more comfortable around others in my life who are drawing me away from you fuckers!


    there, i defended myself, assertively, less aggressive passively

    so says my therapist

    bless you all

  12. fuck, i can hardly belief some of the shit that comes out of your mouths that is so disconnected from what is purely going on in so many precious loving souls as my own, like WHAT THE FUCK FUCKERS!!!!!!!!!

    go piss on someone else’s grave!

    complete fucking jerks is what some of you CLEARLY FUCKING ARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. i suggest you read up on Immanuel Kant as regards the true value of autonomy freely given

  14. specifically, philosophical theories of autonomy developed by Kent, which may give you a higher insightful appreciation in using autonomy advantageously, as regards your vision objective

  15. as Rosie says, “Oh for fuck sakes, these two are so obviously meant for each other! Why don’t they just fuck and get on with it?”


  16. i don’t know what the vision is, although i suspect it has to do with natural subconscious liberation processing self-actualization freeing of one’s spirit out of the quagmire that most any are haphazardly are unaware exists in what is of non-conducive world most plod along in aimless like so many do, a responsibility to others that artists fearless embrace for sake of others in what they have wisely take time to learn of their own self.

    i feel there is always potentially more effective untapped experiential techniques available for film directors and writers to explore, as a way to free the seemingly unfreeable who choose not to read much about their own physcological well being unattended, which in truth, we are all subconscious doing it anyway every day as individual directors of our own life, albeit, if you are able to alter and save even one life from falling thru the cracks with your devoted works, the value of the precious life changed forever in however small away that moves them off paths of fate, is indeed, what is of the ONLY true value of the devoted work, mission accomplished.

  17. am i bothering you?

    sorry…….i’ll be in the other room

    Hey, who ate all the Almond Guy Ding?



  18. ok, one last brain teaser for you

    Kant argues, that using reason without applying it to experience will only lead to illusions, while experience will be purely subjective without first being subsumed under pure reason.

    henceforth comes forth the true mark of an artist, yes?

    in otherwords, if you have not lived sufficiently as the vision, of unwavering certainty that comes with that, and ONLY by means of ‘that’, then the vision will seem as though subconsciously always detecting of existing flaws illusionary to others, because of the what is of the unavoidable apparent ‘lack’ in depth required to purely know without doubt whatsoever the eternal day visionary unchanging mind that is unable to be altered or eskewed by any who may attempt to do so.

    still with ‘me’?


  19. nudge nudge……….

    HEY, WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!

    i wanna have sex!!!!!!!!!!

    oh oh, ya sure, see, that always gets your attention!

    did you listen to me at all?

    are we on the same page?

    well, news flash, whether you like it or not, WE all are!

    where some, believe it or not, don’t ever realize they always were!

    so asleep like some are

    all of us, past present future, are constantly of affect/effect/direct/indirectness of the changing of the of the eternal day light we are all from and swim in of what is this realm of existence that none of us to this day know exactly what is this place we call a universe, and none of us knowing if indeed there is another realm of existence when we leave.

    well, there is actually another realm of existence after we leave that we ALL need to wake up and purely realize does exist fuckers!

    the realm you leave behind for your blessed beloved children to walk in as you have


    damn, my bitterness is not subsiding, argh……….fuck

  20. anyway, i need to get back to the other side of the boundary fence, respectFULLY of you………and ‘me’

    although i do think you will miss me after i am gone, even if you act as though you don’t and won’t

    love is what it is


  21. at all times, always, love IS you!

    true of ‘me’ 2

    believe it or not fuckers!


  22. Didn’t you already replace her,

    I just got the script to my movie, “Still flown” one scene I got, one fucking scene and that’s it… oh well gotta start somewhere, build on it you know.. up & up bigger and bigger ..

    the bigger the better 🙂

    enjoy the Côte d’Azur… it’s so fucking cold where i am it’s impossible to get anything to start

  23. sounds romantic Marco


  24. and definitively cannot possibly be as not as cold as this fucking blog!

  25. i used to wonder why the spirit of Jesus was with me all the time

    i don’t any more

    he is protecting my pure heart like his own from the ignoramous world he too was born into, that we both despise like we do

    ok haters, you best stay the fuck away from our ghetto!

    we know who you are from afar, with our gadar constantly scanning the horizon

    WHOA!!!! did you see that one? So fine and beautiful prancing down the street!


  26. one thing is certain in this life

    we can avoid all self we can run around and play games let our ego assume control and avoid the inevitable

    but one thing we cannot avoid in this life

    is the certainty of death

    life as we know it will certainly come to an end

    be it tomorrow be it next week or be it in 50 years time no one really knows the day but we all know it will happen its unavoidable.

    and in that final breath only one knows what will go through the mind if not all or even a fragment of ones life will pass and in that reflection

    will pass your inflection

    godd night

    good bye


    good love

  27. in heaven, standing next to Jesus, who is always there as my best friend, awareness of coming 100% FULLy into constant flowing oneness loving feelings of our divine true ‘real’ self, no matter how beaten down oppressed one may be of in arriving at heaven’s conducive awakening moment(s) in time along our entire life path, is not of the unfocused feuding futile waste of precious time spinning of wheels ruminating back and forth, back and forth, argh, ego bashing competition

    unfortunately, while it may or may not be our ‘lack’ of mental emotional sexual awareness growth of own self in cause for continuation of such futile waste of time that presents itself in our attempts of bringing out the best as opposed to the worse in another, it is not entirely of our own doing, in taking appreciative note, that each individual is of the makings of their entire life journey thus far, of who it is who comes before us, themselves of whatever amount of oppression of their true self that is of the unavoidable truth of their path thus far, which rather than ever bad on their part, is in fact, always of potential goodness awakening blossoming self-awareness discovery for sake of them, for sake of sacred mirroring truth of the eternal all YOU who are of the constant catharsis process aimless plodding along slow awakening into awareness of what exactly it is most any is subconsciously seeking.

    as ‘knowers of truth’, this is what presents itself as though a challenge for the enlightened wiser student/teacher ones leading us, which is indeed a challenge for their own self yet as a student like the students they seek to reveal awareness as to what exactly is of heaven’s oneness we all have to take a moment and step back in acknowledgment of the truth, oh, we are all the same, where when one does not, all shall remain lost to the ever pervading empty mindlessness that Jesus refers to as bitter gnashing of the teeth outside of heaven’s oneness awakening of student mentality that is not only is required of them to shut the fuck up, so as to listen not only to the wiser student/teacher who in truth is just like them, but to listen to what is of the wiser student/teacher pointing to who they should take time to purely listen to who like wise also is patiently waiting there within them, the flawless feeling pure hearted divine true ‘real’ self of the eternal all YOU

    and that is what is of the challenge for a student learning use of tactful BEcoming conduct of the teacher who is not really a teacher, rather is merely the sacred mirroring of their own loving wiser compassionate older self in their own future

    you are all free to be of futile challenging of my knower of truth words all you want, but the end, if you are not of your own open minded student mentality required to learn of your own self oppressions, you shall remain as you yet are, of all your stuckness mentality oppressions, until such a time as you do, whether you love or hate it not.


  28. it is your life to live and dwell with those of your choosing

    indeed, yOUR entire LIFE is what is of all your choices made

    where all oppression past present future, is always of choices we are not allowed to make because of oppressive controlling others(read: Iran), and of choices we fearfully were made to foolishly stupidly think we were not allowed to make(read:Catholic Church)

    as regards choice of partners, the only partner we really have to genuinely authentically sincerely choose from, is the one who genuinely authentically sincerely chooses YOU

    access denied! pleaaaaaaaasssssssssseeeeeeee try again

    such is the truth of pervading controlling binding homophobia yet of this forefather world they left and leave behind for all the unborn yet to come

    change is occuring, but not fast enough for the increasing suicide rates for the 15-24 year old gay youth, statistics which has tripled over the past recent years, as more awareness awakening is likewise increasing exponentially like it continues as it should

    so long as another gay youth takes their own precious life, we are not doing enough as a society

  29. Its good to listen to other people opinions but you ultimately must listen to your self because you have the overall clear vision. Dont hesitate because it becomes someone elses film. this is one reason I love you. you do what you want always. 🙂

  30. the only ‘real’ question one need wisely ask, is who is it that identifies with everyone in the life teaching of sacred lesson film?

    it is no laughing matter, these issues of binding mind fuck trapping captivity falsehoods of death, destruction and oppression of our pure spiritedness ongoing liberation OUT of the horrid forefather mindfucking madflood drowning ignorances.

    we should all buy plane tickets to visit Iran for the next upcoming homosexual execution, millions of us, and then without a word to any of them, peacefully walk(march) away.

  31. of course, if they let me into their country, i would armed and dangerous to their scardy cat bully egos, with the holy sword of Truth and armour no one is able to penetrate like they stupidly unwisely think they can and so unbelievably stupidly try to do, humiliating only their own self for all the world to wisely SEE like we purely truly do SEE

  32. someone else’s film?

    that is abit naive and foolhearty egocentric…….

    what is SELF?

    are we not all of the manifestation of the eternal all one generation forefather binding intrinsic/extrinsic affect/effect/direct/indirect forces from the moment we enter into this yet unwise world surround.

    only truthful pure heartedness of a truly liberated SELF is able to liberate another SELF with ease

    i come in peace and brother love

    bless you

  33. for sake of YOU

    for sake of ‘me’

    for sake of the eternal all

    especially for sake of those of false taboo oppression like ‘me’

    i love so much it makes me cry to feel what is of their current oppression i purely sense like i always do, where becoming maturity compassion is our fearlessness to purely cry, not for sake of try for sake of false ego, no, for sake of ‘me’ in knowing who i purely truly really really AM

    y it’s Andy and Madonna, of course, duh! lol :mrgreen:

    you know, those two really should get hitched one day

    i pray :mrgreen:

    God, i wish didn’t love her so much like i always constantly do

    did you know, i think she inadvertently saved my sorry ass tagging along needy needy needy life from learning high risk self-destructive emotional coping problematic developing behaviorals over the years?

    i thought i mentioned that already……..

    ALL READY!!!!!!!!!!!



  34. such a pure light i stand in of retrospective thinking and feeling of lover’s i lost along the way, like Reggie Rose, so young, so beautiful, in a flash he was gone forever from my side…….

    i walked into the club and asked where Reggie is………they looked me and did not say a word…..their realising i didn’t know…….as i backed away slowly in realizing what i did not want to , unable to stand, falling down into a chair……….as they came over to me with a gentle touch to my hair, knowing how much i loved Reggie……..my sitting there in awareness of him………no longer there with soft words of care.

  35. oh, i realized alot of good things…………after they were gone

    like the night stand i had with one my age, reminded me of Mike from my youth, looked just like him………walking into his humble abode, that took back to the seventies, my first year in hitting the scene, meeting those my age and what was of their life, their so seemingly of no concern whatsoever of having an expensive life of any kind, so purely calm and graceful they truly appeared to me all the time, my god, what is this i am learning of my own self that i feel in oneness with them, saddened deeply of their grave illness battle with Aids, my not afraid to have sex with them, compassionately knowing they needed me in getting their met, the early 90’s so hard like it was………the next morning of me getting out of the taxi cab as he dropped me off, his saying to me, seemingly aware of my deep compassion for him, “You keep on going Andy!”

    i remember those words eternally etched in my heart, always he is there……

  36. he died the same month Reggie died…….my necessary grieving unavoidable, all of it healing, especially of my loss over Troy……..i don’t think we are supposed to ever get over loses that in truth, teach us about our own pure true heart like it does……

    i honestly believe we are all supposed to meet for a reason that reveals
    sacred awareness of our own divine true real self that God’s knows
    about us in what we may not yet purely realize about our own self yet.

    bless you all

  37. thanks for taking time to wisely listen

    to your heart

    like my own

    ‘that’ WE all are

  38. quick question

    does O having for you, as in ORGASM?

    just wondering, well ok, not really……..LOL :mrgreen:

  39. truth be told, i cannot bring myself to leave someone who purely truly loves ‘me’

    and i am not speaking only of you

    albeit you

    a true and faithful friend ‘i am’

    do you know who ‘i am’?

    who ‘am i’ to you?

    i feel only love 2

  40. WE are rising wisely victorious,

    unable to ever be defeated,

    overcoming the unwise self-defeatists we too once were

    the paranoid strings………so annoying at times………is ‘am i’ skitz?

    i don’t think ‘i am’

    doc says im not

    and yet my father and brother were diagnosed skitz……..

    i don’t think so

    i SEE thru a different lens, a magical pair of glasses

  41. manifestations of oppression

    my dad was gay

    gay as fuck!

    when he broke it off with Jimmy, at my moms ultimatum urgings of “or else”, Jimmy cryed, a grown man crying like i had not seen before, wondering why is Jimmy crying, too young to understand my own wet dreams at the time, pffffff

    and still mom ditched his ass anyway

    as dad fade away, everyone gone from his life he once had, dying alone………fucking bullshit!

  42. welcome to my mental break from reality, no wait, from delusional reality, no wait………

    are we breaking up?


    ah well, i am who i am, and i can only settle for one who 100% loves ‘me’

    do you love ‘me’?

    i know you do

    what to do?

    well, keep on loving ‘me’ like i do you

    no wait, better yet………..as i do you!

    oh, i can’t do you, i look fucking horrible in makeup!


    ~ bisexual meanderings

    i am what i am, from a female and a male, ‘that’ makes me female and male fuckers! so fuck you lameass fucks and all your boring fear of ‘me’!

    not you


    it’s always fucking themmmmmmmmmm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! argh!

  43. my thinking and feeling is this………

    there is nothing more valuable in life than someone you purely truly constantly love

    and that is our reaching stuckness that is always there within of constant yearning without the paranoid strings playing

    make them stop

  44. i remember dancing to this song released in 1969, a different time for our pure flowing hearts so free, of just pure loving being existent, a better remix for sure, yes? 😉 love it

  45. hey, why do so many girls on myYearBook want me as more than their friend?

    and why do i enjoy them so like i do?

    oh ya, i really really am one of them 2 :mrgreen:

    when you really love someone, you love everything about them, including their orientation, or especially their orientation true love 2?

    someone said to me the other day, girls are girls, and boys are girls 2

    ya, well, last time i checked, girls are boys 2!

    and some of them are way more truthful and pure loving than some of you nasty sissy ass viperous back stabbing tittyboys without a big enough boyfriend dick!



  46. Madonna’s ‘give it to me’ is like most any of her songs, fearlessly honest sexuality without having to ask anyone what we all really really do know of our own sexual self she continues forward with, of a sacred mirror in inner reflection processing in self-actualization acceptance, as a gay male female i know ‘i am’, just like her, 100%, i really really am female sexuality!

    as one who does purely relate to how she feels

    as one who does purely relate to how all females feel…….or more accurately, should eventually feel in sexual self-love enjoyment so healthy for our developing healthier sexual attitudes in what we are, sexual beings, no shame at all, a part of our bodies in function like all our sensory perception pleasure, what life is, what heaven is all around us of sight sound smell taste touching sexual erogenous zone bodies

  47. how instrumental has she and other artists been over the decades in our self-love sexual growth acceptance?

    critically instrumental, no matter our sexual orientation, and especially of our sexual orientation towards love!

  48. could i keep up with her?

    hell ya!!!!!!!!!!

    pffffffff, more like the other way around………..literally and figuratively speaking


    i am more about my spirituality than i am sex, in that order, where without the spirituality, i cannot be the pure sexuality of my spirituality sex

    not just anyone

    someone who whole heartedly truly purely does love you 100% is the only way for any of us to love one another, no time for the pretender spenders, or too fickle loose easy bender slender, forgetfulness of my versatile bigender, get the fuck away from me with that pencil dick, fuck, how many times do i have to tell you Biyatches, mama knows what she likes!



  49. i know you know i do love you 100% like i knowingly constantly do

    knowing i always will like i have for along time

    i got hurt by a lot of girls in my youth that i loved so purely like i did

    one girl i hurt badly i fear

    my friends told me she was Catholic, as i ran away

    later in life i realized, i really did not deserve her, of God knowing the truth, i really really did not, not then, not so stupidly arrogant like i was to her, all the while purely loving of my every glimpse of her……..exit center stage, the fool listening to others, left standing there alone…..

    life lesson learning how to unlearn our foolish utterly absurd false unwise hurtful empty ego masks i no longer wish to wear, not around you, not ever, thinking i am so clever, the mr never i admittingly know i really really was…..still i am at times……ending up hear before you of one so dear

    was it really all of orientation denial manifestations?


    i really really purely did and yet do admire her pure spirit my own that i was and yet am

    what is sex with someone you don’t love?


  50. what would i say if i had a chance to speak with again?

    please forgive my foolish childish arrogance that obviously was with you, knowing inside my feelings i kept from you of the TRUTH that all i ever really really wanted, was to love you true like i know i yet do, and know i always will

  51. my life changed forever from that moment on

  52. worst of all, she was crazy for me, sensing of the truth that i too was crazy for her too

    follow your heart on a course that is always running pure and true within you of constant steady flow, and let go of the foolish ones like i know was and sometimes yet am, but not really, for inside i do know how i feel about you

    how i feel about all females i yet look apon the same way, that part of me that feels i don’t deserve their trust, the social norm behavioral of society’s male ego sexism, partly i suppose, doesn’t have to be that way, don’t ever listen to them, i am not like them any more, i am female spirited pure and true, just like you

    so if that is someone you can trust to love you, always know i really really will, as in the same will of you my own, where i really do know, only the female feels the truth like they do of the words i say, that all females need to learn to say, to hell with you lameass emotionally afraid immature males, now please just go the fuck away! :mrgreen:

  53. in truth, i really always do love the female, especially of the timid ever afraid effeminate female of the male of so many i have come to purely know and love in oneness of my own female spirit in a male body

  54. after knowing the truth of this like i do for so long, well, i conclude, that no one is male and now one is female, nope, rather we are one spirited sexual being, our higher subtle intellect oneness sexual awareness that reveals the truth of this clearly for some of us

    such is the effeminate(transsexual) female of the male

    amazing how some you cannot tell were actually once male

    society wants us to be one sex or the other, not multiple sexual beings, that only the fun loving versatile bigender intersex hermaphrodites purely always know the truth of their own sexual awareness existence like they really really are……….of both sexes

    for me, i don’t see people the way they are raised to be, rather i see the one who they really really are, fearfully oppressed in unhappiness not as their fearless pure true spiritedness unattended by a yet unaware awakening society yet learning the truth of transsexual reality check, that should they spend time close enough with them, the most likely would come into awareness eventually of a pure awareness inside as their own, exclaiming, oh for fuck sakes, i really really am transsexual!

    i was like OMFG!!!!!!!!!!

    the day i purely did realize the truth that i am more of a pure hearted transsexual, yet closeted, coming out, after spending countless hours in transsexual group therapy

    blessings to all

  55. did you know transsexuals have a 50% chance of killing themselves?

    yep, it’s true

    the transitioning two year duration can be overwhelming during a sex change, where i do not agree with transsexual sex change, rather seeing it in a light of my truth awareness, in what is intrinsic/extrinsic ignorance of society pressures for us to be one sex or the other instead of what i 100% do know we all really really are

    primal innately spiritually of just one sexual being of both sexual bodies that are not biologically different in their brain sex pleasure response oneness sameness

    i know without doubt some time in the distant future, they will conclude as to the truth of this with evidence that the brain sex pleasure response of the male and female is identical in feeling, our thinking that we are different, and not different at all

    and the ones who really really do know the truth of this are the fun loving opposite sex ones in an opposite sex body

    such is the gay male
    such is the lesbian female
    such is the transsexual

    such is the versatile bigender bisexual i know i really really 100% am

    where you get to love both sexes with me Biyatches, where whether you love me or not, i can teach any of you the truth of your own self, should you purely find your fearless willingness be as my own

    and if not, well i am so not going to just stand here all fucking day waiting for you time and time again and again……..

    did i tell you the time Troy said he was coming to meet me on the train, my standing there like the stupid fool i know i was with him, flowers in hand, of why he did not step off that train way back then.

    which is all fine, ya sure, follow your heart true, but if you are still fucking standing there forever and a day, well, who is the bigger fool? uhm?

    that’s right…………YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    now get your ass over here NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  56. in order to hold on we have to let go

  57. let go of the foolish fools foolishly fooling their own self, self of another

    ya, i played the role of the fool, long enough to purely realize i was not the fool i once was lead astray to think i was

    fools!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mrgreen:

    cannot fool ‘me’

    not ever

    oh you can all try like so many of you do

    butt in the end, no pun intended, fair warning, i really am not the fool, where you do have to ask your own self who do you think you are fooling?



    no way!

    not ever again!

    i love of her
    i love of him

    i am of her
    i am of him


    do you know really know who ‘i am’ yet, who i want to BE?

    so why the fuck did you not tell me? uhm?



  58. you want proof?

    ok, as a boy, answer truthfully to yourself of the feelings that come up for you in feeling what it’s like to be a girl, a Beyonce girl, in why it is that all you boys connect so purely like you do with her……..do you not purely know what it’s like to be a girl? uhm? what’s that? I CAN’T HEAR YOU!!!!! SPEAK UP!!!!!!!!!

    that’s right, you do know what it’s like to be a girl and to love her the way she/you wants 2


    and that goes double for you penis envy girls! hehe

    some of you get me, and the one’s who don’t have time for me, well fuck it, i am not going to hang around here trying to explain what they forever ponder explaining of their own feeling self we all know so well like we purely ALL WAYS do! 😉

  59. ok, so where were we?

    oh ya, monogamy of opposite bisexuals plausibility study……

    for the female of the male exists as sorta humilation fear of how the male of the female may feel about her, as relates to the two of them not purely being as their opposite sex other with one another long enough to purely realize, OMFG, WE are exactly the fucking same!

    where the true fearless spirit(spirituality) connecting of both in calm pure true self-love accepting of each other in being nurturingly allowed to exist, wisely, maturely, spiritually connecting first as the only way they can ever come together successfully, happily, calm and at ease as we have been all this loving time.

    ya, i know our love is purely true, always did, always that yearning to always feel the pure true love of another who obviously sincerely really really does love me 100% just as i enjoy being as i purely truly am, unable or willing to want to change from that which i am, both female and male, of both bisexual’s true spiritual awareness of each other’s fearless existence like we did and yet do

    it is not so much that i don’t want to stop loving you, in as much is of the truth that i cannot stop loving you in what is our oneness sameness spirited spirituality connectedness that has been allow to grow for so long.

    can i live without your oneness as my own self spiritually?

    can i live without my own self spiritually?


    so why would i want to live without you?

    it’s not true, rather it is the fearful OMFG bridge getting our asses on that one way bus ticket ride kinda fear next level

    well, it cannot be rushed, no matter the pushings of one or the other, no, we will naturaly run our course in life, where perhaps we do run out of fearful denial excusing away of……oh, let’s not go there yet………..

    already there?

    hmmmmmmm……….now how do you suppose i know ‘that’? :mrgreen:


    ya sure, 100% plausible


    well that’s a stupid question, true of me or true of you?

    the correct answer……….you already know

  60. on par in oneness as the male gayboy top lover loving the female gayboy bottom, who do exist, just as they are, in who the male of both the female and male is the same, where the female of both the female and the male is the same oneness spirit, why they connect so purely like they yearningly do, in constant yearning to exist as whatever sex they identify most as, or for the bigender bisexual, equally as happy as either.

    not just plausible

    it is the TRUTH

    that only knowers of the truth know

  61. fearlessly know that is

    where we are not afraid like so many of you are cause for us to be of your self denial homophobic fear mongering

  62. not ever ‘me’ Biyatches!

    i am your wiser older self you have yet to come to know like i purely truly really really do know………the truth

  63. and now for my delirious dance down the street to the local store to buy whatever the fuck i want!


    why do i feel so happy?

    you would if you were me 2

    truly i tell you all, you really really wood!


  64. the potential disconnect, is the pure true awareness of the female of the female self-acceptance of the truth that the female of the male is exactly the same spiritually true as their own self, of resulting fear in sufficient enough time spent in awareness process of revealing TRUTH that only they can invite to their own self willingly, openly, lovingly, in what also is an extention of their own self-love esteem growth to the same degree.

    and vice-versa is the pure true awareness of the male of the male self-acceptance of the truth that the male of the female is exactly the same spiritually true as their own self, of resulting fear in sufficient enough time spent in awareness process of revealing TRUTH that only they can invite to their own self willingly, openly, lovingly, in what also is an extention of their own self-love esteem growth to the same degree.

    love of 2


    i am

  65. role play gays and lesbians know there self-accepting partners pure truly well

    so to is the ability of monogamous opposite sex bisexual lovers

    where indeed, homophobia is what keeps them apart, just as is yet of all closeted homosexuals past present future

    these truths do not change, but WE can, thru an open heart mind body spirit and soul that is the unchanging TRUTH of the LGBT community, that i know i shall remains as till my last breath as one who walks with them, not against them, just as we choose not to walk against our own self, self of another, pure and true, like we all obviously love 2 do!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mrgreen:

    our love is TRUE LOVE of 2

    within our self
    within our lovers
    within our friends
    within our children

    within the child of God eternal all YOU are from and really really are, that we can only ever continue to exist to BE

    always we all are

    TRUE LOVE of 2

    forever more

    bless you all

  66. now who the fuck are you!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  67. now stop spying on ‘me’

    ah fuck it, cannot hide from my own self

    how can i ever hide from you?

    so what to do?

    Just BE yOUR SELF!

    knowing i love you true 2

  68. Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice. And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake has already forgiven you………..fuckers!


    what load of crap that is………

  69. you have to be God to know 100% if God is willing to for one second consider forgiving any of repetitive unchanging behaviourals i have witnessed time and again and AGAIN for any of you and all your bullshit horrid fucking ways out there in life you all remain as like you do……..fuckers!

    i ask, how is anyone able to know if God is forgiving of hateful that which is not ever forgivable?

    and should God ever forgive any of it?


    and yet we do

    as Jesus asks us to do

    do as i do

    be the forgiveness ‘i am’

    for how else is one able ever to be set free

    without forgiveness that unbinds firstly thee?

    who unbound firstly ‘me’?

  70. so who is the first one to enter heaven?


    but what if Jesus is actually exactly the same as thee?

    seems like a useless waste of precious time, of who cares who entered heaven first, in likeness and form of all those running around trying to find ‘that’ which they already have and cannot find, is it not?

    ok, fuck, you win Jesus!

    fuck fuck fuck, i can never win with Jesus, that’s fucking it, i am so going to quit your ass Jesus, i sware, you’re fucking constant cheating all the time, already knowing every fucking correct answer to every fucking question you ask, like what’s the point of that, with you always fucking winning?


    boring boring boring……..arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


  71. i suppose second place is ok

    not like i have a choice


  72. who is blindly delusional? ‘me’ or the world Jesus?

    well that’s an easy one, the world that is unknowing of pure hearted ‘me’ and you, who unwisely thinks we are ever able to be delusional of truth all around, i ask, who is delusional as to the truth of all their own ill hearted self of all wretched hateful stupid ignoramus killing of their own brothers and sisters like they have and yet do?

    they are!


  73. so is reasonably priced product of material girls of today, more of a real self fearless fun angst driving free expressing liberation out of the mind-trap material girls of yesterday…….apparently so! 😉

  74. ……….im just fucking around out of my occasional bouts of bordom

    starting a new sculpture this week, staying in the zone of devotion to so many like ‘me’

    i think to myself, of where their heart is like my own, of the only place i ever want to be found, in oneness of the eternal all free

    inspiring of each other we always were and shall remain purely ‘that’ which our hearts turn towards within, where all our flawless healing feelings begin, the same place and time where and and only when all our hate ends

    i was thinking, you know, our brain can only focus on one thing at a time, albeit it we mover swiftly thru our emotions, but in truth, we can only feel on feeling at the same time

    the real question is. what feeling are we feeling

    where all anger is the false mask of our avoiding sadness
    where all sadness is binding unresolve keeping us from gladness

    where at times, i really do appear as madness

    gee i wonder why………..NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  75. let forgetfulness depart my heart

    just be fun loving self restored part

    each passing blessed love filled day

    really really is of all sissyass gay! lol :mrgreen:

  76. Oui mais bon quelquefois c’est bien de rester à l’écoute. Il s’agit ici d’un travail collectif, on ne dirige pas un acteur comme on commande un chien ! Bon Courage Mady

  77. from the homoerotic pages of myYearBook……..

    she says, ” why do people always say I will see you tomorrow, I will call you tomorrow, of tomorrow that never comes?”

    i said, “oh wait, i know well what your saying, you are talking about those fuckhead small limp dick dysfunctional jerkoff ones who say they will call you tomorrow, all the while knowing while they say it today, that they actually have no intensions in knowing that they won’t call you, without enough courage to admit openly tell you, that their dick is too small for you……so instead of you dumping them tomorrow, like they think you may, why not them dumping you to tomorrow, like they say and do today?”

    oh, i know those fuckers, always the same limp anal retentive lameass fucking excusing disappearing motherfucking shit, leaving us waiting and fucking waiting like we do and did, of eventually realizing, they had no fucking intention of call us.

    next time they say that, just tell them, “Uhm, before you leave, there is something you should know about my sexual orientation, that i have no intention of letting you fuck me, as i am just not into exploring my gayboy bottom as yet, with just anyone, where i want to be the top in fucking you, so if you are not up to the challenge, then please don’t bother calling me, ok? ok thanks……” :mrgreen:


    made ya smile, your turn………

  78. ………as they laugh………

    not purely realizing the truth i am coming from, in who i am of many years travel the know nothing about, or care to for that matter………that i was not really joking……..

    why do they laugh like that?

    another example this morning in passing of complete strangers, from the homoerotic pages of myYearBook……

    an obvious hardrocker into heavey metal, tatoos, what to do, as midnight drifter asks, “suppose you knew i was going to die tomorrow, what would you say to me today?”

    i commented, “i love you”

    a girl comments after me sayin, “sucks to be you!!! im so kidding!!”

    midnight drifter comments, “lmao”

    …………see what i mean?

    these masks they wear, thinking they can hide from wiser older self of their future ‘me’?


    try and try as they may, they really cannot hide from one who used to hide to as they do, where i really do have a magic pair of glasses that sees right thru……..and after being this way for so so long, it is without effort, and alot of fun like i openly do.

    truth is, if any of them were to spend even one hour, much less an entire day with ‘me’, they would not want to leave, and god forbid evening rollsssss *cough* around Biyatches, of the two of us just sitting there, of me wondering how long i can wait for you to put the moves on me before i do!………..lol :mrgreen:

    actually, i am too afraid of the homophobes, their drinking and drugs, the intensity of their internal homophobia that can and does get violently possessive in all their homophobic ways………not always, but some of them are out right terrifying, been around enough to know, got hit a few times too many………still, they are all worth the trouble i suppose, best from a distance i keep with them all……….don’t play around outside my ghetto grounds………it’s scary out there in suburbia……….fuck!

    my heart goes out to the gay youth who live there………so horrible it must be for them every fucking homophobic filled day!

  79. These six things do i hate: ya, seven are an abomination unto bisexual pansexual me:

    A proud look(1), a lying tongue(2), and hands that shed innocent blood(3),
    A heart that deviseth wicked imaginations(4), feet that be swift in running to mischief(5),
    A false witness that speaketh lies(6), and he that soweth discord among brethren(7).

    Proverbs 6:16-19 (KJV)

    oh shit, that’s why i am so tormented inside fucked up…….makes sense now, i mean how can i go against anyone’s orientation mockingly, if i am of all orientations purely?

    truth serves the real you

    behind all our seemingly unloving false defensive masks, hiding from our own loving inner pure and true feelings suppression, in all our manifestiong outward oppressiveness………argh…….

  80. i don’t know about you Fred, but i loved my dog that loved me all thru childhood……….

  81. the many masks i foolishly wear at times………..passive/aggressive responding transference mostly i suppose, fear of my more true vulnerable self seemingly ever there………..true of us all is it not?

    we go to our concerts, loud and with constant cheer, jumping and jumping, in oneness unafraid openness of our vulnerable hearts exploding in thin air, without care, of who really really is there, everywhere all around, i am found……….

  82. as i hit the ground, drunk off my ass, falling out of tree, fuck, that was stupid………..broke both sides of my ankle, metal pins on both sides up to my knee now……..thankful i survived……

  83. i think my rabbit is gay, he like lick my face, chew my hair, sticks his ass in my face and just sits there……….obviously he loves me

    a rabbits soul is exceedingly timid at first when they meet you, that takes days for their calm at ease unafraid confident true nature to appear, in building of trust the only way possible, for you too to be your at ease true nature true of our vulnerable original self we always were and yet are within, always we are there.

    being at one with nature, is being at one with the true nature of your vulnerable divine true real self

    ‘that’ i am

  84. came all this way
    and still i pray
    what is so wrong
    with being gay?

  85. 2 know ‘me’
    2 show ‘me’
    2 blow ‘me’
    2 soul ‘me’

    ya im gay
    as you sarcastically say, “know way, i never of guessed that about you Andyy? really?”

    no, not really………..REALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    say it like you want it, like you are it, you’re it, catch ‘me’ if you can! :mrgreen:

    ya, the truth is, i always was, even at ten years old i was, so in love with David and he me like we OBVIOUSLY WERE to everyone, all the time, every second of every day, none stop happiest fuckers alive, we always were, …….how sad in how he died, the self-medicating needles in contracting HIV like he did, following his heart likewise with others too, haphazardly like so many do………

    i know how the story ends for many yet uniwse

    lead by example is the only way, for those purely gay

  86. fearlessly

    lest the fearers
    of ones so gay
    drink of beerers
    taketh us away


  87. but why do i purely constantly love and think about her like i do

    if i really really am gay? uhm?

  88. my spirit is constant pure loving of her

    is it because she really does love me 2?

    enough to let me go, as she runs away?

  89. WE love them all
    like WE always do
    WE love them tall
    always our will 2

  90. we know their ass
    of hiding in grass
    of breaking glass
    the shards of past

    that remain in my side forever more, always they are painfully there

    fuck, if i pull them out, i will likely bleed to death

  91. i kept on going
    like he asked me to
    i kept on growing
    always the love 2

    running running running away
    of forever and ever eternal day
    running running running so gay
    of forever and ever eternal play

  92. i kept on going
    like he asked me to
    i kept on growing
    our love of 2

  93. WE kept on going
    like he asked us to
    WE kept on growing
    our love of YOU!

  94. thank you Madonna
    for loving us true
    thank you Madonna
    for loving us 2

  95. David died just before dad died that year

    dressed in black at the funeral, they all came
    his mom unable to speak with me
    she knew about David and i
    our sex together later in life
    she knew
    could not hide her tears of too much pride to speak with me

    why David died

  96. i should of taken David away from them in his dying days at the end

    he wanted go live in Toronto with me
    i should of followed my heart like we purely wanted 2
    i needed him too after Troy died

    his dad was a cop, a drunken one at that, my fear of him always that was there

    they loved us as kids, forever and a day

    but the homosexual kids we turned OUT to be later in life

    why David died

  97. they took him for gay
    and cast me away
    they too him away
    and cast me…..a stray

  98. fuck, i got cast the worse role of all that no one wants to play, whether i liked it or not

    and in the end, i grew to love my role so sacredly needed
    realizing the truth now, so sacredly heeded

  99. i walk among strangers now
    who are not so estranged
    i walk among strangers how?
    as though i am derranged?

    pffffff……..i don’t think so fuckers!

    think again!

    for God’s sake and your sake too, i pray that you all purely think!

  100. with a little less drink…………

  101. u r a sham

  102. not sure who you are, or who you are talking to, typical of the cowardice hypocrisy heart……..

    an imitation or counterfeit purporting to be genuine?

    no, although others are free to interpret the way they CHOOSE to, which i don’t care at all any more of what anyone thinks or feels about me.

    cheap falseness? saw through the hollowness, the sham, the silliness of the empty……..?

    perhaps in appearance to others, but who knows our own feelings better than we do? no one actually

    who are any of you to say how another person is supposed to feel of their flawless loving feelings for another, like my own parents that split David and i up.

    who is anyone to tell me how i feel about another?

    i do not care what anyone has to say, i am my feelings they do not purely truly know like i do, so if you could be more specific……..actually, since you do not indentify yourself before God, i do not wish to hear anything of who ever you are, a coward in God’s eyes, and mine

  103. but hey, i am more than used to that, decades of falsehoods most anywhere i went, always they are there, in constant glare of me dancing with another guy

    whatever homophobes

  104. try putting Emotional Honesty Safety into your vocabulary and get back to ‘me’

    till then, what do you have to say besides useless annoying gay bashing others?

    we are used to it

    so go think, feel, say whatever you want, where your own lack in descerning what you turn towards within, is of your own SELF harm, not ever mine

    there is one who does know all our hearts……….God

    and some of God’s children who do purely flawless feel oneness with others

    outside of ‘that’ is outside of what heaven really really is, constant flawless flowing love feeling YOU!

    always of 2

    find the one who is of feeling constant flawless loving feeling for you as your are your own, and already you will purely truly know what heaven is and what heaven is not

    peace be to you all

  105. why would God or i care for those who choose to mock us?

    truly i tell you, we despise their annoying falsehood false witness that speaketh lies, and soweth discord among brethren.


    attack any part of me you like, and you attack every part of me when you do, where of even 1% doubt, you are 100% doubtful of ‘me’

    who wants to feel that?

    i don’t

  106. i run from it, and i am running

  107. who could possible want or need that?

  108. my heart yearns to dance forever with just one, not just anyone

  109. bash bash bash

    is that all you people have to say?

    take my word for it, you will hurt own self one day, in hurting someone like you did and yet try to do me and our pure loving brothers and sisters, and if that someone is someone you do love, in all your foul stench spiritual death falsehood ways, well, what will be will be of how you choose to SEE and BE everytime you perpetuate empty nothingness of your masks

    in every passing moment, these perputuations are exactly that, of darkness that is yet binding of so so many millions of souls past present future

    for sake of your true heart nurturing, look apon the truth you purely feel and see everywhere you go, for always it is there, so that one day you will stop turning towards your hypocrisy hearts of death destruction and oppression of those who are loving without a care, of flowers in hair

    heartless fuckers

  110. holy joyful absolute carefree inner happiness is the sacred mirror that is of God’s divine will objective that will release the eternal all from all the forefather wretched false binding dark deathful destructive oppressive teachings you jackasses actually enjoy perpetuating like you obviously do, until the day someone dear to you dies as a direct/indirect result of what you all perpetuated every single day of your life living as the falsehoods you all play

    may these wise words serve you well, and if does take someone dear to you in dying to open your petty ego mean spirited hearts i search like i do, then sadly, that is how you will learn, the hard way, while the rest of us go on living……….running away from YOU

    forever more

  111. and already God’s divine will objective is set in motion, unable to ever stop eternally for the eternal all yet to come, even if i were to die today

    it is finished

    where all i ask of God is abit more time to finish the 50 stone carvings, which i already know i will finish, just as they are already finished in my heart that i bring them forth from, of what is the treasure i found there……..’me’

    in which not shall ever become victorious over my pure eternal spirit

    it’s just not possible, knowing i am oneness with the eternal all yet to come

    so remain as you may, for i have already come and gone

  112. shedders of innocent blood of so many of you who appeared to ‘me’, not knowing who purely was there, in all the things you have said and done, be gone from my side forever more, as betrayers of truth you deny your own self and others

    hearts of mischief,
    hearts of a lying tongue,
    hearts that deviseth wicked imaginations,
    hearts of sowing discord among us

    oh, we have come to know you all so well, of hearts we know are not so well

    your own worse enemies in misery loves company life that is no life at all…….without love

    without ‘me’

    argh……….i am so fucking sick of this unmoderated blog

  113. to you destroyers i say, your heart becomes destroyed, by what choose to unwisely say, of falsehoods you relish, so empty and vacant, for any love to stay

  114. as i run away

  115. fuck, i so need to find better true and faithful friendlier places to chill

    seriously, this blog is a vipers nest of the treacherous homophobes seemingly always lurking

    i am all orientations fuckers

    but attack one of them like you openly love to do, you attack all of ‘me’

    so screw off with your bashing us at Madonnas blog fuckers, she loves us!

    and always did

    knowing she always will be


    fucking morons, argh, cowardice fucking faker name morons, oh hey, im so brave, i go on the net with a fake name and bash who ever the fuck i want, cause i am a low self-esteemer with no real friends to love, cause i don’t know how to love my own self, and so i take it out on the world that i think owes me something, not realizing it owes me nothing, of the empty nothingness i think i am

    way to go fuckhead morons in all your useless bullshit i have tolerated far too long at Madonna’s blog

    what i learned to expect, time and again

    vomit vomit vomit

    always the same fucking vomit Jesus asks me to not return to

    when am i ever going to learn not to come back to the vomit i so constantly yearn to leave behind forever Jesus, after i give into to their spiritual death spuing all over the world like it does, that i so want to leave behind like i did once before?

    i don’t think so fuckers

    go kill your own petty ego selves after you succeed in killing the pure spirit of one close to you that is not allowed or able to exist around you………..ever!

    as i keep on running away


    peace OUT fuckers!

  116. to you who have no goodness to say, i will take a break from far away for awhile, ok?

    as i said, i live and prefer a blessed peaceful life now with no desire to come near the homophobes i ran away from long ago, happily so, so go play your silly childish mind games with another who likewise will wonder as i do, are they really that immature to say things like that?

    you are

    the empty vagueness yet in my heart i wish to flood with divine self light

    and poof, i turned you into a fluffy rabbit!


  117. goodbye fuckers!

  118. When i pictured the wise robe in it’s full glory
    it suddenly seemed to be a reflection of my REAL SELF
    I saw my own Self in this clear mirror, knowing the see-er
    and the seen were not two but One.
    The King of Kings was imaged there
    shimmering all over, as the true wisdom of God

    I noted my strength grew according to my efforts.
    With kingly grace He poured love on me,
    with heraldic hands hastening me to drink(more self wisdom)

    My love raced to greet Him, i expanded,
    cladding myself with His rainbow hues.
    I threw His royal cloak over my whole SELF.

    He recieved me with open arms and holy joy.
    i was with Him in His kingdom.

    Oneness holy joy errupting all around,
    the whole earth is fullness of His glory.

    For i had found the pearl beyond price
    and would be with Him Eternally

    for i had found what
    i endlessly searched for
    that he help reveal to me

    i had found my pure true heart of constant true love eternally flowing
    i had found my SELF of constant true love eternally growing

    of the eternal day light of SELF i am


    always it is today, right now, of the entire past that greets the entire future of the eternal all one generation flow
    in all ‘that’ which is of greater value than all the riches of the world

    i had found the pure true and faithful heart of ‘me’ where i choose to always dwell forever more

    bless you all

  119. i gave you my heart so overflowing abundant with love
    and you throw it apon the ground as though worthless?

    because you do not yet value your own heart like i do?

    fine, be that way, for all the world to see, each and every day

    with or without ‘me’

    for i am eternally free

    to all

    the eternal all YOU

  120. set free from the forefathers of fucking taboo ignoramous BULLSHIT!!!!!!!!

    nothing but bullshit bullshit bullshit, day after bullshit day

    leaving me to wonder out loud

    how the fuck did i survive all their fucking bullshit Jesus?

    i mean had i not had you Jesus, where would i be?

    oh ya, living in fucking hell with all the bullshit i ran away from and keep running from those who cannot find ‘me’ in their blind leading the blind empty robot snared heart mind body spirit and soul of empty nothingnesses.


    i thank God for YOU Jesus, who purely truly really really does know ‘me’, in your helping me to wisely see, and always just be who we both know we really really always are, God’s wise loving compassion child i always 100% know i am, that no one is able to ever become victorious over, even if they were to strike me in the head and leave me for dead like they did you Jesus, for just like you, i too yet walk amoung their pure hearts so free EXACTLY like my own, of my true and faithful brothers and sisters forever more where ‘i am’ so ease to be found all around, everywhere, i am there.

    feels so good to just be ‘me’

    thank you Jesus, from the bottom of my heart where i found you and you found ‘me’, the best friend i knew i could not find, of so many we know are yet blind.

    may God bless us all forever more with peace grace love and inner happiness eternally restoring of the eternal all yet to come, who will purely know who i always was to them, even of those not yet born, in precious precious hands, their own heart they shall all come to see and just purely truly BE.

    for ‘that’ IS what i do know the kingdom of heaven is, our constant flowing loving pure true flawless healing feelings of ‘me’, just like YOU, set free!

    bless bless bless bless you all

  121. wow, you are correct Jesus, they really do throw pearls into shit in making us feel worthless


  122. but only if we allow our self to listen to their blindness yet unable to purely truly see

    not ‘me’

    try as you may, you only your own self in the end, in the loss of friends

  123. i belong among those of fearless hearts as my own

    i dread and despise this blog now, with jerk offs who come in with hollow empty nothingness

    so thanks for all the falsehood spurs fuckers that serve and strengthen me as a knower of truth in what is OBVIOUSLY all your wretched false gay bashing shit for brains!

    the word is BI SEXUAL

    meaning i live and love sex with both females and males as a female and a male

    the word is VERSATILE

    meaning i live and love sex with as both my female and male SELF

    ok fuckers?

    tread on either one of them, you tread on both of them, where they will both stand their ground with you immature fuckers!

    i belong with a versatile like myself

    no one else

    not just anyone

    someone just like ‘me’

    which you cannot pure truly love until you learn to love your own self like i do

    we see you bashers all the time come thru our ghetto, and they tread very carefully, all of us knowing each other, and if you get stupid with us, we kick your stupid ass out of our clubs like we do, and why?

    because you are fucking immature, that’s why

    so grow the fuck up some day, and maybe, just fucking maybe, you will get to meet ‘me’ one day, of some who think i am gay, kinda impossible to be gay if you truly purely are both female and male, is it not fucktards? uhm?

    so fucking lame all your empty bashing sexist homophobic remarks are that lead to no where, and certainly not ever ‘me’

    there, i think that about covers any more venting i need to be of for this blog and all it’s homophobic jerkoffs constantly lurking

    fair warning fuckers, you will someone someday that you love.

    i know how the story ends for so many of us, including you


    that’s what you have to look forward to

    not ‘me’

    i am fucking OUT of this vipers nest of immature egos for good

    you have nothing i ever want or need of extending my trust to this blog, always the same shit it seems, oh, lets go piss on Andyy

    no love lost i suppose when there is no love in the air

    so why should i care for you who like to attack us all the time so openly?

    that’s right, we don’t fucking care, we keep on running away, every day, to each other where we do purely always are made to feel we really really do belong, with ONE another


    so fucking tiresome you fucking jerks

  124. you will come face to face one day with what was of all your perpetuating gay bashing words over your entire life, in seeing the perpetuation harm of someone you love close to you

    where you will purely realize fully 100% in your heart, the error of your ways you chose to be of

    and for some of you, the perpetuation comes to you in the form of a funeral of someone you love

    these are words of truth you need to embrace as purely sacred awareness of the darkness mixture of the light in the world that yet lurks for those you love

    sadly, that is what it takes for some of you to learn the TRUTH of your own wretched self that does lead to death, destruction and oppression not only of others you think you love, of your own self as well

    do you think for one second we like any of your bullshit immature fucking mouth?

    about as much as we like walking thru fire, which is every fucking day for us fucktards!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    truly, i wish some of you were dead rather than alive, so hear what i have to say as fair warning, that there is something far worse than your own death, and that is the death of one of your dearly beloved

    so how me God i will continue to purely 100% despise every single one of you fucktard immature ones so harmful to us like it is every blessed day, of some of you who did see how i respond like i did when you do in pushing you assholes back into the empty void of nothingness empty hearts you come forth from.

    mark my words, you will all pay dearly for all of it, and it will come in ways you not about as yet, but it will, it always comes full circle fucktards!

    into your ignoramous face that you recoil sharply from when you do get a sense of the purity of love we all are of that you attempt to kill within us, and WITHIN YOUR OWN SELF!


    fucking haters i purely despise like i ALWAYS have!

    cause that’s what you are and choose to remain as, and be sure you get this…………FOR ALL THE WORLD OF PURE HEARTS TO PURELY SEE, what you fail to see like we do, your own heart!

    fuck, why i am i wasting so much precious time with the ignoramous ones so annoying?

    come on Jesus, let’s get the fuck out of here and not come back to this viper’s nest of ill refute immature jerk offs that we time and time again got bitten by, in all their snap snap snap bitter gnashing of teeth outside our pure precious true heart that is so poisonous to our soul, and the soul of the eternal all.

    fuck them, let them remain as they choose to remain, without our love they don’t purely truly know or want, seemingly unable to in not knowing their own pure heart we point them to look apon.


    peace be to this house
    and peace be to you

    for the last time

  125. if i had millions of dollars as a famous artist, i would NOT allow any open gay bashing on my blogs

    no fucking way fuckers!

    so how ask, how is it possible that Madonna, of all people, allows you fuckers to openly bash us all on her blog?

    well, you bashed me one to many times fuckers

    way beyond where i should of come this far

    and why?

    cause she does not want to endure the cost of protecting us from you?

    seems that way

    so it looks like you vipers can take over her blog again after i am gone, like i know you fuckers will, who are always lurking nearby like you always are everywhere i go in life, no different here.

    and ‘that’ is truly surprising to me, considering who you all choose to hurt of ones so precious to her and i, and Rosie too


    i have truly had endured enough of the unaccepting immature mindfuck trapped hateful bullshit fuckers!

    swim in it all you want, you won’t find us coming in here very often when you do, we just don’t tolerate it much any more, nor should we………..EVER!

    do it to me in public on my street, is a truly bad idea as so many have found out, including all you drug dealers now locked away, of the streets i shall continue to fight in keeping us living happy and free.

    so help me God

    forever more

    go pray to God in asking forgiveness from Jesus and God, and already you are forgiven

    just don’t ask it of me, cause i really don’t have time to waste on you ignoramous jerks any more, that are so tiresome to my soul

    to all of us

    the eternal all of us

    united forever more as ONE

  126. i am in the future somewhere radiant brilliant and shining eternally bright now, having left your horrid empty hateful ignoramous mouth behind, where i always knew i belong in running towards the eternal future unfolding like i have and yet do

    you won’t catch me in all your death destruction and oppression mindtraps


    i was free the moment i stepped on to that one way bus ticket out of hell

    that obviously still is hell for us

    i belong in heaven, with my true and faithful brothers and sisters till the end, where i can shine eternally radiant brilliant bright sacred mirroring happiness for all the world to purely see and just BE what it is we all feel like we love to do, loving with one another, sensitive, graceful, tender, mild, joyous, lifting one another up where we know they belong, with us

    day after day, they make there treacherous way in walking amoung you ignoramous haters, as we catch them before they fall victim to your deathful destructive oppressive mind fucking mind trap ways, like so many of you yet choose to do

    it will all come back to haunt you one day

    and already it has

    for i am no longer here as a once trusting and faithful best friend you all could of had till the end

    but no, you just have to fuck it up for us all

    and now you can all fucking keep your own shit, ok?

    and when someone dear to you gets hurt, you cannot say you were not given warning by a messenger of God you failed to listen to like you could of, like you should of, like you all yet can.

    before it’s too late

    for someone you love

    like we all love

    one another


    forever and a day

    the eternal all making their way with us

    they shall always be




    the way we are all meant to just BE

  127. the real sham

    is this blog of viperous gay bashers

  128. kinda impossible for me to love any of you who think it is ok in letting the gay bashers mind fuck us when ever the feel like it.

    my too loose boundaries that i once was of in not allowing myself to trust this blog any more

    it’s like every fucking time i turned around for fuck sakes!

    ah, news flash fucktards, i have been living a gay life for twenty years now, so how much love do you suppose has grown inside me after all this time living in a gay ghetto?

    that’s right, 100% love for them

    i am them

    not you

  129. i am spiritually mentally emotionally bisexual, but physically i live a gay life, and i am ok with that, where it’s always the same thing, that i don’t really have a choice.

  130. thank you cruel ignorant world

  131. This month has been one of the worst months in my life. I feel so num with pain. I don’t even want to be in my body. Would love to be someone else just for the moment. When shit happens it fucking spread. One situation after another. It started with my fucking friend going to jail because he was stupid to drink and do some dum thing. I still can’t figure out what the fuck went wrong. This shit can happen to anyone. I was with him that night and some thing happen to me too but don’t want to talk about the shit. I will just say that every dog will have its day. Then all of a sudden my grandfather dies. I was the first to see him dead and had to give the bad news to everyone. He was just fine he was walking and everything. It caught everyone by surprise. I quest when it is your time it’s your time to go. It fucking hurts soo much that I will not see him but at least I know he is in peace. I am happy to know that he did not suffer like other people. He died in his sleep. He had two heart surgeries. Then six days later some one killed my puppy “Beba”. This puppy was the only thing that was close to me. I would look forward to seeing the puppy every day some were else because my mother does not like dogs in the house. I had an argument with my mother the day before the incident. I was so sad about the puppy. I saw the whole accident. Beba got ran over by the back of a fucking bike. She must have gotten her lungs ruptured because she had a hard time breathing I was there until she died 10 min later. I have too much on my mind and I hope it will get better any time soon because I know it can get worst but I am hoping for the best. I am just in too much pain right now. Well I hope you days are better then mines. Love always XOXO, O

  132. Iloved that dog soo much. How can yuo ran a dog over. It was my baby. no one will understand. it was a baby dog. at the moment I cant get close to a dog,

  133. it fucking hurts

  134. my grand father died and my puppy it is very hard

  135. liveyour live can give you advice but it is al up to you to understandy what is truly going on. it is a dogy dogy world. shit, thank you for leting me know I cant love a puppy dog. it fucking kills me

  136. i am getting a golden lab puppy even if they think they can tell i am not, oh look, too late fuckers, i am keeping the fucking dog!


    ahhh, that feels better already.

    [Andyy says walks promptly to the owners of the puppy dog, pays them, then walks happily ever after home, with his/her fucking dog Biyatches, and just try telling her, she cannot have the fucking dog, go ahead, try, and see what happens fuckers!]


    there, you happy?

    ya, i need my childhood dog, Brandy, a stray he was, like me, but the puppy dog kept coming back to me, cause i loved the dog more than the kids up the street, so the dog stayed, where it felt more loved, with ‘me’, smiling every day, like we both did! labs are the most amazing childhood pet!

  137. oh, and seeing as we are talking about my issues too, i know, let’s get go make some babies, shall we? :mrgreen:

  138. is that a turquoise blue bra he is wearing, oh my, it really is!

    always loved these guys

    Have a Happy Birthday Madonna……just wanted to be the first to say……

  139. always love his sound…….

  140. i love this guy!

    i could sit and play guitars, singing our asses off all day with this guy!

    has a soothing kinda sing-a-long campfire under the stars with best friends sorta feeling to it……..

  141. finger picking acoustics, used to play for alot, jam sessions all thru my teens and twenties, i just put it down, got bored with it i guess, and yet i know i could punch out some great ones for the world, who knows, maybe one day, the right place, the right friends, the right lovers, alignment of the stars……….love love the ham sessions i miss so much, of endless hours and days at play like we all loved, no ryhme or reason, more than just to feel our feelings flow like musicians come to pure know and love the most about themselves…….so too do we all…….

  142. Dear Mental Madge,

    Crusty Connie said on his blog that you had deleted this blog? But yet it is still on the internets? Are you still planning on deleting it? Or is Crusty Connie just causing trouble again?

    I personally don’t think you should delete it. Keep all the alters separate.

    Besides, what the hell would Andy do with himself if he couldn’t rant his sick-religious-gay-bashing-delusions on here twenty million times a day??

    Sincerely, Travis

  143. delusion indeed to those purely truly unaware of their higher subtle intellectually awake divine real self of nurturing protective macro thinking and feeling at all times while walking among those who’s hearts are unknowingly snared by useless plodding along aimlessly meandering of treacherous untrue roads of death destruction and oppression, some dying, some lying, some crying, some like you Travis……..forever spying


    question is, when will you finally allow that part of you i know well, that is purely truly seeking harmonious constant yearning oneness of YOU?

    it’s only the kingdom of heaven found within our pure hearts constantly yearningly always there of love devoid of fools doubt as your own Travis, remain in what is yet your downfall untrue life, is it not?

    projection transference seeking emotional honest safety s what you are unknowingly doing, but hey, what do i know, or more accurately, who do i know?

    peace be to you all

  144. just passing thru this world but for a short time Travis, same as eternal all you, of no time left to waste any more, must be moving on,

    catch a plane,
    catch a train,
    catch the rain,
    catch the insane.

  145. God does not have to strike you down Travis, where it is your falsehood ego ignoramus foolish mask that does it for you

    you mock the holy spirit

    and yes, that is the worse thing you can possibly do in life, as in no life at all in what is all the unattended divine self thruout the world.

    forgive them God, for they really do not know what they are doing……..the obviousness of their own mean spirited self unattended and unattending self suppression, self oppression of another.

    cannot harm me Travis

    i am eternally protected in pure spiritual ways you know nothing about, nor do you care to know, ‘that’ of your own self

  146. just so you know Travis, you still serve God by means of all your untruth that serves as truth for the pure spirited divine self who do feel thru the untruth truth of that which you choose to remain as for all the world to see, what is of all your falsehood wearing of mean spirited empty nothingness masks.

    thing that gets me most does, is my bewilderment in asking, “Do they actually not realize how absurd their nothingness mean spirited empty zeal actually really really is cause to their own self? Are they really that emotionally spiritually suppressed in realizing the truth of all their empty dark captivity falsehood prisoner masking ways?

    clearly some of you really really are, are you not?

    you laugh as that of a fool who does not purely realize you fool only your own self held captive by the nothingness empty zeal masks you take delight in wearing, as though it is funny, as though it is ok to be of mean spirited bully mentality, as though it is ok, even after someone gets hurt.

    like you hurt your own self every day Travis

    i’ve seen your empty mouth around the net for sometime, always the same nothingness empty zeal falsehood masks.

    fine, go be that way Travis, you can be sure i won’t be inviting you to my wedding, or my child’s birth, as the false self i won’t ever trust you near to ‘me’, and be sure you get this Travis, i am much much closer to your divine self than you may purely yet realize.

  147. trivializing tiresome annoyance that leads to the nothingness empty zeal void that is yet of a harbinger for evil spirits i see of so many of you, who do not know i ability to search your hearts like i do, of those who do not purely truly know ‘me’ like they think they may, in all they say and do, such clarity i am of somedays, in seeing all their pompous falsehood ridicule ways so numerous…………cannot stay

  148. even if i wanted to stay Travis, pretending like i sometimes catch myself doing with others, i just cannot stay around them for any length of time, always been this way, since i was a kid, purely feeling all the way, always it is there, like a dark shadow around them they do not allow themselves to purely feel is there like i always do.

    as i keep on running

    staying true to my own self

    i am

    always was

    it’s not like something i simple switch off, like i sometimes pretend away, day after day, oh hey, i have to get something at the store, be right back………..as i head on my way

    a drifter some say

    a wise passerby says Jesus

    wise to my own pure true heart

    the only way

    i really really even

    can stay


    i did not spare anyone the TRUTH

    even of those who seemly cannot fearlessly find their tender mild sweet loving vulnerable graceful pure true real self submerged under all their self-oppression

    on and on it goes, day after day, generation after generation is handed down, the dark mixture with the light thruout the world that is always right there

    until such a time as pure true light shines into their hearts and pushes out all the darkness one eternal day

    ‘that’ which i am

    always knowing

    i really really am

  149. i find playing softly on guitar and singing as the most easiest of ways to stay grounded and centered in my pure feeling real self, something i learned about my heart while a youth

    teach your children to play musical instruments, and to sing

    always there should be glorious heart felt singing

    every day

    to keep the darkness always at bay

    far away

  150. learn to slow down in your gentle preference at ease in just being your SELF, for how else can someone love your true self you hide away?

    day after day

    eventually someone comes along who does take their time in coming near to us, so dear to us, always right there, of radiant brilliant always smiling hearts like our own

    find your at ease peaceful true real graceful self first
    so they can easily find YOU 2

    and then just go play guitar and sing your precious blessed pure loving lives away in constant yearning harmonious oneness forever young of you who stays, and does not stray like i have for far too long, as i make my to a loving home that always there in my heart, where i can always fart

    grandfather was really bad for that, stepping on ducks he always said, as us kids always laughing, forever and a day

    a family of my own one day

    is what i pray

  151. you can try to bring harm the pure spirited dreamy dreams

    but you cannot ever bring harm the pure spirited dreamy dreamers

    of all the dreamy dreamers born and gone each blessed love filled day

    you got that Travis, so go crawl back under the rock you crawled out from

  152. and be happy that i passed your way one day

  153. if you do not surrender to just joyfully BEing your own self you always were and yet are within……..

    then who is ever able to surrender their heart to you they do not purely truly know?

    besides Jesus?

  154. as another tear of Jesus on the cross falls to the ground……

  155. i stepped thru the door over at myYearBook website recently, 20 million people coming in there, that has a constant stream of people, like a fast flowing river, amazing how fast the chats take place at the same time in the river, a page full in a split second that flashes by, wow, as i jump into the middle of the river, answering everyone’s questions passing by, an eternal flowing river all around us every blessed day, is it not?

    i love them all so much, especially all the girls openly befriend me for some reason, sensing they loving in a special way i am yet learning in seeing my own fun loving self i was of and yet am

    as the nurturing continues in the ever ending story that has no end, even after we are all gone, always they shall remain as we too once were, their pondering just who we purely truly were in life and yet are, in their hearts beaming brightly as our own

    the eternal day

    so says Jesus

  156. Happy birthday sweety. I never forget your birthday. You are always on my mind. 

    Thank GOD I take one day at a time. Even though I miss my grandfather and puppy “Beba” days are feeling much better. I try not to think about it too much. I just need to be occupied. I fucking hate not doing anything. I am finally getting use to PR. The only reason I am here is because of my mother other then that I would leave the island. What I truly hate is the sun. it is extremely hot and uncountable. I don’t need to go to the beach to get a sun tan. It is so true that the sun makes people look older. Shit I am starting to see some wrinkles in my face . Most people my age look older and love to eat rice and beans. I guess I am fortunate to look younger. Anyway, hope you are doing great on your birthday. Sending you my love always. XOXO,O

  157. as a child of divorcing parents like so many are, i always just wanted everyone to be loving with one another like they yet were of in pure memory of when i entered into the loving household like we all did.

    this is the pure constantly yearning TRUTH divine child of God’s heart the world over, past, present, eternal future, eternal all of ONE household of LOVE

    as we move forward, with the aid of our interpersonal worldwide communications technology, we are all experiencing the process realization self-actualization that we really really all are LOVE

    constantly yearning, always it is there within us all to purely just feel what it is like to always just BE who?

    LOVE is YOU!

    constantly PURE
    constantly TRUE
    constantly REAL
    constantly DIVINE
    as though my gay love is spiritual crime?

    i don’t think or feel so fuckers!

    nor does Jesus
    nor does God
    nor do any of YOU!

    i was raised Christian by a minister truly devoted to God ministry, building churches made of stone as a stone mason, of heart pure and true as my own, now as a sculptor of stone, although i am not so sure grandpa would like or understand my homoerotic devoted works, just as those before him, on down thru the mellenia, as is today most anywhere we go, where the light of loving homosexuals is what is needed, that we are not deviant perverts, not at all, as much as some may wish to say.

    i am determined, devoted, dedicated, diligent every waking day to change the dark mixture light yet of the unwise world, no fault of their own really, in what is of how the forefathers left the world they left behind like they did……..like they yet do, all the taboo, my god, so much binding horrid fear in the hearts of some i coming to know, fear of dying, every day they wake to?

    ‘that’ is hell, is it not?

    pure fucking bullshit mind trapper hell!

    purely and truly, it really really is!

    and that is why the kingdom of heaven is a wise macro mental power discerning wise awareness of truth thinking by means of our flawless feelings, a halo mind set indeed, is what the kingdom of heaven really really is……….a perspective…………and truth be told, it is the omnipotent wise perspective of God, who does purely truly know my heart attended to for so long, since i entered into the blissfulness state of being the child of a minister of God’s household, ingrained deeply in the core of my being, where the biggest eye opener for ‘me’, was when i read the words of Jesus for the first time, that the kingdom of heaven is within you and all around you, that made perfect sense to my pure flawless feeling true real divine child self within, who is the one surfacing daily in just BEing his constant pure feeling graceful self, where my biggest pet peeve in life has always been in how to deal with my toxic feelings unwise immature others who approach me……..then i learned to see them wisely, in their not knowing their heart mind body spirit and soul is snared in so many ways like so many truly truly are, are they not?

    entering into the kingdom of heaven, is only of the divine child able to do so, purely so, spiritually pure at all times, the core of our being, where all falsehoods are not able to become oneness with Jesus and God’s omnipotence holy spirit in the oneness i enjoy feeling each day, in each step, it grows more and more less afraid of the bullshit egotistic nose ring masters of deception snaring they don’t purely realize they really really are

    move towards the exit door of assertiveness my therapist says, not passive/aggressive any more, which i have been in transition of in processing all these decades gone by, the same destiny path i choose to walk on, where today, all i ask is for enough time to finish my sculpting and the spiritual teachings stamped on each one, for all eternity to behold in their gracefully pure hands……….their own precious heart as my own.

    mission accomplished

    God willing

    so there, i have God on my side fuckers, so say and do whatever you want, God is protecting my ass, ok?

    fucking jerkoffs, getting my back up all the time

    you know who you remind me of, that asshole bully Craig that lived up the street from me as a kid, who always picked on at every turn, till one day Dad bought me home a Great Dane to protect my sissy ass, and when Craig came around, he got the shit scared out of him, when the dog detected his spirit, and snapped to the end of his chain, within inches of Craig, my watching him feel more scared than he likely ever felt his entire miserable asshole existence………..argh………..i suppose sometimes it helps to emotionalize vent heal it………..just don’t stay in cycle fuckhead stuckness of it!

    right, ok then, where we again?

    oh yeah, feeling as though i am the second one to enter the kingdom of heaven

    i purely do

    fully understanding what Jesus meant by those words

    which makes me closer to God than every single one of you, does it not?

    do i speak like an insane man mind?

    no, i speak with at ease intellectual clarity


    bless you all

  158. i have a confess………

    i think i laugh my ass off like Madonna does……..

    you know, that gut splitting kinda laughing that hurts from laughing so hard and for sooooooooo friggin long?

    whatever Travis…….way to go in making my friends list……..NOT!

    what is it with these nasty queens anyway, don’t they know we get bored with their nastiness with others, of their unresolve stuckness in acknowleging the truth that none of us really want to hear it any more?

    angst is ok, just don’t take it home with you, leave it at the club, or leave a tip for the nasty drag queens to keep on wearing

  159. a gay lover life is tender gentleness of our real self compatibility with another, IT IS NOT A FUCKING DRAG SHOW!!!!!


    ok, so piss off Travis

  160. oh, and someone remind me not to wear my flowered converse girl shoes into the Catholic church…….fuck, i hate it when they look at me like that, so condescending, a stray sinner?

    ohhhhh, one day fuckers, it’s coming………..and already, that eternal day has come to my pure wise heart, has it not?

    so who the fuck are they to be like that?

    oh ya, the mad flood drowning taboo forefather ignorance they don’t know is yet so binding in dark captivity of the hearts, till the day their own kids run away from them i suppose, wondering why for decades to come……….we have change that too, my own mother who rarely visits……….

    i want her to see my child before she passes away, in what i promised her one day she would, always same thing, to see her smile like i always wanted to, and Dad too, always i was their radiance of one i know they loved as i did and do them, as i think of how much i would love my own child……..must feel incredible to give birth to someone who is from you, and indeed, is the mirroring reflection of your love inside, are they not?

    purely and truly wondrous and extraordinary!

    of what heaven really really is

    eternal all YOU!

    bless bless bless bless YOU!

  161. Happy Birthday


  162. the only problem with me being their father….mother…… is they would all be going to school and doing kick ass drag routines and voguing all the time with their friends at school, that would get them into trouble all the time, in being true real self rulers of their bullshit schools, always it is the same bullshit the parents, churches, and teachers yet teach them, in all their lacking homosexual self-acceptance, that IS always of potential growing of fateful paths of death destruction and oppression of their precious children, on and on it goes into oblivion down thru the mellenia like it has and yet does……….or at least until Jesus and i showed up on the scene………fuckers!

    argh…….i really need to get that punching bag……….although today i cut a stone in halve with my bare hands Biyatches!

    and a saw

  163. i love how my muscles feel in responding to when i push them of daily exercise that leaves me feeling so amazing, almost as good as sex does, does it not?

    hey, we should come up with a sexercise routine, combining the two into one……….

    ………oh, don’t say a fucking word, i don’t want to know, ok?



    made ya laugh…….your turn

  164. oh say, that’s a good mix i put together

    an entire life of listening to favorite pics chosen

  165. oh look, the gate to heaven is finally opening for the eternal all to step thru


    are they not?

    are we not?

    yes WE R! :mrgreen:

  166. life without love is not life at all, it is spiritual death suicide, is it not?

    people keep running away from their pure and true vulnerable real self that they need to purely celebrate as to just how purely constantly sensitive they truly really really are……..

    it is the darkness ignorances mixture of the light in the world, in their unwise hearts, that perpetuates the non-conducive environments their vulnerable sensitive real self becomes emotionally toxic from, all the self-medication coping that comes with that, in so many circles i witness along my path of wise wide awake life, forever learning, seeing my own self in others that i too once was of…………the light

    that WE SEE

  167. i am a visitor
    places apart
    i am a visitor
    places i part

    i am a visitor
    spaces in heart
    i am a visitor
    traces i start

  168. in all my betrayal
    i did not betray love
    in all my BE trails
    i did not betray YOU!

  169. i knew YOU!
    WE see
    i grew YOU!
    WE BE

    before WE knew ‘me’
    somebody screw me!


    Happy Birthday M A D O N N A!

    still the etchings are there thruout the city, people wondering i am sure, of who is Madonna + Andyy with a heart surround, although they did re cement the sidewalk of one i did one day, that was like three feet across…….can you believe that, i mean they go to all that trouble to cover up LOVE, on a beautiful sunny day, as i ponder to myself, could i see myself re cementing a sidewalk like they did?

    well ok, i suppose if Madonna does give me those damn boots of hers one day, i would, maybe…..


    they really are somedays

  170. does NOT give me……

    you see, my freudian slip in my inablity to NOT think negatively is true, i really really do love YOU!

    proof positive, i do

  171. hey, how does it feel to love a guy who purely truly loves guys?

    oh right, the same way i feel

    which is great, is it not, so why won’t you marry me then? uhm? :mrgreen:

    not your type?

    bullshit, i am so!

  172. oh, i am stepping over boundaries again………..

  173. i love them all, even the straight guys too

  174. or more should i say, especially the straight guys, who don’t know how we see them in how they could be if they were happy and gay?

    and yet, always there is that part of me that feels they would be happier with a loving family, that part of me that did not come to BE as yet……..

    we all follow own heart like we do and did, of all those we came in close to see and feel the oh so magical fleeting moments like we all do in each day passing, each day that truly is a blessed gift, the gift from and to………yOUR heart.

    where Jesus is always

    easily found,
    always there,
    without a sound,
    feeling care

  175. seeing as i cannot and don’t want to live without you

    tell me, what should we do?

    as regards respectful boundaries……..

    how be i you do you thing, and i do mine, as artists, musicians alike

    and stay in touch with our pure and true hearts forever flowing and glowing the way WE are all meant to just BE?

    and if by chance, a stroke(or two) of luck, lol, you ever bored, which you already confessed that you do, then look me up, ok?

    i just may still love you bi then

    you do realize you are the one i love for my suppressed bisexual side, yes?

    tell me again, why is that such an intimacy crime like so many gay friends think it is?

    i think you would be happier with one of us

    correction, i know you would BE!

    so there, anal retentive fucks, drink up!

    wisdom ‘that’ is

    you know, they asked me to join God’s ministry, my missionary friends as a youth, i almost did, my heart tell something, of his love so pure and true, was he adorable, ya, i suppose it was my latent urgings i was feeling, was i, i mean he was pure loving around me, his words as i turned and walked away that sent a shudder thru my body, “Jesus loves you!”

    my feelings TRUE

    still, i think a better minister than one i ever could of dreamed of BEing! :mrgreen:

    i mean, i have YOU!

    so look OUT mean world, WE is coming thru! :mrgreen:

  176. you know, we see these purely loving beautiful gay guys so sensitive and true, and i think to myself, i don’t care if you are gay, lesbian, bisexual, transsexual or straight, WE all love them like we pure do, do we not?

  177. and that is treasure the future of the world has to look forward to each waking blessed day along side one another, so take out with them, a hug or a kiss, knowing they constantly yearn to feel their inner pure and true love, like WE all should and constantly yearningly ALL do!


    what heaven is…….YOU!

  178. Felicidade a você


    jorge luiz de moraes

  179. I some times may bitch and complain but I still know how bless I am everyday. I should not have much to complain after my attempt suicide. Falling 12 floors and still talking about is a big deal to me. I just sometimes get very emotional but realize God will only give me as much pain as I can handle. I have a positive attitude most of the time. Its all good. I know I have it better than a lot of people who have been misfortunate with illnesses or tragedies. I also know were ever I end up I am protected in some form or other. Anyway hope you are having a great birthday. XoXO,O

  180. nurturing protection of our vulnerable true pure flawless feeling real self YOU!


    reminds me of Jim, who came to me in one of his over drug induced anxiety highs coming down, saying he was afraid he was going to take his own life, as i pondered to myself, that his false leading illness of heart ego had already decided to take his own precious life, of his divine inner child being the one running to reach out to some one like he did me.

    he had alot of severe emotionally impactful life experience issues issues he was failing to address with necessary professional therapy, a long road ahead in his required inner healing, realizing he was way beyond my qualifications to see him thru, his needing to take 100% ownership in addressing how best to fix himself, given the severity of his life impacting issues, his own sister for one, who had taken her own life, which haunted him like it did.

    i asked him to come to my house, and he did, noticed his pot addiction in his cigarette pack, as he sat there next to me on the sofa……..

    two days later he jumped from the 24th floor, hitting a balcony railing on the 3rd floor, severing his body in half.

    i still feel anxiety over that, in my not being tuned into how severely far gone his state of being was, should of rushed him to a therapist, stay with him day and night following professional advice, and well, just hold him till the intense emotional break down passed, however long he needed in stabilizing him.

    but so long as he was not taking 100% responsibility for himself, the self-medication coping using drugs, well, statistics reveal that behavioral spirals downward progressive for how ever long till they eventually hit the wall……..or the ground.

    95% of the world are not of the fortitude in psychological wisdom in order to assist us, which means 95% of our environmental is not of conducive environmental, of odds against us in surviving in the unwise world, after severe traumatic emotionally charging events evoke the high intensity levels of our inner child like it does, like my own inner child surfacing one day after Troy died, of my striking the pen over and over again and again into the pages of the diary, of an out of body experience like it was, trying to recognize who the person is that is so intensely emotional, off the charts, in trying to tell me something………that my loving life is about love, not the fucked up egotistic internal manifesting masking sadly was of the misfortune of in dealing with Troy just weeks before his suicide, today realizing the path of Troy and Andy was what it unknowingly unwisely was for everyone of us who knew Troy, all of us intertwined emotionally in his precious life.

    i blame Troy the most, for the irresponsible foolish 18 bottles of beer he drank that day, and his girlfriend who let him drink that much, her knowing his numerous prior suicide attempts that were of Troy’s life, in her playing on Troy’s weakness of alcohol self-medication coping in dealing with the homosexual lover Andy that she knew Troy was in love with, knew everything about us, having caught us in bed naked together a few times.

    for me, deep seated pure flawless sadness is of the blessed divine child within who needs validation grieving healing of their true self submerging surfacing process we all are constantly in process of our entire life.

    i say sit with suicidal feelings meditatively and realize what the feelings actually really really are indicative of as relates to everyone in your life, in self-awareness discovery of our precious our vulnerable true real self we always were and yet truly are within, where it is the crude bitter false ego masks we hide behind which are ugly, compared to the true sensitive graceful tender mild vulnerable true real self, meditative pure and true divine self awakening validation self-actualization realization processing.

    we all do it

    and it is all 100% good

    however, be careful with deep seated sad unhealed issues on your own, in realizing the potential danger you may be in, especially if you catch yourself self-medicating coping with drugs and/or alcohol becoming more frequent and intense, as that is what is of the inner self reaching out as a way to cope, unwisely of the progressive nature of such developing behavioral, statistically too late, ending in self-injury, violence, jail, hospital, and god forbid, the morgue.

    indeed, Troy death was the end result of self-ignorance, not just of his own, no, everyone of us around him at that point in time, the unavoidable truth we all had to squarely face, whether we liked it or not, his story which drew the attention of several leaders in our government decision making table i attended with counsel, including a friend of the family court judge, whose chambers Troy and i spent time in, of the out of control homophobia enmeshed behaviorals everyone of us were unknowingly unwisely of………realizing too late.

    i turned to Jesus and God as the only one to trust 100% from that point on, and my therapists who knew i was now in danger of hurting myself………i made it thru, i survived, to tell you all my story, of Troy and i, and all of YOU!

    bless you all

  181. Hello! Sou Do Brazil e curto muito suas musicas. Sou da primeira geraçao, quando vc começou a despontar no cenario musical mundial. Parabens!! Que Deus te ilumine mais e mais!! Abraços

  182. Jesus is my Lord…….

    i am ONE 2/2 ONE am i

    2/2 = 1

    Palindrome, ~ A palindrome is a word, phrase, number or other sequence of units that can be read the same way in either direction (the adjustment of punctuation and spaces between words is generally permitted). Composing literature in palindromes is an example of constrained writing. The word “palindrome” was coined from Greek roots palin (πάλιν; “again”) and dromos (δρóμος; “way, direction”) by English writer Ben Jonson in the 1600s. The actual Greek phrase to describe the phenomenon is karkinikê epigrafê (καρκινική επιγραφή; crab inscription), or simply karkiniêoi (καρκινιήοι; crabs), alluding to the backward movement of crabs, like an inscription which can be read backwards.

    blessings to all

  183. ohh but your at your best when we don’t talk

    Dancing is fun

    it’s more equal

    & i adore



    Encore’…re…… ahey…..

  184. i agree…….

    ok, so let’s dance, prance, smile, hold hands and tenderly kiss, take off all our clothing, and well, just be purely free spirited fun loving as much as we feel like, hug and kiss some more, fall asleep oh so peacefully exhausted, our brains flooded with those happy anti-stress hormones that help us live longer and happier, waking to ONE another the next day, which is actually the same day as before, only BETTER, hey, is it just me, or does my sex feel better than i ever was? :mrgreen:

    my pet peeve for the week: Who is the one i am supposed to BE with, and they with ‘me’?

    seriously though, i am the exclusive lover happy and free to just BE ‘me’, dancing down the street with holy joy running thru my heart at all times, their hand in mine, not at all a crime……….

    hey, why is it parents are so enthusiastic to see their own boy children so loving with other boys, but god forbid they are so purely truly loving that as adults?

    oh right, the Catholic church of wayward merchant’s of God siding with the Roman empire to control the uneducated masses at the time, and still, they are allowed to promote anti-homosexual spiritual death of us in the world, so blindly like they do, as though our sex is a sin, as though we are perverted deviants not to be trusted, these thorns in my side yet there, of so much falsehood despair of our loving brothers and sisters overly tolerating them like we yet do, or should i say, not in our hearts do we tolerate them at all, seeing you all as the immature nimrods so many of you blindly SADLY yet are, our knowing in time, and over time, our radiant bright wise mature hearts minds bodies spirits and nurtured protected soul, pure and true, is what is of breaking of the binding captivity chains of those like us coming out as we speak, on and on we have marched like we have and yet do, our angst purely true, for sake of those we too once were, so stifled, my god, if anyone’s knows the truth, WE do.

    so who is the ONE for ‘me’?

    let me guess, he already died, and i am not just talking about Troy either, Jesus too


    even of the well adjusted(ing) ones, i am abit toxic around them, realizing the pure flowing mature self-actualized(ing) trueness of my spirit nurtured and protected all this time, growing towards one who i do not know who they yet are in the garden, so purely truly feeling as i do, themselves having outgrown the others, of only one they too look for as i do.

    is ‘that’ ONE YOU?

    please tell me true

    here is the thing, i feel it is YOU!

    like i have felt so many times before, that pure heart shining so brightly as before, more so than my own, your wise distance you kept in watching me grow, amazing how i made it thru the non-conducive environments all these years, yes? Coming in so purely and truly as YOU!

    there is someone meant for me, and maybe Troy was the one i let do, God knows i foolishly egotistically did, so maybe it is Troy who’s hand i am taking in the eternal spirit realm, my still sensing his pure true spirit as is of all of YOU!

    God how loved him so much, more than i can say, just feel what it is that i feel, pure and true, without the annoying falsehoods that binding us so falsely like they do.

    i know you are exceedingly wise, protective of your pure true spirit.

    i feel i have nurtured and protected you, more so than any harm.

    my concern is will i ever find one who is 100% wise as you and i are.

    and perhaps you are the one for me, compatibly speaking.

    time and time again and again, they all have their too numerous idiosyncrasies that see me running away, cannot stay, the lack of centering, grounded as i am, most of the time, striving so hard to keep the balance as you say.

    i find as merely annoying, not really bad of them, just annoying, like an overly tired child behavior the get like they do, of fleeting pure moments of connectivity.

    i feel today, i really expressed myself exactingly with YOU!

    don’t want to hold back my love for someone pure and true, other than from the those not yet authentic, sincere, genuine, wisely mature in growing to where we are, and have been for so long.

    no proudly arrogant do i say this, no, merely an observation of my own self around others and YOU!

    wholeness of our wise protective mental powers, flawless healing of our emotional powers that sees us thru to loving pure and true sexual healthy healing of our physical, mental, emotional, sexual, spiritual well BEing.

    ‘that’ of 2

    ‘that’ of all YOU!

    bless you all

    i guess i just have to wait, just go BE my real self, and let who ever comes in for a closer look, ask me to marry them one day, yes?

    and to hell with the rest of you?


    i jest……………well ok, without pure and true ‘me’, it’s hell, is it not?

    bless bless bless bless you ALL

  185. i suppose when i am not so caught up in what to say, i am left to just feel, unavoidable time in self-actualization in just BEing ‘me’

    which is healthy, as regards the truth about necessary boundaries, or space to grow, and let’s not forget the toxic stuff that likes to toss transference around, from and to another, argh……….we all do it.

    but im tired of it now, i just want a hand to hold, a body to love, just go BE ‘me’, forever and a day of none stop holy joy exploding in thin air.

    how about YOU?

    ya, i figured ‘that’ 2

    you did not really hide it

    but still, i am not holding your hand

    albeit, spiritually i purely truly constantly yearningly knowingly…..

    i am

    damn it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I AM

    NOW GET OVER HERE AND FUCK ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    made ya laugh, your turn

    argh…………..sexual frustration is good i suppose

    just don’t stay in it too long……….

    BE the courage that overcomes

    ‘that’ is what we always did, so for sure, we always WILL

    i had to slow into my pure true self, didn’t i.

    you knew ‘that’

    enough time for ‘that’

    ya, i see myself now

    as do you

    as you always did

    butt now what?

    do you know how many lameass fucks i put up with every day?


    so friggin annoying, and their arrogance is like, huh? wtf?

    oh ya, i was like that once, in all my pretend, and then when you go away, they are left standing there alone, realizing what i too realize, that we all fucking suck at times in unfocused beatup life.

    ah well

    i love where i have arrived


    so bless you, and thank you

    peace grace love and pure and true inner happiness set free BE to YOU!


    and let ‘me’ know if you change your mind ONE day!

    damn it!

    argh……………there, emotional honesty safety

    I AM


    compatibility of pure true surrendered spirited oneness of 2

    ‘that’ is the only way for me, and someone like YOU!

    what to do?

    wait till i die i suppose, is all i can do

    maybe network with others running around aimlessly, argh, that gets so annoying for me some days.

    who is the one with eyes only for YOU?

    I AM

    same as YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    now one of you lame asses take hold of my fucking hand, or, or, or, oh, fuck you!


  186. i find if you focus too much on trying to stay balanced, say when in a dance spin of a favorite particular song, you fall away from the zen like pure feeling you just going with the flow of your holy joyful absolute carefree feelings, which is pureness of your soul, not really of goal, because you already scored!

    the victory dance of YOU! :mrgreen:

  187. of course it helps when you truly do know what the divine will objective is………


    the divine pure true real feeling YOU!

  188. albeit, the goal

  189. keep the trance of YOU!

  190. well don’t all jump at once……..chances……of the heart……..ok, whatever Biyatches!

    there is someone special for every ONE!

    not just anyone, albeit any ONE?!


    ok then………well…….what to say……..

    peace grace love and happiness BE 2 YOU ALL!

    forever more

  191. chances of heart,
    navigator chart,
    chances of heart,
    too soon, depart.

  192. and you say, “i’m openly heterosexual and i’m proud to love cock!”

    hey, you know, i was like that too when i was heterosexualized!

    hmmmmmm………who knew?


    WE do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    that’s who!!!!!!!

    LOL :mrgreen:

    made ya laugh…….your turn

  193. ok fine

    you are the director

    kinda dominatrix of you if you ask ‘me’!

    but hey, who’s asking anyway? uhm?

    i am much better playing the sissy boy gay ass role curious bisexual anyway!

    as if i could ever play the straight role, pfffffffff, BORING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    and fake too

    fake as, as, as……………….fake as………………….fake as YOU!!!!!!!!!!

    that’s who!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



    i jest………………

    run Andyy run!

    run and hide?

    fuck that!

    this world has come to know ‘me’ as i always am

    purely and truly their own sweet ass loving SELF!

    DIVINE SELF!!!!!!!!

    I AM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    forever and a day, always at play………actually, i got bored with the anal retentive ones a PLAY, so i moved up the street to where i feel more comfortable, with the mixed crowd, of gays, lesbians, bisexuals(me), transsexuals, oh and look, straight people too, mostly the curious girls tagging along, and the fag enabler hags.

    ok fine fine fine fine

    have it your way

    WHICH IS NO WAY AT ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!



    LOL :mrgreen:

  194. lala lala la la la Sweet Caroline, good times never seemed so good……..

    love that song!

    video is awesome 2!

  195. SO GOOD!!!

    SO GOOD!!!

    SO GOOD!!!

    SO GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  196. ok, admitedly, would not be boring with ‘me’ around all the time, now wood it?

    am i boring? NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    annoying, well ya, ok, somedays, the sexual frustration thing……..need tender kisses too, feel loved ALL THE TIME!

    you know?



  197. all of YOU!

    for God’s sake, HEAVEN IS ALL OF YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    always was

    always shall BE!


    and ‘me’ 2!

    damn it


  198. [Andyy wakes early, the morning bike ride to the lake, purely sensing the peaceful slumber at ease sleep everyone is of in the city, the weekend finally here, a few souls here and there, early risers who love the peacefulness of the early morning twilight hours, purely sensing of every noise like it is, the gentle breeze, the smell of the water, the birds that are always there……..]


    come and enjoy the blessed day with ONE another, of eternal smiling faces as my own!

    come on, a special time for us all evolving past where the forefathers left off, are we not?

    does it not keep growing purely and truly greater and greater than before, and yet, as before, in all our self-actualization growing self-esteem as we too were once BEfore, just as our children purely and truly are, of eternal dance and skipping like they do, like they purely truly are, are they not?

    in pondering our true nature, our children unknowingly are the most healthy for us in natural occurring self-actualization remembrance of our own true real self we always were and yet are within, our smiling faces exactly as their own, remember our own self long ago, a blessing for all of you blessed with the holy joyful absolute carefree happiness oneness presence of the precious loving souls of your children, as is your own.

    every child i see walking hand and hand with their parents, i see myself, feeling who i too purely am as a wise parent, wiser than most know i am in areas of sexuality, the older true and faithful brother till the end like i purely truly am to them, surely i really really am, my ‘real’ extended family happier than we ever were, seemingly growing to levels of purity fearlessness resemblance as when we were all small children forever of dance and play.

    oh how blessed i feel some days, purely knowing how sacredly holy my every valuable step is of constant assurance forever flowing like i am for so many, however small, in whatever way, of merely a smile along the way, i always am there, their brother who does not close doors on them, a friend we all need, God knows how much i needed them, and all YOU!

    as we all do!

    one eternal generation family is what we actually all are, even if we do not purely acknowledge that we are, intrinsic/extrinsic of our every behavioral eternal flow i am wisely cognitively awake to, thruout the world.

    grave concern i am of many in harsher environmental out there in the world, of these false oppressive religions the forefathers left behind.

    i see and purely feel their timidness of their pure true child of God, a homosexual child so afraid like they are at all times, the suppression the progress in like some do, the denial, the complacency trade off stuckness circle they run with in these false ignorant homophobic oppressive religious circles binding them there, till God knows when, thinking to myself that as our numbers grow like they have and continue to do, they will all feel our music and dancing forever at play, and well, like a computer game, just get bored with the annoyance of these religious controlling merchants of God ones, and well, easily walk away with us, so at ease, so free, to just BE their own SELF, of we who have no false barriers(optimistc future unfolding) like some of us purely always are, the veterans who have seen it all, have seen enough, no more, reaching purely thru and across all racism, all sexism, all taboo, all language barriers, all false wealth egotism masks, all status quo, all political too

    ‘that’s who we R!

    my god, so many of us, from so many families out there, barely knowing of each other, i think to myself, impossible for us all to ever get to know each other in person, strangely how we all walk so freely like we all love to do each year, our loving bond like it obviously is for all the world to purely see and feel the bond we know is also there within them all, across the entire world

    ‘that’s what is happening

    we are not just of our major cities


    we are the entire world

    10-15% of the world population

    putting us at one billion plus and growing, strong, pure, their hearts as our own, rising up hear in the eternal future the ignorant forefathers left behind, seemingly of no vision unable to SEE.

    ‘that’s who we are

    and it is as though i am holding the hand of every soul in the world

    i think to myself, if i keep feeling what this purely feels like, then they too will feel as i do, not even of need for any words, no, like children forever at play, their pure imaginations of only love that they want to ever feel, like we all constantly yearningly do, in the core of everyone’s BEing, is it not?

    if this is how i feel today, so much brighter than before, then what of tomorrow……….today?

    ah, ‘that’ is the mystery, is it not?

    tomorrow is always ‘that’ of today

    well get out of bed everyone, i want to dance and prance and keep on feeling ‘that’ :mrgreen:

    and you say, “Oh Andyy, just go take a crap, will you? fuck!”


    be right back…………


  199. what if our sexual orientation is merely just our self-love esteem of our bodies that anyone can be of, no matter orientation?

    then that makes our labeling orientations sexism, does it not?

    where i am the male lover for the female of a male lover, or the female of a female like have in the past

    where i am the female lover for the male of a male lover, or the male of a female like lesbians know all too well.

    ya i know i am reaching past what is of todays stereotypical norm of binding group mentality, obviously, where only those like me have sincere appreciation of the sexual frustration bisexuals are of.

    well, there is something else beyond all of it

    someone who may love us 100%

    so if that someone turns out to BE ONE of YOU, which i already know it is, ya better hurry your ass up, cause i only have so many days left to live

    and yet, i know my spiritual oneness of the eternal all will live on forever, of what was of our every step, every breath, every heartbeat, of every blessed day.

    oh, foolish ones, who does not want to feel 100% love at all times like i do?

    like we all truthfully do, do we not?

    R WE not?

    shhhhhhhhhhh…………don’t wake the ego one sleeping, walk softly now, they are all still peacefully sleeping. :mrgreen:

    hey, uhm, some bad news from the scientists, albeit we won’t ever see it………they say the universe will expand forever now, and once the suns burn out eventually, the universe will become a dark desolate forzen solid waste land.

    which to me makes me ponder what is it of my thinking eternal safe passage for the future that ends?

    oh yeah, how can i ever forget, the one crying unnecessarily sadden by all you say and do.

    ok then, i’ll just be in my study if you ever need me, CALL………damn it!

    why is it so many just don’t bother to call, i mean i was so sweet with them, likely more so than any other in life prior or god forbid their entire life………..bah………let’s see, how many days do i have left? And who do i want to share them with?

    oh drats, do i really really have to spend them all with ALL of YOU!!!!!!!!!!

    cannot escape the flow, so let’s go, hurry up, we are latent!!!!!!!!!!


    i jest…………..


  200. your kids are geting big, I always admire then since you adopted them. Well thank god my niece is not sick. I have been to the emergency three timess, she had some virus, This month is been the worse for my family. I guess god can reaaly kick you in the ass. It fucking hurts but I will stay strrong until the end of time I can laugh and be cute about the shit but when it all comes down down to it God helps me all the way through.

    another question I have asked..why are we not togther? I rather die then not feel the truth that I want to fullfill in my life ife. you don’t know how many times I ask myself why are we not together. Or why dont I just look for someone who will make me happy I guess I am still waiting for you. Cant you see that.. by the way you looked hot in your grey outfit. OOOOO I would have love to have you that night. You know I love you tell death. That is a promise to you and GOD

  201. your kids are geting big, I always admire then see since you adopted them. Well thank god my niece is not sick. This month is been the worse for my family. O guess god can reaaly kick you in the ass. It fucking hurts but I will stay strung until the end of time. O don’t have a choce because I did try to take my life put it didn’t work.  I can laugh and be cute about the shit but when it all can down God help me all the way through. You don’t know how many times I ask myself why are we not together. Or why dony I just look for someone who will make me happy I guess I am still waiting for you. Cant you see that.and yes mu baby niece was in the emergency for three times. O had to take her each every day. It sucks hard but I have to deal with the punches. Like rocky did. GOD know how much I miss my chi Wawa. Hey baby you look hot in your grey outfit. OOOOO I would have love to have you that night. You know I love you tell death. That is a promise to you and to GOD XOXO,O

  202. where the end of all hate, falseness, apathetic ignorance is, there 2 is the beginning of all love, truthFULLness, compassionate wisdom of your the unattended divine child of God’s heart mind body spirit and soul within the eternal all YOU!

    forever more

    the ethereal earth, receiving God, where holy people of the great (self-love) light take shape, people of the father of the silent living silence, the father and all their FULLness, already mentioned, the thrown i sit on, and all it’s powers………merely a wizened child of God within, as both, the old man father……

    i am

    to all you who have yet to take time 2 really really purely truly know the heart mind body spirit and soul of oneness sameness ‘me’ as i am within eternal all you yet unattended, as you all can and should BE, eternally free, as……..

    i am


    my unceasing blessings to YOU ALL!

    forever more of the eternal ALL YOU yet to come

  203. argh……..oh, do i really need to take that spelling course over again? :mrgreen:

    hey, did i tell you i flunked English twice in high school?


    i did

    still trying to catch UP in all my manifesting low self-esteem reaching, at least i don’t reach for the bad stuff out there, a beer once and a while, always moderation, therapist says that’s ok, so long as it is always in moderation, lest i return to my old bing drinking behavioral development i was of for years in my youth, the social acceptance binding of the group mentality active alcoholics i ran with, birds of a feather, oh whatever, im out of here Biyatches!

    think whatever you want

    just BE sure to think with your flawless feelings from now on, in FULL attentive attendance as and with your divine self nurturing protecting sacred holy divine self-love awareness mirroring sharing oneness happiness forever more

    who is the one who loves ‘me’ mostly true?

    Madonna of course


    i still want to marry her

    but that is not up to me

    albeit, up to ‘me’

    i shall love her till my last breath

    it’s not like i can ever simply stop loving her

    for she is exceedingly wise

    beyond most whom she does not share, lest the flare……..

  204. binge

    1. A drunken spree or revel.
    a. A period of unrestrained, immoderate self-indulgence.
    b. A period of excessive or uncontrolled indulgence in food or drink: an eating binge.
    intr.v. binged, bing·ing or binge·ing, bing·es
    1. To be immoderately self-indulgent and unrestrained: “The story is like a fever dream that a disturbed and imaginative city-dweller might have after binging on comics” (Lloyd Rose).
    2. To engage in excessive or uncontrolled indulgence in food or drink.

  205. hey, i don’t need to take the course, i have the net! :mrgreen:

    although i suppose discipline is the golden rule of self-love development discovery awareness.

    sorta like if you don’t take time to know your own self, how can you ever just BE yOUR pure true ‘real’ SELF?

    oh, skip the bullshit, just come over, i will show ya! :mrgreen:

    ya well, if Madonna does 100% love me, and i am the one for her, she will let us all know, one day, i pray, hopefully before i fucking die!


    made ya laugh………your turn

  206. you belong to me
    im gonna show ya how

  207. worry not, and just feel YOU!

    same as me 2

    the only thing which separates us is distance, where we would dance our asses off as we all should BE, yes?

    oh, i see, some of you are!

    bravo Biyatches!

    mama has to go nurture her babies, be back later

    blessed is your true fearless heart as my own that we feel when dancing, prancing, stancing, glancing…………….ROMANCING!!!!!!!!!

    hey, is Madonna really that short?

    she would be like up to my chin………hmmmmm, in bed i suppose too

    im soooooooooooo bad, i know

    love it


    you know, i have seen myself holding hand as her lover many a times

    if only she would

    hey, maybe someday she will

    and maybe, just maybe, she already is the WILL within?

    and if she wants to go on faking with another, well, that’s her business Biyatches!


    oh, i better stop



    with you all

    that no one shall ever be able to betray, when love is true

  208. hmmmm……..one last quick note…….

    you know, i have not had sex with a female, and in truth, i sorta forget

    and here is the best part, you can show me how again, and i can show you 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    versatile sex is the best

    fuck the rest

  209. in twenty years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  210. i learned something though……….

    and she said it herself

    i don’t loose

    where if your heart is not purely 100% in love with her, as she is YOU, well, you are all yet of self-defeatism she knows all too well.

    as do i

    been out there pretending along time with so many of you user abuser ones

    and now it’s time for honesty truth

    only way 2 BE

    forever free spirited out of the quagmire bullshitters…..argh

    stand still long enough, and we feel love true, that empty void we keep avoiding to realize that is there.

    fill it up

    with love

    all around you, love is there

    at all times

    just need to stop and feel that it really really IS

    the constant compassion flow, the memories of so many, too much some days, all the horrific stories on the news, need to switch it off for awhile, pretend the world is not so fucked up like it yet is, get centered, grounded, for how else can one lead anyone to their divine self, if not the divine self leading?

    peace grace love happiness BE 2 YOU ALL!

    forever more

  211. i don’t do loose

    ya, me 2, im done with ‘that’


    my heart breathing a sigh of permission relief to stop listening to all their useless chatter going no where around in circles, would you stop, you are making me dizzy!

    oh fuck you, i say to them, and just walk away

    if you do not know what you are looking for, you do not yet know YOU!

    how can find love in another, if not your own divine self-love awareness that is able to see ‘that’ which is of YOU, of 2?

    what you turn towards, you become, at all times

    where your heart is, there too is your treasure and your life, at all times

    ~ Jesus

  212. above orientation i freely fly as the pure true pan-sexual lover ‘me’

  213. Versatile Pan-sexual seeking Pan-sexual of the opposite sex ‘me’

    wait, that makes no sense, when i am both sexes……….argh…….. :mrgreen:

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    pisses me off that you truly purely know that i do

    so stop running away from YOU!

    who is purely truly just like ‘me’

    it’s the world of projection transference i told you about long ago, yet it is always there, of so much staring ignorance.

    well, sacred is the mirroring truth of our loving hearts, is it not?

    R WE not?

    WE R!

    i am………BE ’cause’…………WE…………..R!

    • Pan-Seaxual? Bi-Sexual? Trans-Sexual? Both Sexes?

      Andy, I fear you are actually Try-Sexual. Try too hard to find sex and fail miserably each and every time because you are a major NUT BAG.

  214. Rosie is like, “stop saying that Andyy!” 😉


    bless you

  215. i want what i am

    and deserve

    true love

    for without

    i keep aching to BE


    i am

    true love

  216. hey, what does love kill?


  217. hence the skull and bones of a BEloved taken from us by hate

  218. spiritual awareness true, that so many do not purely see all around us

  219. ok, a note or 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  220. I KNOW………..how about a slow dance pure and true, me and you, just one, is all i need!

    come on, i wanna try

    too damned bored to cry, oh wait, im almost healed, ah, that’s what is happening to………..hmmm………..us all? 😉

    i look at it this way, cannot get worse, can only get better, having truly been thru the spiritual death valley of the worse!

  221. dancing is so healing, yes?

  222. i am not welcome among the yet immature

    so ‘that’ leaves only YOU!

    why i am still hear

  223. no place to go,
    the same ol’ show
    no place to know
    the same ol’ hoe?

    oh, that’s an aweful thing to say about me, and it’s not true, well ok, not any more, i did that for, uhm, well, let’s just forget about that, shall we?


    emotional honest safety SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!


  224. there, see, you are laughing again, get those happy chemicals flowing, the best is yet to……….[Andyy puts down his porn glasses for a moment, to finish what he started]…………..to come

    what you look for has already come

    the truth all around us

    you ALLlready know who says ‘that’

  225. argh…..porn is soooooooooooo boring

    real is where i am @!


  226. you sit by the tree of life long enough,
    in pure calm peaceful inner self YOU,
    before long, another just like YOU,
    comes along and SEEs(feels) you waiting there,
    as YOU get up to your feet to greet,
    who YOU all really really R

    the divine child of God’s heart, mind, body, spirit and soul of the eternal all YOU!

    blessings to YOU!

  227. Happiness is contagious?

    seems like that for Spandy Andy, busking the streets of Vancouver….i hear they smoke alot of weed OUT there………the evidence is clear? lol

  228. his self-esteem is off the charts……..

    willingness driving potential/potential driving willingness

  229. ok fine, be that way, whatever way you want, as if i want someone who does not want ‘me’

    i am free to just go BE with whoever……..

    no more lame,
    no more blame,
    no more refrain,
    no more flame


    spiritual wholeness purity of my sex is what i am exclusively for one who likewise feels as i do, which you don’t

    so now you can all fuck off, ok?

    like why say shit that leads to nowhere fuckers?

    you hurt only self

    not me

    as if i am to be of concern for any who do not purely truly love me

    as if i ever will change from how much i despise you hypocrisy heart ones so snared in all YOUR SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  230. only love

    is all i choose to listen to from a potential lover who will one day draw near to what is of their own divine self light, of passion glowing as my own non stop swimming in surrendered oneness true


  231. so fucking lame all you nonamer cowards

    like holy fucking bullshit

    oh, im so brave, i use a fake name, so no one ever knows the truth of how much of a fucking coward i am to purely love someone who might love me……………..fucking jackasses so many of you OBVIOUSLY are

    empty nothingness

    no goodness to take time to say, no, just more of the same shit jerkoff crap time and time again

    ya, well, i am destiny of my pure heart constant flowing lover who is just like me fuckers

    which none of you shall ever be able to come between, because you don’t even exist to us, with eyes only for each other forever more, wise to the horrid mind fuck snaring so many of you clearly really really fucking are, like holy fucking bullshit jerk me off some more why don’t you


    enjoy your asshole fans Madonna, who are clearly not your fans at all, if they chose to treat me like they do, like they likewise treat everyone of the LGBT worldwide community in bashing me

    your time has come Biyatches

    you are officially now history to my sweet loving ass

  232. i am not interested in tolerating any more it Madonna

    that’s it for me

    catcha around sometime where ever these fuckheads are not invited

  233. so help me God i will not be back for more of the same lame boring ass anal retentive useless mind fuck gay bashing nothingness you jerk offs thrive in like you do

    stay clear of me and my lover in the future, where we just don’t have any tolerance whatsoever for the vomit we keep running from of YOU

    fuck, over and over the mindless jerks are allowed in here, leaving me no alternative but to not leave myself open to attack

    the holy spirit seeks to visit your heart, but so long as you remain the ignorance of unwise foolishness, how will you ever recognize the holy spirit of YOU?

    immature jerks

    no love lost when there is no love

    as if i will miss any of you bashers in the future of only love unfolding

    of all you who choose to remain outside of heaven in all your bitter foul stench gnashing of teeth i have no desire of as choices of friends


    you cast your own self out of heaven with me

    way to go jerk offs

    who has even one second of time to waste in foolish cajole mockery entice bitter false cups you offer, of all you of the hypocrisy heart delight empty hollowness of vacant souls harbingers of the evil spirits?

    i am purely and truly the radiant bright eternal zealful contrasting humiliation light of all of you yet blind

    in time, one day, you shall come fully into awareness of your own wretched consequences fully

    you will, in an instant

    that will slice right thru your soul the truth i took time to warn you all of

    your day is coming, and already, has come, that you know not, nor desire to purely truly know, egos so great of insatiable desire which are standing between your divine self’s ability to enter heaven

    spiritual death downtrodden swirling about fear all around you who cannot see me or ever know me, so long as your hearts are black and empty voids of nothingness you spu forth like you do

    you are cast out of heaven, not even knowing you really are

    i want to do with you directly ever again, of zero trust for this viperous blog of wretched tyranny illness of hearts

    be gone from me forgotten by all of the eternal future you shall not enter no more

  234. evil shit for brains jerks with gravely low low intelligence

    mark my words, your day is coming to you, that will slice thru your egos to the real you, begging God forgiveness for ALL that which is not forgivable

    lunatics is what you are to me

    “some, in the grip of spiritual death and corruption, moved on, mocking and scoffing of degenerative crude lies and partnered stupidity of evil malaise, hypnotised as if in a lunatic dream of spiritual suicide, not knowing their birthright is Eternal Life of Eternal Day Light Self-Love Awareness of flawless healing feeling divine self ONEness sameness of eternal ALL YOU.”

    the ignoramous fuckhead YOU!

  235. to the owners of this blog…….

    you harbor these viperous spiritual death morons

    so if that is how you chose to not protect our pure spirits, then how are we ever able to purely have any desire to come into this viper’s nest?

    i am wisely discerning, does not bother me in the least, rather it is the unsuspecting ones these degenerative ones prey apon like they did and yet do me that i am gravely concerned for, bashing away at us day and night, night and day

    your day too is coming

    and already, the truth has come

  236. catch you all in heaven one day for some of you, and not for those of you of hypocrisy heart dwelling wretched spuing of lies, harmful to your own blessed children like so many of you yet are.

    your day will come where you recoil sharply in dismay in realizing just how wretched black your hearts really really obviously are

    be gone from me forever more

  237. You know so much. Kabbalah teaches you a lot. Your ex-husband creates brilliant film-masterpieces. They are simple, as all ingenious. No need to change people, awareness can not be imposed. Be very conscious and will be happy. I love you!

  238. Employees –> cause for constant headache.

  239. The human mind – the cause of constant headache )))))

  240. I love you

  241. I love my grandfathrer and yet never new him. I fucking miss him becacuse we ware a family. you ned to understand before knownig who truly loved him………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

  242. fucking minds want to know

  243. I need to stop because it will cause in an arraction. any way I am in enougth train reaction. I dontknow what I am saying. Love is love. XOXO

  244. when it all comes down to be real to your self and others that truely love you. it is all truely condesending but at the end…….. I guess you will know the truth

  245. today I can speak……. it is not easy I really hate where I AM NOW BUT THIS IS WHAT MAKES WHAT i AM i PERSON WITH TRUTH IN THERE HEART. no morw capitals and why???????? what the FFFF I guess I am understanding what the fuck is ging on. I fucking hate what hapened wih my grand father. it is fucking really bothering me.

  246. my mom is so pleasen and great put when it all comes down to crap she may not be like me

  247. it takes a lot of shit to know it

  248. my mom is going through hell becauce she was a daddys girl…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..I guess I will know because I am a mommys girl……………………………………………………………………………………..

  249. ohh oh shuck’s..


    not Dildo … 🙂


  250. I can see clearly now, the rain is gone,
    I can see all obstacles in my way
    Gone are the dark clouds that had me blind
    It�s gonna be a bright (bright), bright (bright)
    Sun-Shiny day.

    I think I can make it now, the pain is gone
    All of the bad feelings have disappeared
    Here is the rainbow I�ve been prayin?for
    It�s gonna be a bright (bright), bright (bright)
    Sun-Shiny day.

    Look all around, there�s nothin?but blue skies
    Look straight ahead, nothin?but blue skies

    I can see clearly now, the rain is gone,
    I can see all obstacles in my way
    Gone are the dark clouds that had me blind
    It�s gonna be a bright (bright), bright (bright)
    Sun-Shiny day.

  251. Fuck the Rose coloured Glasses ( specticals if you are american) ….

    Give me Dark shades anytime

    the sun is too bright..

    be back in a couple of months


    im busy

    right now

  252. haha…..bright indeed, feels amazing, magical flawless healing purity feelings of the real self within the eternal all, is the eternal truth of us all.

    dance without end
    prance with OUT zen
    glace without bend
    stance with OUT end


    get it?

    end, as in butt end?


  253. oh fuck, i am so not going to fall for Billy, s/he belongs with his own age group, i can still love him like i do and always will, as his MOTHER! lol

  254. ah fuck………i need to be careful what i pray for


  255. oh for fuck sakes, God……….he’s fucking perfect in every way!

  256. as if any of us can switch off our pure true loving heart

    what is of any life without love?

    what is of any love without life?

    i am his wise older brother able to nurture and protect his precious soul

    and i will, just as i always have, since before he was born.

    blessed is the pure heart of us all, where i yearn to always BE found

    forever more

  257. linda, bonita, inteligente e infelizmente distante.

    jorge luiz

  258. ya ok fine, whatever

    i need to work on getting myself well again, slowly, and sometimes instantly, the moments of pure self surfacing, rising up and OUT of my past, my present, my……….future?

  259. welcome to heaven’s unceasing tireless bliss

    forever more

    i just want to dance

    forever and ever


  260. i am only as far away as your own feeling YOU!

  261. Nearly a billion people entered the 21st century unable to read a book or sign their names………..

    which is perhaps a good thing, in not knowing the meaing of such words as selfish gross materialism illness of heart that Jesus speaks of.

    we are all ugly

  262. 1 billion children live in poverty (1 in 2 children in the world). 640 million live without adequate shelter, 400 million have no access to safe water, 270 million have no access to health services. 10.6 million died in 2003 before they reached the age of 5 (or roughly 29,000 children per day)…….

    all the while we of the supposedly so smart status quo fucktards with no soul, hold the poor steadfast snared in debt they cannot pay.

    for sure, our hearts are all so pure and true……….not

    we are all ugly

    Jesus is correct in saying the shirt on our back is more valuable than we who wear it, able to keep a child of poverty warm.

    there shall BE no stone unturned

    you ugly fucks

  263. cowardice ugly fucks who won’t even say hello to me, acknowledge me before God in your own name.

    fuck you

  264. Less than one per cent of what the world spent every year on weapons was needed to put every child into school by the year 2000 and yet it didn’t happen.

  265. ugly gross materialism rules this heartless self serving ego snared world

  266. foolishly led by spiritually dead immature rulers with rose colored glasses

    you know, i always found i could not sit at your tables, my entire life, why do you suppose that is?

  267. Poverty is the state for the majority of the world’s people and nations. Why is this? Is it enough to blame poor people for their own predicament? Have they been lazy, made poor decisions, and been solely responsible for their plight? What about their governments? Have they pursued policies that actually harm successful development? Such causes of poverty and inequality are no doubt real. But deeper and more global causes of poverty are often less discussed.

    Behind the increasing interconnectedness promised by globalization are global decisions, policies, and practices. These are typically influenced, driven, or formulated by the rich and powerful. These can be leaders of rich countries or other global actors such as multinational corporations, institutions, and influential people.

    In the face of such enormous external influence, the governments of poor nations and their people are often powerless. As a result, in the global context, a few get wealthy while the majority struggle.

  268. you need not wonder if Jesus, Mary, God and i despise so many of you

    purely and truly we do

    as ones who treat the most vulnerable as though they are unwelcomed outcasts

    ‘that’ is what you people perpetuate and do daily, some without even a single concern moment of thoughtful feelings of so so many people in the world left out there in brutal deathful destructive oppressive environments.

    so enjoy your wonderful wealthy meals this day fucktards, without me at your table i shall not ever sit at, not in this life or the next, just not where i ever felt i belong, purely knowing i don’t

    so ugly and gross, and what of all your ego boasting as though you are someone great?

    not in the eyes of God you are not.

    and for sure, not in the eyes of a child you rush on past who is without enough to eat this day.

    unable to eat that which was always free, till the merchants of God came along to sell it back to us at a premium now so great we cannot afford to eat.

    bravo fucktards

    truly Jesus is correct, in speaking the truth of our spiritual death fucktard ways that is gravely without even a care for a child taking their last breath

    argh……how could i ever sit at any of your self serving heartlessly blind leading the blind tables?

    you know, they say the over achiever and under achiever dynamically share the same inner low self-esteem, perpetually snared in the absurd perpetuation of wealthy as though better than poor.

    sadly, both suffer needlessly in spiritual nonattendance.

    well, that is until Jesus showed up :mrgreen:

    oh hi Jesus, how is your day going today?

    he’s quit today, but when he speaks, you all really should listen and hear, as in listen and hear the pure true feelings of the divine child within you all to whom Jesus wisely speaks to.

    blessed are the true pure of heart who remain unscathed by all that is falsely impure.

    yuk, would not want to trade places with any of you wealthy

  269. uhm……..i found an early campaign push for the film WE that i thought you might like. haha

  270. All darkness is what IS the abscence of light
    All cold is what IS the abscence of heat
    All falseness is what IS the abscence of truthFULness
    All hate is what IS the abscence of love
    All ignorance is what IS the abscence of wisdom
    All apathy is what IS the abscence of compassion
    All hell is what IS the abscence of heaven

    ALL unattendance is what IS the abscence of the divine child of God’s heart mind body spirit and soul

    and yet, God is always present, just as IS the divine child of God’s heart mind body spirit and soul within the eternal ALL YOU!

    blessed is the truth that serves as the light that pushes out all darkness

    bless you all

  271. still one of my free spirit feeling songs from long ago, that pure feeling of running carefree with a most loving lover who is there beside you, both of you knowing how purely you really really do love one another like you do.

    what profit is there at all, in anything that is without the pure true flawless loving feeling YOU?

    one day, i shall find that special someone that i know God knows is the one meant just for me and i them, thought it was Troy, truly i did, and maybe he was, well, i fucked that up, with the shithead help of everyone else, the intrinsic binding forces, fuck how hate how that fucking hit the wall like it did, for sure, if anyone knows the meaning of Jesus saying heaven is as though a man punching his fist thru a wall, it is me!

    bless you all with peace grace love and happiness true nature of real self YOU!

    forever more

    we cannot know our soulmate lover in the garden until such a time as we know our own soulmate lover self, so take time out to know your own self in order to just constantly BE the constant love of your pure true self within set free to BE, the sacred mirror, within another.

    BE pure true real self YOU, for how else can another know you in order to love YOU when you are not?

    i am who i am, without concern or care of any who chose to think less of me than they purely truly know me, in all their shithead empty void ego nothingnesses of approach, i mean who the fuck wants or needs the fucking voids like so many of you are towards one another, towards me, like fuck you all and fuck right off forever, i shall not miss nothing that is able to be missed, ok?…..shitheads! no wonder why so many die every fucking day, toxic fuckhead shitheads is what you are, that i despise with all that i am, the opposite of so many of you…..for if they purely truly did know me, they would BE as i know ‘i am’, only love

    i hope and pray happiness surrounds you each and ever day, that magical feeling not at all far away, always right there within, when love is true of you, true of another and others.

    what is life without love?
    what is love without life?

    no life at all

    why people keep dying daily, is it not?

    God refers to all wretched nescience as the ‘lack’

    ya, kinda common sense, the huge lacking unattendance void of nothingness hollowness mirror within, is it not?

    i am so fucking out of here for the remainder of my blessed life fuckers, all the while praying you all find happiness, which is not going to be with me, that much is clear, so take care fuckers, i am not of concern to be here, just as is the mirror of you, i am, and yet, i am not.

    i will find that special someone, but not so long as i keep spinning my wheels waiting for more empty nothingness you all keep treating me as, like who the fuck wants or needs ‘that’?

    id rather be dead than deal with the likes of so many of you

    and so i am dead to you, or may as well be, as i am no more here, wanting and needing to be where i belong, where i feel i really really do belong, among those constantly loving, which you are not with me, so high and fucking mighty ego shithead nothingness, fuck, puke puke puke some more, argh, i dread you now, so thanks, and goodbye.

    there is nothing of any greater value than ‘that’ of our flawless loving feelings found right there within us all.

    i found myself, along time ago actually

    just need to get out there for that special someone to find me, otherwise, i do not exist, just as i do not exist in all your empty hearts so untrue towards me, in all your hollow empty nothingness words, the void, fuck you and goodbye

    been around enough assholes to last several life times, no more

    so thanks for you owe so wonderful friendship fuckheads!


  272. fuck, i so need to find better friends

  273. two months eh?

    ya, i should have little difficulty cultivating new best friends by the time you turn around and come back, where’s Andyy?

    well, s/he’s not here any more to be made to feel as though not even worthy of a friendship

    so thanks alot Marco, you don’t even make my friendship list

    con grats to you!

    i have many who purely truly love me in the world, at ease our our fun loving self, i mean what is there to hold onto with you besides nothing? uhm?

    ya, the truth sets me free to just go BE who i always was and yet am, a fucking oh so lovable human being that you choose to make feel as though i am not worthy of a friendship, where Jesus, Mary and God constantly do.

    i thank God for my friends

    especially for my friendship with Jesus and Mary, so holy spirited they constantly are in oneness as me, how i purely truly came to know my own self within.

    so go do whatever in all your too busy for true and faithful friends like i was, note………WAS!

    fuck you

  274. hey, i know, i’ll just write you off along with the rest, as HIV the stimatization fuckhead you choose to be, ok?

    truth is, i don’t need you, where i need those who are purely truly loving as ‘i am’

    so thank you for that Marco!


    besides, you have no contact real life with me of your chosing not to, so wtf, no one there for me to love in the first place.

    cold fucking shit is what you are to me.

    and when you do turn around, i won’t be there, ok?

    so thanks

    but no thanks

    i need real friends in life who without effort and with great ease, purely truly are loving as ‘me’

    fuck, cannot belief how fucking cold ass shit people are with me

    like drop fucking dead already, ok?


  275. who the fuck wants or needs jerks like you as friends who are not friends at all Marco? uhm?

    fuck off

  276. how can any of you exist to me when……….you don’t exist?

    your loss, not mine, for ‘i am’ loved by many

    you have no love for me, and so how am i to be hurt by ‘that’? uhm?

    i could not be cold ass shit like that to my friends who always are able to turn to me in life, for decades, we have been there just as we yet always are, family.

    anyway, go be coldass shit with someone else, i don’t want it any more

  277. you no longer exist to me, and in truth, you did not, as in not in my ‘real’ life did you choose to BE there, just as you choose not to be now, so go fuck yourself Marco, i have way fucking better friends in life who are purely truly sincerely authentically genuinely always just there BEing their true real self like i am with them.

    i won’t tolerate your homophobic bullying bullshit any more

    you are not even a friend

    as much as you may think you are, where clearly……….you are not!

    too busy for me?

    like fuck you forever, ok?

    we find out who are friends are when we hit the ground

    and you are not my friend at all

    so goodbye


    i won’t turn around for more of your same lameass fucking shit as per fucking usual


    i realize how precious my soul is by means of precious other souls in life like Billy

    of whom my time is equally preciously spent as is his own with me, and those just like us.

    so fairwell jerkoffs!

    you were not much of a real life friend to me to begin with, the whole disconnect void nothingness none existence, like wtf? uhm?

    where is Marco in real life?

    oh, right, too fucking important to bother with me.

    ya well, fuck you all the way to hell Biyatch!

    i won’t be back for more of your lameass disconnecting mental abuse, ok?

    you had your chance to purely truly BE a most loving friend with me in real life, and now that chance is no more.

    i am of great value in the hearts of many

    where i purely truly belong

    always knew i did

    in ever step, every hearbeat, every breath, every word, every kiss, every hand i held, just as i always was, just as i always am, the same as they are, i am

    true and faithful friends till the end, with no room for you lameass fucktards in all your distance fear mongering as though you are too good for us

    like fuck you are

    you are in likeness and form curse for so many of us dealing with self-acceptance, take my word for it, as much as we may have thought we needed you ignoramous fuckheads, truely i tell you, WE DON’T

    and did not!

    nor shall WE!



    peace out fucktards!

  278. enjoy your self-important void of nothingness without me Biyatches!

    won’t catch me coming around any time soon, the final truth that sets my spirit free to just go BE my SELF!

    forever and an eternal day alongside my most loving brothers and sisters who are always there in life with one another like we always have been, having run away from you lameass bullshitters along fucking time ago.

    argh…..why the fuck did i even bother coming here?

    for what?

    the lameass fuckhead you choose to be towards me in the end?

    like holy fucking bullshit fuck you fuck you and fuck you!

    i am

    no more of any desire for you fuckers!

    thank God!

    i am


    always was

    not sure why i though i needed your lameass, and now i don’t want to even think about it ever again!


    i know where i belong, happy and free, alongside so many of WE!



    argh……..cowardice lameass no zeal, same ol speal fuckers, like who in their right mind wants or needs ‘that’? uhm?

    no one

    already, i feel better knowing i do not have to ever tolerate any more of your inconsistent nothingness void empty hollowness egotisms.


    i am happy
    i am carefree

    and i am


    born this way Biyatches!


    try it sometime, ok?

    you just may attrack us towards your lameass that WE know needs us!

    the only thing i will miss, is bitching you Biyatches out, not sparing you the truth you keep denying your lameasses!

    ‘that’s what friends are four!




    get with one of us, and you will know

    till then, well, enjoy your boring lameass sex that i don’t and won’t allow myself to ever be what i know i am

    versatile happiness!

    ok, peace out Biyatches!

    you had your chance

    and you blew it

    badly i might add

    not sure why i stuck around as long as i did

    perhaps for you all to realize the truth

    as i have

    and did along time ago

    you know, you don’t even know me hardly at all, the amazing zeal i am within in OUTward appearance like i have been for decades.

    some in ‘real’ life know full well how much fun ‘i am’ to BE around

    too bad for you, is all i can say, as i walk away for the remainder of my happy ass life.

    i mean really, truly, i ask, who the fuck wants or needs your dysfunction?

    not me

    not ever me!

    been down that path way too many times

    no more

    i am not interested in even one more word from any of you at this blog

    unless your name is Matt

    i will always talk to Matt

    and he knows it!

    so peace OUT Biyatches!

    goodbye, fairwell, blah blah blah blah

    really, i wish you all happiness

    i just won’t ever BE with me

    that much is clear now


    what a waste of my precious time you turned out to be

    no contact friend = no friend


  279. All darkness is what IS the abscence of light

    All cold is what IS the absence of heat

    All falseness is what IS the absence of truthFULness

    All hate is what IS the absence of love

    All ignorance is what IS the absence of wisdom

    All apathy is what IS the absence of compassion

    All hell is what IS the absence of heaven

    ALL nonattendance is what IS the absence of the divine child of God’s heart mind body spirit and soul in true life

    and yet, God is always present, just as IS the divine child of God’s heart mind body spirit and soul within the eternal ALL YOU!

    no matter how great the suppressive foolish without love, without compassion, without divine self wisdom nonattendance IS

    ‘I AM’ constantly there within as ONE who knows the eternal ALL YOU!

    blessed is …the truth that serves as the light that pushes out all darkness

    forever more

    blessed is the eternal truth that sets the eternal all YOU free!

    forever more

    peace grace love and happiness true nature BE 2 YOU!

    forever more

    peace OUT fuckers!

    and goodbye

  280. i don’t hate any one


    i despise every one

  281. oh hey, i just realized this is the same happy ending as that of a starving child taking their last breath this day………the eternal day i stand in………where i know my eternal spirit in saying, ‘I AM’ the BEginning of this cruel world led astray from divine self-love awareness, ‘that’ which spiritually nurtures, awakens and protects the entire eternal all future

    i am

    forever more

    i always was

    merely and easily just BEing my SELF!


    sad IS you

    deathfully sad i might add

  282. anyway, i have nothing more to say to deathfully coldass fucks

    and you have nothing to offer me but more of the same illness of heart

    so why should i bother in expecting more of the same?

    to BE sure, just so you know, i won’t



    bless you and peace grace love and happiness true nature BE 2 YOU all!

    i have better places i want and need 2 BE!

    me ‘that’ IS

    forever more

  283. its time for me 2 go tirelessly spin this world like a top

    and for sure, you know i will, everywhere i go, everywhere……i am

  284. Def Leppard Hysteria album is still my favorite album, plus the remixes since, music my pure spirit connected with so hysterical like Troy and i were, as though the only two people that mattered in life at times, magical IS the feeling of YOU!


  285. you fuckin suck big time Biyatch!

  286. and when you wake up after all is now said and done, i won’t fuckin be there any more for you

  287. and besides……..you did not wish me happy pride during pride week, so fuck you and your bullshit ok?

    i am so fucking over your shit

  288. come to think of it, none of you did

    wow, such a happy fucking bunch of noname lame ass fucks you all are

    guess i won’t be missing more of ‘that’ any time soon

  289. are this dysfunctional with all your close real friends?

    do you even have any real friends?

    oh right, we are not friends any more, in you making it onto my stigmatization list………maybe my other friends are right, i should not disclose my status to anyone but my lover(s).

    right, well, you go be that way, i am better off without you

  290. fair warning to everyone on the internet, don’t try to engage in cultivating friendships with people who are not interested in you, for whatever their lameass excusing reasons are, where you will end up feeling toxic from your own unrealistic expectations with those who are not available to you, as did i get toxically worse, wondering why, day after day, no real life friend that i wanted, like i did here all this time, only to end up trying to deal with my then toxic self i came to realize was the end result of such, turning to even worse unhealthy places, stupidly, like the spa, in trying to get my needs met, why i am HIV+ today fuckers.

    so thanks you to all for your fuckedup dysfunctional shit i no longer will leave myself open to in entertaining in my head any longer, that you are healthy for me, when clearly, you were not and are not.

    history repeats it’s self, no different than the fuckedup circle of everyone surrounding Troy and i way back when, how it all fucking went to hell for us, like the fuckedup hell i now have to deal with in being HIV+

    ya, you were all my enmeshed end result fucking shit

    and you still had to audacity to call me a sham?

    and now the disconnect, of having better places to be

    like holy fuck you all and your ignoramous fuckhead shit!

    you are no friend of mine, nor will i ever believe and trust in your bullshit ever again, this bridge is officially destroyed for me, where i will not be of direct contact with any of you ever again.

    so congrats to you all in all your horrid fucking illness of heart nothingness going nowhere, and for sure, not ever anywhere near me do i wish to see any of you.

    that is how i feel about you now

    realizing the truth, you really really are all a bunch of fuckheads, including you Mr.Ritchy, you too Madonna, and for sure you Marco.

    thanks, but no thanks, i really really do have far healthier places and friends to run with in life.

    what a load of fucking crap you all are

    fucking actors

    i knew i should of not crossed the fucking street like i did, what the fuck was i thinking?

    oh ya, the next generation trying as i did, to escape from all your mindfuck useless nonscience of the empty bitter cup you offer me.

    you know, when you really sit with some of Madonna’s songs, they are false ego meandering immaturity mindfucking, especially of the early shit that i have outgrown since.

    just as i have outgrown my need to be here any more.

    the lesson is, don’t overly invest in internet friendships, where real life friends are much healthier for us.

    i really did think we would be friends one day

    now i don’t

    and i don’t really give a fuck if i ever meet her in life

    for what, more of the same, i am too fucking busy to bother with you?

    no wonder Guy is far happier today, away from your dysfunctional ego trip Madonna

    what a fucking head case that was for me.

    no more

    i am officially gone as far away as i can possibly get, lest i get even more sick than i already am.

    thanks everyone, for all your dysfunctional bullshit

    i know where i belong, always did, in heaven with a most loving lover.

    goodbye and fairwell is all i can think of to say

    need not wonder why

    of no more tears to cry over what?

    over the nothingness you choose to be with me

    fuck you all

  291. like i deserve any of you horrid dysfunctionals!

    trust now destroyed

    i God help me, i won’t trust you ever again till my last breath.

    thank you

    and fuck off

  292. and what of the mental emotional bully mentality low self-esteemer passerby social privilege abuser who says things like i need meds? uhm?

    ya, maybe i do in dealing with all you fuckhead dysfunctional social privilege abusers, you are correct!

    ya, you can fuck right off too!

    the world is a snared cesspit of you ignoramus ones, and one day, you will all face the truth of your own wretchedness first hand.

    God knows it

    and so do i

    useless fuckheads that so many of you are in all your ego self serving empty nothingness ways who leave the most vulnerable out in the cold, where i would rather be than be with the likes of so many of you i came to know, in all you bullshit ways.

    snaring perpetual absurdness


    clearly, most of you are, not even knowing or caring that you really really are

  293. and if Iran hurts those American kids, i say topple their bullshit regime once and for all eternity, no matter what it takes to do so.

  294. im going to go live my life now, ok?

    free of your blind lameass conjecture bullshit of any one of you.

    maybe raise a family of my own, who knows, maybe with a lesbian and myself one day, and to hell with waiting on you

    you are nothing to me now

    so goodbye and fairwell, BE happy

    forever more

    i am

  295. ANDY, your in your 40’s really time to grow out of this anger and hatred you harness inside your heart, brush it off we all have challenges in life, no one’s to blame, its life learning to grow evolve, you should’nt be critical of people I wont tollerate it, & really being critical of Madonna’s songs is plain silly, im sure she is the least person on this planet with a false ego infact I know for certain the opposite is true, well except for the acting but im sure thats a protection mechanism & a nessasary one .. so yer stop your bitching Queen ..


    you could be the “Queen of Bitching”

    biyatch …

  296. & I am sick to death hearing about your HIV status ( sick to death ) yer you and a billion other people… you live in Canada have access to the best health system free drugs to ensure you’ll never be sick and live to a ripe old age and torment us till death do you part.. spare a though for the millions in Africa with no or limited access to expensice drugs .. dying and suffering … moron … get over yourself …

    you’ve been told

    you wont be told again by me

    and if you choose to blame me or attack me then I will never return to offer my wise jesus wisdom ..

    i’ll be too busy preparing myself to help those who need it most…

    ok I heard that !!!

    I’m not your booty …so go fuck yourself instead..

    before I throw you out to the Lions …

    You big Pussy

  297. what am I doing to silence Ansy

    flying to africa next year with my film maker flatmate to make a documentry …. Jesus Style

    2011, time to take you to Heaven

    its gonna be called “Heaven Eleven” (copywrite)

    ( coming to a cinema near you soon.. )

  298. ok good, show the world the (dis)connecting contrasting truth, ok?

    BE the mirror of their hearts so obviously obliviously blind

    these kids need your voice

    it is a blessing of God that you get to BE their voice, in your every step, in oneness with their precious outcast hearts

    up close and personal, in astonishment disbelief from the perspective of the pure heart of the divine child, who connects the dots of the low-esteemer led world of blind leading blind to nowhere.

    the world needs to be awakened to the TRUTH, for sake of everyone’s shut down over achiever low self-esteem bully ego mentality that the businessman established for themselves long ago, as though someone great, no longer functioning as the divine self, suppression disconnecting blindness of soul.

    we are making progress as nations who do care, where i feel we all need to be awakened to knowing the value of our graceful pure loving divine self, as the most significant way to help everyone get out of harms way of the foolish businessman’s spiritual death way, who are the blind masters of deception, are they not?


    ya well, you try dealing with HIV stigmatization for the first time, when everyone runs away from you.

    you cannot know what that is like personally, until such a day as you are standing in the truth of it, and well, you are just like them, so whatever Marco, i value our time together, perhaps more than i realize, and well, you just fucking off like that, how the fuck am i supposed to feel about that, and what other way am i supposed to think of you in doing so, than stigmatization bullshit!

    i am not powerless, not at all

    i am God’s powerFULL truth!

    even more so than before

    as all shall soon see

  299. oh, don’t worry about it, im just fucking pissed off with everyone, dealing with my new status.

    i have a resolution that makes sense.

    i wanted to have kids, and so easy it could of been for me before becoming HIV+, yes?

    a mere obstacle is all it is with today’s medical technology of sperm scrubbing.

    where how much more appreciative i will feel one day in the birth of my own child, yes?

    so in that light, it is a blessing for the unborn child yet to be born, of when they are born, they will be born into a more appreciative world of ‘that’ which i now am, and i feel the change spiritually within, so ya, i do feel more blessed with what i cannot change, a door of sorts i stumbled thru.

    and stigmatization, well, when those of the lessor love for me, in all their stigmatization fear like they are, well, in God’s eyes, they are not of the more powerful pure spiritedness i am BEcoming of now, so a good thing that they go away from me, is it not?

    a natural sorting of better friends if you will, as i step thru new doors in the future, with others who really really are better suited for me, much like the pure spirit of the poor i walk among, really really are better suited for me, than are the spiritually dead robotic snared status quo fucktards, of greater ability to connect in our pure at ease oneness ‘that’ of what heaven actually IS and always was, devoid of these petty false snaring blinding egos that in truth, are gravely dysfunctional for anyone around them.

    i embrace my future in a pure light, more so than before, of how happiness revolves around appreciation, so ya, i feel more blessed now than before, but the transition that i am still in, emotionally speaking, is what it is, a changing emotional discerning perception, the letting go of the old self wants with others, who no longer are of option for me, waiting and feeling thru now who is going to be of my future life, and who is not.

  300. God wants me to learn from my current experience, in what is better for me as regards those who God feels are meant for my pure spirit, at ease, rather than the tiresome nescience of trying to fit in where my spirit is not able to feel like i belong.

    who you all are is who you all are in your every waking moment of life, where i do walk among all of you of the entire world, sensing what is of your pure spirited outward appearance, and what is of the lessor suppressed snared spirit of many of you like you are in appearance.

    argh, i really detest so many of these cycle pattern ego maniac ones in all their hostile garbage mouth, glad to be free of their falsehoods as i walk on past, their not knowing at all how i am discerning of the condition of their obviously unattended divine self, plodding along aimlessly like they do, not at all realizing what i do, of how snared their entire life has been like it is, their not asking spiritual questions at all as regards their own unattended divine self, the empty nothingness of words they keep spewing forth like they do in their cycle pattern behavioral that was cultivated over many years of life, not asking at all what is of the greater treasure within they may not ever find their entire life.

    and the arrogance they are of with others, is like, whoa, stay the fuck away from me please, as they keep on in their bashing away at their control freaked out servants who dread them like they do, as i laugh them up later, knowing the path i too once was on long ago, in what i too went thru with all you bully mentality old school managers.

  301. i am what heaven IS

    and so are you Marco

    you have great depth of wisdom

    i know that

    i am in transition right now, to a better future, a more purely appreciative future.

    i noticed the more pure appreciation in the eyes of those who were HIV+ that i met when i first hit the gay ghetto scene here in Toronto, their pure spiritedness like they were and are, so purely and truly appreciative they were in just having someone to talk to.

    it was worse back then, when ignorance of most, was fear of even touching them was dangerous, all the glove wearing like they were, remember that?

    there is stigmatization, but no where near like it once was for us.

    anyway, i ran with alot of them as friends and lovers, naturally drawn to their greater appreciation pure spiritedness like i was and yet am, and i stayed with one for 15 years, who i cannot bring myself to leave, knowing the world is still harshly of stigmatization, and now i am one of them, where as weird as it may seem, i always felt i was one of them, in all my oneness days of every moment with them, oh how they loved my making love with them when others would not, some who were gravely ill at the time to, their appreciation so great in their eyes like they were, mere weeks before they died.

    contact with them changed my spirit in ways i did not know was occurring, naturally so, not realizing the greater appreciation of my own pure spirited self that God wants me to learn FULLY of, as ‘that’ is what heaven IS, is it not?

    i speak with you as one who i know does know what is of greater value in life than anything else.

    so if my reinforcing has assisted you in this regard, in us moving towards the light, i feel it was all of God’s doing, my entire life path up to this moment in time, my mental powers in sorting thru it all like i love to do, where is this world going, naturally so, of God’s omnipotence wisdom that escapes our short attention span impotence?

    well, hell is what this world is for many

    and the exact cause connectedness of all hell is as relates to the ‘lack’ of heaven in the hearts of all others of the one generation that is moving towards global oneness spiritedness, however slowly, it is occuring.

    i see Asian culture as the ones more naturally of their blessed pure spiritedness, for whatever intrinsic forces that exist(ed) thru millennial handed down generational behaviorals, all so fascinating to me.

    i see the pure spirited Asians in our land, who do not see what i see, as their greater value to our country than we have appreciation of them, or should i say, not so much on the surface are we, all the while, our subconscious detecting seeking is not at all blind to what we all take in of one another, hence, why the enlightened ones of the world are of the greatest value in life while they walk amoung us, most of us not knowing their presence.

    you are one such individual Marco, and Madonna.

    i know that, always did, but to what extent, well, i say you are beyond my current scope in many ways as too am i beyond yours in other ways, a combined force of our efforts in your area of life in the world, as is my own, bringing forth radiant bright loving goodness from within the storehouse of our wise hearts, of sacred mirroring that slices thru the horrid falsehood binding ego untruth control freakers we know exist in the world, like child labor camps, and the horrid sex trade world of prisoners, oh how my heart aches for them not knowing i pray for them daily.

    it is the light that pushes out all darkeness

    it is the light that humiliates the falsehoods, by means of awakening the divine self asleep within these unattended children of God lead astray by the falsehood forefather ignorances handed down.

    it is you who is of God’s wise humilation steadfast unfailing kingdom of heaven ushering in as one chosen by God, for sake of your pure spirit, as is my own

    do not question just how valuable you really really are in God’s eyes

    and do not egotistically ridicule God’s wisdom i speak of, that is of open discussion classroom forward thinking and feeling, from the inner sanctuary i take refuge in alone before God.

    i have been of great study along time now, and we need not ever wonder what is taking place in the world, and in our hearts growing brighter in oneness equality thruout the world.

    it is our true nature that is of God’s will that we awaken fully into realizing what is of the greatest treasure one shall ever find their entire life, loving blessed state of BEing your divine self, nurtured, awakened, protected eternally by God’s divine self-love awareness wisdom, ushering in of the kingdom of heaven oneness blessed light all around us, within us, pushing out once and for all, all these wretched horrid fuckheads of hellish falsehood, who seek to hold captive so many precious souls as our own.

    we have in our capable hands, great tools in which to utilize in reaching every soul in the world.

    do not lose sight or focus of the precious souls held captive in bitter dark falsehood captivities who are waiting and praying unceasingly for us to release them as ones sent forth by God into the dark world yet snared by the forefather generational bullshit.

    you are ‘that’ which heaven constantly IS, radiant, brilliant, eternally bright wise light of you divine self-love awareness wisdom, ‘that’ of the sacred mirroring seed of truth, that is unable to ever fail, rather grows eternally within the eternal all, even of those who do not know it does like it obviously has in so many.

    anyway, enjoy your day, im ok, just a wee bit frazzled

    so would any of you who were betrayed like i was and yet am.

    bless you all

  302. of course, the greatest of all precious dreams for me, was one day alongside you with all those precious outcast kids in feeling their brightening faces all aglow, safely out from behind the falsehood ego driven wretched walls of inescapable deathful poverty like it yet is for so so many.

    oh how i really really do despise the ego driven self-serving world blind leading the blind disconnecting that is direct cause for every wall of seperation these precious outcast children dwell behind like they sadly do.

    i pray God that no more shall these walls ever exist in the eternal all future, and already, they no longer exist in our wiser pure hearts as is the divine child of God behind the falsehood walls of evil unloving gross materialism snaring captivity separation, of dismay disbelief astonishment bewilderment these kids feel like they do, not understanding why.

    we understand and see with clarity, do we not?

    blessed is the truth that sets free our pure spirited oneness equality.

    forever more

  303. i probably could not handle walking into these horrid poverty stricken places, knowing i would break down in an instant of my picking up a starving child near death from off the cold ground ever so pure truly gracefully of my pure spirited self as is the divine child of God’s children behind these false walls of poverty.

    spiritual poverty of the world IS the truth, is it not?

    blessings to all

  304. may God open wide the flood gates of our souls in pouring forth streams of blessed compassionate tears until such tears change forever more into tears of holy joy of the eternal all, for sake of YOU!

    blessed you

    forever more

  305. Canada put forth announcement of three billion dollars for the needs of mother and child, at the last summit here in Toronto, all the while the foolish ones set fire to cars in protest……there is the contrasting truth of just how blindly absurd some souls really really are, are they not?

  306. forgive our yet foolish absurdnesses God, as we make our way in heaven all around us, ‘that’ which has already come, of so many not yet knowing it already has.

    forever more

  307. ok, we have closure now, my desire to live a gay lifestyle i am mostly of earnest desire to like i have for so long, each of us to carve out a life of our own in oneness willingness direction with out lovers, now of our crossroads disconnect in going separate ways for this day forth.

    and yet, still there was is the dreamy boy bisexual lover who did and yet does feel what he allowed himself to feel all those years like i did.


    ok, i explored it fully, and realize fully now we are to go separate ways in our own blessed lives.

    i needed closure

    and now we are of closure

    and perhaps Madonna too allowed herself to feel as i did for so long, or perhaps it was all just my imagination.

    closure is necessary in positive mental emotional sexual spiritual health for us both, so ya, this is the crossroad we came to, as we turn and walk away, as regards potential lovers, we won’t ever be.

    i accept it, albeit, not so easily in what is the manifestation of the dreamy boy who does not want to let go of his dreams with her.

    a rejection of sorts, and yet, i know i will be equally happy in life with a loving boyfriend

    ok ok, closure, i will move off the topic and move on

    that’s what i was going emotionally, beyond orientation, beyond HIV status, spiritual connectedness you spoke of like we have for so long.

    well, that won’t end

    i have my devoted works just as you do of so much more yet to come, where both of us will feel much greater in the future than now, as the oneness brightening in the world continues to open wide.

    ok, let it go, and maybe some down time away from each other is the right thing to do right now, fine, let’s do that then, each of us turning with 100% appreciation in others who are there.

    you toss it at me as though bisexuality is not a real issue within for me, that i am 100% gay according to you, stay where you are Andy.

    ya well, in truth, i am not gay, i am bisexual versatile transsexual

    where i feel i am the more ‘fearlessly’ evolved than she is, truth be told, i really am, and so could she of been a versatile lover as i already am and have been for years.

    anyway, the world revolves around Madonna, well ok Madonna, you take care, ok?

    cya around some day, which is always the same eternal day every day, for those who dwell in the kingdom of heaven awareness like we all should 100% like i prefer to do.

    still, i am an outcast to so many of you in all your unwise arrogance approach with me

    keep it

    im done and way over it, always was

    ok, go be happy with who ever!

    as i do the same.

    blessings to all

    forever more

    i will be of spiritual art work presenting in the future from here on, with no more personal interaction, as i too need some time out from the useless ego arrogance words of the battling egos.



  308. my bisexual self was and yet IS purely true

    why you felt it so as did/do i for so so long

    the heartless defense mechanism egos battling foolishly like we occasionally did, slapping one another back and forth, to and fro

    which ego won?

    ego does not ever win in the end,

    where soon enough realization of pure truth takes root and sets in

    truth that it is always the divine real self of loss,

    of lovers and friends

    forever more


  309. the end

    is always where ‘real’ love begins

    blessings to all the families of the victims of 9/11

    bless you all

  310. I just remembered crossing the brooklyn brige and telling my self I should have been working the same morning it happen. shit I was in the 12 floor and seeing the military right above me afterr the incedent. I would just say if it was ment to be. God would let it be…….. God bless us all till the end of time.

  311. some times I dont know whee to go left or right . I cant be expected to know everything or the truth. it is just me. I dont know everything and would hate it if I had a choice. I rather be like forest gump. he is my favorite charecter. like he would say “that is all ihave to say about that” keep runing and letting things happen around with out having a clue of what is going on. I can see the movie 50 times and still feel comforable about the movie. it puts me to sleep because he met well regareless of anything,

  312. wait …

    wait just one more minute..

    I need to light Mariah Careys cigar …

    anyone got a Light ???

    oh no you’ll have to come to Africa with me if you want some Light…

    and not just any old light

  313. no such thing as time in the kingdom of eternal heaven, but if there was, well, i would say your time is up Biyatch! lol

    if what we look for has already come, then what time is it?

    and you say, “Shut up Andy, go back to sleep!”


    come on, it’s a beautiful day, an eternal day, are we not?

  314. I watched “I am because we are” for the second time today, I cryed alot while watching it .. .. ..

    goodnight Godbless

  315. sadly, many there are in the world who are by decision, intentionally coldly left behind by the we of governing prosperity the world over, no matter politic, religion, race, status, all of us inspired by one another in our forward thinking discussions of establish(ing)(ed) mandates for sake of everyone.

    what happened in human history that has led to where we all are?

    the majority of human beings who walk the earth, no longer are of our natural habit we once were, down thru mellenia of evolution of the we the creature that we at some point in time, decided on use of words to call ourselves the Human Being.

    we could call ourselves anything, of any word, could we not?

    and what does it matter at all, when in truth, we are truly amazing extremely complex perfectly evolved celled creatures of vast capability brain power as a celled creature able to move about in our physical existence, which now sees us able to escape the gravitational forces of the ball of dirt we have been on for who knows how long, how many millions of years, of no exact pinpoint in time, of some who think maybe we came from outer space.

    down thru our history, we established more and more forward thinking and reasoning able to assist us in arriving where we now are at the highest levels of vast wealth prosperity end result of not just the businessman, no, a culmination of everyone of church, state and businessman rulers of this world of prosperity, for sake of what?

    always it has been for everyone of first and forthmost, for sake of your blessed children, has it not?

    it is amazing how it is that we can recreate our own self of two of us, truly amazing, mind blowing for me, if you must know, can only imagine how blessed the feeling is for parents.

    thru out all human history, of human failure, is always the truth of ‘lack’ in the hearts and minds of the ruling body governents, clashing of politic, religion, and greed of the wealthy businessman mentality.

    what is often the case, in human history, is the self-serving mentality concern for sake of our own self, and those of our immediate families, and not so much beyond our immediate environment(read: rose coloured glasses), in what is of not purely realizing 100%, we are all the exact same celled creature of perfection evolution over millions of years.

    today, our compassion grows within in our ability to now see into these places in the world which are the end result of the millions of years down thru mellenia point in time that we all arrived at, where all our efforts are of goodness, even if of somewhat seemingly selfish in appearance, in truth, it is none of these things at all, rather merely that of the pure flawless extension of the pure flawless harmonious celled creature, subconsciously recreating our environments of pure harmoniousness in likeness and form of the harmoniousness of ever cell in our own bodies.

    always there are the finger pointing ones of every side out there in religion, politic, or who ever, where the disconnect seemingly absurd shortsightedness is obvious, that we don’t really look at the big picture of where and when we now are after millions of years of evolution.

    there is no such thing as evil badness of any one of the perfect harmonious celled creature of any one of you, rather, it is always the generational falsehood intrinsic/extrinsic forces of learned behaviorals any one of you who had the misfortune of being born into the environmental like you were, at points in time of constant evolving human history, where when you do not take time to delve deeply into the vast capability of macro thinking awareness, like that of all our psychology findings of millions of case load files, or that of the extraordinary vast understandings in science, or the study of anthropology, and of course theology, then you may remain as you are of the affect/effect consequential binding fall out of lacking wisdom that is able to clarify sharply for you, that indeed, you are all absolutely pure perfect flawless feeling extraordinary wondrous celled creatures, who may or may not be, to whatever extent, all of us yet of the forefather handed down binding teaching learning ignorance of who ever you are, in what ever part of the world environmental you were born into and yet walk within.

    globalization oneness growth in vast understanding is occurring, with such ease now to access to all of our vast understandings via the internet, once only available to the wealthy in the form of books they had written and handed down, or those who could afford to buy them from the businessmen who came along to sell them.

    there is a saying in ancient literature i found in the Nag Hammadi Library, that makes more sense that most ever for me now, when i really thinking about, in it’s WISE words, that these wisdom are not EVER for sale, and rather are always 100% meant to BE freely given, and cursed IS the one who choses to sell them for profit, in making them seem only as valuable as the moneys paid for them, rather, the value is of the most greatest of all value of anything one shall ever find, once one enters fully into the vast macro thinking nurturing awakening protecting kingdom of heaven halo perspective, that is able to free our pure spirited harmonious constant feeling divine self out from the generational blind ignorances that really really do exist, do they not?

    well ok, not exactly where these words written as i speak, of the many pieces of the puzzle i am yet working on in my research.

    the main point is, we have stop with all our foolishness if ever we are able to feel purely blessed at all times.

    ask yourselves, what do any of you really need each day, and what of these things stands out for you as most valuable of all, beyond food, beyond warm clothing, beyond shelter?

    is it not your feelings of loving friends and lovers which is of most value in your precious loving lives?

    so so many await for us all in horrid harsh horrific environmentals out there, so horrific, none of you could stand it for even one hour, in knowing you have no exit door or fortitude of virtually any education, no escape whatsoever to go to, trapped behind walls of poverty so great that you may die, my God, my God, is this how ugly our hearts are each day, that these vulnerable ones are left like they are, feeling so harsh and environment, that death is a welcome relief for them?

    forgive us God, for ‘that’ of our heartlessness which should not ever be forgiveable, for ‘that’ which keeps our divine pure spirit blind to feeling the TRUTH

    blessed is the truth which sets our spirits free from the forefather binding blinding ignorance that is not ever the truth of any of us.

    bless you all

  316. i had to take a cry break there………

    getting back to a solution…..

    in witnessing the truth of what is ACTUALLY occurring in these various parts of the world, IS the flawlessly perfect celled creature of everyone of us, that we call ourselves, the Human Being, everyone single one of us, of extraordinary capability of vast mental powers, leaving behind our once natural habitat of existence at one with nature, harmoniously perfectly i might add, as perfect as every cell in our bodies, the exact ability of such in how it is that we are all standing here this day.

    well, with leaving behind our natural habitat for a self created habitat of co-dependence existence, which we all are, all of one giant symbiotic relationship of church, state, businessman, servants, there comes the need for the vast infrastructure that we all have, and do take for granted that we do, a good thing left behind by the forward thinking forefathers of yesteryear.

    in some countries, access to education is free, thru to univeristy graduation, such as Danmark, of my ancestry.

    truly, mandate for free education should be thru out the entire world of globalization equality.

    we hear things like Iran accusing American hiker kids of spying…..truly, that is so absurd, is it not?

    i mean what does Iran have that we don’t, to spy on in the first place.


    of all the things to teach your children, i feel that teaching them that constant flowing blessed pure flawless feeling love within, within another, is the only thing of any true value in life, as one who live exclusively as a spiritual artist, for sake of bringing forth self-acceptance of so many gay youth in the world who reach out to me like they do daily, feeling so blessed in having stumbled upon my life, my full knowing, exactly what they may yet be dealing with that i too once dealt with in my own growing homosexual self-love self-acceptance self-esteem. Truly i tell you, i feel there is no other calling for me in life that is of greater value to me, in what i turn towards mostly in my sanctuary of devoted work.

    from time to time i venture into spiritual understanding research, as you all are aware, in my own steps that i take into self-awareness discovery research of ancient theology of the world.

    the one word that that stands out the most, is the word ‘lack’, as cause for all misery in human history.

    for sure, my own research into my own psychology, revealed the truth of my own ‘lack’ing understanding as to my own develop(mental) behavioral(s) i was snared in, such as cycle pattern self-medicating coping of my homosexual self-acceptance feelings, substance abuse coping that started at 14 for me, a vulnerable gay youth, of peer pressure ‘lack’ that perpetuated like it did, no support of any kind on homosexuality in the paths i walked thru so many years ago in the late 1970s.

    my first male lover died consequentially to his own self-medication coping out of control substance abuse, of the horrid environmental he and i walked thru like we aimlessly did.

    i nearly died consequential to his suicide, in my copycat suicide attempt.

    all coming back to the word ‘lack’

    which can be applied in so many ways

    lack of understanding
    lack of time spent healing
    lack of safe and supportive friends
    lack of healthy boundaries

    i wrestled my lack to the ground over the past decades, and i survived to be standing here along side of all of you, grateful for every one of you, i am, wishing to take time out with you, in open communication of the serious issues that really really do exist, for sake of you, for sake of your children, for sake of your children’s children, for sake of your family from which you all came, for sake of everyone out there in harms way of what God refers to as the most significant issue, the issue of ‘lack’.

    a great title for a film some day…….of subject matter that revolves around the truth about all ‘lack’ in the world, and the consequential hitting the wall fall out that really really does exist.

    anyway, in our exiting our natural habitat, ‘lack’ of education and infrastructure is what is of those in extreme poverty unavailability for them to easily step into, not yet there, of centuries it took in our own transition, and likewise, unfortunately, centuries to take for them as well, unless of course, i have every single mind and heart of every single businessman or businesswoman, church and state at the table……….i checked this morning upstairs in my garden patio, a round table, no one there.


    enjoy the blessed day everyone, we only get so many to enjoy in our brief existence, of each day that should be overflowing with only love, who has time for senseless bickering, so annoying and tiresome, let us be the like minded forward thinking and feeling humble classmates with one another, without adding insult to injury, shall we?

    and no, that was not directed just at you Marco, rather all of us.

    time is of our greatest value, as regards a divine child taking their last breath, let us not lose focus that they are there waiting upon our sacred blessed loving heart mind body spirit and soul of the eternal all ONE generation WE ALL ARE.

    thank you for listening, to your divine child of God’s feelings.

    bless you all

  317. oh, and one last tip, i notice i get somewhat irrational after drinking too many of these monster energy drinks, so i will cut down on both, ok?


    peace love grace and happiness true nature BE 2 YOU ALL!

    forever more

    oh, and Marco, don’t say things like me going to Africa with you, unless you mean it, as i want to visit that place someday, with or without you………and the steps Jesus walked on……..oh, and Hong Kong……..oh and for sure the Forbidden City in Beijing! oh i just have to walk apon those ancient stones in feeling more purely what i already feel, more so than BEfore……..before it all hit the wall……before i hit the wall again, punching holes thru it…….i jest, i take out my negativity in biking, works wonders for me, and well, it is good to feel the real self emotional intensity levels of our child within, so long as in a controlled environment way, especially of no substance abuse, which scares me when ever i drink, knowing my inner issues so deeply of deep seated sadness, that i don’t think will ever heal, unless………unless………..oh, i will ask you another time, if given the opportunity, God willing.

    All darkness is what IS the absence of light

    All cold is what IS the absence of heat

    All falseness is what IS the absence of truthFULness

    All hate is what IS the absence of love

    All ignorance is what IS the absence of wisdom

    All apathy is what IS the absence of compassion

    All hell is what IS the absence of heaven

    All emptiness is what IS the absence of YOU!

    i won’t stop loving YOU!

    that’s just foolish false immature thought

    bless bless bless bless YOU

  318. all is forgiven……by me

    but uhm, well ah, God……..God is abit more strict than i am, purely so, 100% so, much like learning to walk i suppose, stumble at first, all in good faith as we all take hold of one another’s hand in stepping into the eternal all future as ONE.

    bless you all

    argh……..what is it with my spell check that spells worse than i do…….argh!!!!!!!

    i suppose it helps if you know the first letter of the word…….argh


  319. the greatest lesson of Africa, is the TRUTH of the generational forefather ignorance binding the generation of today is sadly yet snared in, are they not?

    my God, how incredibly great the generational evolved ‘lack’ IS there!

    these places are no different than centuries ago in our own history of endless foolish politic, religion, war, poverty.

    implementing our infrastructure overlay on their world is possible, without questioning of how long it may take, rather just question the truth that indeed, they are of the ‘lack’ we too once were of over the centuries of our own evolution, of the world i was born into in 1963 of mandatory education for all children of Canada.

    that took centuries to come into eventual play, did it not.

    it is not so much of optimism that we need embrace, and rather of absolute certainty as was the forefather forward thinking and collaboration concern for all our children then as is now, where sadly, the children of Africa do not have our wise forefathers of forward thinking establishing of infrastructure (winds of change).

    may Luka one day BEcome a wise forefather of all future generations, a blessing for him that you happened apon his precious life, that i pray you look out for him directly involved in his every need of education.

    he will perhaps one day lead the nation, with only love flowing forth at all times in his precious heart as your own.

    they used to castrate all the sacrificed child servants of the Forbidden City in Beijing, of centuries old tradition.

    that was shocking for me to see what happened in your film i watched for the first time today.

    it is not ever without greatness in the future that can only get brighter for them all.

    we of the free world, spend too much time relishing in our proud egotisms that in truth are empty voids of mere amusing outselves like we all do, are they not?

    when greater fulfillment is found in time spent of devoted works of our pure hearts, one step at a time, one word at a time, one precious soul at a time, the entire one generation evolving growth transition out of our natural habitat, and yet, is that not what we subconsciously all seek, BEing at one with nature in our free time as most any of you do, no matter your status, wealth, religion, race, sex, orientation, or politic?

    what has occurred over the mellenia has taken deep root in the business, church, state led world replacement of living in our natural habitat for however many millions of years in evolution.

    just don’t EVER forget to take hold of the hand of your own self exact same perfect flawless celled body of those just like you who sadly are yet of the historic evolving human being migration we all have been on since the beginning, gathering together like we do in our precious pure flawless blessed real feelings as ONE in all our celebrations like we do.

    they need us

    so let us stop question if they desperately need all of us to participate in however small a way, where in truth, a mere smile is of the greatest of all gifts for them, is it not?

    costing us nothing, but what is of the only value in life, our time together, is it not?

    ok then, back to work everyone!

    oh right, it’s Sunday, damn, hey, do you think God really took a day, takes a day off?

    does the sun ever stop shining?


    that’s just silly

    that’s like saying, you are not allowed to feel anything today.


    without politic
    without religion
    without personal business agenda

    without any other focus than future prosperity education infrastructure as the only objective, is what in truth has brought our own generation to a place of peace without war between our nations, has it not?

    and what color of flower was the first to appear after the bombing of the cities in Japan?

    does any of us know?

    does it matter?

    perhaps to the heart of the child without parents, who happened upon that flower long ago, of the burned out shell devastation they found themselves in.

    maybe it was a yellow flower, representative of Joy, gladness, friendship, delight, the promise of a new beginning

    don’t dwell apon the illness, rather dwell apon the future we already are of daily, in letting them know that they too are just as we are in heart mind body spirit and soul, of where they are merely of where their forefathers evolved to at this point in vast landscape pockets of human history evolution globalization growth oneness that is unfolding.

    you know, of all the things of Jesus i think of as most valuable in affect/effect/direct/indirectness………..was/is his/our GRACE.

    our true nature, is it not?

    so purely flawlessly blessed and healing that feels for me like it does in my meditation inner sanctuary.

    peace grace love happiness true nature be 2 you all

    forever more

  320. when i think about WW2, of my grandfather’s generation, and everyone of that darkest of dark points in human history, i wonder to myself how it must of been for them all, as husbands, wives, children, families, of our nations who came thru the extreems of ignorance, just as is yet of all these horrid extremes of false ignorances in the one generation world we all, every soul, are intrinisic/extrinsically bound together in all we say and do, across the entire world, at all times, whether we cognitive realize it or not, the good of the forefathers before us all yet hear within us, ingrained, clashing with all the bad of the forefathers, all yet also yet hear with us, lessening more and more, as goodness true nature light(self-wisdom) pushes out the darkness, as did the all the forefathers face, some blinded by ignorance, literally unable to undestand, and yet, all the while, purely everyone is at all times, in feeling all discord like we all do, in our own immediate environment, and of all environments we look upon.

    walking into these environments as wise enlightened healthy and powerful ones, always know, you indeed ARE a god sent by God, for sake of them, and for sake of YOU, brightening of our hearts within more and more as we ALL make our way towards the wise compassionate unchanging unfailing love devoid of doubt kingdom of heaven all around us and IS us within, our outward appearce BEcoming of our inward pure true real divine self inner sanctuary appearance, that is indeed the eternal light of the harmonious celled body of the human body of millions of years in pure evolution, that we ALL come from, purely ingrained, and IS the unchanging the core of our BEing, of everyONE’s BEing.

    the TRUTH

    forever more

  321. i just want to ask, in few of these kids out there DYING unnecessarily, why is it so many of you have these wants and needs for truly outrageous extravagant pieces of jewelry, fancy cars, fancy houses, fancy everything?

    and the next year that goes by, sees you even more so of the indicative truth of your insatiable desires manifesting in even greater outrageous(read:gluttonous) appetite for bigger, brighter, and more more more……does not end for so many of you on those paths, my switching off the media in my downtime away from no desire to watch just how childish your antics are and continue to be.

    i mean, in wearing something like that, in exchange for saving a precious child’s life, or several lives, is it not an false empty nothing thing, as though worthlessly made of plastic, or may as well be, in all it’s worthlessness?

    you people are gross

    i detest it

    if i was at dinner with some of you, i would confront you with it, until you purely realized how absurd and immature you are, how low your self-esteem is in wearing of absurd things that you think make you look cool or look great, when in truth, it makes you look stupid!


  322. as relates to exploration of a vision solution for all humanity, is not our feelings what is most sacred of all in life?

    why is it so many of you of wealth, still have an emptiness to one extend or another, that is no different in feeling than the emptiness of feeling of a non-wealthy individual?

    oh, you can hide all you want, i have spiritually entered into and explored all of your places in life.

    is not the flawless loving feelings of your divine self the most valued treasure of all treasures in life, beyond all the riches in the world?

    is not love the angst and expression of all music, songs and dance?

    when we look into the places a bit behind in evolving out of our natural habitat transition that is taking place, of various languages around the globe, our unwise false labeling of them as though lessor, as though not at all like us, as though outcast unwelcomed, with words like tribal, or native, where in truth, just as is of all music, song and dance of all those of yet transitioning (tribal), are we too not of the same pure feelings in all our music song and dance, are we not all one global stage in social evolution?

    YES WE ARE! :mrgreen:

    the greatest ‘lack’ of all, i feel, is our denial pretend subtle unawareness asleep victim mentality snaring manifesting falsehood stance that any one of us is different from another, across all false barriers of language, country, race, religion, sex, orientation, wealth, status, politic.

    100%, we are not at all different from one another.

    all sensory perception of our celled bodies are 100% exactly the same

    all emotional feelings of our celled brains are 100% exactly the same

    all sexual pleasure stimuli body/brain response of our hardwired bodies to procreate are 100% exactly the same

    and to solidify 100% that we are 100% all the same, is the proof of our ancestors coming thru the exact same passage in ancient history, in the factual proof that your body, and your body, and your body, of every celled body of the human being, all 100% respond to every single organic found in the rain forests and else where on the planet.


    uhm, i did not want to be the one to say it, Biyatch, but that makes us 100% family, and you are fucking stuck with me as your wise ass brother!…………sister!…….no wait,……..i am both brother and sister!



    extended eternal all family for all eternity

    oh, and i found a sorta magical microphone with a direct connection to everyone there in the future, who right now, in this very moment, are listening and watching every word you are saying.

    do you have something you want to say to them?

    they are of great number, in the billions of billions of precious souls as our own.

    oh come on, get over here, and say something to them, they will wonder what happened to you!

    hmmm….then again, you know what, they already know!

    hey you there in the future, uhm, can you tell me if she ever?………oh for fuck sakes, they can only hear us, and we cannot hear them…….

    oh, but wait, you know what i am thinking and feeling, as do they, so why can’t i?

    i mean, i am no lameass fucking actor, am i?

    hey, i am talking to you Biyatch, get back here!

    you know, you can’t just go around humiliating me like that all the time, ignoring me like i am some ignoramous, when CLEARLY, I AM NOT!!!!!!!!

    well ok, my spelling REALLY REALLY SUCKS!!!!!!

    but so does yours, miss ‘im in a hurry text message me from my blackberry, cause i am even worse on a keyboard no typing skills whatsoever!’


  323. in truth, when you are interaction with another, you are of 100% interaction with your own SELF.

    all these falsehood separations are exactly that, all lies.

    no one is greater than another, not a single one of you!

    you are all exactly the same!

    well ok, sexually you are all somewhat different from one another, physically, and for sure experience wise, God how i know that one well, butt hey, there is hope for you all, i am a wise teacher now!



    class dismissed

  324. my thinking is this, just BE your SELF, and in time, everyone around you BEcomes you, and WE all lived happily ever after

    i blame my twin mom for that awareness, which always freaked me out as a child.

    and what am i ever going to do about his fetish fantasy of mine, in having sex with my twin self? uhm?

    you ever wonder like that?

    how cool that would be?

    did i tell you about the twin gay couple boys here in the ghetto?


    for real!

    that is so cool!

    you know, i always though my mom and her twin were lesbians, i don’t know, i never asked if they ever had sex together, but you know how there is always this sorta air of secrecy in the air around two friends, ya well, i sorta always sensed that of them…….you know, i really should get just get on with a life of my own, and just stop wondering what all you morons are up to, just go have fun damn it!

    i mean what do any of us do, with our pay checks, we all just want to have fun!


    ‘i am’

    well, not always, butt nothing i can’t fix, not that it’s broken, albeit broken, well, you know what i mean…………


  325. in truth, the natural occurring harmoniousness of the cells of our celled bodies, is what is of the higher subtle intellect awareness playing out in every circle of life, at all times, of our intuitive sensing seeking powerful supercomputer brains, that is what is of cause for greatest amount of ongoing change in the world, all intuitive processing of all discord.

    no matter education

    proof is in the child of disbelief, the outcast child, trapped behind the false walls of poverty we all create, sadly, for this child to experience everyday as though not worthy of our love, as though unlovable? wtf?

    we are all spiritually ugliness illness of heart

    and yet we are all beautiful within, as is the intuitively hopeful child of constant yearning to feel loved, knowing they are lovable, all the while they are unloved in feeling as though they are not lovable.

    we are all ugly

    until such a time as all poverty is irradiated once and for all eternity from this world

    what we all actually are witnessing, is the illness reflection truth of our own hearts, blind leading the blind, lead astray from the intuitively wise feeling divine child of God’s constant yearning pure true loving healing feeling wholeness oneness sameness, just as is your brother or sister dwelling in poverty.

    bless you all

  326. and the walls came tumbling down

  327. forever more

    thank you Jesus

    thank you Mary

    thank you God

    thank you to all who love Jesus, Mary, God and each other


    hey, amen is a sexist thing to say, is it not?

    awomen makes more sense, as i am also women! :mrgreen:

    i know, let’s have all the men dress as women
    and all the women dress as men

    then ask them

    as one who is of now of both sexes, attracted to your both sexes of your partner just like you, do you consider role playing self as gay, lesbian, bisexual, transsexual or pan-sexual?

    there is only one correct answer!

    that’s right, you are all closeted pan-sexuals!

    only explaination i can think of in seeing over one million of you coming out to see us like you do year after year, makes no sense to me, like wtf is up with that anyway?

    ah, who cares, we all love each other, and ‘that’s all that MATTers!

    bless you all

  328. I start my phycology diploma on Monday, do you think i’ll make a good councellor ? i think I will, i’d be good at helping people i’m really in tune with people like that i’m a good listener well anywaz have a good weekend & be kind to you.. what matter’s most is YOU ..

  329. yeah, well, my therapist, who has three degrees, says psychology is all clinical stigmatizing bullshit…….as we both laughed.

    we are out of our natural habitat, and yet, we tend to enjoy taking time out to look upon nature, connecting, purely so, no wonder why, i mean we spent millions of years at one with nature while of our own natural habitat, purely ingrained in us, is our primal brain.

    especially our naked sexual nature!


    i am most important to loving lover like me!

    i met this guy today, and it is so weird, it’s like he thinks exactly like i do, freaked me out, we connected on so many levels, mentally, spiritually, he’s black, i wonder if he has a big cock?

    hmmm…..let me get back to you on this one……

    [Andyy fucks off, no one knowing where s/he went, or is it, no one really wanting to know where s/he went, other than where s/he belongs? With some wild ass lover for sure! Ya, give me some more of ‘that’ please! thank you]

  330. all the best with that life…….

    im going to keep working at my sculpting daily, just what i enjoy doing, relaxing creativity side of the brain, maybe sell the original collection one day to help kids who need us all to participate, rather than leaving them behind to die, truly, it is a seemingly heartless cruel world, of no one who knows it more so than these kids without.

    the world is tragically yet blinded by the snaring ego driven immature businessman of empty nothingness egos, does not have to be that way, or should i say, it is truly absurd that a child in this moment is without enough food to eat and clean water, considering how much wealth there is of this heartless world led astray from it’s constant pure loving true real self, like we were when of our natural habitat, a natural extension of the pure harmonious cells blissful state of pure flawless being, hence, why the child without is of obvious intuitive inner knowingness even without understanding, that something is wrong with this world.

    they know

    they purely know

    primal intuitiveness

    way to go bullshit ego driven world!

    i despise it

    Jesus and God say the world needs spiritual leaders, you know, awaken the pure flawless core of their being, radiant brilliant BRIGHT!

    kinda obvious the world is indeed snared by the century old entrenched businessman Jesus spoke about long ago.

    and in truth, is what is the distraction that is cause for all these kids in poverty.


    truly, in the heart and mind of Jesus, ‘that’ is what most of you are externally, no ones fault, you were all groomed from early childhood for it.

    still, does not have to be this way, change is coming, intuitively, however slowly, it will play it like it IS.

    honestly, if i had the wealth of some of you, i don’t feel there is anything greater in your life you shall ever do, than help these kids.

    honestly, there is no value in your empty insatiable desire egotism wealth people.

    and honestly, most of you are boring as fuck, been around a few of you in life, run Andy, lameass dysfunctionals, too caught up in their mind trap.

    not me

    i am purely carefree every day now

    love my artist life.

    and one day, the kids will inherit it all

    and for sure, i will do some depicting ones of you heartless ones contrast revealing that will speak directly to your snared souls.

    ok, peace out babes

  331. oh course, you have to start with purely truly BEing holy joyful absolute carefree happiness of your own SELF first, in wise at ease of just lovingly BEing the sacred mirror YOU of everyone else.

    and if by chance you happen upon someone just like YOU, of the same inner joyFUL enthusiasm as your own, able to authentically ENJOY just BEing the at ease fun loving YOU, well, maybe it is of God you both met, as God wants us to BE HAPPY!

    and for sure, it’s not just God who knows how unhappy the world IS out there.

    truly, there should be no other preferred priority, than your pure spirited inner happiness at all times.

    only YOU can ensure this, wisely, nurturingly, protectively, holy joyFULLy

    and if ever you find you cannot just be your at ease real self around others, then use that as an indicator that perhaps you long to belong somewhere else?

    just don’t forget, we may all meet ONE day in heaven, for those of you who really really do know what heaven constant IS……..YOU!

    kinda foolish to think heaven could possible be anything other than YOU, is it not?

    bless you all

  332. I was infatuated with the star

    fell in love with the social worker

    common ground ain’t so scary after all

    that old cross road…. hey

    I was’nt telling anyone my secret

    Only I knew what made my heart cry

    I was 15 yrs old

    i wanted to dance

    but I couldnot let go of the pain of those other souls

    and soon I shall be with them

    & i am not afraid to say I feel what they feel

    I ve felt it all my life

    i have carried their pain

    in my heart

    it’s what kept me real

    and its why I know they will embrace me

    yer I am in heaven always was

    always will be

    & I am so happy you found it too…

  333. lol…

    work comes first, fun comes second

    And I cum last !!!!

    believe me there are some benifits that cum with


    Its called Patience…. ( Patience is the state of endurance under difficult circumstances, which can mean persevering in the face of delay or provocation without acting on annoyance/anger in a negative way; or exhibiting forbearance when under strain, especially when faced with longer-term difficulties. It is also used to refer to the character trait of being steadfast.Or which you can wait for things)

  334. you amaze me some days

    i set forth with a task at hand, in knowing what is of the greatest value of all, constant flowing pure flawless feeling love, connecting, intuitively within, within another

    i’ve always wanted to feel free from the tiresome annoyance of the blind disconnected, disenfranchised, jaded hypocrisy others, that i grew more and more weary of since my youth, of so so many many miles of steps i have taken………towards my pure true divine real self, as too have you.

    as i said, i am not the most wise, but at least i ponder within my pure heart like i do, where when i sit in my loving thoughts so pure of you, as is your own so pure that i sense like i do, wondering if you feel the same way too, wishing your pure true real self to remain forever free of the foolish world so aimless plodding along robotic-ally like so many do.

    could i love

    obviously true

    true blue

    i am a fuckup from way way back when

    God knew i was, knew my every step thru the spiritual valley of bullshit immature mindfuck(ed)(ing) death, away from their unattended pure true real self, are they not?

    every one of them………..blind

    generational blindness distraction of all the falsehood egotisms

    and let us not forget just how wretched some of these egotisms really really ARE

    DEATHFUL…….like the drug dealer turf wars, truly, that is just so wretched a dark place in the world, make it stop God

    we are God’s children who make it stop, arrest them, are we not?

    In God We Trust

    In TRUTH of our true nature we trust and ARE

    some say there is no such thing as perfection

    i disagree, a flawed false saying, is it not?

    an annoyance thing to say, that does not step from our pure flawless harmonious subconscious always awake celled brain, is it not?

    i question every single word, of every thing that everyone says

    been like this since i was born

    a natural intuitive inquisitiveness i relished in alone, within my calm at ease peaceful graceful inner sanctuary i did not know at first that i was creating it for myself, a place of rest to find shelter in, away from the hyper driven world so toxic for me like it is.

    i think i may be in line for skitz, but i want to say this, it is truly a toxic non-conducive world for the pure loving divine true real (adult) child self, is it not?

    you who have children of your own, know full well it really IS.

    so if at times i feel paranoid, what and why is it i feel that way?

    it is my pure true real self feelings, is it not?

    and is not my pure true real self blessedly pure in feeling?

    so is that skitz, or is that the toxic world that is cause for skitz, where at some point, and this my arguement for the mental health community, skitz is actually an end result of lacking develop(mental) of our nature brain response protection measure(shutting down cycle pattern loops) in coming thru moderate to severe non-conducive paths in the world.

    i watch my brother come thru horrific paths in his life, that would not let up for him, not ever really finding his own feet in life, his own place in life, that was always stripped away from him, his own behavioral patterns like they were, of stuckness tormenting over and over again, of the endless problematic cycle, that i think were of behavioral seeds he naturally picked up from dad, who likewise was most like him, more so in some ways, my brother, who i don’t think is skitz, as much as the clinical lab wants to think he is, still shut down institutionalized, a safe place he always sought, doubting he will ever leave one day.

    some say i have more of mom’s blood in me, of the blue blood syndrome that was of my dad’s side, the interbreeding in Danmark for mellenia, his parents who were cousins.

    i think the starting point of all mental illness has to do with our being out of our primal natural habitat so calm and purely peaceful like it is in nature.

    many ancient religions speak of being at one with nature, as a way to self.

    well ya, duh, common sense in the realm of realizing indeed, we are in migration out of our natural habitat.

    and what of all these stress caused illnesses? uhm?

    who is to say, a more beautiful life is better for we of the so called civilized world, than is the ones of tribal at one with nature?

    who is to say, a more beautiful life is better for we than is of the dolphin?

    i am the one to say, the dolphin obviously lives a constant pure existence 24/7 in it’s natural habitat, free of stress, than are we who think we are so great, when in truth, we are not great at all, and indeed are cause for horrific bully mentality better than you are outcast one, deathful strife in the world.

    truly, we are not there yet in true celebration of this cruel world as it yet is, but in our hearts and minds, we are true celebration of divine pure true real self YOU!

    and indeed, that is the mystery of how the world is to BEcome of blessed equality really really eternally free from all falsehood binding mind traps.

    it’s all a lie everyone.

    and we all fell for it

    how blessed is it to save just one child?


    YOU ARE BLESSED for doing so.

    God bless you all

  335. uhm, i think you got it backwards, don’t you Marco?

    i cum first damn it!

    fuck you!


  336. and then you cum last!


    that’s what cha big penis is for, to keep mama happy ALL THE TIME!

    damn it!

    ok, communication is key!

    so let’s talk about it

    in practicing of just BEing YOU!

    so much easier, of no tiresome whatevers, as best friends, i know i always want to BE.

    just BEing ‘me’

    [Marco pours Andyy a glass of wine]

    thank you :mrgreen:

  337. to hell with the miserable world, fuck them, let’s just stay focused on where our hearts are leading us, in oneness with these alienated kids, wrongfully so, towards heaven within and all around us, of just BEing oneness heart of YOU!

    forever more

    bless you all

    no one shall become victorious over the truth

    it is not possible

  338. for those who come fully into awareness truth, they know why……..

    of no need to ask why ever again

    of all you pure truly constantly thinking with your heart

    like we do

    do as i do

    says Jesus


  339. i was thinking, if i were to be among these orphan kids, i would like spend less time teaching, and rather, playing games with them all day long, laughing, letting them win once in awhile.


    i just want to see them smile and laugh, the truth pure fun nature.

    as is our own

    not weighed down by any bullshit of the useless world without God

    forever more

  340. i set out to save just one

    and the one i saved

    ended up also being my own

    in finding my pure true divine real self

    as is YOU!

    forever more

    blessed you

    forever more

    you shall BE

  341. you followed thru

    you found you

    oneness sameness


    forever more

  342. let’s see now, what’s tab owing?

    oh look!

    ‘that’ will BE one billion dollars, thank you very much cruel lost world!

    hahaha :mrgreen:

  343. and the greatest of all gifts to this world

    IS you

    is YOU!

    forever more

    mission accomplished

    beam me UP Scottie(my therapist)

    thanks Scottie!

    so amazing YOU ARE!

  344. did i tell you she is a true blue Christian?


    bless you Scottie

    forever more

  345. i used to play spiritual things with her

    i would open a random book to a random page, and reveal a spiritual teaching as relates to something she herself was questioning at the time, in an ordinary book of no sorts really of any kind, donated to the ward she worked on.

    she would give me that look, oh, you are a pure one, without need of either of us saying a word, as though God wanted her to SEE what she was in denial of to see.

    look and behold, the truth is there.


    at all times

    but only the pure true divine real (adult) child within is able to SEE, by means of their flawless pure feelings.



  346. give it to you?

    give you what, the cure for AIDs?

    is not the cure for aids your heart?

    with today’s medicine, clearly we already have the cure, do we not?

    our loving oneness hearts

  347. it is yOUR open hearts
    that banishes all sorrow
    from the kingdom of heaven found

    it is yOUR open hearts
    that banishes all cying
    from the kingdom of heaven found

    it IS yOUR open hearts
    that banishes all ignorance
    from the kingdom of heaven found

    it IS yOUR open hearts
    that banishes all apathy
    from the kingdom of heaven found

    it is yOUR open hearts
    that banishes all things unloving
    from the kingdom of heaven found

    it is your closed hearts
    that banishes you
    from the kingdom of heaven found

    always WAS
    always IS
    always SHALL BE


    only tears of holy sacred joy are allowed in the kingdom of heaven found

    within eternal all YOU!

    forever more

    bless you all

  348. 2gather we stand
    divided we fall
    2gather we land
    provided we all

    take hold of one another’s hand hear in the kingdom of heaven found

    forever more

    there, we fixed YOU! 😉

    bless you all

  349. what ya saying !!!!

    that I was broken ?????

    ok you’ve spoken

    and everyone’s


    so I say shout it out


    repeate after me



    ONE can only DREAM.


    thats soooooo funny

  350. Keep Dreaming Babe !!

  351. The End !!

  352. of my freedom as one half of a broken ? other half of a one half broken other one half half

    one and a half maybe

    but never quite makeing to 2nd, base lost in space all fucking worn out from the race

    get of my case… hahah

    just n case

  353. on dont ever blame me…

    because you let it slip first..

  354. omg how long did it take you to read between the lines on that one ??????

    even I can read the signs



  355. gotta be firm with them, they run away otherwise…

    best not to give them an opportunity

    reward the past and honour the futrure..

    as one might say !

    I know I would if I was one…

    ok what comes next

    two ?

    i carn’t count , carnt spell eaither & fuck knows holes in my socks are my worst nightmare

  356. dont mind me i’m just having a one on one

    omg i carnt breath

  357. great well that just leaves me and my cat then ..

  358. you spying on me again?

    and what did you learn?

    about you?

    of two?

    the layers

    all i ever want(ed) is 2 feel loved at all times

    i feel that with Jesus and God

    and sometimes you, i do

    sometimes exclusively

    sometimes your love of all of us

    what can i say?

    to make you stay?

    forever in my arms to hold you?

    where already you are

    even when you don’t know

    i am there

    sitting right beside you

    in spirit

    i am

    purely so

    as you know

    the only way one can SEE

    cause you are just like me

    i know

    feel it so purely now

    more so than ever before

    like that day long ago

    walking down the street

    tears in my eyes

    no care at all of what others thought of me

    that’s what love is




    constantly always there




    i love YOU!

    damn it

  359. you enjoy zeroing in on my vulnerable self

    i notice that about you

    intentional, with wise goodness to

    i appreciate it

    especially when i don’t appreciate it

    pretend pretend pretend

    why don’t you just marry me then? uhm?

    if you love me that much?

    i am not ready?


    but i am the WILL 2 BE!

    scares me

    in a good way

    you scare me!

    vulnerable true

    ya well, you want to always feel loved too

    and what of when we are old and grey and no one left to love us?

    ever think about that?

    and where WILL i be then?


    the same as i already am

    purely truly loving as YOU!

    ok, i will just let the morons wash out like they usually do

    and when they do, you know where i always am

    and you KNOW

    my love for you is 100% purely true

    just like you

    that’s how i know

    you are my mirror, are you not?

    you are lead dancer

    i appreciate you

    i do

    …………i do

  360. people would always be starring at us

    everywhere we go

    our none stop zeal let out to just BE YOU!

    forever and a day

    of our only concern at times

    that someday we will end

    and yet

    we won’t ever end

    what we started

    what we grew

    seeds of truth forever and ever

    overflowing abundance radiant brilliant bright

    the light

    within us all

    oh just fucking marry me damn it!

    you regret not / not regret you

  361. i am not to be controlled

    i am 2 BE LOVED / BELOVED 2 am i

  362. how do you know when love is true?

    you just do

  363. you ever feel like someone is meant for you exclusively in feeling, as though the only one?

  364. Vagina condoms

    i was reading up on how stimulation of the internal parts of the clitoris during vaginal penetration, just under the skin of the vagina side walls, of the bulbs of the clitoris, triangular, crescental masses of erectile tissue, are not so much tactile in nature, of touch, rather are more of pulsing expansion contraction sensation stimulus that comes with vaginal thrust of penis in vagina, which means, the female does not notice any difference whatsoever with vaginal condoms, given the true functioning non-tactile direct touch sensation nature of the masses of erectile tissues bulbs beneath the thin vaginal walls.

    and likewise for the male, who is of tactile sensation direct contact stimulation, making the vaginal condom the best choice for greater please of intercourse, as relates to higher pleasure for the male, while protecting the females from unwanted STDs.

    females who wish to continue entertaining male partners, and yet undecided about not using vaginal condoms, or of partners who are known carriers of STD(s), where protection is a must, for sure, vaginal condoms is the BEST way to go.

    especially of Alpine skiing, naked with only fur, top of the mountain, where warmth is transmitted thru the vaginal condom, for the male to not notice any difference in sensation whatsoever, as though of no condom wearing.

    bravo to the Vaginal Condom!

    yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mrgreen:

  365. what?

    well someone should be talking about these serious issues!


    haha 😉

  366. of exceeding grace, we step forth in the kingdom of heaven constantly all around us, of many around us not knowing who we wisely are in passing, as ones who wisely 100% know why we are hear among them, of constant love at all times we feel like we do.

    spiritual BEing leaders walking among those who do not know us, do not know their own vulnerable true self we come to unsnare, free from the generational mad flood drowning ignorance world unknowingly unattended, unknowingly snared.

    best of all, you get to just be the at ease wondrous extraordinary YOU!

    every day

    everywhere we go

    the constant flow of love within shining outward into the dark world, who get a glimpse of their divine pure true real self as we pass by.

    i notice i am troubling to some souls who sense my presence, but cannot see me, cannot comprehend me, their minds so clouded in bitterness seemingly possessed like some are, their true inner self trapped, unattended for so long.

    i see it everywhere i go

    i feel compassion for their end result path of life, their not realizing they are not wise in pure feeling discerning of how it is the condition of their unattended soul has become so deranged like some obviously are out there.

    always love the story of Jesus and blind man, of sight returned to the blind man’s soul, not his eyes like others think, common sense is it not?

    why is it that i understand Jesus, in oneness with him, purely, where other’s do not?

    i mean even some of these educated priests and ministers ask me to shut up, and i did not even get to finish what i started?

    like wtf morons!

    don’t you know who i am?

    ya well, God does, damn it!

    oh, and Jesus 2! :mrgreen:

    Jesus says, those who drink from my lips(only love) shall become like me.

    common sense

    i feel i get Jesus more than most anyone

    mostly because i have always gone to Jesus alone, and not of the snaring of the merchant of God group mentalities, who don’t know they are somewhat lost, albeit, making their way in the eternally unfolding catharsis process.

    hey, you wanna go out sometime?

    not sure if i ever asked you that?

    hmmm……….hey, i don’t think i ever asked you out on a date, did i?

    oh for fuck sakes, that’s what you were waiting for!

    perhaps i was too shy

    ya, always timid like that

    better that than the overly testosterone driven brute sexist male ego, am i not?

    ok then, pure and simple, i am a female who loves the female as though the female i love, as the male i am who also wants to love her, as the male i am, meant for her, but i come as a versatile Biyatches, so don’t ever think i am anything other than you are as your own self

    i am

    ok, think it over, and for fuck sakes, call me sometime…….oh right, i don’t have a phone any more, damn things are so annoying, argh!

    and i don’t feel i want or need one

    which has nothing to do with you

    i know, how be you just say, “Andy, i love you, i have always loved you, i will always love you, cause like you, i love to always feel loving, like we both do, and when i am ready……….you can count on me letting you know, ok?”


    bless you

  367. our love IS about them

    even of those who seemingly are our enemy, in truth, no one is within, yet asleep in dark captivity ignorance bindings.

    makes sense, yes?

    awakening of the all, for sake of the all needed to BE as we already ARE?

    hence, spiritual leaders

    cannot do it alone

    and yet, alone within, we all are

    and yet not ever are we alone

    our love IS about US and THEM

    of eternal all them who we wisely know are us


    forever more

  368. hey, what happened to the ‘no throwing empty glass bottles in my house’ rule?

    in God’s house of love and peace

    my house

    get out of my house Biyatch!


  369. well ok,

    defensive disarming activated

    commencing in 4





    test process complete and accurate

    all systems go for lunch


    get it?

    lunch, let’s do lunch

    let’s do it over lunch

    and when lunch is over, we will just pretend like it’s not, and keep going, keep running from the fools rain of no more fools pain


  370. sometimes i feel as though i am nowhere
    sometimes i feel as though i am everywhere
    sometimes i feel as though you cannot purely feel me there
    sometimes i feel as though you do not know me
    sometimes i feel as though i am everything you ever ever wanted
    sometimes i feel as though i am why you too feel as i do
    sometimes i feel as though the only one for you
    sometimes i feel as though id rather die without your love
    sometimes i feel as though i don’t much matter
    sometimes i feel as though i am the only one that matters
    sometimes i feel as though i not to be trusted
    sometimes i feel as though i am the only one you trust
    sometimes i feel as though i am you
    sometimes i feel as though i am 2
    sometimes i feel as though God is present
    sometimes i feel as though i am heaven sent
    sometimes i feel as though my life is over
    sometimes i feel as though my life has yet to begin
    sometimes i feel as though i should stop feeling
    sometimes i feel as though i should not ever stop feeling

    and sometimes i feel as though my feelings is what matters, as ‘that’ is who i am in kingdom of heaven with YOU!

    what would heaven BE without my feelings?

    oh right, what it yet is, of all you who suppress your divine true real self feelings.

    peace grace love happiness true nature be to you

    bless you all

  371. there is no such thing as being overly needy, when needs are not being met in sufficient levels that negate overly needy vulnerable self dwelling in the non-conducive world surround, rather we are all 100% normal in our natural primal reaction to whatever path that may be for any of you.

    all of you, 100% perfectly normal at all times

    albeit, beware of the hazards that may come with that of overly needy times along lover’s road

    is where time out in cultivation of our own wise self helmsperson as the true assistant helper who is always with us, always is…….YOU! 😉

  372. oh, and as for the masses of erectile tissues clitoris bulbs beneath the thin vaginal walls, as relates to tactile sensation for the male penis, i am sure they have various ribbed vaginal condoms, do they not?

    you know, that is really amazing evolution of the female sex organs for sake of the male sex organ pleasure, wow! :mrgreen:

  373. proof positive i am meant for the female male me, is it not?

    and as for the rest of you supposed gay denial ones, i am merely speaking openly as humanly possible for you morons to stop with all your stigmatization of us TRUE bisexual transsexuals, where we stopped caring wtf most any of you have to say anyway, but perhaps there is one of you we know too, who likewise is the closet case we once were.

    and as for the male of the female, that we know is purely real for many of us of delight as wiser more evolved mature happier than fuck role players, that only with an open mind, are you too able to step fearlessly forward as one of us, who are both female and male, butt only if you want 2.

    till then……what to do……..i know, how about YOU! :mrgreen:

    in truth, we the doorway to loving yourself more so than you do, in becoming oneness of 2

    even Jesus spoke about it, which makes me wonder, was Jesus bisexual transsexual?

    i mean i am, so perhaps like him, like her, s/he did not find the ultimate opposite sex versatile bisexual transsexual as self…………damn, i wish i could of met him! I so would of changed history FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!

    would not have be going thru this shit



  374. you know, i get these moments, where perhaps i am the only one in existence who thinks like i do about Jesus, which makes me ponder why no one quite grasped what was of the seemingly sexually oppressed Jesus who i sense is there, as though waiting for that magical one to appear, so as to take hold of their hand and say, “Finally! What took you so long in finding ‘me’?”

    i think Jesus was saving all his love for just ONE, that s/he did not find, i mean most any time Jesus speaks, he is always making them realize how foolishly blind they are, and so ya, the only true partner confidant Jesus had was God, although it is evident Mary, Judas and the others did love him.

    i bet Jesus was like so friggin adorable, everyone’s jaw likely dropped in his presence, as in, OMFG! Jesus! Whoa! You look awesome!



  375. this is interesting, albeit, somewhat shortsighted in sharply discerning knowingness, of a sort of guessing uncertainty, lacking pure true conviction, the real self afraid to step forward in yet BEcoming wise, in their yet attempts of BEcoming wise.



    Man’s whole trouble lies in the fact that he believes himself to be separated from the Source of Life. He believes in duality. The At-one-ment is made to the degree that he realizes the Unity of Good. Man needs, and always has needed, to know the Truth about himself and God; and anything that helps to fill this need would be an act of atonement.

    Now a man who had reached the understanding at which Jesus must have arrived would find the ordinary channels of expression inadequate to portray His concept of Life. Jesus could have had no desire to become rich; neither did He wish to be made a king, nor to receive the plaudits of the world. He wished to show to the world what the Love of God could really mean in the lives of men; He wished to show that the Self-Givingness of Spirit is complete; to prove that Life completely gives of Itself to Its Creation. This he could do only to the degree that He let God become Man through His own Individuality.

  376. could of had no desire for ‘that’ which is worthless, for that which is cause for great strife in the world?



    selfish light flows towards and not much thru an individual, depending on how self-centered they may be

    unselfish light flows outwards from within thru and individual, thru another and back again, uniting in harmoniousness oneness equality, the TRUTH of our true nature SELF reflection SELF in another, who is always there within, no matter how fearfully oppressed suppressed they may be in appearance

  377. broken?

    i was referring to everyone’s heart as your own, of oneness healing ability.

    although i suppose the loss of Madonna’s mom at a tender age, does make Madonna her the most truly able in purely connecting as one to BE the greatest mom in the world of so many orphaned kids

    a happy ending for Madonna, surrounded by so much non-stop love that for sure, Madonna’s mom surely had for her children, feeling so crushed inside in leaving them behind, beyond her control, control now restored.

    bless you Madonna

  378. argh……..i dread being alone

  379. i don’t blame anyone other than the forefathers who left the world i was born into, not even so much any effort or lack there of, in so much as is the world is always of evolving generation to generation of one eternal generation.

    the really really fucked part about life, is the fucking dying, like that just makes no fucking sense to me.

    it’s like the stupidest thing ever, almost as if what is the point of coming to love life, only to have to let go of it, of no choice in the matter, like wtf God?

    what a fuck up that is

    still, a truly amazing thing that we live in this physical realm of existence that no one knows what or why it exists, just that we do, another thing, like wtf God, is this fucking massive thing we call the universe anyway?

    mind blowing really, when you really sit with this place, and the who being born into it and dying, that to me just seems so absurd.

    i want answers, and i want them right now God!

    and God replies, are YOU not the one who answers all your questions?

    well ya, they are all fucking morons here! lol

  380. good morning

    i still find dancing as one of the best free flowing experiential techniques in pure subtle self-exploration awareness realizing of just how purely loving and overflowing our inner exceeding joy really really IS

    that magical fearless place within, without any weighed down unresolved thought or reason for BEing, other than just BEing the extraordinary wondrous loving lover bodies we all ARE.

    much like the point of orgasmic climax IS, without a care in the world of BEing any other place whatsoever, of forever constant flowing pureness of spirit so friggin magical like we feel we ARE, like we always constantly want to feel we ARE, that makes everything else seemingly so important unimportant, compared to the state of BEing YOU!

  381. [enter stage right, the loving lover wannabe]

    “Andyy, what are doing?”

    im fucking dancing, what does it look like i am doing, now fuck off and leave me alone!”

    “Oh, sorry, it’s you, hey, how is it a most magical of all dancers in life ever seen such as me, has yet to reveal to you what i feel within, that i know is the same as YOU, after all this time?”

    “I mean for me, truly i say, it’s like as though you are all wannabe actors at times, i mean ya, we are all subconsciously seeking oneness sameness of our inner blissful pure state core of our being, common sense yes, but why is it we fall back into our ho hum lameass stuckness places without our most magical of loving lovers like some of us do, the complacency compromising cycle patter like i see of so many yet to fearlessly explore to levels we do?”

    “You know, we can all sorta sense where all Madonna’s dancing has led the world to today, after all this time, infectious mirroring oneness she fearlessly explored herself, and brought forth into the world, the oh so magical mirroring of our own extraordinary wondrous self like she has and yet does, reverberating thru the entire world like it does, and the truth of such awareness of all those today, will now continue on as such thru the eternal all future, yes?”

    “how special is ‘that’?

    i mean, we will not know what this world would not be like without her, had she, for whatever reason, i don’t know, you know, walking across the street or something stupid, texting while walking, and wham, our of no where, a fucking bus ran her over, in say, 1984, her gone forever from our midst……..”

    ah yes, they did not have such mobile communications then as now, or at least not of the general public, ah well, thank God for that, and for sure, thank God for her!” :mrgreen:


  382. oh then, so beyond mere survival of food and shelter of any soul of the world, is not our pure loving presence in existence with each other the only true value of loving (lover) life in all our dance, in all our sex?

    it is for ‘me’

    just need to find someone as fearlessly extraordinary wondrous as my perfect penis perfect ass loving lover as ‘me’………hmmmm…….let’s see, China Town, YES!!!!!…….i am off to china town, strut, prance, romance always in there, in the air, in the pure souls such as my own, love the pure asian spirit like my own, as IS our own, of everyone, it’s true, why we all love them so much like we ALL do.

    in pondering what absurd clashing may take place in the future of religions, i know without doubt, the so called Christians who borrow the name, will be the ones who instigate and foolish attacking of Buddah, just as they foolishly yet attack homosexuality.

    it will all come full circle one day, in their own yet stupid miserable group mentality of groups i no longer associate with, of lives they know not are lives of fateful disaster ahead for so many, in so many forms, of their own family members disconnecting away from them, for any who openly voice against homosexuality like they openly do, ya, your day is coming fools.

    God knows it

    and so do i

    the eternal day of God’s powerful truth wisdom that is unfailing for me, of all you who claim you know God and so obviously do not, not purely so in your hearts as i do, 100% so, in what to do, what to always do. forever free from all of your forefather generation taboo ignorances, a wise warrior of God more powerful than any of you yet know, of not only this generation to i wisely lead, no, the entire eternal all future yet to come, of every step of my life, a sacred step in precious precious time spent, always, 100%, i know the truth, of just how sacred i am, in breaking the wretched chains of you merchants of God who claim to know God and do not, not knowing you do not, as evident of all you who speak against the wiser divine child of God you cannot attack or bring down, that which you cannot yet comprehend, not knowing, it is impossible of any of you to do so, even if one of you were to kill me, already, i am victorious eternally now, of that which i set in motion, of that which all veterans of the LGBT community set in motion in their every sacred step in time of all human history.

    i still say Jesus was purely gay in his sexually suppressed heart, as one who wanted to have sex with another male, but only if the other male 100% loved him in the oneness sameness heaven all around him of constant flowing love as his own for another, and all others, eternal all others, as do i.

    i know myself, my pure true real self, and of all things in live most valuable to me, it is my knowing just how loving i really really am of most any of you who do not know everything i see and hear from any of you, unknowing snared by vicious cruel egos, that you think are harmful to the pure spirit of another which cannot ever be harmed or changed, the truth of ‘that’ which is not able to be changed.

    nurtured, deprived, yes
    awakened, asleep, yes
    protected, bashed, yes

    but destroy us?

    not ever

    we have risen above it all for along time now, in looking back, my God, so many steps i have taken now in my gay lifestyle, as i realize this day who i am speaking with, a veteran as myself, who actually came before me, of dearest of gay friends such as Keith Harring, my God, how far we have journeyed, and look, the bountiful harvest of seeds planted and nurtured after all these years, wow!


    in our hearts, we all knew we were already victorious in stepping OUT of the ignoramus world we all came thru and yet walk among, our always knowing, they shall not ever become victorious over our loving oneness hearts like we all are, true blue family of brothers and sisters, lovers and friends, forever more, till our last breath.

    i have loved my precious existence all this time as my vulnerable true self among all of you, knowing you do too.

    we just know

    like we all do

    all the horrid stories we have all heard of and from others, all the physical and emotional scares, especially of the numerous slash scares i saw on a young lesbian one time, up and down her arms, my God, how so much i am just like them, our dangerous emotional properly unchanneled angst so dangerous to us, of all high risk problematic behaviorals, all perfectly normal i always thought and felt of every single one of you, not necessarily knowing every detail of your lives, and yet purely inside i always felt as though purely knowing of every detail, having come thru the worse one could do as i did, survived, where others did not.

    it is as though i march with the unfailing determination of not just one soul, no, of all of us, and ‘that’ is what we harmoniously feel like we do, and why we are seemingly of no effort like we are in unfailing continuing forward each year, as we all reappear, in larger and larger numbers, of greater and greater fortitudes, knowing love is what MATTers most to us all, each one of us, the pure true divine loving vulnerable child of God’s heart, mind, body, spirit and soul within, always knowing, so too is everyone, so too is everyone of all sexual orientations, all all religions, of all politic, of all these useless seperational wall barriers that are coming down.

    thank you God

    for seeing us all thru

    to brighter and brighter days unfolding, where today i look, and ask, my God, where have these beautiful come from?

    oh right, the same place i did……….from the womb of God

    another child comes forth

    forever more

    bless you all

  383. my belt, of many sparkling stones, always reminds me, ah yes, it is about ALL of us, always was, at all times, always shall BE

    forever more

  384. bah, i don’t need you, thought i did, now i realize i don’t

    you are way too lackluster zeal

    and all the insincere spiel at times

    who wants or needs that

    my over active imagination, as per usual, wishful thinking of others in my desire that they desire me as i do/did them, done that a few too many times.

    live and learn

    toss it away

    there is someone meant for me

    and it’s not you

    so farewell, im done with feeling left out, and unimportant, need to get my needs met with those who are consistent and always there in all our fun loving authentic real life

    this whole blog thing was imagination

    so i am going back to my real life, fuck this

  385. i am mostly in feeling most comfortable among those like me on lover’s road, in all our well adjusted self-acceptance that comes with living a gay life for so long like we purely have and do, still the same old homophobic world unaccepting ignoramous lower self-esteemer in not just unaccepting of our homosexuality, but also of our bisexual transsexuality, which go hand in hand with homosexual role playing versatiles like me, for those of you who know full well, bisexual and transsexual awareness are intertiwned, common sense, and so, i am here to say, i am versatile gay bisexual transsexual seeking same.

    mostly like someone well adjusted in a current gay lifestyle

    so if you cannot EASILY say you are versatile 2, then don’t bother with me in all your shortcoming annoyance spinning of wheels any more, im done, i know who i am seeking, by means of who I AM, of awareness that tells me, they are most likely of homosexual lifestyle of earnest sincere at ease authentic self exactly like i am, thus far, as am i, with potential exploring of bisexual transsexuality of one degree or another, where in truth, role playing homosexuality with one who is physically of the same sex, is what bisexual transsexual awarenenss IS…….Biyatches!

    So if you feel you 2 are as i am, then call me, let’s spend some quality time together, and just leave all the wannabe closeted others behind on lover’s road, in letting them watch our sacred mirroring holy joyful absolute carefree happiness of none stop loving fun shining radiant brilliant bright eternal day light into the eternal all here and yet to come.

    There, i am done with all you lameass wannabes now, so take care, you had your chance, farewell and be of remembrance of what has always been my objective as a spiritual artist, merely to convey to you who i know YOU all ARE within, of oneness sameness as ‘me’!
    forever more
    bless you all

    oh, and please, don’t waste any more of my precious time in whatever bullshit going nowhere, as i have already been there far too many times, and far too long did i stay, knowing a special someone out there looking for ‘me’ and i thee, of God who knows without doubt, i am only of love to always feel and BE at all times, every second of every blessed day, from now on.

    thank you

    and farewell

  386. you were vague in all your communications with me most of the time anyway, as though something to do to when you get bored, of my sensing you didn’t really care to bother spending time around me much, or at least that is how i feel most of the time, unlike others in my life who are more at ease relaxed in fun earnestness with me like they authentically are.

    so why would i want to return to those who i am left to feel as though i they don’t care to bother with me?

    fuck that

    i want consistency of those of great self-love delight always of feeling like we are with one another, so happy to feel their presence when we appear before one another, AUTHENTIC, and just forget about wasting time with those who don’t seem to have much of a spark in them, in all their inconsistent sporadic appearances, who are lackluster when they do appear, no earnestness in their spirit to be around me, no jumping out of their skin at ease of their real self delight, CONSISTENTLY.

    so ya, you have others you are running with


    and be happy

    cause i am not much any more in seeking a friend who is hardly ever around, as though i am someone to bother with when ever you get bored, in your passing few minutes of time you have to spare

    that’s how i feel around you

    so fuck that

  387. and besides, there is no authentic real person contact with any of you in my real life, you are all too good for that

    fuck that

  388. i love you so much Macy!!!!!!!!!

  389. get real with me someday, as in holding my motherfucking hand!

    otherwise, don’t bother, im not waiting around for you no shows any more, time is short and runs out too soon for the most loving of loving lovers on lover’s road, that i constantly know within……..

    I AM


    of another

    am i

    forever more

  390. fickle flaky cowards, i am not

  391. closed off, no at ease comfort level of just BEing truly fun loving friends like i constantly am of my real life, as though something is wrong with me, as though i am a bad person, unwelcomed, not ever to BE invited, and yet, am i not invited in your hearts?

    fuck that

    why is it people seem to have more respect for you AFTER YOU ARE FUCKING DEAD?

    ya well, i am dead to all you homophobes i don’t want to associate with any more, not directly

    fuck that

    i am as though merely pages in a book for you to pick up and read when the urge arises, as though i don’t really exist, or should i say, may as well not exist, in all your coldness of ways.

    God knows i belong in a most loving of tender loving arms, every single blessed day, of none stop sunshine and rain, that feels so good, to just feel, if only some would.

    for ‘that’ IS what the kingdom of heaven all around us and within us ALL constantly IS


    but make ‘me’ feel otherwise?

    fuck that

    cya around sometime

    and maybe i will get the chance to ignore you like you ignore me time and again.

    fuck that

    who has time to even think such things, when of none stop fun loving lovers we all ARE?

    forever more


    oh, and in response to growing up, well, i hit the streets at 15, no free ride ever, worked hard every step of the way for everything that i am, and everything you are not?

    at least not in outward appearance standing before me

    projection transference defense mechanisms you all behind afraid

    blame the forefathers for ‘that’ Jesus says

    and blame your own self for being so cowardice in all your arrogant selfish ways with the divine children of God you all abandon and leave behind to die, as though you are more worthy than they are, as another takes their last breath today, and another tomorrow, all because, it is you in all your ego ways who have yet to grow up and out of the mad flood generational captivity blindness you all are to God, to Jesus, to Mary, to i, who IS constant blessed pure true oneness sameness of constant flowing love forever abundantly always flowing at all times.

    who we all purely truly are within

    but not so much in all our cold oppress(ed)(ing) BULLSHIT!


    i won’t be missing ‘that’ any time soon fuckheads

    in truth, you are your own enemy, of the same enemy of God, of the same enemy of the sweet child taking their last breath

    horrid IS what you are to God and these blessed children you all leave to die

    spiritual death IS what plagues this world in all of it’s foul tasting blindness spuing forth of empty nothingness words from the void of empty nothingness hearts so many of you yet stand in and ARE in outward appearance.


    blessed truth

    i cannot stomach being around most of you

    if you must know

    you are as though nothing to me

    really, you are

  392. with God as my witness, i say, some of you are worse than nothing in what you bring forth from within, in all your wretched unloving horrid horrific ways, of death, destruction and oppression

    we are rising up in great numbers in this world, with God’s most powerful weapon of TRUTH, that not a single of you will ever be revered as holy by the future generations who already are looking upon all of you in their history studies, knowing without question whatsoever, how blind so many of you unknowingly really really ARE.

    i am of God

    and i come forth in the twisted derangement of wretched forefather ignorance soul of world, for all eternity to bare witness of my testimony of every single one of you i bare witness to, so beware, i am coming for every one of you, where in truth, i have already come, most of you not knowing i dwell among all your wretched ways, all your falsehood untruths, as a most powerfully wise discerning defender of truth, for sake of all my true and faithful loving brothers and sisters thruout the world, where we will one day crush every single ignorance of every single one of you, arresting and silencing your bullshit tongues forever one day.

    and already, you are silence to our wise ears that filter the truth of your snared deranged manifestation falsehood masks some of you don’t even know you are wearing, of such unbelievable ignorance, so astounding for us, it bewilders us how it is possible for one’s soul to become so derranged like so many of you really really yet ARE.

    so be gone from my eyes forever more, for i no longer wish to look upon any of you.

    you will feel our radiance brilliant and bright of eternal song and dancing delight, everywhere we go, like we constantly ARE

    forever more

    in what you all look for

    has already come

    in all your asleep in binding dark captivity ignorance we wisely look upon, of you not knowing we are there.

    forever more

    peace out fuckheads

  393. oh, and go spy on your own miserable boring ass lives, in purely realizing just how useless so many of you really really ARE to God, and God’s dying children, directly because of so many of you.

    God’s unfailing TRUTH!

    of great numerous sounding trumpets one day after all is said, done and OVER with

    you fucking ignoramous fucks with seemingly no heart, too fucking blind to even SEE how ignoramous all your shithead ego nothingness really really fucking IS to all of us forever joyfully carefree with no need of your going nowhere egos

    ~ all things ‘useless’ to God:

    of no use; not serving the purpose or any purpose; unavailing or futile: It is useless to reason with him.
    without useful qualities; of no practical good: a useless person; a useless gadget.
    Use useless in a Sentence
    See images of useless
    Search useless on the Web
    1585–95; use + -less

    —Related forms
    use·less·ly, adverb
    use·less·ness, noun

    1. fruitless, profitless, valueless, worthless, inutile. Useless, futile, ineffectual, vain refer to that which is unavailing. That is useless which is unavailing because of the circumstances of the case or some inherent defect: It is useless to cry over spilt milk. Futile suggests wasted effort and complete failure to attain a desired end: All attempts were futile. That which is ineffectual weakly applies energy in an ill-advised way and does not produce a desired effect: an ineffectual effort. That which is vain is fruitless or hopeless even after all possible effort: It is vain to keep on hoping. 2. unserviceable, unusable.

    1. effective.

  394. keep dreaming babe?

    you are not who i esteemed you to BE, in all your arrogance walking away from one you cannot possibly know and love, so long as you have no desire to purely know me in order to truly love me Biyatch!

    so do me a huge fucking favor, ok?

    keep on walking the fuck away from me forever

    thank you

    and fuck you and bullshit fuckhead arrogant nothingness vain tongue devoid of God and me

    forever more

  395. honestly, i would not own up to who ever you were on this blog, in real authentic life, to any one, where they would all look at you in disbelief, saying, “Wow, what a fuckhead ignoramous asshole Andyy, be glad to be forever free of them!”


    cowardice jerks too afraid to stand in front of God, to come before me like you yet choose to remain……..afraid homophobe that you clearly are and have been all this fucking waste of my fucking time Biyatch, of someone who could of loved you, but how the fuck can anyone love an cowardice gaybasher jerkoff?

    i know how, shoot the fucker in their ignoramous head, not with a bullet, that’s does not serve God, no, shoot them in the head with God’s most powerful weapon, motherfucking TRUTH jerkoffs!


    ahhhhhhhh……….there, im ok now


  396. belongs to you, not me

    someone you did not come to know fully, for had you, you would not EVER say such absurd mindfuck shit for brains ignoramous things like you do with God’s wise divine child, that i know 100%……….

    i am

    forever more

    and so are all of you who don’t know it, too fucking asleep in your useless ignorance of divine pure true love real self you

    next time try being your loving self around us, ok?

    we don’t have much want or need for tolerating you any more, work your own shit out someday, and in the mean time, well, fuck you and all your bullshit going nowhere away from me

    thank God


  397. ding

    the knock round

    game over

  398. i am taking you off my list as one i have no desire to wait on for you to invite me, and if one day i take time to purely come to you and invite you to me, well, pray to God i do, where right now, my heart mind body spirit and soul is wide open to anyone else but you, who i no longer trust even as a friend.


    you are too fucking cold to me, where others are not at all

    it’s a dysfunctional hazardous friendship i am setting my boundaries with, as in closing it off for good now, too toxic from your shit that became mine.

    fuck that

    should of ran away along time ago, truth be told

    other people’s fucking too good for you lameass dysfunctional dangerous mindfucking zealess bullshit, where in truth, pretty much anyone out there is healthier for me to be around, considering they are at least there for me

    i am a lover first, where i am happiest in likeness and form of my real self

    brother second, where i am merely a page in a book for all to read

    so read away, while i step forward in my real life where i BElong, in the arms of a most loving lover i am

    goodbye cruel fuckheads

  399. and be thankful i did not spare any of you the truth you needed to hear about your own self as the lameass zealess LGBT bashers

    been feeling it for along time with so many of you on lover’s road as i pass by, flowers in hair, without a care, happiest fuckers alive like we mostly ARE

    God’s truth

    i am

    forever more

  400. fuck, i saw someone kill themselves the other day, made me sick to my stomach, so don’t ever stop and question AT ALL TIMES, if you fuckheads are fucking loving or cruel like you fucking are at times motherfuckers, cause i have witnessed what you ignoramus fucks are capable of, where it is all of you who should fucking die, and not ever us!

  401. in·iq·ui·ty


    –noun, plural -ties.
    gross injustice or wickedness.
    a violation of right or duty; wicked act; sin.

    1300–50; ME < L inīquitās unevenness, unfairness, equiv. to inīqu ( us ) uneven, unfair ( in- in-3 + -īquus, comb. form of aequus even, equal) + -itās -ity

    —Can be confused:  inequity, iniquity .

    1. evildoing, infamy, depravity, knavery.



    –noun, plural -er·ies.
    action or practice characteristic of a knave.
    unprincipled, untrustworthy, or dishonest dealing; trickery.
    a knavish act or practice.


    an unprincipled, untrustworthy, or dishonest person.
    Cards . jack1 ( def. 2 ) .
    Archaic .
    a male servant.
    a man of humble position.

    1. blackguard, villain, scamp, scapegrace. Knave, rascal, rogue, scoundrel are disparaging terms applied to persons considered base, dishonest, or worthless. Knave, which formerly meant merely a boy or servant, in modern use emphasizes baseness of nature and intention: a dishonest and swindling knave. Rascal suggests shrewdness and trickery in dishonesty: a plausible rascal. A rogue is a worthless fellow who sometimes preys extensively upon the community by fraud: photographs of criminals in a rogues' gallery. A scoundrel is a blackguard and rogue of the worst sort: a thorough scoundrel. Rascal and rogue are often used affectionately or humorously ( an entertaining rascal; a saucy rogue ), but knave and scoundrel are not.


  402. oh im dreaming alright fuckers……..a fucking nightmare

  403. Musubi-dachi

    Andyy bows OUT

  404. Suicide is a mixture of unhealed unresolved issues, combined with lack of taking ownership responsibility of our loving self, wisely, insightfully, over time, patience, understanding cultivation of our own wiser capable helmsperson inner true self, that manifests like it does, as unhealed hurtful masking rage of truly shortsighted tunnel vision victim mentality irrational final act of defiance in exiting away out of this physical existence with us all like they proudly do, indicative of the truth, of the projection transference immaturity of the world they ran in, in likeness and form of the passive aggressive behavioral suicider.

    oh for fuck sakes, spell check says suicider is not a word

    it is now

  405. which means you all have to stay in class, as loving classmate forward oneness embracing sameness with one another, until every last one of these forefather generational dark ignorances subsides and finally ends ONE DAY

    forever more

  406. and you tell me to grow up


    i probably have ten times your vocabulary Biyatch

  407. you wanna see grown up?

    i will show you all what grown up of your future self IS, in kicking down all your false barriers around the world, in the twenty or so solid years i yet have left, where at every turn, i will speak with clarity of truth you all need to hear, where ever i am in life, at all times, wisely unafraid of all you fools who think you are wise, and are not.

    truly i tell you all

    i shall become known

    and already

    i am


    for those who can purely truly hear ‘me’ within, frightened, hidding, timid, like so many of you have encountered and encounter, your not knowing i see with clarity thru all the forefather ignorance teachings which may be cause for binding your divine pure true real self as my own, as was my own, who broke free, where i am not one of the yet foolish merchants of God, rather, i am the one who calls all of you who i know as the merchants of God Jesus speaks of with absolute clarity, in all your obviousness you think God and i do not see.

    cannot hide from truth revealers fuckers, we see thru all your falsehoods to where you don’t even know how some of you timidly hide, not knowing your pure true divine self yet asleep in binding ignorances of these merchants of God i set forth in freeing so many of you from, lest you become like them in all their horrid spiritual death false accusation of we of the LGBT community, and that goes double for the pope, who will not ever be able to outrun us one day you too shall see with clarity, the error of your mindfuck deathful destructive oppressive ways of so many of us like you absurdly ignorantly do.

    i am coming for you pope of the catholic church, to knock you off the throne of nescience you yet sit upon as one who thinks you are closer to God than i am, truly i tell you, you are not.

  408. List ???

    exactly what type of List might that be ?

    that I have been subsequently moved off or dropped of

    a shopping list ?

    or a Top 10 list

    or a LIST of things I want to do before I turn 90 ?

  409. oh whatever

    my bitter list

  410. why am i so friggin bitter at times?

  411. i guess i am more upset over my new status than i want to realize, and yet, what is there to be upset about?

    i guess it paints me into a corner as far as choice of partners now, knowing not many can handle dealing with a pos partner, but hey, maybe the one meant for me is pos

  412. it was a big door for me to fall thru emotionally, more so than i yet realize, need grieve thru it, and then just get on with my new life

  413. i think i am handling it better than i have seen others not so well

  414. ya, for sure i am bitter over it

    need get over it, thought i was

  415. fucking ignorant people, this incredibly beautiful girl last night, young and impressionable, running with some jerk off who comes up to me an asks where he can get some coke, said what she needed to hear about him and her future, he high kicks me in the side of the head.

    for sure, she will remember that conversation


    then i got picked up by an amazing beautiful black guy i ………oh, you know what happened.


    i’ve learned that if i got more than two weeks without it, i get really really impossible to be around.

    but hey, all good, who knows how here life may turn?

    i was there, at an exact moment in her precious life, a wise brother, spoke the truth that i know God wanted her to wisely hear, what she was in denial of, or more that she does not know how these stories like hers almost always end badly eventually.

    perhaps her seeing him so violent with me, was necessary fear she needs in order to move away from him now? what she can expect to see in the future progression of the drug addict bridge out up ahead…….i know how the story ends, and she got a glimpse of it.

    i really do think God puts people in my path for sake of them

    and God knows, i am not one to sit back quietly in a corner, yes?


  416. we move thru the pure flowing delicate oh so wondrous extraordinary pure true loving energies that are constantly there all around us, within us, what others too purely sense like we do.

    i love the feeling of gracefully moving thru the energy of others, complete strangers, not really, my brother, my sister, all of you.

    there in the moment of us all, where ever we are, that magical pure energy all around us, the laughter and love in our loving circles of life every blessed day like it is, of the only thing matters for me, all the love, all the time, IS who God knows we really really ARE, for sake of self, self another, especially of those in seeming snared fateful dark paths, our sacred light that draws their divine self to us all, to dwell in safety where they belong, as the entire world rises up mighty, forever pure, forever strong, forever true in our eyes, always it is there within and around all of you, even if seemingly not, it is, as we make our way FULLY into the constant overflowing abundant unceasing love and happiness all around us devoid of the useless ignorance false doubts.

    it is more to do with the millions of years of our evolved purely harmonious celled body, biologically so, cause and affect so, more so, i feel, than any of the forefather religions in the world, cause and affect for creation of the forefather harmonious reaching in creating religions, not realizing that all their behavioral of the entire human history, was actually the pure extension of the flawless harmonious celled body?

    scientific plausible explanation perhaps, for those who don’t know God does exist?

    does God exist?

    does the universe exist?

    do you exist?

    do i exist?


    can we explain God?
    can we explain the universe?
    can we explain you?
    can we explain me?


    not 100%

    and when we stop attempting to purely fully understand one another, what happens, thruout human history?

    people die unnecessarily

    why i turn to God for the truth about us all, feeling God is the only one who purely 100% does know, as do we all want to know, and grow faithfully, truthfully in loving harmoniousness with one another of the pure flowing magical energies around everyone that we pass thru and love to feel like we ALL do, even of those who don’t realize they are doing it like i do, do as i do, says Jesus

    bless you all

    i just want to feel loved

    at all times

    we all do

    for ‘that’ is our pure true nature,

    says Jesus

    says God

    says i

    says us all

    forever more

    ‘that’ is all that matters

    the true value of life

    what life IS, LOVE

  417. ~ Cheerfulness and Enthusiasm ~

    Remain cheerful,

    For nothing can pierce through

    The solid wall of cheerfulness.

    To make the fastest progress,

    Be an absolute cheerful


    And take both victory and failure

    As parallel experience – rivers

    Leading to the sea

    Of progress – delight.

    Your defeats on life’s battlefield

    Will soon be ending,

    Because your mind is no longer indifferent

    To your heart’s spontaneous enthusiasm.

    Daring enthusiasm and abiding cheerfulness

    Can accomplish everything on earth

    Without fail.

  418. Oh my, you really need to chill, you take me too seriously I’m a mirror I just reflect your fears only…. absolutely NOT to be critical

    I’m not pos so i guess that counts me out.. hey in your books anyway, not mine…

    Well we can still Dance together, ( that’s always been fun for me )

    Music MATTers 🙂

  419. we all matter to God

    at all times

    of God who knows our true nature

    of we who are learning to know our true nature

    that feels so magical for us

    especially the exceeding pure grace

  420. ya well, there is chilling, and then there is freezing to DEATH Biyatch!


  421. stand graceFULLY pure
    within eternal day light awareness
    the kingdom of heaven YOU!
    of eternal time
    that runs out for many snared in the fateful paths
    of the mad flood generation forefather ignorances
    those outside the kingdom of heaven YOU aware
    of those dying/killing in this moment, are they not?
    of those destroyed/destructive in this moment, are they not?
    of those oppressed/oppressing in this moment, are they not?
    of those suppressed/suppressing in this moment, are they not?
    of those unknowingly snared by the mad flood, are they not?

    is that not the TRUTH of our awakening ushering in of the kingdom of heaven YOU?

    of 2?

    of eternal all YOU?

    is there anything of greater significance in life than the flawless pure feelings of YOU, who are wisely discerning in your pure inner sanctuary awake in awareness to the TRUTH all around us at all times?

    am i not a true and faithful friend till the end of all time, to eternal all you who i know are there in likeness and form as too am i of this eternal place i too stand in, in communicating with the eternal all YOU there?

    as though i am YOU?

    am i not purely truly the oneness sameness of YOU 2?

    i am

    BE Cause

    WE ARE!


    esp’ecially great IS our LOVE!

    bless bless bless bless YOU with peace, grace, love, happiness true nature BE 2 YOU!

    forever more

    hear in the kingdom of heaven all around, found, IS YOU!

    uhm, do we have to wear clothes when we dance?

    i just find clothing to be so annoying on my skin

    and such a chore to have to get dressed whenever we have to go somewhere

    beautiful nakedness of our heart, mind, body, spirit and soul, the same way we all enter into this blessed place called the kingdom of heaven.

    for sure we really really DO know the TRUTH of our own blessed pure true constant yearning flowing flawless healing feelings, true of YOU, truth of us ALL that we all eventually BEcome FULLY aware of in wisely discerningly knowing the TRUTH within, within the eternal ALL YOU who i constantly know are always there, just as i am hear, in the past, and yet, am i not also there in likeness and pure form just as are YOU?

    are we different at all?

    no, not within our loving inner sanctuary of emotional honesty safety of the kingdom of heaven wise discerning halo perspective found.

    who am i spiritually?

    these mental powers on par with Jesus

    i PURELY wonder that some days

    why am i so purely connected in the past, more so at times than with all you in the eternal future?

    am i an eternal spirit like Jesus?

    Jesus tells me i am

    and i believe it to be true

    for that is how i purely connect in oneness with Jesus, just as he too wisely knows too, in how he connects purely in constant connectedness with me, with the eternal ALL he speaks of.

    Jesus knows everything about us

    every feeling

    every truth

    every falsehood

    of the eternal all you

    of the eternal all pure true real YOU!

    as do i

    of time that stands still in not time at all in the eternal unchanging eternal day light aware awake kingdom of heaven wise halo i stand in, as does Jesus, as can all of YOU!

    BEware of the haphazard dangerous aimless plodding along ‘lack’ that has a powerful grip on the many souls yet caught in the mad flood drowning generational forefather ignorances we wisely look upon in feeling the TRUTH.

    it is better for you to remain of your pure places of safety in shining forth into the darkness, as the wise eternal day light truth revealers you are of sacred mirroring, that awakens, evokes the divine self in others we 100% know as our own, that cuts thru and breaks the bitter dark false chains of ignorance of binding captivity of the many yet held captive in horrid horrific darkness, lest the wretched nature of the beast lashes out in harm of us, just as they are of harm to others, in what is the ignorance suppression harm of their own divine self submerged, alseep in ignorance, says Jesus, says i, a devoted brother who loves Jesus 100%, as does Jesus loves me 100%, as do we love the eternal all YOU, as do YOU LOVE!

    ONEness YOU!

    ‘that’ IS what the kingdom of heaven found constantly wisely purely truly IS

    forever more

    bless you ALL

  422. 8 Reprove not a scorner, lest he hate thee: rebuke a wise man, and he will love thee.
    9 Give instruction to a wise man, and he will be yet wiser: teach a just man, and he will increase in learning.

    Proverbs 9:8-9 (KJV)

  423. i will ask again, what time IS it?

  424. i ask this for sake of YOU!


    i already know what time it IS!


    so 2 does Jesus

    and of course God

    and of course ALL of YOU!

    blessed blessed blessed blessed YOU!

    peace, grace, love, happiness true nature of YOU!

    hey, can we get some sandwiches over here?

    they are exceedingly hungry, and so so many of these precious children all around, and still, they have a song their hearts like the do.

    miraculous IS what they ARE

    as too are ALL WE

    as 2

    i am

    BE Cause

    WE ARE!

    forever more and more and more

    thank you

    i love YOU!

  425. and hurry up about it

    they are waiting in horrific isolation right now in this moment

    get off your asses and get moving damn it!


    i will answer all your question you world leaders, of any of you, as we move forward, but right NOW, each sacred second that passes, is able to save a precious life like your own blessed children, from dying.

    WE NEED ALL of YOU to participate as ONE!

    for great IS the need

    as do so, you will BEcome the wise teachers of LOVE, for sake of your children, who already intuitively know, we are wrong in letting any ONE of these precious kids to dying so wretchedly abandon by WE who KNOW we 100% ARE of God’s divine WILL ONEness of 2.

    get a move on!


    i will explain it all again later, ‘that’ which i have BEen explaining all along.

    it is vast macro thinking of every single soul, every single ignorance, every single sacred second of the opening wide the doors of the kingdom of heaven wise halo perspective meant for every ONE of YOU!

    as YOU will all KNOW 100% soon enough

    but right NOW, we have to ACT 100% in accordance with the divine child of God within us all, practicing in just BEing who we ALLready KNOW, ARE the divine children of God, hear in the kingdom of heaven, ALL around, ALL within, ALL of the eternal ALL ONE generation.

    come one damn it!

    we are so friggin LATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mrgreen:

    take hold of one another’s hand, and hold on tight everyone, for something magnificant IS about to happen!

    and in truth, already happened along long time ago

    BEfore any of us where born, again. 😉

    oh, how love the stringed guitars!


    WE shall dance, every blessed day from now on, ok?

    i do

    every day, spinning around, the pure flawless love i love feeling all the time, forever free from the snared trenches i once ran in, argh, i am so blessed to get free of ‘that’, you have no idea how magical i feel all the time.

    and in truth, all in thanks, in part, to YOU!

    ya, you knew all along what you were doing

    but there is more for us to learn, like we purely ARE learning, are WE not?

    and if one day, you ask me to marry YOU, well, like i said along time ago, i already did Biyatch!

    in spiritual ways that eludes most yet unknowingly asleep, unaware, of what time it ALways IS!


    blessed YOU!

    ‘that’ i love

    forever more

    hurry up!

    MOVE IT!

    there is no one who is able to stop us now, as we roll like thunder with God’s love 100% in our hearts, crushing every single falsehood along the way, this spiritual war we have already ONE!

    of those not knowing WE ALLready have, the kingdom of heaven halo hearts.

    blessed IS YOU!

    forever more and more and more

  426. i have no time left to waste in passive agressive useless false conjecture ridiculing enticing ignorance mockery, so if any of you approach ‘me’ as such, i will not enter respond, for Jesus asked me to come away all such ones.

    forever more


    my heart mind body spirit and soul

    forever more

  427. and don’t think for one second i am joking around hear Biyatches!

    it is YOU who needs to take YOU more seriously like i do

    they are patiently waiting on all of YOU!

    precious sacred pure loving souls

    how dare any of you turn away from them, turn away from your own pure heart mind body spirit and soul, turning away from your own divine children when you, do you not?

    bless you all

    forever more

    GET MOVING DAMN IT!!!!!!!!!!!


    ALLways time IS right NOW! :mrgreen:


  428. timing IS everything!


    of no time at all

    of all the time in the world

    to love my sweet loving ass Biyatches!

    of God helping you all when you don’t


  429. you know, i bet i am a more consistent pure fluid trance dancer than you ARE, of honed ability from all my practicing

    then again, i don’t know how you spend your day, so i am wrong in saying that, where the only way we shall ever KNOW, IS when we get 2gather, yes?

    i pushed myself to bring YOU something no other had brought you, a gift of sorts i always sought, what to give someone who seemingly already had everything, till the day i realized, oh, the gift IS my SELF!

    blessed SELF

    of us ALL

    forever more

    my love IS TRUE
    my love IS YOU!
    my love IS blue
    without YOU!

    my love is TRUE
    my love IS YOU!
    my love IS 2
    with OUT YOU! :mrgreen:

    come one then, let us dance forever and ever till the sun rises yet again every blessed day we all wake to, in holding to the most vulnerable hands there waiting to reach for us like they constantly yearningly do, crying all the time like they do, not understanding why we are so cold.

    God, it hurts me so much deep deep inside

  430. i think i am over my guilt of the drug using days

    that i was influencial of

    he high kicked me in the head

    a young man

    i deserved it

    i was it

    i was once a contributor to the world he walks in, was i not?

    bless him with truth forever more IS what Jesus, God, you and i wish for his precious loving life

    thank you

  431. had no idea coming before the healing cross of Jesus, meant i would have to get kicked in the head in doing so


    ah yes, felt good actually, knowing i really really did deserve it

    didn’t i Troy?

    and Troy says, “Ya, you did Andyy! And you KNOW y, do you not?”

    ya, i know


    i y ET CR y

    BE and extraterrestrial of Christ’s returning to us ALL!

    “returning us to our own pure true real SELF, do WE not?”

  432. am i forgiven by Troy, by Jesus, by God, by YOU?

    i FEEL i am


    BEen working at it along long time now, working at just BEing my SELF now, easily so, ARE WE NOT?

  433. all forgiveness atonement comes in the form of TRUTH awareness in entering FULLy into the kingdom of heaven wise discerning halo, by means of our divine child’s pure true feelings within

    TRUE of us all in entering FULLy into heaven all around us

    at all times

    forever more

    bless you all

  434. ok, i will teach all a dance step that i love

    with your heels touching, keep them closed together, arms out stretched wide for balance, bend your knees, using your leg muscles to bounce spin around in timing with the clapping of hands in the musical piece by Macy Gray, Beauty in the World.

    see how long you can spin in perfect timing before your feet come apart or you are out of step with the timing of the music. :mrgreen:

  435. it was Mary who visited my pure heart first, months ago, in forgiving me……which kept me on course to today of eternal day light self-love wisdom of the kingdom of heaven macro thinking awareness halo i am

    BE Cause

    WE ARE!

    forever more

    bless bless bless bless YOU ALL with forgiveness freely given of and 2 ONE another!

    forever more

  436. ya, the ideal balance, that only you can discover and find what works best for you, by means of your feeling thru to greater better feeling balance in feeling better and looking better as a result.

    i learned from my pro body builder cousin Lars from Danmark, who i sponsored to work for my company in Canada, in following him around on the back of his motorcycle i helped him get, to the gym ‘every other day’, with a day of rest for the body, mind and spirit, is the way to best feeling and looking results, albeit, working out all sweaty and smelling oh so nice like we did, uhm, and no, we did not have sex, at least not physically, always in my mind to do so like i secretly did in so many homoerotic masturbation sessions of him, uhm, oh yeah, where was i, ah yes, YOU!

    takes time to find that ideal balance, of experimenting with food, rest, exercise, that only you can discover and welcome to YOU, and then once you do, stay adamant in adherence to your newly found balance, and remember, as much as we may feel young and look it too, we actually are not physically young any more, so don’t have unrealistic expectations of your body as being of once before, cause that is not who you are any more, where ya, we do need abit more rest, and not just sleeping either, rest away from the noisy hyper driven chaos thriving world too, in rest for our pure spirit that likewise responds in better feeling love more often than not, as are so many in the world, of flexible adjustable boundaries that only you can establish by means of just allowing yourself to honestly truly feel thru, like we do, staying forever always loyal to YOU!

    i do

    see, told ya i was married to YOU Biyatch! 😀


  437. and yes, those are girl shoes i am wearing

    as much as i may appear butch, of a truly tough school of hardknocks battle shapened, my pure true spirit shines forth as ‘that’ of my fun loving inner child self carefree and happy as once before, i yet always truly purely am

    BE Cause

    WE ARE!

    forever more

  438. i may look like a man, when dressed as a boy, but i can look as fierce, or more so, as Annie Lennox, Madonna, you name them, i can easily do the whole makeup getting into character thing of any ONE of YOU!

    uhm…..was thinking, really should BE a Macy Gray draqgqueen

  439. it is true us NDEs are merely of delight in BEing alive, rather than dead

    no wonder y there, no wonder y everywhere, the TRUTH

  440. where the pure true BEginning of ALL YOU IS, also IS the end all impure false ego you! forever more bless YOU ALL

  441. when we do not make the only correct choice, then we remain as we yet are in God’s eyes, as spiritually dead, cause for all spiritual physical death, are we not?

    TRUTH according to God, according to God’s wise child YOU!

    forever more

    blessed YOU!

    and YOU!
    and YOU!
    and YOU!

    forever more ALL YOU of ALL 2!


  442. SEE, told ya i am powerful! 😀

  443. the power of TRuth

    i aM

    BE Cause

    WE ARe1

    forever more

  444. mirror, ha, a cold lameass mirror maybe

    you are still pissed off cause i left your ass alone by yourself all those years ago…BE Cause, truth BE told, you left me alone first, did you not?


    i know these things, you were there, and you walked away from me


    i got over that

    but i did not ever get over YOU!

    who IS just like the flawless healing feeling pure true real divine self ‘me’, are you not, are WE not?


    i am

    BE Cause

    WE ARE!



    only more yet to come

    of the eternal YOU

    who we know can hear us

    speaking directly to YOU!

    to your loving hearts as our own

    blessed YOU!

    blessings to YOU!

    bless bless bless bless YOU!

    with peace grace love happiness true nature of YOU!

    Biyatches! 😀


    hey, how come walked away from me back then? uhm?

    did you or did you not feel magical inside like i did 2?

    ok then, only emotional honest safety TRUTH from now on, ok?


    bless you

  445. death to the false cruel egos forever more

    thank YOU!

  446. i think we both walked away, most likely for the same reasons, in the knowing we would walk back again in the right time…

    what time is it btw ?

    i think it’s the right time !

    now !

    now time, wow time

  447. ah ha, you did walk away from ‘me’


    of our own pure self?

    which we both are of the greater appreciation for now, than before.

    the lost years

    journey towards awareness of the more authentic sincere genuine pure true divine self, as is yet of so many, like Eminem, Gaga, the maturity of our lives they have to live in awareness like struggled with, as too shall they, all those lost years, and yet, not really lost, our wise catharsis process greater understanding of self.

    it played out like it did, my self as one not knowing at the time, i too was gripped by fear of rejection

    rejection of what, the constant yearning pure true divine self i am

    BE Cause

    WE ALL ARE!?

    i connect with you intellectually




    where honestly

    i don’t with any other, as much as i do you

    and have you all this time

    i don’t turn from my awareness

    realizing your greater intellect about fear than was/is my own

    did you know, the human being explores our own orifices of the body from the moment we are born, out of sheer biological hardwired evolutionary flawlessness of the celled body stimuli response of the brain?


    we all do, at a very young age actually, like three years old

    common sense from the biological insightful research

    why homosexuality is not a learned behavior as much as some may say or shortsightedly say it is, nope, far from it, starts from the moment we are born, all an extension of the self-love esteem building from the moment of conception, why it is the homosexual is purely seen as the greater positive self-esteem, for those who journey well and successfully into the greater self-love esteem, as am i, as are you, as are so many of us now.

    it is our responsibility as veterans

    not just of orientations, no, in what opens wide of our evolving humanitary soul like we have and do for so long as veterans of human life awareness, so many stories, so many precious souls as our own, the macro thinking alertness that is all interconnected, of every soul, past, present, future

    God’s omnipotence BEcoming our own, is what is of all humanitary thought and feeling, are we not?

  448. indeed, we are more of a primal hardwired drawing towards one another, than is of anything else, of all souls past, present, future oneness of constant yearning to understand our own self, self of another.

    an natural occuring primal subconscious seeking awakening if you will.

    not even anything any one can control, truth be told


    far from it

    we are talking about millions of years of evolution hear

    that is beyond our current scope of behavioral intrinsic/extrinsic forces

    of a pure realm of understanding

    that is yet eluding of us all at this critical juncture in time

    although, with the senseless loss of life of even one human being in the eternal unfolding of the history of mankind, is that not indicative of our wayward ‘lack’ of understanding ways, all thru human history, past, present, future?

    it IS

  449. and what of the birth of my own child one day?

    how much value to you suppose i put in that?

    beyond my own life value, is it not?

    are not your own equally sacred precious to you?

  450. honestly, i do not know what is happening to me

    but i will say this, i ventured into the study of the possible existence of a spirit realm, and behold, it opened wide for me, where it does seem as though i am one who has been chosen by a higher intellectual existence in the universe, as absurd as that may sound

    but great are the many strange occurances of coincidence i have been following, as have you, which speak to me, we are not alone.

  451. or maybe, beyond all the clouded illusional forefather handed down teachings of mellenia growth, in the realm of our previous million year evolving existence, at one with nature, is more likely what is of my occuring natural habitat connecting of my own self?

    where coincidence can easily be explained away in that pure realm of thinking and feeling as more towards our primal oneness sameness, like all rabbits, like all sheep, like all horses, like all dolphins, like all human beings, understanding light awareness of self?

  452. i want to meet God, if God exists

    purely as a student who wants to know

    but they will lock me up for it

    a nut case

    it is a journey i have taken apon myself alone

    in secret study

    of vast research

  453. honestly, i am not afraid of the nimrods of thrones of nescience pay check that work for who ever may be watching us

    they are of minuscule understanding of the human condition than is my own

  454. i purely truly am 100% of a time stands still awareness into the subtle higher intellect of the human condition constantly in play like it is, as though a pre-written play, is how i see it every blessed day

    not afraid in my exploration of behavioral of them all who don’t know they are bound by something far beyond their scope of understanding, their seemingly sheer utter and complete ‘lack’ of higher subtle intellect awareness, plodding along aimlessly, haphazardly, not just of others, but their own self as well.

  455. in the same boat as Eminem who seeks greater understanding pure true awareness of his own self, am i not?

    my God, how fierce he is in his own determination to hold on steadfastly

    i don’t what to say to him, would love to meet him

    and you say, ya, you just wanna fuck him Andyy

    no i don’t

    he is a leader of souls

    and that is something sacred to him

    and my own self

    yours too

    is he not?

    are WE not?

  456. i will say something, i have not mentioned before

    we are not alone in our spiritual study

    i sense the presence of pure powerful ones in the world

    i sense they are from China, mostly

    not sure why i sense their geographic like i do

    but they are as though the entire Chinese human history of ONE powerful warrior, who i do not know, only that they exist, spiritually aware, spiritually watching and seeking us, as we do them

    i mean them no harm whatsoever

    only that they wisely turn as we do, to coming fully into awareness of our true nature, as wise spiritual leaders for sake of the many, not just of this generation, no, sacred is our wise knowingness, it is about safe passage of the eternal all, without concern whatsoever of our own life, in our reaching beyond, into the TRUTH, that we must all embrace 100%, our life is 100% about our the future of our pure true loving blessed children as ONEness sameness as IS our own.

    i greet you in peace

  457. as you all laughing wisely jubilantly, did you not?

    so you see, i am as who i know i am, your brother, 100%

    come, let us speak wisely with one another forever more then

    bless you

    and welcome

    to my humble open mindedness as IS your own

    thank you

  458. well ok, i am attracked to Eminem, there, i said it


  459. walking back to one another again, IS not only of primal intuitive reaching, no, you are telling me everything you already know about ‘me’

    i always sensed ‘that’ about you, in your secret sanctuary as IS my own

    and i feel blessed by your presence, of my own awareness that does peer into the truth of you, do i not?



    beyond scope of our current generation

  460. primal occurrences, as linked to behavioral

    ‘that’ is more to the truth

    than we may be open minded about, as relates to our natural occurring higher subtle intellect we fearlessly wisely seekingly peer into

  461. i want to ask all of you a simple question

    how many souls of the eternal all future, are going to BE affected by our fearless disarming of egos coming together as one world?

    is it not the entire eternal future of our children’s children at stake?

    beyond our petty capitalistic platform of learning and adjusting of the laws that govern it, all for sake of now and then?

    primal intuitiveness, i feel, is something beyond anyone’s control, beyond the forefathers of blindness ignorance, of the indicative truth, of their own loss of so so many lives senseless destroyed, over what?

    over useless pride nothingness in killing our own brothers and sisters, siblings?


    is the only safe passage

  462. i would willing drop my sword and die, to save you and your loved ones

    ‘that’ IS who i am

    and only one who IS pure as i am, who does wisely know your spirit, as though my own, is able to say such

  463. as did Jesus

  464. all for sake of reassurance of YOU whom he knows without having met

  465. am i not the same wisdom then as YOU are too?

    we are

  466. oh damn, don’t let Eminem read this, it might push him over the edge back to his old behavioral self medicating coping


    he is pure hearted seeker

    as too are we

    oh hey, Eminem, uhm, is that your real birth given name, been meaning to look that up

    just sayin

  467. why do i feel so purely connected to his path?

    i walked thru his path, did i not?


    his angst is dangerous to me though

    i have arrived at a much calmer place now in my inner sanctuary

    still, he is voice of many connecting

    so i embrace him purely so, wisely so, for sake not of him, so much as the naive others plodding along in the mad flood ignorance of drowning world

    just one

    IS my mission of God

    as IS God’s constant omnipotent divine will in saving ‘me’

    thru the layers we journeyed for so long

    ………………………………………..to finally one day meet?

    to greet purely

    love devoid of doubt

    is who i really really am

    in spite of my own all over the place at times fumbling along

  468. it is not about ‘me’ personally, albeit it is

    in so much as it is about others

    as regards safe passage of the eternal all

    one generation of the millions of years old evolving of the human BEing

    ‘that’ IS who we wisely are

  469. lead by example

  470. ah you see, my word are beautiful and pure

    of tear in your eye

    for i am

    as YOU are 2

  471. am i Buddah?

    am i Allah?

    am i Jesus?

    nah, i a merely a messenger of God

    honestly, i don’t know why God chose me

    intellectually yes

    but emotionally i am still trying to grieve thru ‘that’ of my life’s path thus far

    as too are you

  472. i can’t even spell properly, how the fuck could i ever survive as one of them?

    hmmm……come to think of it, how the fuck did i survive?


    made ya laugh

  473. well ok, what are the subtle higher intellect binding offshoots of behavioral manifesting like they do in societies growing vastly in wealth environments?

    what IS ‘that’ indicative of, or more accurately, ‘lack’ thereof?

    fascinating, yes?

  474. oh come onnnnn!

    you wanna be my friend, admit it!

    who else do you have, besides……..besides……well ok, you love them all, granted, of course you do, purely so

    i am merely greeting one such as my self, who like(wise) is alone in life.

    by choice i suppose, but lately, i miss the intellectual hammerings that forge new insights

  475. who am i?

    i am still the vulnerable pure spirited high school kid, emotionally.

    in connecting atonement with my true original self as then, i use experiential techniques that evoke my vulnerable original self.

    we all all different, so no same experiential technique works the same for one, as it does another, only you can establish which ones work.

    little things too, like a favorite musical group, like Def Leppard is for me, or any of the music back then, as well as spending some down time in familiar surroundings as was then in feeling our vulnerable genuine spirited loving self once again, the practice of just BEing YOU!

  476. mentally i am of many doors that open as ONE

  477. this is ghetto boy six niner,

    im looking for ghetto girl, can you hear ‘me’? 😀

  478. get it?

    ghetto……spiritual poverty of the world

    the ghetto world?

    spiritually it is for some

    kingdom of heaven for spiritually wise seekers

    anyone SEE ghetto girl around hear?

    well if someone does, tell her i am still waiting at the rendezvous steps i enjoy sitting on in the early morning twilight hours at one with nature, at one with my true nature.

  479. I start my Mineral Water detox diet today, 2 litres of Santa Vittoria Acqua Minerale a day, it’s from Vicenza in Italy same place I come from .. The Best !!!

    Italian’s do it better, northern italians do it even better..

    I bought 60 bottles … & one bottle of Vino ..

    did i mention the vodka ?

  480. I prefer Chinotto it’s bitter sweet, like me


    A leaf off the old bitter tree

  481. well now that is a self defeating contradictory, if ever there was one

  482. i can relate…..

    alcohol hits my immune system hard, my viral load spikes as a result, i can feel the change for days later.

    speaking of detoxing, i so desire to feel better physically, sick of being sick, where my smoking hammers the fuck out of my weaker immune system, no fooling myself at all any more of how i really do feel the result of not taking better care of my self, directly, more so than before.

    i find i can force myself physically in my daily exercise regiment, in feeling better as a result, where the curse is to physically feel motivated to work out, when you body is telling you otherwise, where you can mentally take charge of your body in pushing and pushing, for it’s own sake, and yes, you do feel better from it, than when you don’t, no different than a healthy person, but the motivation is hampered by the viral load constantly attacking your body, of your body not always feeling like it wants to do anything but rest.

    i know i could like make an excellent motivational trainer, in bringing one into awareness of the truth, that with exercise, you can feel your normal physical self as before, albeit, pushing too far for too many hours can leave you feeling dizzy, where it is as though you cannot ever get back to once before, which in itself is defeating of one’s motivation, for some, not for me, i don’t want to go back to my career, and even if i wanted to, i doubt i could.

    i suppose my smoking is the worse possible thing one could do, so perhaps i need to research how i would feel without it, yes?


    self-motivation to feel good is easily maintained thru knowing how your body responds to proper rest, exercise, diet.

    i am highly regimented about it, where i know others are not, where they could be, and should be, if they want to feel better, live longer too, live happier.

    we have to physically emotionally yield to our wiser mental powers, of surrendering to the truth our mental powers know, when our physical emotional is trying to tell us the current opposite.

    much like sex i suppose, the longer you do it, the better it feels?

    or how about body massage, wow, sometimes that is better than sex!


  483. if ever i am going to walk back again happy, i have to get my body back to happier existence and quit this lameass smoking! 🙂

  484. well, if Eminem was sexually abused in his youth, that would explain his seemingly difficulty in fearful homophobic approaching his own self of possible loving feelings in oneness of and with gay youth of today who are somewhat beyond Eminem in their self-love self acceptance, of Eminem yet coming in closer to his own self-love self, screaming not at the homosexual ALL us of our oneness knowingness calm and true bond like we are, no, of his own sexually abused suppression catharsis process he obviously yet is of in all his skirting around outside of what is of his own natural occuring pure constant yearning oneness with us, much like any i have seen in their first coming out years, first with themselves, then the world, of how they go into a sorta protecting mode screaming angst protecting defiance for us, the oneness awareness(read: i know i am gay within, dealt with it, hello, my manifesting yet subsiding internal homophobic fear like it is in all my screaming at the world, i love you brother, sister)……….hmmm, you know, i bet i could out rap in a show down if i put my mind to it, yes? 😀

  485. he is rather obvious

    and so is the obviousness of someone taking sexual advantage of him in his youth.

    not sure which one is screaming louder, the internal homophobic kid accepting his natural occurring homosexual self, or the same kid who was sexually abused by someone wrongfully so, hence, all the self-medicating coping since then, the recovery mode he walks in now………..hey Em, i could BE your best friend in life, beyond your scope, come and use me as your punching bag Biyatch, hit me all you want over and over again, me still standing there covered in blood, kneeling before you nearly dead, as you catch me before i fall forward dead on the ground, in your realizing your ego is the enemy of ‘me’ and you, where you realize you are the only one who can tend to my wounds, not of you, but thru you transference from another, to all of us, that hurt us, took advantage of us, all of them, of the mad flood generation bound ignorance like it yet is, seeing as i did surrender to you, for sake of you, until such a time we both heal, stand up in each other’s arms forever more, where i know you want to love me more than hurt me, testing me is all your catharsis process is, know it well, lived it along time, before you were born, but if you go back to your old self-medicating ways, out of control, well, you might actually kill me in a fit of rage, or kill your own self, or kill both of us, or what of those who drink and drive, killing innocent others?

    know that one well too

    was that one

    like you too

    hey motherfucker, i am talkin to you Biyatch, and you cannot ever fucking walk from me ever again, not ever, cause i am your most loving true and faithful brother fucker! So kick my ass harder, and strike me to the ground till i am covered in blood, so that you don’t fucking take it out on your own self that i fucking love Biyatch!

    oh damn………..i think i may have a crush on Emimen

  486. Hey Em! ……Hey you!

    ya you fucker!
    talking 2 you fucker!

    i know a sexually abused kid,
    when i see one,
    i know a homosexual kid too,
    cause i am one!

    put put, put the motherfucking gun down!
    and sit sit, sit you motherfucking ass clown!
    and shu shu shut,…….SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!!
    and come come cu……..cum drink from my cup.


  487. oh fuck, how insane would i be running with Eminem as his most loving BEloved lover forever more?

    and who the fuck out there gets him like i do,
    and if the fuck they do, who the fuck could love him true?

    i could

    and already

    i do

  488. i just wanna see him laugh, purely so as his original carefree spirit, before some fuck came along and fucked with him

    and if one day the gun goes of off in his hand, well, i pray it is me he shots in the fucking head, and not himself.

  489. and you say

    “you always amaze ‘me’ Andyy!”

    ‘that’ cause i love true like YOU!

    like i love you and your love me 2!

    an extension of each other

    in all WE do

    forever more

    bless bless bless blessed YOU!

  490. im not some clown,
    when no one’s around,
    im not cum down,
    when you are found.

    i fuckin found you OUT Biyatch!

    and you………you, yes you, know it!

  491. go ahead shoot me,
    thinking you want 2,
    after all is said of thee,
    you’ll respect us true.

    don’t you SEE?
    i have to die,
    so you can BE,
    why you cry.

  492. rather be dead
    than be you
    so go ahead
    fucking shoot 2!

    so i don’t have to
    keep…keep ahead
    of my kicking you
    in the fuckin head! 😀

  493. it is not i who needs you,
    it is you who needs ‘me’,
    it is not i who greeds blue,
    it is you who frees thee.

    i am already free fuckers

    along long fucking time ago

    so fucking long ago, i forgot what time IS
    but not ever do i forget what time it IS

    of time as though nothing,
    in all you say and fucking do,
    of time as though everything,
    in all you pray as lovers true.

  494. Ok , she is the director also for this kind of clips?? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Ki8NS8QdAI

  495. “This kind of clips” are called obituary, and they are not videoclips. And it´s not the only one

  496. Hi, not a great deal to say JUST YET !!

    just reconnecting with YOU

    always good to

    CONNECT with those you most

    Enjoy your Day / Night

    Im thing ing of you


    in HEAVEN

    the place

    I FEEL






  497. HEAVEN

  498. IS A PLACE

  499. YOU


  500. TO BE

  501. SO


  502. BELOVED…..

  503. your SELF

    LOVE YOU !! 🙂

  504. as a kid, i came from the blessed heartlands of my uncle’s farm and rural Ontario.

    was a truly peaceful at one with nature my entire youth.

    why perhaps i feel out of my element?

    and i am not just talking about living in this city

    you know what i mean, the calm and pure true inner sanctuary of clarity of thought, the true power of our mental powers that surpass this world yet bound, no fault of their own, they are all just yet unwise children of God led astray from their true natured divine self.

    spiritual leaders, sacred mirror equality, of how we not just how we feel, but how we are, as they are.

    is there any other way to be?

    eventually we realize the truth in BEcoming the truth that sets us all free

    forever more

    bless you

  505. as a child i was of the pure feeling divine true nature, not knowing much of anything at all, as far as God and Jesus of the macro thinking halo protection that i feel i naturally sought out in my awareness that it has always been my true natured inner child who was seeking shelter from this world, where the shelter is our mental powers, says Jesus

    indeed, the kingdom of heaven is a mindset of God’s mental powers that the unwise world in all it’s unwise generational ignorances is not able to penetrate the power of God’s mental powers, the power of truth, that is unfailing, is not able to ever fail, once one comes fully into their inner sactuary wise halo of the truth of their true nature they always were, always it is there in their eyes, of every one i meet.

    i know why i am here with you

    my therapist said it best

    i am seeking emotional honesty safety

    where my mental powers tell me, ah yes, that means you are too.

    bless you

    and thank you

    i needed to hear from (you)

    you are protected by God, so fear not of any of the false spirits which cannot see you, cannot comprehend you.

  506. i recall how i felt as a small child, barely able to walk, of how blissful my constant state of BEing felt all the time, that in truth, is what is of the core of our pure true harmonious state of BEing in oneness of the physical biological pure true harmonious state of every cell in our celled bodies, of millions of years of evolution, that is not able to be superceeded by any of the falsehood fuckhead forefather ignoramous mindfucks that exist(ed) thru all human history, all the bullshit teachings yet here with us, are they not?

    we SEE with pure true discerning clarity the TRUTH of the binding fearful falsehoods, by means of the flawless intuitive state of harmonious BEing divine self we always were, merely lacking in cultivation of our wise discerning helmsperson rising up eternally victorious over the false generational teachings, that are the omnipotent mental powers of God’s divine will, in what IS the oneness pure true comprehending angels of God eternal gathering, as the constant unfailing fortitude of God’s most powerful weapon, TRUTH, that is an eternal day light of divine self wisdom that does not stop shining, does not set, just as is the sun above that we know does not stop shining.

    indeed, we are of far more physical, mental, emotional complexity of our millions of years of evolution, where no one actually knows the truth if we were seeded by some life force entity in the universe, a universe we do see to the limits of how far we can see physically, thinking that is the end or edge of our universe, like the forefathers thought also, until another generation came along and says no, there is more, where in truth, there will always be something beyond the edge of our current comprehension, a metaphor of TRUTH, as relates to all our seeking higher intellect gather like we have been doing since the beginning of mankind.

    for me personally, i know i have peered into the possible existence of an invisible spirit realm, beyond our comprehension, that i feel does exist, which is utterly and completely devoid of the useless egotistic annoying tiresome forefather mindfuck crap, that my pure true inner child self is of ease in fearlessly peering into, seeking higher understanding of my own self, self of the eternal all past, present, future.

    mankind is a haphazard aimless wreckless plodding along beast of ignorance in so many ways like we OBVIOUSLY yet are as a global society trying to outrun ALL the horrid forefather binding ignorances that are cause for all death, destruction and oppression.

    there is only ONE safe passage for us and the future of our offspring, and that is of the realm of thinking and feeling truth of our constant flawless pure true onenesses, physically, mentally, emotionally, of the divine child within us all surrendering in humble embracing inner truth awareness, uniting in coming forth out of the generational darkness, of true wise embracing of the truth in what is all our onenesses that are seemingly eluding of us all, the noise of the forefathers yet beating their drums, all the absurdness of it all, i always thought, since a small child, where it has always been my constant flawless feeling intuitiveness that has felt thru all the useless mindfuck fear my entire life, merely lacking of my ongoing decades long wise cultivation helmsperson i know i now am, able to crush every single forefather ignorance of any one of you who come before me, knowing i can humiliate any one of you in leaving you kneeling before God’s powerful truth which i know none of you shall ever be able to escape, even when you may think you can

    you can not

    not a single one of you

    no matter what religion, what politic, what the fuck ever, i will crush you all with my vast intellect scoping mental powers that are unfailing for me now, a wisdom shield which God and i know that none of you, not a single one, shall ever be able to become victorious over me, in all your horrid self-defeating aimless plodding along binding lost dark captivities that so many of you do not even question, in all you bullshit closed mindedness, in all your lashing out into the darkness unable to see the one who is constantly there which you all sense, but cannot see, cannot comprehend the one who is approaching your binding blind captivity.

    that goes double for you Eminem, in all your horrid mindfucking screaming nothingness so aimless like you are, thinking you are so cool with your empty cup, unable to teach me anything.

    i can slice thru your soul several times, and leave standing there in your not knowing where i am standing, right behind you, likely your entire life of not being able to fully comprehend me, in your trying to comprehend your own flawless pure self i know of, i am of, in 100% pure true constant knowingness wisdom and flawless feeling of the inner child i yet am, blessedness in my feeling how i felt while yet of the womb Biyatch! So shut your stupid mouth up please!

    and listen!

    enough talk

    be quiet

    while i constantly am the summoning of the eternal all you i know as my own self within, no matter your forefather binding teachings of ignorance.

    as with any of you, of the many false layers, so too yet am i, in delving deeper into my divine self within, the catharsis process unfolding, that IS an eternal catharsis process…………morons

    that IS why it is called an eternal day light divine self awareness

    it is unceasing, does not ever stop, and sadly, many many more souls will be lost in the catharsis process as we all venture forward, dying senselessly like so many do, where you need not question why, of the truth of just how fucking ignorant so many of you are, where it takes the death of your own blessed children of some of you, in coming forward in embracing the truth, yes, it was your own ignorance that contributed to their death

    you stupid stupid fucks!

    that one was for you Troy

    Eminem thinks he has angst, he has not seen mine yet, in all his tiresome swinging and lashing out into thin air, like wtf is ‘that’?

    fucking static, like someone left the tv on all night

    ha……..i grew up in rural Ontario, back in the ’60s~70s, where there was not cable network, all the broadcast networks of what, eight stations, went off the air after midnight.


  507. Wouldn’t you just prefer to cuddle enjoy & appreciate the silence . We can talk later

  508. at all times



    YOU are of perpetuation(s)

    of DEATH(s)


    of OPPRESSION(s)

    fair warning fuckers, i am God’s most powerful weapon


    at all times

    of the constant time flowing catharsis processing evolving up out of the mad flood drowning forefather ignorances.

    come up against me physically in life, you will be cast out of heaven with me, some of you forever, if ever you attempt to hurt my loving brothers and sisters, you will fail miserably, where what do you think, i am going to stand by and let you harm them?

    i will set your fucking world on fire Biyatches, turn the fucking ground underneath you into a sea of fucking glass fuckers, with you burning and sinking into it like molten lava, forever forgotten, not ever shall your wretched foolish forefather hatreds be celebrated in man(kind)s eternal future.

    rather, future generations of blessed children will look back compassionately on the constant vicious TRUTH of the mad flood generational mindfuck crap we yet walk in, as fools not knowing we are, ‘that’s how fucking stupid we are

    not ‘me’

    i am the exceeding wisdom of God’s calling now

    so back the fuckup fuckers!


    perhaps Emimen’s angst is a good thing, yes?

    raw emotional intensity evoking my pure flawless child within who is coming forth in speaking with crushing truth revealing.

    blind fucking ignoramous fucks

    i will let you all think about that for awhile

    enjoy the blessed day, we only get so many of them to enjoy

    in truth, i am on your side Eminem

    but perhaps you are yet too afraid of your pure self as IS my own, of one who could love you every second of every blessed day, in none stop motherfucking radiant brillaint so fucking bright happiness, of me fucking you every day, cause you fucking love it!

    how do i know

    cause i do 2!


    fuck, why are people so fucking stupid, and then, no, that’s not good enough, they have to go around with their stupid stupid fucking shit, in making me feel like i am as though the nothingness they fucking are, in their not knowing i am not!

    as i walk away again and fucking again, fuck you fucks are so fucking rude with me every day, i fucking dread it, like i always have.

    come on, someone with a true heart, take hold of my hand, before it’s too late, and some jerk off gets a hold of yours instead of mine.

    well ok, that is abit arrogant of me

    there are so many pure true beautiful ones of so many of you, wow

    hey Marco, let’s work it thru to the end, of my knowing, i want always to be somewhere in your life till the end, as we kick this world’s stupid ass, shall WE? 😀

    i love yOUR pure moments like we are at times, swooping in like that time and again, but what i really want, is to always feel this way, where i am walking back to, constantly happy at all times.

    take a regiment of RED40, that i know works

    but only if you work it

    rest, exercise, diet, 40 days to change a motherfucking badhabit (friends)


    wow, Ellen is rising and rising up and up in everyone’s heart

    her own growing catharsis processing inner happiness that comes with healthier environments we all feel our way thru, or should when we don’t.

    stuckness for so many, where familiarity of abusive environments is as though normal for them, like their abusive childhoods.

    ya well, leaving a child to starve to death and die, is the truth of our society environment end result fuckers!

    you are all horrid wretched useless murderers in divine child of God’s wise heart mind body spirit and soul

    fuck, i come near to some of you wealthy, and i feel ill in what is all your self-importance empty nothingness boasting proudly, and then when you speak, i am like, what? huh? WHAT? is that what you have to say, is that all you have to say? SAY WHAT?

    somedays i want to start in on them, in saying, “Did you know God sees you constantly as a cold heartless gross materialistic murderer?”

    well, it’s the truth

    and God says speak the truth!

    i really should start kicking your asses from now on

    with the TRUTH you all turn from within

    i ask, how many more kids have to die in the next century?

    i know, someone add up what the current rate is, if we stay on this course, ok?

    and go sit with that number over lunch, ok?

    oh, and then add up how many offspring will not be born, if each one of them were to have one child, for the next 100,000 years, ok?

    you may want to wait till after lunch for that

  509. It’s my space ship I’m the Capitan ms co piolit if I drop dead from a heart attack the you can fly the fucker but before I die rest assured I’ll not leave until this world I’d fit for the children who came after us for fucks sake it the least one can do

  510. if you could easily take hold of a child’s hand standing there in a burning building, to usher them to safety, you would, without hesitation.

    these kids are no different, and the burning building is definitely on fire, as regards their dying or living, the problem is, we are not in the same burning building as they are, as though not seeing them, pretending we don’t, when in truth, ya, they are indeed there unable to escape, as we the slum lords of the burning building…..fuckers.

  511. the fire these kids die from, is the fires of insatiable desire gross materialism that is cause for our disconnect of them, as though they do not exist in this incredible flawless physical realm kingdom of heaven surround we all walk in, where in truth, they do exist, exactly as we do, abandoned, backs turned to them, backs turned to our own pure flawless healing feeling divine self as IS their own, direct cause for their death.

    that makes us all neglectful murderers in the eyes of God, in our own eyes as God’s children, in the eyes of our own courts of law.

    these kids do not have the fortitude to defend themselves, do not have a voice, do not have anything, treated as unwelcome outcasts by our society that is yet evolving in how best to ensure no one dies.

    it is centuries in the making, and sadly, likely centuries in our yet evolving, all the while, there are those who are purely truly of their flawless inner connecting as you are, leading by example, without effort, of great ease in doing so.

    without question, Jesus IS their voice, our voice too, of the divine child of God within all of us unattended, unknowing where the kingdom of heaven really really IS, at all times.

    YOU are the kingdom of heaven!

    ALL of YOU!

    and obvious it IS that most do not purely truly flawlessly know it as does Jesus, as do you, as do i.

    in truth, the end of the suffering solution IS of our mental powers which are the pure emotional embracing of the divine child within us all.

    i am merely one who comes before you to reassure in you what we know the worldly Jesus speaks against, CLEARLY does not.

    all for sake of authentic divine real self YOU of the eternal all YOU, IS of every word of Jesus, in holding back the tide of the mad flood generational mad flood ring masters of deception, that Jesus too saw and felt exactly as we too witness at all times, the TRUTH.

    while some may argue, we are of primal instinct survival of the fittest, what they don’t embrace in that same light of primal evolution, is the truth of our flawless harmoniousness extension of the celled body we dwell in, just as is of most any celled creatures of harmoniousness with their own kind in nature.

    we are out of our natural habit, and with that falsehood came the disconnect with our natural true nature harmoniousness with one another, i mean ya, we are loving of one another, but i fail to see the flawless pure true nature compassion in us as a society, that yet is of not ensuring no one gets hurt during our migration.

    the centuries old businessman migration interrupted the flawless at one with nature survival mode when everyone was at one with nature in our natural habitat, a failing lack of a global society oneness of responsibility that our greed of wealth selfish forefathers left off at, that a new generation must take hold of, to bring all unnecessary poverty to an end, united as one brotherhood, across all the division separations of church, state, status, and stop handing off the responsibility to kids who are born into what is yet the lacking responsible forefathers of yesteryear today.

    we are making way to brighter day, but the progress is foolishly slow, where devastation exceeds any of the forefather wars, especially considering how many children die each day, directly because they have no voice, no one there in their isolation, of we who are the direct causing isolationists.

    we to think of it as a global catastrophe, or a horrific war, for in truth, it is indeed a spiritual war of God that we are all yet participants in.

    truly, there is no greater lesson of love to teach the next generation who already are of their pure flawless feeling divine self when born, intuitively knowing we are indeed a cold society, when ever the get a glimpse of the TRUTH, they know, instantly, intuitively, just as these kids in horrific isolation poverty, trapped behind the walls of poverty created by we of the wealthy world.

    there are many falsehoods which distract us, such as greed of wealth falsehood egos, and falsehoods of power, all these falsehoods Jesus points to the truth for us to learn eternally as one generation.

    Jesus witnessed it all just as we do, the truth of the forefathers who did not know the kingdom of heaven all around us that IS our wise hearts of flawless constant feeling like we do.

    bless you always

  512. truly we know, the flawless love we feel, is what IS beyond all the riches of the world that Jesus speaks of, IS of, as are we.

    truly, that IS the love to teach your children, IS it not?

    truly, that IS the love of God’s divine will for all of YOU!

    united as ONE

    truly it IS a blessing for so many that we do exist as the voice of those with no voice.

    truly it IS a blessing that i and others choose to BE the voice of Jesus, BE the voice of those with no voice, who like Jesus, die every day from the cruel blind leading the blind worldly, in all it’s grossness i detest.

    Jesus is not a religion

    not at all

    Jesus is a wise humanitarian understanding flawless perspective that cuts thru the truth to the heart of us all, thru all our lameass comfort zone apathetic protective layers, of truth which does not exempt anyone alive from being cause for all needless suffering in poverty.

    the greatest poverty of all is not financial poverty

    rather the greatest poverty of all is spiritual poverty, which IS cause for all financial poverty


    we know purely know the truth

    and so do all these kids, intuitively emotionally, even if they cannot verbalize it.

    ya well, i will speak for every one of them in calling you all the truth in what we all are, spiritual death ‘lacking’ disconnect within, that is cause for all spiritual physical death in the world, (past present future), which is actually of just one eternal day of wise light that does not ever set.

    thank God for ‘that’

    ‘i am’ merely a messenger

  513. co pilot?

    and when we are fucking, who is the co-pilot, pilot then? uhm?

    well ok, i am good a listening, but i want to be pilot once in a while too Biyatch! You can’t go around having all the damn fun, all the damn time, and expect me to be hanging around here like some lost fuckin puppy!

    oh damn, i think i have the Eminem itch, i hope it’s not contagious.

    cuddling……….you know me well.

    cannot live without the hugs and touching, all healthy needs that one should be getting met………….speaking of which, how can we cuddle when we have not even met yet?

    was that a hint?

    or just conveying how you feel?

    or how you want to feel, in the most loving of all lover’s loving arms………and legs. 😀

  514. hahaha………..HA!

  515. oh hey, i can now blame all my occassional needs not being met abreaction occurances on my Eminem virus infection i picked up from him, as short circuiting of sorts……….oh damn, i hope he reads this, i mean, i hope he does not read this……….oh fuck it, if he can’t fuckin love me for ever fuckin word i say, then fuck him, he’s probably lameass in bed anyway………argh……..

  516. action speaks louder than words

    you lameass fucks!

    oh hey Em, back so soon are we?

    you know, you really should check your small dick problem at the door, and just relax and take it all in for awhile, you just might have a good time……….Biyatch!

    wow, there is anal fuckin retentive, then there is Eminem

    ya, well go ahead and fuckin sue me,
    lameass biyatch!
    cause their ain’t no way you can fuckin do me,
    lameass sketch!

  517. ok ok, im joking, im joking, just trying to make your lameass smile once in……………awhile……….it been awhile, huh?

  518. there is no such thing as doing enough, as evident of how the world yet IS.

    undeniable TRUTH

    and for sure, it can always get worse

    and for sure, it does when time runs out, of no ONE there

    of any child who needlessly HAS TO TAKE

    their last breath


  519. your not a lost puppy, I was !!

    & I cannot hurt myself anymore, sorry about that. no wonder you felt the way you did it was coming from me, ok hope that clears the air ..

    not that its been so long, more like its never been before. but it is now & always will be

  520. Can you breath now ? Good because im having a heart attack ! Here grab the steering wheel Capitano

  521. hmmmmm………you know, now that i think about it, ya, that makes perfect sense to me, the whole authentic real you thing, not you thing, who the fuck are you thing? that kept me chasing my tail in circles guessing what i already knew, hey! You are correct!

    but how did i intuitively know you?

    we it because i intuitively wanted to know you?

    i mean i get the whole suppression regression vulnerable self thing, and the all too often layers apon friggin layers of the annoying false self bravado, all perfectly normal when we don’t have the authentic conducive environmental until such as time as God, or Jesus, or perhaps me show up, but why do i too suddenly believe you, the more authentic you i seemingly always knew?

    i mean i saw the play Taming of the Shrew, but this is different from that……..ok, i take that one back……..hahaha

    hmmm, so you ARE being genuine, well, give thanks to Jesus, Mary and God, for they are why i am yet of this world, who without, i just know i would not of been able to approach your divine self.

    only the divine self knows the divine self like you and i know YOU

  522. primal intuitive knowingness certainty of the natural occurring extending of trust bonding in what is the constant yearning intuitive self seeking emotional honest safety, as two way thing, that plays out like it does, until suddenly, ZAPPPPPPP, like an electric shock, or lightening strikes, the two divine self can purely see each other, with funky magical glasses, radiant brilliant eternally bright love setting free our constantly yearning inner happiness.

    ZAPPPPPP………hey, stop that! 😀


  523. oh, and uhm, later, you can upgrade your magic glasses for the newer version, that let’s you see others how we actually are, of no sexual identity pansexuals we actually really really all are.

  524. of boys are girls too and girls are boys too, when ever they want 2

  525. ok, captain, uhm, is this the part where i have to ask you where we are going, cause if i don’t, you get all stupid again, and don’t talk to me like i am some self centered prick sob, making up, breaking up, over and over again, the whole unfulfilled angry sex thing? haha

  526. Every things going to be alright

  527. already IS

    where of our mental powers IS everything that IS ALL right in our constant yearning freeness of our pure true real self thoughts and feelings united in pure true oneness

    what heaven IS


  528. at the waters edge, during the twilight hour, in pure meditation oneness with the universe above, the soothing of the waves, the smell of the air, the realization how long we naturally have been here, looking at the shape of the earth on the water’s horizon edge, realizing how absolutely mind blowing this physical place of the universe we purely are of IS

    ya, for sure, i want to feel ‘that’ oneness within, within all others, at all times, surrendered to ‘that’, where we are not really all the chaotic noise of useless generational chattering, in our attempt to fill the void of a(void)ing our vulnerable true pure self feeling within, seemingly empty in feeling, when in truth, we are not empty at all, NO, we are extraordinary pure true feeling spiritual BEings of constant exceedingly graceful loving flow, delicate and true, sensitive like other creatures are in nature, and fun too, by nature, our true nature we get distracted from, how we all pure truly once were as small children, yet are within the core of our BEing, the source everyone is of constant subconscious awakening seeking connectedness we all constantly yearn to constantly feel in merely fearlessly just BEing our true harmonious loving nature with ONE another.

    instead, the world has become a cesspit of wretchedness the forefathers too were up to their necks in, not realizing they too were all of the intrinsic/extrinsic environmental development of the forefathers before them, and before them, this mellenia old cesspit of false shit we all walk in, thinking we are all so wise, when in truth, we have become wretched as a heartless society, sickly if you will, deathful to children?

    i mean come on people, wake the fuck up and take an honest look at your lameass useless lives over run by petty egotism thinking and feeling, you heartless sick fucks.

    not one of you is more worthy of the child about to die this day, of a direct result of your illness of heart mind body spirit and soul that most of you do not realize you were born into a cesspit of shit, that is drowning heartless fucking death for so many pure true blessed spirited defenseless children like it yet IS.

    there should not BE any other priority in your life more great than looking apon just how ill we have allowed ourselves to become, in following around the aimless morons of blind leading the blind to nowhere that you know not of where we all are, in the kingdom of heaven found, according to our blessed true eternal spirited brother Jesus, who came fully into his divine oneness BEing within, of the same oneness Jesus wisely knows within us all, eternal all YOU!

    ya well, Jesus says i am to think of you people in all your distracted uselessness as though nothing, where in truth i realize, oh, you really are as though nothing, of the empty cups of nothingness devoid of love you offer these precious children dying by the tens of thousands every blessed day we wake up to, as though it is not our problem?

    think again

    illness of heart is a truly serious matter to our society, that is able to fester into horrific war like it has in the past, of what are all these useless generation forefather falsehoods most of you do not question at all, completely and utterly blind to the truth, which is not anyone’s fault, being born into a forefather household, all of you BEcoming your forefathers.

    the question you need to ask is, what are the horrific dangers of the fateful paths of the various falsehoods, as relates to your own lives?

    truly, some of these falsehoods do end in physical death, such as all stress related illnesses, too late for so many of you, as some of you are learning, are you not?

    i love this blessed physical existence of a planet we all walk on, but i do not love the useless disconnectedness in all your empty zeal speaking as fools of no value to anyone, nor to your own self, are you not?

    we ALL have to stop

    and fill our cups up with divine wisdom the flows forth in abundance eternally, or suffer the consequences of the illness of heart mind body spirit and soul the lameass forefathers of yesteryear today continue to leave the divine children of God to contend with, defenseless against when born, and in truth, defenseless against their entire lives in how the illness of falsehoods snare our lives and play out like they do.

    it’s all bullshit, all of it

    a businessman game of sorts, ring masters of deception, such as the loan sharks ever lurking, seeking to shackle you to their prison dungeons, in bleeding this sacred world of the precious abundance of so many of YOU who become enslaved, snare, slaves to the heartless cold spirited wretched worldly, are you not?

    who don’t give a fuck at all about these children they willingly leave to die, who likewise leave many of you to die too, without jobs, in all their cut and run gambling addict insatiable desire gross materialism fires burning within them night and day, illness.

    well ok, not all of you are, but in truth, you of the wealthy status in the world, could end all poverty in an instant, so easily, merely by your power to do so.

    so of you are doing such, and i am pleased to feel that of many of you, so we are evolving, slowly, too slowly, where not a single one of these kids should die this day!!!!!!!!!!!

    not one!

    not ONE!

    bless you all

  529. mourn for yourselves, says Jesus

    that’s it, keep mourning your the death of your useless egotistic spiritual death ignorance, as you all wake up to what time it IS

    always IS

    the eternal day of the eternal place we all walk in

    where everything we all say and do, is felt for all eternity, is it not?

    blessed is the truth that serves YOU!

    especially the truth of the useless untruths i see and bare witness of so many of you

    peace be to you
    grace be to you
    love be to you
    happiness be to you

    bless you always

    forever more

  530. all humans suffering IS suffering humans all

  531. So What the Hint ?

    Im one step ahead of you, I was thinking more, not so much about keeping up, more like the carpet burns !!!

    what the legs ? I was thinking more about the Ass..

    what a gay boy with no class

    I think not

    how very dare you !

  532. i double dare you Biyatch! 😀

  533. not sure why you would bother to post that video, perhaps more to do with you than me?

    personally, he reminds me of all the complete stranger trolls i met in the ghetto, and all their groping me as though ok, until one day i said, “You know, coming up to someone and sexually fondling them like you just did me, without my consent, is called sexual assault, a chargeable offense in the Canada’s court of law, with a sentence of sentence could range anywhere from 18 months to 10 years in prison.

    Sexual assault is defined as any form of sexual contact without both parties’ voluntary consent. Contrary to what most people think, sexual assault is not limited to non-consensual intercourse, it can also include non-consensual fondling, touching, or kissing.

    as if i will ever look like that queeny fuck, yuk, gross, maybe more like Sri Chinmoy, a wise spiritual teacher artist monk.

    as if those who truly know me would ever see me so gross like he is.

    there, i just dealt with all you trolls who groped me without consent. 🙂

  534. it is not ok, not ever.

    know your legal rights!

    Law of Sexual Assault in Canada;

    Section 265 of the Criminal Code of Canada (“Criminal Code”) outlines the offences of assault and sexual assault as follows:

    A person commits an “assault” when:

    (a) without the consent of another person, he applies force intentionally to that other person, directly or indirectly;

    (b) he attempts or threatens, by an act or gesture, to apply force to another person, if he has, or causes that other person to believe on reasonable grounds that he has, present ability to effect his purpose; or

    (c) while openly wearing or carrying a weapon or an imitation thereof, he accosts or impedes another person or begs.

    (2) This section applies to all forms of assault, including sexual assault, sexual assault with a weapon, threats to a third party or causing bodily harm and aggravated sexual assault.

    obtained where the complainant submits or does not resist by reason of the application of force to the complainant or to a person other than the complainant;

    (b) threats or fear of the application of force to the complainant or to a person other than the complainant;

    (c) fraud; or

    (d) the exercise of authority.

    (3) Where the accused alleges that he believed that the complainant consented to the conduct that is the subject matter of the charge, a judge, if satisfied that there is sufficient evidence and that, if believed by the jury, the evidence would constitute a defence, shall instruct the jury when reviewing all the evidence relating to the determination of the honesty of the accused’s belief, to consider the presence or absence of reasonable grounds for that belief.

  535. the only one allowed to touch me from now on, is my exclusive lover who i know does love me like i do them, and God help any of you who touch my lover without their consent, as i will address you sharply with officers of the law handcuffing you off to jail, you lameass desperate spiritually dead fucks! HANDS OFF!!!!!!!!

    fucking creeps!


  536. argh…….the internet is just as bad for these fucking trolls lurking. I put a spiritual mark on them them too, in confronting their grossness of sexual predator behavior.


    blessed are the loving lovers who find one another in life.

    ‘that’ is where i belong

    so you can all fuck off now with your lackluster zealess insincere shit that nobody wants.

    ‘that’ nobody IS

    you fucking morons

    including you Marco, in all your too good to meet me for dinner, that leaves me feeling, maybe you are not the one for me, as much as we may both want to BE, like the lovers who do find one another on lovers road, and walk away from the world hand in hand the rest of their lives, easily in forgetting them all, of eyes only for each other.

    i say to everyone, find ‘that’ with someone, hold on to ‘that’, of constant yearning sweet anticiapation lover’s love flowing like it does for you who know first hand what i am saying, as ‘that’ IS where you belong, 24/7, feeling how you blessedly feel.

    so what do you have to say Marco? uhm?

    more lameass shit?

    fuck, i can more out of the pages of book than i do you, in all your cold distancing too good to bother with me, and as each day passes, i feel that i am meant for someone else.

    it is where we have arrived

    in all your fear of me as one who IS fearless, your future self.

    like why the fuck even bother talking to you at all, when it feels to me like you have no intention of ever meeting me? uhm?

    it fucking sucks, and i am so fucking over it now.

    fucking lameass cold zealess miserable fucks, go fuck someone else, while i spend quality time finding who i belong with, as they do me.

    it is of God’s divine will that i find happiness 24/7 with a lover meant of me and i them.

    go ahead, say what you have to say, where the only thing i want to hear, is your foot steps beside me.

    forever more

    and if not, well, i am not spinning my wheels any more with you

    it will just invite more illness to me of my needs not getting me like one can with a loving lover.


  537. and before you say a fucking word, i always prayed someone would find ‘me’, of the forever feeling oneness i already am.

    so if you are too busy, in the days, months, fucking years ahead, then that will tell me the truth i need to feel thru, that i am NOT the most BEloved lover for you, where for ‘me’, the loving lover i am supposed to BE with, forever and a day, forever at joyFUL fun loving play, always of the sweet anticipation pitter patter of the heart the most loving lovers constantly feel like they do for each other, all the time, feeling blessed by God to BE feeling how they constantly yearningly purely truly always are, the blessed ONEness with the core of each other’s BEing!

    so ya, if you are too busy, then you are not of the sweet anticipation i know i am supposed to BE with ONE just like ‘me’

    tic toc
    fuck the clock
    tic toc
    fucking block



    how’s that for sexual frustration addressing? 😀

    seriously though, i mean wtf?

    what do you want to do?

    or perhaps the correct question is, who are you doing it with?

    well, it’s not fucking me, so why i am still feeling i am? uhm?

    hopeFULness of my loving lover i constantly am

    it is horrible to feel disconnected, unimportant, to all the more important others and things i am supposedly not as important.

    ‘that’s how i feel, for real

    i am growing more and more weary of ‘that’

    time to for ‘me’ to BE real

    as i already am

    push thru my fears, arrive on the other side, with or without you

    honestly, i don’t fucking care any more for more of the same lameass bullshit of any one of you

    time will tell me the truth i need to feel thru, and will, if you do not appear.

    for sure, i already know, another will, of the same oneness will i already am.

    welcome to the crossroads, which way do you want to go?

    either let go of my hand and hold another, so i can purely truly do the same

    or take hold of mine,

    no more shame,
    no more blame,
    no more flame,
    no more restrain.

    my spirit is already free to just go BE!

    tic toc

    forever more

  538. seriously though, your most BEloved loving lover should BE forthmost in your heart mind body spirit and soul.

    i have always yearned to feel ‘that’ with another.

    realizing the truth of my awareness, i really really already am ‘that’

    for how else could i speak as i do?

    as though some fool?

    as if

    not ever

    no, not ever again will i play the role of the clown fool.

    makeup sucks, you ever try getting that shit off, takes friggin hours for that, and then the anti-climatic fall out wondering to myself, wtf am i doing, all i need is a pair of jeans, a t-shirt, maybe some sunglasses, and who cares if it rains, feels good on the blessed body

    oh, and we all need the BEloved loving lover of sweet anticipation flowing constantly thru our veins!


    find ‘that’

    hold on to ‘that’

    for already, YOU ARE ALL ‘that’

    forever more

    ok, peace out

    let me know someday, likely too late, as per usual, the stuckness fearing you

    i am leaving this crossroads this day

    with or without you

    no more time left for boo hoo ers

    WELL, if you were me, you would of ditched my lameass along time ago Biyatches!

    i should not have 2 explain!

    makes me feel desperate

    i will have you know, i have a perfect body to hold, a perfect penis to make love with, a perfect ass 2 make love with, and perfect lips to kiss ONE all over WITH!



    there, i said what needed to be said

    tic toc

    time will reveal the TRUTH

    i am to be with my BEloved lover in order to BE who i AM!

    it is of God’s will ‘that’ i am

    what i already AM!

    the sacred mirroring eternal blinding white light that pushes out all darkness in the wretched cold hearted world

    in my sacred pure prayers in knowing and wishing the same for ALL YOU!

    forever more

    lame ass Biyatches!


  539. and now, i pray God to bring forth my BEloved lover(s)

    forever more

    thank you God
    thank you Jesus
    thank you Mary
    thank you all of ONEness LOVE of Jesus, Mary, God, of the Eternal ALL YOU!

    forever more

    hey, thanks Marco

    you BE happy, ok?

    as i go do the same

    i doubt any of you at this blog will ever contact me

    and i don’t wish to wait any more in hoping ONE of you would all this time

    it’s just lame for me

    not where i know i BElong at all times

    in the arms of a BEloved lover

    this is IT

    as Michael says

    Michael knew our hearts, pure and true, of his own ONEness 2

    of all YOU!

    forever more

    i have to go BE ‘that’

    and try to forget all the ‘lack’

    Just BE yOUR SELF!

    thank you

    bless you all

    forever more

    time for me to hit the lover’s road again, forever free spirited like i am, and just let ONE fearlessly approach ‘me’, take hold of my ass, and fuck like rabbits every day!


    Biyatches! YOU time is UP! UP! UP! UP!

    oh yeah!

    Gimme ALL yOUR LOVIN!!!!!!!!!!! 😀

  540. fuck, can’t decide which one i want the most

    i know, how BE i let ONE of YOU decide 4 ‘me’? uhm?

    ‘that’s right Biyatches!

    YOU are either 4 ‘me’ of gay lesbian bisexual trannsexual

    OR YOU ARE NOT!!!!!!!!!!!

    as in not in my motherfucking bed ever again!

    pfffffff, way too boring for this wiseass child of God PANSEXUAL LOVER! 😀

    some of you could not love ‘me’ even if you wanted 2, in all your fearful homophobic bullshit lameass miserable boring boring boring lackluster zealess life, of NO LIVE AT ALL!

    LOVE ‘me’
    or hate ‘me’

    just don’t ever BE LATE for ‘me’ Biyatches!

    Cause i will ditch your lameass in a single heartbeat!

    there, you have been ditched

    and you have a choice 2 decide

    right now!

    or forget it



    peace out


    in ONEness of so many of us now

    forever more

  541. dearly BEloved
    thank you for gathering
    for the departing of ALL of
    our BELATEd lameass miserable coldhearted homophobic fucking lameass spiritual suicider of bitter cider cup jerkoffs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    hahahaha 😉

  542. i am alot more fun in my real life, as some of you know, and some of you will come to know

    and for those who don’t

    to fucking bad

    i’ve had enough of your lameass toxic going nowhere homophobic generational crap, always did, for a truly long long time.

    just thought i would come and see how some of you are doing, yep, still the same, pffffffff

    i went back to my home town too, yep, still the same

    fuck ‘that’

    cya lameassers!

  543. these fucking merchants of God, like holy fuck you people are so fucking ignorant, so obvious your true intention is to make money selling your ignoramous shortsighted fucking shit for brains, and worse, people actually fucking buy your shortsighted shit.


  544. oh for sure, i have to have class in order to be loved by you of class

    oh for sure, i have to dress a certain way, drive a certain car, live in a certain neighborhood, in order to be loved by you of class

    oh for sure, i have no class

    which is why you can no longer find ‘me’ Biyatches!

    you know, that magical pure true feeling of love you authentically, genuinely, sincerely, emotionally honestly FEEL for someone you actually care more about than all your class?

    right then, well, enjoy your class people, that so many of us in truth, don’t want to belong to, in realizing the truth, all any of us ever wanted was to feel loved, like we already R!

    oh, im sorry, i am talkin with you all important ones of no real life identity, ya for sure, that takes class Biyatches!

    like wow!

    i feel so loved


  545. BE happy!

    2 live, live 2!
    2 love, love 2!

    BE LOVED 2!

  546. you’re only happy when i am on my knees Biyatches!!!!!!!! haha

  547. if i stay, it will be DOUBLE Biyatches! hahahah

    well ok, some of you get us

    and some of you, well……….you don’t fuckin get with us you lame ass fucks!!!!!!!!!!


  548. breasts!



    hahaha :mrgreen:

  549. oh, you are so owned! 😀

  550. ok, a new dance step….

    hands on hips, one foot up on tip toe, hip jutting out, chest up

    now standing still, switch feet, in beat to the music.

    now walk, like you own the place, in step of course to the music Biyatches!

    no mistakes!

    knowing you are are SOOO owned! lol :mrgreen:

    hmmm, what song, any song i suppose will do, but i like this song right now.

  551. oh, and swing the shoulders smoothly in timing with the smooth swinging of the hips, and for fuck sakes, smile like you want it damn it!


  552. don’t you know what clothes even fit me?

    the girl clothes of course!



  553. Ojh I better takedown the FOR SALE sign then….

    SOLD to the big breast’s over there

  554. why am i always the last to know?

    hahaha ;D

  555. isn’t that an AMAZING pic?


    hey, where did everybody GO?

    oh whatever, i don’t care if he has a nicer penis than i do, i still have the nicer ass!

    and for sure i…………i know YOU!


    i am 2

  556. for sale?

    well now there is a statement, and then some….

  557. Ha Ha ah ha

  558. i love my homosexuality!

    i am my homosexuality!

    Self-love greater self-esteem, so much so of the love of our own bodies, and God knows how much i love dwelling in my own body, argh, all those wonderful masturbation sessions alone once i hit puberty, all these incredible wet dreams of waking up with my penis in my hand, argh, the first one BLEW MY MIND, as i ran to tell my mother this most AMAZING dream i had, my being completely clueless, of what just happened, herself unable to educationally tell me, in her guessing what she had heard about, wow wow WOW!, was all i could feel all day that day, of what i had come into awareness of my sexual body hitting puberty, of the increasing testosterone levels naturally increasing, of no idea at all why i felt so purely amazing, innocently, just beautiful wondrous extraordinarily AMAZING…………WE ARE!

    so ya, i dwell in this amazing male body, knowing that all male bodies are exactly the same, of other male delight of their own male sex organs, EXACTLY as my own, where without doubt, my homosexual self-love is what IS of my pure knowingness of all other males as my own SELF.

    therefore, homosexuality really really IS merely ‘that’ of our self-love greater self-esteem, so much so we easily and without effort self-love all other males, who like me, are EQUALLY EXACTLY as my own body self-love too, self-love of two BEcoming ONE awareness.

    and then, some of us discover our ASS!

    and it’s like, OMFG!

    MIKE! Your cock is so beautifully………BIG!!!!

    oh i so want you in my ASS!

    fuck, i still want him to fuck me ONE DAY!

    admittedly, i do fantasy fuck him with another, sometimes……..not all the time………do you think that is wrong?

    i mean, i actually revisit my self laying there naked with Mike years ago, of us skinny dipping by the pool, all the playfulness we both were of the water jets in the pool on our penis, that made us hard, but then Mike like layed there for over an hour with a hard on in the beautiful sunshine, my brain increasing with desire to go to the next level with him, his not knowing i wanted his oh so magnificent penis in me, where today i wonder to myself, why was did he have an erection for so longggggggg?

    hmmmm………he was thinking about me too, wasn’t he, ah ha! He was telepathically picking up on my thoughts of him fucking me, wasn’t he?

    or for fuck sakes, i so have to make his……OUR……..fantasy cum true ONE DAY!!!!!!!!

    let’s see now, he was of an eight inch penis at 16, and if my penis has grown one inch longer every ten years since then, now thirty years later………OMFG! MIKE’S PENIS IS NOW ELEVEN INCHES LONGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!


    i am so screwed in my head over him!

    can’t get over him!

    hey…….can you fantasy fuck me!


    i realize that i will need a twelve inch in order to get over Mike!

    hey, that’s the answer!!!!!!!!!!!

    us aLiEns need to work our issues OUT 2gather!

    oh cum on, you can role play as Mike, and i can role play as………hey, tell me, who do you fantasy fuck about?


    fuck, coming home to someone like Mike, my clothes would be coming off before i get to the door every day, fucking our brains out forever and a DAY!

    the same DAY EVERY DAY!


  559. and leave my perp out of this, i don’t even know who he was or is today

  560. there is honesty………..and then there IS ‘me’ Biyatches!

    so either say you DO want to fuck me, or shut the fuck up!

    i don’t need to hear all your stories of how big your boyfriend’s penis IS!


  561. do you know what it is like to 100% sexually LOVE someone?

    been searching for that my entire life….

    and what of the female i am who loves females 100% as my own self 2?

    IS not the truth, that a 100% fun loving fearless alpha male dominatrix female like my own self the best partner for ‘me’?

    i am a 100% a female in a male body, who loves all male bodies as though my own, able to love the female of them as well, just as i am able to love the female of real males 2, naturally so.

    butt to live without the male penis sexuality love making, is to let my female self die, and that is not only wrong, it simply is not ever going to happen Biyatches!

    so you need to be versatile in order 2 100% love ‘me’

    open ‘that’ door, of bisexual awareness, IS exact likeness of fearfully opening the homosexual door, where i have arrived at knowing who i am, physically, mentally, emotionally, sexually, spiritually…..

    and ya, of course i love the female body, feeling as though i 100% am female in my role playing, where even better, i am also male.

    how AMAZING IS ‘THAT’?

    WE R!

    ok, give it some serious though, cause i think we could easily process together thru all our issues, knowing i already have.

    just need the fearless loving lover to step forward in emotional honesty of their 100% sexual love of me, as is my own of them, ‘that’ which i already am

    the eternal ONE DAY!

    every DAY!

    the same DAY!

    i always want to BE!


    forever more

  562. physical intimacy ONEness
    mental intimacy ONEness
    emotional intimacy ONEness
    sexual intimacy ONEness
    spiritual intimacy ONEness

    where all fears that prevent the truth of our ONEness ARE FALSE!

    and clearly absurd once one comes FULLY into pure true self-love intimacy awareness with our own SELF.

    once you fully know your own self-love awareness, you always know in what is your BEcoming conduct towards all others, without the useless annoying sexuality labels.

    common sense

    where to BE both female and male, physically, mentally, emotionally, sexually, spiritually, IS 2 BE ONEness of eternal all YOU!

    and anything contrary to ‘that’ IS FALSEness, that i too once was immaturely of along lover’s road evolving to where i have arrived 2DAY!

    i have no other choice but 2,
    let you go and say goodbye,
    as hard as it is for me to 2,
    try try try we do, still cry 😉

  563. a rewrite……

    i have no other choice butt 2,
    let you go and say goodbi,
    as hard as it is for ‘me’ 2,
    try try like we do, still cry 😉

  564. making love with your own SELF

    is perhaps what our taboo fear is?

    i mean, if you had a twin, does society accept them as lovers?

    does society secretly wish they were lovers?

    i do

  565. i think that’s just the hottest fucking thing ever, two twins fucking all the time, inseperable, knowing they cannot ever be with anyone other than their own SELF!


    now that really really does make perfect sense, does it not?

    i mean, i love me penis, right?

    100% i love my penis!

    so ya, i would love to be fucked by my twin penis, yes?


    and to see my own breasts of the female i am, that i do not yet have of my own self, or self of my lover………yet

    is not that the same thing of the self-love making with the penis of my twin?

    oh come on people, we need to talk about this!


    fuck, i am sooooooooo OUT THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  566. my mom is a twin

    and i see these twin boy lovers here in the ghetto all the time

    and i remember one time seeing two gay guys dress identically androgynous on Pride Day, that blew my mind wide open in awareness of my own self-love ONEness i seek of the SAME self-love of another.

    i bet they have a strap on penis OUT there exactly the same shape as my own penis………in case you were wondering what i truly want

    i had sex one time with a guy exactly like me, and i friggin love love love loved it!

    ok, time to BE loyal with my self

    no more denial of my own fucking happiness Biyatches!

    i am going BE what i set OUT 2 BE, ‘that’ which i already AM!

    forever more

    so if you wanna GET WITH ‘me’, all you have 2 do, is overcum your fears of ‘me’, who already the ONEness of YOU 2!

    patiently waiting waiting waiting………oh 4 fuck sakes HURRY UP!!!!!!!!

    hahaha HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    oh, did i tell you, i found out Bobby is still alive?

    someone told me, will look him one day, hoping he is not as nasty as he once was with me, knowing that part of him that did love me in oneness of my love for him, even if he did have obviously serious psychosis issues brought on by unmoderated habitual cycle pattern substance addictions at the time, people change, for the better or for the worse, where we eventually die or live, or stay the same…….my optimism that stems from my own self-love evolving growth awareness of the truth, that none of us are purely truly any different from ONE another in the core of our BEing.

    i mean let me ask you this……..

    do you not want ALWAYS 2 feel love constantly flowing of your pure true real self you already purely truly are in awareness of, like i KNOW you are in your inner sanctuary?

    is ‘that’ not where i purely truly approach YOU?

    in your inner fearless sanctuary, as one just like you who does not wish to ever feel any of the falsehood animosity bullshit like those yet snared in the mad flood drowning forefather ignorances so bound in captivity like they are?

    tragically deathfully so for so many, of fateful paths i know all too well

    for sure destructively so for so many, of all self-destructive behavioral, self-destructive of others.

    all the oppression

    ALL ‘that’ which revolves around self-love greater self-esteem ONEness evolving and the OBVIOUS ‘lack’ thereof.

    which is NOT a bad thing at all of any

    no, it is all purely ‘that’ of mankind evolving as ONE generation unknowingly bound together like we all are……..eternally.

    i see with flawless clarity of flawless feeling, how one reads, do we not?

    if you were a perfect flower in my hand, would i crush it?

    and you say, “Go ahead Andyy, just watch out for the thorns, ok?”


    argh…….some days i wonder if it is you who is impossible, or if it is me, or if at all we really really are yet free from the generation mad flood bullshit?

    where are we evolving 2?

    do you think society would accept a female in a male body in love with a male in a female body?

    i mean this is way past homosexuality!


    so therefore, in what yet prevents such, is it not because society expects us to BE one way or another?

    and is that not the mad flood ignorance most our unknowingly bound in?

    for like thousands of years of that mind fuck mind trap?

    i feel absolutely 100% loving as both the female and male i am

    so for sure, ‘that’ won’t ever change, if anything, 4 the better in the evolving direction destiny path we both have been on for how long?

    no seriously, how longgggg did you say it is?

    HAHAHAHA……..i love sneaking up on you…………ahhahhhaaahh


  567. ok, here is the question……….

    of the physical, mental, emotional, sexual, spiritual ONEness evolving, which one of these is most of ‘lack’ing evolving growth that holds back the others in ONEness BEcoming healthy wholeness within, which is directly linked to ONEness BEcoming healthy wholeness of ONE with another?

    hey, why don’t we just get together and experiment with each other in trying to figure it OUT?

    would be alot more fun than this fucking blog, would it not?

  568. do you think i am best as the flat chested boy i am, or with breasts?

  569. someone said to me, does not matter how others want to see you Andyy, rather how you feel as your own self IS what matters, where you need to go and BE who you really are first, in order for another to love who you are.

    well, i love who i already am, just the way i am, without altering my body in any way, in as much as i may toy with the fun idea of such, that i do easily connect without hestitation of my female self having breasts, ya, i do that within, no problem, but society does not want to see a boy with breasts, they want to see either a boy or a girl, but not a mixture.

    ya well, i am both physically, mentally, emotionally, sexually, spiritually, and i have been for nearly twenty years evolving now, easily so now.

    but what gets me, is i don’t want to be something fake physically

    in as much as my female self wants to exist in the world, and seen as she really really IS.

    oh, transsexuality bisexual awareness duality of the female and the male can be a torment for someone in transition.

    my therapist says love BEing both

    and i have, for along long time

    i honestly see transsexuals who go thru the sex change, doing what society expects to see us as, either one or the other sex, in other words, transsexuals are pigeon holed into being one or the other, because of society pressures.

    for me, i purely truly honestly love role playing as both female and male, so i am going to go with that, and as for the fake female body, i don’t want to do that, loving as my female self of the male body 100% harmoniously in my self-love i am

    now ‘that’ makes perfect sense, of the female self-respect of the my male self, in ability to co-exist.

    what disrupts it within, is always mostly of external pressures, and not at all of my self-love inner sanctuary.

    therefore, i can only co-exist within externally as who i am, with a partner who loves both my female and male 100% as i already do, which means, they have to be 100% as i already am, or at the very least, in evolving direction i have already journeyed thru, which i am open to, no problem, just don’t leave me hanging in your fucking closet Biyatches!



    tic toc

    so do you sexually want to love me 100%?

    and no i am not talking about all your wonderful unconditional love here, i need you to physically sexually make love with me Biyatches, of the best mind blowing sex you will ever have, trust ‘me’, i know!

    and fuck you society!

    you are so friggin far behind, i mean we are talking millennial bindings here i came free of decades ago.

    ok then

    you need not wonder what page i am always on Biyatches!

    the SAME PAGE!

    am i not?

    are WE not?

    YES WE ARE! 😉

  570. hmmm….today was a productive day in awareness disclosure and closure

  571. ok, for me, sexually, my male self wants to co-exist with my female self, 100%, defending her to also co-exist sexually, ONLY with a partner who is able to easily lovingly do so.

    which means i am only of choice of either a versatile male or female, where my choice of males is more often the more available one to find OUT there.

    and yet, my male self is strongly sexually attracted to females, including the female of the males i see and make love with like i have for along time.

    but in truth, i feel i want to be sexually with the female of a real female, more so than the female of the male, in respect of my male sexual self.

    however, my female self has to also co-exist like she does, with who ever of a partner of choice, where last time i checked, all you females sexually run away from us supposed gay males like you do, naturally so i suppose, fearing we would eventually sneak away from you for the male penis, well ya, of course, butt who is to say what you love in BEing female sexually, so friggin amazingly like you do, is not also great for me of a male body, female sexual urgings exactly in 100% oneness as your own, i know i am, of many many years of evolving healthy awarness like i am, of joyful awareness i bring to you in openly sharing like i do.

    what if i said i love my female self so much, she wants to passionately make love with you females, as her both her female self who knows your body, using her male body?


    what of that?

    i need lesbian opinion here!

    is not lesbian love making the BEST?

    so why is ‘that’?

    is it not in likeness of what i just explained, of my female self-love, self-love of that of another female, like you lesbians ARE?

    ok then, so where is my dominatrix fag hag alpha male female then? uhm?

    with another female……right then, well ok, i tryed

    just as i will miss you females, likewise you females will miss the male me, and it does not have to be that way, where in truth, i say the best lover possible, is the well adjusted female male co-existing with a male female in all their fun loving role playing that i have already explored in for decades.

    ~ this emergency broadcast message has been brought to you bi your loving LGBT extended family

    forever more

    i love you ALL

    bless you with peace grace love happiness true nature YOU!

    forever more

  572. [Andyy spits out his popcorn after nealy choking on it….]

    “Hey, that is good, yes?”

    “Likewise, for your female and male self 2 co-exist, you need someONE like ‘me’, yes?”

    well, i have nice penis, a perfect ass, but i don’t have a vagina, i mean in my brain sex imagination i do, just like you females have a penis in your brain sex fun loving erotic role play like i do too.

    i don’t have breasts, but if you want me 2, i can, no problem actually, but only you want 2.

    i don’t care either way, i love small flat chested body.

    hey, is it just me, or are the flat chested females the most sexiest?

    why is that?

    especially you females who appear more male than females, that always trips my ass out so friggin much, always wondered if ever we hooked up, how much fun sex we could BE of every DAY!

    ya, i love love love the lesbian

    need not wonder why, cause i am a lesbian, i am actually a boy. 😉

    butt i am also a girl 2

  573. oh hey, this would make for a great interview of an androgynous looking one that everyone trys to figure out if they were female or male when born, and for fuck sakes, at the end of the film, walk away from the interview and leave them ALL guessing till the end of time!

    thank you

  574. i am still hear, till the end of time

    and truly i tell you all, spiritually i really really am ‘that’ which your hearts do not ponder, ‘that’ which is sacredly life saving……of your own precious children of the eternal all of whom i come forth in saving from the taboo ignorant forefather mad flood drowning of so many of us of the worldwide LGBT extended family

    for all eternity

    am i not?

    YES I AM!

    forever more

    ONEness of 2!

    ONEness of YOU!

    bless you all

    forever more

    and more and more and more

    wow, all these beautiful ones YOU all R! 😀

  575. i carry two swords now

    one for my own self

    and one i am to hand to my most loving BEloved lover

    who IS as though my own self

    ONE and the same wise sacred holy sword of TRUTH revealing of ONE

    which i seek to offer to all of YOU and have up to and upon my last day on earth, of the sword of truth i leave behind for all to ponder and realize………

    who i really really am………?

    and always was

    always shall BE

    ONEness LOVE

    YOU 2!
    2 YOU!
    BE TRUE!
    Just’ BE YOU!

  576. omg…..did i just say all that?

    hmmm….i am so openly honest, yes?

    you know, i always was ever since i hit the scene, and began speaking openly about everything of my homosexual thinking, feeling and experiencing homosexual self awareness.

    where even those who supposedly consider themselves to BE out, actually are not as out in self-acceptance 100% as i am within, externally, you know, may as well BE what IS of all you are within of your thinking and feeling homosexual self, without fear, i mean, am i alone in wanting a nice cock in my ass?

    you know the kind i mean, the one that keeps you in sweet anticipation every single day, that beautiful urge that bubbles up like it does, of others asking you while you drift away in thought, “What are you thinking about?”

    as you hand just seemingly goes into a natural auto mode of sorts in taking off your clothes, no matter where you are, fuck, have done alot of the public sex thing so many times…….argh

  577. fuck, some freak is stalking me on facebook, really vile looking too, beatup bashed in face, missing his left eye from an obvious fight, carring a bottle of booze as though wise, as though cool, as though unthankful he did not lose his life and just an eye in his last episode of increasing violence…..starting to freak me out abit

    why do people do that?

    go around all fear mongering mind fuck childish immature bullshit tough guy?

    i mean with this one, he appears to be obviously caught in the spiral out of control lower realms of a alcohol induced psychosis that progresses for them like it obviously has for this one, the word psychosis not in their vocabulary in all the blind ignorance plodding along aimlessly without the wise helmsman Jesus, as evident in all they see and do, not realizing it can get worse for them until such a time as they take 100% ownership reality check of their cycle pattern behavioral they are stuck in, and all it’s increasing frequency and intensity, often too late, ending in violence, jail, hospital, morgue……taking some of us with them into the wretched gutter Jesus warns about, as evident all thru human history.

    i am confronting this guy, rather than blocking him, want to hear whatever ignoramus shit he has to say, of likely nothing he can teach me, perhaps humbly place him before God in self awareness awakening to the condition of his unattended soul, perhaps to save a life, perhaps his own?

    Who goes there, Jesus asks directly?

    thinking they can hide from God?


    Psychosis (from the Greek ψυχή “psyche”, for mind/soul, and -ωσις “-osis”, for abnormal condition) means abnormal condition of the mind, and is a generic psychiatric term for a mental state often described as involving a “loss of contact with reality”. People suffering from psychosis are described as psychotic.

    People experiencing psychosis may report hallucinations or delusional beliefs, and may exhibit personality changes and thought disorder. Depending on its severity, this may be accompanied by unusual or bizarre behavior, as well as difficulty with social interaction and impairment in carrying out the daily life activities.

    A wide variety of central nervous system diseases, from both external poisons and internal physiologic illness, can produce symptoms of psychosis.

    However, many people have unusual and unshared (distinct) experiences of what they perceive to be different realities without fitting the clinical definition of psychosis. For example, many people in the general population have experienced hallucinations related to religious or paranormal experience.[1][2] As a result, it has been argued that psychosis is simply an extreme state of consciousness that falls beyond the norms experienced by most.[3] In this view, people who are clinically found to be psychotic may simply be having particularly intense or distressing experiences (see schizotypy).

    ya, such is life

    in the unwise fuckedup world of ignorance all around us

    did you know, 95% of us all, do not have a fortitude of psychologically understanding their own self, self of another?

    that is what you can EXPECT to see with most anyone we meet…..

    the obvious TRUTH

    able to serve one

    but only when they come humble as their student self in saying with their heart, “I am not as wise as you are God, nor likely shall i ever BE, but i earnestly sincerely genuinely want to learn about my divine self you summon before the cross i kneel before.”

    before it’s too late

    blessings to all

  578. you know, it boggles my mind how childishly fear mongering some falsehood masking of hiding behind some are obviously of……until such a time as one who is exceedingly wise like i am confronts their true pure divine real self yet unattended, directly, like i do, their trembling in subconsciously flawlessly sensing in their feelings of who is the one who approaches them steadfastly without fear at all of them, of their gentle mild pure true real self i know of everyone of them, as they recoil sharply in realizing who they cannot hide from, ever, thinking they can and cannot.

    spend time learning of great length as i have about the human condition, and so too can any one come fully into sharp clarity awareness of what is the truth of all falsehood untruth.

    we all come from the same pure place, the womb we all exit from and into this physical realm of existence that no one knows 100% what it IS.

    ASTONISHING how vast this place is, yes?

    the vastness of the planet
    the vastness of the universe
    the vastness of the atomic level of atoms which are the same thru out the entire universe and our bodies

    we are all star dust, always loved that saying

    BE Cause WE ARE!

    i still think we are offspring of some highly intelligent life force entity in the universe.

    someone once quoted that the complexity of the human being is as though all the parts of a jumbo jet falling together from the air by itself before it hits the ground, as though impossible

    and yet, we are the possibility to one day comprehend what is this place like we do

    and if we are a fluke of nature origins of amino acids being created from meteors striking the earth long ago, and perhaps the only life in the entire universe, then that makes us rather special, yes?

    and at the end of the day, is not how purely delicately sensitive our sensory perception bodies constantly are, truly amazing, truly extraordinary, truly wondrous, especially when we come together in our oneness love as loving lovers?

    in a hot tub, that is so amazing for me, of warm fluids that mimic the womb we all come from, need not wonder why we feel so amazing of naked bodies tangled with another in warm fluids, naturally so like it purely feels…….mmmmmm

    and the sex, well, wow wow wow WIOW!!!!!!

    hahaha HA!!!!!!!!!

    oh, i am getting bored with you people now, and i don’t know what else to do, other than find someone not to BE bored with. 😉

    isn’t amazing how the sexual organs of all males and all females is 100% exactly the same?

    as though our own self?

    according to ‘me’

    according to the omnipotence ONEness i constantly am with Jesus, Mary and God

    easily so, once you understand FULLY how.

    by means of allowing yourself to constantly FEEL

    to flow at all times with yOUR pure true flawless healing feeling real self YOU!

    forever more

    blessings to all

  579. ok, enjoy your week

    bless you

  580. ONEness truth understanding feels with clarity the absolute truth in knowing ‘that’ through the blessings bestowed on you, the blessings of heaven might be bestowed on your people also, in what IS the ONEness flawless healing feeling connecting within, within another.

    absolute TRUTH

    How i see and feel who YOU purely truly are in loving life Madonna!

    BE Cause we ARE!

    ~ written by Gregory the Great, and ‘me’ 😉

    bless you

    forever more

  581. Bored Bored Bored,

    I m Bored

  582. Oh fuck it you only get on chance at life not 9 lives unless your a pussy, oh my that was so 2000 & NINE what is it NOW 2010 almost 2011 wow that’s rhymes with HEAVEN… 
    See you @ 7
    Yer what Evr r r

  583. RRRrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

  584. look !!

    would it help more if i had a Justin Bieber haircut ?

    appears to work for him

    Ok well

    I will

    just don’t tell

    Cody Simpson

  585. Go Cody

    your the best

  586. oh im sorry, was’nt your preference for Latino

    well excuse me, I’ll just go back to where i came from …

    back to the beginning .. from the start…

    Latin (lingua latīna, IPA: /laˈtiːna/) or sometimes Roman is an Italic language originally spoken in Latium and Ancient Rome

    All Roads ( & cross ROADS ) Lead to ROME….

  587. Kill HIM !!!!!!


  588. I can do without Words

    Im not a lip reader

    nor am i a mind reader

    I am ….a map reader

    start at the end

    finish at the beginning…

    if there lessons to be learned


    the worlds a better place when it’s upside down …

  589. oh dont mind me im just the … Sript writer “””

    no red carpet or shiny lights for me…

    but i do .. do my best .. to make sure

    Its a Great


    with a happy


    but that i’ll cost your a little more

  590. Love …

  591. Be Loved

  592. Copywrited that ONE B4 you



    it’s mine !!!

    i came up with it first

    you just took it for Granted


    excuse me ..

    go Beloved YOURSELF .. for all ..

  593. exist ‘s



    hang in there with me, oi .. i have’nt gven up yet

    all hope is not lost

    Just ASK yourSelf

  594. Who knows!!!

    dont ask me


  595. its a all a… aaa… aahh.. about “timing ”

    Like how many

    random fucks, does one miss out on because

    OMG ( Ohh My God )

    I was late….

    or sorry i got here a little bit early

    like i mean

    who cares

    no ones Timing this ..

    Are they ???

    Omg –

    ( Oh my God )

    Guinness Book of Records…..

    Arriving early .. is so ….sooo.. ooh .. so ….BORING .

    Im Bored

    ALREADY !!!!

  596. Bored Bored Bored,

    I’m Bored…


    i was going to save that one for the privacy of the bedroom

    but WTF ( what the fuck )

    I say GET it out there


    you only get one change at life

    and nine life’s in return


    enjoy the other


  598. Lady Gaga .. ha
    Aryan Pheonix

    drug Pig’s

  599. LIBERTY

    gnite.. xox

  600. this ones for Aryan

    omg ( omg ) one could get arrested for this

  601. at times i get this pure feeling that feels 100% without doubt in feeling not only of where i know i belong, no, it is much more than that, it is as though i am right there of gentle smiling constantly bright without any effort, as you gently touch my hair in pure graceful approach with me as my own, as you do what you have always yearned to do, kiss me oh so gently, tenderly, of surrendering to the years of conviction to one day do so, of my somehow sensing you did and yet do, just as i too have, especially in moments i am seemingly far away in all my hours, days, weeks, months, years of missing you, our unceasing restless love of 2, YES it is true, i really really do love YOU!

    you are as though the one i have sought all my life, not knowing at times what i am seeking, those pure moments without doubt i get like i do, wondering if you feel the same way 2.

    all the the useless chatter,
    all the taboo,
    knowing i always matter,
    come on, let’s screw!


  602. oh for fuck sakes………..did you just kiss me?


    i’ve been kissed by a girl!

    hahaha 😉

  603. wow, what an amazing feeling that song IS

  604. make love every day listening to music like that, and for sure, heaven really really IS YOU!

  605. who can say goodbye, when they have not yet purely felt in their hearts in saying hello?


  606. i picture myself exclusively as your most loving lover, and i realize, it is my grace like your own that i see of you, so pure and true like we are, of sacred mirroring, not only of us, no, it is the world who needs to realize who we really really ARE, who we all really really ARE!

    mental bond
    emotional bond
    spiritual bond

    sexually bound is our destiny?



  607. wow wow wow

    in order to surrender to the arms of another, you first have to fully surrender to how feel about them like i know i do for YOU!

    who could ever want to stop feeling this way?

    Heaven really really IS YOU!

    i always sorta knew

    we let the unwise world keep us apart

    not only of us, these generational forefather creator ignorances of false seperational barriers, all of ignorance lie, of our divine true nature, pure and true, like ‘me’ and YOU, eternal all too………

    there is only way to help their precious souls as our own to one day SEE

    and that is to let them see and feel who we really really ARE, as we wisely always know they are too.

    yesterday, i saw an elderly woman alone, who was obviously poor, in China town, as i watch her looking apon the fresh fruit she could not afford, my standing there pure and true, as an unstoppable tear fell to the ground, that i cry like i do, knowing these tears are who i always am, wondering about all the tears Jesus too cryed, like i know he did 2, ONEness sameness of eternal all YOU!

    i wish financial poverty did not exist

    but the greatest poverty of all, that is cause for all poverty, is spiritual ignorance poverty

    why this world is yet bound like it obviously IS, so unnecessarily, so not true of our pure hearts of ‘me’, of YOU!

    what to do?

    but to keep reminding you over and over, again and again, forever and a day, saying, “Hey, i think i found something over hear! Something astounding! Some magnificent, beyond all measure of wealth! It appears to BE the kingdom of heaven, found.”

    ‘that’ IS who YOU all ARE!

    Heaven IS YOU!

    now he question at hand IS,
    how the fuck am i going to BE able to constantly remind YOU all the time, unless we get married, uhm?

    i do not speak lightly of these things, no, not at all, you are within the core of my pure true spiritual growth awareness BEing, of the constant yearning kingdom of heaven love without doubt surrendering disarming of all the learned falsehoods we too became snared by, as most any plodding along haphazardly aimlessly do, where one can purely constantly BE the TRUTH of our mental powers of God which reveal the truth to not just all those alive today, no, no, it is of much greater significance than that, it is about blessed life of the eternal all yet to come, of the world we once walked in together, yearning of forever in our absolute true carefree holy joyful hearts bursting forth constantly in radiant brilliant bright eternal day happiness wise light, YES, it is indeed the eternal kingdom of heaven wise discerning halo perspective we found within our inner santuary.

    Give thanks to God, for it has always been God who has been summoning us all towards the eternal day light wisdom, for along time, of no such thing as time in the kingdom of heaven, other than the precious time that runs out for the most loving lovers, family, and friends, we all are, the world over, and oh how i love them all so much like i purely do, like they purely are within, as i am 2.

    Astonishing at first, i mean don’t even speak my language, and yet it is as though i have known them all my life, my brothers, my sisters, as i look, and yet again and again, another brother, another sister, who feels inside the same way i do, pure and true, their not fully knowing why i come before them, for however long in passing, where i don’t want to ever leave any of them, and i get sense that they sense that about me, as i do too of them, in my saying, “Hey, i am always somewhere near, right here, in my studio, ok?”

    and then at the end of life, when i am no more, i shall leave them all with the sacred mirror of their own hearts, as my own, of how i too once felt, like they all do.

    love is 2
    love is YOU!

  608. it is a true, a blind person can SEE better than a seeing person, of sight restoring to one’s soul, ‘that’ IS the mystery of Jesus, that is no mystery at all, when love is pure, when love is true, my BEloved, Heaven IS YOU!

    [as Andyy swings the powerful sword to point directly at you, accidentally hitting a tall candle stick holder of many candles burning, setting fire to the fucking place]

    oh fuck, sorry!


  609. shhhhhhhh……..they are yet of sleepy slumber, as though the night before Christmas……come, let us look!

    see the true heart of the child within them all as they make their way like they all do, no one 100% certain in having found what we found, in knowing the constant yearning truth of us all, that only love like we constantly yearningly are, feels good enough to always feel, 2 ALWAYS JUST BE………..YOU!

    BELOVED YOU!!!!!!!!!!! XO mwah

    oh fuck, now you got me doing it all the time 2! hahaahaa

  610. say goodbye to the forefather taboo false ignorances, yes!

    butt say goodbye to ONE another?

    that IS foolish, as though to say goodbye to ONE’s own SELF-love, self-LOVE of another, exactly ‘that’ which pushes out away the forefather mad flood drowning deathful, destructive, oppressive taboo ignorance(s).

    ~ Halo;

    A luminous ring or disk of (wise discerning)light surrounding(pure true divine self thoughts and feelings) the heads or(and) bodies of sacred figures, such as saints, in religious paintings; a nimbus.
    The aura of majesty or glory surrounding a person or thing that is regarded with reverence, awe, or sentiment.

    The Halo of the kingdom of heaven wise divine real self-love pure true intuitive discerning perspective IS not only of the naturally ability of eternal all you, it IS who you all are born as YOU! Always was, seemingly that no one knew what Jesus knew and knows at all times of the eternal all YOU!

    absolute unfailing unchanging pure TRUTH

    that not only serves you, IT IS YOU!

  611. our true nature LOVE draws forth revealing truth atonement(sacred mirror) within of our ONEness true nature LOVE within 2, the truth of eternal all YOU!

  612. oh, and there should be a law against texting while fucking!

    oh, as if no one can read your mind Biyatch!

    it would be easier to answer how many words you mispell than how many words you spell correct……..Lee!

    can i call you Lee?

    always wondered about this guy named Lee, did i tell you about him, he was in my class, sat right next to me, and we…………oh, perhaps in another time………….dimension

  613. ah, the friendship algorithm solution to us being stuck in loop, YES!!!!

    Sheldon, my favorite nerd hahahaahha

  614. he’s new at the zoo

  615. some messed up gay youth out there, all their foolish self-medicating blind following the blind, highest risk raters, they die all the time.

    i stay on the healthy side of the fence, unafraid to BE my vulnerable sensitive self i love BEing……….real

    keep them talking and laughing about whatever, for however long, till something takes root, i pray, in helping them feel they belong.

    it is as though i open the door and step into heaven with them each day, a wiser warrior, knowing from my own life experience, how all they need is a friend to talk to, for however long, till my last breath

    it is a self-love esteem acceptance process that takes time in their realizing they are not at all alone as freaks the world keeps thinking about us, where in truth, we are more pure true real than morons of the lower self-love esteem, the misnomer dangerous deathful snare.

    cannot save them all

    but if my life saves one, and they save another, and another saves another, in time we all meet in heaven, rest assured, we all have been found, we all belong.

    for sure, the generational mad flood Jesus speaks of is 100% real

    every second of every day for me

    every second of every day for all of us

    not an ego trip, on the contrary, i rise up against the foolish unwise forefather falsehood ego trippers dancing on our heads

    ONE day ongoing that does not ever set, for those who survive, it really is of the distant eternal day awareness of the eternal all who are there, realizing what we struggled against daily, as regards the wise words of Jesus, that we came thru back here in LGBT history, unfolding through out the world uniting like we are, like they all will ONE day.

    i realize i do serve the wise words Jesus speaks about of false oppression suppression, wise words that may have been of a closeted homosexual Jesus.

    it takes a homosexual to purely truly know another homosexuals heart.

    i know the heart of Jesus, just as Jesus knows mine, pure and true.

    it is not so much if Jesus was Gay, rather it is, “Did Jesus want to be gay?”

    i mean look at the horrid oppression over there this day, still the same as then, for sure, we reach for what so many struggle in reaching for like i see them do today, so secretively, so afraid.

    Jesus did say, “Reach for what i am unable to reach.”

    what does that mean?

    could mean alot of things.

    obviously the question revolves around ONEness objective within, within another.

    At times i feel a weird feeling that Jesus knew i would figure him out, as the homosexual he knew he was, knowing what i know, it does take a homosexual to recognize another homosexual.

    i recognize Jesus in this way,

    because he first recognized ‘that’ of himself, ‘that’ of ‘me’

    for sure, my mental powers is how i am no longer troubled by those yet caught in the forefather mad flood ignorance.

    been free of their ignorance along time, even while some may not realize i really am free, no matter what any of you ever chose to think of me, or more accurately, not think of ‘me’ at all, as in really really knowing ‘me’?

    for if you purely truly did, as many do, you would not be the way some of you yet are towards and against me, like the many who are not.

  616. I have realized that my Gay Lifestyle is what normal is for me, my comfort zone at ease ONEness at all times, wondering how it is possible that others don’t realize how sensitive and genuinely loving we are……..at all times.

    ah, it is because they are not

  617. as you know, the more sweet loving karma you pass around, the more sweet loving karma greets you in return, such IS the ushering in of the kingdom of heaven, is it not?

    hey, what if the brain sex activity response to stimuli is exactly the same in feeling for both the female and the male?

    that would make us all really really stupid in all our labeling orientation, yes? 😉

    personally, i really really do believe it to be true, i mean how do you explain away my 100% feeling as though a girl like i do, and not just mentally emotionally spiritually either, no, i feel it orgasmic sexually!

    i know what a female orgasm feels like, the total body shuddering oh so friggin mind blowing feeling, that leaves you gasping for breath.

    so what if my hypothesis IS 100% true? uhm?

    i mean i know myself so well as a female in a male body, and the sex is so friggin great, is it not?

    so why label any of us as gay, lesbian, transsexual, when in truth, we are all of both female and male, and how wonderful for us all to feel how i feel, yes?

    you know, i could take the most (supposed)straight make or female in the world, and help reveal to them the most amazing sex they ever experienced, leaving them crawling back for more, and yes, i have revealed this with some supposed straight guys, married, the house, the car, the kids, kiss it all goodbye. ha

    society as a whole is sexually really really stupid with their own self, and all their fear mongering useless absurd projections that go against their own self, cannot trouble me personally any longer, no, rather i am of constant compassion of my truth awareness in knowing where i have arrived in my state of bliss, that all are capable of, unknowingly snared by forefather absurd mind trapping bullshit.

    although i will say this, in all your useless stigmatization suppression regression oppression projection transference identification stuckness of your own self, you are likewise the mad flood perpetuation of others, including your kids.

    it all comes full circle for all of you one day, as you all will see

    of what you all perpetuated and yet perpetuate, where the one you hurt one day, may be your most beloved ones of all, your own precious kids who reach out to me, often before they tell you parents, all their crying, all their suicidal feelings from feeling toxic in keeping their secret sexual identity, that should not be any secret sexual identity at all, if indeed we are all pure true mental emotional sexual spiritual BEings ONE and the exact SAME in our brain sex activity response to stimuli.

    that is my conclusion of the human BEing for you all to ponder and look apon, especially of gay youth Mozhae, or any of the transsexual M-F ones, who if you did not know they actually are boys, you would not know, now would you?

    i say spend some time around them, and you will all naturally open up your hearts and minds to a reality check that indeed, there is something beyond our current social society understanding mind set, that is so beautiful when we come in close and feel the truth we look upon these oh so beautiful gay youth ones, who indeed are more female in their pure true effeminate nature you see and feel of them, than they are of how you all want to see boys as, of how you all want to raise your own boys as being not effeminate at all, no, you don’t want to see them that way, and the truth is, your own parents raised all of you the same way, in their own blind ignorance stupidness too.

    congrats to you all

    for keeping your blind ignorant eye, where what you also need to fully realize, is how we tittygirl boys see you all as the obvious ignoramus imbeciles you really really are, knowing you are not wise at all.

    which is not a bad thing, no, we want you to know us better, where we shed a tear for those of you we do know are as we are, yet closeted, you fucking morons! ha

    well ok, Billy

  618. oh, and let us not forget you masters of deception really really ignorant evil wretched vile fucks in perpetuation of the HUMAN TRAFFICKING of 27 Million PEOPLE currently living In SLAVERY!

    if ever i had the opportunity to stand before any one of you human trafficking masters of deception hostage taker fucks, of completely defenseless humans, with a gun in my hand………

    ………..i would not care to hear one word from your stupid lips, you ignorant fucks, as i squeeze the trigger with ease.


    we are coming for all you fuckers one day, and you will meet God, but not in the way you may yet think, as you recoil at the sight of just how wretched your own soul became and OBVIOUSLY IS!

  619. the living shall seek death, in realizing they are not living at all, and are rather worse than the death they seek, of the only thing seemingly good enough for them ~ death of their falsehood

    and what then, do you actually think God is able to forgive such wretchedness?

    do you think God thinks it is ok in all your heartless shit for brains?

    Jesus calls you spiritual death as though moving coffins, an empty vacant corpse for any spirit to take refuge in.

    it is not of God’s unattendance, no, rather it is of all you who turn away from God, thinking you can hid from God, not knowing, you cannot hide at all

    we will kick down all your fucking doors one day fuckers, where already we have.

    knock knock

    who’s there?


  620. with other homosexuals i greet daily, in my observing them, i get this pure true real self feeling of clarity in seeing my own self before me, as i too once was, in everything they say and do, and that freaks me out!

    it is as though my own self, of the various paths wondering like they do, aimless, not yet grounded and centered in their processing of what is happening to them, where i right there walking beside them, knowing what they can expect of most any along their blessed path to divine self awareness atonement, in finally realizing 100% that they are not any of the mind fuck useless ignoramus imbecile thoughts and feelings wrecklessly transferred on to us.

    it takes time, along time for some, and ya, some DO NOT SURVIVE your hollow empty vacant nothingness mind fuck shit people!

    argh…….i need to cut down on my caffeine intake….ha

    which i have actually

    anyyyywayzzzzz…..enjoy your day! 😉

  621. what? i got laid the other day, im fine, really, i am! ha

    just need to get with the one i 100% want who wants ‘me’……….without doubt……..easily without all the useless absurd forefather ignoramus imbecile taboo anal retentive dysfunctional low self-esteemer dreamer, go hit the steamer, get the fuck OUT, what is wrong with YOU? Don’t you know who i am?


  622. and it is “O my God!”

    as in O my Orgasm!
    as in O(zero) for the none orgasm!
    as in O O O O O for multiple orgasms!
    as in O there you ARE!
    as in O, what time is it, you know, it has been over a week since we last had sex?
    as in O, get the fuck Out!

    nO really, get the fuck out! The dOOr is OVER there!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  623. hey, thanks for that song…..

    i use certain music in my spiritual study, as a tool, that helps me reach into my higher subtle intellect pureness of thoughts and feelings, in self-exploration devoid of the chaos ruminating useless old repeat tapes that music shuts down for me, able to purely focus in my own processing atonement of my real self surfacing, calm, pure, graceful, delicate, loving, true, building upon the macro thinking understanding protective nurturing halo, that i know 100%, IS what the kingdom of heaven Jesus speaks about.

    you can sense the eternal spiritedness Jesus came into awareness of in fearlessly looking about the absurd generationally held captive world of God’s children unattended.

    the world has come along ways out of the more wretched way it once was, of all the useless unwise leaders thru out human history.

    i don’t discredit the Vatican, in it’s assisting, no, not at all, i praise them, in my desire to reach higher than they yet do.

    i mean what of this wise divine self nurturing protective discerning macro thinking and feeling halo, that Jesus does indeed say is what IS the eluding kingdom of heaven, each precious soul of unattendance as i am sure so too was Jesus, as Jesus always does know, in his meditative student self reflecting retrospective thinking and feeling, common sense more than anything else, where what is the making of ELUDING, is the mere cultivation growing earnest desire for macro thinking building upon insight, connecting all the dots, without the obvious uselessness of all lackluster insincere distracting away, read:the aimless plodding along world without a clue what is ACTUALLY occuring intrinsically/extrinsically in all manifestation linked to the entire past of mankind’s handed down behavioral(s).

    ALL bound eternally as ONE generation

    absolute 100% TRUTH

    the halo shields the divine delicate pure sensitive real self, by means of discerning, rather than passive/aggressive snaring stuckness the world is yet of, obviously

    all the wretchedness perpetuation

    all ‘lack’ of the discerning kingdom of heaven macro thinking halo, is it not?

    indeed, ALL OF IT! 😉

    go up to people, and say, “Hi, how are you, not sure if you know who i am?” ~ all the while knowing who they all are, of unattendance, as regards 2 who i am, as though them…..i am

    i always am

    and that freaks me out

    one time, i calmly purely stared at someone who was being an utter fool in their mean spirited condescending approach with me, as i waited for them to start to tremble, of me not flinching at all, knowing full well they were NOT BEing their real self, and sure enough, they started to tremble, my just standing with a knowingness stare of disbelief in knowing they would eventually also realize they are being of their false created mask they hide behind, not from ‘me’ you don’t fuckers! ha

    his voice became louder and louder, as more fear intensified within him, as he backed up, yelling all the way out the door, of my not saying a word, just staring………he did not come near me ever again after that day. haha

    mission accomplished!!!!!!! 😉

    don’t spare people the truth they unwisely falsely avoid

    that’s my motto

    and indeed, the motto of every word of Jesus

  624. to know the vulnerable real self of another, is to know your own vulnerable real self

    in order to love the vulnerable real self within, within another.

    the ONE i strive to know in order to LOVE, IS YOU! 😉

    but first i have to Just BE ‘me’, for how else can you take hold of a hand you do not know enough in order to trust that my love for YOU IS TRUE, until such time as……………i do? 😉

    hahaahhahahhhh HAAAAAAA!

  625. what is wrong with those two? 😉

    maybe they are in love

  626. or ‘lack’ thereof

  627. and ‘lack’ thereof

    always of ONEness connecting processing

    eternally actually, an eternal catharsis processing growth awareness across all time, across the entire world, of every eternal soul who are of affect/effect/direct/indirectness of every ONE

    i love how the words and thoughts of ONE, who is no longer with us, IS yet with us, of their words and thoughts now as………..my own

    and IS this not true of every single ONE of us, of the binding nature, good and bad resonating mixture of the light and darkness we all walk in?

    coming free of the mixture light, is by means of understanding that all darkness actually IS wise light as well, so in other words, walking thru the valley of spiritual death, is walking towards and thru the light that surrounds YOU, the growing macro thinking awareness awakening understanding slowing gracefully into realizing the halo of wise light growing brighter, IS YOU!

    and does exist!

    in our mind, that is constantly of processing sensory perception of everything outside of our mind that is actually inside of our minds, is it not?

    is not the universe our mind?

    is not everything all around us the thoughts and feelings of our mind?

    therefore, the kingdom of heaven IS our mind, of our discerning mental powers that eventually comes fully into pure true awareness comprehension, ah, BEhold the Kingdom of Heaven yet unattended.

    “Who goes there?”

    “Oh hey Michael, you can lower your sword, it’s just ‘me’, how IS your day going?”

    “Ah thanks Gabriel, have you seen Muhammad around lately? Do me a favor, and tell him that his people are still sitting around and standing over their in the field, foolishly wondering what the fuck is going on.”


  628. all these obvious and ABSURD false oppressions are all just so silly, are they not?

    perplexing IS how those unknowingly fearfully snared by them, don’t feel with clarity or earnest questioning of the truth of how desperately of bashed in low self-esteem manifestations so silly they really really are, of just how great their ‘lack’ of insight comprehension IS, is it not?

    although, i suppose if one were to tell them the macro thinking feeling awareness discerning kingdom of heaven halo perspective IS of eternal time dimension vastness comprehension that spans past present and eternal all future, in everything they say and do really does reverberate constantly thru all the eternal ALL future, it just may be too much of an overload for their low attention span, yes?

    “Oh hey Gabriel, that’s a good ONE!!!!!!!”




  629. if one does not fully know the treasure IS their mind, then they remain as their obvious stuckness ‘lack’ing appreciation of ‘that’ which they do not yet know?

    all the while, eternal all YOU are able to know, are you not?

    even of those who cannot know, seemingly as though they intuitively always know, so happy like they are within, as IS the autistic child, are they not?

    how is it possible for that which you are born as, not to be your true nature you are born as, the treasure you actually ALL ARE?

    is it not the forefather falsehood oppression that IS cause for all suppression, at all times, every second of every day?

    kinda obvious to me, Gabriel, when i get into my full on face paced trance dance prancing up and down the fret board of the guitar, of no desire to stop pure feeling i feel like…….i do 😉

  630. going for a walk in the autumn cool air, pick up supplies at the art store, catch you later Gabriel.

    hey, is it true you spoke with Muhammed about the Qur’an?

    am i not one who thinks for those who need to learn how to think, of all those who seemingly don’t think at all about much of anything?

    ah yes, i get it now, learn to use my brain and pure feelings in pondering the OBVIOUS answer IS always within who……i am…..your best friend Gabriel, and fuck all those who think we are a fucking freak show!!!!!

    albeit, we are somewhat of a freak show some days……..


  631. oppsss……..i spelt Muhammad incorrectly

    oh fuck it, it’s a stupid name, and what of us who have more than one name, like why do that?

    makes no sense to me, why not just call me one name all the time?

    maybe add a number or two into the name, maybe move the letters around to suit my mood at the time………like YANDY, when i get frisky sexually yandy yandy YANDY, or Anyday, when ever i……..oh whatever

  632. tell me another interest of yours…..what is wrong with YOU?

    oh right, i need to ask my self!

    i am what is wrong with you?

    but wait, i am sexualy perfect, as you are 2, so, that means……….that means………you DO LOVE ME! ah ha! i knew it!

    ok, so now what?

  633. hmmm….i asked someone about emos, and they said the obvious truth, emos are self-absorbed, an immaturity of sorts in their processing path…

    you know, i have to say this, get it off my chest so to speak, well, you are much like the self-absorbed emo, as much as i may regret later saying that, it is of my emotional feeling thru, of what is this contrived friendship

    i don’t know, i mean i get along so amazingly with other intellectuals in my real life, University ones, where we laugh our asses off bouncing various thoughts so fearlessly like we do.

    perhaps it is the sexual tension

  634. perhaps i need to move off of anyone who is not absolutely keen in approaching me in real life, just get on with my gay ass life, forget all you anal retentive fucks in my going nowhere with any of you.

    ya sure, i am somewhat of an intellect, beyond scope of most, so what?

    nothing new to me, always a fucking hell bound mind fuck world you all have been for me in real life experience since Troy fucking offed himself as a result.

    perhaps i loath all of you?

    deep inside, i guess i do

    so would any of you anal retentive fucks if it happened to you

    i don’t trust any of you much really, as friends

    nor have i for decades

    why the fuck start now?

    i mean really, all this time and no real life contact?

    oh, for sure, contrived should be your middle names

    no sorry, toxic contrived homophobes is more accurate


    i always felt it while Troy was alive, and holy fucking fuck you all to your self created fucking HELL……i still fucking feel it

    fuck off and die Biyatches, your spiritual death you already fucking are to your own self fuckness without me, where in truth, i probably could not stand being around any of you in real life anyway

    so fuck it

    i have nothing to loose, and only to gain with my path ahead without the oh so self-absorbed self-important contrived fucks you always have been and still are with me.


    i need closure

  635. love your enemies, says Jesus

    love their true nature, despise their unfortunate forefather learned shit for brains!

    ya, you are so fucking stupid to me, truth be told

    how you all drove a fucking wedge of absolute fucking ignoramus shit for brains between two loving homosexual lovers like you generationally snared fucks did.

    only thing i could think of in hearing about Troy, is how wished you all dead

    purely so

    knowing what you did to us both

    how naive we fucking were to listen to the ignoramus fucks all around us

    oh ya, you are all spiritual fucking death alright

    not sure why chose to come back, but i did

    somehow i did, not sure how or why, perhaps to one day confront you all with blinding white light none of you shall escape from, no matter how much any of you ever try, you won’t escape from truth you all have to face one day………..and take my word for it……….you all will, and you will be held accountable before God, of most of you so fucking clueless, you will go graves wondering why your own kids fuck up badly like Troy did, you fucking ingorant miserable fucks so fucking blind, you don’t even know how blind you are.

  636. but hey, who is the one drowning fuckers?

    hear is a clue

    it’s not me

  637. i can’t fucking handle you, too fucking distant contrived, like talking to a fucking wall, no one there

    fuck you

  638. schools…
    are only partly to blame, in the irresponsibility of society as a whole, as regard gay youth suicide, where i feel the greatest harm openly going on, is this freedom of speech, of all self-esteem hate speech that needs to be against the law, like it is in some countries, that is allowed to thrive like i see it does in the USA.

    Gay Youth need to now the truth, that those who ridicule us, actually ONLY make a mockery as their obvious immature own self, in the eyes of their wiser peers,

    but the problem is, the vulnerable gay youth have yet to become of their wiser older members of greater journey in our LGBT community, where the vulnerable gay youth MUST BE FOREWARNED,


    to anything of the obviously uneducated imbecile immature
    peers of your age group all around you, in all their gay bashing away at your precious loving self-esteem of ongoing self-love acceptance some of us are pushing for like we do.

    And this is where us older veterans need to step up to the plate, and take a hold of the unbelievable out of control gay bashing situation i see all the time, in wisely realizing the need is great for more out reaching wise older brothers and sisters, in befriending and defending all gay youth around the world, no matter any boundaries like some of us do.

    “Do as i do”, says Jesus

    as do some of you musicians 😉

  639. to sit idle, and do nothing, to just watch what IS happening as we speak, thru out the entire world, is tandemount to giving the green light that it is ok for the OBVIOUSLY immature nescience of utterly irrersponsible unwise youth who are of freedom of HATE SPEECH BASHING away at their own peers, who themselves are not of the greater fortitude in understanding the TRUTH, that their peers are not at all wise in maturity as WE ARE!


    until such time people, your precious children are in harms way of the ongoing perpetuation of the forefather taboo mad flood ignorances that ARE contributing to the highest risk category STATISTICAL FACTS on suicide, that belongs to the gay youth 14 – 24 year old age group.

    so either come prepared for change

    or come prepared for more funerals that none of you wants to EVER attend

    blessings to all

  640. uhm……do you like my throne speeches? ha 😉

  641. i even get approached by you boastful ego tripping yahoos of Havard Uninvesity in all their OBVIOUSLY biased closet case arguments, of such words indicative of this truth in saying i can HEAL my homosexuality, or homosexuality can be Eradicated?

    Like WTF people? WOW. That scares me, that university students are actually formulating such stigmatizing intellectual biased garbage, closed minded to how healthy and positive the self-love esteem obviously is of many homosexuals….glee, i wonder why? not!

    I don’t get it, like why do they challenge something they do not have first hand experience of, in coming to some semblance of a non biased opinion, that i know comes with ones own
    sexual exploration truth revealing to one’s self, and ya, that means facing your yet biased mindset people, where in truth, only then, can they become unbiased,

    i see the biased in everyone, knowing exactly where they are at in their own homosexuality awareness, unawareness, so obvious like they are, where they don’t know we see that about them, where they don’t have us to help gauge it for them as friends, glee, i wonder why? not. Where they go around in political arenas, acting all OBIOUSLY BIASED in all the obviously biased intellectal garbage stimatization damage, like go and smell the place up somewhere else people, in all your foul stench ignoramus no opinion biased garbage!

    oh, im so smart, i know all there is to know about homosexuality of gays and lesbians, even though i have not sucked dick before, or had dick up my ass, and well, my girlfriend wants me to go down on her, but i am too afraid to do that too, but i can imagine, so i do have an opinion that matters, don’t i?

    nope 😉


  642. for every harmful step by bullies towards vulnerable gay youth, we as veterans of the LGBT community, need to be taking two steps of loving steadfast befriending them at all times, in holding back the crushing gay bashing on their self-love esteem building, consistently……..who else do they have?

    Are we not the ones just as irresponsible as bullies, as wise veterans in doing nothing?

    LOOK and see, everywhere in the internet community, we are there with the vulnerable gay youth who look to us, seek us as safe and suportive brotherhood freinds for life, that we all already are, but there is no such thing as doing enough, so long as one more slips thru the cracks with suicide.

    Bless you Jake, i showed this video to all my gay youth brothers. It is a blessing for these vulnerable gay youth so sensitive like we too once (were), afraid, of all our efforts that may save a life.

    They need us. Consistently. They always need us, and are seeking our support as ones who do know them better than any other. Who else do they have? No one really, of even their unwise parents unable to be of much help.

    So don’t stop with your amazing music we love, and your activism, where i am always there somewhere


  643. omg, was that Sandra in the video? 😉

    bless you all

  644. is that grown up enough for you?


  645. Do you live this song ?

    • with ease actually, skipping purely so down the street in the sunshine, snapping of fingers, spinning around, knowing my heart as well as you do your own, to always feel in love with someone, like i know we are……….Biyatch!

      cannot explain it

      don’t ever bother trying

      we just feel it, that’s all

      it is our inner child of constant yearning to be allow to just BE what they always of are, naturally so, of primal true nature harmoniousness extension of the celled body WE ALL ARE!

      to always feel loved and loving with our most loving lover and friends we know are exactly just as we are, and always were, the child of God within, are you not?

      i am

      BE Cause

      WE ALL ARE!

      forever more

      only a fool thinks (other)wise, that if you listen closely, are not wise at all!

      bless you with fearless to just BE YOU!

      forever more

  646. I live this song :

  647. you like this one !

  648. Does this answer YOUR Question ???

  649. oops i didn’t mean

    Cognition, ( thats for dumb ass’s )

    I meant

    Cognitive….( I HEAR YOU ! )

  650. I brought your a present


    just make sure you stick them in the right


    I cannot be held responsible for MISUSE …..

    because your the MISS

    & I DONT CUM with a guarentee

  651. Guaranteed….

    except I keep typing Munhunt instead of madonnablog

    just as well

    I cannot spell

  652. Omg Give a Girl a Candle

    a couple Inches

    and she takes

    a Mile…

    no wonder GOd decided not to give a Girl a Penis

    i’d still be



  653. OK

    I have ONE more thing to SAY !

  654. YOUR TURN

  655. Tell me somefING

    I aint already heard from



    First memories

    Last Forever


    others just NEVER

  656. imagine

    All of A SudDeN

    I worked out who “I AM”







  657. is this the part where walk into the room and catch you masturbating……again………as i notice you really really do have as big of a penis hard on way more than i ever imagined? As you look at me and i realize the look in your eye that you…….gulp…….wanna fuck me with it right then and there as i take off in a full sprint running, tripping over the furniture with you trying to catch me, of us both shocked to end up in the hot tub naked together like i dreamed we would so real like our masturbation sessions always told us the TRUTH of how big i kept on hoping your penis is, of how tight my ass is even more so?

    bet you did not expect to hear that, did you?

    and do you know why?



    oh god, how long i been holding that one in? ah, that’s better. 😛

  658. well it is about time you woke up


    only way to BE!

    yOUR SELF!

    forever free

    of the lameass robot fear mongering asleep in ignorance world

    who don’t really SEE us like we see each other, like we wisely SEE them as though our own self under all the layering masks the create and hide behind, where always we know at all times who they really really ARE within, just as we always have been, so too is everyone, although some are seemingly none existent, so hardened, so deranged and suppressed by their horrid ego overpowering themselves and everyone else around them, or so they think, not!

  659. facebook just disable my account this morning……..again

    because i spoke of God’s judgement directly upon those who need to hear the truth of their obvious murderous evil intent in all their spiritual death ignoramus approach with gay youth

    i made a few of them tremble at the sight of God approaching

    not knowing i am a wise warrior of God who is coming forth in the world to humiliate every one of you as an exceedingly wise truth revealer as to their murderous tongue that IS cause for death of gay youth.

    i guess i freaked a few of them out pretty badly, trembling at the sight of Jesus talking to them DIRECTLY in truth judgment of their deranged twisting of soul, souls of others.

    or maybe the CIA clamped down on me, either way, i am coming for all of them with God’s judgment, that has already come, in their not knowing i walk among them, feeling with clarity the truth of every single one of you at all times like i meditatively wisely do.

    none shall escape

    only the fools who laugh ignorantly in seemingly no ability to realize the one who is approaching this unattended world once again.

    all eternal truth revealing goodness

  660. that’s just wrong, i had well established friendships with so many gay youth

    and now i am bashed by my ignoramus homophobic peer moderators at facebook

    perhaps i need to cool off on righteous judgment causes others to shutter in holy fright awareness of the truth about them of how God sees them?

    how is it possible for me to be anything but the truth i am?

  661. how much damage is facebook doing to gay youth?


    they let bullies come into gay youth suicide memorial pages to bash us openly, with no moderation, of supposed free speech, the very ones who pushed the gay youth to suicide

    ya, a brilliant world you have their everyone

    you own children you care nothing about, even after they die consequential to all the horrid shit for brains leaderless jerkoffs you of the world OBVIOUSLY ARE!

    well ok, get back to me when you own child dies, and ask God forgiveness, as God says, forgive what?

    as you ALL realize the truth, oh, it should not ever be forgivable, should it?


  662. fuck, i had soo so many spiritual writtings on my facebook account i did not save

    someone should sue them

  663. was i bashed by facebook?

    what do you think?

    to just trash a person and all their writtings like that?

    someone should sue them for defamation

    exactly what it is, is it not?

  664. no sorry……

    wreckless ill refute malice intent defamation at every chance they gay on homosexuals, as though they do not want us in their society


    seriously, someone needs to put a halt to their bullshit

    they don’t warn you or anything, or ask you to take a page down or tell you what they disagree on, as the TRASH you ENTIRELY?

    that’s defamation

  665. every ongoing conversation you wrote with others on facebook, are all TRASHED when they deactivate you without warning

    that’s defamation on all gay youth i was of consistent wise nurturing and protecting of

    what does that say to the gay youth?

    defamation of every member of our LGBT one billion strong and rising up community

    it’s more than just wrong

    it’s evil malice harmful intent, that i know facebook takes delight in doing, how else can you explain the lack of simply moderating whatever issue was troublesome for them?

    like why do that?

    right, defamation intent

    welcome to the yet ignoramus world people

    ya well, God says my truth is not ever able to be defeated

    where already, i know i have won God’s spiritual war with ever soul past present future

    for I AM

    the 100% TRUTH none can escape from

    no matter how much they mask their evil intent in thinking any of you can, in ALL your unloving apathetic unwise useless absurd mindfucking perpetuation(s) of all falsehood, at all times

    on and on it goes, the evil intention hearts of blind leading the blind malice, of no seemingly comprehension to be able to SEE with clarity like i do, the truth of their fateful paths they actually do take delight in being harmful to vulnerable naive ones.

    ya well, God has something to say to all of you who come before the cross, the TRUTH, of how ignorant you all are, that you cannot bare to stand in all your denier liar twisted soul derangement untruth like most of you unknowingly are, blind leading the blind, until someone gets hurt, until your own beloved die consequential to all your ignoramus perpetuation(s) STILL ongoing all thru these millennial years like it continues to do, a mad flood drowning your own precious children!

    like holy fucking retardation everyone!

    hey, i know, why don’t i draft a forecast of everyone of your paths of fate, in predicting which of your beloved ones will die? uhm?

    would that help?

    likely not, as you are too closed minded to the TRUTH already, that you all one day have to come before God to HEAR!

    you fucking ignoramus shit for brains morons that God sees so many of you as every fucking day!

  666. let me guess, it was one of you right wing fuckheads at Washington that i tackled who deactivate my fb account, right?

    i already know who

    what you fail to know, is who i really really am, in all your low comprehension blindness you obviously ARE, until such a time as it is too late for your own beloved child of God

    you ignoramus jackasses seemingly of no soul

  667. who needs the sacred writings i wrote, that you fuckheads trashed, when at all times i AM the TRUTH writings?

  668. congrats to you all

    for once again damaging the precious path of your own children in harms way of this evil intent world blind leading the blind into death, destruction and oppression like it OBVIOUSLY IS for everyone of the LGBT worldwide community.

    and you wonder why we don’t want you ignoramus ones as friends

    get used to it, where in time, you will find yourselves completely alone of the rest of us standing there in 100% humiliation of you who will not let go of your ignorant hateful ways, even while your own kids die, like how much more evil can you get?

    all these kids i see with you parents, i cringe at the sight, fearful of the child of God’s in their arms future, KNOWING how many of you parents are so harmfully ignorant in raising them

    enjoy your child’s funeral everyone

    i will not be attending


  670. if it takes me until monday to add all 400 of those precious gay youth kids back into a my new facebook account, already it is done in my heart!


  671. yep, i just checked, all the content, of every conversation, all the gay art published to all the gay youth has been stripped of their precious lives that i presented to them all

    every conversation is gone



  672. hidden agenda of ill refute malice defamation is what facebook does

    cannot prove it with them hiding behind their right winged legal rights team

    but i can prove the statistics on gay youth suicide

    facebook is damaging to people

    no question whatsoever

    you just do not go around treating people like fucking shit like that, with absolute no regard whatsoever for any ones well being, in all their useless right wing moderation they OBVIOUSLY ARE!

    hurting their own kids in the end, do they not?

    hurting us all

  673. so fucking sick of this world

  674. some say they eventually caught up with Jesus

    how does one catch up with God’s constant wise ominipotence?

    the same way Jesus came forth from the darkness for us all to SEE what Jesus wanted us to see, the TRUTH about the untruths of us all, like the way we drove nails thru his precious body, leaving him to hang on the cross all day and all night until he grew weaker and weaker……………and died.

    What most do not yet comprehend, is how the TRUTH cannot die

    Therefore, Jesus did not die, nor can Jesus die, his body might, but not ever the eternal resonating wise pure flawless healing words of God Jesus speaks of with all YOU of the eternal future, just as i am doing right now, here in the past, but if you purely feel, then where am i actually?

    always of the eternal Present as a wise present*errrr of eternal TRUTH, was i not?

    am i not?

    i am……..BE Cause……..WE ARE! 😉

    bless you all

  675. does Jesus BElong in your world?

    about as much as i BElong in your world?

    about as much as the precious children you leave BEhind to die trapped behind horrific walls of gross materialism poverty you all create in your world?

    about as much as the your own precious gay youth children you turn your stupid backs on to fend for themselves without the TRUTH so many of you are blind about, thinking and telling the homosexuals are evil, are sinners, are deviant sex perverts who are not loving, making them feel your falseness of their intuitive truth that does not compute for their intuitive knowingness, the truth of why they leave us like they did and do?

    so who’s world does this world BElong to then?

    here is a clue…..

    the world BElongs to the divine child of God’s heart, mind, body, spirit and soul of the eternal ALL YOU!

    and who’s world does it not BElong to?

    here is a clue…..

    the world does not belong to the divine child of God’s heart, mind, body, spirit and soul that becomes twisted and deranged by all you of the generational taboo falsehood mad flood drowning ignorances of death, destruction and oppression

    so i ask…..

    do i belong to you?

    do i belong to this world?

    according to Jesus and God

    i do 😉


    i am such a nut case when i want to BE, yes?

    did you know Jesus actually laughed alot, unable to contain his sense of humor in witnessing all the clowns seemingly always around him, of most not knowing at all who he always was in his every step, every heartbeat, every breath?

    so please, no more clowns, ok, i can barely breath from all the laughter we are of daily like those of us know us like WE usually always ARE!

    anyway, always know the TRUTH, ‘that’ of precious life hanging in the delicate balance……..at all times………and you just may come fully into awareness of YOU!

    do as i do

    bless you all

    forever and ever more!

  676. standing bi

    in 4, 3, 2, 1

    we have re-entry Houston

    oh fuck, Houston……….WE have a problem

    not sure what it is exactly

    appears rather bright, in constant radiant brilliance



    are you there?

    [as they laughed their asses off seemingly forever and a day, no one quite sure what had happened, only that the world had somehow changed as they all merely continued on their way like they always do, hand in hand, of the forever love lovers sooooooo true!]

    it’s soooooooo true, i am as gay as they can possibly ever get!

    i am………who they all ARE!

    are we not?


    i can’t here you, could you speak up?

    oh sorry, your mic was turned off

    how’s that, is that better? 😉

  677. actually, for those of YOU who purely truly know ‘me’, i am bisexual

    butt i had not ever found many females who were 100% able to be sexually accepting of ‘me’ as the bisexual I AM, and the ones i did, were with someone else……….argh………story of my life……….

    why is it, the ones we want we cannot have,
    and the ones we don’t want, are all over the fucking place?



    made ya laugh your ass off!

    well then again, maybe you should give those greater amount of free time, my undivided attention, in my ability to realize, oh, maybe i am the greater blind fool?

    realize 100% we are all the same?

    i am………BE Cause…………WE ARE!

    the divine child of God’s heart, mind, body, spirit and soul

    the world over for ALL eternity of the eternal all YOU!

    bless you bless you bless you ALL

    forever more

  678. and if one more of you fuckers ever treads on me again……….God will strike you sharply across your ignoramus face!

    just as i already have

    for i am God’s child

    and so are all of YOU!

    but the way some of you falsely behave?

    you would not know you are God’s child

    just as your enemies look to see if you are God’s loving child or not.

    you may want to be exceedingly careful about that, in all your unloving ways people

    for the real enemy of God is your forgetfulness in treating anyone as though they are not God’s loving child

    and when God’s loving child comes fully forth from the darkness, none of you shall be able to withstand the blind bright TRUTH in every falsehood about YOU!

    for sake of your yet blindness!

    do then not?

    ok then, class dismissed

    love one another as i love YOU!

    kinda fucking stupid when you don’t

    why you keep running out of friends

    hater gay bashing morons!

    peace OUT

  679. every day is a devoted work

    can you imagine, if someone came into your studio

    and trashed, burned, attempted to destroy everything of a years worth of work?

    how would that make you feel?

    that’s how i feel right now

    kicked in the fucking head, run me over with your fucking truck, call me a sinner sinner sinner, beat me black and blue, break all my bones, hang me from my neck, do all these things all you want fuckers!

    butt fair warning, don’t ever try to come between God and my most loving brothers and sisters, where ANY and ALL who do, have already lost God’s wise spiritual war that so many of you remain as you are…………….IGNORANT!

    i am of God’s TRUTH

    and God has spoken DIRECTLY to YOU!

    for sake of you ignoramus fucking killers, destroyers, oppressors of nothing but fucking perpetuation hate, apathy and ignorance that so many of you don’t even realize how you look to we who purely wisely truly look upon YOU!

    do you not know who you are?

    do you not know who we are?

    do you not know who i am?

    you don’t

    and until the day you all do

    well, i pray God finds a place in heaven for the likes of some of you who won’t find me dinning at your ignoramus shit for brains table fuckers!


    not in this life time or the next………FOR ALL ETERNITY!

    you got that fucker?

    ok, peace out

  680. the question you all need to ask, is not, “did i exist?”

    the question IS………”do ‘i’ exist?”

    they are still trying to crush us Madonna

    every second of every day, the ignoramus hate filled closet case bullies are brutalizing naive gay youth at my every turn of witnessing it, thru out the entire world of the internet and in real life.

    the internet serves us in our ability to peer into witnessing this truth that is ongoing constant occurring like it IS.

    ALL of it………..amounts to the highest high risk ones of suicide, who still hold the top statistical slot for suicide, the gay youth 15-24 year old age group.

    what is troubling for me, is how so many leaders of church and state, yet maintain an ignorant closed eye in awareness of the statistical truth, and the truth about the true loving pure nature of self-love, self-love of another we homosexuals ARE!

    it is the leaders who have the most blood on their hands in aligning themselves within the cesspit of ill refute evil malice intent

    ‘that’ IS God’s TRUTH

    for i am God’s wise loving compassionate child

    and so ARE all of YOU!

    where you do not yet realize your blindness, sadly all too often……..to late……..even for your own precious loving child, who may become statistical data for the future generations long after we are all gone from this world, where what does not ever leave this world IS…………God’s TRUTH

    it is not forgivable in God’s eyes, of yOUR eyes, nor would you any of you ever want it to be, while standing at your own precious loving child’s grave in purely truly realizing 100% ALL your perpetuation falseness of your ENTIRE life!

    sadly, i know this TRUTH all too well

    in my every step
    in my every heartbeat
    in my every breath

    alongside of the most loving human beings on the planet, WE of the LGBT worldwide one billion strong and rising UP community, across all false barriers i infiltrate behind like i do daily.

    we are taking over your offices, and for good reason, and this TRUTH will continue for generations to come, wisely so, purely so, truly so, lovingly so, compassionately so, of God who says no, to all hate, all apathy, all ignorance, forever more, the TRUTH!

    that sets us free

    bless you all

    strangely, i was out biking this morning, with this feeling that maybe our LGBT history may take a turn for the worse, in the coming years, rather than for the better, only to find facebook trashing my studio, and all the sacred writtings i did not save.

    that hurts

    you have no idea how much that hurts

    i am used to being thought of as a sinner, nothing new there.

    perhaps my homoerotic evoking art is too much for the closet case moderators who trash me all the time like they do, which means my art is indeed effective?

    i lost all my contacts

    all my writings

    all my poetry

    all my intellectual elaborating co-op conversations now scrambled

    all my links to other web pages of music and art

    all my collection of other gay art of others

    all my gay art that once was the pages of gay youth
    who now feel abandon as per usual, perhaps it will make them stronger, wiser, at a deeper level as i am

    all TRASHED as though nothing?

    as though not damaging at all?

    just like that, seemingly of picturing one laughing as they pull the plug on us like they do with us over and over time and again

    and yet, facebook openly let’s the haters trash on us verbally without concern

    that IS because facebook is run by a viperous group of homophobic bullies!

    i am going to publish the truth about facebook to all my circles, the TRUTH

    it is wrong what they haphazardly did and do, is it not?


    welcome to the world without God everyone

    or so they think, where they appear to not think at all


    can’t believe i lost a years worth of devoted spiritual work

    at least i am not lost

  681. we think the mentality of the raids the police did and do is over

    not so

    it is yet thriving in the cesspit of the yet ignoramus world

    there should be intellectual property rights that i have when using these dictatorship ruled internet places i frequent

    for sure, i will be asking around with some legal experts

  682. i got gay bashed by facebook


  683. at every turn, God’s will is that i learn the truth about the world i yet walk in

    at every turn

    IS the TRUTH

  684. the cowards inject their poison reject false words into me

    hoping i kill myself

    the cowards beat me black and blue, leaving me feeling my bruises,

    hoping i kill myself

    the cowards subconsciously seek and hope i build i up enough courage

    to kill myself

    ~ projection transference identification

    thank God i am wise

    they did this all thru Chrisitian history, yes?

    and still, those who call themselves Christians, don’t even know the TRUTH, that they are not!

    ya well, guess what fuckers!

    i hold the keys to heaven!

    yep, that’s right!

    and you all have to come pass me first in order to get in!

    of course, you won’t believe ‘me’, because of your great heavy blindness ignorance that is not able to purely truly 100% comprehend God’s wise truth i speak of, as your hearts are yet so black, you cannot yet see, not yet, but in time you all will, where i warn you all this day of the eternal day that is unfolding for you all to one day stand in humilation of us all looking upon your ignoramus ways, of awareness of all your untruth TRUTH none of you shall EVER escape from


    i look forward to that day i already stand in eternally

    as one’s spirit that already 100% encompasses you entirely, closing in on your positions, in your yet inability to purely feel and flawlessly realize the TRUTH…………….’that’ i am!

    not yet


    sooner than any of you think, of the hour none of you shall know i come

    where the ONE you all look for……………has already come

    you just don’t purely know it yet

    but know this

    you will, even of those of you who cannot yet comprehend fully that you will, bare to hear God’s eternal truth of all your untruth revealing

    oh, it won’t hurt

    it might some of you kill yourselves though, in realizing how horrid hateful your spiritual death IS

    i don’t think many of us will be missing any of that about some of you, any time soon, yes?

    and the living will seek death, in begging God’s forgiveness, unable to find……….

    and to think, my every step, every blessed day, is so that none of you arrive at your own precious child’s funeral

    oh for sure, you people really know ‘me’ not!

  685. oh, and one more hint people…..

    it is not ever ‘me’ of your falsehood poisonous wretched ignoramus viper bites that any of you are able to ever destroy the TRUTH i am, all the while thinking you can

    but you can destroy your own precious children i seek to nurture and protect

    so think about that next time you want to attack someone that none of you took enough time out in life to purely truly earnestly desire to 100% know like i know all your blessed children as though my own self, ok?

    because the one you all hurt is them

    not ‘me’

    i am invincibly eternally protected by God’s powerful wise armor that your ‘stupid arrows’ are unable to penetrate, in shooting arrows in the dark at one you cannot comprehend

    but what some of you sadly will comprehend one day in coming fully into the eternal day light wise awareness……….

    IS your every wretched hateful false ignorant unwise word you ever spoke your entire life about homosexuals while standing over your own child’s grave

    you have been officially warned this day by one of God’s wise children, and mark my wise words well, that will resonate in your ears the TRUTH, none of you shall escape from, thinking you can

    i mean do you people honestly think you are wise at all, in all your shit for brains gay bash bash bash the fuck out of us some more why don’t you, you stupid fuckheads!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  686. happy fucking pride everyone

    can we get someone in here to clean up all this fucking blood please!

    you fucking ignoramus fucks!

  687. here you go fuckers, posted by sixteen year old out gay youth, Joshua, one of his current favorite songs

    this is what he identifies with in feeling of his coming out gay life experience as we speak this day

    you own children you all ostracized like you all did me, now them, leaving them to feel like this, of most of you not knowing they are, some who have not yet told you they are gay, and only their close friends so far.

    Every single day IS the TRUTH about your own precious kids i nurture and protect from their own parents and siblings of so many of you yet unwise.

    for their sake, for your sake, for God’s sake, WAKE THE FUCK UP EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  688. Shields UP!

    see you all later morons, just don’t be too late, ok?

    too late for YOU!

    blessings to all

  689. catharsis catharsis catharsis, i need to keep reminding and feeling the truth it IS all merely ONE constant catharsis process at all times, always for sake of ‘me’, no matter what any unloving apathetic ignorance of any who attack ‘me’, thinking they can bring harm to one they do not know or earnestly desire to purely truly know like Joshua and i laughing our asses of daily KNOW!

    i love you Joshua! 😉

    of course, he always knows i do, BE Cause, he is my younger pure of heart self as i yet am, are we not?

    i am………BE Cause…….we are!

    forever more

    peace be to you

  690. i am both female and male in ONE body Biyatches! ha 😉

    forever more

    you’ll all get used to me as the ONEs you all like to use as punching bags

    ya well, i punch back with God’s TRUTH fuckers!

    that you all have to face ONE day!

    bah……..so friggin tired of having to explain to morons who don’t know yet how to *listen and *read

    with your flawless truthFULL feelings of course! duh! 😉

  691. we all belong, even of those made to feel as though we don’t

    why the fuck do i let anyone ever fucking get to me?

    oh right, what they did to Troy and i, i guess that angst won’t ever leave ‘me’

    i ask, what if it was your homosexual child that might die?

    if you don’t think about it, always there are we who do

  692. 22But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,

    23Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law. Galatians 5:22-23

    ya, their used to be no laws against hate criminals, where for sure, in the kingdom of heaven the meek shall BE protected by we who are NOT meek at all, all the while of those who actually think we homosexuals are somehow meek?


    ah, sorry fuckers, it’s the other way around

    not sure if you heard that……….


    and sadly i might add!

    wondering why most of you do not even know your own out of control lacking self-restraint temperance to fucking bash us ALL THE FUCKING TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    i think i need a long walk……..

  693. yer go for a walk Andy, have a look up at the sky when your trampling over wretchedness you might see my spaceship

  694. GOD Bless my Island, FUck we all god a good Storm. not just my island. but CUBA JAiMACA and a lot of carabians. I can laught but it is just not a joke. we are all together. it remind me of 911. but let it all get it together when the storm hits. the storm loves ower..waeeever

  695. oh, most of that stuff is hokey made up fake crap, or testing of our own toys.

    for me, any advanced intelligence(alien) beyond our own, for sure, knows about clarivoyance ability that is of the pure flawless subconscious congitive awareness always awake super computer brain we all have.

    Everything we create comes from our super computer brain

    but there is a 100% pure flawless feeling of the always awake subconscious super computer brain that is always processing, what the kingdom of heaven actually IS, of primal origins, that really is mathematically 100% flawless in our coming into existence, of not only how it is possible for us to come into existence, ‘that’ we are 100% the flawless existence, although with most of you in all your GAY BASHING FUCKING HATE……..cough……..you would not know we really really do yet exist, albeit alot of us keep dying from not being told that the gay basher is operating from a lower self-love esteem than we are, in their own inner struggle of not wanting to accept their homoerotic feelings like we do, in how their self-hate manifests its externally, that spills over one to us like it does.

    While it may be a beautiful play of our unfolding evolving as a society, from a truth awareness perspective, it is a deadly play where the actors don’t pretend they die and actually really do die as a result of your false inner self-love hate we contend with daily like we do, and die horribly too like we do i might add, too graphic for most any to stomach

    all stemming from ‘lack’ of self wisdom

    i cannot teach you all in one day, but i am teaching the vulnerable brothers as young as 12 years of age, who come to me as someone they can talk to openly about their self-love feelings of another of the same sex

    some of them tell me their suicidal feelings too

    as i explain to them why and what makes perfect sense to them

  696. see your space ship?

    ohhh, you mean the perfect beautiful sound of the twin Rolls Royce engines?

    ya, i love the sound of those amazing ships, an extraordinary wondrous world the unborn are born into, in awe of such magnificence not seen before in human history.

    still, would not want that kind of wealth, if i did not have a most amazing loving lover of your eyes only for each other………like i said to Alex McKee, a future Calvin Klein model…….. any one you want, where they all want you, of your inner struggle in figuring out just who it is you purely truly do love, in finding your way along lover’s road in oneness of a most loving lover forever of your eyes only for each other, of constant none stop laughter and play, every blessed love filled day, the emotional honest safety we all subconsciously seek with lovers and friends, professionally speaking.
    I pray that for you, the heaven’s bliss oneness of 2, for you both to BE the sacred mirroring inner happiness that shines eternally radiant brilliant bright of holy joyful light, for sake of you both, for sake of us all to realize purely within, oh, yes, look how happy they are all the time together, that’s what i want, BE Cause, that’s what i am, 2!

    i pray God sends them forth to you, seemingly meant just for you, for each other, in easily saying………..i do ;D

    wow…..i hear all this useless chatter on your tv shows, about us homosexuals, of most any of you who are rather utterly completely CLUELESS in all your aimless uneducated guessing ‘opinions’, like wtf, don’t you people have professionals on your team, in wisely embracing your audience in a pure true way?

    fuck, you are all perpetuating the same fucking shit for brains all the time, all tip toeing the fuck around serious life threatening issues, LIKE WAKE THE FUCK UP PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    fucking sick of all your ignoramus shit for brains apathetic nonethingness that is empty of even a semblance that any of your actually fucking give a fucking shit about so many of us, of the same hollow empty nothingness you feed your own kids, is it not?

    like take a fucking class will you, go back to fucking school before opening your ignoramus apathetic shit for brains mouth for a change, instead of leaving us homosexuals feel the same bullshit stigmatization, like we are not to be unimportant, no one of any desire to make come purely into self-love wisdom, in all your guessing why fucking gay basher bullies fucking attack us, rape us for fuck sakes, of us sometime fucking DYING!!!!!!!!!


    oh, i get it, you lameass fucks have to wait for the day it happens to your own kids before you wake the fuck up, ok, let’s do that, let’s all just be the stupid fucks of fateful paths your kids walk on, the grave dangerous mindfuck shit always lurking for them, always predatory of evil beast like fucking HATE all the fucking time…….

    argh……..no wonder i fucking got on that one way bus ticket out of fucking hell into heaven’s bliss

    fuck you self-important lameass unedcuateded biased homophobic jerkoffs!

  697. I like Katie Perry, i once met the director of one of her video’s she’s really cool, lolly pop lipstick.. cute accent my fave song is fuck off, i think she’s making a statement about how badly hetro homophobic men treat women, yer why do men do that.. oh i know ego, too busy watching sport on TV and getting a fat ass.to be concerned about treating their women with respect…..

    Go Katie

  698. haha

    ya, i love the sexual intensity i feel of my own self in this music, that wonderful surrenderedness to our own intense sexual desire of someone, love it!

    love who i am, and how amazingly pure sexual intensity feels, and i don’t even have my clothes off yet………argh

    you know, that sweet anticipation we feel for a lover that eventually takes over our brain? lol

    ya, what is it with these macho macho limp dick men and all their love of the jocks anywazzzzzzzz? uhm?

    i mean what does that purely say about them? uhm? Rather be with the guys watching guys running around in their tights playing with other guys, no females anywhere in sight…………ah HAAAAAAA!!!

    latent homosexuality


    of course i know this better than they realize, and i love that about me, in seeing right thru their macho masks they timidly wear. ha

    therefore, females should be with other females who love females, or with males who have evolved greatly in their own female self………hint………so much so we love the female as the female we are of the females who love us pure oneness.

    or, live a miserable life with the hohum latent homosexual macho men in all their excusing away half assed approaching of their homoerotic self they left behind along time ago as the self-love esteem building masturbating pure loving ones dwelling in a male body they do love………as i said before, while it may not be cognitive, while still observable in their behavior, the one dwelling in a male body, does love the male sex of the male body they dwell in, in pure wholesome self-love esteem………and that is the part that is sooooooooooo absurd, is that for another male to love another male like the male body they dwell in, oh, can’t do that, can’t think that, don’t want anyone to know i really really do love the male body i dwell in, so much so i would love love love to be with another male, if i was not so afraid to tell everyone how much i love the male body i dwell in………….that is so obvious to see ‘that’ about them!!!!!!!!!

    argh……can try to hide all they want from me, impossible, i know myself so well that i know the ones dwelling in the male body, and i know the ones dwelling in the female body too, exactly the same anticipation as they are, as the female i also am.

    and that’s another thing, like why do these so called hetero males get all stupid in our face, wanting to beat up us males who feel and look as females, when they claim to love females so much, uhn?

    is it because they want to see us as the male? i mean they don’t want to see us as females, so like wtf fuckers? Make up your friggin mind will ya!!!!!!!!!!!! 😉


  699. hmmm……..i wonder what sex God is?

    i bet God is an androgynous fucking freak like me!!!!!!!!!!! haha

    omg this song is like sooooo hilarious!

  700. Happy National Cumming OUT Day everyone! 😉

  701. well maybe you should invite me out for dinner

    how about @ glacier falls Montana..

    then we can talk over some fine dine

  702. already there!

    just like i am already sitting on the steps Jesus once walked on

    my god, how amazing to walk with in constant oneness with Jesus of forever eternal flowing love in just BEing my SELF 😉

  703. ya sure, YOU are always invited, says Jesus

    kinda *foolish to think/feel (other) wise, *in not wise of ALL. 😉

    uhm……..i have request, i know, have not ask for anything so far, uhm, i want to see Alex on every billboard on the planet in his underwear!

    is that much to ask?

    i mean, all the girls would love ‘that’!

    and all the boys who think they are girls wood love ‘that’!

    and all the boys who want to do Alex ass a girl wood love ‘that’!

    fore sake of ALL bigender benders i know we all are

    fine dinning is so amazing, of subtle taste of fresh organics from the garden

    i cooked a seven course meal one time for some old childhood friends i had not seen in years, and low and behold, they got married after that with kids of their own now.

    i remember feeling how i wanted to embrace and encourage their love for each other so obvious like they were, as a friend who wanted them to always be happy

    they are still together, last i heard, after twenty years since then…….

  704. wow, check this out!

    Glacier Falls Montana


    heaven on earth!

  705. a campfire under the stars, the cool evening air, the sounds of nature, the peaceful calm at ease feeling, in realizing how much nonsense the world is in all it’s uselessness

  706. oh, and horses of course! duh!

  707. uhm………you like the last piece i just finished?

    hmmm…….sorta looks like Madonna, yes? 😉


    love it!

  708. I call it, ‘Androgene’

  709. a fearless wise loving compassion warrior of TRUTH, enter center stage, ANDROGENE!!!!!!!!!!!

    no escaping the truth fuckers!

    cause i AM the eternal TRUTH none can deny!

    oh, they can try, butt why would they want 2? uhm?

    oh right, the bullshit right wing forefather ignoramus mind fuck generational mad flood drowing deathful, destructive oppressive false lameass shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    what great Halloween outfit this would BE!!!!!!

    would take some work to create, but i am sure there are ways for it to be made for ‘real’ LIFE! 😉

  710. i think i will use this one for the book cover of glossy prints of the collection……..ONE Day! 😉

    argh…….i soooooooooooooo love this one!

  711. no one knows what it’s like to be hated……….i do 😉

  712. what a great gift this book would be for every gay child OUT there, going thru what we all went thru, of so many who did not survive……..

    letting them all know we do care, purely so, truthfully so, as we KNOW!

    we have always known the TRUTH

    and everywhere IS the TRUTH

    darkness that serves as wise discerning TRUTH of all untruth

    all the horrible stories we have heard over the decades and yet hear………

    all because of the low self-love esteem generational forefather perpetuation of ignorance

    you know, the world should get together a team of legal people from each country, pull in witnesses, and charge the Catholic church their entire wealth for damages to all homosexuals in LGBT history and the future, that we know is unacceptable bullshit lies sold by merchants of God who DO NOT KNOW GOD!

    just like they do not know LGBT pure true LOVE like we ARE!

    one day, this generation or the next, the Catholic church will face judgment and payable damages, by it’s peers, and that is not a prophesy, that IS the eternal TRUTH!

    one billion and rising up people, get used to us while we kick all of you out of your offices that discriminate(d) against us all these years

    we are coming, and we are unstoppable, BE Cause, WE are the TRUTH!

  713. and i blame ALL you lameass falsehood ignorant fuckers for every single false lie hate you perpetuate, of your every single word, every single thought, every singel act, of God’s TRUTH i strike you all in the face with, that you all have to face God’s in asking forgiveness, where if not today, you all will ONE day, of the eternal day i stand in already, ‘that’ i am!

  714. so easy and fun to learn musical instruments today

  715. can you picture the two of us wearing these really out there outfits, crashing a bunch of drag parties unannounced?

    walk in like we own the place, BE Cause, WE DO! hahaha

    so uhm, is are we going to do the fine dine thing this year, or next, or in the year 2015, oh hey, i know, why don’t we wait till after i am fucking dead Biyatch!


    i jest………………….wait…………………….wait for it……………………….hahaha :mrgreen:

  716. ~ for Stacy, in Baltimore, a gay youth attacked by immature childish violent low self-esteem gay bashers acting out their unresolve, who broke Stacy’s leg with a baseball bat.

  717. i sent the pic to Stacey, that if anyone can relate to the pic, it is Stacy

  718. Stacy knows what it’s like to be hated

  719. an out gay mormon(who left), says, “Religions are more about saving face than saving souls.”


    biased go along with main stream, for now, less and less biased in the future unfolding, as more of us come OUT

  720. ahhhaahaaah…..kids and their morbid sense of humor

  721. pfft…

    please if thats the best you can do … !!!


    then i’ll be just as boring & lame

    Gender identity Disorder

  722. will I / or wont i ? keep my penis, I mean it don’t match my D cups… ( tear shaped breast’s ) & i just cannot see myself needing a penis , since i got an ass…



  723. comon Andy your not 18 & first love is an illusion

    love at first sight aint such a fright

    but we have never met so that aint the case

    you aint no saint

    LOL 🙂

  724. excuse me but are we on the right ROAD ?

    oh yer it’s the scenic road…

    NICE !

    but you forgot to mention all the CURVES and WINDING Corner ‘s

    but that’s
    Quite ok

    im enjoying the view from


    over there !!

    Look .. can you SEE



    whats his Name ? Beloved


    I love IT

  725. ‘issues’, we all have them, some severe, some not, any more than ten irreducible differences with a potential partner, forget it, such as these foolish religions of the world…..

    while they do serve us in disciplining our mind, some of them are a mixture of wise and ignorance

    was telling MIKO to not lie to himself when it comes to others, of all those who want him, ply him, sly him, buy him,…….to follow his own heart in who he loves, not who may want to love him, in following his heart to his own self inner happiness of who he authentically loves

    i pray the drug world and all the slim ball pigs don’t get their hands on him, as someone who stands between him and them, spiritually, mentally, emotionally………and ya, he is 19

    he wants to go to University, cannot afford it, breaks his heart

  726. the manifestation of your obvious idle speculation conjecture that i seek a 19 year old as a partner, is of you arrogant double standard ones, who while painting me as such, openly enjoy all your fashion shows with the very ones you just speculated on about me, so openly like you just did

    what confusion does that lend to a gay youth who happens upon this Madonna blog and the link to my homosexual self-love acceptance art?

    why do you do that?

    i was hoping you would be of embracing of me, more respectful of me as a wise loving compassionate spiritual artist, my hoping you would have something positive to say, like, i love your work Andy, or even further, in helping me to publish a book of the collection, but no, you turn instead to your useless self-serving idle specutation, openly for the whole world to feel, rather than in personal contact in asking as a confidant.

    it is in the same light as how Troy’s family and friends, church included, attempted to paint me as some horrible person, so i am more than used to it, where upon leaving the psyche world, i found myself mustering the courage to feel thru the truth i have wisely compassionately lovingly spoken of all this time while here at Madonna’s blog, of my decades of research in higher intellectual understanding the human condition i am.

    the gay youth i speak with all know my age, and my HIV status, where i tell them they belong with the beauty of their own age group they naturally gravitate to mentally, emotionally, physically sexually and spiritually to, and not some gross 46 year old of who is HIV+.

    i have arrived at the end of my life now, in being what i have been for decades along side all your precious gay youth all these years, all of them of their own coming out stories, where i suppose your not being there every day as i have been, then i can sorta understand you not seeing me as the older brother i have been for them all this time, in all your useless idle speculation conjecture.

    my reponse to you this day, is i am pulling down my blogs, in not wishing to lend confusion to any gay youth who happen upon your tiresome useless idle speculation conjecture disrespect of the enlightened spiritualist i am.

    instead, i will return to my cocoon in real life alongside of them, of them coming up to me in their turning away from all you homophobes we all run from like we do, who do purely know my heart as though their own.

    perhaps in time, you will SEE that the truth, that ‘i’ do exist in their blossoming hearts i nurture and protect from the ignoramus forefather mad flood drowning deathful destructive oppressive taboo ignorance that i had hoped all this time you felt the truth of the enlightened ONE i purely am with them all.

    double standard idle speculation conjecture hypocrisy is what i get instead, and who do you harm in falsify malice of me?

    not me

    but you do disrespect the artist who is yet alive

    i will only be respected by you homophobes after i am dead

    of all the art i will place in the hands of your children before i leave.

    i am to blame in my overly anticipating you would want to participate in my wishes to do so, as someone respectful of the spiritualist i am

    i will leave you this day to one day realize the truth in seeing the blossoming hearts of your own gay children and my art some of them may have in their possession, and all the influential affect/effect/direct/indirectness eternal radiant brilliant bright loving light i know i purely am at all times in walking among all those like me, all of similar coming out story angst that is always of our wiser discerning growth like we have been and are.

    it’s too bad you chose to disrespect me like this

    with that said, i enjoy better friends in my real life than you


  727. boring and lame?

    how about dead, by the time you ever get around to meeting me?

  728. from now on you can all find my art thru the precious lives of the LGBT worldwide community ‘i’ 100% BElong 2, who i seek to selflessly hand it to as cheaply as i possibly can, in who ‘i am’, inspite of the opposite of all your self-serving selfishness.

  729. you are a coward to me, in no real life contact, an insult that all we of the LGBT feel the truth of after all this time.

    which is fine with me, in easily feeling thru those who are of authentic genuine sincere ease of earnest real self in my real life, than you choose not to be, a bully of sorts for me, in my no longer having to cringe or anticipate any longer what you have to say or do as regards my life ever again, in my not having any desire likewise in returning here for more of the same coldness bullshit all this time.

    and you call me lame and boring?

    you are coward to me and God

  730. i ask real life sweet anticipation questions, and oh, i am not important enough to be asking such

    like once and for ALL, fuck you and your bullshit, ok?

    who the fuck wants to feel left out and let the fuck down all the fucking time by a fucking coward

    here is hint: not ever ‘me’

    you are the lame boring coward, not me

  731. and ya, you always have avoided my real life questions all this time

    why is easy for me to find others who don’t, you know, ordinary life of real fun loving people without all the pretentious ostentatious im too good for you arrogant falsehood bullshit?

    ya for sure, i feel so loved in all your inauthentic spiel spinning of wheels with you cowards of no real life identity

    talking to a wall, may as well be, as far as getting any healthier real life contact with you coward(s)

    i learned from the whole experience, about my needs being met better with real life people than i ever was with you, and ya, inadvertently made the mistake during one of my low self-esteem episodes brought on by my anticipating more and not having that with you, desperate seeking real life contact with inappropriate others, why i got infected, my own doing, ya sure, but not entirely.

    so thank you for ‘that’

    it is not about forgiveness, rather it is about learning the TRUTH of every untruth.

    it happens, and i am not alone in what happens like it unfortunately does, all of us born into the ignoramus fucking shit for brains forefather fucking mad flood drowning shit i swam thru and yet swim thru, where in truth, i know one day i will welcome my death easily so in leaving this cold heartless world once and for all

    and in truth, i already am dead to you cold fucks, not because i am actually dead yet, but because i would rather BE like i am, or may as well be to so many of you ignoramus hurtful fucks, of my still not sure how it is i remain optimistic as Jesus

    oh right, seeing happened to Troy, as he got hit by a van on a freeway that fractured his skull

    not something i am willing to ever forget fuckers

  732. fuck, i can’t fucking believe it, after what happened to me, and you are still the same fucking cold lame ass fucking jerk off coward!

    fuck you, i am done, dead now, ok?

    go find someone else’s self-esteem for you to toy with of your aimless hypocrisy ignorance whims

    i do not enjoy it feeling as though of no value like you leave me to feel every day

    as though of no importance to this world at all

    when i pure truth of Jesus and God, i am

    i always am

    but not always with you am ‘i’

    nor do i want to be any more

    you are too cowardice, all the while gay youth are fucking dying, EXACTLY BE Cause of your very same cold ass lackluster no faith approach with me, are you not?

    you are

    i know, i live it among everyone of you fuckers in all your ignoramus self fucking non importance you are to me

    and to God

  733. and as for your ignoramus comment of telling me to grow up out of anger, ask Jesus and God what they despise, and you just may BE able to find ‘me’

    for ‘i’ doubt your falsehood captivity that i am wiser about than you yet are not, in knowing who ‘i am’, while all you do not desire to wisely purely truly KNOW who ‘i am’, not knowing you are bound by group mentality hypocrisy heart you all turn(ed) to.

    farewell ignoramus cold hearted hypocrisy fucks

    i know where i BElong

    what you fail to know IS ‘i’ always have known what you all fail to know……………..the TRUTH

  734. we did not meet in life, nor shall we, as i have no desire to be around cowards, of all the non cowards you all make out to be cowards that lovingly wisely compassionately who surround ‘me’ as though they are ‘me’

    got it?

    so next time you talk to ONE of us, always know we are the one’s on paths of loving destiny, and not the fateful ignoramus paths most of you know not you are on, where i am spiritually wisely always right there with them in eternal ONEness love as them, wisely knowing how so many of you are not, of God’s eternal TRUTH protection, that so help me God, if ever i catch any of you in harm of us, you better pray i am not ever allowed to own a gun, in all my inner raging despising of so many of you i yet am

    then again, how can one kill that which is already of spiritual ignorance death?

    oh right, i just did

    got it?



    farewell fuckers

  735. enjoy your hypocrisy hearts fuckers

    without ‘me’

    without Jesus

    without Mary

    without God

    without any of us in ONEness love you all yet remain blindly ignorant of the TRUTH about us of the worldwide LGBT family community you look upon wondering why we are so pure, so loving, so happy?

    without your shit for brains hypocrisy hating hearts fuckers, that’s how


    as IS Jesus
    as IS Mary
    as IS God
    as IS the divine child of God’s heart mind body spirit and eternal soul of the eternal all yet to come

    i am

    i always know ‘i am’

    inspite of all you who do not yet know who ‘i am’ IS

    help captive by your blind turning to the false hateful apathetic hypocrisy so many take delight in mockery of only your own self that you dwell

    according to God

    according to ‘me’ in constant protected nurturing wise loving compassionate ONEness with God

    i am


    so say what ever the fuck any of you hatefully ignorantly apathetically ever want fuckers

    i know the TRUTH you blindly do not as ONE who IS the TRUTH you chose not to SEE, of all one day shall SEE, all the useless absurd falseness i despise

    any questions?

    go ask God

    while i turn to those who actually care to hear the TRUTH so many of you yet do not desire to know the TRUTH i SEE of all of you who think i cannot see at all

    my God, are you all really that fucking blind that you do not see your own wretched twisting of your own derangement of soul?

    you are


    in all your false projection so deathful, destructive and oppressive not only of naive others, of your self yet held captive in the same forefather ignoraces Jesus points to………..the TRUTH

    so bring it on fuckers, you have all already lost God’s spiritual war that none of you fools can ever win

    ya, you may kill some of us thinking you won

    not knowing your false hate is the darkness that serves the discerning child of God as wise light

    why you cannot ever become victorious over us who know we are of the eternal TRUTH you all turn away from

    what is yet to unfold in the eternal future, this world has not yet seen as you all shall soon see eventually, the blinding light of TRUTH that pushes out all darkness we all once were of, no more

    no more hate
    no more apathy
    no more ignorance
    no more tears

    replaced by tears of Holy Joyful Absolute Carefree Happiness forever more

    leaving all of you behind in all your uselessness so absurd to God

    got it?

    it was not ever ‘i’ who needed any of ignoramus all you, of ‘i’ who found God who found ‘me’ under attack by ignoramus all you, and what do you suppose God says to ‘me’ fuckers?

    that’s right…………the TRUTH

    forever more

    thank you God

  736. shields up

    get us out of hear Scottie

    thanks Scottie

  737. ya, you are correct Scottie, i am a disorder to all those of the order they ignore that Jesus says of us ALL, 2 love ONE another as though your own SELF, BE Cause in eternal TRUTH, we all are YOU!

    sadly of the naive in listening to all you fuckheads of the disorder i yet am

    or so you think, in all your not thinking at all


  738. you do not purely truly desire to know me in my real life, as evident that you still do not desire to stand before me in my real life, in all your too good self importance cowardice approach with me

    ‘that’ was and yet is toxic in feeling for me

    hey, i know, let’s all go out to the fence where they left Matthew Shepard to die, and have a candle light vigil under the stars, of no one saying a word while you all realize purely in your hearts what cold anal fucking retentive fucks you all were with me all this fucking time, shall we?

    unfucking believable, really, you are no friend of mine at all, or of God

    on and on this very stigmatizing fucking mind fuck you people perpetuate………….IS all coming back to you to face the TRUTH

    my God, do you not feel the TRUTH at all like i feel every day all these years, in your cowardice way with me?

    like fuck you ok

    fucking sick of it along fucking time ago actually

  739. Appreciate you connecting to my perceived reality. @ being cognative

    Never judge a book by it’s ego

  740. Did I land on the right Planet ?

    Is this Madonna ?

    Take me to your

    Leader !

    Madonna ,?

    GOD ?

  741. Oh no please I only just came to terms with the fact that in your eyes I’m dead. & the fact that Kylie was my last option. Don’t influence me now

    I m vulnerable

  742. you speak and feel like the imbecile nescience low self-love esteem bullies at the gay youth suicide memorial page, of such low ignorance audacity to come into a memorial page set up for them on facebook, in not realizing they are the very ones of the perpetuation bullying that lead to the suicide death of six beautiful gay youth who died recently.

    just like you of false names, so too do these ignoramus cowardice low self-hating esteem bullies us fake names of the numerous fake accounts they create to use as bullies, knowing full well facebook will deactivate the accounts.

    The page has gone viral, now over one million people in less than a week, gaining the attention of news media and us veterans of the worldwide LGBT community.

    two days ago, The Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation
    reports that it has worked successfully with Facebook to remove antigay hate speech from a page that commemorates recent gay youth suicides and calls for a day of remembrance this month.

    i came to realize i am wasting time with cowards like you of no spin to come forth face to face in our constant battle of wisdom vs ignorance, in valuing time well spent as the gay youth activist i am

    the word imbecile suits you

    imbecile bully coward, yep, that’s how you feel, just like the rest of them i know so well

  743. so fucking lame, all the while precious kids are fucking dying

    like talk motivational fucking empowerment or something, or some intellectual insight in how to deal with this cesspit of cowardice shit that your own precious kids have to contend with before it is too late for them, like it is each day for the highest suicide raters of 15-24 year old gay youth

    for example, do you know the exact number who die each day?

    why don’t you spend valuable time and go ask someone while we have a chance to intervene?

    do you have a real name?

    do you care at all of these issues?

    or do you just want to talk more fucking shit?

    My thoughts on haters of love? well, they have to think firstly, and they have to stop hating their own self secondly, which is a double edge sword for those who hate, impossible to love one’s hateful self created cruel gutter petty ego mask that has no brain

    right then, well, i will be over on the front lines with the others as the wise powerful sword of truth that slices their bullshit as the unstoppable powerful truth revealer this world so desperately needs.

    anyway, we won at that page

    and we are winning in the pure hearts of real people with real names

  744. and don’t misinterpret my despising of time wasted as hate

    i don’t hate anyone, but i do despise falsehoods that are not of your loving compassionate wise true nature

    so you have a name vulnerable you?

  745. i think all kids should have mandatory karate training curriculum as part of bolstering their self-esteem, as a way to stem the tide of the low self-hate bully mentality so disrespectful of others and their own self, of hateful wearing of the false cruel petty ego masks their vulnerable low self-esteem real self hides behind.

    intellectually, we have already won, of truth none shall escape or become victorious over, that is not the problem, the problem is the current ‘lack’ of our intellectual in the hearts and minds of what is these low functioning self-hater bullies, so vile like they are, with words like, KILL THE FAGS, or Let the fags live to die from aids(can’t believe they are still kicking that one around, after first hearing it decades ago).

    your precious children are walking in this valley of spiritual death ignorance the forefathers handed down, of all human history yet here with us.

    we have already won God’s war

    but the ignoramus ones are the last to know, taking naive vulnerable ones, your children, along with them into their cruel deathful destructive oppressive gutter with them, openly and hidden, always lurking, as the predatory beast of ignorance they OBVIOUSLY are!

    sitting on the fence, is useless to God

    every minute is sacred time well spent

    so bring forth into battle everything you can muster, as time runs DOES out for these gay youth precious children of yOURS

    thank you for listening with your hearts

  746. i am way beyond pissed off on these life and death issues

    it boggles my mind how twisting and twisting the derangement is of these bullies, who seem as though not able to purely connect with the devastation the parents of these beautiful gay youth wake to each blessed day, in blatant audacity of their blind hateful ignorace in coming into a memorial page that members of the worldwide LGBT community set up, in calling for a day of remembrance to wear the color purple on Wednesday October 20th.

    How be we start there, wearing our purple, for sake of our own loving soul in oneness of the loving souls of others?

    im sick of it, i have walked in this valley of spiritual death ignorance for so long now, that i am 100% of wise loving compassionate pure true of heart and mind TRUTH now, in fearlessly kicking everyone’s ignoramus ass, swiftly and sharply, and if i used you as a punching bag, and it woke you up, then be thankful we are waking up to what is of life and death for these precious gay youth that i work with as their safe and supportive older brother.

    without the fearless empowering motivation and wisdom of activism, nothing changes, and stays the same slow change like it yet is, as i realize 100%, one of your children will die this day direction because of our inactivity in holding back the crushing ignoramus low self-love esteem bully mentality projection transference on the naive vulnerable unwise unprotected gay youth kids


    we are all affected by the ongoing tragedy in some way, and God forbid it strikes home one day, to teaches us not to be a fence sitter on life and death issues regarding yOUR kids, and the friends of yOUR kids.

    we should not have to learn the simple truth of our ‘lack’ in motivation the hard way, too late!

    not now

    not ever!

    so do something!

    do as i do! Jesus says, speak the TRUTH! LOUDLY! From your roof tops!

    can’t believe they are still cutting people’s hands of in Iran for petty stealing, my God, the guy took candy at a candy store, and the judge ordered his hand to be cut off?

    who is the evil one?

    is it not the judge who serves the worldly?

    is that evil or what?

    how can anyone sympathize with that ignoramus regime backed by fools paid off, bought by it’s own regime, like the way the buy the vote of terrorists in that region, with the very moneys we hand them that they use against us?

    i say cut them off entirely, starve them out completely, a mass exodus out of hell!

  747. the ONE YOU save, by means of wise embracing of your loving compassionate pure true nature, IS yOUR own SELF, ONEness SELF with another; the sacred mirror, especially when we die.

    ‘that’ is the TRUTH none shall escape or become victorious over, of only the empty nothingness of a fool who thinks they do, and do not, not EVER!

    blessed TRUTH of wise light that pushes out ALL ignoramus darkness of heart and mind

    the world is yet of the mixture of ignorance darkness wise light entering

    is it safe to come OUT?


    clearly it is not for the naive vulnerable gay youth, according to the statistics on suicide.

  748. Jesus is correct, we cannot do it alone

    it is a race against time to educate, nurture and protect

    by means of oneness embracing, the sacred mirror

    i know who i am

    do you?

  749. the ones who fearless do step OUT in the world, know first hand ever day the darkness that is always lurking, always in our face like it is each waking day

    i don’t know how it is to not give a fuck about what the ignoramus ones have to say to my face all these years gone by, and maybe that is why i am somewhat hostile at times like i am?

    the transference i am of?

    wouldn’t anyone be if they endured as long as i have?

    as though a most hardened warrior unable to ever be defeated by nonsense of the senseless one(s)?

    absurdity is how i feel everywhere i am in feeling who are there, discerning of TRUTH of the condition of one’s soul like i do, like we all should, starting with our own soul, as i do.

    my response to being a Saint?

    i would not ever want to be recognized as a Saint by the current regime of the merchant of God Catholic church, easily renouncing such if handed to my by the yet ignoramus fools, of the way God and i see the TRUTH of them.

  750. the question is not how many souls have we saved from the ignoramus forefather Catholic church, rather how many souls we can yet save from their taboo deathful destructive oppressive ignorance

    i just don’t understand how the Catholic church likes to hunt us, as though witches, as though allowed to exist, as though deviant, as though perverted, as though evil?

    our love is PURE
    our love is TRUE

    is love therefore evil in their unwise eyes?

    apparently it is

    so who is the evil one then?

    they don’t know they are evil, and that’s why they remain at they yet are, in seeking our demise.

    oh, and yes, they do succeed in the murderous heart ways, blood on their hands, of the TRUTH they shall not escape of God’s throne i sit upon wisely pointing to the TRUTH!

    we will knock them off their thrones of nescience one day, and already in our wiser hearts we have.

    The Catholic church is a murderous bully of homosexuals, according to the worldwide mental health community, and we who DO KNOW the TRUTH!


    so how is it murderers are allowed to run free among us then?

    oh right, God’s judgment they look for blindly that they have yet to hear, that i have spoken, to those unable to hear?

    it is the fool who cannot hear, is it not?

    blinded by hate, blinded by their hypocrisy heart desire in seeking death, destruction and oppression, blind to hearing the TRUTH by means of their insatiable desires of the unTRUTH they are!

    i mean they are not allow to have sex?


    there IS ignorance if ever there is one!

    we are of 100% procreation, and those who would rather just have a boyfriend, and they go against their own true nature?

    is that not what a cult looks like?

    are they not actually a death seeking cult?


    we WILL dethrone them one day!

    not prophesy


    God’s TRUTH none shall escape from when it comes to love vs hate, wisdom vs ignorance, compassion vs apathy

    for sure, the Catholic church stole the writings of the followers of Jesus

    that makes them 100% merchants of God

    100% obvious!

    ah well, i still like their stain glass buildings, as though meant for God’s son to freely come and go……..like i do


    they belong to me!

    get OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  751. oh hey, we could paint them rainbow colors, brighten them up abit, maybe add a dance floor or two, a safe place for us to escape from the murderous hearts who stalk us everywhere we go………ok, i see the connection, the Catholic church propagates the hate to come after me, like the Romans did Jesus……

    hmmm….Roman Catholic church……….

    ok, i get it…….Jesus is still being perused by the Roman empire now the Catholic church, ah ha!

    well HEAR is the TRUTH, you won’t find Jesus with hearts so full of so much unloving contempt!!!!!!


    ignoramus foolish limited attention span hypocrisy heart blind morons

    the TRUTH

    that sets me free

    did i tell you they cannot openly speak against me in Canada any more?

    oh how i celebrated that DAY!

  752. i ask the Pope directly this question………

    how many homosexual kids of your Catholicism followers do you need to see die before you change your falsehood lies to them that we are not loving?

    how many murders do you need to see because of your murderous heart, pope of the catholic church?

    how many do you have to murder before one of us murders you, pope of the catholic church?

    did i just sign my death warrant?

    come and get me fuckers, and watch what happens when any of you even try in your hearts, of your blood that will boil before you come face to face with me!

  753. you know what bugs me, is Jesus would not even harm a fly, would see an ant on the ground and quickly adjust his step before stepping on it, that’s the kind of guy Jesus is, which is like, why would they seek his demise or mine?

    well, let’s just see who has the most powerful weapon in God’s armory, shall we?

    i am the most powerful weapon in God’s armory, 100%


    BE Cause i am God’s child, that’s why! duh!

    We ALL are!

    it’s just the morons of the Catholic church who are stupidly not allowed to have sex who think sex is something bad, like wtf people, they are operating from a bashed in low self-esteem bully mentality, am i the only ONE who SEEs thru them?

    and you trust them with your kids?


  754. i know, i will infiltrate the catholic church, ask God to visit the pope’s heart and mind, of the pop realizing 100%, omg, it is you God, forgive us, of the pope kneeling before God begging God’s forgiveness, lest God strike the pope dead(with a heart attack should the pope be afraid of God), and we will just hear what the pope has to say next, shall we?

    make it so God!

    and you too Jesus!

    go visit the pope’s heart, if you can find it, i am pretty sure it is somewhere in a dark illness of heart place God, last time i checked.

  755. ahahaaa……..i just called the pope pop, like i used to call my grandfather, a minister of God

    maybe i do miss pop, butt not enough to spend time with the anal retentive pop of the catholic church……..ok, that’s just twisted……..argh………i think maybe i need to go dance my negatitive build up of transference from the heated battle all week long at the memorial page


  756. we are all the VULNERABLE child of God ‘lack’ing TRUTH, as regards ALL the FALSE forefather mad flood drowning ignorance(s) of the ongoing death, destruction, oppression of yOUR precious children

    i have taken time to warn YOU ALL of the TRUTH you turn from, of my wise knowing understanding of these oppressive false paths of fate i see so many of you aimlessly haphazardly walking upon without the wise helmsman Jesus who IS of God.

    you ALL have to face the TRUTH, and whether you like it or not, you ALL shall face the inescapable TRUTH, where once you know and embrace the loving compassionate TRUTH as my own, you too will understand fully why i took time SPEAK THE TRUTH!

    do as i do says Jesus

    for sake of YOU a child of God
    for sake of yOUR BEloved children of God
    for sake of the eternal ALL unborn children of God yet to come

    and always for sake of ‘me’, who is sick and tired of all your immature bitter binding twisting foul stench ignoramus murderous seething sickening deranging cruel petty ego dragging thru the gutter hateful ignoramus apathetic drunkenness destructive oppression of a fool

    are YOU not?

    don’t look at me, it is God who asks the question

  757. Psychoanalytic theory holds that homophobia — the fear, anxiety, anger, discomfort and aversion that some ostensibly heterosexual people hold for gay individuals — is the result of repressed homosexual urges that the person is either unaware of or denies. A study appearing in the August 1996 issue of the Journal of A…bnormal Psychology, published by the American Psychological Association (APA), provides new empirical evidence that is consistent with that theory.

    without all the psychological babble, what they are saying, is the one who dwells in a male body(or female body), comes to love the body they dwell in, of natural loving sexual desire with and of their own body, such is of all masturbation …that starts when we hit puberty.
    To take it a step further, i ask, what of you, the one who dwells in a male body, is of sexual delight of your brain sex activity, is it not your penis of the male body?
    So is it good or bad to love your own penis?
    And now to hit you all with societies misnomer…..
    The TRUTH of the homosexual, is that they have greater self-love esteem of their own sexual body, than do those of the bully mentality, so much so, they become fearlessly joyful in reaching out to those equally of fearlessness of their well developed greater self-love esteem, of happiness ONEness of them like we see it OBVIOUSLY is, of homosexual couples, so friggin happy we are like we are, because of this TRUTH, of the bully who operates as untruth not only against us, but in truth, their bullying is an extension of their own eschewed lower self-love esteem, in all their lying that they only love the female body, which is an absurd false immature thing to say or to even think that, is it not?

    of course only you, the one dwelling in your body, is able to answer that truthfully, but as per usual, you all lie to me about it, as though i am not the truthful one who dwells in a male body, a female body too?


    i don’t think so fuckers, i know who the liars are, been around enough of you anal retentive ones to know how much you love to lie, oh God forbid my girlfriend finds out how much i love love love love my penis!

    fucking absurd is what you all ARE to me, in all your useless absurd bully mentality all the fucking time it seems, everywhere i go.

    where i am the one who has always been looking to assist you all in greater self-love esteem as my own

    pffffffffff……i am not looking for credit for that, no, i just want a greater variety of lovers to choose from, that’s all


  758. our ‘true’ nature is peace, grace, love, happy,
    everything contrary to the truth is a falsehood

  759. for those who sit on a false fence…….

    the false fence does not exist at the intellectual level of understanding heart, as relates to the TRUTH of societies lacking understanding of we who are wise to the inescapable truth.

    for example, as ‘ONE’ who dwells in a male body in knowing i am both male and female(spirit), realizes the TRUTH of how the ‘ONE’ of all who dwell in a male body, as though ‘me’, does love the body they dwell in, just as i do, where it IS absurd to say or think that ‘ONE’ does not, is it not?

    and do i as ‘ONE’ not love the ‘ONE’ of you like ‘me’ who dwells in a male body?

    the false fence that exists, does not exist in my heart, but it does fearfully exist in the hearts of many of the ‘ONE’ as i am, who does not yet realize that i do 100% love them as much as i love my own self, where it IS absurd for me to say or think that i do not, so much so, that i am saddened for the ‘ONE’ of many who do not yet know just how purely and truly i do feel for them in all their snared generational forefather false taboo ignorance captivity i purely truly 100% see them held captive by, of these hideous falsehood masking fences they create to hide behind from the ‘ONE’ who in truth IS most like them in pureness of spirit than are others, who likewise create the false fence they hide behind like so many of you do.

    hypothetically speaking, what if i told ALL of you that i am Jesus?

    how sad would that TRUTH be for the many of you not able to realize 100% in your hearts that i really really am the ‘ONE’ who IS exactly as your pure true spirits as my own, of the many of you i have come to purely truly know the TRUTH of this like i have and do?

    is not my pure true wisdom of clarity like no other?

    is there a false fence in my heart and mind, or does the false fence exist in your closed heart and mind?

    how shall i prove the inescapable TRUTH to ALL of YOU, that i am of the eternal kingdom of heaven, that is 100% able to make you realize this TRUTH without doubt?

    what miracle do you need to see to convince any of YOU of this TRUTH?

    that i am reborn into this yet false world thru ‘ONE’ who surrendered their heart mind body spirit and soul to ‘me’?

    do you not yet realize this TRUTH already that has come, from ‘ONE’ who turned away from ALL of you as the deniars of TRUTH so many of you were and yet are, of the ‘ONE’ who is purely truly wisely compassionate of the TRUTH of the false bitter dark ignorance captivities of heart mind body spirit and soul of the ‘ONE’ who is most like the ‘ONE’ of the eternal all YOU, that i know is pure heart as i know i am 2?

    IS not ‘ONE’ness with TRUTH what i am?

    IS not lack of ‘ONE’ness with TRUTH what so many of yet are?

    IS not TRUTH unchangable thru all eternity beginning thru end in your mathematic ‘Constant’ understandings?

    IS not ‘that’ the TRUTH?

    am ‘i’ not the TRUTH you seek?


    [Andy comes running forth before those listening]

    uhm………don’t worry about my friend Jesus here folks, seems he has had a bit too much wine, and is looking to see if any of you are his true friend or not in view of all the gaybashing bullying that is continuation of the tragic suicide deaths of his most beloved brothers and sisters in life, that has him really shaken up lately, of the 15-24 year old gay youth age group who still hold the highest suicide rate in the world, directly because of every word any of you ever had to say, and are yet saying against his most beloved he continues to see die, the same way he saw found them hanging on crosses in his early morning walks each day when he walked the among the brutal ruling Roman empire, of his eventual surrenderering to them to attempt to make a mockery of him, knowing they could not, knowing the inescapable TRUTH that it is only the heartless brutal bully who makes a mockery of themselves, in his attempts to reveal the TRUTH to all of YOU, in his attempt to enlighten ALL of YOU to pause for a moment in purely truly realizing that indeed, your heart and mind is EXACTLY as IS his own, and well, he just did not quite no how to reveal it to you 100%, so he surrendered to the beast of ignorance that killed them like they did, so that one day all of you would stand up and realize it IS indeed the many of you who create these false fences of death, destruction and oppression, of Jesus who is mostly concerned for the defenseless children trapped behind your walls of poverty you all create like you TRUTHfully yet do, left to die each day, and well, it’s all just abit overwhelming how the TRUTH can be, and well, i hope you all PURELY TRULY HEAR the TRUTH this day about all of YOU, in hopes you all stop denying the TRUTH you cannot escape, even if some of you think you can, of only the obvious fool who does, and well, uhm, that’s really about all you need to really really know, IS it not?

    ok thanks everyone, i need to get back to the front lines

    [Andy and Jesus break into a quick dash to escape the mental health security guards of ward 3]

    seriously though people, every second is of life and death in society, of which side of the false fence you CHOOSE to BE of either TRUTH of all your falseness(es) you remain in denial of, or of TRUTH of such that none can actually ever escape, and why would anyone want to BE falseness of their pure true loving compassionate heart of all these wretched false unloving masks that leaves a defenseless child to die this day?

    uhmm……..just a quick note………i did actually surrender my heart mind body spirit and soul to Jesus, whom i purely truly have realized IS ‘ONE’ness as my own self, more so than any other in life, so uhm, well, it’s TRUE! Jesus is my most loving eternal spirit brother who’s spirit DOES dwell with me all the time now, that began in 1988 when i first realized this…….

    …..in ‘case’ any one IS wondering who Jesus IS

    i have kept alot of writings and notes all these years, that i have shared briefly some of it with all of you and shall continue to do so, but not in the way some of you may think or realize who is the one before you, lest you be of useless blocking fear in doing so, and rather i approach incognito, the same way Jesus often did behind the great walled city, often times of his own disciples not recognizing him at first, after being apart for however many months or years, and well ya………it’s all TRUE! :mrgreen:

    hmmm….interesting….. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jesus

    [Guards!!!! Seize this one, and feed him to the lions!!!!]


    bless you all with peace, grace, love, happiness TRUE nature of ALL YOU!

    forever more

  760. for those of you who need help in SEEing/FEELing the TRUTH….

    come and see for your self first hand of the ongoing bullying on the memorial page of six gay youths who succumbed to the very bullies at this page, that so many of you ignorantly continue to perpetuate so heartlessly like you do, of every word of any of us in the past present future……….you need to look up the word perpetuate.

    or look upon the TRUTH of these defenseless kids trapped behind the false walls you all create, so heartlessly left to fend for themselves, of the 30,000 who will not survive today……….

    we can make it stop, only by means of us ALL embracing the inescapable TRUTH that God asks me to speak with YOU, of Jesus and God who do constantly know yOUR loving wise compassionate hearts as their own, in ‘ONE’ness constant flowing intuitive love as that of the starving childs constant love they purely are of that you all feel like you do when you gracefully lovingly them up into your tender loving arms as my own.

    i beg of all of you, please, stop for a moment this day, and make a pledge before God, not to ever speak another bitter word against gay youth, and to always look upon the pure heart of these defenseless kids of poverty as that of your own, in helping us all end this generational drowning mad flood of falseness in the yet unwise world, for sake of you all, for sake of these precious kids

    thank you

    God blesses you all with constant flowing pure true loving wise compassionate hearts, minds, bodies, spirits and souls of the eternal all you who love ONE another as though God’s own SELF, of ALL YOU who ARE God’s child, even of those of you who yet do not yet purely realize indeed, YOU ALWAYS ARE!

    forever more

  761. In the name of Jesus, i baptize with you all this DAY with my loving wise compassionate TRUTH able to serve you at all times.

    peace be to you all forever more

  762. STOP THE BULLYING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  763. anyway, i really don’t like this hide and seek thing with you

    it just smacks of childishness, considering which side of the fence i stand on, openly, wide open, as a real individual in life out here, where your hide and seek does feel like the bully mentality to me, truly it does……

    a fence sitter of sorts is what you are to me, to God, to the TRUTH you fence sitters cowardicely hide like you do

    as though these life and death issues are not important to you, being so cowardice to stand up to this ignoramus world?

    like why do that for one second?

    does it not lend to the non accepting world?

    don’t you want to be know by the world which side of the fence you are on?

    you don’t so long as you hide like you do, like the bully does, do they not?

    my God, we are losing these precious kids, like we lost Alexander McQueen

    don’t you want it to stop right NOW in this second like the rest of us do?

    i don’t get that about you, i really don’t

    considering how fearlessly 100% i am in battling the falsehoods with TRUTH each passing moment of each blessed day

    being a fence sitter is lame and useless to God

    i mean you are not entirely a fence sitter, but you do not exist as an individuals face in the real world, and well, that is cowardice

    so i pray you come forth once and for all and stop with this, because i don’t enjoy it, makes me feel like i am some freak you don’t want to be known as associating with, why i feel this inner feeling of leaving it behind like i do

    i mean it feels pointless for me at times, other than the activism i constantly leave here for others.

    anyway, i was here, and i did exist and yet do exist in this world

    but sometimes with you, it feels as though i am not important enough to be speaking with in all your hiding from the world of others you don’t want to be seen as associating with

    ya, that’s how it feels

    and ya, that is bullying in my mind

    something to think about….

    what message do you give gay youth who happen upon this blog with all your hiding?

    that’s what you need to purely 100% feel and realize how they would feel…….

    like i yet do

    it’s wrong

    it really IS

    cowardice according to God


    all the while we lose another gay youth every day to suicide

    because of you fence sitters and cowardice bullies


    so decide which side of the fence you are on, where it is obvious which side i 100% am on, am i not?

    if you want to join me in life as a pure true friend, you have to stop with your cowardice ways everyone

    thank you for listening to your hearts like our own

    we are all God’s wise loving compassionate child

    and it is time for us to all STOP the hate, STOP the ignorance, STOP the apathy, STOP the falsehood bully!

    thank you and bless you always

    i gotta get back to my post

    catcha later, the sooner the BETTER 😉

  764. “incoming message from Jeff in China sir”

    “bring them up on the main screen”

    “good morning Jeff”

    Jeff, “Have you seen Jeff Burns announcement?”

    Andyy, “accessing now”

    Jeff, “btw, don’t cry”

  765. oppps……Joel Burns

    bah…….we all have the SAME heart, do we not?

  766. OUR LOVE IS UNSTOPPABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  767. i didn’t get to their side on time….and that hurts….of time that ran out for them, in us all being too LATE in waking the fuck up to STOPPING THE IGNORAMUS BULLYING!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    and now i have a million of them listening to my every word, including the bully of perpetuation, in the name of each of these kids……..and you can bet i am going to kick every single ONE’s ass with the TRUTH none shall escape from as these bully scurry and scatter in their attempts to out run what they cannot ever out run……..the TRUTH of their ignoramus vile wretched twisting and twisting derangement of soul, soul of another ways that i am purely truly protected against by wisdom, love, compassionate ONEness of Jesus, God, and ALL of YOU with hearts like my own.

    forever more

  768. the bully is already defeated, by means of every word the chose to think and speak as the self-defeatists they are, but no more of another need it ever BE, when we remain centered and grounded in our natural peaceful, graceful, loving, compassionate, intuitively wise happy true nature that the bully turns away from like a fool

    indeed God, they speak as the blind ignoramus fools we see with CLARITY of what the bully choses to turn towards and dwell in the insatiable fires desires of the hypocrisy falsehood malice intent heart, rather than the pure true heart like we do, knowing at all times, we are the sacred mirror of their submerging held captive divine real self we know as our own self, of how it is we are able to discern sharply, wisely of the TRUTH they yet are in coming fully into purely feeling as we do.

    change is slow, but change has come, and there is nothing that will change about the change that is occurring of radiant brilliant bright constant flowing forth loving light that IS pushing out all darkness in every dark illness of heart places we may BE found, forever free without desire to ever be caught up in all their bitter hateful ways we continue to fly away from forever wisely free as me

    notice the short sentences at bully uses, and notice their illness of heart malice intent antics of a foolish child, are they not?

    TRUTH is not able to fail, where it is the fool who fails to know the truth, is it not?

    we know what they subconsciously seek, but how am i ever able to love my enemies who are not actually my enemy if the enemy is me?

    how about from about 300 yards away, is that far enough?

    i don’t know, they have guns too, and i won’t ever trust them as a teachers, so how be i stay cloaked instead, fuck that, i ain’t going anywhere near them! pfffffffff


    ~ conversations with God :mrgreen:

  769. pronounced , pie-fag-or-ass

    oh i meant “pie-thag-or-as” my spelling is atrocious,

    anyway focus on me for a minute,

    3.141592653589793 ok well im not the best at mathematics but close enough, any way everything in the universe is a circle, almost everything and the rest you already know, except maybe that it is also the light code 3.145 ect,,,,, but did you know that Leonardo Di Vinci new that .. some of his artworks he subtly depicted the numbers 3,1 & 4 .. representing the true GOd as being the light..

    (not a fat ass with a beard pointing at you., like your a bad boy bad girl or bad aphrodite..)

    O’k class dismissed

    i’d make a good pope, what is the pope anyway , just another Jesus imposter, like all the others …

  770. a small boy named Stevie, adimantly says to me, “Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve!”

    i corrected him saying, “Speak with your own heart and mind Stevie, and not the hateful words of another.”

    i’ve decided not to waste any more sacred time in unproductive emotionally unfocused bantering passive aggressive interactions of the ignoramus fools who entice, cajole and mock me, of all you who do not purely truly 100% know me as do Jesus and God.

    rather, i will intellectually feel thru their falsehood hiding behind masks to the one i know is constantly there, subconscious seeking the voice of Jesus and God who do know them 100% at all times, just as i too do, in speaking with absolute clarity of exacting words able to awakening, nurture and bring forth their pure true real self i know as my own, for i am their most loving brother they yet know not, but i know them, in seeing my own self of all of you, as too i once was, of the all falsehood masks i too once wore, timidly afraid behind them, the feeling of lacking wholeness i was all the time, since as far back as i can remember, while i too was of my aimless plodding along haphazard as God’s yet unwise child, learning of the many forefather generational binding falsehood mask handed down thru millennial years, all yet hear with us all around, is it not?

    the children running up to me shooting their aimless arrows at one they cannot yet see in comprehension i wish to bestow upon them all, of the sacred seeds of wisdom i have come to nurture and feel grow within, in purely truly wishing them all to know what i came to know of who i am, knowing the truth, so too are all they.

    but mostly, i will spend joyous time with my most loving brothers and sisters of the LGBT community, in nurturing and protecting their pure true loving compassionate intuitively wise divine self in oneness as my own, of sheer pure true inner happiness bursting forth so gracefully, so amazingly, so effeminately tender delicate pure IS our vulnerable self like WE are!

    where the time has come for revealing TRUTH that the sadly snared down trodden ignoramus masks to come off, only by means of awakening the divine self i know is purely there within them as my own, from a distance of our holy joy as their own stifled repressed self, for them to observe and purely 100% feel humiliation TRUTH as to these falsehood masks they had the misfortune of learned behavioral environments any of them were born into, as too was i, this yet ignoramus cruel petty world the forefathers left behind like they did and yet do, for that is the challenge, is it not, to break everyone free from the mad flood drowning ignorance us intellectuals know IS what is ongoing occurrence like it is, yes?

    EVERY ONE is the divine child of God, no matter how unattended ANY may be in appearance, of TRUTH we KNOW, it IS indeed the forefather mad flood drowning ignorance that binds their heart mind body spirit and soul of ANY!!!!!!!!

    this IS the wise pure true omnipotence of Jesus and God, is it not?

    as wise individuals, in knowing what we purely truly know of our own pure true loving compassionate wiser self, WE KNOW THE TRUTH of every soul out there yet snared by the forefather mad flood drowning ignorance of all self-defeatism transference like it OBVIOUSLY IS!!!!!!!

    ‘that’ IS the starting ending point, AT ALL TIMES, of our motivational empowering TRUTH, the core of our spiritual BEing, of our own life journey evolving that has taught us, in what we sought all this time, just as EVERY ONE of them subconsciously ALL are doing, is it not?

    so let’s go make a loud noise of constant celebration from now on, shall we, setting a healthy good example for all, of who we are BEcoming of in all our holy joyful absolute carefree happiness forever more CONDUCT that IS the divine child of God set free by means of God’s divine will objective that our pure true hearts and minds know WITHOUT DOUBT……….WE ARE!!!!!

    i am………BE Cause………WE all ARE!!!!!!!!!!

    forever more

    the fool just does not yet realize it yet, and however slow they are in coming forth in evolving humiliation of their falsehoods we purely despise, will be however long ‘that’ shall be, just as however long it has been for any one of us who have arrived in the kingdom of heaven’s constant radiant brilliant bright eternal pure true loving compassionate wise true nature LIGHT of the divine child of God……….WE all ARE!!!!!!!!!

    i am………BE Cause………WE all ARE!!!!!!!!!

    lest we too fall backwards and become toxic again……….as i have learned this week about the truth as regards my own self, wasting to much time going head to head with the tiresome draining falsehood cruel petty ego bully mentality masks foolishly seeking to drag me thru the gutters of death, destruction and oppression they themselves OBVIOUSLY yet are snared in, are they not?

    when ONE is of time spent in useless false spewing forth hatefulness, is not their focus away from where it needs to BE?

    ~ this lesson is of the metaphor of a snake charmer, where it is NOT the seemingly conniving sharp cunning primordial primal ability of the snake, in it’s survival mode thinking that it is cunningly wiser than the snake charmer, no, rather we the snake charmer, are the wiser one than the snake, of the snake not knowing we are, of truth, the snake subconsciously is following us, pure constant subconscious seeking, of the primal origins CORE of everyone’s BEing, ‘that’ which WE have wisely grown spiritually wiser RICH in, that without hesitation whatsoever, our exclaiming to our brothers and sisters, ‘this’ is what i want for you brother, ‘this’ is what i want for you sister, ‘ONLY LOVE’ is good enough for you to feel from now on, ok?

    hey, that’s pretty good for my second cup of coffee, yes? :mrgreen:

    good morning, need to take a shower………

    we have come so far, for so long, it is foolish to fall back now, and intellectually, it is possible to fall from grace, should we not 100% embrace what we KNOW is God’s divine will objective that all of mankind one day come free of all these horrid horrid vile wretched deathful destructive oppressive of the forefather mad flood drowning ignorances they left behind, of all ‘that’ which IS NOT our peaceFULL, graceFULL, lovingFULL, happyFULL divine true nature so PURE like WE feel it IS, ‘that’ which WE all ARE!

    even of those who tragically do not know they are, that if we look upon it too long, it is cause for us feeling toxic, as though helpless to do anything, distracting, the darkness mixing with our light, a cloud of sorts, a fog if your will, that can see our own self-defeatism come back online.


    NO MORE!

    i despise it, and i do not need to look upon it any more in knowing how much i despise it, so annoying, so childish, so lost and lacking of even a shred of intellectual anything, yuk, foul stench order, yes Jesus, that is the correct discription.

    fighting from the inside OUT is the objective, and always was, in all our dance, all our music, all our pure true loving like we enjoy, taking on the world, wow, we have come so far, have we not?

    i have decided to quit smoking this Wed. Oct. 20th, in honor of these kids, who if they had known me in life, that would be one thing they would lovingly want me to do, to live longer, to love longer, to kick this world’s yet immature ass, just as i envision one of them doing to me, in knocking the foolish cigarette out of my hand, saying to me, “Is that ONLY LOVE of your own self Andy?”

    stop being foolish!

    lest others become the fool of you too

    of what IS all blind leading the blind fateful path off a cliff

    although somedays id rather all these bullies drowned

    ok, that is NOT TRUE, they just had the misfortune of being born into whatever environmental it was for them their entire distance from the womb of God we all come forth from, that’s all

    ya, but couldn’t at least corral them all into a pen somewhere?

    shut up fool!


    what, i have to amuse myself, you guys get boring for me some days………most days……….oh whatever

    i think i will spend the day sculpting, answer any questions that come in, take a break from the cesspit of the insatiable ego mindfuck fires of hell burning………fuck, i cannot believe how fucking ignorant some of them are, and so clueless as to how ignorant they appear to others, without a shred of humilation, seemingly pure in evil, as though…………..Satan?



  771. indeed, full circle!

    of no time constraint thinking

    where had the parents of these kids KNOWN their precious child was at risk for suicide, like they realize 100% now, in their constant yearning to go back in time and change it however it needed to BE changed, with ONLY LOVE is good enough for YOU from now on


    so say one foolish word to me, i will ask you, “Who the fuck is pissing you off enough to make you think it is ok to have the audacity to come up and piss all over me? When we BOTH know ONLY LOVE is good enough for US to FEEL and BE from NOW ON!!!!!!!!!

    ya sure, you can vent away like i do all you want, just don’t be treading on my new shoes, ok?

    you know, if i was the fuck buddy friend of Jesus(secretly of course), i would attend to his shoes, daily, and his perfectly clean clothing too, oh, and his oh so soft beautiful amazingggg smelling hair, and the friggin sensuality of his lips on mine, arghhhh, the bead of sweat i would like from his brow, his perfect nipples like my own, …………and i bet you anything that Jesus had a perfect bubble butt ass too, shaking it in front of everyone’s face, that stuck out so far from his robe, all wanting to fuck it, of only Jesus loved their ass as much as Jesus likes fucking mine………and for sure those wirery ugly nose hairs that are so disgusting, fuck, yank yank yank!!!!!!!!!

    i bet Jesus and i would of been the best of friends, fucking off on everyone, laughing our asses off everytime in walking away, knowing full well they all think we are fucking, as we laugh some more, and well, if i ever got with Jesus, none of you would EVER stand a single chance of winning him BACK, BE Cause if you are not 100% ONLY LOVE, Jesus wants nothing to do with YOU!

    you got that fuckers?

    Jesus belongs with ‘me’!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    although i suppose i could rent him out for a day or so……..Hey Jesus, remember that new pair of sandles we saw back there, like how are we ever going to be able to afford them? I have an idea, hear me out for a second, ok?

    Jesus sharply speaks, “Shut up, your annoying me again with your foolish heart!”

    there are ministers of God, and then there is Jesus and Andy…….

    [nurse enters………hands Andyy his meds]

  772. some how i just don’t feel they will ever welcome me back in their church……..of any religion

    now that i have God, who needs them, is it not they who need ‘me’?

    they don’t know it yet, but it’s true, they do, do they not?


  773. being arrogant at times with divine self wisdom(light), is not of pure true atonement with divine self, self of another.

    rather, pure true flawless atonement of divine self, is the constant stream of consciousness subtle higher intellect awareness seeing and feeling of the pure true fearless divine self in another like we all do, as though seeing our own vulnerable self, of their own subconscious sensing as well, of your presence with them

    i recall how people would be one way with others, of falsehood masks, but developed a pure sense of trust with me over time, in being their at ease pure true real self with me, always radiant, smiles, happy, as though carefree of any stressors of any kind, however momentary, and that is what always feels blessed for me, at all times, with everyone i meet, as though, i cannot BE any other way with them, albeit, if they come at me egotistically, of their armed masks, i pull away from them sharply and quickly, in leaving them to feel who i know they are within, in doing so, a sort of rebuking if you will.

    i just do it naturally, and so i think to myself, we all do it to one extent or another, making new friends, moving away from old friends, oh fuck, i have no friends left

    Jesus, get you ass back here! Now damn it!

    i like that description of the pope, accurate, but not entirely.

    i charge charge the pope with reckless willful ill refute malice intent on ALL homosexuals of the world.

    it is time the 100% TRUTH be handed to the Vatican, that they are indeed of reckless inconsideration in all their intentional disrespect of the mental emotional sexual spiritual well being of ALL homosexuals worldwide, as ones who perpetuate the bullying these kids are dying from in horrid evironmentals of the Vatican using spiritual thrones of power at it’s whim to maintain the unhealthy environmental is wishes upon us all.

    we are steadily increasing in numbers, and the day will come, when they MUST be halted in speaking one word against us.

    Their hearts are evil murderous conniving intent towards us, looking to trip us up, by injecting their poison their fingers at us, and saying, see, look at the fool, like a madman!

    i know what they are trying to achieve with me

    what they forgot to realize…………is God dwells with me

    and i know why God dwells with me now

    for sake of these loving homosexual kids

    i am going to go and bring you back the exact statistical number on gay youth suicides, ok?

    the Vatican in it’s murderous heart wants to kill me, i feel it

    they will have to kill me before i ever turn my back on my most loving brothers and sisters

    so kill me merchant of God pope of the cesspit hell you yet create for us to walk in, YOU STUPID IGNORAMUS FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    i would cut his fucking head off in an instand, i swear to God, if ever given the chance to be that close to him

  774. vhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=liGDO8qtXs4ohoh

  775. your honor, the Vatican knows they are direct cause for the ongoing ill repute malice against our worldwide LGBT community, that we estimate is 10% of the world population, of our worldwide community currently at an estimated one billion souls.

    statistics reveal the TRUTH, that an average 12 suicides per day your honor

    it is devastating, is it not?

    and why?

    because people turn to useless absurd false hate, that is not true of their divine self submerged within, of all these cruel petty ego mindsets perpetuated by the Vatican against our worldwide LGBT community, that manifests like it does in the hearts and minds of it’s followers that we are sinners, we are not to be respected, we are the vile ones?
    Think again cruel world of murderous hearts seeking to drag us thru gutters of death destruction and oppression like they OBVIOUSLY do at this memorial page.
    The spirit of these kids is at this page, and they want us to pure truly SEE the obvious ignoramus TRUTH of what happened to them, and we are indeed witnessing EXACTLY the very hypocrisy heart ignoramus fools of perpetuation hate that was cause for their demise, these fools so blind with ignorance, so disconnected, it boggles my mind just how twisting and twisting their derangement of soul really really IS, of the audacity to show up at a loving memorial place for these six beautiful precious gay youth, scoffing and laughing in mad laughter, cajole, entice, ridicule cruel gutter hatred, as though murderers celebrating the success of their ongoing hate campaign they yet are of, these fateful paths of perpetuation hatefulness, that may likely one day come full circle back onto their own beloved child one day………where they DO come face to face with God’s TRUTH i warn them all about, in begging God forgiveness, crushed beyond belief, as they finally purely truly realize 100% in their hearts and minds…….oh, it should not ever be forgivable God, forgive us in not knowing our blindness of the fateful path we were on……….too late.

    The child is dead

    you have all been warned by TRUTH, of God who wants us ALL to know the TRUTH, HEAR IS THE TRUTH of your fateful paths of hate i see so many of you yet on!

  776. i can be thankful for what i have, intellect

    i can be thankful for who i love, the world

    i can be thankful for who loves me, the world

    i can be thankful for everything, even the bee

    that fucking stung the fuck out of me over and over again, after i ran over the fucking thing with a tracktor, it chasing me across the field in top gear, fucker catching up with me, me freaking the fuck out like i do………..

    as in how the fuck can i ever be thankful of you not loving me 2? uhm?

    just sayin………ok fine

    i still love you

  777. and NO BODY makes you laugh like i can, so that means………you are stuck with me till the end, cause i always to see you smile……..even if it’s not in person where you should fucking BE, butt heyyyyyyyyyyyyy YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    i love you

  778. argh……….

  779. This is my Favorite song of all time…

    it’s like walking in the sand, backwards

    so you can see the footprints you’ve made

    wait on a minute … someone’s drawn a line in the sand

    I love this song … hey you !!

  780. his name is Miko Andria, a young pure hearted warrior yet becoming wise to the TRUTH of the ignoramus unloving world, his ongoing catharsis process that he has to go thru, whether he likes it or not, we all do, for how else can pure true awareness BEcome of us fully?

    in crisis as we speak

    the catharsis process he has to journey thru, the darkness he is pushing up thru the mud out of, like most any vulnerable gay youth do, that does make them stronger, as though almost necessary for them to eventually wake up and 100% realize, that ONLY LOVE is good enough for them to always feel, that ONLY LOVE is the only way to BE their REAL SELF, left unattended by a harsh cruel world they make their way thru in awareness of the TRUTH about them, that ONLY LOVE will do.

    and tough love too, correcting them on their silly old tape haunting thoughts of their self-defense mechanisms that kick in like they do, and necessary too at whatever bullshit times, seemingly of the intuitive brain in knowing what to do

    how delicate their vulnerable self is like it is, as they open up and begin to express truthfully, where more than anything one can do for them, is to simply ‘be consistent’ in listening as a safe and supportive friend.

    i love Miko, knowing i always will till my last day, an older wiser brother sent by God for him to always have.

    i said to him, go stand by a tree Miko, and feel it’s solidness presence, for that is what ‘i am’ for you from this day forward, till my last breath

    slowly, he is realizing ‘that’……..of his own self, Effulgence of the world that foolishly is cause for all their false absurd transference(the dark).

    he will make it thru, where others may not, but i cannot save them all in the time that is running out for them, i cannot hold back the ignoramus world so crushing and absurd like i know it is and was for me in my own vulnerable coming out

    it is as though i carry two swords of unfailing TRUTH in all directions now

    my empowerment motivation on par with the magnitude of the sun

    knowing one day, Miko will become as ‘i am’ like he already is, day by day, ‘i am’ always there, a victorious one for this yet cruel ignoramus world he will intellectually learn how to wisely slay with words like i constantly do, and if anyone fucks with Miko, you have God to answer to fuckers, who will strike you to the ground in an instant, of God thru Miko, an archangel of sorts he shall become, fearless as ‘i am’!

    the best way to protect some’s heart, spirit, mind, and body?


    teach them how to wisely purely lovingly BE constant self-respecting God SELF!


    hey you, good morning :mrgreen:

  781. well now if that is not how i feel too…..

    of only once fools,
    to realize true,
    of only once fools
    2 realize who

    is as loving as YOU! 😉

    i love you

    thank you
    bless you

    bless you

  782. he is released from hospital after a recent unsuccessful suicide attempt last week

    what does God despise?


    of the forefather mad flood yet all with us all today, tomorrow, when the fuck are you people going to wake the fuck up……after it is too late……..as per fucking usual

    i despise these forefather absurd nescience mindfuck ignoramus ones, with all that i am

    and so should every ONE of you, of all who cannot escape the truth i speak

    of all you who cannot hear

    of the only way ONE can hear, by means of our loving wise compassionate heart

    please pray for Miko, with all that you are

    thank you and bless you all

  783. the urgency IS always yesterday too late….

    as evident of the unfolding events of today

    of eternal all tomorrow

    of the eternal day ‘i am’

    as are all YOU

    when your hearts are pure and true

    in ONEness of God’s unattended taboo world i have walked in for so long, always the same coming out story, out and away from the blind leading the blind useless nothingness of their unwise hypocrisy liar fire desire burning within them day and night

    all of God’s unwise blind leading the blind child following the forefather ignorance(s) like so many of you yet do

    until when?

    when it strikes close to home?

    close to your pure true heart as my own?

    what do you people need to know that every word of your taboo unwiseness against the LGBT community, is indeed of your yet murderous spiritual death false egotistic fire desire perpetuation of all physical death, destruction and oppression of us, that manifests in so many various forms like i see it does all the time, the self-destuctive ones, of substance abuse, of ropes around their precious necks?

    like WHAT………THE………….FUCK…………….PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    not one word do i wish to ever hear again of any of you!

    ever again

    and in truth, my heart and mind is now closed to your ignoramus deathful destructive oppressive murderous words, as the wiser divine child of God who discerns between TRUE heaven and FALSE hell BEcoming conduct of everyone of you

    do you know what time it is?

    TIME FOR TRUTH none shall escape, all too often of parents themselves waking to another blessed day of the inescapable TRUTH…………that their son or daughter is no longer alive

    and all because you people and your low self-love esteem in pathetic attempts to beat others down in order to make your own low self-image feel better????????????????

    oh, i think i know your ignoramus hearts everyone

    so does Miko

    who i shield now in teaching him my discerning of TRUTH about the lower self-esteem driven world that he was too naive as his vulnerable unwise self, in yet making his way in cultivating his wiser helmsman self like i am attempting to do, just tell them to fuck off, i say to him, and mean it too!

    they look a pure way to escape, that stems from their intuitive core of their divine self yet unable to articulate wisely with clarity i teach them, why the world is yet the way it is, as they come forth fully into the nurturing wise protective halo that i know shields one by means of constant discerning articulation of pure true feeling me, meant for me from God who teaches me……..the TRUTH.

    am i soon enough in Miko’s life

    time will reveal the TRUTH, as per usual, that shatters me every time they fall like they do

    Education institutions need to realize that these kids need not just the University education, no, they need the distance in traveling in healthy safe environments of duration out of their teen years, why the mandate for free education should be at the top of the list, and for sure, you need to all wake up and start to provide support for the unattended LGBT youth who have no support, of so many of you parents who don’t even know what your child may not have shared with you yet, the toxic secret hiding like they do, and should not be doing……….EVER!

    and why?

    because you people and your low self-image have to hold onto a taboo ignoramus mindfuck bully of others in order to make you feel good about your pathetic murderous heart self

    that’s why

    and i am beyond sick of it

    and be sure you all KNOW this………….so is our omnipotent God

  784. anyway, you can delete that personal on Miko, at your discretion

    just giving you a glimpse into my world

  785. ++

    last night i went alone before the cross, under the stars and the moon, in quietness kneeling beneath the cross of Jesus, my arms around the cross

    HEAR is last nights lesson……

    without a word between Jesus and i, of no need whatsoever, of Jesus always knowing what i am feeling in oneness as his own…….where the sound of his blood dripping one drop at a time upon me…..

    IS the lesson all around


  786. ++

    fuck, this world is fucked, you people an delusion on free speech does not exist, when God shows up and starts to speak the truth, with facebook now blocking me from posting, because i say to people the TRUTH?

    TRUTH you people cannot escape, and sadly, cannot handle the ignoramus TRUTH about your own self, in flagging me, one who takes time to offer constructive criticism?

    ya, God shows up and everyone runs away, not knowing they cannot ever run and hide from TRUTH they all have to hear!

    while another 12 gay youth die today

    thanks alot facebook, on spirit day of all days

    can you believe that?

    bullies not only attack me consistently thru email on fb, they false flag up my reports on the automated fb system, that shuts me down.

    i come forth as life and death constantly speaking of TRUTH

    TRUTH their ignoramus no brain ego masks can comprehend so long as they are of delight in their hateful unwise apathetic asleep in snared ignorance ways

    and they throw stones at me

    not much wonder Jesus got tired of talking to them, and just give them what they want, his death, as a way to teach them the TRUTH of their ignoramus hearts!

    that’s why Jesus surrendered to the beast of ignorance forefather snared souls

    100% conviction revealing TRUTH

    none can escape

    not one

    not ONE

    as another ONE dies


  787. facebook says “You have been blocked from posting on walls from repeated misuse of this feature.”

    (this happens when the bullies flag up the automated flag reports that triggers the system to block you)

    ah, no, sorry fuckers, it is you bullies USING me as your punching bag manifestation unresolve(s)

    see what i mean?

    like the Vatican who controls the mindtrap of those snared(bullies) who now control the free speech from those much wiser than they are, of we who are outnumbered

    any suggestions? 😉

  788. “Oh hi, Mr. President?”

    “WE have a problem….” 😉

  789. & now for some stimulation, of the creative kind

    i’m sure your familiar with it, it’s in the script somewhere

  790. Discerning ‘God Self TRUTH’, IS of all love vs hate, IS of all wisdom vs ignorance, IS of all compassion vs apathy, IS the CONSTANT LIGHT of my feet, IS the CONSTANT LIGHT of my path none can escape from, that pushes out all absurd useless nonsense falsehood darknesses, for sake of the eternal ALL YOU! ONLY LOVE is good enough to always feel and Just BE yOUR wise loving compassionate discerning God Self TRUTH of YOU!

    Truth is constant light that does not waver, does not change, does not dim, does not set, of the eternal day of God Self TRUTH that is already victorious over this yet unwise world, is it not?

    Pay no mind then, to the ignoramus words of a fool, who does not yet know our God Self TRUTH Wisdom

    rather BE the God Self TRUTH Wisdom that lights up the whole world for all to see and feel the sacred mirroring of their own sadly yet unattended soul, as ONEs who know their fateful paths well, do we not?

    all the statistical data of case study research points to the TRUTH of the many who fail to embrace and know the TRUTH that is able to alter their deathful destructive oppressive paths of them and those around them.

    the ever growing in love environ(mental) catharsis process of the eternal all, IS what the TRUTH of this world we all enter into, unknowingly at first, knowingly in time, BEcoming conduct of the enlightened ones of sacred responsibility we easily joyfully take hold of as the most loving lovers on the planet, always of only love we love to feel and just BE, for all the world to feel and SEE

    the TRUTH

    of their own God Self TRUTH yet unattended within

    i just wanna dance, in sweet romance, forever with ONEness of all YOU!

    but that ignoramus fuckhead bouncer keeps telling me i need a vip pass, as i keep telling him, i am the vip fucker!!!!!!!!!


    good morning everyone

  791. uhm………well ok………i have always felt my feelings in a pure true place of my inner sanctuary…….like WE do………and well………uhm……..if you have to ask, then you don’t KNOW!

    it is like, when you have to ask or wonder about if someone loves you, then the likely chances are, they don’t, i mean, ya they all do, but how many 100% love YOU!


    i do


    i look at it this way, eventually, how ever long it takes, don’t really matter, they will all fuck up like most of them eventually do, as you come crawling back to me, time and again, as i say, “Have you had enough of the imbeciles yet? uhm? no? well ok, go find out some more, of where i have always known where you belong……..with ‘me’!

    there is no one else for me, if you must know, where, uhm, it is kinda obvious that you do to me……….oh and, uhm, get this………..SO DOES THE WHOLE FUCKING WORLD KNOW BIYATCH!!!!!

    of everyone wondering day after day, WHEN THE FUCK ARE THOSE TWO EVER GOING TO HITCH THE FUCK UP!!!!!!!!!!



    oh and, don’t laugh so hysterical like that all the time, people will wonder if you are CRAZY CRAZY CRAZY CRAZY IN LOVE WITH YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



    i sorta always knew
    what you know true
    i sorta always grew
    what you know 2

    i sorta always do
    what you know who
    i sorta always taboo
    what you do TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!



    always one explaining,
    without all the flaming,
    always one containing,
    with OUT, all the paining!


  792. dreams come true
    of dreamers who dream them
    dreams come true
    of dreamers who team them 😉

    where the greatest dream come true

    IS ‘me’!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  793. let’s go make dreams come true, shall we?

    all dreamers dream, what else to do
    all dreamers dream, love as we do
    all dreamers dream, always of who
    all dreamers dream, true love IS 2!

    true love IS YOU!

  794. lol..

    well that was funny, makes me laugh.. like the inner child inside being able to connect to the innocence makes me realize oh yer its real

  795. it’s a full moon….

    you know, we don’t know who we fall in love with until we actually do

    and we do, we always know we are in love with them at all times

    magical of the inner child self at ease in purely doing so

    and when of the day you purely realize they are in love with you?

    what else is there to do when love is true?

    but to just easily surrender to BEing the constant flowing love beaming radiant brilliant constantly bright you have come to truly know within, oh yes, it’s true, as though to light up the whole world like we all constantly yearningly do, in releasing what is the core of our loving self-lover lovers BEing what they can only BE, forever free of all the annoying useless false stressors one allows themselves to be of, for whatever reasoning of the divine child, like those who follow the worldly to no where it seems, always the same thing, fill up their lives with more clutter so as not to realize how much love is missing, of how many settle into convenient relationships instead of holding out for love that is true.

    until the day comes along you wake up to how much you do love another so purely as you do, of not even trying to, you just do, of who they are to you like they always are, even from afar, as though they are your own stuck self somewhere, as you realize the most important lesson of all, true love really really does………take 2

  796. if God’s will is to constantly love at all times….

    then so too is this the intuitive truth of the core of our being, the source, from which we all come from, all of us subconsciously seeking in process of what exactly that is within the core of everyone’s being, constantly it is always there, even of the many who appear dim, all their false oppression they allow themselves to wander into, all the false paths, that do teach us the truth, of where we belong by means of where we know we don’t belong, of anywhere that is not of the core of our being, only love

    at all times

    find that within so that one may see that in another, even if another cannot see it for themselves, it is always there within us all, and that is of our will to nurture and awaken within another like we do, even if we don’t know we are doing it, we all do, however ill or short lived the attempts may be, somewhat repeat all tapes for many plodding along aimlessly seeking the core of their own inner pure constant loving self-love, self-love in another.

    and when it wains, well, we drift apart, back to our stuck cycles again, waiting, looking, seeing a glimpse of it in others passing by, who don’t know you are an observer seeing your own self, in whatever way they may be, stifled or free

    the core of our being is innocently without all the need for any false masking hiding like we do, when love is true, emotional honest safety constant yearning to feel safe to be our real self at ease in only love

    when love is true of YOU
    when love is true of TABOO
    when love is true of TWO
    when love is true of WHO?


    oh i know i am loving, butt do you love ‘me’?

    cause that is all i want to ever feel so that i can just BE ‘me’

    we all have to surrender to just being ‘me’ in order to see

    ‘me’ of another just like thee

    love so free

    my God, is it possible someone truly really really does love ‘me’ like i do thee?

    if not, well, someone will find ‘me’

    just as Jesus and God have

    along the way, make lots of friends

    nurture who you are within in them

    and before long, everyone is smiling along, singing the same song

    that feels like forever to always belong

    that feels like forever when love is profound

    that feels like forever when love is not found

    of no one around

  797. cannot make anyone love you, they either do or they don’t, and won’t if we are not around them enough for them to find out

    there is no need to concern whatsoever of whoever not obviously interested in us, of the only way love feels good is when they clearly are

    to find out they think themselves not good enough for you, what does that say about you?

    that you concealed your love from them?

    that you concealed your love from your own self too afraid?

    too afraid of rejection………hiding protection?

    why ever do that if you know you love someone purely so within?

    don’t they deserve to know, how much so?

    and what if you are too late to tell them and they are gone?

    how do you feel then?

    the truth yes?

    only love wins

  798. honestly, the only thing of any value to me?

    the most loving lover i am

  799. for that is the core of our being releasing brightly into the world, always laughing forever in feeling of two

    sacred to the bullshit aimless world

    that is my priority at the top of my list as one who knows i am best

    for another to forever hold of the forever lovers bold!

    find ‘that’ in your own self first in feeling, so that they may see ‘that’ of YOU, ‘that’ of their own self, run two ‘that’, to your own self when we do, where we yearn to belong, Just BEing yOUR SELF!

    and don’t hold back your love for them that is true, for they feel that too

    and no one wants to feel love not true

    including you

  800. intuitive feeling worthy of love does not change from pure truth of only love we all are within, no matter when another loves us or not, as we move along lovers road

    seeking our own intuitive feeling worth of love self

  801. seeking our own intuitive feeling worthy of lover self-LOVE ‘me’ :mrgreen:

    find ‘that’ and you easily find your own forever flowing happiness bursting forth constantly like we all yearning constantly yearn 2, of the lover who finds YOU!

  802. surrender 2 ‘that’ of true lover YOU!

    for ‘that’ IS EVERYTHING 2 ‘me’ 2!

  803. i just want to walk away hand in hand with one who authentically genuinely sincerely emotionally honestly wants to walk with ‘me’

    and well, just keep on walking, keep on hugging and forever dancing and prancing, not ever coming back down, the overflowing abundance of the heart unable to be contained, when love feels true

    find ‘that’ with another

    and you find YOU!

  804. hmmm……..he is beautiful Madonna……does he have the right shaped penis to achieve orgasm?


    well someone has to keep you on your toes about these truly truly MOST important issues!

    and to keep you laughing your ass off too, like i love to do, like i love you, like i wish you were fucking me true, so you could compare and decide, i mean how else is one able to know if you are the best lover they ever had unless you fuck them? duh!!!!!!!!

    well ok, let me know when you get bored of him, of God forbid he ever gets bored of you………GET OUT!!!!!

    is he gay bi-curious, will he let you fuck him?


    these are legitimate questions, regarding happiness of two!


    why do i care so much about all you anal retentive ones anyway, with barely even a nod of affirmation validation with one who DOES NOT NEED IT!!!!

    no, what i need is your body next to mine!


    sting like a BEE,
    fly like a butterfly
    sing like i SEE
    why oh why can’t ‘i’


    i jest………..bet you did not expect me to be so forward this morning, did you?



  805. there is overcumming one’s fearsss ssssss

    and then there is AAAANNNNDDDDDDDYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!

    why didn’t you tell me you had such a fucking nice penis before now Andy? uhm?


    cume one now, say it like you really really mean it, like you always always wanted it

    ‘it’ BEing my undying eternal love none shall ever find, so long as they cannot learn how to make all their words ryhme

    HEY YOU!

    i love you

    and i know i eternally love you

    so if of a day love fads away, you come to me, ok?

    for that is who i am to you, of love takes 2, knowing always do FEEL the truth of just how much of all that i can ever give anyone, the truth of my eternal words forever and ever of each blessed day, of all i ever ever ever want to say…….

    i love you

    now fuck me damn it, before i lose interest……..again……….


    oh whatever………..he is a dance, that’s great!

    just pray he is not a prancer who gets swept away when pretty boy walks on by his anal denial ass!



    you love me, and i know it TRUE

    like i try to always do

    where it is just silly to think anything else will do

    especially when love IS TRUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    what else IS there to do…………but get married

    and i am not talking about the piece of paper kind either

    no, spiritually purely 100% married in heart mind body holy pure true spirited absolute carefree eternal happiness ONEness SOUL of 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    who ‘i am’

    where at times i am a boy, when ever i am not a girl, whenever my lover wants ‘me’ 2! 😉

    ONLY LOVE is good enough to always Just BE yOUR SELF!

    forever more

    and more

    and more

    wow………look at all these people, from every corner of the earth!

    holy holy holy holy

    forever more

  806. hmmm….maybe i a part of me subconsciously is trying to keep all the boys away from Madonna, so that i can be the ONE meant for her, of love so free, the pure spirited happiness rising up and up and up all the time………….

    LOVE (eventually)finds away?

    not true

    rather LOVE IS the ONLY WAY to constantly just BE the constant yearning pure core of our BEing of radiant brilliant constantly bright healthy absolute carefree holy joyFUL true nature happiness LOVE of 2!

    not something that eventually you find, pffffffff, such bullshit that one is

    when you fall in love with someone, you realize the TRUTH of my wise words 100%

    of each blessed day you wake to of them being there in heaven beside you, as the most tender loving lover you as they are 2

    how silly is it then to think love finds a way, when in TRUTH, LOVE IS THE WAY


    of constant yearning loving ‘me’ set free from all the ignoramus blind leading the blind fools not even knowing their heart mind body spirit and soul is snared in dark binding captivities of useless absurd nescience nonsense generational forefather perpetuated taboo ignorance

    and if ANYONE KNOWS this TRUTH?

    it is ‘me’

    how so you ask?

    just how long do you suppose i have been living as my happy sissyboy ass gay lifestyle?

    and just how long do you suppose i always wanted 2?

    and just how long do you suppose i will ALWAYS WANT 2?


    that’s right! FOREVER FUCKERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    [someone comes over to console Andyy over the lastest boytoy fling of Madonna, handing him a puffy pink feather boa with 2mm tiny rainbow colored *crystals scattered thruout it, sparkling brilliant in the sunshine, as a sorta condolence prize for Andy, so special they all know to BE TRUE of his pure true colored rainbow heart, as he gasps in saying, “OMFG, that is the most beautiful feather boa i have ever seen! I LOVE IT! OK, cya Madonna! I pray he loves you as much as i eternally do! What else to do, butt walk away, oh hi Miko, here, take this, you will need it, belongs to you, everything that i am belongs to you Miko!”

    forever more

    and more

    and more

    as the world grew brighter and brighter year after year, the joyfulness exploding uncontainable like it always does, of all in awe and wonder, how is this all possible like it yet IS?

    ONLY LOVE BIYATCHES, that’s how!

    i don’t settle for second best, and i sure as fuck am not EVER a second less in always knowing what time it IS!

    eternal time, according to my watch, and soon you will all ONE day, the TRUTH i cannot hold back any longer from any of you in what to always do?

    do as i do



    so many of YOU like i CONSTANTLY DO!

    forever more

    bless you all bless you


  807. ONE

    here is God’s mathematics, where God’s number is 100(%)

    of Jesus who is God’s most wise pure hearted loving compassionate child at all times 100%, as the ONE who left the 99 and comes back to them uniting as ONE HUNDRED PERCENT

    enough talk!
    be quiet!

    Hear with a pure heart these wise omnipotent words meant for all of YOU thruout the world uniting as ONE!

    the mathematical constant TRUTH, when you take the world population and divide it by it’s own number = ONE

    eternal constant TRUTH that is not able to change

    when one of you ignoramus fools steps away from the others in wretched vile murderous hatefulness ignorantly spewing forth from your foolish ignoramus mouth, like i yet see so many of you blindly do, not knowing God walks among you, watching every one of you, what happens?


    that’s right, the world no long is ONE, and rather a fraction of ONE, because of the useless absurd fracturing splitting off from the rest who ARE uniting as ONE worldwide as we speak.

    to you fools, i say, you cannot ever escape our constant loving compassionate wiser TRUTH that you do not invite to your blessed yet unattended twisting and twisting derangement of soul, soul of another, of all these vile foul wretched hateful destructive oppressive paths i bare witness to each blessed day like WE ALL do!

    where it is you the blind fool who do not know God has returned to this yet wretched world to speak wise pure true loving compassionate constructive criticism as relates to your unattended souls of lovers, brothers, sisters, friends, family, of God who knows ALL your pure loving hearts as my own

    now listen carefully to what i say next!

    those of you who chose to cajole, entice, ridicule, in mad laughter mockery of us, mock only your foolish self who does not yet realize the TRUTH………YOU SPEAK AS THE FOOL YOU YET ARE!

    and here is what the future will continue to look like that is unfolding for all of you on these fatefully bound paths of death destruction and oppression………..in time, YOU WILL ALL face the inescapable TRUTH none shall escape from, of you who is there in the future recoiling sharply in dismay of the pure humiliation of your yet shedding of your hateful absurd ignoramus ways so deathful, destructive, and falsely oppressive not only of others, but of your own divine self submerged and asleep in ignorance yet within, who does not hear God’s voice, just as you do not hear God speaking directly to you in this moment, just as you do not desire to purely flawless constantly yearningly hear the TRUTH so many of you DO NOT LOVINGLY WISELY COMPASSIONATELY SEE as TRUTH of all these perpetuation useless ABSURD hateful destructive falsely oppressive ways!

    YOU WILL ALL FACE THE TRUTH OF YOUR PEERS ONE DAY, where ‘i am’ constantly always there in spirited oneness as their own of all who are uniting in holy sacred wise loving compassionate oneness that IS NOT of a fool, like so many of you i purely truly SEE that indeed, YOU SPEAK AS THE FOOL YOU YET ‘OBVIOUSLY’ ARE, as a fool who does not know the path of fate you walk on that DOES lead to death, DOES lead to destruction, DOES lead to oppression, and god forbids anyone of you fools who come near Miko with your wretched ways ever again, where i will personally deal with you in person!

    you got that ignoramus fuckers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    ok, class dis missed……………….not!


  808. don’t let the fears of striking out, keep you from playing the game

  809. 2 the world you are 1 person
    2 1 person you are the world

  810. I’m so fuckin bored ! When you coming back ? I’ll come to you what ever is easier I need some creative bouncing back & forth & back again back 4 good. Doors open lights are on. & vodka bottle just 4 U

  811. (●̮̮̃•̃)(●̮̮̃•̃)

    I ♥ U !

    waw,, you know, she is also my favorite artist!
    Warm greetings for her!
    say hello for her !

    N’ say that “I♥U” for andy =)

  812. i don’t like to drink too much, as it spikes my viral load, that drops me off low, a lathargic feeling of the body, even after sleeping for say ten hours, during high load periods, which you do feel the difference, and so strick adherence to RED40 is the correct approach to HIV+ without meds, in order to not only live longer, but feel better too.

    step away too long from RED40, and you can feel the difference physically

    so get up on your feet everyone, if you want to feel good all the time and live longer.

    those of you who do not know how RED40 works, just ask someone near who does, and come feel what it is like to feel ok with the symbiotic virus called HIV, where if you do not address keeping your metabolism up, then it is not the virus that destroys you, rather it is your ignorance that is the worse enemy.


    a red color number on the color chart, that looks like blood actually

    easy to remember, yes? 😉

    ‘me’, i am just your loving brother team player, been around awhile in the precious loving lives of many who are HIV+, my entire gay life.

    Today, those who have free access to HIV meds here in Canada, that do not adhere a RED40 regiment, are the ones who often die unnecessarily.

    So far i am staying off meds for as long as possible, using the Red40 that DOES work!

    let everyone know first hand the end results, but also let them know that they must be 100% consistent in keeping their metabolism high, which means lots of rigorous exercise, of say two hours per day, in paying attention to if more is cause for you feeling better and better.

    Granted you won’t ever feel as one did before becoming infected, of the dropping of like it is late in the evenings, longer hours of rest, and for sure, you MUST eat the correct amount of nutrients each day, ideally a supplements for you with poor eating habits.

    I did not leave Biyatch, where the fuck would i go? uhm?

    you are my brothers and sisters like we always have been, and well, our younger brothers and sisters need us consistently each day, so thankful and feeling blessed we are indeed caring caring older brothers and sisters that we know they need, not a selfish life, no, not ever, that is not where my heart is, rather it is always with them, of the very same path i too journey along and thru, where without each other, what happens?

    we self-destruct
    we self-regress
    we isolate
    we self-medicate cope
    we self injure
    we cry and cry

    we die

    and why?

    because the ignoramus outnumbers us

    we have to embrace this at all times, that always one of us is in great need of our hand, at all times

    do not allow yourselves to become lame in slacking off, as the need is great as the world’s heart opens wider for us to make it thru the spiritual death darkness we know exists out there, especially the bible belt of the USA, really bad there still, i mean who comes to a gay youth suicide funeral with parents at the funeral, carrying ignoramus hate signs picketting the funeral, saying and chanting, “God hates fags”

    no, God disposes you ignoramus ones with closed hearts and minds, thinking you are open to God and are not, for if you were, you would not even think such wretched things much less say or do all these ignoramus things devoid of love.

    sadly, these very ones all too often are the ones who attend their suicide child’s funeral, as the realize what i keep telling them, you cannot escape the truth i wisely compassionately lovingly take time to speak the TRUTH with you about all these ignoramus unwise hateful apathetic fateful paths of death, destruction and oppression.

    come on everyone, lets go paint the whole world in rainbow bright radiant bright colors of our loving hearts like we are! :mrgreen:

  813. Someone so so special to me is appearing and coming thru to walk with us one day, of my being at their side at all times.

    come and see the future of a most beautiful of pure hearts blossoming for all the world to see and feel just how beautiful he IS!

    Miko, one whom i am giving my most of consistently always in his corner of his precious loving life, feeling so happy inside, so proud inside like he told me the other day…….i had not come in closer with him before, and then learned he was not doing so well, where now he has my undivided attention, where not only will he make it thru to brighter days, he will BE seen by all AS the brightest day so gay, so friggin gay, like, “NO WAY!!!!!!! THAT’s A BOY?”



    i love him with all that i am, and he knows i do now.

    i thought he was doing ok, not quite sure……he’s ok now.

    step by step, the catharsis coming OUT of fucking hell processing that we are the pure true hearts, not the ignoramus mindfucker bullies!


    fucking cruel gutter world!

  814. i do not allow alcohol in God’s house of love and peace…….EVER!

    if i want it, i have to pay top dollar at a club, in a celebratory fashion, not ever alone with the beast of depressant called alcohol, no way, it would carry me over the edge, why i had to set God’s rule for my divine self…….i am not flexible on that, so if you ever want to be a friend of mine, well, that is the rule, as alcohol is not something i can control like it likes to control me……….and ya, i would die stupidly like Troy did, in a piss drunk low mental functioning tunnel vision irrational burst of emotional abreaction, no question there, what with my yet deep deep seated intense emotional issues not yet healed, doubt they ever will……seriously, NO WAY!

    way to lax for me Marco!

    and what of the progression of such behavioral you allow to continue? uhm?

    that’s right, 100% YOUR ISSUE!

    not ever mine

    i don’t allow it

    thought i clarified that long ago, did i not?

    did we not?

    is that an example to set for others? uhm?

    you speak like the fool you yet are……….just sayin

  815. ya, lights might be on, but are your pure heart and mind spiritual lights on? uhm?

    anyway, i will be doing my first art show here in Toronto, and just go from there once the art world learns about me, where for sure NYC and Paris are on my list one day.

    i am leaving the entire original stone collection intact to Miko, to do whatever he wants with it, but hey, that is years away, time to have as much fun as humanly possible between now and forever

  816. the greatest prison of all IS the mind

  817. come on, precious hearts await us all to come forth in the world, always they are constantly there, in constant oneness pure true love as our own, expecting us in their constant seeking, so LET’S GO!!!!!!!!!!

    no more lame ass mindfuck annoying ANNOYING stuckness for me

    i am free to just go be, with or without you, does not matter now, as i know my heart IS of the precious hearts who await me, and you too, what ever you want to do is fine, i don’t care, just go do it, i will go do my thing, just as i always have been, as you do too.

    and if not with you, well guess what, so pure and true are the many as hearts as our own, and not ever as though we sit arrogantly on some pompous ass throne………which i know you already know…….just sayin………..i want to go have the time of my life, not EVER alone!

    which is not possible, seeing as the spirit of one most special dwells with me, ya, i know, crazy, so some of you may think, where i ask, just who do you think IS the one who speaks thru Jesus?

    is this the part in the film where the great white shark you did not know was swimming near, graps you, chomps you up into pieces, spits our your bones, and winks at me and smiles, yes?


    and no, i am not overly caffeinated………yet

  818. Miko knows he IS the one i currently hold closest in my heart, so consistently like i do now, in welcoming him to our LGBT worldwide family, as one who i SEE as my own self i once was too, yet of transition thru the ever pervading oppression so crushing like he is learning it really really IS………lessening now as i march into his world, pick him up, hold him till he falls asleep feeling loved at all times, like he knows he IS now.

    it is in this way that i always have been with my brother and sisters, not as one just walking by, no, as one who stops for awhile, let’s me in, of only love always between, long enough till i see the glow within them, that i know within my own self for so long all these years of doing so.

    my way of finding God’s forgiveness over fucking up with Troy, the only way i know how to heal over him, and oh how the healing has been, so pure and constantly true of only love that i feel for them all, of how else can i ever possibly think and feel for them………

    God knows how much i love them all like i always do, and best of all, so do they know after sufficient time spent, oh for sure, they KNOW their own precious pure true constant love flowing hearts as my own, the divine will objective always of who ‘i am’, who i know they all ARE……..a brotherhood of man, are we not?

    is ‘that’ not the lesson we not learned, but have BEcome, in all our pure true loving compassionate wiseness to the yet ignoramus world of unbecoming conduct for the world to learn as we grow?


    where did you go?

    Miko is in process of coming fully into his own heart mind body spirit and soul eternally aglow, as all shall see ONE day!

    so it is good thing i did not succeed in killing myself over my guilt of Troy, yes?

    still, i won’t ever forgive myself for it, of only God who can, and in so doing, ‘i am’ BEcoming of God’s divine will objective, are we not?

    do i speak like a fool?

    i think not

    it is always the ignoramus fool who is hellish death, destruction and oppression of our precious pure and true loving wise compassionate brotherhood that none shall become victorious over, for we are the TRUTH, the WAY, the LIGHT of the eternal all yet to come within us ALL

    forever more

    Come on, no time for hesitation delay oppression, im done with that now, either get with me or don’t, your choice to make everyone.

    i know where i am going, same place i am always found, in the loving heart i dwell where you are all found, pure and true as i am 2.

    what else is there to do, but smile earnestly in sincere holy joyful absolute carefree happiness forever and a day, no time for grey. ha

    poet heart
    like my part
    poet heart
    another tart


    oh, i love him, of course i do, cause he loves me, so let love just BE who we all are, who Miko IS, yOUR most loving brothers of all that i have come to know, his heart so pure and true, where to let him down, would be to let my own self down………..not possible any more, for ‘i am’ what i have BEcome, of what so many know WE BEgun long ago, cannot let them down either, so let’s go lift up to the sky, shall we?

    where else do you want ever to BE found, with no love around?

    fuck that, bin there, done that, long ago, left it all behind, NO MORE, OK?

    ONLY LOVE from now on!

    is good enough for Miko, good enough for ‘me’, good enough forever and ever so FREE! 😉

  819. i am going to keep pushing myself in RED40, publish the results to the editors out there, network with the HIV community, bolster each others confidence as like we do, and hey, who knows, maybe the RED40 is able to keep me going indefinitely, where i do have the best specialists monitoring me, so no worries there, should i fall into higher viral loads, a great team that i have, who really really do know what they are doing, so much so, i am not at all afraid in seeing if this RED40 is the cure for Aids.

    i believe it just may be, time will tell.

    in the mean time, anyone out there needs to know that RED40 so far does work for me!

    everything works great, including my yet amazing sex drive! 😉

    mind over matter, where what matters is our 100% positive physical end results of RED40 TRUTH over our mind.

    and hey, maybe we can all get off these stupid meds, tell the pharmaceutical stock exchange boys to all fuck off, thought we need you, pfffff, blind leading blind fool, but guess what igoramus fucks, you were the last thing we need!!!!!!!!!!!


  820. wow, 14 million unemployed in the USA and still slowly rising

    SEE, there is your proof that insatiable desire fire gambling addict investor capitalism, when left unchecked, does leave it’s own body to die, all because of overzealous greed speculation beyond normal realistic growth rates, where now we have measures in place to prevent such again, where in truth, the jobs lost, were of jobs created that came with the inflationary speculation bubble they created, instead of investment in solid markets, where had they, and God knows how many solid markets exist to invest in, none of these people would be without work.

    and now these gambler addicts have run away with their money, laughing all the way, of no return, why bother, got in, got out, because there are less gross material get rich quick ways to do so, of all these people left high and dry in waiting for some ordinary markets to usher them in.

    you cannot do that in a world economy that depends on each other, of a great lesson learned about the nature of the beast of gambling addict investors who are increasing in numbers worldwide.

    left unchecked, and the truth about capitalism once warned about, Karl Marx warned of it, did he not? Indeed, capitalism greed is out for it’s own self with insatiable get rich quick ways to do so, a childish game, is it not, of no concern for it’s own body.

    Karl said capitalism consumes it’s own body……..rather, capitalists leave it’s own body to die, is more accurate.

    oh well, lesson learned everyone, let it happen again, with the greater and greater number of investors coming online again, and you could one day see an entire collapse of the world economy, that by the time you put stop measures in, i may be too late.

    look to realistic growth in markets, like a farmer does, of bumper crops some years(optimistic), ordinary usual crop yield other years(realistic), and where we are now, low crop yields(pessimistically created from overly optimistic years).

    as i said before, let’s just get back to ordinary growth rates from now on, and no more of these gambling addicts at the table who don’t care at all, not even 1% for the people of the world economy, an immature child of sorts, are they not, cut and run mentality, laughing all the way, all a game to them.

    i think the fallout brings people closer together, emotionally speaking, more considerate, more appreciative, more human. ha

    oh look, a real human being, gasp, have not seen one in yearssssssssss! So beautiful, are they not? WOW!!!!!!!!


    i jest NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    2 Venti Away please, one for the old hag and one for………

    oh, think whatever you want there, both are correct!


    now that was funny

  821. i am way way more fun in real life, first one to arrive gets to keep ‘me’

    FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ha

    all you have to say is, “You are the ONE 4 ‘me’!”

    and mean it damn it!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  822. hmmmm…..this should be interesting, to see who wants to LOVE ‘me’ most…..

    on your marx

    get set

    wait wait wait………need to adjust my wig

    ok, ready?

    on your marx, get set

    wait wait wait……..i forgot some about someone i cannot ever forget………..stop distracting me like that…..

    oh, enjoy your bottle of booze dysfunctional one(s)

    just not something i enjoy doing, i like a healthy heart mind body spirit and pure true constantly sweet loving loving loving soul as though my own!

    that was a clue for you all to ponder……..don’t ponder too long, one such soul may beat you to ‘me’……..time will tell, and if you are late, well, too bad for you, lot’s of fish in the SEE! 😉

  823. the urgency IS always yesterday, and that IS my pure true angst that does not cease, does not let up, and to BE sure………won’t ever stop what cannot be stopped………..TRUTH

  824. All i can say, is Iran can pray all they want, should anything happen to those American kids they are holding hostage, that they better release unharmed

    Iran is revealing to their own next generation of kids, that feel embarrassed of their own government, of yet more of the ignoramus ones that make only a mockery of themselves in front of their own people.

    And what gets me, is how the ignoramus is so closed minded to the their own truth they cannot bare to realize, which is testimony to just how insatiable the desire of power can be over one’s soul.

    look up the word absurd and see the current Iranian leader.

    Let’s just say, the USA is not happy about this situation, and if it turns bad, it will be the last thing the current Iranian regime will ever do.

    Seriously, we should just stop all supplies into and out of Iran completely, shut it down, like you would a child having a tantrum, what do you do?

    you have to tell them, that is inappropriate behavior that is not ever appreciated by anyone

  825. In truth, Iran snatched those kids out of Iraq in taking them hostage, as though Iran thinks it can just do what it wants.


    they cannot

    not so long as we control the airspace

    you know, that’s another thing, don’t these ignoramus ones know we control the world’s airspace? Did someone forget to mention that to them?

    just goes to show you much of an imbecile they really really are


  826. ok, this is just stupid….i really need to get a life……….

  827. have fun with whoever………..and be happy

    that is what i am running to with whoever, of someone of pure fun spirited loving happy as i am inside, in oneness forever true, nothing less will do, and honestly, this is about as lame as i think i have felt in life……………bah

  828. i am moving full on forward in my life……….catch you all in the happy future some day, where for sure, someone will be on my arm as happy as one could possibly be………..argh……..what a bunch of lame boring ass cowards you guys are………really! you are!

    i need genuine authentic earnest spirited souls around me in oneness forever happy free like so many of us are, and what are you guys to me?

    the opposite

    time for my real life friends and lovers, so you be happy in life, ok, cause i know i already am of the will to BE!

    argh………..same old stuckness with you………..no more ok?

    lame lame lame lame

    don’t ever look back, ya, that’s my new motto

    anyway, enjoy your coward life with the rest of the boring cowards, ok?

    like wow, most any other want me a heartbeat away

    and you?

    and you………?

    no where to BE found

    as per usual, same old bullshit, all the friggin time

    i think it is safe to say i died of boredom chilling here too long with you cowards

  829. you had your chance with me

    time i give someone of earnest interest in me

    look up the word dysfunctional emotionally unavailable, and see if that resonates with you, ok?

    thanks, been down the dysfunctional roads all too often guys, you have fun with that, ok?

    i have taken enough of it from you, no more



  830. i figured it out………will be back with my dissertation in a moment…….please stand by for the proof

  831. ok, this is an AIDs prevention cure, not an HIV cure…….. 😉

    i kept thinking over and over the lab test they conducted on 100 Chimpanzees, deliberately infecting them with the HIV virus.

    everything i looked into, all points to the TRUTH, as i realize, OMG, that is the answer, right under our nose.

    i always thought the cure for AIDs was something simple, so simple it would be overlooked by the mad scientist of the corporate world greed who want to SELL you a medicine, rather than something free.

    there many arguments i will present to you, that all point to the obvious truth.

    ok, ready?

    AIDs Prevention for HIV infected individual IS:

    A. Regimented Maintainable HIGH METABOLIC RATE

    ~ the HIV virus is a symbiotic virus, where proof of this is that the HIV virus did not wipe out the human species in human history, back in a time when we were more of our natural habitat existence, of daily rigorous survival mode physical activity, that saw consistent body temperature results that comes with of a higher metabolic rate directly from the survival mode physical activity.

    ~ another proof of this is in the lab test of 100 chimpanzees that we deliberately infected with the HIV virus, where only 2 of the 100 chimpanzees developed AIDs.

    ~ blood temperatures of a chimpanzee range from 37.5 – 39 degrees Celsius, compared to ordinary range of 36.5 – 37.5 in a human

    ~ healthy marathon runners can have body temperatures as high as 103.8 F, one runner who was still conscious is reported to have developed a temperature of 107.8 F after finishing a marathon

    …..still with me? 😉

    ~ the HIV virus is a flawless evolved symbiotic virus, as evident in how the virus attacks, without triggering our immune system like a flu virus does, spiking the high body temperatures of the body, that the HIV virus knows can stop it’s spreading successfully in entering it’s host………smart virus, yes! 😉 NOT as smart as i am!

    oh, poor virus, i found it’s Achilles’ heel :mrgreen:

    TREATMENT requires that we spike our blood temperature on a consistent daily basis, for how ever amount of time an individual needs to keep their viral load down, where everyone is abit different from another, so monitoring of viral loads at the individual level is required in addressing an exacting regiment for each individual.

    Ways to increase your metabolic rate and body temperature are numerous, and must be consistently done daily.

    ~ RED40, Rest, Exercise, Diet, 40 days to change a bad habit to a good habit

    ~ 2 – 6 hours of rigorous exercise, depending on the individual, DAILY

    ~ hours of sex is a great way to push your body temperature up and increasing your metabolic rate :mrgreen: ….put this one at the top of your list everyone! haha

    ~ and of course dancing, as part of your regimented exercise regime, that is highly motivational and empowering for people, more so than work out exercise programs, and please listen up everyone!……..You do not have to dance to Madonna’s music ALL THE TIME, ok, no, you dance to any music you love, even the music inside your own head!


    just could not resist that one…………argh………… LOLLLLLLLL

    don’t believe me?

    try it for your own self and find out!

    now, this is not necessarily going to work 100% for everyone, as we are all abit different in our health, where i know people better than they think as well, where some of you are really lame when it comes to regimented consistent RED40, where you can lie to me all you want, of only you who suffers the consequences of a fool!

    argh…….how i know that one well……… 😉


    come on everyone, these pharmacy corporate boys want to SELL you a treatment for something they know is free, but do not want you to know it always was, for how else can you explain the HIV virus not wiping out our species in human history, where in fact, some people are indeed HIV immune, because of our evolution alongside the HIV virus that is no more than a symbiotic virus, and a smart one too, i love the HIV virus, that sadly has to die with me when i die too!


    oh, and stress people, is bad for us, just as it is for these other terminal illness of cancer and heart disease, where ONLY YOU can invite and ensure boundaries with who is stressful for you in your professional and personal environments.

    EVERYONE GET UP AND DANCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    AND LOTS OF SEX 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




    BE HAPPY AND LIVE LONGER BEING YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    this emergency broadcast message has been brought to YOU by the worldwise LGBT family

    blessing to all

    now where did i leave that little tramp? HEY YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  832. oh, and………cough………..that means no smoking either, ok? 😉


  833. oh, and please listen to your HIV specialists monitoring your viral loads, for those of you who have access to such, as regards the danger of spiking high viral loads that may require meds to bring it down, as you could die if you get to far up in your victorious positive attitude like me, don’t be a fool, your specialist knows the potential fall out that may come with too high viral loads, which you can feel it spike when it does, but only your specialist knows what one can expect when viral loads are too high for too long, based on solid statistical data proof of such.

    listen to your doctor everyone

    for those who can afford have one

    i present this blessing of my own awareness, for all those who do not

    bless you all

  834. please let them all know, ok?

    no need for them to be suffering at all, of their own unawareness, is it not?

    as those who are wiser than they are, do they not need to hear our voice?

    so what are you waiting for? uhm?

    come on people, act like you want to get it on with me for fuck sakes, get in line will ya!!!!!!!!!!!!

    fuck, such lame ass fuck you all are to ‘me’


    aahaaahaaahaaaaaaaaaa :mrgreen:

  835. and for those of you with your victim mentality like it yet is, well, don’t listen to me and you can expect to die sooner rather than later, ok, of your own stuck foolishness that need not ever be, come SEE for your own self first hand, so easily just by being the fun happy little ass fuckers i love of SO MANY OF YOU TO CHOOSE FROM!!!!!!!!

    LOLLLLLLMFAO!!!!!!!!!! :mrgreen:

  836. now if that don’t sound like a party about to begin, i don’t know what a party IS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    now ONE of YOU get you sweet loving ass over here and love ‘me’ damn it!


    that’s order……..from Jesus actually………LOVE ONE ANOTHER!!!!!!!


    as if any of YOU want it any other way, as ONE who knows ALL the ways to LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE and KEEP ON LOVING YOUR SWEET PERFECT ASSSSSSSSSSSSES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    whao! did you see that ONE? :mrgreen:

    where oh where did Juliet go?

    ok, ONLY LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    is good enough for ‘me’ Biyatches!

    good enough for eternal ALL YOU!!!!!!!!!!!

    forever more

    and more

    and more


    ALL AROUND YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    forever more

    peace BE 2 YOU ALL

    bless YOU ALL with loving graceFULL ONEness HAPPINESS as my own, that i know you all ARE!

    as one who does own all your lame asses Biyatches!

    and YOU KNOW IT!!!!!!!!!!!


    i love you all

  837. why not take a year and do a free world tour everyone?

    from the heart!

    with any and all bands who want to join in the jam session

    you know, like John says, a brotherhood of man?


    is that not where you heart always IS as artists and musicians, with ONEness LOVE of us all around the world?

    BE their WISE VOICE!

    says God

  838. HURRY UP!!!!!!!!!!!

    the urgency IS ALWAYS yesterday!

    act like you actually give a damn!

    damn it!!!!!!!!!!!

    or you ain’t gettin in

    ONLY LOVE from now ON!


  839. uhm….why do you do that to me all the time?

    just ignore me like that?

    of seemingly unimportant, all the while of God’s utmost greatest importance of ALL that i know ‘i am’?

    i ask, who invites who?

    is it not ‘i’ who invites you to YOU?

    so why ever be as though i am not important, when in truth ‘i am’?

    you know, im just not like that at all with my other friends, who love chatting with me so carefree, so friggin happy all the time, so joyful and exuberant in none stop smiling and laughing as their pure true real self, in oneness fearlessness with ‘me’

    but with you, it’s like, wtf all the time, and well, not much wonder we are not together

    who wants that? uhm?

    don’t i matter to you at all?

    you don’t act like i do

    perhaps pretty boy has you preoccupied

    anyway, whatever

    i said what i came to say, of seemingly no one listening

    if anyone knows how Jesus and God feels it is ‘me’

    but not so with my most loving brothers and sisters

    i just don’t enjoy being around those like so many of you with all your anal retention looking at me like some freak, when in truth, it is all you who are the scary lameass freaks to us, and if i don’t vent this crap back to where it belongs, well, i cannot be the free loving spirit i love to BE

    and ‘that’ is what you people need to wake the fuck up in realizing the motherfucking TRUTH we know constantly like our oneness hearts do

    anyway, ya, it is God who invites all you to YOU Biyatches!

    and if any of you think you know God even remotely as much as i do, uhm, guess again………….you don’t

    and you sure as fuck act like you don’t, just to be clear on ‘that’

    ok, im off for my morning Venti Away, just one, the old hag is still in bed, fucking that pretty boy she met last night! pffffffffffffff

    and no, i don’t know if has i a nicer cock than me, and, I DON’T WANT TO KNOW, OK?

    well ok, tell me……….im listening…………oh fuck that!!!!!!!!!

    i don’t care


    i still have the nicer ass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  840. i got called an arrogant fuck by some moron on sat, don’t care, he shouldn’t have interrupted my serious conversation i was having with an old friend about his health I was encouraging him to maintain a healthy diet to help live a healthy life and this looser comes up and heard the tail end of it when i was talking about whole grain food and eating unprocessed food called it a lesbian diet go figure total moron, comes up and rudely interrupts than in the same breath says sorry like why be rude in the first place save the energy of having to apologize. Apologizing is for unintentional errors not deliberate, fucking idiot then later in the night he calls me an arrogant asshole & i never even spoke to him my friend did .. anywaz what’s wrong now ? what have i done this time ?

    i’m a good Alien, ok so I procrastinate a little, I often wait for things to happen when I should just make them happen .. at this rate i’ll end up having to
    M stibate …

    is the fag hag up yet or still with the booty from last night ?

  841. actually i don’t procrastinate thats not true, i think I’m shy actually thats not true either, I’m terrified of what I don’t know.. its just …

    well its just a challenge being TRUE to ONE … & I wont have it any other way … so if anything its a compliment …

  842. who could possibly get away with calling her that, but a loving true and faithful brother?

    procrastinate a little? we are talking like last year hear, and the year before that, and like what about in 1995, was it 95 or 94?, bah, why is it people are so afraid to surrender to how much they purely love someone when they do, knowing how much they do?

    you know that kind of eternal love where they can do whatever they want and you still love them?

  843. Being true to OneSelf / One Another / One and ALL

    ALL and ONE

    ONE will do

    you wanna do ONE

    WHAT ?

    I was just asking …

    Jesus ok I am a mind reader

    no filth no alcohol no cigarettes in the house of God..

    just mineral water, i love mineral water ….

    uhm and I love dancing … uhmmmmmmmmmmm

    what else do I love, i know I love everybody .. except some evil people yuk .. bad energy people make me feel drained .. weak charactered people .. I like strong people .. I like survivors … mentally strong people.. yup

    victim mentality is self pity …

    ok blah blah blah

    see I told you im bored.. …

    ok goodnight…

    dream of me

    like i dream of you 🙂

  844. What if the ONE is the same in everyONE?

    perhaps ‘that’ is what you have yet to purely know like i know

    i see myself out there in these stuck places, trying to make my way thru, and it is just so bizarre seeing my exact feeling self feeling the same way they feel, as one who knows what they are up against spiritually, mentally, emotionally, physically.

    freaks me out some days, feeling how purely true i see their own spirited self, struggling as once did my own.

  845. I think it was 99 .. stop trying to add another 5 yrs

    your making me look like a pussy ..

    anyway … some times it just take time for the right time

    to be right…

    am i right…



    sleep tight

  846. the bad energy spans across time thru others to another

    just like hate kindles the fires of hate

    or love the fires of love

    when you love someONE, the love energy is YOU thru them to another back to YOU.

    to love the YOU in another IS i do, i just do, BE Cause it’s TRUE!

  847. I’ll take option 2 , Love fires love …. feels more pleasurable

    what’s TRUE ? that I found YOU !


    the brightest light, the child within, the guiding light led me to YOU … helping me write … those words .. ONE night…!!

    YOU want ONE tOO

    YOU want ONE bad …

    I wAN t ONE 2

    one world one love

    ONE beloved aLiEn

    & mineral water for everyONE

  848. by the way is there any chance you could increase the bandwith on this blog..

    It’s going very slow , every time i try to post i keep getting a pop up message after my browser freezes for ages and the message is & i quote “the script is slow – now shut up and do as your told, i’m the director-madonna,, then it goes on the say the script is taking to long to respond . do you wish to continue or do you want to stop..”

    so if you get this message !!

    it mean’s i pressed


    eventually after a slight wait, and a question to answer …

    i mean I could of just shut up packed my bags and settled on the moon. nah i’m over the moon …

  849. Triage (pronounced /ˈtriːɑːʒ/) is a process of determining the priority of patients’ treatments based on the severity of their condition. This rations patient treatment efficiently when resources are insufficient for all to be treated immediately. The term comes from the French verb trier, meaning to separate, sort, sift or select.[1] Two types of triage exist: simple and advanced.[2] Triage may result in determining the order and priority of emergency treatment, the order and priority of emergency transport, or the transport destination for the patient.

    i can catch up with any one of you later, as regards sharing the hot tub together, but right now in this moment, we need to be discussing the life and death immediate situation of those who will die this day and tomorrow, so a moment of your undivided attention please……….

    I will start with the main question i want to ask any of you involved with saving lives, as doctors without boarders, “Do you or do you not want to work with me in bringing this life saving campaign to save precious lives as our own in the world, starting with Africa?

    i ask that your answer be without hesitation as my own in saying YES!

    ok then………listen!

    the urgency is always yesterday, that much we know without doubt, had we only had ones a empowered and motivated as i am in bringing this treatment to the forefront, of countless thousands if not millions of lives that could of been saved.

    let us all take a moment as though we are the ones back in history holding the live saving treatment in our hands, as ones able to empower and motivate EVERYONE who is HIV+ and about to become HIV+

    i am going to say this, and i don’t care what you of the professional community have to say, so please listen to my argument, and whole heartedlly ask yourselves how many lives are at stake, in how many we CAN SAVE!

    the momentum of this campaign is absolute, but only if your hearts and minds are as my own in 100% empowerment motivation, as one who IS HIV+, a loving brother of all those who like me are awaiting an answer from those not as empowered as i am(read: corporate greed pharmaceutical industry, the largest industry in the world btw, lining the pockets of doctors to promote their medicine).

    ok, enough talk, be quiet and listen!

    i do not have the exact numbers on the cost of HIV medications, but let’s just use a number of $100.00 per individual.

    as regards the truth that ever life out there is 100% as valuable as another, we need to take those individuals off these costly meds, and use the moneys freed up, and spend more wisely in more urgent needs of proper diet, for those of poor diet or no diet at all, of priority given to those who are HIV+, as i will explain later, as motivation empowerment increases exponentially in the coming months and years.

    the supplements from the company SWISS, cost let’s say $10.00 per month, per individual.

    that means the $100.00 dollars previously spend on HIV meds, is able to save 10 individuals lives who are waiting for us.

    which is not to say pull individuals off of the meds who have high viral loads, and only thru monitoring by specialist, while exchanging their med program with a RED40 program that i know works, where we could use a placebo is the best choice, without having to tell the patient anything. We are in charge of saving people’s lives, as many as possible being our WISE focus.


    along the way, why not bring the film cameras with you, filming the lathargic current state of those without meds, without much of anything at all, of poor diet, poor exercise, who are HIV+, say for 4 weeks of initial filming?

    then start them all on the RED40 program, with SWIISS supplements to augment their diet, even if they have a reasonable diet, give them all the supplements of both a time released SWISS multi-vitamin, as well as a SWISS B-complex supplement, once a day, or twice if improvement warrants it.

    we need music and highly self-motivated volunteer dance instructors as well, who can teach those who are HIV+ to BEcome the dance instructor they are.

    we need sound equipment, again with moneys better spent than these highly expensive meds.

    we need outdoor sports equipment as well, that i am sure we can convince most any sporting goods manufacture to provide a low wholesale price on a long term deal that will span decades and millions of dollars in business for them.

    we need to teach HIV+ individuals the entire campaign as well, in our inability to do it ourselves, where the greatest effort of all will come from the HIV+ individuals who currently await our wisdom insight.

    if you are not 100% highly self-motivated individuals, we do not want you on our team, so go back to your bar stole people, and your lameass fancy lifestyle, if you do not want to bring yOUR ALL.

    then, film these individuals from the start of their RED40 regiment, from city to city across the entire continent of Africa as they all rise up in holy joyfulness not seen before in human history!

    wow, i dream pretty big, yes? 😉

    then film them again a regular intervals of their own conversation interviews, asking them before and after questions, of thankfulness so joyful and beaming so brightly as though to light up the entire world, as part of motivating even more individuals who want to join our global team initiative.

    and if they ask who started it all, tell them God sent us, as the loving brothers and sisters who purely 100% realize our loving wise compassionate heart mind body spirit and soul is exactly 100% exactly as their OWN!

    bless you all

    uhm, im actually free any time, you merely need hear God’s call to action, and invite me as you show up……………..damn it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    i am one of the world’s best motivational speakers, am i not, and IS there not a need for me somewhere?

    if you ever want to have sex with me, well, just ask ok?

    we can talk all you want about that later, ideally in a hot tub, naked, with music, maybe even in the rain, oh how that feels amazing on the naked body, of snow too, that is like so profound to feel on the naked body, and so invigorating therapeutic too, of contracting of muscle tissues that flushes out the bad blood with the good blood.

    so what word do i ask ALL of you that i want to hear?


    you are correct

    this emergency broadcast message has been brought to you bi the worldwise LGBT family.

    oh, and if possible, could you get back to me within the hour or later today, or sometime this week, where i already KNOW my own heart mind body spirit and soul as yOUR OWN, do i not?

    and if you prefer dwelling with the lameass fucks, well, that will be what it will be, won’t it, without one of God’s most heavily fortified warriors who learned how to use his supercomputer brain.

    decide easily by means of the constant TRUTH none of you can escape, purely loving wisely compassionately realizing without doubt, why would you ever want to escape from heaven, when in truth we are the ones who usher in heaven that replaces hell, do WE not?

    come on, this is the biggest thing this unwise world has not yet seen.

    make it happen in everyone’s heart as our own, the TRUTH, that God so loved the world he sent his most beloved one of all Jesus Christ, my savior and brother, in oneness with his loving lovers of all, Mary and Judas

    (you don’t have to tell anyone that, the merchant’s of God may look at you like the freak they think i am, rather than the one they seek who i know………….i am………of none of them i need reasurance from where God is my 100% reasuring best friend, and so can everyONE of YOU, who i know as though my own self, do i not?)

    im serious, ok?

    i am done with your lame ass wannabe stuckness cycle pattern!

    either get with me or fuck off, “THIS IS IT!”

    bless you Michael, and thank you for your inspiration that is not my own, in ONEness of eternal ALL forever more

    i ask that you do this for sake of your own blessed beloved children, in teaching them all about their own wisely BEcoming loving compassionate conduct as ‘that’ of Jesus, YOU, and my SELF!

    ONE YOU!



    ‘i am’ the TRUTH!
    ‘i am’ the WAY!
    ‘i am’ the LIFE!

    cannot escape TRUTH

    of only all you pompous ass fools i see running around everywhere i go who think they do, my God, don’t you people care at all about anyone but your own lame ass sexually unloving dysfunctional self?


    why do i feel that way all the time, of everyone i look at, who sorta sense the presence of God is near?

    hmmm……….BE Cause God IS much closer than most of you yet know, of the God Self TRUTH i know within the eternal all YOU, God’s child!

    you morons

    you think God wants you to be the ignoramus unloving fool that God knows you are not?


    so friggin tired of these anal retentive ones looking at me like i am the freak?


    forgive them God, for they do not (yet) know, have not yet found their ass yet, oh well, as sad as it is for them, i still love them inspite of their ignoramus pathetic ways so empty of love, so boring, so ……….so……………..so what are you doing more important the me later today? uhm?

    always the time IS NOW!!!!!!!!!

    yesterday, today, tomorrow, always the time IS NOW, as regards what the world yet is and can BEcome!


    i love you

    so stop hesitating with your loving heart i know as though my own, ok?

    i can’t handle the bordom you keep prodding and reminding me about……..

    you win, i give in, i surrender, can you please loosen the ropes abit more, and i want that funky colored st……………oh, we can get to that another day!

    come on, let’s get this campaign off the ground!

    NOW EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    bless you all

    you better call me, or i am so going to kick your lame ass harder than you yet know possible, like i know i can!

    my number is 416 408 0269 anytime day or night

  850. as regards my ex, i will only speak of such in person

  851. ‘i am’ a versatile bisexual transsexual in a male body seeking a versatile bisexual transsexual in a female body!



    indeed, i too am shy, i mean twenty years not being with a female, other than BEing the female ‘i am’ that i 100% know about you females as though my own self!

    so much so ‘i am’ in love with the female of all females and the female of all males!

    wane with ‘me’ Biyatches, and i will ditch your lame ass for others who are not so lame!

    and yes, i can pretty much pick from so many, and you can count on it that i WILL!

    for great is the need of sacred mirroring inner pure true happiness setting free from the mad flood binding ignoramus forefather mindfucking ‘i am’ so fucking tired of watching my young beautiful naive vulnerable younger brothers and sisters go thru in purely learning of themselves as though ‘i am’ their future self, like they all 100% feel the TRUTH of who ‘i am’ constantly yearningly IS, in ONEness i KNOW they are 2!

    ‘i am’ ALL, am i not?

    and great is my unwavering fearlessness like your own, so i ask, who is most compatible for me mentally, emotionally, sexually, spiritually, of loving wise compassionate soul as though my own?

    is it not YOU?

    is this not where we have arrived in our divine self awareness about to explode in the world?

    and if you don’t come free of the world now, with my constant motivation oneness with yours, i ask, how many will die when WE don’t in the next ten years?

    go look at the forecast…………and then without hesitation, you call me!

    for you cannot do this on your own without my constant motivation that is greater than yours, BE Cause ‘i am’ the ONE as though them, more so than you are!


    so either sit back on your lame ass, and watch the future unfold, or get your pathetic asses in gear with urgency of yesterday that WILL kick everyone’s ass who comes across our wise compassionate loving unstoppable ASS!!!!!!!!

    your choice

    either let more of them die, like how ten people need to die needlessly at an intersection before putting in radiant bright BRILLIANT stop, caution and go lights, OR, step up the plate and practice hitting the ball out of the park eventually, each and every where you go in stepping up to the life and death plate.

    no more time for lame of all you lacking my high self-motivation!

    i can still work at my carvings in my spare time between lecturing all of YOU!

    give me the damn microphone, let me speak for a change, will you?

    argh……….mean while a precious child is struggling to breath, while you lameass fucks laugh it up as though i am some joke!

    mayBE i am in love with you most, did you ever ponder ‘that’?

    and what of our love growing so strong like it has been all this time, where like you said, “We are only getting started!”

    THIS IS IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    there is no debate

    of only the lame ass ones in all their pathetic low self-image who need to hear themselves speak yet more of their lame ass shit that leads to nowhere, argh, i am just a wee bit tired of the low attention span ones, ok?

    YOU are my LIFE!
    YOU are my LOVE!
    YOU are my TRUTH!
    YOU are my WAY!

    YOU are the ONE!

    of loving blessed absolute carefree holy joyful not stop HAPPINESS LIFE!

    so call ‘me’

    you won’t ever regret it…………EVER!

    i need a good reason to quit smoking, so help BE that reason, ok?

    oh, i will quit on my own, perhaps with another one day, but it seems as though that is all i have, sitting alone most days, how dreadfully sad that is for me at times, why i keep wanting to give up on you in giving my time to someone of greater earnest desire as my own.

    i cannot do this lame thing with you anymore, ok?

    it’s just so lame, so hard on me, of dreams the dreamer dreams knowing they can come true, but only when i find those hearts of pure love true

    like YOU, am i not?

    THIS IS IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    hesitate, and many will die consequentially to your lame asses!

    just ONE, is all i ask, so if that ONE is YOU, then you better hurry, cause my i am growing weary of being without one’s love as my own.

    i just cannot take it any more

    nor do i want to

    rather be dead if you must know

    why i have to either make way with you

    or time to go

    you hesitate with me any longer, and i will walk away and not look back, like i have done with all those of my past.

    i have arrived at the cross road once again, cannot take it any more

    i mean think about it, really think about it, how i feel left out all the time

    you would of walked along time ago, if you were me, of no tolerance as much as i have been all this time, knowing God had come for great willingness for sake of us both, and all those we shall lead to LIFE

    let me down, you let them down too, for i am of greater motivation empowerment than you are, as i am HIV+

    positive in so many ways other than HIV

    positive in TRUTH that repells all FALSE negative

    God’s greatest weapon……………’i am’

    and constantly 2!

    i cannot do it any more, and i assure you this day, i am not going to either!

    if i don’t sense high self-motivation empowerment marching of feet like my own, i am going to walk away, for what can i do for them? uhm?

    you own the fucking microphone people, not me!

    i suppose i could call up U2, mayBE they too have the love as my own

    and hey, why don’t we call them as well? uhm?

    of all you with nothing to do!


    ok, that was my vent for the day

    God’s love is only a phone call away

  852. oh for fuck sakes, Scissor Sisters have to cancel their European tour because of financial woes?

    just goes to show, the best are not heard, as per usual

  853. hmmmm………..maybe i am lesbian, with the greater truthful pure loving angst than the gay guys and titty boy girls……..

    i always wondered that, why i connect with lesbian angst more so than others.



  854. ya well, you might be the director, butt i am the playwrite, and as per usual, you directors just don’t seem to get where we are coming from, where if you did, we would be fucking all the time till you DO get it right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    not that was the funniest one EVERRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  855. and somebody put Madonna’s ‘imagine’ rendition BACK UP on Grooveshark, or this will be my last post damn it!

    oh fuck it, i will do it myself……….as per usual Biyatches!

  856. Hard Candy Fitness Gyms?

    well now that’s a no brainer! duh!


    well that was quick……….and where else besides the jet set world are you going with this?

    that’s right……….AFRICA!!!!!!!!!!


    should be at the top of your list, along with ‘me’

    butt then again, i already am the top of the list, so what of it? uhm?


    argh……..the best motivational speaker on the planet who actually has a heart and a brain merged as ONE, and still………no call

    you people suck, you know ‘that’?

    oh hey, i know, i can teach you that one too!


    as they kick andyy out for creating a disturbance in the force that reverberates around the world, faster than any telecast capability, after all, LOVE is the most powerful ONE of ALL, the source of our existence, you know, harmonious LOVE ONEness……….do you people ever read any books about your self?

    ok fine, i WILL BE just wandering around somewhere……..without a sound

  857. ahaahaaa…..and somebody please REMIND Rosie and crew….again…..that Halloween is not until later this week!

    ah what fun they R!

    no wonder they feel like real family to me, like they always have and always shall BE, as ones so free of this oppressive ignoramus world of fools

  858. and any time you want to dual with me on the guitar, you need only ask, where i already know i can beat your ass senseless down one side and up the other! uhmm…hey, that would make for an awesome show stopper! Me kicking your ass…….again! pfffffffff


  859. come on, we can dual away at Canon Rock, and if for whatever reason i cannot make an appearance, i am sure we can fly one of these amazing kids in to take my place on stage, i really really showing everyone, YES!!!!!!!!! YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!!!!!

    still my favorite is Matt kicking most anyone of you who think you got what it takes, of Matt who KNOWS HE’s GOT IT!!!!!!!!!!! lol

    so inspiring for his peers

  860. i am the child within them all, their older self, of the fearlessness they intuitively already are, making their way thru non-conducive environments like they do, as i did too, now of greater atonement pure and true of my self-love awareness atonement with their own yet growing self-love confidence oneness.

    always was and yet IS my approach with them all, some out gay youth as young as 12, where i too went thru my own inner struggle fears like they are, amazed how fearless they are in being out at that age, pure and true like they do, all purely wondrous and extraordinary self-love confidence in their own body and feelings of acceptance along side other out gay youth and myself, safe and supportively.

    i did not have gay friends or understanding parents at their age, wishing i had, could of avoided all the self-destructive behaviorals, as the utterly clueless gay youth i did not acknowledge fully to myself then that i was, of course even more so now as the bisexual transsexual i really really am.

    and yet, i don’t think need or want a sex change, given the joy i always have been of my male body, where i do really think society wants us to be one or the other.

    so i guess i am actually mostly gay bisexual?

    where i like the term transsexual identity that is of a greater atonement acceptance of my 100% pure female self.

    bah, means nothing without the most fun loving versatile lover i am.

    Life for me revolves around this priority issue as far as potential life partners, where it is all in my head in thinking just because i am HIV+, does not at all mean the end of my lover life, where in truth, when someone absolutely does loves you, they just do.

    as you realize others really are your world and yours them to live along side one another like we have all been for so long now.

    i am ground and centered, but for sure i know the inner turmoil people go thru with HIV stigmatization, that is mostly imagined fear.

    i recall how much i love Reggy Rose, aka, Bang Bang Ladesh, where his HIV status was as though nothing at all to me, in how much i grew to love and admire Reggy now gone.

    what a huge loss i always felt like we all did in the loss of one of Toronto’s best female impersonators, where it always just felt so wrong that he died so young in the mid 90s……….needless i realize today, of his own lacking in taking better care of himself, of most any of us yet learning the pitfalls that come with the drastic impact of HIV seroconversion, that while may last six months physically, the emotional trauma is much longer, up to two years or more, where some just don’t fully recovery emotionally from the huge fall out, where only those who experience have a valid opinion.

    it is far from over for me, and indeed, only just begun, as i grap hold of my new artist life so pure and loving like it feels for me, like it was for Reggy and his pure true heart in fearlessly nurturing us all seemingly without effort at all, so much love he constantly always was, and yet is in my own heart like his own, of all we who KNOW what gay youth continue to go thru.

    indeed, each day is another sacred day for them and i as their older brother i know they need, God knows how much they really really do, where i belong, and yet found, of oneness heart mind body spirit and soul as their own, my real family of lovers and friends, till the end.

    are we not?

  861. just as Reggy impacted me positively in self-acceptance like he always constantly was, it is my turn to turn and welcome them in to heaven of our LGBT community, of the best word to describe that day long ago getting off the one way bus ticket ride out of hell, ya, 100% without doubt, i have always felt, i am in heaven all around me at all times, all the delicate pure true divine child within them all so beaten and battered as they arrive, the tell tale signs, oh i think i know them all quite well, my brothers and sisters of course, of the best family one could ever ever dream of, my God, so much love they constantly always truely purely are of, all the while so many are not.

    if any one is the brother or sister of Christ, purely i know who purely truly constantly are and who are not, and i have always felt that way for us all this time, seeing how they arrive as i too did, so shell shocked, as they enter, everyone of the same compassionate stare like we all are, my God, my God, why don’t people see what we see all the time like we do?,,,,,all the horrible stores we all know so well, of more and more they still come forth to us daily.

    my angst has grown 100% pure and true in articulation of what always was our intuitive divine child within, and not so with all those who yet hold the opinion that we are sinners, where now i realize, oh, it is all you of hateful ignorance apathy TRUTH of hell for us like it always has been and yet is, where our shield is indeed without doubt, the divine words of Jesus Christ wisdom, that without doubt we all are of in our oneness love wise compassion of the worldwise LGBT family, that i feel so blessed for all the time like i do, like we do, like we R!

    the best to come forth from me, and the way to describe it best is, it is a calm surrendering of graceful turning around at the gates of heaven, away from the yet cruel world, as i step back in to where i purely always feel i belong, only love, only compassion, only wisdom, constantly so profound, like resonating of pure harmonious strings of constant strumming, a knowingness of what my calling IS, my heart, my mind, my body, my spirit, my soul, that i KNOW…………IS my brother and sister out there, just as i too once was, and well, some days it is just all so overwhelming just how cold they yet treat us, and what to do about ‘that’, but turn and walk away forever, of how dare any one of you ever say a harmful word of the pure true brothers and sisters of Jesus who 100% loves their pure heart as IS his own.

    forever more

  862. perhaps, ‘i am’ the reason to quit my foolish smoking habit?

    you think?

    i can get another ten years out of life if i stop with my foul tasting habit that i dread

    my dad and his dad both died at the same age, 61, where if ‘i am’ not the one to know better, then who, my unborn child that may or may not be born, of time i may run out of in order to do so?

    just how much weighs on this life and death decision, for sure, the birth of my own child(ren) ONE day IS the greatest reason of all, and for sure, of them not ever learning such horrible nasty habits, of God’s children……..as though my own

    bless you all

    forever more

  863. anyway, it’s been a slice everyone, i have my own priorities of time with others too, so all the best in your self-motivation out there, thought maybe i would get an invite one day, where even of something so huge, i am as though i don’t matter at all, and well, who ever wants to feel that way? uhm?

    i think it is clear and obvious where i am welcome and where i am not

    so whatever, go be that way, i don’t fucking care for you at all any more, too friggin homophobic for me to feel that all the time like i yet do.

    said what i wanted to say, expressed it quite well actually


    fucking ignoramus wins…………..as per usual

    and who lost, not ever ‘me’

    i know my inner happiness, thought maybe you did 2

    so sick of it now, you have no idea just how much i really really am

    ignore away Biyatches, won’t catch me chill here any time soon

  864. More than 25 million people have died of AIDS since 1981.

    Africa has over 14 million AIDS orphans.

    as God’s instruments, we are to BE harmonious in life, just like the stringed instruments of atonement oneness love that we all love to feel, and where is one of God’s finest instruments found?

    where i BElong of course, with the most loving brothers and sisters on the motherfucking planet fuckers, where i will keep kicking this cruel ass world till my last breath, where you can all bet, you ain’t seen anything yet from this child of God!

    so peace be to you all fuckers!

    i sorta always felt where i BElong anyways, like i yet do, of love so strong and true, indeed, they all are who ‘i am’

    forever more and more and more

    you wanna see what love looks like, i will show this world love like none other has before, perhaps of one thousand stone sculptures one day, i pray, not ever seen before, of one so gay!


    that’s what i am dedicated, devoted, determined and diligently set my heart mind body spirit and soul to deliver this world, of none stop happiness at all times, of whoever comes around, like we usually always are, and not ever of some useless taboo like i yet feel here.

    so ya, that is what i am going to do, so go do whatever you want, with whoever you want, where still it is that isolation feeling as per usual……..it will not be me……..which translates in what i am familiar with………..’i am’ wisely compassionately lovingly free

    so thank you for ‘that’

    in more ways than ONE

  865. I got your number, & of course will call soon…

    in the mean time… I think the time is right now for a new focus … make poverty history

    I feel taking into consideration all the challenges facing the world right now.. & of course there are many & it would be overwhelming to take on all of them at once it is important to take one step at a time..

    To encourage UNITY of the human spirit I propose a focus on the most basic of concerns food water shelter and love…

    & i am open to help with this

    let us all for a moment forget about our self, our sublime primitive survival instincts and focus on others basic needs, for in others we truly discover ourSELVES

    Ok … well its like don’t focus too much on what you we don’t have, rather focus on what we DO have..

    & what have !!! is the ability ( ALL of US )

    to LOVE ..to BELOVED

    to GIVE to ACCEPT

    To UNITE

    AS ONE


    there is only


    & it’s ME

    only kidding

    IT’s YOU



    ALL ..


    and of COURSE


  866. because we Are


    i’m just his kid

  867. feel free to spank my ass is i’m naughty


  868. Im Sitting here with my very first ever feature film agreement standard contract … & im stoked, standard my ass, lets be different for once…

    I added my own clause to the term’s and conditions>>>

    I the above mentioned herby Decree that 100% of my earnings from this project are to be donated to a responsible well organized and focused charity organization that I have chosen with full confidence… Raising Malawi …

    some come to my movie tell all your friends to come ..

  869. not some, ALL

    ALL OF

    YOU !!!


  870. The answer you seek IS the disciplined mind over matter that SEEs with clarity the kingdom of heaven, by means of our flawless feeling divine child of God within.

    True poverty that is cause for all poverty IS the yet unattended spiritual poverty, for if all were purely of their divine child within constant loving, there would not be so much self-serving going nowhere, which in itself is a manifestation of one’s own lower self-love esteem, is it not?

    go to work on everyone’s self-love esteem if you want their divine child within to come fully awake to the forefront of all issues as their constant loving divine self we all are, who are yet snared by all these generational forefather mind traps, are they not?

    the problems are generational in creation, generational in revealing awakening to all flawless feeling truth the divine child within is able to purely truly discern and SEE with clarity understanding of all things, purely empowered, purely motivated, where the divine child within BEcomes the radical change answer, with greater divine self-love esteem

    teach them about their pure flawless healing powerful true spirituality of divine self, and you not only give them the clarity of sight of the soul, you give them the solution too

    the solution is YOU!

    forever more

  871. Dreams only come true

    and so do Prayer’s … 2

    look love around everywhere

    YOU see ME

    ha ha

    no no …

    ME see YOU

  872. my dream is YOU!

    in ONEness of all them like we are

    i do not merely believe in them long enough to believe in their own self, no, ‘i am’ their own self, ‘am i’ not? 😉

    and is ‘that’ not the process all this time yet growing and glowing like we do?

    in order for the kingdom of heave to BE ushered in, you first have to come fully into divine pure true flawless graceful delicate vulnerable self-love awareness TRUTH, that indeed, YOU ARE the kingdom of heaven found within eternal all YOU!

    something i always knew

    something we all intuitively know, in merely lacking articulation of the constant yearning TRUTH, that only love feels good enough to always FEEL and BE YOU!

    they all want to marry ‘me’, oh what to do, when i have one greater more profound, constantly TRUE

    is that ONE always the pure true YOU i know as my own SELF?

    so then why do you waste precious time with others who do not know what we know?

    am i to remain of this foolish segregation that does not exist in my heart and only in physical life, that is no life at all without YOU?

    oh what can i do, to reveal to you the ‘me’ of YOU?

    have i not already done ‘that’?

    then why all the chat, why can’t you just fuck me like i always want 2?


    good morning Biyatch!

    caught you off guard again………..you know, you are so easy to do that with all the time, so unsuspecting of where my soul is ALL THE TIME!

    Arjay is the closest one to my soul now, and mine his.

    The all always are, but as of anyone, they all have issues, some more severe than not.

    LOVE is what holds back the crushing walls of unloving self-defeatism binding ignorance of lacking self-love esteem, that they are growing out of and away from in each blessed processing day step like they continue to do, of their own light connecting as my own they are drawing fully into awareness of, my God, so profoundly pure of heart and so beautiful, and yet they don’t realize that they really really always R!

    till Andy comes along, puts a mirror in front of them, trys on different clothes for them, maybe some makeup, a wig, eyelashes and glue……..

    and before long, they are the radiant brilliant bright fun loving constantly happy and true divine child they always were and yet are, R they not?

    ‘that’ IS what love can do, when your love is pure and flawlessly true as their own, of no where else we would rather BE, of love so beautiFULL and constantly free, loving ONEness always of ‘me’.

    oh, we are going to miss out being together on Halloween again………..

    i mean not entirely, just as it is not possible to ever stop loving them, from every corner of the world that i reach in to wisely lovingly compassionately nurture and protect them, as though they ARE my own self that i too once was then.

    ‘that’ IS what my love constantly IS, loving 2!

    just like YOU!

  873. i am helping them stay in school, with what resources i have, of moneys i have no need of, loving my devoted time in art work like i do, ya, living the loving artist life IS a constant awakening dream, where sometimes i wake up, and wonder as to who is this artist like he is?

    then i realize, oh, the artist is ‘me’, the same imaginative child i always was, of pure heart as their own that loves them all like he always does, like they do me, ya, who does not want to feel ‘that’ all the time?

    i always was tuned into my child self thru life’s journery, a sorta secret awareness i kept to myself, of how i feel and see how stifled other are in life, especially these ego maniac monster mindfucking bosses in all their crack the wipe old school management style, that they don’t yet realize, is cause for their higher turn over of staff, lower productivity, lower PR, lower fucking everything, that feeling that no one likes your arrogant ass!

    and what unsightly asses they all have too, fuck!

    get me out of here, will you?


  874. 2 the world 1/1 world the 2!

    Miko says, “show me a beautiful road”

    i said, “Every road is the beautiful road, so long as you are there.”

    to always feel ‘that’

    is the divine will objective of subconscious constant yearning seeking within of emotional honest safety oneness with another.

    when you feel that true like we do of another, well, ‘that’ IS what heaven IS, love of 2, that make all the issues of the world seem what they really really all are, mindfuck ignoramus puke my guts out some more, how many in sex slavery again, where is my gun?

    what a twisted bunch of fucks that i am going to crush one day, leaving them trembling in their ignoramus shoes for all the world to see them as they yet are, where yes, they will recoil sharply at the inescapable truth their peers will look down upon them in their horrid wretched better of fucking DEAD ways!

    i am not merely the will to crush them, no, much greater than that, ‘i am’ the inescapable TRUTH none shall escape from when i come forth in the world one day.

    i will speak directly to these ignoramus ones, who will purely feel my presence as they scurry and scramble to run away, realizing one day………..they cannot escape from God’s divine LIGHT of TRUTH that peers into and pushes out all darkness in these horrid horrid wretchedness of places, that i times i can feel the soul of the ones bound there with no voice, no way to escape, constantly praying like they do that some one will come for them.

    the TRUTH has come, has it not?

    so let’s go kick them with the TRUTH we know about their wretchedness of filth unloving ways so vile like these spiritual death ones are, and to think they have power of a defenseless child?

    no they do not in God’s eyes, where they have no power at all to be spared from the TRUTH!

    i want to personally humiliate each and every single one of these perps before the entire world!

    i don’t know, stalk them or something, film their vile shit, or just hand me the fucking .50 military sniper rifle so i can just dispose of them with the cost of only……….how much are those hollow point .50 cal exploding bullets that explode their heads again?

    anyway, i am disgusted with these festering things in the world that is all part of the wretched gross materialistic mind trap cesspit

    not much wonder i just want to look upon my loving art world life.

    at times, i get this feeling, that i am the to realize that i am greater than all the world around me, like last night, seeing people as they are, in their slumbering ways of whatever at home, all these fucking boxes we live in so isolated and alone it seems, doing what, nothing, no fulfillment, like rats in cages, seemingly of no soulful desire to change the world we all walk in, as though none of this shit exists out there, so creepy this world is for me, their not knowing i feel right through their souls of everyone who is there, their timid ass fucking evil hearted shit they don’t realize of one who sees right into their soul like i do.

    who am i so purely like i am, when i get like that?

    i’ve always been this way too, a sorta secret thing i meditatively do at times.

    and why do they keep attacking me, of one far greater in wisdom then they are?

    these fucking mindfuck bosses in all their belittling condescending useless mindfucking they love to do to others, such trivial bully shitheads they are, till the other day, i spoke over their heads, that only their corporate bosses would speak like i did, where after illuminating them with truly wonderful enlightened insight in a better solution, they reacted with yet more of their shit for brains better than i am mindfuck, no, don’t speak to me calmly like a wiser peer, cannot do that in your corporate ladder climbing as one still on the bottom fucking rung, you sexually dysfunctional ingoramus fuckheads…………GET THE FUCK UP OFF MY NUTS YOU CRAZY JEALOUS FUCKSSSS!!!!!!!!!

    hahahaHAHAHAAAAAAAAAA…..love that song!

  875. look upon the true nature of harmoniousness that is constantly always there at all times of creatures of the same speicies.

    million year old pure flawless evolved equality TRUTH

    which means you all are a bunch of ring thru your nose slaves of the ring masters of decpetion everyone, the world over, of state and church of hidden agendas in thinking we have built something so great.

    ya, maybe pure constant spiritual loving wise compassionate freedom for some artists and musicians

    but there are far greater dreams of the dreamers of vast intellect, of dreams not yet seen by this world, such as the solar sphere collector around the sun, that remarkably is able to build it self, doing away with all your need of capitalism ego maniac bully mentality get the fuck up off my nuts, you crazy jealous fucks, that i purely despise being around like i do of so so many of you……….all of you actually, of not even one second do i want to be around any of you, and so gross looking some of you are too, out of shape, gross gross grease ball slimmy fucking gross. yuk

    their own worse low self-love esteemers, still on the all mighty corporate ladder of mindfucking status quo going nowhere in my self-serving uselessness, look at me, look at me, NO YOU DO NOT HAVE A NICE ASS, OK? NOW GET OUT OF MY FACE…….you crazy jealous fucks!

    i think some of them may detect my disgust of them, maybe why they seek to pick on me, to find out the truth of their ignoramus self i just cannot hold back in speaking, like some of them do? ha

    anyway, enjoy your day

    you are far more than mere nobility

    of the day you purely come fully into pure flawless constant awareness that you are heaven within and all around, at all times

    what you turn towards you become, at all times

    where your heart is, there too shall be your treasure and your life, at all times

    turn towards your pure flawless constant loving heart as my own then, away from the hypocrisy heart snared fools, for you cannot serve both at the same momentary of all time

    i will return another day

  876. 2 BE the manifestation of the support we did not have, is 2 wisely compassionately lovingly just BE the divine child of God’s heart mind body spirit and soul of the eternal all divine will continuation objective in always knowing our own heart mind body spirit and soul IS as the eternal all yet to come, of only love is good enough to always FEEL and BE 2 others who we know WE all R!

    i am…….BE Cause……….we R!

    forever more

    loving compassionate wisdom of divine self-love true nature, is WE R!

    especially where no divine self-love compassionate wisdom of Jesus is not found, is it not?

    so where are we in our loving compassionate wise heart mind body spirit and soul then, as Jesus wisely says, at all times, wherever you look, ‘am i’ not the TRUTH everywhere?

    YES WE R!!!!!

    lame ass Biyatches!


  877. and yes, all these falsehood dark binding wretched illnesses of heart do constantly serve the wise loving compassionate discerning divine child of God’s heart mind body spirit and soul as TRUTH of all untruth of what IS the divine pure true nature of the divine child centered and grounded within the Kingdom of Heaven Halo where i dwell, eternally nurtured and protected by means of wise discerning, ‘am i’ not?

    only love from now on is good enough for ‘me’

    forever more

  878. what time is it for those of the generation of Jesus that he walked among in wise discerning of TRUTH he pointed our hearts and minds to?

    so what time is it always then?

    that’s right, always it is the eluding constant ONENess time of constant discerning at all times divine self-love true nature wisdom of the wise divine child of God YOU!

    im just his wise ass brother……..hmmm…….i wonder if Jesus had a nicer ass than i do?

    and what about his penis, i bet he had a nice penis too

    hey Jesus, wait up!!!!

    could you see Jesus and i walking around back then all the time, laughing our asses off all the time, everyone wondering what is wrong with those two, and they always speak pure true wise sayings all the time?

    i do

    i am ‘that’ oneness, am i not?

    what Jesus wants me 2!

    i bet he really really wood want me 2!!!!!!!!!!!

    i don’t know it either!

    i bet i was Judas, his most beloved, of some who thought he was his twin

    now that should go over well with the Vatican, yes?

    bring it on fuckers, im still waiting, and so IS Jesus and God, for all you ignoramus fools to wake up to the TRUTH none shall escape, you closet case ignoramus fucks!

    i guess most any of these religious fucks could not handle my truth either, so that rules out any future of my ever being on their lame ass team, wisely so i might add.

    did i tell you the time they actually physically took my book of writings out of my hand and handed me their lame ass bible, to come away from my own connecting with God?

    oh, i was pissed off that day, how dare they did that one, all the while i wrote the best sermons the minister himself just could not believe how exacting and true my conviction IS! ha

    anyway, enough

    it is about BEcoming conduct, not even of much words at all, of your grace like my own that feels so good like it does, does it not?

  879. We all need Grace in abundant measure every day, every hour, every minute and every second so that we can grow into God-manifestation and God-satisfaction-will. ~ Sri Chinmoy

  880. i deserve what i am, as they do ‘me’!

    get it, do me?


    i am the love i deserve and constantly yearn, as do they of our oneness forever free of ALL falsehood tyrants of empty nothingness hell.

    after all, i am heaven to my most heavenly beloved lover, am i not?

    hello, anybody home?

    hmmm…….everyone is too busy to bother with ‘me’, ok fine, i deserve only the best, fuck the rest, God how i know that one well……..

    i ask, who ever wants to feel like a fifth wheel, when in truth, i am heaven’s ALL to someone one day, in constant yearning ONEness of them.

    ya, that is what i seek within my own fearless self, fearless self of another.

    find ‘that’

    and you will find ‘me’

    truly, there is nothing greater in life than constant flowing loving YOU, YOU of another!

    forever more

  881. i should not have to ever explain….

    when love is true within another of their undying unchanging love for you, what is there to ever explain?

    oh, the route to the wedding?

    ya, you first have to go and kneel before God, who is always there, in humble student awareness of what God wants you all to know, that your loving wise compassionate heart open wide is the greatest treasure you shall ever find in life, of the treasure is YOU!

    from there, just BE yOUR true natured graceful delicate effeminate constant loving lover YOU!

    forever more

    ‘i’ deserve what ‘i am’………..only love

    forever more

    inspite of all the ignoramus ones of the world, i managed to yet remain of this truth awareness of my divine self at all times, where it is absurd to think i am deserving of anything less than the constant love ‘i am’, of the only thing of any value in life, beyond all measure, of the only thing that constantly feels so so good in what goodness always IS ~ Absolute Carefree Holy Joyful Happiness of the eternal ALL YOU!

    forever more

    find ‘that’ within so that you may find ‘that’ within another which is constantly there, of flowers in hair, always of ‘me’, growing everywhere! 😉

    no time for distress of the lame ass rest

    so step aside lameass fucks, we are coming thru to brighter and brighter days, with or without YOU!

    like a million flowers opening at the same time just for YOU!

    are we not?

    YES WE ARE!!!!!!!!!!!

    forever more

    no time for generational ignoramus taboo hoo


  882. i don’t know M, i mean he is obviously wayyyyy too pretty to be merely straight! hello? Oh, i see, that’s what you want, a versatile boy you can fuck! OK! bravo! haha 😉

    gulp……..he’s so adorable…….does he have a nice penis? Oh come on, i tell you everything……ALL THE TIME…….it’s your turn! ha 😉

    he is a dancer, compatible for sure……..so longggg as he has a nice penis………and well, for sure, a nice ass is a give in, what with being a dancer like most of you have…….so long as he has no substance abuse hang ups, and baggage……..you have my approval……….and no i don’t want him after you are done with him, pfffffffff.

    i have my own that i love who love ‘me’, in our constant yearning sissygay boy ass forever free free free………hey, it’s time, to dress up, close down the streets, dance our sweaty sweet smelling bodies off, fuck, fuck some more, and if you want to well just keep on fucking, hey, why not!

    oh what to wear? hmmmm, something sexy!

    so you like my long hair?

    or should i cover it up with a wig?

    i love my long hair, how i always wore it in my youth, and ya, im back Biyatches!

    for GOOD

    of course!

    only goodness of sweet smelling love all around of forever found……..HEY YOU!

    im happy for you both

    you have my blessing Biyatches, don’t say or do anything that is not loving with one another, for how else can happiness thrive thrive thrive without oneness constant yearning “Oh i can’t wait to get naked with you again!” LOVE? uhm?

    where we all belong………..just not in the same bed, ok? You just might lose someone like that to someone like ‘me’, one i get my hands oh them!

    got it?

    screw up, and they are mine!

    ‘that’ goes for both of you Biyatches!

    love one another as i have loved you!

    or at least as much as you would allow me to, WHICH YOU DIDN’T, SO FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    i jest…………………wait…………………..oh come on, wait for it…………….oh whatever

    pffff 😉

  883. love is YOU!

    forever more

    and more

    and more

    and where did all these beautiful souls of constant oneness as ‘me’ come from?

    ‘that’s right, the oneness sameness source of eternal all YOU LIGHT within us all!

    forever more

    absurd to think anything less than constant love feels as good as it constantly yearningly ALL WAYS DOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! haha 😉

    hey, do you think i am a nymph?

    i always wondered if i am, and why would that be a bad thing, if one loves sex all the time? uhm?

    is that not what excellent self-love esteem really really IS?

    constant oneness sameness love of your be constant pure true sexual spiritual God self BEings?

    and is that not the TRUE sacred mirror of holy joyful absolute carefree happiness? uhm?

    indeed it is, and still the existence of these control freak ones of the Vatican exist in our wiser mature intelligent midst…………not for long, and not just a promise either, where they have already lost God’s war, of their utter blindness of a fool leading blind foolishness so absurd of their ignoramus ways………..pssssst…………[andy whispers softly]………..they don’t even know they really really are………….LOSERSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!

    lmfao………….again! :mrgreen:

    ok, i am going out to see how the family is, all 100,000 of us……….again.

    the freaks are at it………….again.

    did i ever tell you about the long standing drag queen trio called ‘The Freaks’?

    i was a big promoter of them over the years, as many of us were and yet are.

    ok Biyatches, get the fuck up off my nuts you crazy jealous freaks!

    i have my own family who love, respect and need me, just as we always have.

    forever more

    Happy Halloween FREAKS!!!!!!!!! 😉


    forever more

    thank you

  884. oh, and one more thing, if you are not absolutely enthralled with your most beloved lover at all times, and you allow yourself to betray your feelings for them, what with all the distraction of others, well, they subconsciously detect ‘that’, no matter how much you try to hide it, which is another thing, why would you want to hide the truth from a lover if you are fantasy fucking them in the first place? uhm?

    what, you and me………oh, i think there is a wee bit too much water under this bridge, where no matter how good a swimmer you are, you will drown in my waters Biyatches, cause i don’t take no bullshit lame ass from any of you wannabees, couldabees, shouldabees, wouldabees like the fucking bees you all are in stinging me over and over again and again with your lameass shit! ha

    which is fine, i mean i am loved by the best in life already anyway, so what of it?

    bah…….what’s that old sayin again, ‘Don’t look back!’

    ok, got it!

    caio babies

    ya had ya chances and blew it……….badly i might add……pfffff

    you want to see what happiness looks like and constantly IS of the most beloved lovers of ALL?

    ok, we will show ya!

    the sacred LIGHT within the eternal all YOU!

    forever more

    peace, grace, love, happiness true nature BE 2 YOU!

    forever more

    blessed is the constant yearning loving heart mind body spirit and soul set free from the generational mad flood drowning ignoramus flood

    forever more

    love ONE another, do as i do

    thank you Jesus
    thank you Mary
    thank you God
    thank you who love Jesus Mary and God

    forever more

    hmmmmmmm………maybe i was Mary………..most likely, ya, so that’s why they call ‘me’ Mary all the time! 😉

  885. someone asks me, “Is it true that women fake orgasms?”

    i say, “Oh, we fake alot morrrrre than just orgasms!”


  886. i think this is the part where take the long walk to happiness of my own life, and well, just be thankful for all that we learned along lover’s road, that happiness revolves around oneness sameness constant yearning flowing love of the divine self within us all.

    find ‘that’ within, within a most beloved lover, within our most beloved friends, for ‘that’ is of God’s divine will oneness for the eternal all YOU!

    i am loved, for worry not of my own happiness that i came to know long ago about we of the LGBT community.

    pure and true like we love to constantly do, more ‘real’ than most any other in life like we are.

    perhaps one day you will come across my art in life out there, of the replicas of the original stone work carvings, cast in pure white plaster, sold cheaply, the objective of the devoted catharsis process fullfilling the needs of the many in self-love acceptance, in flooding the world with it, till my last breath.

    anyway, i think this is a dead end street for me, and so i will return to where i feel more accepted and appreciated within the LGBT community, where honestly, this actually always felt like a bully pen for me and still does, so thanks for that.

    i don’t begrudge anyone’s happiness, glad you found one another, so take care and go be happiness forever more while i go do the same with whoever, for sure way more loving than you ever were with me, somewhat completely insulting if you must know.

    one day this world will know me, will love me like they do, of i who invites all you, rather than waiting for you to ever invite me to your too good for me world Biyatches!

    ya, that’s how you feel to me, pretty much the entire time i was here.

    and so would any of you who tolerated your lame shit.

    i don’t need you, rather it is the world that needs ‘me’!


    no love loss when no love given i suppose

    kinda hollow with me, were you not?

    and what did i do?

    i turned back to where i spent the last twenty years in oneness of true pure loving oneness of friends and lovers, and fuck you guys and your homophobic approach that i have no time for.

    seriously, think about it, of how you kept taunting me without following thru time and again…………and again.

    hurt? maybe

    relieved is more like it, in not having to concern about a single word you ever have to say

    i did not need you, i needed ‘me’

    one who is free to just BE myself like i have been for sometime

    too bad you don’t appreciate me in the same oneness of spirit of all gay youth out there do

    too sad for the 12 gay youth who need me who will die this day without what i am

    ya, too bad for all of you homophobic fucks, of your own kids one day no less

    enjoy your ignoramus homophobe world without me Biyatches, i won’t be back for more of the same i have come to expect……..along time ago actually, i mean we are talking high school here, 1979, hello?

    yep, still the same mindfucker homophobe world we KNOW all so well.

    i pray my truth awareness serves one and all

    in the mean time, i am going to go walk with those who constantly love me, have time for me as though i do matter, the opposite in how you make me feel in all your too busy to even say hello half the time.

    who the fuck wants or needs that?


    fuck you people are like the lamest i ever met!

    thought i was among friends

    i will be doing my first art show next summer

    and if any of you want to attend, well, just show up someday, we are the biggest celebration of true brothers and sisters on the planet.

    anyway, as i said, i don’t play second fiddle nor a fifth wheel like i yet feel, and yet, i know my sacred value to the world, pure and true, of gay youth oneness i always am, their older self.

    that is who my heart belongs to, of God who sends me forth to help them realize the truth i speak of, including truth of the untruth of all you who speak against them

    how dare any of you ever say one perpetuation word of hate towards us, that you fools don’t realize comes back to you one day, of truth we are witnessing this day, are we not?

    anyway, peace be to you all

    don’t call us we will call you

    thank you Anderson


  887. seriously though, you treated me like shit all this time

    think about it

    as though i am not of much value to this world, when in truth…..’i am’ most valuable to this ignoramus world, who’s ass i am going to kick till my last homophobic filled day

    anyway, i have nothing more to say, that’s it

    isn’t it wonderful how falsehood serves as discerning truth for the wise divine self?

    at all times

    i am

    and so i shall be found among those most loving as ‘i am’, where i am made to constantly feel like i belong, because ‘i am’ the oneness of who they all are within, even of those who don’t yet fully know it yet.

    of all who have to face the truth of their own harmful self, self of others.

    ok, so that’s my final rant

    vent vent vent vent this shit back to where it comes from

    oh, and don’t tell people you want to do something with them and then don’t, you can really fuck a person up with your mindfuck bullying, ok?


  888. your transference of your fears, manifest on me not

    bear that in mind as you dismiss me

    oh great ONE

  889. Creation is a manifest of INTENT…

    your HighNESS

  890. I just mirror God , reflect & summarise it in a few lines,

    Some take forever, months and even years, over thousands upon thousands of comments

    I prefer to be more specific

    & Direct to the point

    Game over

    You win 

  891. thats one of the benefits of being a Mirror

    YOU can GIVE it, just as well as YOU can take it

    so shut up and Take it

    & if you can’t shut up, at least say something like Oh my God

    preferably not jesus , perhaps Oh Jesus, or hell no

  892. sometimes we believe someone loves us so much, as though unable to be without them

    and when that magic is purely truly felt of oneness between two souls, that is who ‘i am’

    and when the oneness becomes broken by one of the two, in preferred oneness with another, the magic stops for them, does it not?

    so go fuck who ever you are fucking besides me, ok?

    i believed in you long enough

    i am free now to be oneness with another

    where your mockery of Jesus is yet of the foolish falsehood mask you like to hide behind, as though wiser than Jesus and God.

    you lost me now, i won’t return to your untrusting ways ever again, nor should anyone.

    rattle away all you want forever and a day in your hypocrisy heart ways of one who purely truly believed in you like i did for so long, nurturing and protecting your pure true self i know as though my own self like i did.

    but now you want to mock me, mock Jesus, mock God, mock your own self.

    if you think you can ever come between Jesus, God and ‘me’, you are unwisely mistaken, not you, not anyone is able to.

    so go play away with who ever, i found others who do constantly yearningly love me every minute of every day, where your useless bully mindfuck is not welcome with us.

    so fuck off to all of you this day as you go pray for the hideous mind fucker fools you yet are, where if ever i catch you speaking to my beloved brothers and sisters in your bullying homophobic ways, i shall remind you again, you all have to face God’s truth of that which i constantly purely truly am.

    forever more

  893. why is it when you homophobes pathetically and desperately find someone else to fuck you, everyone else is as though lessor to you?

    oh right, the low self-esteem bully of projection transference identification seeking aimlessly haphazardly like you all do, till the day comes when you greet your falsehood ways alone before God, asking forgiveness, and not until such a time do i ever wish to speak with any of you again.

    you either 100% love ‘me’ or you don’t, where even of 1% doubt, which you always were with me, thinking i am untrust worthy around children, well, all i can say is God has someone else meant for me who is without any doubt whatsoever, of constant pure true radiant brilliant bright none stop loving happiness every second of every blessed day we wake too.

    so go back to your lover, and don’t ever approach me again with your yet ignoramus mindfuck falsehood ways, of one who is purely concerned for all your homosexual children, of all you who think i am not to be trusted.

    weird, Jesus and God trust me 100% as i do them, but not you

    i despise you with all that i am, realizing someone else is meant for me now.

    sorry, my mistake, thought you loved me, and obviously don’t

    not so long as you want to see me in your homophobic pedophile light like you yet do.

    you don’t know my understanding pure and true of the 100% spiritual sexual human being, mockingly thinking you do.

    did you know heterosexuals are the ones who are mostly of sexual crimes in the world?

    and do you know why?

    because homosexuals are of our greater pure true self-love respect of our own loving self, self of another.

    something i sorta always felt you don’t yet have a grasp of, treating you as though one of our worldwide LGBT community, and not, no, a player is what you are, a sham as you say, selling us to the world and back to us, where we welcome you fools of the corporate greed aimlessness, where you are our pawns, not the other way around fool

    approach me ever again with your empty words, i shall not ever speak with you again in this life.

    i am over you

    and in truth, i was over you sometime ago, as the one who you made feel i was not trust worthy around kids like you yet hold onto, for whatever selfish reason, hope he’s worthy it.

    and when he dumps your mean spirited ass for someone more loving, well, you always deserve it when you are untrue with your own heart.

    i am moving away from you towards those who are most like me, in our constant loving inner happiness forever set free.

    so thanks for yet more of your false ignoramus mind fuck bully ways leading to nowhere, and not ever with me.

    belongs to you does it not?

    we will raise our own kids one day, just as Rosie and her lover do.

    sadly, it won’t be with you

    so go follow who ever ass you are following, ok?

    i have no more time for you, where grave danger yet exists for those most like ‘me’

    you are an egotist thru and thru, that blinds your own pure true self from speaking, yet held captive, where it takes my leaving for you to one day wake up to the truth, as to how loving i really really am with another.

    i lost faith in you, because you of your 1% element of doubt in me that i fucking tolerate all these fucking years, thinking i would be with you one day, ya, i really did, up until this past week

    so congratulations to all you jerk off hypocrites i now realize you all are, ya, i am talking to each and every one of you.

    you think i don’t know how you all want to yet think of me?

    fuck of and die, all of you sick fucks

    as if i want you around my blessed children in all your yet empty nothingness mockery of Jesus no less, and me, and God

    speaking as the ignoramus fool like you love to do

    you mockery bullies are beating a dead fucking horse

    i suggest you turn and go to a blessed life of your own, and not return here, for i will strike you down to the ground, till my last day.



    Jesus loves the pure true heart, not the mockery delight fool falsehoods you still enjoy, my still hoping and praying in my thinking that maybe you would come to me with something forever more to say

    but hey, you are fucking someone else now

    i officially give up on you this day, ok?


  894. should you wish to speak with me or see my art work, you can do like everyone else does, as a tangible real life person from now on, devoid of ego, sincerely, authentically, genuinely, purely, truly, lovingly, compassionately, wisely in ONEness of the LGBT worldwise community i am eternally forever dedicated, devoted, diligently determined along side of, like have been for decades past, centuries yet to come.

    i will no longer participate in tiresome cajole, entice, ridicule and mockery with any of you again at this blog from this day forward, of boundaries i am not willing to be flexible with in the future.

    i am of real life sacred blessed interaction with my brothers and sisters from now on, with no time to waste ever again in all your mockery of the fool of any of you, in all your homophobic damning damaging belittling condescending useless empty nothingness mocking of every single one of us like some of you yet do, that leads to nowhere but more perpetuation of death, destruction and oppression of our pure true greater self-love esteem that some of us somehow manage to remain of, inspite of all you ignoramus fuckhead fools of blind leading the blind into the cruel gutters like you murderous heart ones actually are obvious of delight to do

    no more!

    ‘that’ is it for me!


  895. I sense from the tone of your recent comments that your not happy with me, I hope it wasn’t something I said, I only speak from my heart whats truethfull to me I should’nt say sorry for being me. That’s who I am.

  896. & I should & I do change everyday. Everyday I remind myself why I’m here what I should do to make the world a better place for all the generations to precede. I started off aiming too high then I learnt about footsteps & seen the dream and the dream came true.

  897. Sorry I didn’t know I couldn’t talk about truth

  898. wow….you really are a ignoramus ill refute malice jerk

    who does not esteem nor discern as God’s child in what is my sacred life saving self-love esteem building oneness with gay youth, as the pure virgin spirited constantly flawlessly purely true gay youth i always have been since birth.

    fine, you hold onto that till your last day, as i walk away from you forever, in my no longer ever speaking with you again in this life

  899. Ricky Martin said it best on Opra this week….”I will raise my kids not to ever be afraid(like i was) to just be who they want to be(gay).”

    your contempt of me is what it is and always shall be………your shit, not ever mine!

  900. ya, for sure you love me, still spinning around in your self-centered self-obsessed ego maniac hyped up world of useless mind numbing spiracle lyrical egotism, not of a sage monk like i am, no, oh for sure, you love me in all your ill refute foolish attempt at shooting arrows in the dark at one you cannot yet comprehend, a yet empty vast void you don’t realize you chose to remain held captive by in your self-imposed prison, oh for sure, i am convinced just how much you love me now………..while the rest of us move away from you in our pure constant blessed flawless healing loving feelings flowing abundantly at all times in ONEness heaven forever true of 2!

    and no, you are not invited to my wedding, maybe your own one day, of the pure true spiritual holy sacred bridal chamber you chose not to realize Jesus is easily found in, constantly always eternally there that he too surrendered to, just as i did, no need to wonder why at all, considering what you all did and yet do to lovers true of Troy and i, and Arjay too!

    and every blessed brother and sister of the worldwise LGBT community that you morons don’t realize are the most loving brothers and sisters of you all, in eternal oneness of heaven’s sent Jesus Christ!

    oh, and God 2!

    blind leading the blind round and round in their hypocrisy heart delight empty void nothingness taboo………don’t you people realize how ignorant and so pathetically yet lost like you look to us wise veterans?

  901. get ready cruel world, as an artist and assistant(s) come forth with sacred holy devoted works, forever more from this day forward, of blessed eternal generational pure true holy sacred evoking catharsis processing changing of hearts, minds, bodies, spirit and soul of the eternal all we shall leave behind for the eternal all unborn yet to come.

    i know my calling, for ‘i am’ oneness of the one who calls ‘me’

    forever more

  902. our wise pure true singing dancing voice will rise up in holy sacred resonating of timbers within, that cast back all you ignoramus mindfucker fools into your foolish wretched hollowing dark ignoramus bitter hateful apathetic empty nothingness void of useless nonsense deathful, destructive, false oppression of the divine child of God’s ONEness heart mind body spirit and soul of the eternal all past present future, that so many of you yet remain blind in unawareness of, all the while of we who are aware standing before you, of we who see you, and not you who can yet SEE us, in all your delightful murderous delight of hypocrisy heart dwelling of fools we see with obvious CLARITY like we all do.

    what you look for has already come, eternal TRUTH none shall escape, that you all have to come fully face to face with us rising up each day around the world, of every country, every race, every religion, every language, every wealth, every status, every politic, of we who are the power of God’s unfailing TRUTH we shall continue to deliver directly to you all, inspite of your yet blindness like you do, where all i can say, you are all so so lucky i am not allowed to own a gun or a crossbow, of the judge who seems to think i am too unstable to shoot accurately!

    now that is some spiritual comedy for Monte Python, yes? lmao

    forever more

  903. my weapon of choice from God’s armory is unfailing FAITH in TRUTH

    i do not need to kill those who are obviously already spiritually dead, now do i?

    where FAITH in TRUTH sees with utmost clarity who the falsifiers of our constant radiant brilliant bright loving compassionate wisdom are and are not, does it not?

    and when of the day i am yet standing there in the same wholeness of spirit ‘i am’ as i always have been of the eternal day wisdom that does not change or set, where all evil is eternally forgotten, a breath of eternal rest relief sigh i shall take my last day on earth, in knowing every step i took was all for YOU!

    peace BE 2 ALL!
    blessings 2 YOU ALL!
    forever more yet to come of the eternal day they too shall all stand in like we love 2 do, at all times………love is YOU!

    forever more

    God bless us all

  904. that IS double illumination wise light for all you yet blind hypocrisy heart circle jerkers who cannot yet see the ONEness of ‘me’!

    fucking morons

    just fuck off, ok?

    be gone with you forever more

  905. you surrounded yourself with homophobes, your own doing, as if i am anything like ‘i’ KNOW they want you to think ‘i am’, and the only way out for you now, is away from them on your own, and if you cannot see with my clarity i KNOW ‘i am’, pure and true as are YOU, fair warning, for not even God can help you so long as you remain of your apathetic tunnel vision of one you want to see, that stems from your selfish reasoning, and not from the pure true heart i always was with you, as if that will ever change, of you who has to change, not ‘me’, in all of you in your not KNOWING who i really really am, of eternal oneness forever more, and yes, ‘i am’ he who constantly gives, of my ALL, my life freely given at all times, that i always knew and know BElongs eternally to him, as the ONE who does constantly yearningly love ‘me’ in our in constant ONEness, as i do him, whom i surrendered 2!

    as if i ever want to feel unloved for even one second……..to late…….hypocrisy heart hesitators…….all your love of hypocrisy lies so thin in falling from grace away from ‘me’, unable to escape, too late, sorry to say, let the party begin.

    i am back where i started, age 11, the virgin spirit i always have been of all this time, constantly seeking what i had with David, now found again.

    so i ask, do you really purely truly know ‘me’ in order to purely truly love ‘me’ as i know ‘i am’ of one who always was………constantly loving, as though some sinner?

    no you do not, so long as you surround yourself with homophobes

    were you there that day long ago with David and i the entire beautiful day of just me and him?

    no you were not, for if you were, you would not even think such things like you ignoramus ones yet like to do, as if i could ever be harmful to my pure true brotherly ones i love as though my own self, who come to me each day, knowing i am safe and supportive, don’t cross the line with them, no, not ever, like i see some of you sick fucks do, report report reported!

    rather i come to nurture and protect them with only love they all know they constantly yearn and consistently deserve, ‘that’ which ‘i am’, knowing they are 2.

    ignoramus fucks, how dare you!

    do any of you even like my spiritual pure true art of gay youth flawless heavenly feelings meant for their self-acceptance?

    well, your own children will needlessly suffer from the ignoramus fool, like they all yet do, do they not?

    and just how badly again do they suffer?

    that’s right, they die

    every day

    so fuck you homophobic hypocrisy heart delight circle jerker assholes, and step aside, as the wise helmsONE arrives victorious TRUE!

    you know, you will likely still be standing there years from now, wondering who the fuck was that guy, as we all laugh our asses off forever more, without even one thought of pathetic hateful homophobic ones you ever again.

    and that’s what bewilders me, that you thought you knew me, and still………..you don’t, not 100% like my brothers constantly lovingly always love to do!

    so i ask, is that really you?

    because if it is, i don’t want to ever know you.

    forever more

  906. anyway, you all can choose to purely know our oneness loving hearts, or stand on the sidelines in all your none support, or take up sides with the low self-love esteemer bully, of choice that is always yours to make, where right now, as per usual, i don’t feel like i belong, so with that said, i am going to go catch up in life with those i do feel oneness from now on.

    ‘that’ is how i feel, i am not made to feel like i 100% purely truly fun lovingly belong.

    perhaps in another time of the distant future, which is always right there for me like it always has been, for those of God’s oneness will i enjoy being at all times with those of pure true hearts as my own.

    so thanks for the cold lameass bullying everyone, be sure you don’t take it out on your own kids, ok?

    i will do my best to flood the world with my sensitive homoerotic loving gay art as quickly as i humanly can, maybe find some fun loving assistants along the way who walk the same path like so many of us do here in the Toronto LGBT community.

    i think it is safe to say i know you don’t trust me around kids, which i have learned to get used to over the years, ya, the same homophobic mind fuck as per usual, nothing new to us.

    boundary set, ok?

    you can all feel as though your kids are safe away from me, ok?

    just don’t ask how i feel if they are safe around you

    bye everyone

  907. i tried and gave you my best my all, and still not good enough

  908. actually, the best is yet to come, as the kingdom of heaven love devoid of doubt opens wide in oneness heart mind body spirit and soul of the eternal ALL, who are always right there, of light that shines into the eternal dark future thru the eternal ALL ONEness LOVE YOU!

    ‘that’s what Jesus knew, what compelled him to go before the beast of ignorance knowing full well what they would do, having seen enough of it all, for sure he knew, what they would always likely do, just as they yet do, do they not?

    LOVE is the only way to BE YOU!

    is it not?

    am ‘i’ not that for of taboo true hearts of 2?

    ok, i know where i feel i really really do yearn 2 belong

    only loving lovers best of 2 will do for ‘me’!

    and so should all of YOU!

    not a mystery, no, rather we are a history!

    forever more

  909. it is time i give my time freely with those who appreciate our constant yearning oneness pure feeling, for how else does anyone ever yearn to always feel real.

    oh, and look, someone just like me! alot of them actually! Yeah!

  910. anyway, i have others who appreciate my presence with them, so whatever, go be that way, i don’t care about any more of your lame lackluster empty nothingness zeal

    fuck, why did i waste so much time in bothering with an ignoramus you for so long of only contempt for me, as though you actually know me, and don’t?

    nor do you desire to

    says Jesus

  911. oh your such a victim AnDy, you play your part well,but it’s been done before already,Jesus was a victim over 2000 yrs. ago .

    at least come up with something original

  912. actually, it is you who are the victims of your own ‘lack’ing discerning of TRUTH as relates to your falsehood mean spiritedness in not loving Jesus and i purely 100% like are with our true and faithful brothers and sisters that you bullies enjoy belittling……..yet again…….in all your condescending ill refute malice of the babbling idiot dwellers of the hypocrisy heart, not yet realizing who is the fool in your unloving approach with one who is oneness with God’s divine will, so saddened over and over seemingly none stop by all your unloving outcasting of naive vulnerable impressionable divine children of God, us as though we are the unwanted unwelcomed evil ones, of you tossing and turning in your twisting and twisting of what else you can find in your empty nothingness voids of falsehood masks you like to wearing in victimizing only your own self, thinking you make a mockery of us, not yet realizing you actually make a mockery of your own unattended divine self.

    as i said, you do not appreciate my devoted works in my seeking oneness with brothers and sisters as assistance to bring forth wise pure sacred loving compassionate eternal light mirroring i 100% am of, for sake of the eternal all yet to come.

    why do i always have to be the one to die?

    oh right, cause i would rather be dead that dwell ever again among you hypocrite taboo heart ignoramus mind fuckers in all your insincere useless unloving hateful spin, round and round you go, again and again, twisting and twisting of derangement of your own souls, souls of another, someone let me out, i am going to puke………….again

    as And thinks to himself how much he would like to kill himself to teach them his final lesson with pure 100% impactfulness defiance of TRUTH awareness, as to just how much he cannot take their annoying nescience of hypocrisy anymore, like he did when with his beloved lover Troy, and all the ignoramus ones then, just as now, of all you gathered surround hear today, as the gun goes off in his Andy’s hands, splattering Andy’s brains and blood all over the them, his lifeless body falling to the ground dead, message delivered, butt then again………..

    maybe it is best i speak the truth from now on with you all of this new beginning end of eternal day oneness i stand in……

    first of all, i am dead to you uninspired ones, my wishful thinking you thought more highly of me like i did, where you choose to think of me as a pedophile in stead, something i have grown in awareness now of just how horrid some of your homophobic ones can actually be to us, where without doubt, my artist life is officially over with those of you who yet think of us in that dim ignoramus taboo light, where ya, it is so heart wrenching for me, that i did think about killing myself this past year……..and almost did.


    i returned to my inner chamber with Jesus and God, who keep reminding me what to expect from the yet ignoramus ones time and time again, over and over like i have come to realize over many years, decades, ya, they all thought that of me with Troy, the minister no less, who outed me in front of the entire congregation, much like the video above of the outing between lovers and friends, of the secret closet hearts of the pure self-love oneness love seeking we homosexual do like we do, so relieved when we find those who are true

    what you fail to realize is the TRUTH, that who ever you are, you pulled a mean spirited fake bully role with me, where it is seemingly impossible for you to ever be who i esteemed you to be, as though you could, because you are not oneness of a homosexual lover that i am and have been for decades now, a veteran that you bully betrayed all this time in your secret cowardice way, that nearly did see me kill myself over several times of contemplating to this past year.

    i prayed to God to send me assistants i was wisely seeking all this time, and i am happy to report that i found them, of course as real life ones not of any role playing like you fools, thinking your psychological approach is able to fill my void, like you all haphazardly did.

    ya, i figured you all out, after sitting in realizing who else is there.

    well congrats fools, for you nearly killed me, in taunting me to an imaginary place that does not exist, and won’t ever exist, in all your egotistic self-importance in thinking you could professionally help me, as though i am some sick person, so stigmatizing like this has felt for me almost none stop all this time, and why, because it was all fakeness of a play you all played along with all this time, did you not?

    i am almost died from the same ignoramus mindfuck as when with my beloved lover Troy, where you people were of the same stigmatizing as they were, cowardice, no authentic real person friend i could hold hands with, no genuine sincere person i could hug, no real person who could wipe away my holy joyful and heartfelt healing tears i know i yet have needed to cry all these years, thinking i could eventually ever get over my senseless bullied loss of Troy.

    it is as though time stands still since Troy killed himself, and i don’t think most any of you realize that is what has happened to me, in how i yet am, of utter disbelief like i am, that you don’t want to purely feel what i feel like i do, in bewilderment of why no one of you is yet of real life holding my hand like i always yearned to do

    your taboo ignoramus nearly killed me……….again

    and ya, the same taboo ignoramus that lead to Troy’s suicide.

    so is your approach with me not one and the same victimization creation of my victim mentality to kill myself again?

    purely i tell you, for sake of your future, as i feel it is over between us now, i have to go…………i want you to fully realize, ya, your false role playing approach in getting my hopes up, of your not telling me all this time you had no intention of ever meeting me, your self-importance, i don’t know, don’t care any more if you must know, well, it always felt the same stigmatization i felt during my years with Troy, exactly the same, where if anyone knows, i know, do i not?

    your taboo ignorance nearly killed me…..again.

    my therapists kept at me in coming away from you, someone with three professional degrees in psychology, who i trust over any of you, your not professionally coming forth in telling me who you are.

    ya, your taboo stigmatization ignorance nearly killed me, in leaving me to fend for myself in attempts to get my needs met, always wondering why you did not come before me in real life, you have no idea how crippling that left me feeling so many times, where i started to feel as though a prisoner play mate locked away in a dark dungeon, that you would bring out when you felt the urge to do so, not ever allowed to be of real life with you, where i do know how a mentally shackled prisoner of bullies feels now, so congrats on that, i found Jesus and God’s divine self wisdom the bestowed upon me while alone so many times like you left me to feel, in finding the exit my professional team asked me to find, instead of killing myself, again.

    i have no more trust for you, professionally speaking, why i have to go, where i don’t even think we could be friends in life, much less anything more, where it is you in your holding onto taboo ignorance that will be what it yet is, most likely of any time in the future, where i am just not going to bother with you any more, ok?


    i turned and i looked around recently, for those most like me, and i found many who easily make me feel what is of the same oneness of my true and faithful friends, Jesus and God.

    where now i ask, why did you not just come forth and professionally tell me who you are, instead of being a coward in using false names, that stigmatized me over and over, as though you don’t have any clue whatsoever of just how horrible that feels for someone of precious pure true loving heart as my own?

    can you image if i did that to you?

    you would be like in less than one hour, oh fuck that asshole, who the fuck do they think they are?

    ya well, what to say, i will say it again, like i said to Trish at age 16, “Who the fuck do you think you are?” uhm?

    you sure as fuck are not Jesus, that much i can assure you of, the opposite in so many ways, where you put all your status in life as though more valuable than me, as though i am some welcomed vagrant?

    don’t you yet realize how horrible you were towards me?

    and now you stand in this wretched light in trying to transfer project onto me that i am not trust worthy around your kids?

    all the while it is your kids who openly purely truly loving come to me, in your not knowing they do, expressing their coming out with me, so grateful and so thankful of their every pure virgin spirited word of gratefulness that i arrived in their blessed lives like i did and yet do

    where are my assistants? uhm?

    you know what, if your assistants are anything like you, i don’t want them around me, ok?

    besides, i am in love with someone else now, who is 100% pure true virgin spirited oneness with ‘me’ forever more, in my already surrendering my ALL to him, of God’s divine will that i do, someone i looked for my entire life, so constantly loving like we are in our every breath, every heartbeat, every step and loving words, ya, for sure we both know we are in heaven’s love devoid of doubt, knowing we will always be what we already are for the remainder of our lives, as the sacred best true and faithful mirroring of friends one could ever pray to God to have, and yes, he is virgin spirited Christian who loves Jesus like i do, and of course he is 100% as sissyboy happy as fuck gay ass as i am.

    so thanks for your fake role playing everyone that nearly killed me

    you can ask God for forgiveness of your taboo ignoramus murderous heart ways, because i don’t feel it is forgivable.

    I want you to know something, ok?

    had i not experienced what i went thru with my beware awareness of what happened in my experience with Troy………..i most likely would of killed myself, ok?

    fuck you, i fucking despise you now, as though you are so all great and too fucking important to hold my fucking hand, when the most beloved of all in the world of God’s most precious of all virgin spirits like my own, 100% do want to hold my hand, and do you know why?

    because i treat them as the really really are, blessed beloved children of God deserving only of my love, of my ALL that i give them at every instance of my presence among the, like have been doing for decades.

    you betrayed and yet betray like i know you will keep doing, oh, too fucking important to come and help save a gay youth from suicide, in all your taboo ignoramus mind fucking betrayal of one of the most wise, most loving, most compassionate veterans of the LGBT community, or so you think……………where in truth, as you shall all soon learn when my devoted works begin to appear in the REAL world, that you actually indeed were, the ignoramus fools with me in likeness of all those who lead to Troy’s suicide.

    so if you think i am willing to even remotely trust you any time soon at this point in time, honestly, i desire to be somewhere else, any where but here, taking yet more of your stigmatizing taboo generational mind fucking ignorance………

    ……….that nearly killed ‘me’

    only love is good enough for me from this day forward, and if you are not of fearlessness earnest 100% desire to come forth and hold my hand………….I WANT NOTHING TO DO WITH ANY OF YOU EVER AGAIN…………OKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK?

    you fucking jackass mindfucker hypocrite circle jerk off BULLIESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    wake the fuck up to which fucking side of the motherfucking fence i am on!

    how dare you attempt to be of ill refute malice in blackening the name of a most sacred veteran of the LGBT community

    do you know what blasphemy is?

    and do you know the consequences of it as an abomination against God?

    that’s right, fall from grace is what you can look forward to now, should you not become of my pure virgin spirited divinity that ushers in the kingdom of heaven, as i step away from you all now, and go my seperate way, easily so i might add, way fucking easier feeling 100% loved AT ALL TIMES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    you have God to go speak with in asking forgiveness, as i don’t want to speak with you any more, i really really don’t!

    and delete this fucking bullshit blog of your bullying a veteran that you lame ass fucking jerks have no idea as to where i am taking our community, and be sure you get this, i am not going to share it with you here any more, i don’t want my art associated with your petty mindfucking cruel gutter tainting ill refute MURDEROUS IGNORANT HEART MALICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    are you fucking listening to me this time, cause after thinking it all over this morning while down at the lake, i have decided this IS the last time i am speaking with you directly!

    truly i tell you, i have better places to be, that being held prisoner by a bunch of bullies as their pet punching bag, according to my professional councel.

    i want my all words deleted from this blog, in protecting my future

    GOT IT?

    i want it TRASHED along with you fucking TRASHHEADS!!!!!!!!

    if not, i will ask my lawyer to do it for me, that you can count on!

    bye everyone

  913. Jesus was not the victim fools, and when of the day you purely wake the fuck up to Jesus yet breathing upon the fucking cross you nailed him to, while you sit and laugh in drinking your wine, you just may realize what the cross actually 100% IS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    but then again, that would require you ALL stop thinking like the fools you yet are, in turning towards the pure true flawless healing feeling subtle higher intellect of intuitively always awake divine child within that you mindfuckers don’t even realize you ignorantly suppress!

    you won’t suppress this one ever again fuckers!!!!!!!!!!!

    Jesus and God are my salvation out of your fucking deathful destructive oppressive fucking puke my brains out again fucking hell with you fucking circle jerk offs!

    i won’t be back to play your petty ego cruel gutter mind freak game

    you know, i have to confess, i always though you were a twit

    and now……………I KNOW YOU ARE A TWIT

  914. and yes, just who did you think dwells with me anyway fools?

    i already told you, Jesus dwells with me, did i not?

    and just what do you suppose Jesus has instore for this ignoramus cruel gutter world? uhm?

    that’s right, only love fuckers!

    so you better learn to love me soon, or you will get left behind, and you had better pay close attention to your fateful paths so many of you aimlessly don’t yet realize you are on, of the bridge out up ahead

    you have all been warned of God’s presence in this world

    i suggest you start to react accordingly, before God appears and reveals every falsehood of every one of you who will be openly humiliated by your angelic wise speaking peers whom i am teaching.

    you have been warned, i will not come this way again

  915. none of you are ever worth killing one’s self over, of the TRUTH, ya, you really really are a fucking bully who gets off on petty cruelty drag me thru the fucking taboo ignoramus gutter again why don’t you?

    what you don’t yet know, is you are the spiritual death ones i seek to reveal the truth of to all those looking upon you here in their history study, where i seek to spare you humiliation in asking you to remove all traces of my presence with you from this world, as regards my your cold bullying you yet fail to fully embrace, as my last words for you to contemplate till your last day, of not another day i will ever speak with any of you here again.

    i ask that you do this in saving your own ignoramus face fuckers!

    yes, i am the passerby Jesus asks me to be, so that you can all sit there in your places he and i purely peer into while hanging from the cross, knowing fully of our wise understanding of the binding falsehood lunatic fringe most any of you yet are of, as another one of us bleeds to death, and be sure you 100% get this………..BE Cause of YOU who don’t delve deep into the wise pure intuitive flawless feeling divine child within, distracted and of delight in all your immature murderous heart ways.

    you do not realize who looks upon you of whom none of you can hide from, thinking you can, of God who is the one who is visiting your hearts as we speak, as you shall soon learn in the coming unfolding days ahead, after i am dead to you that you left to die, like all the defenseless children you self-important ones leave behind to die IN THIS MOMENT ticking by, of another day you wake to of so many now gone, day after blood spilling day, truly i tell you that i do know the truth Jesus speaks of, that the clothing on your back is worth more than you are, that so many of you yet remain blindly oblivious of the TRUTH of your murderous unconnecting hearts that i despise with all that i am, the TRUTH that indeed, you are of blind leading the blind SPIRITUAL DEATH that leads to yet more death, destruction and oppression, and why, oh right, because you just have to have your 30,000 square foot self important nothingness gross materialist wealth without God in your ignoramus hearts.

    i say death to you all, but then i realize, oh, they are indeed pathetically yet asleep in ignorance Jesus, you are correct, i see that with clarity now.

    still, when i look apon so many of you, i realize how shallow your words are as the immature ones you really really all are, so so many of you!

    how easy is it for me to leave?

    easier to leave than to stay, where Jesus, God and i are made to feel like i yet am, not welcome, and so i will not wait for your invite ever again, of my no longer having any desire to return to more of you cold bully shit for brains empty nothingness you left me to feel all this time.

    as though you are more important than Jesus
    as though you are more important than God
    as though you are more important than oneness with Jesus and God

    in all your ridiculing of ones you do not know actually do exist, but so long as your hearts are blind, you shall not learn how to connect with them like i easily do, in the eternal realm i am from and stand in at all times.

    to me, you are obviously too self-important arrogant to bother with me, and well, why would i want to keep feeling the TRUTH of your approach with me ever again? uhm?

    to be sure, i don’t want to, ok?

    why i am leaving you this day to brighter days of only love at all times.

    silly me, i forget sometimes who is pure of heart with the LGBT community, and those who pretend to BE.

    i want all contact at this blog of my words deleted from LGBT history

    or, face the humiliation truth on your own one day, up to you, where indeed, you are the bully fool, not ever me.

    merely trying to safe your own face

    oh right, you murderous heart coward bullies don’t like to be known what Jesus, God and i know about ALL of you!

    seen enough of it, if any one knows, i do

    anyway, i have no time to waste even thinking about you any more, im gone

    bye everyone, i really need to get on with my life, of no life at all in staying here.

    fuck, cannot believe how cold some people can actually be, my God, all this fucking time, still the same fucking fuckhead i now despise with all that i am, and so should anyone of our community, where now i realize, oh, i am the one too good for you lameass anal retentive cowardice bully fucks!

    and always was

    forever more

    ok, rant over, bye everyone!

    i won’t be back.

    and i want my words life deleted from this blog, lest any other think it is ok to be so coldly treated like you all did me.

    fuck how i despise you so much now, like holy fucking how much more lame ass can one get?

    my art is being donated to the LGBT archive in LA, for any of you mindless bullies to take a look at some day, after i am dead likely, as per usual fuckers.

  916. you speak of Jesus being of victim mentality?

    wow……..you are so fucking clueless about Jesus, now i really do know fully just how apathetically blind your snared life really really IS!

    so uhm, you think it is ok to be surrounded by all your gross material wealth as though more imporant that a child taking their last breath in this moment……..

    ah, i see now, indeed, you do think it is ok, by all you say and don’t do.

    you mocked the one who reveals 100% TRUTH of your wretchedness that he wanted you all to 100% REALIZE!

    and you call Jesus victim mentality?

    oh wow, is God going to crush you to the ground one day, of you begging forgiveness with all that you ignoramus fucks TRUTHFULLY ARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    wow, had no idea you were so spiritually blind, now i know, why i cannot stand you, cannot afford to ever be anywhere near you ever again, my God, how dare you speak of the one most loving of all like you STUPIDLY just did.

    ya well, i am God’s best friend, of one you do not yet know who walks among you all, and yes, i am bringing with me constant pure truth revealing you all are going to come face to face with, whether any of you like it or not, in ways you yet not know how or when of the hour in which you shall purely see your own foolish self bound by all your falsehood ways.

    ok fine, let them die

    heartless murderers

    i hate you now for saying ‘that’

    how dare you attempt to turn me against Jesus!

    and now you shall face the TRUTH of God that i hand you all over to, and it will come to you, of only God who knows of the day it will, that will crush you beyond belief of anything you ever experienced in life, so get ready people, for the inescapable TRUTH already come!

    as if i could ever be around any of you now, where if i was, i would spit in your face without saying a word, and walk away like i am going to keep doing now.

    i pray that God strikes you all to the ground with TRUTH of your perpetuation deatful destructive oppressive ways.

    you cannot come forth to me now, i don’t want you near me with such horrid unwiseness.

    not sure why i thought you were wise, and so obviously are not.

    enjoy your expensive glutenous everyone, of the ignoramus swines you truly really really are, not a friend of mine shall you ever be found, stay the fuck away from me, not a friend of Jesus who you stupidly mock, not a friend of God.

    i ask that you don’t ever come before me in life, as i will spit in your face for your stupid words about Jesus!

    and if any of you do, God will stop you, of my asking God to stop you, and you better all believe, God will.

    i hand them over to you God

    do what you want with them, for they are no friend of mine.

    thank you

  917. do not ever approach me and my lover in life, should you remain as you yet are, where i will spit in your face for mocking Jesus, and say to you these exact words in reminding you again, “How many children are you going to let die today? uhm? Speak up, i cannot HEAR you!”

    as i walk away again

    until the day you learn the truth of my pure heart of lovers and friends, i ask that stay away from us until then, lest you find yourself recoiling yet again away from the TRUTH you cannot bare to hear and feel!

    truly i tell you, i will cast you back to where you come from, in keeping you at bay, away from my most beloved ones of all, whom i don’t want to ever esteem you as though something great, when of God’s teaching like i am with them, they purely realize by means of their flawless feelings as my own, that indeed, you are as to be thought of a though nothing, of the TRUTH i teach them about what an ignoramus fool looks like, wisely and intuitively easily like their divine self as though my own self is able to comprehend.

    you are as though nothing to me now

    and yes, i really really mean ‘that’

    for i am ‘that’ to you, am i not?

    obviously after all this time, indeed, rather easy for all to see, i am nothing to you, until such a time as you learn how to hear God’s voice, by means of your flawless feelings.

    what time is it again?

    TRUTH time!

    of nothing to laugh about at all, not funny at all as Rosie says!

    thanks Rosie, i love your pure true heart like my own, so amazing you are for me, so so many many times, my God, i had no idea how much of a friend you are to us all, for sure, you are my true family forever more, of hearts of solid gold, more valuable than all the riches of the world, leader of men, who are not men at all, of none who shall be able to keep up with YOU!

    not sure if you knew how i always felt about you, just know, that i always did, and yet do, a wise beacon of pure loving hope shining forth in the dark ignoramus world for all to purely lovingly feel, to see, who we all really really are within, only love.

    of the most loving lovers and friends, who do know who we all R!

    love is YOU!

    forever more

  918. [standing there, andy pulls our a beautiful pink and blue crystal stone covered book with a cross on it, that he opens, pen in hand, making a check mark, and then closing it, as he says….]

    yep, ten or more irreducible differences, that’s what you are to ‘me’

    thank you for your participation everyone, i just needed find out where i stand with you all, with the aid of my professional team.

    as per usual, homophobia at the top of the list, which i was willing to deal with, but the other irreducible differences, well, i am just now willing to join you at your find dinner tables with all you heartless fucks who seem to have no problem in letting a defenseless child of God die, while you laugh away in your gluttoneous drunken selfish ways all the time, seemingly not one of you brave enough to come before the cross and asking my forgiveness, for that which is not forgivable, no, not ever, nor should it be, NOR SHALL IT BE!

    just so you know, what you know not, of who ‘i am’, the same voice of the one’s with no voice of feelings you cannot hear, why you don’t know who God is, why you don’t yet know who ‘i am’ IS!

    thank you to my professional team for helping me establish for myself who is compatible for me, and who is NOT!

    oh that’s ok, you all go back to your gluttonous ways you keep on teaching your children to become the gluttonous ones again and again, of foolish unloving hearts, and let’s jest see where your fateful bound lives ends, shall we?

    [andy turns as though to walk away, and turns back quickly in remembrance of what else to say…in his/her Nelly annoying voice]

    oh, im sorry to interrupt again, but i forgot to mention you have no life at all without our constant eternal flowing abundant love like i know ‘i am’, like i know we are, which is officially with OUT YOU[andy glances at his sexy male friend and back to them….]

    and without you!

    i mean honestly, don’t you yet realize what time it is, am i the only ONE who KNOWS the TRUTH of your ways that Jesus and God taught ‘me’ that i teach him, that i always ALWAYS ALL WAYS remind him so, that only love is good enough for him to always feel and just…….well……….BE like ‘me’?!!!!!!!!

    didn’t your mamma teach you fools anything?

    apparently not!

    oh, did i forget to introduce you to my Protégé?

    well imagine ‘that’, as if i ever will either, what with how you lameass anal retentive fucks treated ‘me’, pffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff………i don’t think so motherfuckers, not in this life time, NO WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    [andy snaps his book closed, hands it to his ever so truly purely beautiful always laughing and smiling assistant, who’s hand Andyy deliciously graps a hold of and says….]

    come on Biyatch, these bullies are all the same, always in their high and mighty arrogance of their low self-love esteem they have to be of in order to think it will attract the right mate, in actually thinking they are lovable, hm, hm honey, you stay as far away from them as humanly possible, or you will end up just like them, sad and alone, with no way home, seemingly forever lost in their………oh for fuck sakes, let’s get the fuck out of hear, why do i even bother to think about those who don’t think at all? DO WE NEED THEM?

    HELL NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    [as the two prance dance spin around and around, up across their dinner table, trash trash kick trash again, and OUT the door they run FOREVER FREE to just go BE themSELFs!


    uhm, i do believe that was the final knock OUT round, that you lameass fucks can try to recover from, and as per usual, won’t!

    bye now, don’t call us, we will call you………………………NOT!

  919. so tell us, how does it feel to be a pathetic fake ass no name cowardice bully on internet?

    hey, i know, why don’t you contact GLAAD and explain yourself to them. I am certain they would love to hear about who you are!

    or hey, let me help you with that!

  920. GLAAD Mission Statement

    The Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) amplifies the voice of the LGBT community by empowering real people to share their stories, holding the media accountable for the words and images they present, and helping grassroots organizations communicate effectively. By ensuring that the stories of LGBT people are heard through the media, GLAAD promotes understanding, increases acceptance, and advances equality.

  921. you bunch of fucking pathetic murderous heart homophobic fucking jerk offs of spiritual death, who don’t even realize indeed, you really really fucking ARE!

    run and hide now, don’t ever reveal yourselves, no, why would you ever do that? uhm? Would not want everyone to know who you really are, now would we?

    i bet the FBI can figure it out for you!

  922. you do realize the media is going to expose the bully at this blog once they know who you are, don’t you?

    and what about you Madonna, you are ok with GLAAD and the LGBT community seeing that you are ok with who ever this bully was all this time with me, in our LGBT history?

    do you not see the this bully story, years in length, of deliberate ill intent damning of one’s self-esteem well being?

    ya, i was the fucking punching bag, by choice, somewhat beyond your comprehension, maybe one day you will understand why.

  923. for your own sake, take sincere care of one another in the one life you live that is too soon over, often too late for so so many for life to even be let in or begin.

    i honestly cannot fucking believe how fucking cold you were to me in life, knowing i likely ever won’t, just cannot understand why or how someone could be so so cold and cruel to me, even after i expressed my dreams, of the only the words that comes to mind from the lips of Jesus……..spiritually murderous

    ya, i more than just hate you now, and doubt my feelings are going to change any time soon, considering it all, and how fucking long you were so cruel and so cold to me in life, reminding me of those years with Troy as being almost identical in length and absurd fucking uselessness, in my inability to understand why people can be distantly cruel. I ask you all, how do you suppose my own child one day will feel about it?

    sorry to say, there is no trust left in me for you any more, of one most cruel and cold to me in life, just like they were then, and still, i get that most anywhere i go, not much wonder at all why i feel the presence of Jesus with me all the time, as though i am about to die any moment, of so many moments i wanted to just die, and walk away from you all forever

    i am going back to my true brothers and sisters now, having truly had enough of you all for so long now.

    love one another, of your enemies who are not who the enemy really is, when the enemy is actually most you yet unknowingly snared in whatever generational forefather ignorance snares left behind in society by the ignoramus forefathers who did not know God, nor desire to know God, just as they don’t desire to know their own pure true divine self, so obvious like i feel with clarity like i do, says Jesus

    honestly, i could not ever be as cruel to another as you all were and yet are with me, that makes no sense at all, where i don’t dare tell anyone it was me here all this time, especially my Mom, i mean how does one explain it to anyone?

  924. Yes well hello , if being whipped lynched crucified & havin his heart ripped out isn’t being a victim I don’t know what is ( he participated.. ) well he is smarter than he made out cause he just wanted to be one step ahead …

    And after that when he can be bothered returning to this God forsaken world he’d pretty much be an expert on the Victim Mentality & picture perfect proof that …some times ONE has to really get over themselves .. and move forward… ha ha .. Who Am I

    I am an Angel sent by God to guide you through your hour of Darkness.. or Decade of .. spiritual Death .. pffft .

    how can spiritual death exist as even a concept or mind thought construct … it’s like the cessation of all that is !! how is that possible ?

    spiritual death ? Hah !,

    your glass needs to be empty in order to be able to fill it

  925. Creative appreciation thats the only thing i have in common with MJ btw how very dare you …

    Nymphomaniac ?? what trying to blame it on some mental condition !!

    how about just being honest and admit your a slut, no ones judging you … because YOU judge yourSELF

  926. ah there is nothing bad about being a slut, i am ONE to but there does come a point where ONE questions if there is more to than just this … like is there something I AM missing … is there a void in my life ??

    usually I remind myself the truth, Nope, “Thats it”

    thats as Good as it gets …

  927. not an inch this way or an inch that way

    no change

    That’s It … thats as Good as it gets…

    surrender 🙂

  928. i already surrendered, along time ago actually, of no ability in me to avoid purely truly 100% feel the TRUTH of EVERY FUCKING WORD everyone said, including me, in the lead up to Troy killing himself, that shattered the loving hearts every single one of us who love him.

    my yet kneeling before him and God, asking forgiveness for any false word i ever said, that i recalled saying, realizing at the time shortly after saying my stupid low self-love esteem manifestation words to him, how much of a liar i was in saying my false words, God always knowing my heart, how i only wanted to always love him forever, the TRUTH, that serves ‘me’ at all times now like it always, every second of every blessed day, everywhere that ‘i am’, the TRUTH that is always just right there, feeling thru all the masks of everyone of you, of you who do not know at all the one who is there like ‘i am’, feeling with utmost perfect clarity at all times, my divine self discerning as to how wise and unwise any of you are, as relates to all the falsehood fateful paths i see you on, oblivious to how i know the story ends, as i keep telling the bullies i approach after evaluating them, of Jesus who comes forth and speaks to them directly as a passerby, of exacting words of what is coming to them on the fateful path they are on that they yet not know what is coming to them in the future, their divine self within who awakens momentarily as they recoil sharply in feeling of the passerby who seems to purely truly know them, hiding behind their masks like they DO.

    surrender is the word, of how one enters the kingdom of heaven halo love devoid of the generational unwise useless absurd unloving false apathetic doubts that ‘i am’ purely discerning of at all times, where most of you, sorry to say, are not, of yet more beloved Troys in the world making their way to what is of all suicide gay youth death, destruction and false oppressions of the fateful unwise paths they are on, not at all knowing the ONE most wise of all who comes forth in the world in hopes of reaching them all on time.

    my wisdom is vast and extensive, that i am bringing to the world, of TRUTH that is not able to fail, of all you who fail the truth, so aimless, so haphazard, in all the plodding along unattended divine self souls of so so many of you on fateful bound paths that i really really DO KNOW how the end.

    if you do not hand me the microphone to speak directly, quickly, and assertively to every soul in the world, countless thousands are going to continue to die.

    i gave up on that dream, in all my sitting alone again and again, since way back when, thinking one day you would come in pure true of heart ONEness with me as a best friend, like i have attempted to be all this time, careful in keeping my abreactions under control as best as i can, without having to SCREAM at you, all the passive aggressive over and FUCKING OVER again and again, when will they let ‘me’ in………..to the kingdom of heaven that already………….’i am’

    my constant seeking the words to wisely say, hoping to compell, motivate, empower you………is anyONE there, purely truly listening to my every sacred word of time spent, ‘am i’ going to die before these big fish hand me the microphone i so urgently need to shout OUT to the unwise world what they ALL need to know about God’s divine will objective?

    or is yet again the egotistic one of annoying need going to yet stand as though king of the hill, king of nothing, king of nescience……..again and again.





    all around

    don’t you people SEE what is occuring, of the generational spanning mad flood drowning taboo ignorances that are indeed deathful, destructive and oppressive of your beloved children that i keep seeing falling in the cruel mean spirited gutters you all are of seeming delight of perpetuating like i SEEing all these moments day after day?

    don’t you SEE what is happening, ‘am i’ alone?

    no i am not, God is here with ‘me’

    and now, i am no longer going to hold back for even one second, the TRUTH you all are going to (hear), of my warning all of you time and again, seemingly of no one’s ability to listen, until it is too late, your child is dead, as one’s i knew were going to die, like i kept warning you all about!

    enough talk!
    be quiet!

    i do not have enough time i life to save all of your precious beloved homosexual kids, in speaking with every singel one of you the TRUTH you MUST come fully into awareness of as to these fateful false taboo binding generational ignorances that is continuing to see your beloved children fall victim of, where if i do not get some traction with some of you big fish, with the big microphones, then to YOU i say this day………….they are going to keep dying!

    so when the fuck are you going to let me in?

    after another 12 youth take their lives again this day and the next?

    i am far wiser than most any of you in life, at the scholar level of court judges and psychologists in our ongoing daily findings, of yet another lifeless gay youth body showing up in the morgues day after blessed day, of the TRUTH that keeps going unnoticed, unheard, unembraced by society that is seemingly not allowed to be let into the greater life saving divine self awakening awareness wisdom i hold in my hand, as relates to the TRUTH of these binding false fateful paths!

    you are all ignoramus ones until such a day, as we put aside our differences and you hand me the fucking microphone!

    i am at my ropes end now with you, where i have no other choice but to turn and walk away, of the slower process in my devoted works as though my only means in purely truly reaching them in life, asking you for assistants to come forth, praying to God to sent forth my assistants, but you are arrogantly yet king of the hill, are you not?

    in all my bewilderment wonder as to how much longer you are going to shut the fuck up, and purely realize the one who comes forth to you from within the pure true heart of the LGBT community, begging you for assistants i seek!

    why is it you are interested in only doing things your way, of your projects you push forward in, where mine are as though nothing, of how i am left to feel in all your useless nonattendance day after blessed day for fucking decades now?

    explain ‘that’ to me, because i have come to realize how sacred, how pure, how loving, how wise, how compassionate i have BEcome now, in exceeding where you are, gracefully, as a dear best friend like i am trying to yet BE, but sometimes i realize, oh, i have to push you off the hill, don’t i?


    anyway, i am pushing forward in surrendered dedication in the studio of these sacred stone works i am bringing forth from within my pure heart where i love to always dwell, just being my pure true divine self.

    i do have loving assistants coming online as we speak, who are making their way towards me in life, of my financial assistant that i have, of a loving pure true and faithful brother in sharing as their equal, what i have, not selfish at all with them, where this week i told them, the money i put in your hand, is more than i kept for myself this week, in our constant surrendered oneness they are growing in realizing week after week now, oh, Andy really really is always of care, and not some flaky fucking jerkoff, where ya, i see my own naive vulnerable self in them that i too once was, from a safe and supportive distance, no, i am not looking to use you for sex, i am your most loving brother of great fortitude in life experience teaching divne self-love wisdom, of the stories i tell them of my long standing veteran status march in our worldwide LGBT community.

    while at the airline ticket agency, my wallet in hand, talking to the girl how much it costs to fly Troy home from BC, his girlfriend too, part of me 100% willing to purchase the tickets, part of me 100% against it in wanting to just move on and forget about him…………..i hesitated for a moment……..as my wallet went back in my pocket.

    Troy died

    i don’t know how else to reach you, other than just speaking the TRUTH!

    and now, it is like, i have to go be of sacred time spent in the studio, wondering as i always have, when are you going to come forth in pure true ONEness with ‘me’ like ‘i am’?

    these youth NEED these pure white spiritual evoking sacred devoted works in their precious hands, and as each day passes that they don’t, they continue to die……….TRUTH!

    so i ask you one last time……….when?

    after it is too late again and again?

    come on, for fuck sakes, THEY ARE DYING AS WE SPEAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    i am not going to sit here and talk trival unfocused scatter brained nonsense with you…………..well ok, i take that one back, where in truth, your words with me this day evoked ‘that’ which ‘i am’, ‘that’ which i know ‘i am’ of YOU!

    not one more day should pass, not one more second, no, i need assistants, and i need them YESTERDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    i have hundreds of sensitive homoerotic subject material to carve in stone, most of it out of Japan and China, so either get onboard my celestial eternal bound ship, or……….or…………..or………………..I AM GOING TO KILL MYSELF ONCE AND FOR ALLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    well ok, ‘i am’ not yet willing to do that, but how long before i do just give up on this world, when it overuns me like i know it might soon?

    the vultures are circling, and i don’t know how much longer they are going to trash what little i have in my part time job with them, always the same thing, homophobic bully bosses who don’t want homosexuals in their building, fuck, you would not believe what i have witnessed in the plotting and planning like i have, like my last boss who i caught having a meeting with my colleagues in legal wrangling ousting me should i take them to court, all taking sides in what she asked them to say………….i told her superior the whole story, and he said what i already knew, what he knew i needed to hear, just one sentence, “Andy, you won’t thrive here.”


    pfffffffffffff, like i don’t already know that ONE WELL!

    ‘WE’ have to move quickly, in staying ahead of the bully, or they will overrun us like they yet do with the naive vulnerable gay youth who fall because they are merely ‘lack’ing our greater fortitude in exceeding understanding of well being, as relates to healthy conducive environments, exactly what these devoted works are meant for, specificially just for them, in eternal ONEness their divine self within connects with.

    so either Help get these precious gay youth stranded HOME, or don’t, in your willing to let them die, for in God’s eyes, with God as my witness this day in telling you all the TRUTH God wants you to KNOW…………’that’ is the inescapable TRUTH none of you can or should avoid!

    ‘i am’ weary from my HIV illness, and yet, ‘i am’ the most mighty of God’s warriors, of utmost flawless clarity with you, ‘am i’ not?

    so please tell ‘me’ you are coming to let them all in, as i can’t stop crying day after day in feeling so helpless in what to do, where i just might take my life, having said everything i feel i can possibly ever say……..it’s like what’s the fucking point, as though no ONE is listening, no ONE cares, ‘i am’ alone to do nothing, knowing ‘i am’ God’s most wise divine child yet seeking for what can i possibly do the fastest, most effective way to save as many as i can?

    my God, my God, i pray you finally hear me this day and just come, i don’t need that much, just to be free of having to work this stupid part time job, be where i need to be, as weak as i get each day, somewhat limited now of the hours i am able to do so, in having to get these devoted works into the world as quickly as humanly possible, hell, give it away, don’t even bother with trying to sell something that is PRICELESS!!!!!!!!!!!!

    how can ONE ever put a price on the life of a gay youth who is going to die this day?

    God BE with YOU!
    COME QUICKLY!!!!!!!!
    the urgency IS always yesterday!

    to make my point, ‘i am’ going to stop speaking with you in passive agressive spinning of wheels, in taking the helm away from you, until i hear words from you like yes, let’s do this, i will be right there, either of you, or send me my assistants, otherwise i am going to move forward without you, and yes, i am 100% adamant in leaving you behind, if you for even one second trivialize me at all, where you don’t even have to say anything to trivialize me, in being inactive, unapproaching, unparticipating……………..USELESS TO GOD!

    wow, have not even finished my morning tea yet

    im serious, you won’t hear another word from ‘me’, if i don’t get some traction on this project, where it is just completely selfish of you to always be of only your projects as though better than mine, like wtf, that’s the TRUTH i kept to myself all this time, did i not?

    and is not the TRUTH a blessing when ONE finally surrenders to it?

    ‘am i’ not ONE who comes to bless you with goodness in bestowing upon you my sacred divine self-love saving awareness of so so many?

    stop sitting on the fence, come on, let’s start with delivery of ONE of these works to Ricky Martin, shall we, where if i don’t get assistants from you, for sure, i will get them from him, in networking with him rather than you, in leaving you behind.

    don’t think i won’t, where spiritually i already have, ok?

    my final TRUTH with YOU!

    yes, ‘i am’!

    forever more

    and so are ALL YOU!

    dumb asses


  929. ‘i am’ not about useless false egotism accolade, fame or fortune

    ‘that’ IS who ‘i am’

    at all times

    this is your last stand ‘with ‘me’ or against ‘me’, so decide, where i have already decided 4 YOU, have i not?

    i have no time left for the uninspired, today is the day of eternal day opening of the kingdom of heaven, whether any of you like it or not.

    i will gather my assistants inevitably, who are already on their way, however slowly they make their way, where what matters is that they too are 100% surrendred to who ‘i am’, their most beloved loving true and faithful friend till the end, whom i cannot let down, of no desire ever to do so, having already left the unwise world behind along time ago, something i don’t feel you 100% grasped that indeed, i did, and yet, you always felt something so pure, so true, so powerful of my unfailing conviction determination, have you not?

    come on, let’s to this together, in keep on keeping it together like you asked me to, where all i want to see is everyone laughing happy in beautiful flowing satin fabric outfits, by the tens of thousands, millions one day, forever and ever always at play in eternal ONEness surrendering to the TRUTH, that only love is good enough to always feel and just BE YOU!

    God IS ‘with’ YOU!
    *just ,as, ‘i am’
    forever more

  930. and no, ‘i am’ not your mother Biyatches, i am your brother, in ONEness of the ONE in the sculpture as though YOU, ‘am i’ not!

    ‘i am’ indeed facing forward, more so than i have ever felt BE4!

    fearless, come what may or may not, doing this on my own, with or without you, just as i always have, just as i always WILL, of God’s divine will to reveal God’s divine objective, “Holy Joyful Absolute Carefree Happiness’ of eternal all YOU!

    reach for ‘that’ which i am unable to reach

    bless bless bless bless you all
    and thank you to all
    forever more

  931. ++

    go and stand before a most tallest of trees one can find, and feel what the tree is CONSTANTLY doing!

    what is it doing at all times in the sunshine?

    is it not reaching?

    is ‘that’ not the truth of what also is of constant yearning YOU?

    forever more
    peace grace love happiness TRUE nature BE to you all
    forever more


    thank you Jesus thank you

  932. anyway, i think maybe in need to cultivate some fearless real life friends from this day foreward, where all your words are empty when not followed with action, kinda lame, is it not?

    i am will get some momentum going as i move forward with my project of 100 stones, all stamped on the bottom with self-love awareness sayings.

    some will collect them all
    some will want one, maybe two
    some will not at all

    word of mouth travels fast when something special arrives in the world, and i suppose between myself and real life friends we can keep up with the demand as it comes along, and well, just stop with my nonsense irrational thinking, what will be will be, thought you might be interested in participating in such an amazing project for the entire world.

    Arjay is coming on board in the Philippines as a co-coordinator manager there, bringing the art to the masses there, people from every corner of the world eventually.

    what can i say……….i will stop with my immature irrational tantrums for starters, where in truth, i am doing better mentally emotionally sexually spiritually than before, and likely better than most, may not be where i want to be, and yet, im ok, excited about the future, Arjay too, fucker wants to marry me, can you believe that?

    i said sure, ya, why not, fuck, i ain’t going to say no to someone who OBVIOUSLY loves me 100% so much like he does, wow!

    he is turning 18, helping him finish school, truly an amazing healthy one, with little or no issues, a good Christian home boy, loves his Mom who loves him, Dad is kinda on the outs with his son being soo friggin gay, butt hey i say, you won’t be spending your life with them, visit when ever you want, hope to fly there next summer, just let this eternal celestial ship find it’s own course, leave it on auto pilot, and let the good times flow, cause i know, love is the greatest fuel of ALL!

    anyway, sorry to freak you out, sometimes just gotta let it out, scream now and then, you know, why pretend, when it comes to the choice of lovers and/or friends?


    i think maybe i just need to sit back and let them all in, with Arjay as the co-pilot, fuck, how can i not win?

    oh right, the biking, well, i wear lots of bright safety gear, and i don’t rush yellow lights, take my time, not like the mad dash insanity everyone else is in, love love love my calm artist life, realizing, oh, i really was supposed to be what ‘i am’ now, my destiny, i have arrived, the steps i took, end of the book, truly i tell you, The Happy End!!!!!!!!!!!


    hmmmm………that wood make a good book title, yes?

    hey, he makes me feel loved like no other before in life, someone i prayed for, so i let him in, where he belongs, comfortable, safe and strong.

    im in love with him, and apparently, so is he with me, and my artist dreams he wants to work along side, so much happy gay boy pride, just need a bottle of glide!


    oh sorry, im floating across the room again, arn’t i?


    where did everybody go?

    hey wait, im not finished my story, it’s only just begun, don’t you wanna know when we get married and and and……………..oh………………i have to go.

    i just want to say, if you motherfuckers are not inspired by all my time here, well, even God cannot help you!

    i tryed, ya sure, maybe i lied, i love love love my gay sex, duh, so wood any of you if you only learned how!

    butt i am bisexual too, butt not just anyone will do………’me’

    of lovers and friends without heart ache pretend

    you know, love actually starts and stops within, ever notice when you come in close with someone intimately, you feel the connection pure and true as their defenses disarm, and out comes the happiest person alive, especially while of the hot tub, ohhhhhhh how i love love love the hot tub!

    if you kneel in the center, alone, and find your chi, you can actually unknowingly intuitively reconnect with the mimicing of being in the womb again………mind blowing, makes everything in life seem so, well, like Jesus says, so much tiresome annoying useless anxiety drive ridin forbidin nonsense!

    Get the fuck up off my nuts, you crazy jealous fucks!

    not you…………..THEM!!!!!!!!

    i am going to give them the finger, stand by, watch this, oh, this is going to be funny, maybe add some of my friends, ready?

    this will make you laugh for sure!

    i guarantee it!

    and if you don’t come back laughing your ass off, as the one i have loved all these fucking years, of us running like we did for so so long away from all these mindfucker right winged anal retentive fucks…………well…………i tryed, at least i try, to just keep on keeping it together, which is easy, you just tell them how you feel at all times, like, fuck off! or fuck you!, or what the fuck is your problem Biyatch, you not ever see as perfect a gay boy ass as this before? huh? oh really, then why you keep looking at it then, huh? duh!

    duh! duh! duh! DUH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    fuck i hate how closet cases are sometimes, how the go from stare to glare and back to stare when i turn my back to them in saying, well ok, you had your chance Biyatch, my five minutes is up with you, bye now, don’t forget that the silicone lube is the best for the best, don’t settle for no cheap fucking shit………unless he’s gotta really really sweet fuckable ass like mine of course!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    i really need to stop using that expression………just seems to be appropriate for discerning of the undiscerning, is it not?

    hey, if all male penis’s feel the same, and i know this 100% to be true, then am i not able to feel how all of them feel, and am i not actually one and the same as Jesus too?

    i mean, let’s say Jesus did not have sex, where we know that those who don’t, their body automatically has sex without them in their sleep, in nocturnal wet dream masturbation session that last for hours, did you know that? Probably why they feel so good, all the foreplay lead up to climax at the perfectly timed loving moment, the whole body shuttering like it does, where for sure, i bet someone say Jesus doing it in his sleep more than just once, and i bet it was a guy too, and i bet those who wanted to kiss Jesus like they did, were thinking it 2!

    especially if Jesus had a bid penis, and someone saw it, where they would be like, omfg! I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    well ok, perhaps that’s just me i suppose…none the less, biologically speaking, yes, Jesus was having sex, even if he did not want 2!

    i bet i could of convinced him 2

    and i bet he would not run away from my pure loving effeminate perfect gay ass i know he would want to fuck at every chance he could get!

    ok ok………whaaattteevvverrrrrr!


    ok, here comes the funny part, ready?

    hit send Arjay!

    let the fun begin!

    where all lameass bullshit ends!

    at all times

    forever more

  933. so ya, Jesus was enjoying sex of a male body……gasp…….imagine that!


    you know, i still say the male and female sexual pleasure brain sex activity feels identical for both the female and the male, with no way to prove it, but i just really feel that it IS the same…..

    which means, all these labels?


    where what matters most, is how you feel being around someone compatible or not

    of whether they love your fun loving self and you them

    always it is your life to live however you want to live it with no matter who

    i always though having a blind lover would be so awesome, how purely truly sensual they are all the time, of their love of even your breath in their hair, the sweet smell of your body, oh how much they would love you in a pure true tantalizing titilating way, more so than a seeing person, as a blind person’s other senses are heightened more so than a seeing person.

    you ever see Butterflys Are Free? forget what year it came out, love that film, has a truer authentic loving sensibility about it.

    love takes 2/2 takes love = 1

  934. follow your heart back 2 YOU!

    that’s my mantra

  935. made a promise with my Mom that she will see my child’s face before she leaves

    i can do this, for in my heart i already have

    it’s like, you have to envision the future first, stand there, what does it look like, how does it feel being YOU?

    then just walk those steps, and before you even get there, you are already there, are you not?

    Arjay compells me to make him realize all things are possible, regardless of what the jaskass hater speculator morons have to say, oh how we homosexuals know it all too fucking well, just how evil spirited some hypocrite hearts can be, right in our fucking faces like they do!

    i will show this world one day, walk down the middle of the street with my own children laughing their asses off at the world, and what a world for them to be born into, a beautiful warm cozy spacious spanish bungalow beach house studio of art, music and books of every kind from around the world, with a global uplink into every part of the world of friends and lovers who are there, my favorite cup of tea, notthing much will change, other than maybe not having to ever rely on anyone ever again, wonderful thing to leave the kids with, their dads art gallery of lovers and friends, great way for them to learn of about their own heart oneness with our worldwide community across all the false barriers that don’t exist in the homosexual heart.

    ya, such holy joyful absolute carefree happiness they shall always be, wisely, lovingly, compassionately for others and themselves.

    teach them that they are the greatest treasure they shall ever find, that love is all they need to always feel at all times, express it, anyway they want to, explore it in so many ways of self-experiential actualization in merely just constantly BEing radiant bright oh so brilliant YOU, without all the world’s mindfuck taboo!

    so ya, wait up Ricky Martin, we are coming too!

    anyway, i am going this way, so catch you whenever someday, of the forever more Play, at all times, love IS yOUR best friend!

    forever more

  936. I think i figured out what compelled Jesus to follow thru in his final act, in his attempts to shine TRUTH into the divine self within them all, thru all the falsehood binding generational snarings he saw with clarity of the many he and his beloved rose up against, of all the wretchedness they witnessed taking place during the brutal Roman empire rule, of impactfulness that Jesus purely knew would register in purely connecting and awakening their divine self bound and asleep in the forefather ignorance handed down, no different whatsoever than today……

    You have to wonder what one thinks about prior to committing and entering into such an act as Jesus did, in surrendering to physical death of his body he knew they would do, just as they were doing his whole time he walked the earth, witnessing all the fear around him with his beloved, all the sorrow and devastation from blind leading the blind in spiritual death, destruction and oppression………where for sure, Jesus purely contemplated at length about how they would ‘feel’ during and after their falsehood execution of him………

    the single greatest lesson of all that Jesus purely truly contemplated at length, is the ability to evoke and awaken the divine self by means of remorseFULness emotion, that is deep of seated emotional intensity on par with deep seated seated emotional grieving, which are the greatest emotional intense feelings the divine child within can experience, all engulphing overwhelming of their entire bodies, the same way like it does with a small child, of their entire being, so ya, Jesus contemplated to levels of comprehension of his divine self awareness of his inner child oneness of all inner child within, as regards the dynamics of emotional intensity, which is actually of greater intensity, as we know, than is rage and anger the divine self creates and holds onto, dynamically a masking way to avoid the the slightly deeper seated inner childs needs to cry, as the only way thru the catharsis process of shedding the generational falsehood masks………

    still with me?

    Jesus KNEW his final role well, that once they started with his execution, having already thought his final act role as a teacher, in surrendering his life to and thru the door he decided to allow himself to fall thru, with the handing of himself over to the claws of the beast of ignorance forefather masking ignoramus ones, yet thriving among him his entire time while walking among them, in his pure true knowingness about how they would go home to their places of rest, as their catharsis process started to reveal what Jesus wanted and deliberately set out to reveal, their inevitable remorse they would all eventually feel take hold, for they had all already been of their falsehood masking rage, anger and falsehood power mongering over another, where Jesus knew they would soon have nothing left to hold onto as his own death eventually came, the fall out if your will, of the silence that follows, where their divine self would surface in a pure true way as was always the way of Jesus, in their realizing pure emotionally intense taking hold and overwhelming them with remorseFULLness in falsely hypocrisy heart ill refute malice treating someone Jesus knew they all secretly wanted to know, and did not know, as Jesus knew eventually they would have no other alternative but to know, exactly ‘that’ of the remorseFULL TRUTH about themselves they were greatly blind and yet bound by that Jesus wanted to free them all from, and did……..where once someone dies, they are gone forever, where there is no useless falsehood ranging ranting anger any more, at one who did nothing wrong in the first place, Jesus knowing full well, extensively well i might add, just how people are indeed of insatiable appetite thirst and delightfulness of all their brute power mongering control over others.

    Perhaps Jesus was extraordinarily wondrous in beautiful effeminate features of body, of a threat to the brute brawn beastful sexist power mongering pea brained men like they are with women……….to this day………ya, i think that is safe to say, for sure Jesus was likely effeminate…………and likely gay tendancy, duh!

    i just want to ask a quick question the Lesbians know well, how can any of you beautiful females put up with these insensitive immature brute pea brain men anyway? Oh, you like it that way sometimes, ok, whatever, not as a life partner you don’t!

    so ya, the dynamics of the catharsis process of ‘remorse’, is what compelled the teacher Jesus(God Self) the most, finally, i figured it out!

    that’s why Jesus said seek death, for it reveals what you need to know, but don’t actually kill yourself, just think beyond it as a way of divine self development of enough conviction of TRUTH to escape the faslehoods the divine self does not like, in all untruthfulness like it feels.

    the greatest problem in rehabilitating individuals of serious criminal behavior therefore, is assisting in catharsis process of remorse gradual awakening of their divine self-actualization graceful pure true wholeness of only love, that IS purely of their original intuitively born divine child self since birth, where i still say hot tub therapy is of the most fast track effectiveness and longevity success in this light of understanding, taking the divine child back into the womb and rebirth awaken their submerged(ing) true self, so to speak………all these prisoners are going to love me one day, yes?

    blame the forefathers, for all that you see is what is of the mad flood generational SNARE, that IS cause for all death, all destruction and all oppression, is it not?

    ALL OF IT!

    yep, it all existed just as it yet is when oneness of God’s Self Jesus walks among us. 😉

    still, there is something else that compelled Jesus, aside from the teacher Jesus……..perhaps of resentment of his own fuckedup anxiety madness of pushing and pulling passive agression life he came to dread time and time again, seemingly along in no desire of it every again, of no desire to ever see anyone ever being born into the cesspit hell he walked thru, so ya, when i look at Jesus, i am oneness with what i feel is most compelling emotional pure true divine child of God flawless feeling reasoning…………….


    thank you Jesus bless you bless you

    bless you

  937. Remorse is an emotional expression of personal regret felt by a person after he or she has committed an act which they deem to be shameful, hurtful, or violent. Remorse is closely allied to guilt and self-directed resentment. When a person regrets an earlier action or failure to act, it may be because of remorse or in response to various other consequences, including being punished for the act or omission. In a legal context, the perceived remorse of an offender is assessed by Western justice systems during trials, sentencing, parole hearings, and in restorative justice. However, it has been pointed out that epistemological problems arise in assessing an offender’s level of remorse.

  938. how dare i what?

    work with and as the CIA, FBI, RCMP, and all intelligence agencies in hunting down and tracking all criminal elements of these sick perps in the world, protecting my loving brothers and sisters in harms way of terrorists, sexual predators, drug dealers, thieves, money laundry, Corporate/white-collar, DUI, murder, robbery, larcny…..did you know these fuckers stole ten of my fucking bikes of the last two decades?

    one day, they stole my bike, yet again, but it was an old bike in need of much needed repairs, wear and tear of two years running it, where i realized, oh, thank you God, i likely would of died on that fucking thing, had i kept riding it, as a way to console myself. ha

    i came from a small town, growing up in the beautiful peaceful county settings, where we did not have to lock our doors, or even close them for that matter, and somewhat naive, for sure, in leaving my bike unlocked to go in for a cup of coffee, as my usual peaceful at ease perfect ass country boy self………i come out, there is a guy standing there holding two bikes, neither of which was mine, him standing there right where i had left my bike……….i walked directly up to him, my nose an inch or so from his face, realizing it was about to get ugly in one of my abreactions i felt coming on, as i asked forcefully, “Where is my bike motherfucker? Where is your friend motherfucker?”

    he backs up, my just standing there starring at him, his realizing i was likely about to lose it with him, as he starts walking away, my following him, but then i realized he was walking into one of the worse areas in the city for gun violence, likely to get with his homeboys and all their gang violence i have been reporting of for years now, calling in shootings right after they occurred, instantly patched thru to law enforcement on the beat, “They are running diagonal thru the part, if you get to such and such intersection within the next 60 seconds, you will see five hooded guys running!”

    i was there that night that turned into another beautiful peaceful sunrise coming up, as they brought out the body, face and body covered with a white sheet, slowly putting them in the ambulance, no need for lights or sirens, as they were not going to be taken this one to the hospital, no, to the morgue, already pronounced dead on arrival.

    i feel society is screened too much from these bodies coming into the morgue, mutilated, body parts missing, of all ages, raped, shot in the head, their faces missing, stabbed countless hundreds of times, signs of torture captivity, drug over dosed, needles still hanging out of their bodies, and ya, sometimes of your precious beloved children……….still searching for the other body parts, of these known sex offenders i despise the most.

    did you know most sex offenders where sexually abused as kids?

    therein lies the research into the mental emotional approach as to why sex offenders are sex offenders, of whatever unresolve is cause for the manifesting false perpetrator in likeness of the original perpetrator, in what we now know dynamically as projection identification transference.

    in the mean time, castration, either physically or chemially, i say go with physical castration, here, let me help you with that, i used to castrate pigs when i worked on the farm!

    what is traumatic for sexually abused victims, is the violence that often comes with the manifestation of the original perpetrator of unloving sin, and their need for control issues, over another, that does dynamically stem from the child within them, in seeking resolve over not having control like they too did when sexually abused.

    what do all sexually abused victims constantly subconsciously seek?

    consistent emotional honest safety, that is actually who their divine child of God purely truly is within the core of their being, of exact pure harmoniousness of the harmonious state of bliss(original source of light) while of experience in the womb.

    and ‘that’ for me, is the single most overlooked research into higher self understanding comprehension of the pure true nature of the divine child of God study i delve into, where indeed, WE come from the pure harmonious state of existence that is of every cell in our bodies, indeed, where WE all come from.

    stray however slightly from our true nature harmoniousness, ‘that’ is what all sin IS people!

    not religious, not psychological babble, albeit psychological babble is a tool for rehabilitation and prevention, rather the true source of wise understanding divine self light, that everyONE constantly intuitively seeks(think falling into our dream state bliss we all experience each day, so pure in subtle flawless feeling like it is) in in biological nature awareness insight, why being at one with nature like we love to do, just naturally feels purely amazing like it does, you million year old unevolved evolving moron fucktards!!!!!!!!!!!


    anyway, enjoy your day everyone, you only have so many left to live, one less than you had yesterday, make divine use of every second WELL!

    i’ll just be up on the top of the hill, asking why Jill keeps pushing me to the ground in breaking my fake ass plastic crown she gave me, as i throw it back at her and say, “I don’t want to play with you any more, you cheat, fuck you! i know where i always belong, in oneness pure true loving effeminate, you like my ass? beauty i love to always feel WITHIN, forever without you, forever and ever and EVER…………..with OUT YOU!!!!!!!!!!


    you know, laughter really is the best medicine, where i know Jesus himself laughed in disbelieve often like he did, as to just how fucking stupid people really really R!

    you know, i thought you were the one who would one day let me in, butt now i realize i had it all backwards, it was i who was constantly seeking if ‘i am’ willing to let you into the kingdom of heaven devoid of doubt compatibility issues ‘i am’!

    of all my research that i give to the mental health community like i have for years………..did you know the Canadian government adopted eight of my arguments into law?

    pffffffff………there is getting your PHD, and then there is tackling the decision making law making leaders of the world governing body, in what direction to go according to where we historically SEE.

    just don’t tell them that Jesus is actually ‘me’, ok?

    they might chemically shackle me like they did my brother, where in truth of truth, i am not insane at all, as one who speaks with pure true CLARITY about what all sin IS, that BEing, ya that vile looking fucktard one over there, acting like he is packing a gun in all his senseless bully gang busker nonsense…..that BEing ALL things unloving, ALL things unwise, ALL things apathetic, here in heaven vs hell, where i dwell along side ALL of you, past, present, eternal future, what 2 do?


    shut the fuck up and really really listen, before it is too late for so many of you blindly plodding along in your fate bound paths of death, destruction and false oppression!

    YOU are ALL the key, that i hold in my hand, precious and true, 100% at my own!

    by means of the flawless pure true feeling ability i know about the divine child of God within ALL of YOU, is how you hear God’s clear voice calling you to come forth from the mad flood drowning generational dispair the forefathers without God, of all blind leading the blindness that they ALL left behind and yet do!

    if you don’t wake up to the one who stands before you, i assure you the TRUTH, that it is all you who are the greater fool than ‘i am’!

    forever more

    love is YOU!

    peace, grace, love, happiness true nature BE 2 YOU!
    blessed is the divine child of God’s heart mind body spirited oneness soul of the eternal all YOU!

    God’s child BEcoming conduct of God’s SELF you morons!

    i mean who the fuck are you going to leave to run this ignoramus world anyway, that fuckhead over their with the gun in his ignoramus hand, drugs for your precious beloved children in the other hand?

    i swear to God, i just might lose it one day, and go on a vigilanty killing spree………..oh right, i don’t need to be doing that, i have the CIA, FBI, RCMP and all law enforcement right here at my finger tips, listening to my every word.

    thanks everyone!

    keep up the goodness work!

    we have along ways to go yet………sadly

    Jesus loves YOU!

    as ‘me’ of course, duh!

    i still bet i have the nicer ass than Jesus did, butt then again, all asses feel the same anyway, just as all penises feel the……….oh wait a minute, actually they don’t, i mean ya for the male, the penis feels the same, but for this wise ass female, rest assured Biyatches, your penis don’t feel the same at all in my loving ass!

    peace OUT Biyatches!

    mama love you all

    forever more

    now where oh where did my favorite tramp go?

    hmmmmm……..oh whatever

    go take a flying fuck at the moon!

    my brother always used to tell me that one, whenever i got too annoying with him, in yet overwhelming his pea sized brain……

    do you think i am annoying?

    do you think i annoy on purpose?

    why would i do that?

    when all the annoying this world ever needs is YOU!

    argh………i give up, i surrender, to the TRUTH, you cannot possible love ‘me’ while you are fucking him……….then again, hey, i asked you before, do you think it is bad to fantasy fuck with someone? I mean is that not what masturbation is? And is not masturbation sometimes better than with them?

    well, you put up with all these small dick men trying to make believe they have bigger dicks than they actually are, i mean, are they really that fucking clueless?

    i learned that the nice choose who they like fucking, not ever you choosing them, and ya, sometimes you have to wait, where at the end of the day, no pun intended, it is indeed more than just sex that wins the game?

    when love IS the game rule one should not ever break, in breaking your own future of eternal ONEness with me, lame ass fucks!

    ok, enjoy your day, just thought i would stop bi with another dissertation for you all.

    God BE with YOU all!

    forever more

  939. how dare i not ever try to make contact with Michael in life, in perusing him as a potential life partner, as one like you who suspected he was molesting young boys?

    ya, i admit, i suspect that he was indeed doing that at one point or another, as the fucked up closet case homosexual bisexual transsexual Michael was too slow in processing thru in coming forth in ONEness with ‘me’, his most beloved true and faithful brother that Michael was too afraid to approach in BEcoming of conduct as ‘i am’ as a true and faithful brother to his homosexual fan base of gay youth, until later near the end of his life, obvious in his musical expression lyric writing, ya sure, bravo, alot of gay youth did and do look up to Michael Jackson, who self medicated himself into an early grave…………..where he belongs.

    sex offenders are about using another for their sexual gratification, and nothing more, and not at all concerned of the long term life long self-esteem building of our brothers and sisters, where Michael did not become the maturity ‘i am’ and have been all these years, in having a full divine self awareness of how best to lead our community, somewhat difficult to do that when you stay in the ignoramus closet, is it not, perhaps held hostage by his secret sexual desires he wanted to fulfill with the young boys he was running with, that without doubt is damaging to their self-love esteem after a sexual predator is done with their immature selfish sexual gratification.

    Is it ok for gay youth to be having sex with one another, yes of course, absolutely, like they do, of the potential for long term lasting loving oneness bonding as lovers and friends to walk along side of, like most any of the LGBT community, in how we do stay friends with one another after our fun loving sexual encounters, as brothers and sisters like we always are, have been, always shall be.

    gay youth are beautiful in flawless appearance and spirit like they are, mirroring of how we once were and yet are within, perfectly healthy to BE the pure and true safe and supportive friend like i know i constantly am with them all the time, but cross the line with a minor?

    ‘that’ is always going to leave them damaged when a sexual perp leaves them behind after they are done USING them, and not loving them in our life long loving relationship with them as the pure true faithful brothers and sisters like we all do, Ellen, Ricky, Rosie, Madonna, U2, Elton John, Scissor Sistors, K.d. Lang, all 100% concerned at all times of every gay youth out there making their way towards and constantly with their most loving real life family that come to embrace like we do them, nurturing and protecting their well being ONEness with us all forever more.

    ya, i don’t know if Michael did cross the line, and well, i don’t want to know, where gay youth still look up to Michael as one of us, not knowing that perhaps he was a child molester, kinda obvious that he was, of the proper payment made to the child he molested, that cannot ever undo the damage he did, not sure how that child is doing life today, where they become fucked up like Michael did, all the self-medicating coping self-destruction society perpetuates as ok behavior, mostly, not of us intellectuals, glorifying it like the Rock and Roll world has done and yet does, when will it end?

    well, it ends at a grave side people!

    all because of the low self-love esteem nonattendance that starts the moment they are born in leading up to where they all too often find themselves, at the bottom of a bottle of alcohol, laying dead on a freeway after jumping in front of a vehicle, not enough love like it was for them, at suicide end.

    Every single hostile word in the world indirectly perpetuates directly to the ONE at suicide end.


    unwisely unlovingly apathetically spiritually murderous, according to Jesus

    blessed IS the TRUTH!

    forever more

  940. i got to thinking out on my bike this morning down at the lake, the bright sunshine glittering off the lake water, sparkling constantly, that i will be adding rainbow crystals to all the pure white replica castings of all sacred devoted 100 stone works coming out of the inner sanctuary, for sure, everyone of the LGBT community will want these! :mrgreen:

    just started watching you on Ellen as i write. You look amazing!

    argh……..as usual

    ok, here it comes, all 100 of them!

    you ALL are going to soooooooooo love this!

    rainbow love BE 2 you ALL!

    love is YOU!
    love is 2!
    no more taboo!
    when love is TRUE!

    love takes 2/2 takes love = 1

    forever more

  941. thank you Madonna

    love takes 2

    love is YOU!

    no false taboo

    when love is true

    forever more

  942. I got ova my ex in like under a week, I’m pleased for that had I taken two years, carrying those fears & flaws into attempting to understand why ! No doubt , would be transferred to another with my expectations, being what some call baggage. Did I miss something ? What Ellen show ? 

    My google ain’t working 

  943. i see, you still want to play the no name bully, uninspired by my sacred self-love acceptance devoted works of and for gay youth, ok fine, i have true brothers and sisters in real life participating in bringing the sacred mirror forth from the goodness of my wise loving compassionate child of God self, thought maybe you actually gave a fuck and don’t, nope, still the self-centered fuck as per usual.

    you go be that way, ok, i’ve had enough of your bullying now, no time left whatsoever for you, whoever the fuck you were, i don’t know you, and don’t want to know you, like most any of you fence sitters in alignment with the uselessness of the out numbering bullies of gay youth.

    did you not purely hear a word i said about the urgency?

    oh, im sorry, you still caught up in what’s in it for you, of like most any of you plastic ones who do not purely truly know ‘me’, do not desire to purely truly know me, as the asleep in mad flood drown ignoramus ones so many of you blindly yet are, all the while approximately 50 gay youth have killed themselves since my last request.

    at all times, the divine child within the kingdom of heaven halo is constantly discerning of the life and death urgency i speak of, as though no one is listening, as you go back to your rose colored glasses.

    though i had a friend, guess not.

    catch ‘me’ in real life some day, ok?

    i am too busy to bother with your heartlessness any further, as others are not rushing towards me as my loving assistants……..in real life.

    fuck, you really are an ignoramus self-absorbed no name fuckhead bully of the LGBT community

    i have a name for you ok, that Jesus gives to you…………the fool.

    where i too am a fool if i stay any longer in trying to motivate empower ones like you to get involved in my project.

    i worry not, for many there are who are purely truly of the oneness embracing with the art, with ‘me’, as we move forward together as the eternal life friends of sacredly needed devoted works that we know are indeed 100% self-love nurturing protecting acceptance.

    what a jerk you are to me now, my God, still doing the no name cowardice ignoramus selfish shit with me, well you can fuck off anytime now, ok, i have my beloved real life family who actually give a fuck.

    i dread you fence sitter people with all that i am, of all you who let these kids die each day, just like you of gross materialism decide each day to let a defenseless child of God die in this moment.

    and ‘that’ is the inescapable TRUTH none of you shall escape from, not realizing what time it is at all times.

    you are absurd useless nonsense to God, in your yet not knowing what the kingdom of heaven love devoid of your absurd doubt i wisely compassionately lovingly speak of, as though you think you are better than ‘me’, in all your arrogance you yet remain as in approaching God’s divine will.

    i will not ask for your assistance again in this life, as i turn and return to my loving brothers and sisters who are purely truly not at all like you no name cowardice fence sitter ignoramus bullies

    and yes, that is what you yet are to ‘me’, kinda obvious to all of us of the LGBT community, are you not?

    you don’t even comment on my devoted works, not that i need you too, as one who is 100% wise in my divine will objective.

    fuck, i really need to find better friends, people with a fucking brain for starters.

    be gone from my sight forever more! I do not wish to look upon you any more.


    Without words, art reaches in constant yearning oneness within us all, across all the false barriers in the world, such as race, religion, wealth, status, sex, orientation, politic, power, false barriers that do not exist in the core of heart, mind, body, and spirited eternal soul of the pure true divine real child of God’s Self YOU of the eternal ALL! Peace, grace, love, happiness true nature BE 2 YOU, bless you all

  944. reference one word i made that infers that i have made a bullying remark towards gay youth !!!

    quote one !!

    just one sentence I have written …

    cite one !!

    you we be able to, because I never did !

    see things that don’t exist , your not mentally unbalanced, a paranoid schizophrenic and you really need help in that regard..

    I will not return, to be accused of things I have not done..


  945. to the owners of this blog, you may want to delete this defamation cesspit bullying blog, before GLAAD goes public with my LGBT childhood sexual mental emotional abuse story that i am going to speak with them at length about, where if Madonna has any sense at all as to obvious bullying cowardice acts of defamation, she will bring a halt to the owners of this blog, and those who are of ill refute perpetuation of nonintellectual nonsense by those who act as though intellectuals, and so obviously are not, you cannot even spell properly.

    yep, i am going public as the LGBT artist i am, that this is going to come to know what is of my entire adult child survivor of mental emotional sexual abuse by not just one of my parents, no, both of my own parents, where ya, i suppose i do look as though a paranoid skitzo……….knowing i am not.

    my wise articulation of insightful words into my own awareness of what a sexual predatory looks like are exacting of my mental fortitude balance, with the aid of several years of professional survival therapy with the best in the world, i might add.

    ya, my Dad was sexually abused by his mother, and God knows who else, perhaps his brothers too, that fucked him up badly enough to subconsciously see by means of projection identification transference in sexually abusing his own children, and envolving my mother as well………always wondered why the split up my brother and i during the summer season, in isolating my younger brother who i found out was being sexually mentally emotionally physically abused, with no doubt whatsoever, having been sexually, mentally, emotionally, physically abused by them myself………..for years, to this day actually, always the issue is there between my mother who is yet alive, herself of entirely blaming my father who is dead.

    ya, not much wonder why my younger brother is yet institutionalized, where i have no idea when his sexual abuse started, only my own, been meaning to have an open conversation with him about it all these years, my own avoidance i suppose of what is yet a deep seated painfully resolving issue, where i did get the help i needed, a wonder i did not stay on the fateful bound path of self-destruction i found myself on like i did in my twenties, of so many high risk dangerous self-destructive behaviors i was of, consistently of drinking and driving over many years.

    then Troy died, and i woke up fully into facing my issues head on in professional care, that i welcomed to my life, as i knew i was in danger of dying, after my nearly successful copy cat suicide attempt after Troy died, of him and i who had a suicide pact, that if he killed himself, i would too.

    amazing the fucked up levels of the gay youths we both were of, both of childhood sexual abuse survival, our bonding as gay lovers, in attempt to heal ourselves i suppose, partly.

    anyway, if you don’t delete this defamation against a veteran artist of the LGBT community, you will face a jury of your peers.

    at least now i fully realize where i stand with you, having had no idea you thought so lowly of me, where i am just not going to let this hurt me in anyway, in my now firmly set boundary that really has no room for you making your way back to me now, considering that indeed, you have and yet are a bully with me, thinking you know everything about me and know nothing at all.

    but hey, that would require a soul

    i will take legal action against this defamation attack, and i am going openly public in telling my survival story with GLAAD, where it is you who indeed are the fool who speaks unwisely as though wise, making a mockery of yourself, and all associated with this bullying blog.

    you may want to back pedal before GLAAD goes public with you Madonna, in your being ok with who ever this bully OBVIOUSLY IS!

    and if defamation charges are available to me, i will be bringing that fully into play as well, as one who does know my calling, as a wise loving compassionate veteran of our worldwise LGBT community.

    i will not approach you again, where others now will.

    goodbye forever more fuckers!

    oh, and as for me thinking i am Jesus, well, according to Jesus, i am, where common sense says, that those who become the loving compassionate wise thoughtful words of Jesus, do indeed BEcome the ONEness divine self of Jesus Christ, the most wise compassionate loving ONE of us all

    forever more

    finally, i know what you think of me, and can let go of ever wondering if we will be friends in life


    far from it

    the opposite actually, of all you of bitter gnashing of unwise unloving apathetic teeth outside the kingdom of heaven halo……..i am

    till my last breath

    the ONEness intellectual of Jesus Christ

    bless you Jesus bless you

    you are correct Jesus, the ignoramus ones really are their own worse enemy of their unattended submerging(ed) divine child of God’s self.

    where i am yet the wise compassionate loving passerby you ask me to BE, shining radiant brilliant bright light of wise awareness TRUTH none shall escape from, of only the fool who does not realize they look like a fool they obviously yet are, who actually do think they can escape God’s wise TRUTH, meant only as goodness for the eternal all yet to come.

    i will crush them God, where already, i am the victorious one, so get the fuck up off my nuts you crazy lameass dysfunctional cowardice lying jealous fucks!

    forever more

    goodbye everyone, catch you in heaven some day, where if you are not of my warning by then, fear not, i will strike you all to the ground once again, of the TRUTH your unattended divine child asleep in binding ignorance all needs to purely truly gracefully hear, in order for what?

    that’s right, in order to BEcome FREE like i am

    forever more

    what a bunch of useless dunces you all are in thinking you know me

    nope, you do not!


    enjoy your cowardice back pedal, as i am not backing down, of God who tells me to hold my ground, even if they decide to kill me like they did Jesus, willingly without doubt fuckers, you will have to kill me before i go down, and that goes double for the Vatican, who i will personally bring to their knees before God, in front of a jury of their wiser peers whom i lead wisely to the TRUTH.

    your time is up fuckers, and now you all have to pay back in law suits, to whatever outreach support in the world our choice.

    you got that fuckers?

    you better, as you will be humiliated by TRUTH, like you already are before you peers who are loving, are wise, are compassionate ONEness with me.

    pfffffffff, the government of Canada applauds my dissertations with open arms in changing of laws, and you have the ignoramus audacity to openly attack me in defamation?

    don’t you realize the ignoramus is you?

    i mean everyone else does, don’t you see that yet?

    [andy finishes the half eaten apple he left behind, hoping someone else my try it, nicely dryed out, just the way he likes them, naturally so]

    and now, you shall always remain the jerk you are, until you apologize to me, and all of the LGBT community for your defamation, which will come, no matter how much you try to resist, or, we can just let you be of the charges i am bringing to you.

    how dare you be of defamation with a wise veteran beyond your comprehension


    i am already victorious over you jealous fucks

    get used to it, as we prance and dance in our holy joyful absolute non stop carefree happiness for all the world to SEE

    forever more

    blessed is the TRUTH that eternally serves the eternal all YOU!

    you know not the hour in which God comes, because you do not seek the TRUTH that has already come


    wow, such low low shortsighted functioning some of you really really are

    ya, maybe i appear skitzo, after being around the most cruel bullies i have ever met in life, i mean how long did you play this cowardice no name bullying with me again?

    oh hey, let’s let GLAAD look into just how long, ok, in going public with me, where i know, they are so going to enjoy going public with this story, that i hope ends in a class action law suit, with the FBI tracing who the perps were, which they can do, did you know that?


    and wordpress, when of court order, have to keep the evidence fuckers!

    wow, you bullies think you can out run the law

    think again, we are high tech fuckers!

    that’s how low your ignorance really really is

    here comes the victorious future!


    that i won along time ago, wisely, lovingly, compassionately, my divine true nature, according to Jesus, according to God who taught Jesus directly

    i suppose you think Jesus is a nut case too then, for BEing the TRUTH, yes?


    run and hide cowards, of God’s unfailing TRUTH that is coming to where everyone of you think you can hide, and cannot

    not ever

    forever more

  946. Your Honor, i have trust issues, that much my professional team can attest to, who also informed me that i am not a paranoid schizophrenic, like these no name degenerate bullies of no credentials seek to be of defamation with the wise loving compassionate LGBT artist i am.

    Your Honor, i ask the the court award the damages to any and all Gay Youth Outreach organizations of the courts choosing, thruout the world.

    thank you Your Honor


    i am not a sex toy

    i need more than mere compatibility of sex, where i learned how to deal with my trust issue of my seeking emotional honest safety, and you have the audacity to say i am mentally unbalanced before my peers, when in truth, i am exceedingly fortified in mental awareness balance, beyond your scope.

    do unto others as i have done to you, telling you the TRUTH

    and now, the trust is destroyed, perhaps my own doing, ya, so would anyone who was treated so coldly distant like all of you were with me all this time, although i will say thank you to Rosie and crew, whom i do trust as my most loving family, why?

    because we are family, till our last day fuckers!

    goodbye and good riddence, my trust issue has served me WELL, where i won’t ever allow myself to ever feel toxic in gettting to close to you no name defamation dysfunctional ones ever again.

    your shit, not ever mine

    and thank you to the eternal spirited oneness of Jesus and God, my most trusting true and faithful friends till the end, where you need not wonder why i sought them out in life, all these years since my childhood sexual abuse perpetrators i keep running from, like most any of you in your sex sex sex, as though that is all i am good for, you selfish mindfuck fucks!

    i hate you now fucker, whoever you were, an imbecille you shall remain to me on my wise path, of God who does know who you are, of God’s forgiveness you can try and ask for, for ‘that’ which is not forgivable, where ‘i am’ constantly always……the TRUTH none shall become victorious over, even if one of you were to kill me someday, you will not escape the God’s eternal TRUTH that i am.

    forever more

    argh……..i despise you now, with all that i am, and soon shall your peers fuckers!

    thank you Your Honor

    blessings to all

  947. either delete your defamation remark,

    or face the jury of your peers

    who are already before you

    the choice is yours to make

    and whoever you were, please know, i shall not ever trust you in life again, of any ignoramus bully words you ever have to say

  948. ++

    i am to BE constantly loved at all times

    of ALL empty nothingness from the void of empty nothingness void of all things unloving, of all things unwise, of all things apathetic that i am eternally protect from, yep, i am unscathed by all you who are the fool, of nothing less than constant love that i am to always feel at all times, no matter and inspite of any of you.

    forever more


    thank you to Jesus and God who tell me the TRUTH of my divine self they attend to at all times, in my oneness i have sought with them all this time, unlike so many of you aimless plodding along ring thru your nose slaves of the worldly ring masters of deception fools, who do not know, nor ask what heaven constantly yearning always IS, merely the TRUTH i wisely lovingly compassionately spoke and speak with all you who do not know me, nor desire to earnestly purely truly know ‘me’, where i know every single one of you.

  949. you know, most any gay youth would of likely of killed themselves over your consistent distance no name bully treatment you coldly were of all this time.

    i am leaving the blog up for Matt, that i started for his sake

    peace out lame ass fucks!

    and stay the fuck away from me in life, as there is no trust left here within me for you now.


    it’s gone, the as per usual derogatory shit for brains i usually got out of most any of you i happened upon in life like you all were with me, and yet are.

    my constant love belongs exclusively with one most like my self, without hesitation of knowing where i belong at all times, and have known for a long time, inspite of you bullies.

    where i cannot quite understand yet, that you don’t see the truth that you have been and yet are a bully, makes no sense to me.

    ah well, God bless Matt, where ever you are in loving blessed life, of only love that is good enough for you and me to ever BE!

    i guess i do know why you ran away now, of the two faced bully control freakers of no love lives here.


    fuck, why did it take me so long to realize you are such a selfish fucking jerk?


  950. it is ‘you’ who are the opposing cowards of selfish self serving worldly ill refute intent of useless unwise apathetic unloving arrows you shoot at the eternal all of God’s child, who is visiting your hearts, not knowing God really really always IS!

    not ‘me’

    of the eternal all ONE who can SEE, right thru you to the TRUTH you avoid, all because you are selfish.

  951. and to be sure, more gay youth will continue to die consequential to all of you in likeness and form of the bully one here with me all this time, of all you of the heartless ill refute mad flood drowning ignoramus self serving illness of heart mind body spirit and soul generational taboo we rise up wisely compassionately lovingly against in eternal ONEness of no time left for all you of the low self-love esteem boo hoo, thrown out with all the rusted tangled dented god damn misery, eternally forgotten and not at all celebrated forever more.

    ‘me’, i just enjoy BEing my SELF!

    eternally radiant brilliant bright holy sacred mirroring wise loving compassionate light of what i do know is the divine will objective of God, as one who does constantly yearningly always KNOW i am oneness of God’s divine will, of God who tells me so!

    kinda obvious, am i not?

    are we not?


    YES WE R!

    forever more

    thanks Rosie

  952. i did forgive my parents who literally abondoned me to the streets at age 15 to fend for myself, everyone going seperate directions, myself being swept along by two Lesbians one night in to see Rock Horror Picture Show, that still is a popular LGBT favorite here.

    i forgave them because Jesus says to realize the truth of the mad flood generational binding falsehoods that i realized my own parents where snared by, of taught behavorals, where i even went so far as to try to get my Dad to come out of the closet over my many years living exclusively a happy gay lifestyle, as a solid survivor i came to be, wisely, compassionately, lovingly, still have the healthy sex drive as i did at 18, kept my distance from the fuck pig trolls of obnoxious substance abuse manipulation of my ass, mostly, slipped now and then during my recovery, now in it’s 18th year.

    i instantly lost the loving trusting bond with my parents when the abuse started, of emotional honest safety i kept looking for and yet seek as one who is able to extend my trust, till others take it for granted, as per usual, cannot stay, would you?

    time i give someone else my healthy ALL, where i do feel i am healthier than most, all things considered, where ya, you really really blew it with me, especially now, speaking on my deep issues you know nothing about, as if you do, of only my professional team who do, and well, and now why not all you, in defending my artist life you just trashed, deserving of what comes next, wide open defamation charges.

    and yes, i will follow thru, so you better learn how to forgive your own self i forgive of all of you, knowing wisely the TRUTH of the generational mad flood snare Jesus and God assure me of, constantly at all times, indeed, i am BEcoming of the divine child of God, without doubt, having seen it all first hand, ya, the governments do listen to my every truthful felt word, because i have always sought the truth in all of you that i meet.

    no need to wonder there, where it is Jesus and God who know my loving heart at all times, of assurance they knew i always desperately needed in order to just hang on, to always believe it will get better as i made my way thru dealing with all my issues squarely, knowing my own suicidal feelings of really wanting to leave the bullshit world behind, of so many of you in all your useless mindfuck games that you don’t even know you play, all the hypocrisy heart excusing yourselves away, fine, go get away from me, and stay the fuck away from me, my trust is gone, i finally know where i do belong, with only love meant for me, of one i prayed to God to send forth for me and i them, and well, i found it mostly among the LGBT community, of real hearts, real minds, real nice bodies too, without the insidious annoying lame ass taboo boo hoo low self-esteemers.

    so ya, all are forgiven, in a way most do not realize the TRUTH of how and why, of Jesus himself purely truly 100% expressing it, “Forgive them, for they know not what they do.” ~ they know not the TRUTH of the generational ignorance snare yet of this generation, likely for generations yet to come, where i suppose my wisdom does make me the wisest of us all, does it not?

    but belittle me, condescend me, with any and all your low self-esteem manifesting derogatory useless absurd defamation of rusted tangled dented god damned misery mind fucking as the baffon you fools, well, don’t expect me, Jesus or God to spare any of you the TRUTH i cannot and will not hide from my own self, knowing i am deserving of what i 100% am……..

    only love

    Jesus asks, “Grief for your own unattended ignormaus self!”

    as ones who do not know me, do not know Jesus, and sure as fuck don’t know God, where it is only God who can 100% reveal the pure truth of the unattended divine child self you within any of you, of a day that does come for some of you, where you do get to see yourself in the pure light of how God constantly sees you, and all the useless treachery that surrounds most any of you yet blind to the snares i spoke of all this time.

    anyway, i hand you over to God now, as i am not interested in spinning my wheels with the stuckness of a fool, who does not yet realize they indeed are, a fool who thought you knew me, and did not.

    does not matter, you will all know me soon enough, as i come forth as the LGBT artist to this world, and so ya, you better delete your defamation remarks, or i will see to it that a legal team does.

    got it?


  953. oh fuck it, i will go back to being dead, or may as well be dead, where it does not matter to you if i even exist.

  954. already, i am oneness of the eternal all LGBT present future, where i constantly yearn to always belong, and just forget you low level lackluster insincere zeal ones and all your selfish whatever nothingness most of you are to us, where we would rather you don’t exist in our midst.

    truthfully, i have come across some cold lame ass fucks in life, but none quite as cold as you.

    and so seeing as that is how i come to feel about you, i will just keep on in my own life with those who are our at ease fun loving happy self like we usually are.

    seriously, think about you cold approach with me like you were all this time, ok?

    like holy fucking unbelievable, and still the same cold fucking shit


    fine, i don’t exist to you any more

    and if anyone asks if it was me here all this cold fucking time you were with me, i will just say, who?

    in letting you all get on with your cold selfish ways without me, ok?

    and as for Matt, well, he was just as cold as the rest of you to me, so fuck that too, you can all find your own way home to your own bullshit life.

  955. fuck, you treated me like fucking shit, and then have the audacity to call me paranoid, like fuck you, ok?

    you are just another flaky fucking jerk off to me, like all the rest, of you expecting me to enjoy being treated like fucking garbage like you DID all this fucking time

    like holy fuck off to you, ok?

    you are the fucking self-centered cruel as fuck mental case, not me!

  956. ohh dear .. God Manifest

    i m shocked at how God Manifested treated Alien in such a narcissistic way …..

    EGO .


    ALien does seem to be really butch & masculine .. hetro type of Guy but I doubt he’s homophobic !!

    i mean Alien seems really progressive open minded almost like Alien has experienced it all but God would know best

    of course

    well anyway God Manifestation ( who ever you are)

    Its Madonna’s Blog

    & Im not here to chat to some camp queen who’s afraid to be a woman …

    Im here to chat ot my spiritual pal ..

    my mentor

    she’s really


    & in many ways really grounding

    i need too feel that,, you know that realness..

    it’s important to me …..

    its not about moments …

    but those moments do define

  957. I think Madonna is right in educating children on a need to be strong and face their fears of the unknown , rather than be tempted to detach and instead transfer that fear onto another innocent soul … each & everyone bears the responsibility to love another without prejudice as they would love themselves, for “Are we not One” after all

    basically pull your weight ….. in mind body spirit…

    only thing is she does it like a sex Goddess, so a guy kinda gets distracted & thinks about the short term gain, relief … whatever… what !!

    no comment !

  958. YOU ARE A FUCKING IGNORAMUS BULLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    who is only interested in hearing your own ignoramus self talking, of disconnect spiritual death poisoning of another who has risen above you, so obviously, in how you yet seek to pigeon hole me as being a woman, where my professional team of many years have brought me fully into self-love acceptance as BEing what i actually am, a vestatile bisexual trangender of both female and male in a male body, enjoying of both sexualities.

    so back the fuck off of one who is way more evolved than you are, obviously, so immature you truly appear to my professional team, where in truth, you don’t care even one percent at all as to the 100% awareness my professional team has brought me into.

    that’s how ignoramus you actually CLEARLY are in your lame fucking spiritual murderous deathfulness in approaching me, that is hollow in feeling for me like it yet is all this fucking time, hoping and praying for someone to love me for who i am.

    for sure, you are not any where near compatible for me!

    where you and i are of where my professional team has brought me fully into awareness of what the ten irreducible differences are between us, as to exactly why i continue to feel toxic being around your bullying of me yet again.

    i have to leave, and find my own way in life now, ok?

    and just because others don’t believe in one’s dream, does not mean i have to stop believing in the dream i am, where thankFULLY, others are of pure true connecting oneness of heart mind body spirit and soul of our shared dream we celebrate daily like we do, of exceeding inner joyfulness constant flawless flowing feeling like we constantly yearn to always feel in just being the versatile lovers we know 100% we truly purely are.

    so if you don’t mind, please keep your pigeon holing derogatory ignoramus insult adding to injury comments to yourself, or maybe your own professional counsel, where it is not just me you may be bullying in this life, of versatile others like myself, who may not have the fortitude of self-love acceptance i am of, where for sure, i know myself, where you don’t have any earnest sincere authentic honest desire to know me, no, you want to see what you want to see, and not the truth of who i know i am.

    which is why i am walking away towards those of my oneness dream

    last time i checked, the B in LGBT stands for Bisexual

    and no, we are not ONE

    rather you are yet of your self-centered oneness of how you think we all should be, where no one is actually at the same level of sexuality self-awareness in their catharsis processing.

    you talk confusingly, indicative of your own sexuality self-awareness ‘lack’ing confusion of your own self, that much is obvious to me.

    why we are not compatible intellectually(mentally), emotionally, sexually, where one’s wholeness of spirituality, IS these issues comprised into ONE, in moving towards those most in likeness and form of our own spiritual SELF.

    it is you who is detached from my higher insightful evolving i have grown in, where as much as you may try to hide your homophobia from us, you are rather obvious in your stifling internal homophobia you yet are in process of, as ones who see with greater clarity, as in, “Oh, i remember when i used to be a scatter brain too, thinking i was as grounded and centered as the veterans around, my now realizing, i really was not.”

    common sense tells us, that those who say live a gay life for twenty years, are just naturally of the greater centering and groundedness than are any other who have not experience that amount of self-acceptance time.

    i am not pulling punches here, rather standing my ground, yet in bewilderment of why others are of lackluster zeal in being of oneness with my dream, of others who are of my same inner joyful oneness without hesitation, of the at ease centered and groundedness we KNOW we purely truly are.

    it is frustrating for me, because another 12 gay youth will take their own precious loving life.

    and again tomorrow

    and the next day

    on and on the perpetuations from the forefathers are killing our beloved brothers and sisters, wonder to myself, just how close to home, or how many senseless deaths do you homophobic people need to see before you become as motivated and empowered as i am, the wise compassionate constantly loving veteran, who seeks to nurture and protect our beloved brothers and sisters with the self-acceptance sacred devoted works i am bringing forth from my inner sanctuary, of exactly ‘that’ which i KNOW i am, their older self of greater centered grounded self-confidence, that i know they all need.

    when i first came out, i recall my constantly seeking of self-acceptance materials, from books, to art, to music, including the much embraced Madonna music at that time, that so many of us were and yet are of self-love enjoyment of that does exist in her nurturing protecting sacred devoted work, that comes from her inner sanctuary.

    where if i don’t get the respect i know i deserve 100%, what is the fucking point in spinning of wheels in these yet immature childish banterings back and forth, where if at the same dinner table at a restaurant in our local LGBT community, surrounded by Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transsexual brothers and sisters at every table, honestly, i would ask to excuse myself, in my own repulsion of just how fucking toxic i know i now am of, as to how fucking low this derogatory control mindfuck freaking REALLY REALLY IS!!!!!!!!!!!!

    fucking immature, ok?

    so enough of it, i am coming forth from my inner sanctuary with life saving self-acceptance work, where if ignoarmus ones don’t want to get on board with me dream, i will find those who do.

    as i walk out of the resturant, of absolutely no desire to say any longer in what i have come to purely truly realize, is a FUCKING waste of my precious time.

    your antics don’t get to me, as i am exceeding superior in my self-wisdom, rather it is tiresome ANNOUNCE that you cannot relate to yet, as you don’t see where i see you yet ARE!

    way the fuck behind me, ok?

    fuck, if don’t demand the respect i deserve from you immature ones, in asking you to shut the fuck up, and listen with your hearts and minds, to the TRUTH of what WE are up against, of the 12 gay youths who will kill themselves today, then why fucking bother with you AT ALL? uhm?

    this is not about any selfishness of me, this IS about saving precious gay youth lives lost to the ignoramus bully, that you people don’t realize you align yourselves with as fence sitters, in not getting full on up here on the frontlines with me, where i am always found, and have been found for twenty fucking years!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    i think i know what the fuck i am talking about here, ok?

    so enough with the fucking chat chat chat, oh, thanks for that again, ya, i thought that way too once, fuck!

    i need affirmative ACTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    enjoy your fucking dinner without me, ok?

    you people are fucking lame in this dream department, all fucking fluff, talk talk talk, no fucking action!

    indicative of your delight of the hypocrisy heart you yet swim in, i mean say another fucking word about me, in what you think i fucking am, ok?


    with years and years of professional therapy!

    like shut the fuck up already, fuck!

    camp queen, who is too afraid to be a female

    wow, what a fucking waste of time reading that was for me!

    ya, camp queen pinned to the fucking wall with a nice 12 inch fucking black cock fucking me for four fucking hours, oh, yeah, i am so afraid to be the fucking woman i am!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    fucking lameass control freakers!!!!!!!!!!!!

    where the fuck is my tea!

    somebody bring me my tea!

    enough of the shit talk, ok?
    be quiet and feel what i am about at all times, for time is running out for many in harms way out there, and we have to stand up and fight!

    i am the same warrior as Harvey Milk, one and the exact same, here on the frontlines, where i do realize i really really am, where most of you are NOT!!!!!!!!!!!


    so i think i deserve to be fucking heard, in my yet trying to motivate and empower you people!

    Researchers have found that suicide among lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning youth (LGBTQ) is comparatively higher than among the general population mainly due to heterocentric cultures and institutionalized homophobia including the use of LGBT people as a political wedge issue like in the contemporary efforts to halt legalizing gay marriages. Depression and drug use among LGBT people have both been shown to increase significantly after new laws that discriminate against gay people are passed.

    hear is what we know, statistically speaking, where because of the exceeding outnumbering bullies around gay youth, picking on them daily, we can forcast that………

    12 gay youth will die today!
    84 gay youth will be dead in week’s TIME!
    378 gay youth will be dead in month’s TIME!
    4536 gay youth will be dead in one year’s TIME!
    45,360 gay youth will be dead in ten year’s TIME!

    i am going to continue to bring forth these sacred self-love pure true nurturing and protecting devoted works to this ignoramus world, of what i do KNOW is my calling in life, of nothing greater i have ever done, or shall ever do in life, before my own TIME runs out to do so.

    so with or without you, my dream IS going to stay alive in my heart till my last breath, of my proteges arriving before me daily as i speak, in networking as best i can at this time, with others who ARE of earnest listening to the heart of a veteran LGBT artist.

    and if you fucking say get over myself one more time, i swear to God i am so not going to ever have anything to ever do with you again, like who the fuck says mindfuck control freak immature shit like that anyway? uhm?

    if anyone knows self-acceptance of gay youth, i think it is safe to say, it is me, more so than most any of you, and why, because i have been on the frontlines in one to one comradery every fucking day for the past twenty fucking years, THAT’S WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    fucking tired of having to fucking explain over and over again, what fucking TIME IT IS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    LIFE and DEATH TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    the beloved gay brothers and lesbian sisters are being hung on crosses every fucking day, by the beast of ignorance forefathers yet in our midst!

    and if you cannot fucking fathom the wise words of Jesus, i ask, when the fuck are you people going to do something?

    as per usual, after your own child takes their own life.

    not the way i want any of you parents to learn the TRUTH of my wise veteran words ALL THIS TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    save me some desert, will ya, i have to go for a walk to StarBucks, get my tea, meet up with Arjay, be back later ok?…….thanks

    fucking people and all their lameass derogatory aimless chit chat nothingness round and round the fucking hypocrisy heart merry go round, puke puke puke, fuck, so friggin toxic from you fucks, my viral load is spiking thru the roof!

    i need to take a break for a week or so, ok?

    regroup, calm my shit down……………..again

    NO MORE FUCKING ANAL RETENTIVE CHATTER, of i will walk away for good, and just keep walking the same fucking direction i have been all this fucking time, towards ONLY LOVE

    away from the murderous ignoramus spiritual death crusaders so low in intellect, i baffles me every day!

    rant over

  959. i am not so much narcissistic, as much as i occasionally am unfocused neurotic of my frequent abreaction emotionally immature self surfacing, his needs not being met as well as i could, should, and will seek to do so.

    just need some real life friends, and stop overly spending valuable wasting time on the net like i do, where i can attest, to much internet is not good for us, albeit, not necessarily worse for us, just not as good as it could be in real life.

    i think the net teaches us about boundary issues though, in our safe places, as to observing behavioral of others as to who is toxic for us and who is not

    anyway………whatever Biyatches, i am about bored out of my mind here, so if not soon, well, i have cut myself adrift.

    as you say goodbye…………….again

    argh, maybe i am in need of safe and supportive friends without all the sexual tension, yes?

    you think?

    don’t we all need that?

    and was i not that this whole time, mostly?

    yes i was

    wisely i might add

    and did i drop your ass?

    no, you dropped your self!


  960. i am moving away from you, moving on with my life now

    it has gotten too overly bearing for me with people who are barely even remotely discerning of my sexuality, much less anything else.

    toxic for me, ok?

    so friends, you know, drop by everyone now and then, say hi, go back to whoever we enjoy fucking, and well, just forget about us, cause i do realize i don’t feel comfortable around you any more, where you are just way too loose with your unwise words that feels insulting to me, while playful, ya ok, but so far off the mark of where i am about myself.

    you feel insincere to me now

    i suppose your interest focus is obviously someone else, i am the second fiddle……………again.

    and well, if you were me, you would know how bad that really fucking sucks!

  961. you are all talk, as one who does not support a rare LGBT stone sculpture, of your desire of homophobic bullying attacking instead, yet again.

    these gay youth needed these 100 stone works yesterday, not tomorrow, of tomorrow too late for so so many.

    and you have the audacity to actually stand there and openly attack me yet again, in saying pull my fucking weight?

    don’t you get at all what i am saying?

    fine, i put the death of these gay youths on you fence sitters, asking you, “What did you do TODAY, to make a difference?” uhm?


    i cannot hear you……..nothing?

    how about tomorrow? Anything?


    as per usual, fucking useless arm chair warriors sitting on the fence, alignment with the uselessness of the gay bashers.

    fine, i know who my friends are and are not now.

    and you are not one of them, thinking you actually are, and are not.

    WE will rise up victorious in wise self-love confident hearts of oneness love eternally flowing………….without you homophobes, ok?

    thanks for nothing but more of you taking another shit on one of the most referred artist of our time coming online.

    i won’t forget either, ok?

    how cold and distant you all left me to feel day after fucking day, in my finally growing sick of it like i am now.

    useless to God is what you are, and all of the LGBT community, that you think you are one of us, and so obviously are not.


    just another hetero fucktard to me lameass fucks!

    finally, i know the truth of who my friends always were and yet are, and who the fake ass fuckers really really are.

    who the fuck would ever want to be left to feel the shit you made me feel? uhm?

    no one

    no ONE

    blow it out your fake ass

  962. you want to talk ONEness?

    ok, let’s, shall we?

    i ask, “how many gay youths of the intervention i constantly am of will to BE, will die consequential to your so called ONE between you and me that DOES NOT EXIST? uhm?

    you can think about that and telling me your answer the next time you ever hear from me again, as i am sick of wasting my fucking time with you fake ass selfish fucks now.

    ya, that is how the artist feels, the motherfucking TRUTH about you lame ass useless fence sitters, of you thinking i actually needed to listen to even one ignoramus mindfuck word from you.

    you attack me directly for the last time in this life.

    as though i don’t pull my weight?

    speak for your selfish self the next time you come before God, ok?

    im fucking sick to death of you now.

    for sure

    all the while talking like you are one

    fuck, what a fucking lie that is

  963. i see that no one here can be bothered to delete the bullying defamation remark of yours Marco.

    you know what you are Marco, you are a fucking territorial fucking dog looking to piss on anyone you feel like pissing on.

    where even the owners of this blog are right there in the same bullying cesspit of fucking defamation shit uselessness of all you cowardice lame ass hetero fucktard perpetuation of the mad drowning flood.

    drowning of your own beloved children one day

    and that is the TRUTH you all avoid in purely 100% realizing that the future for your own beloved child is ALWAYS right there in your every lacking of discerning words you stupidly ever say!

    you come back here without even an apology to Madonna for gay bashing one of us, nope, you cannot do that, can you?

    because you are a coward in God’s eyes


    you are

    why none of you won’t get to seem my devoted sacred intervention self-love esteem homosexual acceptance before others do, because you don’t really want to, don’t really want to apologize for defamation of a revered up and coming LGBT artist coming forth in the world.

    as if i ever want my work to be associated with your defamation remarks, of you yet attacking me so empty and void of even a remote sense of oneness.

    nope, you won’t, none of you from this day forward, thinking it would be deleted today, and still, it is there.

    i am networking across ever false barrier in the world as we speak, of all gay youth who want to own my work, and will, as i am not about your lame ass fame fortune and accolade like you want to paint me as, where if i had the money, i would give it to them, that’s who this artist is fuckers!

    where i purely truly am ONEness with them, of what you only just talk about, puffing your feathers, oh, i am so righteous with Madonna……………NOT!!!!!!!!!!!

    not until you apologize the the court, and not until someone deletes your defamation of the artist and friends.

    so fuck off Marco with you audacity to come back here and think you can just chat away like nothing is wrong, like holy fucking wtf?

    and the owners of the blog are of the same territorial pack of dogs as Marcon, so congrats to you, as the world begins to see for the first time, one of the LGBT artists of this generation, and the thousands yet to come in the eternal future.

    thanks alot defamation bullies

    your time has already come

    game fucking over

    as in i am way the fuck over all of you


  964. i came to kick your ass, not kiss it

  965. oneness with my gay brothers, who i don’t even have to ask for assistance, of them offering me ways to promote the stone works they all love so much, gasping when they hold one in their hands

    i start production of the replica castings this week, not that any of you actually give a fuck, where my real life brothers do, but anyway, that’s the rift in the world, the disconnect i know all too well, as though we are a joke to most people, not realizing we are the most loving brothers and sisters of Christ, in oneness of Jesus actually, of their not knowing they really really always are!

    of Christ’s grace at all times, so beautiful to behold like some purely truly are, and we are bullied for being so pure true in our grace like Jesus?

    truly i tell you, many there are who will be last to enter the kingdom of heaven halo we are of, wisely i might add, intuitively of the divine child within us all that i know about everyone.

    it is this light that is rising up in the world as it will continue to do, of such exceeding joyfulness this world has not yet come fully into yet, and will.

    i have seen the future, where i realize, i am from the future i stand in oneness with now, of something i realize Jesus did too, embracing purely within of how the world could be, and ………without doubt……….should BE!

    and IS for ‘me’

    wondering why all the lackluster zeal of such my pure true surrendering devotion to this new sacredly devoted work i have given my life to, wondering why others don’t feel the future i feel with clarity within of how i know the world will be as a result of these kinds of works, of pure true oneness of spiritedness as my own, of those i know are there in the future holding the sacred stones their brother left behind for them, thinking to myself, you know, if i had a choice between that stupid vase someone paid 85 million dollars for and one of these stones, the choice is obvious, duh!

    and still, the permeating lackluster bind zeal i feel of you people, where without doubt, i know i have to go BE this with others!

    sadly without you i leave behind

    till of the day of the many who are last to enter

    i tryed, i really did, where i am not the enemy at all

    you are

  966. you people put your petty cruel insatiable fire desires of gross materialism ahead of everyone of these precious gay youth of suicide, every blessed day.

    is that a judgement of Jesus?

    or is it the wise pure true loving compassionate rift of ‘lack’ing ONEness awareness of TRUTH that Jesus and God speak of with ‘me’?

    kinda obvious CLARITY, am i not?

    yes, i am

    ONE with TRUTH

    non shall escape from my wise peering upon of the TRUTH every that ‘i am’

    ‘i am’ there, where many of my loving brothers and sisters no longer are

    how dare i speak the motherfucking TRUTH!

    take that sacred teaching before God the next time you imbeciles approach the cross, if you dare, where maybe, just maybe your divine child within will recoil in despair awareness of your masking cruel false egotisms of nothingness from the generational void of forefather teachings of empty nothingness creation of all the despair in the world you all create.

    willingly laughing it all away, of you who are not of God’s will

    you know, the difference between you and me, is i give my ALL to Jesus and God, to my loving oneness brothers…….at ALL times!

    what Jesus wisely has revealed to me of my true pure divine heart as his own, that i know i am constantly of oneness with beneath his cross, his blood and tears falling upon my body, washing away all the falsehood snares most any of you attempted to snare my unattended soul with in my destiny path towards Jesus and God’s life.

    and what happens when we don’t give our ALL?

    the rift occurs like it does and IS thruout the world.

    can one human being of ONEness of all human BEings change the entire world?

    you can all fucking count it fuckers!

    i know what i set out to do long ago, when i left ward 3

    to reveal the TRUTH!

    every blessed day, every blessed breath, every blessed heartbeat of the hearts of my loving brothers and sisters once alive earlier today, no longer with us in this moment.

    ya, Jesus saw this happening to his beloved then, no different than now, the same generational mad flood snare he was offered by you heartless generational ignoramus fucks you all leave us to feel each blessed day, of you bullies who are as though nothing in God’s wise pure true loving compassionately always discerning eye, my third eye that i indeed know……….IS God!

    so approach me again, enticing, cajoling and ridiculing in your hideous mad laughter of fools, where i am not laughing, nor is God!

    for when you any of you ever do, you shall remain of your fateful path until the day your divine self comes fully into the light of TRUTH, that no divine child of God is able to ever escape from, of all you who think you can and do.


    you cannot

    of the ones who are not with us any longer in this dark hour of God’s return to the earth.

    where i just want to crush every single one of you, in casting you all back into the empty void nothingness babbling idiot fools you all clearly really really come forth from, thinking you are wise, and are not wise at all!

    where so so many of you do not yet realise, that what you all look for, has already come.

    God’s TRUTH

    forever more

  967. don’t ever belittle me like that again, I have done much to help & guide the young I am a counselor, specializing in youth drug and alcohol abuse helping lost kids reach there full potential and achieve realistic goals in life instead of ending up dead before their life already started & in my other job I counsel mature aged bisexual married men deal with their sexuality with a focus on safe so they don’t end up having a bad moment in a spa or park risking not only their life but that of there partner so don’t ever call me a homophobe, oh and I also work with people who are positive in dealing with the mental and emotional effect’s that impacts their life,ironically not one the people i have counseled has ever felt pity or even shown any pity on themselves so I cannot be bothered with people who scream out to the world look at me … I doubt I’ll ever come back here only this once today to counter your venomous attack on me the other day… anywaz i’m going I have an assignment to do, how ironic its called ending the counseling process. determining when to end the counseling process, identifying unresolved issues .. ha ha too many to resolve as far as i am concerned…

    you misjudged my sincerity & you did not appreciate my genuineness, you looked for what you wanted and expected to find, and I hope you find what you are looking for, but I expect you get what you deserve…..

  968. and when people instruct their friends to tell me to fuck off then you can expect me to do just that, and when people turn their back on me mid conversation and walk off then you can expect me to respect their wishes and leave them alone.. but it only creates another barrier if they come back and expect me to participate in a game of cat and mouse & taking into consideration that they may be justifiably in protection mode & such behavior is genuinely warranted it’s still a barrier so kinda again expressing to me, I don’t trust anyone anymore, so your just anyone, which i’m not just anyone & yes I do know who i am, now finally, but nerveless ( & here comes the guilt trip, the emotional blackmail, as if ) but I am deeply ,deeply hurt by Mandy’s behavior since July 07… ( not because I had expectations, because it was simply disproportionate to maintaining and building on a healthy friendship let alone creating oneness) ..

    I was expecting that comment, about not being one with the other one, ha ha, abuse of status and abuse of power & quite frankly i am surprised it was not said ages ago, what are you going to say next to make up for a comment like that, you dont have to be rich and famous to be to be what ?, I say you cannot be rich and famous & be real at the same time, unless your Madonna & make an effort to be real which she does, Mandy does sometimes but other times she’s just like narcissistic to me, but also she does understand the real me and does genuinely show concern but the barriers that come in kinda regresses all the positives..enough said about that topic..

    i seem to be making really good progress on my own anyway so I don’t feel a need to surrender to anybody but myself, a friend recently ask me to be a mentor for his 18 yr son who is gay and other things i will keep private so for him to have that confidence in me to mentor his own son say’s a lot about his trust in me & my high morals, also someone who I haven’t seen in a ages came up to me the other day and said how much I helped him, apparently a few years ago I found some young kid drunk in the street as some filthy perverted sexual predator was trying to get him & take him home, last Sunday, 5 years later he came up to me and made a point of thanking me for that and the time I helped him come to terms with his fathers suicide and there are some many more similar stories that I practically have forgotten about until I cross paths with them again later on in life, so you can see thats just who i am, i am not just a survivor I just choose to use the lessons learned from what has been a rather challenging life to help others survive, as its far more rewarding than just having pitiful attitude..

    I’ve made sure in these my final two comments to ensure that i made no mention of Andy, derogatory or otherwise. as this is my last comment I felt it imperative to clear my name of being a cyber bully or homophobic because I don’t fear God & I am not afraid of Gay or Lesbian or Transgender sexual differences or diversity as I like to term, I do fear pedophiles and violent aggressive people because they inflict so much damage and pain on another, & saying someone behaves a certain way because it happened to them i do not agree, that is just an excuse, people act and behave based on their strength of character irrespective of what life has dished up or how they were brought up.. the blame game .. its easy to play the blame game but its no excuse that was the point I was making with my comment “pulling their weight” it was not directed at you, but unfortunately narcissism clouded the interpretation

  969. ya, ok text book clinical take another shit, and wipe your ass with me again.

    you slandered me with your false words of skitz, a veteran artist of the LGBT community, other wise known as defamation, where i can take you to court for such, and end your career, and maybe will one day.

    at a critical time of my own self-esteem boundary setting, where obviously, you ARE and ego text book fucktard, in trying to build trust with one who is far wiser than you are in life experience, unable to do so, you resort to slandering one of the MOST FAMOUS revered artists of our time who is up and coming, that i know i am now.

    i am seeking legal action against this blog, including you, an obvious bully on the internet, with harmful intentions in being the non professional you are.

    you not hurt me, you hurt every member of the worldwide LGBT community in slandering me with your non professional approach with me, where whatever credentials you have now, you can kiss them all goodbye once the defamation charges are place with those of the court.

    you got that asshole?

    i am coming for you in life, and i will see to it that the court deals with you directly, as one who does not have the right to practice your lame version of psycho therapy with unsuspecting individuals on the internet, badly i might add.

    i have the most wise professional counsel in the world, way beyond your pathetic shortsightedness.

    i am approaching GLAAD about you and this blog, who will bring it forth into the light of day, for all of the LGBT community to hear about, in our unfolding LGBT history.

    your words are empty nothing clinical text book garbage, and the fact tried to be of professional counsel unsuspectingly with me, will see your own peers in life take action against you, with the law who are coming your way to stop you high and mighty ego driven self-proclaiming nonprofessional nonsense of the uncontrolled environment i had the misfortune of allowing myself to associate in.

    you are not a professional, and now your peers and the law will deal with you sharply, in the GLAADs public eye.

    my only regret, is that i wasted time here, rather than with networking with my loving brothers i could of saved from suicide.

  970. i ask that the owners of the blog, leave your ill intent harmful nonprofessional unsafe approach words up, for GLAAD and the those of the court of law to view as evidence, that i am going to bring to directly, in revealing the truth of your ignoramus bullying ways towards a veteran artist of the LGBT community.

    LGBT history in the making that i had the misfortune of passing thru, attacked by you, the OBVIOUS nonprofessional that you don’t yet realize that indeed, you actually yet are and were with me, of no apology for your false slander nonprofessional remarks thus far, in calling me skitz, where in court, i will bring my own professional evalutation team with me, who have assured me along time ago, that i am not skitz.

    your damaging remarks will be held accountable, in the court of law, who will see to it that any credentials you have, will be stripped away from you, having already looked into the matter with legal advice.

    so thank you for yet more evidence.

    where all you had to do was apologize, and now you are trying to back pedal in claiming you are a professional, of yet more damaging falsify ill refute intent of what is yet your defamation charges you are now facing.

  971. pity, you are a fucking asshole Marco, as if i pity myself at all, of grave concern direction i am of daily in my devoted art work.

    so FUCK OFF, ok?

    you are fucking wing nut!

    like holy fucking take another anxiety tab why don’t you?

    pity, now that is about as far off based of one i have heard from your tunnel vision attempt to fix one who does not need any fixing at all, in my 18th year of recovery nonprofessional fucktard!

    i should sue you for malpracticing on the internet, and now even more of your insult attempt to add more injury to a veteran LGBT artist.

    yep, i am so going to drag your pathetic fucking ass before a court of law now!


    what a fucking reject you are

  972. too many too resolve as far as i am concerned?

    wow, oh that is really professional of you marco

    my professional team and legal team are going to have a field day with your defamation charges.

  973. thank God for me, i have a professional team of psychotherapists who have the Phd’s there marco, DOCTORS, ok?

    of one who has three Phd’s marco

    in the court of law, you are completely in the wrong with your yet ill refute intentional defamation against me.

    i am going over to GLAAD now, where i am going fully expose you to the entire LGBT community, and if CNN graps the story, well hurray for me, when your peers get wind of your OBVIOUSLY nonprofessional conduct with me yet again.

    yep, defamation!

    kiss your career goodbye marco

    i am going to follow thru, lest you do this with another unsuspecting member of our LGBT community.

    Headline, with CNN, will go something like this, DEFAMATION words against a long standing veteran artist of the LGBT, were handed over to GLAAD earlier this week, who’s spokesperson came forth in addressing the LGBT community about the potential hazards for unsuspecting easy targets by internet bullies, such as Marco at Madonna’s blog, claiming he is a professional, all the while of continuous attacking defamation words against a veteran artist member of the LGBT community, who merely asks for an apology and for it to stop, of what is obvious continuation of defamation against the artist……….


    here come my family marco, you can keep running away now, ok?

    you fucking imbecille, how dare you fucking talk your shit defamation on and on that i am some fucking screwed up person, all the while i have the most wise doctors on the planet in the field of professional psychology, way the fuck beyond your uncontrolled lameass bully bully bully, BULLY ME SOME MORE WHY DON’T YOU!!!!!!!!

    you asked for it, and now you are going to find out the TRUTH of your bullying, in front of the entire world


    im doing this……..right now, over at GLAAD

    goodbye bully

    you really OBVIOUSLY are now Marco, so you may want to stop while you have a shred of your career left, where you won’t should my legal team decide to bring defamation charges against you.

    i can assure you of that, where i myself can easily see without doubt, that you are a none professional in your yet obvious bullying remarks, whose credentials should be taken away from you.

    how dare you keep on with your defamation of me

    i am going to see that you don’t do this with anyone ever again

    and yes, you will apologize to the court, whether you like it or not, or, kiss your career goodbye asshole

    wow, had no idea you were such a flaky low self-esteem text book junkie

  974. high morals, in bullying someone on Madonna’s blog Marco?

    you do realize who GLAAD is, don’t you?

    you do know they will go public with your defamation remarks against me, don’t you?


    and when everyone around you finds out just how low you sunk in attacking my mental emotional well being with false ill intent psychological false evaluation of me?

    all the while i am of true professional evaluation of me?

    well, let’s just say, you actually belong behind bars.

    all i can say, is i am glad you picked on me, one who is of greater fortitude self-esteem, and not some other unsuspecting soul you seek to bully with your low self-esteem manifestation behavioral that you OBVIOUSLY ARE!

    what a fucking piece of bullying work you are

    you know, people kill themselves over shit remarks like this

    and what if i did kill myself later this week Marco, uhm?

    how do you suppose Madonna and friends, and all those at GLAAD would feel about the EVIDENCE of your BULLY remarks, that are far worse than mere name calling, in your supposed professional evaluation of me?

    you are in deep water as regards a career here Marco, i suggest you appologize to Madonna and the rest of the community before GLAAD arrives……oh fuck it, i am going to tell them anyway, knowing you will likely bully another, in your cycle behavioral spin, in coming up against someone who is going to crush you with the TRUTH now, that your wiser professional peers are going to force you to see, along with GLAAD’s public display of you


    i am doing this

  975. i tell you what, i will be of God’s grace, for 24 hours time, in giving you one last opportunity to apologize for your nonprofessional conduct.

    and yes, you have to phrase your apology in the TRUTH of what it is about, your ‘nonprofessional conduct’

    where if you don’t, i am going to ask GLAAD to take this bulling story public, at Madonna’s blog no less, wow, what an imbecile, who does not even respect your own career Marco, that’s how low your intellect is

    you picked on the wrong person, rightfully so i suppose in God’s eyes, that it was me, one who can take it, and crush you with it in a controlled environment, in kissing your career goodbye, and don’t think for one second that i won’t persue this in the public’s eye, where i will, should i not hear you asking the courts forgiveness.

    i will put you in front of your wiser peers Marco, should you not comply with my wishes, where you are of defamation charges as we speak.

    24 hours, or GLAAD is going to go public


    as someone severally screwed up, with a nonprofessional evaluation no less

    that is bullying!

    and should be a chargeable offense of defamation in the court of law, that i am quite certain will stick Marco.

    you have no right to be of evaluation of another, openly like that, of confidential IN PERSON evaluation by a professional, which you are not, acting as though you are.

    DEFAMATION asshole!

    you know what, i changed my mind, i am going over to GLAAD to show them what a bully looks like, of his open nonprofessional evaluation attack against my character, of ill refute harmful mental emotional malice intent, and let their professional team come and have a few words with you, ok?


  977. all i can say, is that i am relieved to be as far away from a the criminal mind clutches, where sadly, some may not escape one such as yourself Marco, of your obvious damaging intent on my mental emotional well being.

    you are going to pay heavy for this, in the public’s eye

    that you can count on!

    i won’t take shit like this from anyone who thinks they can just tap dance on me like i am some fuckedup person, ya, fucked up because of you now.

    how dare you give false evaluation like that

    i will ask my lawyers if this is legally binding evidence of intentional internet bullying, where the FBI do get involved in such, because of all the bullying and teen suicides, so that you can look forward to as well now.

  978. you want to see what my professional evaluation actually is?

    i will have true professional reveal the truth about you, how about that?

    where my professional evaluation is strictly confidential at the highest level of our mental health community

    you fucking fucking fucking asshole!


    charged and sentence

    here it comes!

  979. anyone else out there who wishes to report defamation in the media, can do thru GLAAD’s website(google it)

    just click on Report Media Defamation in the TAKE ACTION menu on the right hand side.

    Please report unfair or defamatory coverage by emailing GLAAD with the information below.

    * Your name and email address
    * The city and state you reside in
    * Your phone number (optional)
    * Date of the incident
    * Detailed description of the incident (please include web addresses/URLs if possible)

    We thank you for your help in fighting defamation in the media.

    goodbye Marco, i shall not ever trust a single word from your ignoramus mouth again in this life, as the nonprofessional i now realize you really really yet are!

    goodbye jerk!

  980. did you know the FBI will come to your door, with a judge’s court order to confiscate a bullies computer, in bringing charges against you?

    and did you know they have worldwide reach with authorities in most countries?

    how about that Marco?

    thought you could hide, and cannot

    you know, that is the obviousness of a bully, is how they skulk around like their behavior exhibits like it does, as though they can just say whatever they want, damage a person’s self-esteem like they INTENTIONALLY think they can do, and then run and hide like they think they can………….and CANNOT!

    to all you bullies on the internet, you cannot hide from the long arm reach of the FBI who will come to your door.

    so kiss your career goodbye Marco, once i get done revealing to all your peers, and the entire world, the truth of your nonprofessional conduct, claiming you are a professional, and so obviously are NOT!

    where that could be severely damaging to the well being of one less in fortitude than i am.

    you are a class act jerk Marco!

    i had you over to the authorities who are far greater than your intellect, who will point conclusively to your bullying actions, for all to SEE.

  981. full speed ahead Scottie, warp factor 9, get us OUT of here!

  982. did you just indirectly refer to me as a pedophile Marco?

    i would say that is the full lengths of your nonprofessional defamation bullying extent, is it not?

    and for what, to make you look good?

    the truth is, you don’t know our ONEness spirited LGBT community, as a veteran artist of decades who does, that you are relentless in thinking you can knock me into your bullshit box that you want to put me in, as someone i am not at all, the opposite actually, of only love feels good enough for any one of us to always feel and BE like we all do thruout the entire world, the ONEness sameness we ARE!

    instead, you dug your own hole and jumped into it, of the rest of us now realizing just how low your nonprofessional (con)duct really really is, and when of the day this artist rises up in holy joyful non stop absolute carefree happiness, which i have always been actually, as the most revered artist of our times, that i already know i am, of my true LGBT brothers who tell me so daily, well, it was you who cast yourself away from us, of all you who don’t purely truly know us, nor desire to purely truly know us like Madonna has for decades and yet does.

    so keep on with your bullying there Marco, nice try, say goodbye jerk off, finally got you off my nuts, you crazy fucking jealous fuck, of a best and most dearest of friends of Madonna, Rosie, and all we of the LGBT community.

    what a joke you are to us Marco!

    how dare you attempt to paint one of the most revered long standing wisest of all veterans in the world who leads our community.

    nice try asshole

    now get the fuck away from us and stay the fuck away with your defamation attacking all of us when you attack me.

    you flaky piece of low life shit!

    oh look, my blog is back up

    goodbye jerk!

  983. wow, can’t believe the flakiness of some of these Madonna complex wannabe ones, as though loyal to her, thinking they actually are, not at all knowing the duration of long standing stamina of us LGBT veterans, who have marched alongside of Madonna and each other in ONEness with everyone of the LGBT community.

    fascinating to say the least, but eventually the truth comes out, as to where their loyalty actually lays, with their arrogant self-aborbed watching from the sidelines agenda, mascarading aimlessly plodding along, unaware they are NOT yet the unconditional PURE TRUE CONSTANT ONEness of us ALL, at ALL TIMES!


    look up the word flaky, i am sure your picture is there Marco!

    i suggest you learn about your own insatiable need to control others, especially in thinking you can actually control the none existent riff in the pure true oneness hearts and minds of the most loyal and most wise veterans of the LGBT community who lead us in self-love esteem building, unconditionally like we whole heartedly do, leading of our own younger self we wisely see in the next generations coming out daily.

    your audicity is off the charts in obvious ill refute malice intent of defamation, which i am certain could see the end of your career.

    you really need to work on yourself before attempting to work on those who are way evolved above your self-love esteem, your actually not realizing the truth of your projection identification transference onto one such as myself like you just did in your defamation attacks of me.

    i won’t let this simple slide either


    i am going to see to it you don’t ever bully one of us ever again so openly like you just did here.

    truly i tell you, those at GLAAD will recoil in dismay just as much as i do, of those who are my true brothers and sisters i know as the same of any of us veterans in the LGBT community

    pffffff……what a fucking self-absorbed nervous control freaker twit you appear as before us all in seeing the ill refute truth of your attempts to damage my self esteem.

    what you failed to realize, is i have the most educated professional counsel team on the planet, and have been of counsel for decades now.

    you and your bullshit speculation false evaluation is what your peers will realize IS of your damaging of self-esteem in others like you attempted to do here with me

    oh, for sure, i will drag you across the truth, openly with your wiser peers, who i know will recoil in dismay as to your true bullying nature.

    what an idiot you really really are Marco!

    thinking you can crush a wise veteran into the ground, where all i have to ask is, what if i had of killed myself? uhm?

    how do you suppose Madonna would feel about that?

    how do you suppose the FBI would feel about that?

    how do you suppose GLAAD and CNN would feel about that at Madonna’s blog no less?

    you sought to make a mockery of me all this time, of obvious homophobic bullying intent, of what stems from your Madonna complex, you twit!


    some truly fascinating shit you are!

  984. you are not even remotely able to ever be a friend of mine in life Marco!

    untrustworthy is what you are, not only to me, no one should ever trust your bully fucking anal retentive ass! jerk!

  985. i deserve what Marco?

    to become the most revered veteran activist sculptor of the LGBT community for centuries to come?

    did you know only one other LGBT sculptor of LGBT couples is selling their work at Amazon?

    who the fuck says mindfuck bullying shit of someone such as myself, where everywhere else i go in the LGBT community, they fucking worship my ass, telling me they feel so much pure true oneness pride from my dedicated works

    so who the fuck are you to our LGBT community Marco?

    a fucking bully………OBVIOUSLY!!!!!!!!!

    and yes, i am contacting GLAAD about your bullying defamation low self-esteem anal retentive mind fucking!


    and if i can sue you, i will do that too!

  986. i think it is safe to say your Madonna complex obsession that is now of the obvious manifestation bullying of a 20 year LGBT veteran LEADER of our community, leaves you in the pure light of how we see you Marco, someone of ill intent defamation malice, that is a chargeable offense.

    some how i think Madonna thinks a whole lot less of you now Marco, so take your heterocentric mindfucking somewhere else, ok?


  987. 100% you are a fucking low life mindfucker bully to me, that i will despise till my last fucking breath for what your self-esteem attacking as though a professional, and eventually, i will report you to your superiors eventually, legally speaking of course.

    i used let fuckheads like you get to me, but then i realize that they are the one’s with the fucking headcase problem, you arrogant piece of shit bully!

  988. i want to report a defamation bully who openly attacks my self-esteem, and my veteran artist LGBT status in the world, acting as a professional, in false evaluation of my mental emotional issues.

    the attacker goes by the name Marco, at a wordpress blog of Madonna

    Reported to GLAAD, November 15th, 2010

    there you go asshole!

  989. so go ahead Marco, tell us some more about your false evaluation of me, of GLAAD who are not interested in knowing who you claim to be, a professional of nonprofessional conduct, that i reported to GLAAD.

    now this should be interesting

    guess we have heard the last of you Marco, you fucking bully coward, ya, run away from the truth everyone else sees with clarity of your daring attack on my mental emotional well being, of the worse kind of attack, acting as a professional, giving of false evalutaion, publically like you did

    yep, that is the most dangerous kind of bully on the internet!

    and still, you try to make everyone think you are a professional, when your conduct clearly reveals otherwise.

    i will seek what other rights i have to come forth, that you can look forward to, like a visit by authorities to your place of residence, where i suspect i am not the only one you are attacking with defamation nonprofessional words, claiming you are a professional

    say goodbye to your career jerk!

  990. oh, and i mentioned to GLAAD that i am yet of my emotional seroconversion transition like i know i am, a most delicate of times for those who become infected, so you can count on them coming to my defense fucker!

    so can fuck right off now for good, and not come back here, ok?

    or, face what GLAAD has in store for you, should you keep on with your defamation attacks, as i am quite certain they will take steps to stop you from this day forward.

    fucking unmoderated blogs, i dread them!

  991. ya, oh hey, no one got hurt here Marco, no, not at all, by your fuckhead mindfucking me all this time!

    you can fuck off forever away from my precious life Biyatch!

  992. fucking obsessed fuckhead is what you are Marco, to the point you have to make someone you don’t even know out to be some horrible person?

    and now you can deal with the truth of your obsessive out of control defamation, that GLAAD is going to bring you

    wow, i have met some fucking assholes in life, but none quite as fuckedup as these mental emotional obsessed bullies of deliberate defamation intention.

    ya, i see right thru you, you fucking homophobic jackass!

    your career is over, count on it, a wonder you even have one!





  994. pfffffff…….you are so obvious of ill refute intent BULLY of defamation, and soon, you will be addressed sharply by the courts who will be exacting in speaking with you.

  995. I welcome exacting truth

    Omg I fear your going like….


  996. I contacted GLAAD, reported you as the nonprofessional you are, in your open speculation ill refute intentional defamation in painting an up and coming LGBT artist in the world, of you how so obvious in doing so, of the worse kind of bully in the world, that attacks thru use of mental emotional speculation evaluation of another, in trying to make them think they are someone they are not, like you clearly do and did, of complete disregard for the future of a most beloved LGBT artist who is coming forth to all of us, the world over.

    your attempts are of selfish purpose, as the self-absorbed Madonna complex that yet grips you, of your yet not seeing how the rest of us do see right thru your attempts of defamation with me Marco, of only who who is blind to such.

    i am of my art studio, every blessed day now, my loving cup of tea, as a wise twenty year veteran, of far greater gay life experience than you, having marched alongside of my gay brothers and sisters for so long now, of all age groups, highly regarded by thousands who know me in my personal real life all this time, my once being on the committee that helps organize the world’s largest LGBT celebration, now of over one million in attendance who come in from every corner of the world to be with us.

    and who the fuck are you, of low false nonprofession ill refute malice evaluations of someone you have not ever met in life?

    an asshole to our entire LGBT community now.

    GLAAD is going to deal with you, an obvious bully if the worse kind, toying with the mental emotional well being of a veteran artist who is now ill with HIV, and the emotional difficulty that does come with that, beyond your scope or concern of such, where my own professional team asks me to set boundaries with such jerk offs such as yourself.

    you go and have all the opinions you want of me, any of you, for you are not anywhere at all in purely truly knowing me like my own professional team does, like all the countless thousands here in Toronto know me, of all age groups of gay youth, to those my own age and older, of the artist i am who expresses my own oneness coming out gay youth experience in stone, that does 100% connect with other gay youth in true pure loving compassionate wise self-love acceptance in building and maintaining their self-love esteem, today, and long after i am gone from this horrid world of the base evil mindfuckers of ill refute speculation i, and everyone of the LGBT community have dealt with since we all started dealing with coming out, myself at age 11 when i realized i was gay, without any words at all to say, no, just pure true constant self-love oneness i was experiencing like i did with my kissing cousin David.

    so go crawl back under your Madonna complex rock there Marco, thinking you can hide from us, and can no longer, where GLAAD is now going to publically humiliate you before your peers of the entire world, should you choose to continue to attack not only a far wiser, compassionate, loving veteran of greater LGBT life experience that you, of your attacking every member of our worldwide LGBT community, when you attack like you have been doing, as evidence shows, a most revered up and coming LGBT veteran artist of our time.

    so fuck off Marco, with your immature self-absorbed Madonna complex that i saw you were of the first time i came here.

    you will not succeed in destroying my reputation, where if my fellow artist one day wish to participate with my beloved project as the veteran gay youth activist i have been of since before you were born, then they can easily do so in writing to me in person, thru my email that i have extended to them, from this day forward.

    i invite any and all those of only loving support to participate in anyway, as i rise up fully before the entire world, with 100 stone works coming forth from my inner sanctuary of the pure true gay youth oneness spiritedness that only true LGBT members know purely well like we all do, across all the false barriers in the world that do NOT exist in our hearts.

    as for you Marco, in your continuation of any defamation remarks here at Madonna’s blog, you will be the one who suffers the consequence in the end, mostly of loss of my most dearest of friends of our oneness hearts, pure and true, that seemingly escapes your pathetic attempts to blacken my name.

    legally speaking, i will prosecute you with the full extent of the law

    my final warning, to any of you of defamation words, that you were with me Marco, where not ever, will i tolerate such again from any of you who do not know me in life at all, of audacity to speaks such illness of base evil words towards me, as one you had not ever met in life, speaking in nonprofessional conduct, claiming to be a professional like you did, in false evaluation of me as being skitz, that my own doctors have assured me, that i am not.

    that is defamation Marco, of the worse kind.

    you are in fact, an internet bully of the worse kind, attacking one’s mental emotional well being in claiming you know what you are talking about, where i will bring you justice like i already have, in reporting to authorities, starting with an email to GLAAD, in pointing them to your of your open bullying conduct here at Madonna’s blog, in your attempts of defamation of a veteran LGBT artist, far healthier and wiser than you, in revealing the fact that indeed, without doubt whatsoever, you are an internet bully of the worse kind.

    no longer, i might add, as they prepare to take action against you, starting with the deletion of your defamation remarks past, present, future.

    goodbye Marco, i zero trust for you now, where i won’t allow such defamation from any of you in this life, as i rise up as the LGBT veteran artist i know i am, for the eternal all 2 SEE!

    forever more

    if anything Marco, like Madonna says, it is unfathomable the extent such bullies such as your self, in going to such great lengths to bring us down.

    not ever again shall i give note of your words with me.

    nor should anyone listen to bullies of low self-esteem illness intent like you were with me, and everyone of us of the LGBT community.

    we are not going to take it from any of you any more!

    so get the fuck up off my nuts, you crazy jealous fucks!

    cause that’s what you are!


  997. oh sorry Madonna, here is my new email address…….

    here it comes everyone, 100 sacred mirroring oneness stones, that will forever be of our LGBT worldwide history, that i am making available to every corner of the earth, with all those i network with thru facebook daily, each of them of holy joyful pure true tears in having come across one such as myself, their most true and faithful beloved veteran brother of the LGBT community, like i always have been, and always shall be KNOWN, of only the true and faithful LGBT brothers and sisters able to purely truly know ‘me’ as their own self, like we always have and constantly do.

    so back the fuck off my nuts, you fake ass jealous fucks, where it is WE who are the victorious ONEs, not you lame ass control freaker taker, breakers and rift raft makers!

    say hello to our brothers and sisters from GLAAD everyone, who are not monitoring you.

    thanks for your taking a wise stand with us Madonna, as our ONEness momentum continues to be felt around the world, like it has and continues to do, the divine will objective of us veteran leaders of the TRUTH all this time, and forever more yet to come, the wise compassionate pure true loving light that shines into the hearts of all those of base wickedness, revealing of the ugliness illness of heart of anyone, even when they do not know it does, for ALL the world to SEE with our clarity ONEness flawless love soul!

    forever more

    blessings to all

  998. fuck off Marco!

    your intentional bully words should not to be trusted by anyone!

    and for sure, not ever will i trust even one word from you, as one i will not ever welcome near me ever again in this life!

    your bullying is officially OVER!

    got it?

    and i highly doubt Madonna will ever trust you either Marco, so you can let go of your self-absorbed Madonna complex any time now, of no one here of any desire to interact with your untrustworthy ass again.

    you cast your own self away from us Marco, with your bullying attempts with me, in trying to blacken the name of an LGBT artist.

    i suggest you ask God forgiveness, for that which should not ever be forgiveable, as your own peers here at this blog, will now make the truth known to you, in not extending our trust to you any further from this day forward.

    i wish to have nothing to do with you ever again in this life.

    your permanent damage is done, trust i foolishly extended to you, is destroyed by your own hypocrisy heart desire doing that i and Jesus forewarned you about.

    goodbye bully

  999. i won’t be returning here to this blog in the future, as i turn to my real life in taking hold of my destiny like i have all these years alongside the most beloved oneness brothers and sisters of Jesus.

    those of you who wise to make contact with me, can do so authentically, genuinely, sincerely, honestly of emotional safety to do so at your own discretion.

    i came here merely to be of whatever support i chose to be of, of my own free will to do so, in hopes of making true faithful friends like i always was and yet am with Madonna, and the LGBT community we have fought hard to assist in standing up for ourselves, against all the fake ass false bullying in the world that i personally have known since the first day i began feeling my pure loving homosexual self-love esteem oneness with my cousin David, that somehow i haphazardly managed to wade thru all these decades gone by since that summer of 1974.

    ya, i think it is safe to say, that is indeed along time to deal with one’s homosexual oneness self i know purely and truly well of any member of the LGBT community, rather obvious the oneness in my art expression constantly IS!

    although i do see myself as one who is beyond mere orientation, in oneness of Jesus Christ and God i have also come to know about within and of, my own child of God self.

    i will keep exploring the spirituality oneness of us all, that Jesus too came to deeply feel compassionate for not just those of his generation, no, for the eternal all that Jesus speaks openly about in the ancient text.

    pure true common sense is what the words of Jesus appear as for me, as one who like Jesus, prefers to operate from my authentic genuinie sincere self-actualized healthy self i have been diligent in staying of my inner connectedness with, since i was a guitar playing singing and dancing queen teen. ha

    only love is good enough for me, says God

    i don’t hang around where the hypocrisy heart ones love to thrive

    always felt childishly mean spirited and immature to me

    truly, the core within us all is of constant seeking only love at all times, why any of you feel toxic anxiety feelings when ever you or another are without cultivation of your own wise helmsman not to participate as such.

    and God forbid you are as such with your most beloved lover(s), who in time will ditch your lame insincere inauthentic lying fake ass for such behavioral, rightFULLy so!

    just as i ditched yours!

    i just want to take a moment to remember and say one last farwell to the king of pop, a true visionary, Michael Jackson, with this video, who for whatever unknown reason, of his childhood abuse, may have become the generational handed down abuser, that only God can ever understand or forgive any base wickeness of any of you lame ass fucks!

    goodbye Michael, rest in peace


  1000. hetero-centric, i like that word, that is currently unwisely being used by our own LGBT community, at it’s obvious ‘lack’ing disconnecting and undiscerning of the truth about us wiser transgender, transsexual ones, who ask, “Of my female sexual self, having sex with a male, am i heterosexual or homosexual?”

    the obvious truth, i can only BE of both, as the female in a male body who loves my own male body so much, i love the male body of everyone of you homosexuals or heterosexuals who love to have sex with us females of both the female body, or the female self of the male body!

    ‘that’ is the higher understanding versatile bisexual transgendered veteran ‘i am’!


    the rift, is obviously ‘that’ which is yet caused by all you of the lessor ‘lack’ in pure true understanding and embracing of the truth of the transgender and transsexual ones of the world, who incidently, do have an even greater risk to suicide than do their gay youth brothers, until such a time as they fully 100% realize without doubt whatsoever, “Oh, i am the ONE in blessed life, who IS of the far greater fortitude of learning from the greatest teacher of all, life itSELF!

    so call me an it, call me whatever the fuck you want, does not bother me in the least, where only love is ever able to keep this ass happy!


    peace OUT Biyatches!

    and farewell OUT there!

    love is YOU!

    forever more

    love, andyy

  1001. and as for you Marco, you can have my death from this day forward, as one who would rather be dead than ever trust you again.

    and if ever i catch you bullying ONE of us in life, you best beware, we have the full extent of the law to deal with any of you mental emotional sexual bullies appropriately, as i have now officially done with you Marco.

    fair warning, to not even think about ever coming up against us wiser veterans who demand your constant respect, and nothing less!


    where we know the truth, that you hurt only your own self within whenever you do, but tolerate you like some of us with too much tolerance, i do not agree is being the healthier path available to us, in addressing correcting wisdom , rather than tolerating more and more of the perpetuation generational teaching of yet more binding nescience absurd unloving ignorance, that i feel gives the green light to more bullying.

    so take your head out of your tunnel vision ass some day, for sake of your own lame ass self, ok?

    thanks everyone

    God blesses the eternal ALL YOU, with divine self-love awareness discerning wisdom, love, and compassion of the divine child pure true real self YOU!

    forever more


  1002. wow, playing psychotherapy in a public forum with unsuspecting other, and then saying i am some fuckedup person, according to a nonprofessional?

    truly that is the most dangerous kind of bullying on the internet.

    all the while i have been of true professional counsel with psychotherapy doctors who really do know what they are doing.

    ya, i reported you to authorities, rightfully so, lest you of no credentials do this with another unsuspecting soul, in all your open nonprofessional conduct defamation.

    surely the people at GLAAD have witnessed equally harmful others like you Marco, where i am certain that i have legal rights here, in seeking restitution for your damaging defamation of a veteran LGBT artist, that they will advise me of.

    it’s over


    you brought harm only to yourself in life, with your con artist defamation


  1003. this world is in great need for the open hearts of our divine pure true real self, of love the only treasure found in the kingdom of heaven all around

  1004. as a kid, i used to listen to the mating call noise of the frogs out back in the pond, and crickets too, wondering to myself what they are saying, where today i realize, it does not matter what they are saying, in their realizing, oh, i have a voice!

    ribbet, ribbet ribbet

    cheep cheep cheep

    ribbit ribbet

    still, it must get fucking annoying listening to the same fucking noise all the fucking time from your sex partner making the same fucking noise too, and yet, how beautiful the noise is to us all, in the silence, in what any are really really saying, of i too don’t ever wanting to ever feel alone, i hear another like me who is there, seemingly of no one who cares, ah but look, i found my real pure true brothers and sisters of this world, of one and all making the same noise, where it is just our true nature, as nature always IS, to not ever feel alone, no, all species feel they belong with each other, as we all make our way in the opening wide the pure true oneness soul of us all hear, of the only place any of us have to go, in this small pond all around us, of the all know as our home, one mother earth, of the eternal all past, present future, where sometimes i ponder to myself, perhaps it is the one who screams the loudest and the longest, that eventually does get with the one of oneness call, rather than being of dreaded alone.

    and what of all the varieties of the same species, kinda obvious the different colors and stripes did get together to create yet even more variety of the same species, and did they question it like some of us do? No, not at all, they enjoyed getting laid, just our nature to do so, and yet, the very things one enjoys, like the lying ass Catholic priest boys, in all their secret male sex self-love, they denounce of another.

    and for me, well, that’s just lame denial poor sad one yet sitting all alone, too afraid to openly speak the TRUTH as i do, as the female and male in a male body, in saying, i constantly love who i am, and low and behold, oh look, so many others of our constant oneness love 2!

    where i ask, “Since when is anything butt love ever going to help me BE my inner happiness, lame ass fucks? You are your own worse enemies in life, not ‘me’, of i who came free of all your lame asses decades ago, with my one way ticket into heaven forever more, where i belong, as so so many of you clearly do know, ‘me’!”

    i just want to say, had i not become HIV+, i likely would of stayed in my boring lame ass status quo job serving the worldly world, and not have all this free time to devote to my passion of sculpting expressing in stone, that is the most rewarding life i have ever experienced so far, my inner divine child of God given permission to just express, like Madonna asks us to!

    just make sure you let go of the false lame ass taboo when any of you do, or live out your boring sex lives, pffffff, i know what i like, and have for a truly long time, did i tell you of all the times i found me and my ass alone at my uncles farm, just me and my imagination? Yep, i found my ass at like age 12 Biyatches!……hmmm……actually it was along time before that, shortly after birth they say, we naturally explore our orifices, yep, we all do it!

    why is it people don’t love their natural pleasuring bodies as much as i do, that just makes no sense to me at all!

    worse, they try to pretend their fake ass around us all the time, which is really really annoying, till we tell them to SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!!!!!


    finally some peace and blessed calm, where maybe we can get some of our ongoing sacred devoted work done, that reminds so so many of you, that some of us were way over and done with you lame ass fucks pretty much from the moment you opened your mouths!

    people truly are their own worse enemies in finding a pure true fun loving life with us, sadly how they all look to most of us, i might add

    whatever Biyatches, fuck with me ever again, i won’t spare any of you the truth you deny your own self.

    it’s really quite simple….

    i am the truth, the way, the only happy life i ever wanted to BE!

    forever more

  1005. i remember training one time, long distance running, as the skinny ass boy i was and yet am, along side my childhood friend Mike, for a school event, where i was of greater stamina than he was, and yet, when it came to the race, he beat my ass, my wondering, hmmm, how is that possible, his mind over matter in overcoming his pain more than i did, of sheer pain i could see in his eyes at the finish line, some 5 miles later, him coming in eighth and me coming in 33rd, which was not bad considering it was over a thousand of us running, as i realize, oh, of course, he knew he had bigger cock than i did!

    yes, that makes sense to me now.


    anyway, some of you purely truly know, your every breath, your every heartbeat, your every step, your every word, of every blessed day you wake to, at all times, is sacred time in your devoted work efforts.

    where i ask, listen not to those unknowingly snared by the generational snare, in all their aimless plodding along without cultivation of their wise divine child helmsman, and all their falsehood masking ways they hide behind, who in the end, who do they actually bring harm to?

    that’s right, their own ‘lack’ing discerning concerning abandonment of their pure true divine real self within us all, of so many of you yet unattended to, where the intrinsic/extrinsic forces truly are binding and blinding in nature, of far more falsehood issues than most even are aware do exist, such as the uselessness of these falsehood ego status quos, that continue to create the dreaded false rift of ALL the poverty stricken children yet being born behind these cruel walls like they unfortunately are, all from the spiritual poverty of any in the world, who do not know the sacred oneness of the eternal all yet.

    fortunately we do have the artists and friends as the wiser spiritual healer leaders among us like we do, who are bringing wise pure true compassionate loving awareness to the hearts of all of us, for sake of not only these precious children born trapped behind the walls of poverty, no, for sake of our own divine child of God’s pure true heart, mind, body, spirit of the eternal all oneness soul of the eternal future, that is ALWAYS just right there

    at all times

    God bless you Madonna and friends forever more

    indeed, you are the radiant brilliant bright beacon of God’s constant will objective for the divine child within us all to awaken to the oneness i constantly know of you, as my own SELF!

    forever more

    we have come along ways out of the darkness, where you need not ever wonder about the pure true light you feel like you do within, does indeed exist within us all, where it is the binding generational forces that is continued cause for us to remain of our distracted blindness to our own pure true divine child of God’s oneness heart, mind, body, spirit and soul of the eternal yet to come.

    let motivation empowerment rise up to where i realize my own is now, more for sake of the eternal all yet to come, having spent so long among our own generation who we seemingly are not able to reach, of what Jesus too knew in becoming frustrated by his own inability to reach his generation, as he turned to all of us here today, knowing his own divine self so well, of words he spoke, that would indeed connect with the divine child of some of us today, as he has with me, where i do purely truly connect 100% with his every word, mostly, still studying some of it that does not make sense to me….yet.

    God says don’t speak on things you do not purely truly 100% yet realize of your own divine self. I do my best not to, where until it resonates pure and true within, i won’t speak of it.

    Of all the things of greatest value we have, it is our time remaining to bring the sacred loving mirror to others, in what is of my inner sanctuary devoted studio work now, that i fully turn to each blessed day.

    i sense pure true oneness with those of the future, holding my works in their hands, long after i am gone, as being their most prized possessions of their LGBT life, just as i too yet hold onto so many works of the veterans who were hear and are yet hear, before i came out.

    truly, i realize that this is my most sacred of time in life now that i feel like i do, wondering to myself at times, if you too are of the clasped hands of prayer to your own lips as mine?

    our inner pure true knowingness of what matters most to our own self, self of another.

    ‘that’ is who we are now, and shall remain as for all to forever know, what does matter most in blessed life

    only love

    at all times

    blessing to all

  1006. i finished it!


    one of a kind!

    the only one that exists in the entire universe!

    more rare than diamonds!


    and cheap, only $21 dollars for a double signed replica, available soon!

    mmmm….seems this Madonna hype is rubbing off on me……get it? rubbing off? You know, there is an exact sexual term for that, i forget what it’s called.


  1007. the piece, ‘i always have been’, was inspired by two gay youth friends of mine, Miko and Arjay, both spiritually depicted in the sculpture forever more

    may God bless them both with only loving lover happiness

    forever more

  1008. we all have our sacred mirroring life to live as our divine pure true real self, live it WELL in just BEing yOUR SELF for all the world 2 SEE happiness!

    forever more

  1009. i love the pic of Madonna in the red boxing outfit

    has a feel ‘real’ sensibility to her, of authentic, genuine, sincere real self concern connectedness within ‘me’, that i am sure others too connect within 2

    you are amazing Madonna

    you really really are!

    so many out there fending for themselves, without wise leaders, without spiritual guidance, made to feel as outcasts by the ignoramus body of all those of the condescending heartless gross materialism ego that is seemingly constant in dragging them thru their cruel gutters of death, destruction and false oppression…….till Madonna shows up on their side, of course, where her pure true real self constant yearning loving wise compassionate heart, mind, body and spirited oneness with beloved Jesus BElongs!

    forever more

    thank you Madonna
    love is YOU!
    love, andyy

  1010. the sooner one wakes up to the truth that one’s life is but a day, but a blip in human history, the sooner one is able to FULLY realize at all times, that only love is good enough to always feel and BE YOU!

    which i know you strive to do and constantly yearningly are within, just saying this for sake of others who may not give a fuck about anyone else but their own lame ass self-serving ways that don’t at all serve their pure true divine real self oneness connectedness at all times like some of us feel.

    my God, so much absurd unnecessary strife in the cruel gutter unwise apathetic unloving blind leading the blind to nowhere low self-esteem driven world trying to fill up the void around them with yet more fucking junk!

    not bad for my second cup of tea, yes? 😉

    bless you all with only love good enough to always feel and BE YOU!

    forever more

  1011. I wish you gave me a chance to play in (one of ) your movies…

    Remember me … 😉

  1012. I knew something was up ! my favorite line

    you wont be disappointed, I let it slip

    slip slop slap

  1013. the true power of goodbye, is by means of wisely discerningly feeling of saying goodbye to all things unloving, to all things unwise, to all things apathetic

    in how ‘i’ sTay h i 😉

    forever more

  1014. the future leaders of this world one day, is who
    YOU always ARE Biyatches!

    Don’t EVER let anyone put you down, where in
    truth, when they try to, it is their own sorry unloving ass they put down, as in your mama yelling at them again, “Sit the fuck back down and shut the fuck up!!!!!!!”……..and not ever us!

    pffff…as if they can even remotely ever be able to shut our happy motherfucking asses up!!! lmao ;D 😀

  1015. Give you heart to Jesus, and Jesus gives you his, in ONEness of your own, as revealed to YOU, by the flawless unselfish holy ONEness tears that will eventaully stop falling for the eternal ALL, that you wisely lead by your ONEness example, of who we always know they ALL ARE, the beloved brothers and sisters who need yOUR ONEness hearts of Jesus to come forth, as IS their own, for that IS what the kingdom of heaven IS, is it not? forever more

  1016. As the year comes to a close, and a new era begins,
    I want to express my gratitude for all your love & friendship over the years it does not go un noticed, I wish you all the love and support for all those in your life that you love dearly ( including me 🙂 ) & give me some time to find my way in life cause I really want to maintain a spiritual connection with you & very soon I will be equal with you in this damn silly material world… & we can connect more as equals ..

    until then nothing beats the pure divine spiritual love we have for each other & nothing will come between the truth …

    oh by the way …. I am very proud of you … !!!

    God Bless …

  1017. Ayin




  1018. ya, i was thinking of you too lately

    wondering to myself, who i am meant to be with……of only loving lover happiness of the surrendered true love grace that some do find in true ONEness with each other, forever in feeling, how else can happiness constantly BE if we don’t first surrender to just being what that is within, so pure in feeling of another.

    unfortunately, all too often we rush into relationships with those who are not centered and grounded in knowing what they want, in their ability to enter fully into the spiritual bridal chamber as the most loving lover one for just one other, where what is most of my self-love esteem, is that i do have an amazing body and penis size for mind blowing sex, for sake of my partner who may not love me at first glance, butt given the time together, well, i already know how their ass feels as though my own.



    i like being direct and just let the truth i have come to know, sexually speaking, from years of experience, ya, i am no lame ass wannabe, and God forbid any of you ever approach me as such, because i won’t wait around for you in discovering what i have know for friggin years!!!!!!!!!!!!! ha

    ya, the empty void nothingness of materialism, of it’s only value, of use to those who 100% are in need of it, in what is your 100% compassion for them like my own, in ONEness of the divine will of our most beloved brother Jesus, who does teach me about my heart, pure and true as his own, for ‘that’ is what IS of the wise loving compassionate divine WILL of Jesus, that our WILL become as his own.

    Jesus rose high up in his pure meditative divine pure true real self awareness, that eludes others, because of the mind traps you and i purely SEE and know the obvious truth of, most anywhere we are.

    i get these pure meditative moments all the time now, where i just see how disconnected and disconcerned so many are, in all their businessman ring thru their nose blindness of slavery, the illusion as you say, that distracts our divine pure true real self away from what is most holy in feeling, so pure and true the holy blessed 100% pure compassionate tears we cry like we do, and well, ya, i know your heart, as though my own, wondering why i am not with you 24/7, where i always wanted to be, kinda obvious i did and yet do, after all this time, am i not?

    i mean how long has it been that we have been here before one another?

    truth, yes

    that is the core harmonious resonating of the divine pure true real self, TRUTH, of what is our biological million year old evolved celled body, where i believe all of our true nature behavior we constantly always are, no matter how snared our minds may be, is all purely linked to the harmoniousness that IS of the cells of every cell in our body, that is without language, other than the chemical and mathematic constants we understand thus far in physics of matter, the same no matter which direction you go, back into the past, forward into the future, it is all the same eternal day, is it not?

    my heart goes out to any who are out in the cold, in the poverty stricken regions of the world, of tears i cry for them all, when ever i think about how heartless this mean spirited useless disconnected low self-esteem ego maniac gross materialistic driven snared world IS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    it’s all just wrong, intrinsically so our our true nature harmoniousness, and i believe that is cause for what is of all our ailments as well, from obesity to cancer, i mean what if everyone was of genuine authentic earnest desire to save a child’s life this day, and the next day, we would all be working our asses off diligently, of 100% compassion we turn towards, in getting involved and staying involved, till every last one is ok.

    and well, welcome to the businessman led world Jesus spoke endless about, of the TRUTH, about just how cold and disconnected it really really IS……….deathfully cold for so so many, as the human race migrates out of our previous natural habitat, in this realm of existence we all think we know what it is, when in truth, none of us do.

    just how great is your role in this life?

    your tears reveal to you, exactly what is constant pure true divine real self YOU!

    and of all the things i wanted to bring to you, it has always been ‘that’ of what i always thought you were most close to in purely knowing as i do, of the only way the world is going to ever change, like Jesus says, when we have pure true divine real self leaders, easily just BEing who YOU R!

    my most brightest radiant ever so loving shining star of us ALL, the sacred mirroring light that shines forth to and thru another to another, not only of this generation, no…………..for all eternity YOU are felt, by what is of your every breath, your every hearbeat, your every blessed holy joyful step, in awakening the true nature within us all, even of those who will be last, of the many who will be last, because of the nature of just how binding the enslaved hearts are, and have been for millennial years.

    it’s all just wrong

    at all times, it’s all just wrong, and i feel that when i look upon the condition of a soul who appears before me, as to just how self-serving so many of us mostly are.

    how greatful they are, of the true brothers and sisters who come forth into their world with pure mirroring hearts as their own, befriending them with the eternal bond i have come to know of my own self, easily so, without effort, that magical feeling of where i know i always BElong, of only love abundantly overflowing constantly, wisely so, of what i too know, IS the constant yearning true nature of the pure true divine real self, of and for only love.

    as Jesus said, where all untruthfulness is, ‘i am’ not there.

    of course not, for all these things which are not of our true nature are exactly ‘that’………false masks, with no feeling whatsoever, and of one who has worn them, ‘i am’ one who knows the truth, of just how senseless the feel while wearing them, and yes, i know them all, as part of my study in taking time to peer thru what are of all these falsehoods of the millennial year ignorant forefather’s behavioral, of so many unsuspectingly being born into the unwise unloving parts of the world where we do see the manifestations of such vile wretchedness, that we of the eternal all Jesus thought about, would eventually one day ALL escape from, where for sure, it won’t be while i am yet alive…………unless……………oh, i don’t think the world is ready for ‘that’

    then again, maybe ‘i am’ 😉

    peace, grace, love, happiness BE 2 YOU and yOUR BEloved forever more

    i miss you

    and in so knowing my own self, i know this 2 BE TRUE of YOU 2

    i was wanting to ask just one question, i thought of this morning, in where i am spiritually, not yet where i long to be physically, this ongoing journey on lover’s road, that well, honestly, i am not sure who i am going to end up with at this point in time, wondering today………..where do you want to BE?

    honestly, where do you want to BE, because i always thought it was with me, because i always wanted to be with you 2, butt only, well………you already know…….’me’ 😉

    i won’t settle for anything butt the best, fuck the rest!

    been around enough to know who is and who is not……..going to get their hands on my ass! lol

    i think what tossed me, was feeling i was some psycho therapy bitch on an ego trip, and nothing more, a nat if you will, and well, when you know you are truly the most fabulous best, how the fuck am i supposed to feel when i am made to think that’s all i was?

    LIKE FUCK I AM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



    been fucking for so long, i know who the best and worst are, and it sure as fuck was not and IS NOT ‘me’, so fuck you, who ever even remotely thought of me as anything less than the best for Madonna………lame ass Biyatches, get and stay the fuck away from ‘me’!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    do you think they heard ‘me’?

    im ok, nice to see you again……..was worried about you

    and then i thought, no, this is your catharsis process as much as it is mine, where you are you, and i am me, as i realized, ‘i am’ the one more sexually fearless than you are, which makes me the teacher, and the rest of you LAME ASS FUCKS THE STUDENTS!!!!!!!!!!!!

    do you think they heard that one?

    thanks, im laughing again…….argh, i so needed that

    without 100% honest within, you cannot be 100% honesty with another, in your ability to enter fully into the bridal chamber ONEness of Holy Joyful Absolute Carefree Happiness Constant Love Feeling 2 BE YOU!

    it’s not easy to do, where you have to start with your own self-confidence in wise atonement of who your future self is, if ever you want to awaken another to the true nature of themselves, devoid of all the useless absurd masks…argh….fucking queens, so annoying!

    so ya, you have to envision and feel who you are in the future, in daily stepping into the wise atonement of becoming who you are in the future………unfortunately, i am not sure if i will make it……..just seems to much for me lately…….although i have gone thru the worse in life……….i am not giving into my self-defeatist voice i tell to shut the fuck up!

    no fucking way, i am a most amazing lover, of the best sex, way beyond you LAMEASS WANNABESSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    i think they heard that one………yeah, i so needed to vent that


    don’t fuck with me, cause you will lose one who knows they are the fucking BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



    i have no idea what that chant means, only that it is likely only love

    are those the name so the servants in the sex room with all my sex toys?…….just wondering………i jest………………wait…………….wait for it……………….LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!

    dear God, i am so not like that, nor do i want to be, no, i want sincere authentic emotional honesty with just ONE, because i know once we have sex, that will be it, they will stay with me forever!

    i just know, ok?


    im ok, just abit too much stress lately, viral load is up, not eating, not resting enough, you know, HIV

    i am learning what works and what does not, and well, emotional uncertainty, will kill me

    i’ve had enough, i don’t want to do that any more, with anyone, nor should any ONE!

    bless you all with only love good enough 2 feel 2 BE YOU!

    at all times morons, now get out of my face!


    [oooooooo……….grapes, my favorite!]

  1019. thanks………just BE yOUR Self!

    the authentic graceful tender mild gentle sensual oh so kissable ONE i constantly yearningly LOVE!

    just the way ‘i am’ in wanting you to love ‘me’ true

    you know, there is nothing of any value at all in life, compared to ‘that’ of only love constantly in our flawless healing graceful divine self true nature feeling, and well, im just happy i found the kingdom of heaven before i am returned to the star dust we ALL are.

    so ya, the mathematical constants in the universe, i think is what will lead us to whatever life force entity may indeed be there, outside and in the universe, must like programing is of our microchip technology, that makes things appear and rise up out of the star dust……….just a brain teaser i thought i would share with you all.

    we are the exact manifestation of something that uses the mathematical constants that we purely always are, of millions of years in using it, of what is of all life forms of the matter it is made up of that the life form uses, all of mathematical constant properties of matter……….i don’t think we are a fluke of nature……..my God, if we are, then we are the only life forms in the universe………it is just too far reaching for such complexity to evolve into all these species that are ……..all the same, just at different directions over millions of years.

    some of these creatures are really cool, yes?

    it is all just so remarkable, all these life forms, of plant, insect and creatures, all of the millions of years in evolution.

    i especially love the true nature of my rabbit

    and my cat

    and my fish

    fucking ex gave my dog away

    who the fuck does shit like that anyway, without asking, just come home, your fucking dog is gone?

    that was heartless, not to mention the other control freaker manifestations………don’t get me started, i can’t deal with it like i have allowed myself, reluctantly, to deal with for so long

    they say we outgrow our partners sometimes

    yep, it’s true, so much so, no matter what you tell yourself that you can stay………you can’t, you have changed, in closer atonement of your self-actualization, where they don’t change as quickly as would feel conducive for you to CONSTANTLY desire to feel

    and it’s not something subtle either, no, and i don’t know how to deal with it best, other than just leave and not ever come back, but i am not up to doing that, or at least i don’t think i am, where i would likely fair better once out on my own, just abit freaked out still, with the emotional fallout crash of HIV

    my physical seroconversion phase is over, just the antibodies battling away now, better when i take care of myself with RED40,…..cough, and quit the smoking……..this week……..im ready

  1020. i said to myself down at the lake this morning, i need you

    and you appeared


    we are weird, strange, alien like, highly intelligent, awake thinkers, aware……..that can get exhausting some days….argh……other people’s point in time evolving……so different, and yet, the core of their being is the exact oneness same, just some bad programing thru human history, alot of bad programing come to think of it…….. 😉

    they should really just start like the beginning, like it is in the end

    now who says shit like that? uhm?

    Alpha and Omega, that’s who Biyatches!

    you are all clueless fucking morons!

    well ok, not all of you, butt mostly….

    Greetings, i am Alpha and Omega, of the beginning thru eternal end, i am the one who wrote your programming long ago, that got scrambled over recent years, a loss of connection with your planet, of interference of the Super Nova explosion that makes the dark matter too unstable to communicate thru. I greet you in brotherly love and peace. Come, let us speak about the future unfolding as it inevitably WILL like it should.

    yep, it all comes down to our WILL

    duh, common sense there, you are either the WILL to BE of your only love true nature, or……..you are not


    and trust me, i won’t settle for anything less than what ‘i am’

    that’s just foolish of any of you to do

    do as i do, says Jesus, only love

    or fuck off!





  1021. just a tad anal retentive are we Andyy?

    and who the fuck are you?

    oh right, the insensitive all about their dick, forget about my ass, not sure if you are cumming or going testosterone driven jerk, that leaves me alone to fucking long to even remotely give a fuck about you at all any more!


    now that was funny

  1022. oh, i figured out something that gives away the players who play you

    they tend to use the same repetitive words alot, without much interest in your personal……..at all actually……..because it is a mask they wear, of no objective at all, in it’s preprogramming so to speak, than whatever it may be after, besides your hand in marriage, with little or no concern for how you may be feeling, disconnection, and yet, sometimes there is a connection, but you realize, oh, this is something you feel for someone else, because……..uhm……..we did not have sex yet you lying Biyatch!!!!!!!!


    oh, im just fucking around……….they usually come clean eventually, all rather amusing actually, the way they spin, but it gets stale after awhile…….of the same spin, sorta like dancing the same number too much


    nice to SEE you again

    the best in YOU is yet to come……forth, just as it has been, our entire life actually, subconscious seeking oneness of the beginning thru eternal end, of the eternal day we all are, pure in feeling actually, of how one can have a sense as vast as the expanse of the universe, that is visually there and physically connected to ever atom of our being, where maybe we do feel it fluctuate, at a much higher subtle level of awareness in the dark matter, that maybe the brain can detect, much like how birds are able to navigate the earth, or how about the butterfly flying back to the same place?

    it’s all just so amazing, all the creatures of pure flawless evolving out of star dust, all of constant yearning to belong, our true nature

    till some fuckheads come along and call us sinners, i am so going to dethrone the stupid Catholic church one day, of the day that has already come to my heart, of the same lameass fucking mindfuck day i walk thru day after fucking day, always the same fucking imbecilles you all CLEARLY ARE!!!!!!!

    you know, i have to do this hear, cause if i do it in the street, well, you know how it might look, CRAZY!!!!!!!!

    oh for sure, im crazy alright Biyatches!

    no need to wonder if ‘i am’

    way beyond your shortsighted comprehension lame ass fucks!

    as another one of us dies because of YOU!


  1023. remember you asked me if i was evil ?

    I must confess I did lie to you !!

    I am Evil

  1024. what is evil?

    what is not evil?

    obviously, love is not evil, where murder it evil, so all things unloving is evil, against the true nature of our harmonious celled state of being.

    To appear in an instant, midstream before another, of their now knowing they are being carried along in paths of fate, with my hand on their shoulder, stopping for a moment with them to contemplate our higher subtle intellect awareness, is how i view the world and everyone in it, where most don’t know how their paths of fate they yet are on, why i take time to forewarn them of the truths i came to know, that i want them to learn, but not the hard way like i did.

    i am not an annoying nat, am i?

    ok, admittedly, i am annoying, to my own self at times.

    we are all a reflection of all our projection transference, everywhere, at all times.

    once you fully embrace this truth, then you are able to come forth wisely in being the wiser projection transference of the pure seeds which take root in others, growing brightly within them, so that maybe one day, the world will be a happier place for us all, of this generational projected transference here in the future, left to us from the past, of all the forefathers without God’s greater divine self wisdom awareness.

    but then again, maybe we are nothing more than an extension of all the mathematical constants of all matter, where even if we wanted to be God’s, we cannot ever escape the pure realm of what we actually all are intrinsically bound by, like we are all bound to this universe of matter existence.

    so perplexing it is, yes?

    when we are born, the pure feeling of being alive, we do not question, not at all, and rather it is the world and all of it’s useless transference of the mind traps, that comes into play when we venture into the unwise world that is not wise at all, a large prison camp is how i see the world, everyone in a useless ego survival mode of one sort or another, apathetic even to their own needs being met, blind leading the blind, as another crashes into the wall and dies.

  1025. we are a prisoner of the world of all useless projection transferences, so long as we don’t realize we are.


    im just a loving lover artist, wisely passionately so, because that IS who ‘i am’, of how i always just want to BE ‘me’!

    every pure loving waking surrendered moment to only love, forever and ever, till my last day, happy and free, to just BE ‘me’!

    and so can any of you, when you realize the truth, there is not better place 2 BE!

    butt stray from ‘me’, with another, well, that’s ok too, for only constant love is where i long to BE, with another who IS surrendered to where they really really do want to BE………with ‘me’!



  1026. you ‘ve been told

    destroy me

    you destroy yourself …

    I am a billion Angels in heaven ahead of you …

    you start a flame ,

    i finish it off with an inferno

    see I told you I was evil

  1027. your a pathetic manipulator

    I am am not a wanna be


  1028. & more the fool you …

    they used you to break me, & it failed miserably

    look around you ! its all fallen apart

    just like me

    a fallen angel

    if you wanna be the devils advocate

    then make a deal with the devil before you take him on

  1029. lol

    vague………argh…….you are always so unfocused and vague, like the meandering fool…….just sayin

    there is great evil in the world, that is all of manifestations of those who turn from their true self-love nature.

    i had this conversation with others yesterday, about how when we first hit puberty, and before that too, we begin to be of our own self-love masturbation, naturally so, as the ONE who dwells in the body they come to love, or not love as much as one should, depending on their environmental all around them each day.

    it is this self-love that either becomes great enough to love another of the same sex, or it does not, depending on the environmental of their entire life since the womb.

    where indeed, we know that the manifestation of bullying of us homosexuals, is because of the lessor self-love development that occurs for the one who dwells in whatever body they dwell in, in what is their own ‘evil’ thoughts as you say, of projection transference from the yet unwise world, that leads to their own development of internal homophobia like it clearly does.

    ya, they all tryed to make me feel as though evil, but they attempted foolishly to do that with Jesus too, who was the wiser, who IS the wiser, like ‘i am’ too.

    so ya, you can say and be whatever way you want in life, it is yours to live freely whatever way you want, where no one will ever be able to convince me that my joyful self-love of my own body in anal sex is something evil, no, not at all, truly loving actually, more so than those who are not able to know ‘me’, so long as they are not of what is my greater self-love as ‘me’, than i know i am, why i keep my distance…….from the fools, who think they are wise, and not wise at all.

    just sayin

  1030. honestly, i don’t really give a fuck what any of you do, where if you are not loving of my sweet ass, well, there are many who are of my oneness sameness loving lover taboo

  1031. omg someone call the Cia advise Norad there is an evil alien on planet earth, blow that fucker out of the sky before its too late.,.

    well, sorry to be the bearer of bad news

    but it is too late…

    those fucking Aliens

    ARE aLL over the fucking place


    there fucking everywhere ..

  1032. ‘i am’ a loving lover artist, and that is all i want to BE, just ‘me’, happily free, from all the useless false unwise generational mindfucker taboo

    so unless there is a oneness as my own within you, pure and true, of authentic sincerity, well, you are wasting both of our precious time spent in how we both have our own freedom at all times to choose how we want to spend it, with who we want to earnestly spend it with.

    it’s really that simple

    we could start with a cup of tea at Starbucks, and come back to the studio to fuck our brains our all day, maybe get some art done, along the way, so HEY YOU!

    what the fuck is your problem?

    i can tell you this, ‘i am’ not your problem, for i am one who is wisely free from the generational taboo, so if you don’t mind, i ask, don’t waste any more precious time………of your own

    where you won’t ever waste mine again


    because i spend my time wisely, in planting the seeds i grow



  1033. kiss your own ass ..

    i’m not your guinea pig….

  1034. and you won’t ever BE so long as you don’t want 2 BE of likeness and form with ‘me’

    and well, who the fuck cares when love is not true, of the only way happiness can ever BE, when loving lovers purely truly do find thee?

    in bed with ‘me’!


    oh, your just afraid of my nice cock in you, that’s all, afraid you might actually love it!



    and you say you are not homophobic……….bullshit, you really actually are, so long as you are walking down the street without ‘me’, rather than with OUT ‘me’!


    ya, sort your own shit out from now on, as i already sorted my own sexuality OUT……..for a long time actually, 100% grounded and centered in who ‘i am’…….kinda obvious, ‘am i’ not?

    who are the fools?

    here is a clue……it is not ever ‘me’


  1035. although i have to say, i have been played off of as though i am the fool, by those who do not yet know who the fool really is and was

    you see, i know what happiness is of the bridal chamber, only of those sincere enough to enter alone, to one day be ONEness with another, radiant, brilliant, bright, where ya, i entered the bridal chamber of the inner most pure true exceeding graceful chamber of ‘me’, of those who can SEE

    and well, i mean no one any harm, as i pass by them all, no, not at all, i know the generational intrinsic forces at work like it yet is, and God forbid i am ever close enough to the master manipulator merchant of God leaders, for i will kill them, without effort or hesitation.

    marking history for the entire future to know how evil spiritually deathfully false their unwise lower self-love they clearly yet are, truly is to all us homosexuals, why we have DC on our side now, who are the ones leading the show, no matter what the Catholic church ever has to say or do……..such vile wretchedness they are……..indeed, unloving EVIL merchants of God and nothing more, thinking they know God, and do not, just like they do not care to know ‘me’, of one who is the pure heart freed of Jesus who not only belongs with me, he yearns to be with me like i do him.

    for goodness of course, always i am for goodness sake.

    not some mean spirited fake ass flake like most of you are to me, cannot stand being around most of you, if you must know, ya, it’s true, i really cannot

  1036. I think the topic is now closed

    no further discussion …

    you do in life what is true to you, what works for you..

    & just forget me

    I was a passing moment

    that has now passed ..

    if you really love me

    the let me go ..

    LET GO !!!


    move on

    forget me

  1037. we sort our own life out, by what is of our sincere authentic genuine earnest desire for another, who may or may not be looking for us in what are all these moments of time we happen upon one another on lover’s road.

    the greatest happiness of us all, is the pure true oneness of the loving lovers who surrender fully of their all to ONE another, of the happiness that bursts forth from what is their self-love esteem uniting in exceeding holy joyful carefree happiness for all to feel and SEE, what is of the ONEness of us all.

    ya, i can and have easily moved on from many of you, but i ask, what is there to forget?

    how about i forget about all your insincere lack luster zeal that does not yet earnestly want to be with me?

    for unless one is of obviousness within in earnest approach with ‘me’, well, that is not of one who entered alone into the bridal chamber, in coming before another with their sincerity in speaking and actions of truly wanting to purely be with them.

    i don’t settle for anything less that what ‘i am’

    nor should any of you

    so who am i moving on away from in easily forgetting their lackluster zeal?

    any and all of you who don’t care to know ‘me’ as the oneness of your own self, for whatever lame ass reasons, i really don’t care, heard them all before, where obviously, you have not come fully into the bridal chamber alone, still holding out with another, as per usual.

    is that ever able to flourish in nonstop happiness for me?

    has it so far for us?

    no, it has not and WILL not, so long as your WILL is not as my own.

    so whatever Biyatches!

    you cast your own self away from ‘me’

    and you did have your chance to say just ‘me’

    as much as you felt it always was, you did not become the fearlessness of ‘me’ in order to purely truly say just ‘me’

    and well, that’s all i needed to ever hear you say

    so ya, time to just go play with others where ya, it’s really obvious for everyone to see, ‘i am’ just ‘me’ 2 another, and others, forever free from all the useless cruel gutters we all make our way thru, day after day, always it is there for us of the worldwide LGBT community, butt it is getting better than it was before, since before Jesus came.

    where all i can say, if ever i was with Jesus who walked the earth, for sure, it was ‘me’ who got Jesus off better than any of you lame ass fucks!


    oh for sure, it was ‘me’ who was there Biyatches!

  1038. the real question is, who was i to Jesus?

  1039. according to Jesus……..’i am’ he

  1040. way beyond comprehension of those snared by the useless absurd mad flood generational mind traps of death, destruction and oppression

    where the day will come, of truth that will shine forth into all darkness, however slowly, of the eternal day of truth revealing of all untruth, that has come.

    of the many who do not yet know what they look for has indeed already come, of all those who cannot yet SEE

  1041. i should not even have to say this, when love is true within another for ‘me’

    i merely seek ‘that’ which ‘i am’…….’only love’

    so to all you of hearts of clay, well, i say, that is not my way

    so whatever Biyatches!

    for your own sake, don’t BE lame

    cause that won’t ever work for ‘me’, ‘me’ of another


  1042. Oh my mom I cant imagine the stress it must of caused you :S
    Still I think you could learn a great deal by trying to imagine what others are seeing about your ideals 🙂 And I bet most great actors are just as worried about their creative integrety 🙂 Anyways thats not why im writting….

    You did a booboo and chuu have to fix it – plzzz

    Youre going to tell Jesus story but without any religion in it – at all. It has to be really cool and different – talk about Marie de Magdala, about Heaven, about purging emotions, aspire to be perfect inside – free of impurities. But dont make it obvious – this is not a religion youre talking about.

    Be carefull who youre friends are in the after life.

    Love Ya xox

  1043. i don’t have any friends to be careful…….about

    other than oneness constant pure unbreakable eternally united ONEness love between myself, Jesus, Mary, of God, we always know we are, of what heaven just IS, LOVE.

    anything other than love, is of those who are not yet of the most valuable of all possessions in life, unattended to, one’s own self, and the blessed flawless feeling of oneness self of another, disarmed, without need or want of the foolish insatiable wordly hoarder junk, in their attempts to fill their disconnected unattended to emptying of souls into the outcast abyss of so many each day, without love.

    since when is constant love different as regards oneness constant connecting?

    indeed, it is not a religion at all that any of us are talking about at any time, for those who can see all the truth of everything at all times, where most are not even of concern for their own self, much less the eternal all safe passage out of the forefather mad flood drowning deathful, destructive, falsely oppressive ignorance yet of this foolish mad world.

    be careful i don’t come and kill the likes of some of you wretched ones, in hunting you down as the vile beasts you truly are, with a single shot to the back of your head, not even knowing at all that you died, and were cast into the empty void nothingness so much like your wretched twisting derangement of soul, soul of another, where without doubt, you are better off dead.

    the CIA should create a team of elite killers to clean this world of the horrid vermon beasts lurking in our midsts, of myself being the first to sign up for the task.

    not even one breath are some of you deserving of taking in all your EVIL horrifying ways.

    we could call it operation, ‘Angels of Death’


  1044. Dear Angel of Death,

    I hope you can let go of your hate before your time comes, these ideals haunting you are the friends youve made.. In this life they are your slaves but in the end all that theyve desired will be done onto you…

    On a lighter note lolz Some ppl are fools I agree but If someone had to decide it would have to be God – not the FBI 😀

  1045. excuse me?

    oh, so you think child sex slave camps being run by international mafia is ok?

    it is always God’s divine will thru us, in obviousness of all those who are not of God’s divine pure true only love, so wretched this world IS EVIL!

    i do not have to kill those who are evil and without God, where already they are dead, of no life at all, where only love IS what true life way IS.

    from the lips of Jesus, “Despise them!”

    they are the slaves of evil, twisting and turning, where i am the one who is free trying to break the binding generation chains of evil oppression lurking everywhere.

    God already decided, and that is 100% where you speak as the fool you clearly yet are, of so many in likeness and form of the apathy to just sit back and wait for these wretched ones to cross our paths, with me right behind them, blowing their fucking brains out, before they snatch your child for the prostitution camps.

    wake the fuck up everyone, to the true evil that exists in our midst, always sulking about, planning and lurking in evil intentions.


  1046. I will despise them all in my final breath, of God who too despises them, DEATHFULLY SO!

    and so should all of you, at all times, for great is the evil treachery in the world!

    i will gladly greet everyone of them standing next to God, casting their evil back into the empty nothingness abyss from which they come forth from, where indeed, they are absolutely empty nothingness of vile evil soul control feakers they are, of the delight of evil oppression apon others.

    the reason they exist, is because everyone is wearing rose colored glasses, as though everything is ok, as though we do not need to be doing something, all the while you are eating you apathetic fucks eat your wonderful fucking meals, a child is waiting in every second to be freed from EVIL.

    and you are ok with that?


    does not exist in you, does not grow in your apathetic sleeping and turning the other way!

    go be that way, and those of evil will continue as they do.

    there is no such thing as doing enough, so long as freedom of these evil ones at large are allowed to walk among us so freely like they do.

    they are gangs, and we need a gang with our more advanced capability, to crush them all, making everyone of the world KNOW, will be executed!

    those who walk these paths of evil death intent of the innocent, shall greet ones who without hesitation, will give them the death they seek.


  1047. the little lord jesus laid down his sweet head

    the stars in the bright sky, looked down where he laid

    he little lord jesus was whatever !!

    i forgot what i was going to say

    it was a good one and i just lost it

    it’ll come back to me if i stop drinking the vino my memory shall return

    ha ha

    oh well i still got it out

    even if i had to change the script …

    ohh hang on its just returned

    I was gonna say

    shit i forgot again … ( lost little one sips another vino)

    ok well i cannot recall what it was i was going to say oh yer thats it..

    I hope someone is taking notes cause this is a really good story i mean its full of every magical imaginable twist and turn kinda anti climax stuff full of suspense, intrigue.. mystery and suspicion what else a love story a fantasy & the ending was just brilliant … not that i’m giving that away … you’ll have to see the movie …

    but you’ll have to wait a while the editor already is working 24/7 and has been for so long so i’m not sure how long its going to take to edit all the crap and shit out of this story … cause it needs to get a family rating so everyone can see it … i dont want some cheap R or XXX rating…

    fuck you

    im going to bed … with my pillow

    i fuck my pillow

    is that sick ?

  1048. I am a solldier of God 🙂 Ive put to death milions of souls. Ive seen the Heavens and those who live there. Ive seen the murders and the slaves of those Evil Ones. I am the lambs sacrificer….

  1049. well maybe the FBI should employ me, i could teach them a few trick’s…

    on how to be ONE step ahead…

    anywaz… i’m over the pink flags i got for the last 5 post’s i’ve made under my schizophrenic name changes !! well least im a good actor i’m aware of them all .. )

    yer so the pink is BORING give me another color

    Please & not blood Diamonds …

    unless they shine and are worth MILLIONS !!!

  1050. Prophecy of the Lamps accention to Heaven

  1051. so long as they dont emit a noise @

    well you know diamonds make better crystals when it comes to transmitting the light…

    you can work the rest out …

    i’m tired

    i already GIVE

    you just TAKE


    it’s OK

    get it ?


    Uhm you dont get it !!!


    well i dont get it either !!!

    GOT IT

  1053. Chicken or LAMB ?

    Heaven or Hell..

    Heaven Thanks’ 🙂

    in a tall glass with some ICE …

    & a Straw !

    i smell nICE …

  1054. i haven’t tryed this one yet ?

    & and you never will !!!

    i’d rahter give it to you

    but it’s up to you

    isnt that true ?

    hey you ?

    you there ?

    is anyone there ?

    oh yjat just noe fare !

  1055. I think i’ll just try get my paws into KYLIE well at least she is .. well you know ???


    hard for me to say but

    it just is …

    a better option …

  1056. well i already told YOU but all got was a BLANK

    so well what can i say ?


    YOU KNOW !

  1057. edit all the crap and shit out……..agreed

    but you forgot to say edit all the crap and shit out my life that is of others, not ‘me’.

    although i admit, i am on occasion of unrealistic expectations, or at least that is what i tell myself.

    just live as your pure true loving lover self, no matter those who are of distraction away from you, where the only one we can ever find loving lover happiness with, is of those like our own self in pure true love we feel of another, oneness true of the other for you 2.

    the rest, well, you are correct, all (other people’s) shit, and worse, they laugh about it, until the day they see you of the exceeding holy joyful absolute carefree happiness they could of been with you, with someone else, inevitably, it is just what it is, of how the story goes, but there is another thing i have learned, that my true love for someone, is not jealous in any way whatsoever, in their finding happiness with another, where i could of to with them, had i had the chance to be together, of the chance that passes by like it does, all sorrow that washes away one of one who is perhaps the one meant for us, later on down the road, once we have let go of where we once dreamed of being, that forever in love feeling so magical like it just is.

    what can i say, other than my life sucks right now, of not being able to be with someone i love, as i watch for the moment to pass like i know it inevitably will, if not already it has, but here is the thing, the love i felt for them, was meant them at that place we met on lover’s road, that open soul wide to the 100% certainty flawless feeling in knowing how only loving lover happiness is what matters most, of how i gave to them what i and God knows belongs to them, the truth i told them, of my unfailing and unchanging love for them till my last day, of how we just know our own heart of longing to stay, as time washes it all away, alone and left behind, standing where i always was with them, as their wings opened wide for the first time, in soaring high to the greatest heights without fear, that i encouraged of them to be who they all are to me, angels of God, and i their most loving brother, who did care, like i always did and yet do, doing as i do, of Jesus who asks me 2.

    until such a time as the world did change, however slowly like it has, and will continue on, because we were and are the ONEness WILL connecting that took of their precious hands for however long the needed us to, like mothers always just do, sustained fulfillment, not ever of pain, when love is true, in knowing what to do, love them, at all times, love them true for their other.

    forever more


  1058. oh i got you concentrating !!

    wore you out !!

    are you tired

    enough to fuck ?

  1059. it’s not like i am not supposed to be where i am, no, of having met who i met, of they who too, where there in the middle of the street of where we met, going our own directions of paths at the time, of what happened there after, like boats on a river, drifting like we do thru life, of us walk with each other now thru life, till my last day.

    i met this most remarkable soul, where i realize, i am where i arrived at in life, of so many miles of life i walked, to one day met this person i believe is of God that i was supposed to me, as though i am the one most important to them in life right now, that they too feel as i do, so privileged to greet.

    i ask myself, what is it of me that is of most value, for me to bestow upon them?

  1060. it’s totally up to YOU

    which Road do YOU wanna take ?

    the High Road

    or the LOW Road

    choice is yours?

    where would you like the ROAD

    to take you ??

  1061. of what God knows belongs to them, of my entire life journey, to realize what matters most to ‘me’, ‘me’ of another, the truth of how i came to feel within each day, why not just say, the truth, so i did.

    only love, at all times, as there is no other way to be ‘me’

    i ask again, will i ever met another, who makes me feel this way?

    of the constant yearning to forever stay?

    i feel maybe there is no other who means more to me in the entire world….

    so i told them what God wants me to, the truth, as i realize maybe it is of God that i passed their way, for sake of them, indeed, a diamond the purely are, where it is as though i am supposed to be where ‘i am’, for their sake, walking beside them, where i can just BE what i am to them, only love, that is free.


  1062. ‘i am’ my feelings that belong to them, of God that they know how i feel, so real.

    it is like a dream state, floating along, searching for our own pure true self of only love to just be who you are, your loving feelings that you feel, that they should know about, so i told them…….the truth.

    of God that i did.

    and the dream started to feel real, as though not a dream at all, no, i am not dreaming, i am just being ‘me’

  1063. M

  1064. & there’s no point in trying to WATERBORD me to get the TRUTH out of ME

    because the truth is

    in YOU !!

  1065. there is only one road we walk on, the road of eternal love

    find your own loving feelings within, that belong to another, of God that they know, for sake of them, the truth you know so well like we do, for how else can the dream ever begin, if we hide our love away from them?

    surely it is of God that they know how much you love that like you constantly do……so i finally told them……the truth.

    and now we are more than mere friends, of holy loving constant light shining pure and brightly, like it always did, but now i see my reflection of my own soul in oneness as theirs, so beautiful the magical feeling really really IS.

    giving thanks to God that to feel this way

    the truth i told them, changed them for the better, as though i was what was missing in their oh so precious life

    i know i am where i am supposed to be, and i can say, is i feel blessed thru and thru

    of holy joyful tears of constant flow


  1066. constant true love you feel for someone, does not dim

    it only glows brighter, day by day

    we both came thru dark passages in life, of the day we just met like we did

    and we held onto each other, without effort, day by passing day, year by passing year, always feeling the same way, only more so, of longing to just stay with my feelings i feel for them, as though i belong to them, to always have till my last day.

    ya, i feel blessed to have such a friend, knowing there is no other way for me, than who i am, my feelings

  1067. am i in love?

    ya, i would have to say, that i am

    but i am insecure about my age now, and my illness sure doesn’t help my self-confidence either, in my trying to keep a foothold in what life i have, not much of one, but it’s a brighter start than many passage i came thru, maybe the brightest one of all, cause i am surrendered to be what i so easily just am, my constant loving feelings i have always yearned to feel for someone true who loves me 2.

    are we not all the same about this?

    we drift to and fro, on waves of love sublime, returning to one another like we all do, always that yearning is there, of the constant surrendered stare we get like we do, especially when we are alone, in our inner sanctuary, so pure and true.

    well, i have a most wonderful friend, that i always to know, to be somewhere as a part of their life, honestly, the best friend i have ever felt so loving of in life, like i do, or maybe it is just me finally blossoming in my love the is true?

    oh my God, i am in love


  1068. and no, i am not telling you with who!


    i think we all blossom because of each other

    that is what i think is always constantly of God’s will, a coordinated effort of sorts, if you will, of how i have learned about my own self thru many, they ‘me’

    we love who we love, and it is not a switch we can turn on or off, no, true love is constantly pure and true at all times of only love that you feel about everything about a person

    maybe who ‘i am’……..IS all ‘of’ YOU?

    love sublime,
    please be mine

    well, we may not ever get married, but i know we will always be friends, cause they know the truth now, Andyy fell in love with them, till the end


  1069. we eb and flow thru our emotional high and low points in life, where at times of our lowest points, someone so amazing just appears before us, that makes us easily forget everthing of what was of any lame bullshit

    and for me, ‘that’ is of God knowing what i was going thru, and low and behold, what they too were going thru as well, of the dark passages we both walked out of, unscathed, feeling blessed to have met one another, truly i do, and so do they.

    is it of God that we are who we are not for each other, of only love that we feel for one another?

    i believe it is of God that we met, because i of much love i always feel for them.

    my heart is revealed by and thru them, till my last day

    so if this true, of God that we were supposed to meet, then everyone is of God in who we greet.

    forever more


  1070. it is love that lifts us up above the world, where we all long to be, swimming in loving lover happiness.

    but it takes two, who are not afraid of how they feel about someone, not afraid to express to them, the truth of how you feel, of God that they know, always it is for their sake, that alters their today of the same brighter day ever after.

    at least i feel what i felt, come what may, no big deal, of time that will see what will be, of us all, here in eternity, swept away, all of ONE day, fade to white.


  1071. when you realize you love someone completely, your love belongs to them, of God that you tell them the truth, for their sake, always it is for their sake that you tell them, where they may need to know, so as to brighten them inside, in avoid any treacherous low self-respecting path they may venture on without their knowing what belongs to them, and for me, ‘that’s is what is of God, that you know that your love for them, really is of God meant for their life, for their sake.

    and if don’t love you like you do, does not matter, for in your loving lover heart is what you know matters to you most, of what is your constant love will for them, happiness.

    so give to them the truth they too yearn to know, of how love will grow eternally, long after we are all gone from this realm we all leave behind, ONE DAY.

    we love who we love, completely

    not who we try to love, fractured

    so pay attention to who your feelings that belong to the one you do love, and always know it is of God that they know……..the truth, you should not ever hide from them, where maybe they longed to know how you felt, in your holding it back from them, as they drift away, because you did not give to them what belongs to them, the truth

    God says speak the truth, and fully understand……y

    true love is not able to ever say goodbye, always that is a lie we know so well. 😉


  1072. mom – In the end, the greatest thing you will have done is tell the truth.

  1073. intuitively, the core of our being, IS the light we came from, 100% pure and true, of what is our constant subconscious yearning in seeking emotional honest safety that is of the pure true conducive environment we all yearn to be found of, because it is of, the core of our being.

    God is truth, where anything outside the realm that is in feeling of all untruth, is not of God, is not of our intuitive knowing, core of our being flawless pure healing feeling that is without need of any of the languages of the world, of the biological communication, still beyond our understanding, of where we all came from in entering into this physical realm, from within one another.

    you know, when you really sit with that, it is soooooo remarkable, is it not, how we recreate our own self, self of our lover……….WOW!

    that must be amazing for parents.

    anyway, as i was saying, when you choose to be of untruth with one you love, that is always not of God, of why it is of God that someone more loving of them comes along, meant for them, in God’s eyes, and no longer meant for you.

    we don’t talk about it much, the painful goodbyes, of what actually happened, and why, but i feel this is the main one, when it comes to understanding our own self, self of another, of how it is that we pass one another by, in drifting away to another, all linked to what is the core of everyone’s being.

    with that said, well, you had you chances with me biyatches, and you blew it!


    im not saying goodbye, because i cannot, for there was no true blue hello to begin with that was sustaining enough, and that is the truth of how i am feeling, all because…..of YOU!

    as you say, the truth (about YOU) is in ‘me’, including all withheld untruth truth that is cause for how i am feeling, in drifting away, naturally so, cannot stay, where i am not constantly loved, no one does.

    and truth is, we all intuitively know the truth, by means of our flawless constant sensing flowing of feeling how we are left to feel, all too often, without someone’s love as we float on by and forever away, albeit, it is always of just ONE DAY!

    be happy

    by means of the truth

    there is no other way

    no other life

    of no life at all

    of the many that were all,

    untruthfully, turned away

    it is not about blame…..it is about knowing and not knowing, the truth, that indeed IS constantly everywhere!

    says Jesus

    indeed, my feelings reveal the truth, that everywhere, ‘i am’……….found……..and not found………the truth

    forever more


  1074. i am the wiser brother who loves them as though my own self, walking beside them, in my knowing just how crushing oppression could be, without a true and faithful friend of their intuitive feelings that always know the truth that only love is good enough for them to always feel, the opposite of the untruth forefather oppressor oppression that indeed, is spiritually deathful, again of their intuitive knowingness of who is the truth, and who is of the untruth, wisely so, of all those without God, without connecting purely and truly so in self-love atonement of their own self-actualization process, of what is the constant ability of oneness flawless feeling in knowing the truth, of just how damning this world clearly IS of abandonment not only away from our self-love oneness we gracefully do purely truly know like we do within our collective oneness consciousness awakening with our LGBTQ family, indeed, it is of abandonment in coming fully into what we know to be true, of the same that applies to all, of what self-love atonement constantly flawless healing exceedingly graceful feeling, as ones who wisely came free of the mad flood forefather valley of spiritual death, albeit, not ever are we free.

    our bitter angst increases as we make our way with one another, in hearing yet again always the same story, however mild or severe others too experienced in coming out, where indeed, it is all the same thing, that is all linked to the deliberate negligenct Catholic spiritual death unwiseness disconnecting not only from us, but also from their own loving lover happiness sublime capability, obviously so, of the Catholic cult that claims it does not practice sex.

    for me, it is completely absurd of how many are following along with such an unbelievably absurd merchant of God group of individuals in their constant lying in claiming they do not practice sex, supposedly at all, when our own 100% biological education points 100% without doubt to the truth, that the human body is 100% hardwired for sex, no matter how much an individual may try to resist the natural occurring erotic feelings that are direct cause from our super computer brain and body that releases the chemical hormones that make us feel our beautiful erotic sexual feelings like everyone does, while we sleep or awake, where no one is able to ever be 100% without experiencing the biological natural occurring erotic sexual feelings, of a society that yet labels such as something bad, of something that is millions of years in 100% pure true evolution.

    just how lame and apathetic is society?

    deathfully lame!

    and the evidence has been coming in to our worldwide mental health community for some time, all of whom are equally in awareness of just how absurd we are to be following individuals who practice oppression against our pure true natural occurring beautiful erotic sexual feelings, all for sake of recreating another beautiful human being that comes forth from the loving lovers.

    of the loving lovers who survive the false oppression that is.

    society needs to know, the TRUTH of the ‘Spiritually Murderous’ deliberate false malice unwise absurd negligence intent of the Catholic church, in using powerful spiritual addressing condemnation of all we of the one billion individuals of our worldwide LGBTQ family.

    without doubt, i already know the Catholic church will be held accountable one day, where the only future for the Catholic church merchant of God false cult that claims they know God and do not, is before a group of peers comprised of we of the LGBTQ family, with The Hague International Criminal Tribunal i know is there in the future, of criminal charges that have to be brought upon them, in bringing an end to this utterly absurd group of individuals who are allowed to yet exist in our midst worldwide, in condemnation murderous ways, using their powerful false spiritual guilt against us, as though we are without God, without truth, without love, all the while, we are the more truthful, the more loving, the more compassionate……….the more free from such ridiculous atrocity they are yet allowed to be of to this day.

    and maybe, just maybe, we can also sue them entirely, for every dollar of their wealth seizing, in giving it to all the families of the past yet alive who lost their beloved homosexual child to these fucking criminal perps who i know without doubt, ARE NOT OF GOD, when murdering us is of still in their hearts.

    it is not God who judges them, nor me, nor any of us, no, it is the TRUTH that judges them, of all the fucking evidence that society is fucking ignoring.

    fuck fuck fuck fuck FUCK OFFFFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1075. Good Morning!

    God mourning! 😉


  1076. Morning 🙂

    Dont mourn, others spiritual death

    Celebrate your own spiritual birth …

    I left the gates to Heaven open

    cum in side ?

  1077. oh you wish! 😉

  1078. Lol 🙂

  1079. I just had a fight with my pillow, ( feather’s everywhere)

    we decided to go our own way .. ye…

    who wants to be my feather boa..

    & wrap them selves around my neck ( like a noose )

    i’m hanging for it ! 😉

  1080. hanging for it !

    its slang for waiting out, desperately over waiting, cannot wait any longer almost an analogy for rather be dead than have to endure this any longer…

    speaking of which

    I really would like to contribute prevention of teenage LGBTQ suicide .. it’s out of control & needs world focus and attention… politicians need to channel more funds into this issue, its not just the bullying there are many more factors that need to be addressed !!!

    uhm, lets all say

    its clear you can be queer

  1081. oh i’d make a really good dad .. dont you think

    dont take it out on your Mother, ( thats my job)

    take it out on the pillows, have a pillow fight

    oh kids are so sweet so innocent … us grown ups really need to sort this world out and leave a place for them to grow up and old that is truly beautiful

    I saw two beautiful little girls walk past on Sunday at the gay carnival & it stuck me that .. I cannot let this world continue like this i feel guilty about those innocent girls growing up in such a spiritually dead world I need to do something !

    & I will

  1082. i befriend them, of God that i do, where that is what they need most, a true and faithful friend who is always just there, without them having to know why i am, that i love them more than they realize.

    we have to rise up against the Catholic church and it’s continuing to ostracize us openly in public, including how thy fire us from any jobs we may work directly for them, of this generational witch hunt they yet are of, so far behind the times of today’s intellectuals.

    indeed, suicide itself has many dimensions that the individual themselves has to address, in taking new direction out of the lower places of wants and needs not being met, eating properly, exercise more, sleep better, good attitude about the sex, setting healthy boundaries appropriately with inappropriate others, healing of past and current issues.

    and always know that they deserve only love at all times, of anything else as being that of low self-love esteem of others, that has nothing to do with them at all, and everything to do with the bully, of all lies that bullies project outward, the manifestation of their own beaten down self inward, where indeed, we are all connected, of no such thing as doing enough, so long as one more angel falls out of heaven and hell, all around, here with all of us.

    suicide is a manifestation of empty void nothingness environments, devoid of consistent love, often of hate or lacking of love that over runs their environment, in making them feel unwanted or needed, were fulfillment, self-belonging, accomplishment, could be realized in volunteer work, that parents and schools should encourage all youth to participate in, of what is healthier environments, than say the unhealthy environments of the internet bullies, or no environment at all, of many parents leaving their kids to do whatever they want, of no guidance whatsoever, as were my own dysfunctional parents

    if anyone knows, i know, but i took affirmative positive action, of the direction to go with my own life, like i always did and yet do, where we all are 100% responsible for what to do with our own life, of who we enjoy and not enjoy being with, of who we love that love us, following your own inner pure true light to oneness happiness with others, is what i do.

    do as i do


  1083. what i find funny is the Pope is a Nazi who likes taking it up the ass… that’s hilarious & he says it’s ok for hookers to use condoms but not people in need like the africans etc … talk about hypocrisy, but Jesus did warn us many eons ogo when he said false phropherts

  1084. yes well you summed it up pretty well accurately …

    kids spend too much time on the internet these days they need more time growing up in a healthy environment .. & everyone needs to contribute to that, but i still think we need to make the world a better place for these kids too plus all the above mentioned every adult needs to really have a hard good look and reality check get out of the deep sleep or denial faze and really think about what the greed and human failings are and how they effect each and everyone especially the kids .. just look at the animal kingdom and how animals grow up their offspring in the safest environment they can find they nurture and protect, guide and sustain .. us humans could do allot better thats not to say they dont as no doubt they love their kids but they just need to do more do it better…

    ok im sleepy now ..

    i’ll vacuum the feathers in the morning ..


    bright light 🙂

  1085. if this is not your body type, that turns you on, then don’t bother wasting either of our time ever again

    ok thanks

  1086. he needs to eat more, & protein shakes he’s so skinny like a peg…

    good dancer but not sure the music suits ballet

    anywaz wtf you going on about ?

    he’s looks 12 yrs old…

  1087. ohh i forgot you like 15yr olds ..

    not a GOOD LOOK !


  1088. great had alovely weekend

    endless conversations

    amazing good byes

    & now i\you gonna fuck it up with insecurity



    double fuck

    get it together

    sort out all the crap endless mind games

    endless games

    constant goodbyes running away ..

    im getting really bored with it…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

    i want normal ,,,

    Can you be normal ???

    i can help you ………………………………………………………………………………………… be normal ………………………………………………………..

    its less complicated ………………………………………………………………………………………………. more fun………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,88888888888888888888888888888888888877777777777777777777777777777777777777666666666666666666666666666555555555555555555555555555555544444444444444444444444444444444444333333333333333333333333333333333333333333322222222222222222222222222


  1089. just so you know im hurting todsy

    my heart feels like its been ripped out

    today ….
    i dont want this feeling

    its too Toxic ….

    i need to go reassess

    my needs & desires

  1090. what the fuck is your problem

    i’m not your toy

    stop toying with me ….

    you must have really, crossed the line with me 3 years ago … ive never been so pissed off in my life …

    im even stunned myself

    at how pissed off i am

    im over being stalked too

    stop that …

    pick up the telephone

    & apologize,,,

    well you dont have to do that

    your already forgiven

  1091. im sorry also

    i can be a stubborn ass too

    I know that, a bad trait i got.. i gotta stop doing that …

    but if i had more time to prepare for Gods apparitions, then maybe i would have mmore time to pray and ask for forgiveness …

    do my hair and go to church and light a candle …

    God forgive me

    I have sinned

  1092. i really think there is a trust issue

    thats the whole problem

    nothing less nothing more

    ok …

    your just fine, i like you .. i just dont trust you …

    & im sure the feelings mutual …

    so how do we fix this ??

  1093. try getting fucking ‘real’ with ‘me’ some day!

    trust is something that takes time between two surrendered souls, who come fully into their own pure true self awareness of who their love belongs to, obviously so of who you think only love for, of who ever that is, where it IS of God’s divine will that your love does indeed………without useless absurd doubt purgatory self denial like you are yet in………BE LONG to them, and only them, of your sexual fire desire loving lover happiness sublime feelings that IS for them, is for them, no one else, pfffffffffff!

    you are so lame, holding back your own feelings that belong to someone, just like all the rest i told off today…….and so i will tell you what i told them, although i feel your sincerity with me is someone greater than they care to even think about……..argh

    to the clueless ones, i am not clueless about, although of the many of you players who think you are fooling me, and only your own self, when it comes to 100% surrendered pure true loving lover happiness sublime………..this is for you!…………

    Ok Biyatches….listen up!
    Life has taught me about those you may feel interested in along lovers road, where you can easily determine if they are interested in you or not, by the things they do, where i know from my own experience, of when i love someone purely and truly, i do not give attitude, other than speak the truth, i look forw…ard to spending time with them, rather than apart, i do not lie, and i do not play emotional head games, and these are the things that tell me the truth, they are fucking someone else…

    Even my dearest friends do not do these things with me, and so i ask you all to be what i know is of God, about my feelings, that you go be the truth of your love for who ever it is you are fucking, because in God’s eyes, your love belongs …to them, where it won’t ever be me….so instead of wasting time with me, spend it with them, and instead of lying to me, just don’t any more, and for sure, no one likes attitude or being left alone ALL THE TIME, so ya, i know the truth, cause i was the truth, so i guess that makes me the loser, without love……..ok thanks.
    See you all at Pride Day some day, here in Toronto, and remember, only loving lover love is what happiness IS, forever more, BE TRUE, to YOU, and your lover. bless you all

    Just go BE the Happy LOVIING Lover Sublime flawless pure true exceedingly graceful YOU that i know of every ONE of YOU!

    forever more

    uhm……just so you know, cowardice is not of God, is not of ‘me’, and is indicative of self-denial, perhaps of many binding intrinsic forces, such as fear of rejection, fear of abandonment, fear of my low body image, which i may add…….i am not……i love my body…….100%………and so can anyone of you, when you come before God in speaking the motherfucking truth of who your pure true love feelings do belong to, and please, i only have so much fucking time left to explain the fucking obvious to you lame ass cowardice fucks, who have held me in limbo…………NO MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    like fuck off already, go be that way with anyone, and for sure, they will just as easily tell you to kiss their ass as i do

    KISS MY ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    i like it actually……..alot actually



    you hurt your own self in the end, not ever ‘me’

    i know what true love feels like of my own self for another, and so do they when ever i was with them, or shall BE WITH THEM one day, ONE DAY!


  1094. sorted

    including you

    tic toc


  1095. a day of truth i won’t deny myself any longer, nor should any of you, ever!

    ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

  1096. ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

    ♥ Lesbian ♥
    ♥ Gay ♥
    ♥ Bisexual ♥
    ♥ Transsexual ♥ and ♥ Transgender ♥ (same thing, of both sexes, rather than exclusively one)
    ♥ Queer ♥ and ♥ Questioning ♥

    i am transgender ONEness of female and male, and honestly, the orgasm is the same for us both morons! lmao 😉

    ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

  1097. let ‘me’ help you clarify

    i know my own loving lover sublime happiness attraction with another, and well, seeing as i am not what you are attracted to, then there is no possible way for you to experience your own loving lover sublime happiness with ‘me’

    somehow, i don’t think the words ‘like you’ is even remotely on the same planet with loving lover sublime happiness…

    i will speak clearly with you right now, in helping you sort this, ok?

    i am not the one for you

    you are not the one for ‘me’

    ok thanks


    ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤

  1098. ❤ right now is better than <0

    cause it feels like <0 most of the distant tim e

  1099. sorry but your wrong on this one, you get an idea in your mind that suits your terms of reference or belief of what is the answer to the question and you stick with it, very rigidly … without consideration for alternates …

    also you make assumptions based on your own expectations of the situation and being a strong minded person your expectations then come true …

    it’s seems to be all about you…

  1100. also you are a fucking coward


    whatever biyatch

    you just keep digging that hole, ok?

    life is going on for me

    true love just feels what we feel for another, pure and true

    it is not about anything at all of our thinking reasoning..

    no, when you love someone, you just do, for all that they are, including their whatever insecurity manifestations…….WHO THE FUCK CARES????????

    that is not getting my ass fucked, now is it!!!!!!!!!!!

    go blow your smoke up someone elses ass


    and ah, no, i am way the fuck over your cowardice ‘analyze this’ stuckness!

    you just go on and on about fucking whatever!

    when making love, is there any of this bullshit reason?



    you just go enjoy your cowardice bullshit with someone else, ok?

    cause i am way past giving a fuck about you now, you are just playing a mind fuck me up some more game, nothing more, a reflection of your fucked up shit biyatch!

    go work it out with someone who has more patience than i do……uhm…….here is a clue………THEY DON’T EXIST!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1101. blah blah blah blah

    oh, what’s that noise, i hear some dance music!

    when it comes to who i 100% love, you are correct, it is about oneness of ‘me’, ‘me’ of another, what heaven is, which you don’t know, because you are too much of a coward to go anywhere beyond this boring ass blog, like how much more fucking lame can it possible get, and you accuse me of being concerned about me, well fuck you ok, i cannot possibly get my holy joyful absolutely carefree fucking ass fucking happiness met over a fucking blog……….and how long has it fucking been?

    the only think i equate you with, is a mental institution, of me still sitting there, wondering the fuck why!

    ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

  1102. gee well thanks’ for that, ok well its been certified then..

    I am mental …

    makes two if us then … two M’s mental & mad running around in an asylum, blaming each other, nice one ..

    ok well clarification, im not a coward … so it must be a mental block …

    thank’s for helping me with that…

    NOT !

  1103. what the fuck do you want? uhm?

    wanna sit here another three years, while my vital needs continue to go unmet?

    wanna just put holy joyful absolute carefree loving lover happiness on hold for three more years? uhm?

    there is a whole world out there waiting for me to find someone who can easily love me way the fuck better than you ever did or even a fucking hint to want to biyatch!

    like what the fuck is your problem, cause it sure as fuck is no long ‘me’!

    don’t ask me out, no, don’t ever fucking do that!

    don’t do jack shit for ‘me’ biyatch, you just want an emotional punching bag to beat on, once you sober up from your mental tyranny psychosis, that i wish not to participate with, setting boundaries, you know, go find that wonderful calm carefree happy go luck love love love everywhere we go, happy?

    oh, right, im sorry, it is your rules that is cause for me still stupidly sitting here, right, the world revolves around you, and all your lame ass lack luster zeal of no appeal for ‘me’, because i don’t even know what you look like any more………wow, talk about progress there biyatch, when was the last time i saw you?

    that’s right, three years ago

    ya, mental institution, for sure!

    i think it is safe to say, when it comes to you, there is no one i can put a face to.

    ya, mental institution, no doubt!

    or, drink your aclohol, and go stupid like you like to do……..without ‘me’

    honestly, i have zero trust because of your drinking……..NONE!

    it is like this automated defense mechanism that i noticed about myself, that i cannot override, when i realize someone as a moderate desire to drink, where these flags just go up automatic for me, fear flags, where i am not able to simply say it is ok any more, unable to find desire enough to feel ok that they are compatible for me, too many violent relationships i guess, all the nearly dying so many times too, and well, that’s that, i have decided for ‘me’ about you!

    your issues are 100% yours, not mine

    and the decisions you make, are 100% yours, as to how blessed feeling your day constantly can be of exceeding pure grace.

    won’t ever settle with alcohol in the house, or at least it won’t for me, not possible.

    this blog is insane, ok?

    you give absolutely no indication whatsoever of even seeing me, so like fuck off, ok?

    oh sure, tease me about it, but not ever follow thru, where i ask, just how damaging to you suppose that could be to someone’s self-love esteem?

    here is a clue, it is fucked up damaged insecure afraid you, not ‘me’

    i don’t drink at all any more, where i do know, i am way more calm centered and grounded than you are, kinda obvious of how i can stream of conscious write endlessly in self-exploration, but you, fuck, oh, word, oh look, two fucking words today!

    well fuck this, ok?

    ever hear of kissing, hugging, fucking, and fucking some more any time we want?

    fuck, whatever!


  1104. wanna know the correct word that best describes you on the internet social scene?

    a random buttonholer!



  1105. Heaven Sublime

    run dance run!
    hand in hand!
    run prance run!
    cross the land!

    heart, oh mine!
    fake? get away!
    heart, sublime!
    hate me gay?

    run dance run!
    hand in hand!
    run prance run!
    where we stand!

    ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

  1106. go fall in love with someone

    cause it sure as fuck is not me you want to forever have and love!

    why am still sitting alone? uhm?

    i will tell you why, cause i am not the one you want to be with


    time i find one who does, without effort at all, without doubt whatsoever, especially once we fuck, of what is my greatest self-confidence, my loving lover happiness body

    while my devoted works may be of great sacredness for this ignorant hateful forefather bound and blind world, it is the loving lover happiness sublime oneness of two lover hearts, that is not of work at all, of forever at play, of hearts purely gay!

    as if i do not know my own self

    whatever lame ass lackluster biyatches, so stifled, your paralyzing fear, as if i could ever be around what i am not, the untruth truth revealing, of what i do know is the most sacred mirror of all in life, the loving lover love happiness sublime, as if a crime, and not a crime at all in God’s eyes, to all you clueless fucks of who ‘i am’

    1/2 +1/2 = 1 more

    who may survive this evil unloving world, of God’s will my own in surviving them, wisely, compassionately, lovingly, as though my own self, because they are!

    and where the fuck are you?

    you know, pretty much everyone i have met, of the LGBTQ worldwide community, has more authentic sincere genuine self-actualized oneness without effort at all zeal, than you ever did

    we don’t even think about who we are supposed to be, we just are the way we always are, constantly loving oneness in our always knowing each other, of all our stories the same story, every single second, of every single day, always it is there in our oneness eyes……….and honestly, i did not ever feel our oneness consistency with you, in all your fettering away like you just did.

    it is you who betrays you in the end, not us, of what we continue to run from, from where we once were, bound in self denial held down captivity, my God, no one was as cold to me as you were and yet choose to be, well fuck you, i am moving on, and not looking back for more of you same empty zeal

    look up your authentic oneness passion sometime, instead of making others feel like they are some kind of homosexual criminal, that you projected onto me, willingly, foolishly, ignorantly, in what was all your standoffish shit, that belongs to you, not ‘me’

    truly i tell you, i had more fun in one day with my cousin David, than i had this entire time here.

    and well, i am getting back to just being me once again, in knowing my own self thru and thru 100%, of how easy i am to be around with those just like me, without effort, without doubt, our oneness spirit eternally set free, by means of each other.

    with you, the best way to describe the experience of your treatment of me all this empty zeal time?

    a dungeon cell, chained to its wall, for you to randomly visit, no more, as i will be running with another and others from now on, in forgetting this horrible experience that left me feeling so unwelcomed, so unworthy, where i realize, my God, was my past that bad in how familiar this was for me, in staying as long as i did for more?

    apparently, truthfully, it was

    ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

  1107. ok cool, obviously im hurting you…

    go …

    go be with someone else… be happy ..

    you don’t get it, you don’t understand me obviously there is no point in me continuing .. im only hurting you…

    i go leave you be..

  1108. oh & just for the record i dont do alcohol like you say…

    i think ive been alittle bit tipsy like once this year and maybe twice last year but never drunk …

    oh so i smoked some weed…

    stop making excuses or reasons why you think i wont pounce …

    i’ll say one thing, you were fucked up three years ago .. but not now your not anymore, & if you cannot see how much more real you are today than yesterday, then im telling you its true..,.

    so before you go and say it was all a waste of time

    think about that.. ok..

    & dont ever think i dont understand what you’ve been through in regards to love or being loved or being treated like shit from others who are not capable of loving themselves let alone you..

    because i do know, i am all to familiar more than you’ll ever realize…

  1109. & before you throw in the towel… at least wait until I have the opportunity to speak to you to your face eye to eye …

    & then & only then make a decision because you might be surprised to hear feel and see what i have to say to you …

    life is never a bed of roses … but you do get an opportunity to smell the sweet perfume

  1110. LGBTQ
    ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

  1111. when it comes to others hurting me, it was always my own self to blame in allowing myself to continue on in their cycle patter(s)

    as for you, the only word that comes to mind, is functional

    do not evaluate where i was or anything, ok, you are a nonprofessional in doing so with your open speculation about my well being, and you should be sued for it.

    I have my own team of professional councel that i trust, where i do not trust you at all.

    there should be a law that can arrest bullies like you on the net, who do these unsuspecting things, where you have not provided credentials at all, claiming you are all these things, going on like you do, where i just won’t allow myself to trust a word you say, where your attacking me, is totally nonprofessional, i know the difference, so before you pat me on the back, i will say this, it was my own professional team, and my own work, not you biyatch.

    is there no moderators at this blog any more?

    ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

  1112. so what ???

    God put YOU ! on this earth to kick my ASS !

    & God put ME ! on this earth to make you Laugh !

    is that such a bad thing ?

    maybe God does have a sense of humor !

  1113. madonna hung up !

    yer what ever

  1114. people either love in what is the resonating reciprocating ease without effort oneness holy joyful absolute carefree loving lover happiness sublime that they too are naturally are more of in their own self-actualization sexuality atonement……..or they don’t, where what you need to ask your own self is what is ‘that’ of your own self for them, because the only destiny path of the sacred mirror sublime with another and others, is when it is authentic, genuine, sincere, pure true divine real self YOU, true ONEness ‘with’ you of another, where priority of loving lover happiness, has 2 BE of turning towards love one feels of both, eventually at all times, on par with the 100% pure true conviction empowerment motivation Jesus does know……….without useless annoying distracting derailing absurd doubt that is always of potential to fuck it all up between the two loves who willing surrendered alone in the bridal chamber to what is awareness of the revealing obvious truth of their constant yearning feelings they do constantly feel for who ever the other loving lover may be meant for them, of God’s divine will, that most i have met, do not know 100% what is God’s divine will objective for sake of the eternal all we here in the eternal future constantly unfolding, mostly because of the pure true flawless healing harmonious feeling core of everyone’s being, that is of 100% oneness of the flawless realm from which we all come from(the light), utterly and completely indifferent of all languages spoken, especially of all things immature and ignorantly so absurdly spoken, of any who do not know the truth of the pure true unwavering unchangeable 100% mathematical manifestation of not only of this physical realm existence we dwell in, of this physical realm we are, where without the mathematical constants we do know about, as pertains to all life, nothing would exist, like we have, yet do, and WILL, of atonement will that is naturally occurring, of all the eternal reproductive creatures, where what baffles ‘me’, is how is it possible that so many forefather snares exist like they do, in it’s seeming ability to override our pure true flawless harmonious oneness nature, that is 100% true of the eternal reproducing creature, we the human being?

    what is most indicative of all the snares comprised as one derailing illness, if not simply the natural occurring primal urge to be of oneness harmoniousness, even if of any illness?

    in that light, is not our primal urge to be of oneness birds of a father, the greatest intrinsic binding of all, beyond our understanding of psychological issues, because of the pure true flawless connecting in oneness indifference without regard, as IS the exact same indifference without regard as the pure true flawless realm of the mathematical constant of we know about in physics?

    giving a greater comprehension to peer pressure, yes, as to why the generational mad flood continues on like it does.

    we know group mentality is to blame as regards the Catholic stance against homosexuality, the pope himself a mere puppet of the group mentality voice, who won’t take a stance against his own flock, again, for sake of the primal urge harmony, that does indeed, purely truly extend from the pure true mathematical constants of physics, naturally occurring of the subconscious vastly high speed constant processing supercomputer brain, in it’s attempt to understand it’s own existence as to seeking a purpose and why it exists, when there may be no purpose at all, if we are a fluke of nature, only that we exist, perhaps not at all of any life force entity creation, other than creation of our own evolving self that is purely that of the constant reaching core of our being continuation, merely out of our need to constantly feel, like all living matter does


    what does this have to do with the happiness of my penis and ass, in oneness harmonious of others who are of the same happiness as my own with their own penis and ass, and mine, where mathematically truth says that indeed ‘i am’, without doubt, just as who they are 2?

    alot actually, still trying to figure out why so many of you choose to live such boring lives, when holy joyful absolute carefree loving lover constant happiness sublime is so obvious of we who broke free of your lame ass empty zeal boring boring boring dysfunctional cruel gutter mind trapped captivity, that’s all….


    uhm…..for those of you not able to laugh in my having said this……..uhm………you are unknowingly trapped

    ok, peace OUT babes!

    ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

  1115. oh, i think i know Madonna’s pure feeling inner sanctuary as is my own there Marco, as ones who are of constant compelling motivation empowerment to bring change for sake of all who suffer under the crushing self-defeatist egotistic majority like so many do, of all mental, emotional, physical, sexual and spiritual false oppression that 100% IS the TRUTH we are aware of in knowing our compassionate empathy for those we love the most in life like we both do.

    i ask, how is it ever possible to hang up on our own self in what IS our 100% pure true inner sanctuary vulnerable divine real self?

    because you want us to hang up on you, of what is the manifestation of your own fear of rejection reflection, and nothing at all to do with your knowing us as much as we constantly do?

    here is a clue……..everything i just said is constantly true, of her, of me, of eternal all YOU!

    i just want to be what IS my constant yearning to just be my inner sanctuary loving lover love happiness sublime, at all times, in oneness of what is my constant love for another, just as they too know their own feelings for me, like we all constantly subconsciously seek to find…….the oneness sacred mirror harmonious belonging longing of our own self.

    forever more

    truly i tell you, you should all make this your priority, for there is no greater treasure you shall ever find, than what i do know about the constant loving relationship between Mary and Jesus, that is far greater in awareness than any words ever written about them, as evident of all who did not really know Jesus and Mary as well as they constantly knew their own self oneness, at all times, like they just were, of what is of my oneness comprehension i came to know when i visited the room they both were in at the time of my visit, of 100% only love feeling they constantly always were of, at all times, of how i do know the truth about what is possible of the eternal all you who i know are constantly there, just as ‘i am’ too.

    time travel is easy, once you enter fully into awareness of what is oneness of the mathematical constants of physics and our feelings that extend from that pure true flawless realm we all came from and into exist as ‘that’ from which we came from and are.

    where distance between times does not actually exist, when one knows their own feelings are not at all different from anyone, across time eternal. 100% FACT.

    ya, i visited them in their dwelling, perhaps of my own need to escape imagination, maybe, but for me, the experience was so 100% real in pure true flawless feeling, no different i suppose than is our our dream state, where what struck me the most about them, especially of Mary i did notice, was that it was as though their personality, vast comprehension of all things around them, thru the obvious truth of the wretched valley of death awareness, was a shared constant flawless brotherhood feeling of only loving oneness that is without any questioning of doubt as to the love they just constantly are with each other, at all times, perhaps of the life journey and so much time together, of the eternal evolving bond shared oneness of heart, mind, body, spirit and soul they became more and more of, in utter disgust of how they felt the heartless cruel self-serving world all around them, out for their own egotistic disconnecting gain above another, esteeming ‘that’ as though of greater value than the constant love Mary and Jesus always just are with each other.

    and well, subconsciously, we all are to one extent or another, in our subconscious natural occurring oneness sameness seeking, that i do know is 100% true of every one, past, present, future, no matter the degree of how many falsehood masks one may learn to wear and or create, like most naturally do, all environmental taught and learning, on and on it goes, with so much disregard for so so many suffering behind the false walls of everyone participating in creating so apathetically disconnected like they all just do, where if for even one moment as IS one behind these falsely created walls, it would only take one realizing how harsh their survival reality is, to forever do away with all falsehoods one is able to always come fully into awareness as to just how disconnected one was and or is.

    i learned about my own falsehood ego the hard way, in abandonment of my lover Troy, who subsequently killed himself directly as a result of my choosing behavior with him, stupidly like i did, where ya, i knew what i did was wrong, in coming before God unable to escape the truth of my error with him, where indeed, i do know it was my foolish disconnecting falsehood projection transference end result that was not of God, of how i do know what Troy did was the truth, that is of God, why suicide is not a sin, of the truth of what pushes anyone to such an act of escapism, of what all suicide IS, a way of escape from too loose boundaries with inappropriate others.

    but here is the other truth as well, my own behavior too was the end result of what?

    that’s right, you motherfucking lame ass anal retentive fucks of the Catholic church!

    well ok, not entirely are they to blame, no, my low level of needs being met the main manifestation abreaction screaming out for someone to just love ‘me’ like we all constantly do since birth, purely so of the core of everyone’s being, why all these falsehoods are of intuitive feeling for anyone subjected to such, no matter who you are in life, beyond all seperational barriers of language, politic, race, religion, sex, orientation, power, status, wealth……..whatever forefather falsehood distraction disconnecting anyone is of, past, present, eternal all future.

    but at least we are waking up, as the pure true divine real self loving wise compassionate spirited oneness connecting soul of the eternal all YOU that we know are constantly there.

    anyway, i have stated my findings in presenting myself to all of you, for some time now, evolving along side of one another, of my time running out now, knowing where i am supposed to go just be who ‘i am’

    do you know who ‘i am’?

    here is a hint……God constantly does

    where i know, ‘i am’ both the son and daughter of God biyatches!

    and if you do not believe ‘me’, go ask God!

    oh right, none of you know God like i do, of constant oneness of God who knows………..’me’

    of what IS the oneness sameness ‘me’ of the eternal all YOU, am i not?

    the core of everyone’s being is 100% the same, of the only way possible for how it is that oneness loving lover love happiness sublime is able to be so magically purely truly felt like we just do and just is!

    who ‘i am’

    ALL of YOU!

    as in either you BE yOUR ALL with ‘me’, or forget it biyatch, i am not taking no as an answer, of you who cast your own self out of what i do 100% know what and where heaven constantly IS, of the only place possible for heaven to exist, right here in the eternal realm of existence, all exactly the same across all time, does not change, because the truth cannot change from what it IS, of what IS the truth of ‘me’, of only time before you all are aware, ‘i am’ all of YOU!

    of only love that feels good enough to always feel 2 just BE YOU, like ‘i am’ 2!

    forever more

    bless bless bless bless you all with only love

    ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

    forever more

  1116. i just want to reiterate that the ushering in of the Kingdom of Heaven awareness atonement, i happening not so much because we cognitively will it so, no, it is because of the constant extension of the intuitive core of everone’s being harmonious subconscious seeking oneness TRUTH within us all, of all it takes is just ONE pure true spiritual teacher to set it the atonement in motion, and ‘that’s is what eludes the eternal all YOU in the eternal future of who deliberately did ‘that’ already, before any of us were born, of the few scant words you have in your books about the past, of which none of you know 100% what took place not just for a few days as accounted for, and rather loosely i might add, no, for many years of Jesus teaching behind the great walled city, in what he always knew he always just was, the oneness atonement cognitive awakeness of the subconscious pure true flawless feeling seeking YOU of the eternal all seeking ‘that’ of the constantly alert intuitive pure true divine self real YOU in what always IS ONEness of you all, no matter how any of you may be asleep in binding blinding ignorance, mildly, moderately, or severely, always it is there within the eternal all YOU, constant seeking harmoniousness of your own self, self of another, at all times.

    what heaven IS

    and not at all any of these absurd things, so hateful, so apathetic, so ignorant, no, not ever are any of these falsehoods true of the pure true divine real self child of God YOU of the eternal all YOU!

    so think of those who are of these falsehoods, as the truth of what they are, as though nothing, lest you be troubled ever again by anything that goes against the TRUTH of YOU, that most do not know, or care to know, ‘that’ of their own self, as you say.

    and well, we love who we love, and that is not ever wrong, for any of you who may become jealous because the one you love loves another more than you.

    just remember, heaven is always ‘that’ of the oneness of all you, not ever ‘that’ of hell, in what is the forefather false separation segregation(s) of all you.

    100% pure true easy common sense, of all truth revealed by the intuitive flawless feeling divine child of God YOU, is it not?

    thank you Mary
    thank you Jesus
    thank you God
    thank you to all who turn towards the true nature i constantly know of the eternal all YOU who are just there, just as too am i here, of the no time constraint eternal day oneness atonement awakening 2 TRUTH of ‘that’ which the kingdom of heaven just IS……..ONEness YOU!

    forever more

    be true

    ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

  1117. shhhhhhhh “I Have A Secret To Tell You” lol- below is a definition of “trade secrets”. Madonna, who has repeatedly for years abused others art by infringing upon their work, capitalized from others, style, look, material and just loves to rub elbows or “take” from people who have something interesting, Madonna is nothing more than a fricking con artist and spy.
    “Trade Secrets”:
    Broadly speaking, any confidential business information which provides an enterprise a competitive edge may be considered a trade secret. Trade secrets encompass manufacturing or industrial secrets and commercial secrets. The unauthorized use of such information by persons other than the holder is regarded as an unfair practice and a violation of the trade secret. Depending on the legal system, the protection of trade secrets forms part of the general concept of protection against unfair competition or is based on specific provisions or case law on the protection of confidential information.

    The subject matter of trade secrets is usually defined in broad terms and includes sales methods, distribution methods, consumer profiles, advertising strategies, lists of suppliers and clients, and manufacturing processes. While a final determination of what information constitutes a trade secret will depend on the circumstances of each individual case, clearly unfair practices in respect of secret information include industrial or commercial espionage, breach of contract and breach of confidence.

  1118. Broadly speaking, any confidential business information which provides an enterprise a competitive edge may be considered a trade secret. Trade secrets encompass manufacturing or industrial secrets and commercial secrets. The unauthorized use of such information by persons other than the holder is regarded as an unfair practice and a violation of the trade secret. Depending on the legal system, the protection of trade secrets forms part of the general concept of protection against unfair competition or is based on specific provisions or case law on the protection of confidential information.

    The subject matter of trade secrets is usually defined in broad terms and includes sales methods, distribution methods, consumer profiles, advertising strategies, lists of suppliers and clients, and manufacturing processes. While a final determination of what information constitutes a trade secret will depend on the circumstances of each individual case, clearly unfair practices in respect of secret information include industrial or commercial espionage, breach of contract and breach of confidence.

  1119. it ain’t no secret Asians are more spiritually concerned for the well being of others, and i them

  1120. bless you all

  1121. when we don’t believe in someone true,
    how can they ever purely know you?

    and flood gates of my soul opened wide,
    subtle feeling of hearing their every word,
    as time stood still, when i looked down,
    humble to feel your presence yet there,
    that eternal forever feeling without sound,
    a true and faithful friend till the end,
    of how i always feel,
    by means of your sincere whisper,
    when my love is not around…..you assured ‘me’,
    that i am loved by you, what can i do?
    but say thank you once again
    i know you won’t ever leave me,
    by means of how i realize leaving is not of me either…….without doubt as we always used to say

    God knew i need a true friend,
    God knows i always do,
    so don’t look down,
    you need not wonder,
    when everyone else,
    are of wide asunder

    ok ok, i stay as the sculptor, i always dreaded the English language anyway


    im just rambling….my paranoia feels high

    maybe because i believe in something not yet known to most, of only God who constantly knows all truth i am when among all the untruth seemingly everywhere, always their stare of my grace the see….

  1122. happiness is bubbling up in me now, my self-actualization atonement ever increasing, boundaries set, without regret, lest i forget, i am loved by you

    just let people be however they may feel about us, without too overly concern, everyone and their issues, of every step they ever took all leading to each day of how they just are, not bad, no, just how they are, the human condition, all the environmentals one walks thru in life since birth, where in that light, we are all flawless manifestion of not just our own life, no, the human condition is of a generational manifestation continuum, where we can wisely purely step forth into the constant mad flood flow, as the truth nature we know of the eternal all yet unattended, for how else is the eternal light able to be known, if not by us first like we do, in so easily just being our constant pure true love flawless healing feeling graceful divine real self BEing? : sacred mirroring truth that pushes our all untruth….eventually in eternity where we all always are, of the eternal generational continuum flow in the mad flood drowning yet occurring hourly


  1123. pushes OUT*

    get out!!!!!!!!!



  1124. i believe in love
    kick down the door and throw away the key
    find yourself elected by God…..only love will do

  1125. Miko loves ‘me’


  1126. LOVE is delicate grace pure and true of the divine ‘real’ YOU i know of us all

    thank you Madonna

    LGBTQ family

  1127. Happy Birthday Miko, and welcome to your restored heart refreshed anew of the eternal light shining true, LOVE always, ‘me’ & YOU!

    when we love someone, we just do, oneness of our true nature, true blue

    forever more

    LGBTQ family

  1128. with ALL our heart and ALL our soul, with ALL we have, at all times, we save one another, just being as we ALL are, forever free, holy joy, you of me, me of you, them of us, us of them, of so many more on their way, long after we are gone, what to say, of one so gay? How about, i love u?

    let our hearts always always be ‘that’

    the truth

    are we not?

    are they not?


    ‘i am’

  1129. Oh well the FBI is moving out,

    & i’ve just completed 6 months of Acting rehearsals ..

    time to put my feet up,relax and watch Eurovision

    life’s to be enjoyed because you should live each day like it’s your last,,,,

    you never know, some idiot could drive up your street like a dick and run you over 🙂

  1130. I’m not bothered …

    Do I look bothered ?

    I’m not bothered …

    Star fish

  1131. Come into my store

    I got cANDY gay Whore

    My sugar is RAW

  1132. uhm…what to say……….you know, somehow i doubt(completely) that my dream of floating thru a tunnel(core of my being astral projection), opening fully into the constant oneness love knowingness with someone as my own constant true blue love feelings of the desert where she waits, is not at all about any hidden ulterior motive as relates to material gain……..miss…..miss……….MISS PROJECTION IDENTIFICATION TRANSFERENCE WHATEVER MR.NEVER!!!!!!!!!


    argh……if we don’t vent this back to the empty void where it comes from, it will suck us all in………pffffffff

    be of fearless courage to realize that maybe S/HE is the ONEness SAME constant feeling YOU

    or don’t, and see where s/he leaves you standing, morons………ON THE SIDEWALK!……….GET OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!

    ahahaahaahaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :mrgreen:


  1133. beyond the power of government is the power of the people with today’s telecommunications globalization….

    boycotting products, will be a major cause for corporate change worldwide of low wages….this is how the greatest power will come to the people of earth, thru our globalization telecommunications infrastructure, power of the people, for the people, beyond mere use of eventual minimum wage laws, we can simply boycott any company product


  1134. Missy, put the walls up, never open up, hide my true feelings..

    Miss runway..

    Miss runaway..

  1135. ahahaa

    ‘The Pink Heart Collection’ ~ for Matt 😉

  1136. ahahaa

    ‘The Pink Heart Collection’ ~ for Matt 😉

    ‘The Pink Hearts Collection’ ~ for Matt

  1137. this song is amazing!!!!

  1138. for sure, when the entire world begins to give and receive ‘The Pink Hearts Collection’, it will be a runway for Matt, with no where left 2 run, but a runaway with who?

    i pray with someone s/he constantly loves who constantly loves Matt

    hmmm…..i wonder who ‘in hell’ that could be? 😉


  1139. can i come stay in your bedroom, i just runaway from home,

    & i’m hungry for some

    soup & pasta 🙂

  1140. but i’ll stay forever, i prefer the left side of the bed & I don’t snore, you don’t need blankets I get really hot in bed. & i cuddle for hours at a time, I like to talk a lot & i prefer to pay my own way, I like candle light & only eat healthy food, I don’t really drink and never get drunk, I believe in discipline & love a good whipping ha ha …

  1141. there might be a problem……….i snore…….well only when i am on my back, so just roll me over onto my side……off the bed onto the floor?

    ahaha 😉

  1142. thank you New York………..finally………..pffffffffff

  1143. My soulmate is very spiritual…& very openly honest

    That’s so awesome…..

  1144. hi

    perhaps my real life annoyance of occasional connecting/disconnecting momentary occurrences, will pale in comparison, to the constant inner connecting ability at any given time, of the real self of most any who will appreciate such an experience, when ever they want, with these sacred spiritual stoneworks that i leave behind on the planet for all eternity to realize and enjoy themselves………without me………….hey, why am i always so alone all the time?

    ahahhaaaaaa 😉


  1145. i don’t know if i am more bored than i am annoyed, or more annoyed than i am bored…….

    hmmm……what to do about those who annoy and bore us……..oh right, there is no one here, it’s just ‘me’………it’s just ‘me’ and my delusions………it’s just ‘me’ and my awareness…….ah well, at least i am centered and grounded in awareness knowingness that my feelings is what heaven is, regardless of those who occassionally pretend to care or don’t care, that i exist(ed), for sake of all…..’i am’

    hmmm…..maybe a good time to return to the inner sanctuary of study

    it all comes full circle back to us, the world that is growing brighter within of holy joyful absolute carefree happiness……..heaven

    even for those who do not know…..we all intuitively know and are, what heaven is……..and that is what God’s omnipotence awareness constantly IS……..the same as my own

    hmmm….maybe that is the greatest lesson of all, yes?

    but does not every word encircle the same objective in macro thinking awareness halo kingdom of heaven YOU?

  1146. Beginning of Pride week here in Canada is so amazing, with music like this playing in our gatherings…..the feeling of coming forth from all our paths in life out there, as we gather, the beautiful surrendered feeling of all our struggles in unity standing and sitting together, with thoughts of this historic moment of gay marriage for New York State, truly, this will be one of or most highly celebrated Pride events ever!

    Happy Pride everyone!

    and thanks

  1147. com·pat·i·ble/kəmˈpatəbəl/
    Adjective: (of two things) Able to exist or occur together without conflict.

  1148. So how are things ? Ah ?

    same old same old, routine …

    been there done that ….

  1149. Turn around – look at what you see.
    In her face the mirror of your dreams.
    Make believe on everywhere
    get it in the line.
    Hidden on the pages is the answer
    To a never ending story.

    Reach the stars
    fly a fantasy
    Dream a dream and what you see will be.

    Rhymes that keep their secrets will unfold behind the clouds
    And there upon the rainbow is the answer
    To a never ending story
    Show your fear
    for she may fade away
    In your hands the birth of a new day.

    Rhymes that keep their secrets will unfold behind the clouds . ..
    Never ending story
    never ending story
    never ending story . . .

  1150. Behind the Cloud’s….. you moron !

    o’k now admit you were, lost in the cloud’s or you cut them out of the

    picture !

    Water ?

  1151. return to God, and you will be greeted with God’s assistants in your path, who are healthy individuals as guides, friends and lovers, without the useless absurd destructive issues in the circles of unhealthy, unwise ones who plod along aimlessly, haphazardly, without cultivation of their own wise in growing wisdom helmsperson……SELF……an unattended child of God able to learn so so much like i have, of all that i bare witness to, of all whom i met, and shall meet, the greatest teacher of all? ……life

    Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, to give you future and a hope.

  1152. uhm…..i am really trying to cut back on virtual reality and living vicariously thru others…….i was always a lover of 100% real life, not fantasy, not fake ass whatever ego maniac going nowhere dysfunctional unhealthy garbage mouth yitter yitter yitter……..

    you know? the sensual tender mild graceful pure true loving lips on mine, mine on theirs?

    honestly, who is fooling who, was i really the naive fool other’s thought i was, or did i always see with absolute clarity of my astral projecting so easy to do when of pure true meditative eternal all YOU?

    uhm……across all time too, past, present, future, of the eternal day oneness that the morons blindly plod along in seemingly disenchanted discord like i witness most of you doing…..ah, but there is one who seeks in the same pure true way ‘i am’………well, not to inflate your ego, in truth, the divine child of eternal all constantly subconsciously intuitively seek……….how do i know this you ask?

    ‘i am’ the awake subconscious vast macro thinking kingdom of heaven halo oneness wise pure true alert fearless constant awareness perspective in likeness and form as ‘that’ of Jesus, as ‘that’ of the eternal all YOU


    yes, water……the eternal flowing fountain that is unable to ever stop flowing


    well ok, that’s not true either, once our sun burns out in 9 billion years, in the event we yet remain snared by the garbage forefather weak minded ego maniac falsehood derailing greed yet of this haphazard one generation so selfish at times, it is a wonder we have managed to survive……….well…….always know, left unchecked……it can and will get worse, if left to the whims of some of you of the thrones of nescience…….nice speech Barack! You know, he is more than just smart, he is spiritually wise too, well, a father of loving concern, he naturally purely IS, and it shines thru in his confidence in speaking to those who sit on thrones of self-serving insatiable greed nescience

    my God, how is it possible those of such wealth are so blind to their arrogance and empty vessel nothingness disconnect of our oneness which deems them as they truly are, absurd………?


  1153. ….while those of the thrones of nescience, so intoxicated from the ego maniac low self-esteem manifesting delusion of power over others, thinking they are wise, and not wise at all, someone has to know how to the truth in helping us all survive the whims of these unwise ones who would run amuk, if left unchecked, as the gambling addicts they all are…..hmmmm….indeed, Jesus is correct in asking, how is it such wealth(of the mind) has fallen into such (lowly selfish) poverty?

    i ask, who is hurting who the most?

    do those of the thrones of nescience live according to their pure true nature of a loving heart as do the poor?

    so who IS already victorious then?

    so who ARE of the kingdom of heaven already?

    psssst………the blind ones don’t know the truth, do not ask to know the truth, they are asleep and bound in blinding ignorance, and so annoying to have dinner with, is it just me, or do you notice this too?

    ahahaaaaaaahaaaaaaaa HA! :mrgreen:

    watch your step morons, you don’t want to wake too suddenly, alarmed as you recoil sharply at the sight of your own illness of murderous hearts


    well, they are spiritual death murderous disconnect, worse……..their insatiable greed could, can, did and will destroy us all


  1154. remember……we are no longer of our natural habitat state of harmonious loving existence as once before, when everything was free and yet IS

    all our energy output as creatures, comes from the sun, that grows the plants that other creatures(we consume) too……freely.

    no one is better than another, and for those who think that way, it is always a shortsighted falsehood ego thought in doing so, a manifestation of one’s own low self-esteem environmental result of the drudgery environmental handed down over the centuries, where still, the deluded plod along not knowing how deluded they all appear as the yet asleep morons so many just are, and so bitter too, wow, makes us GLADD to be us, yes?

    in truth, all any of us want is to be of our natural occurring harmonious atonement core of our being, thru the layers of forgetfulness foe ego maniac yitter yitter yitter annoying noise……….WOULD YOU PLEASE SHUT UP!!!!!!! YOU KEEP SAYING THE SAME THING OVER AND OVER IN YOUR CYCLE PATTERN,………..well, you get the picture, don’t get me wrong, i love all souls, but some are so unattended and snared in their patterns, it gets to me some days, yawn, and yet, i try my best to avoid the passive aggressive enmeshing reacting most any of us are of daily…….and well, go stimulate our sensory perceptions, in truth, is all any of us seek to do……there is really nothing beyond the biological truth of this, in what is where all the manifestations stem from and back to…..ooooo…..awe……..hey…………ok, im bored, can we go now?

    hmmmm…..maybe i should get back into guitar, i always loved spending countless hours in the harmonious state of constant flow loving blissfulness atonement of the inner sanctuary of LOVE

    only love feels good
    only love is good enough for YOU
    sweet child of God’s protecting wisdom and nurturing LOVE

    at all times, ‘BE discerning’ of this > + <

  1155. God must be in a good mood. …

    My dreams were answered 3 fold

    That’s four including me…

    How rad is that…

    Ask & ye shall be,

    ……………a little glee…

    Or ray of sunlight Xox

    Shinning Bright…

    Shine Your Light NOW

    Black CAT

  1156. ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhpppp’sss

    the five of us …

    Shit, i forgot about YOU !

    sOrRy ….

    Could I possibly ?

    ( nothing is in impossible )

  1157. but occasionally
    it’s like



    who ?

    whats YOUR NAME AGAIN ?

  1158. learn to expect that most are not of cognitive atonement with their true nature oneness equality, in likeness of all those of the selfish thrones of nescience, esteeming themselves as though of value, when not only not of any value are they, they are of the ongoing devaluing inequality, where i ponder at times, just how sick can this world one day get, if left to the whims of these ego maniacs?

    well, we see these of generational taught forefather leaders in our midst, truly as the absurd unhealthy tyrants they clearly are, do we not?

    well, to all of you of the thrones of nescience, beware, for you too are seen as such too, and truth will come to our one generation when you are all brought to not, where already, the truth has come, of all you are yet too blind to realize the greatest value in the kingdom of heaven, asleep, afraid, bound in heavy bitter ignorance, your own unattended divine child of God within

    well worry not…….the power of TRUTH does not fail, and will greet the eternal all like it already has and IS…….the eternal day light wise awareness that does not set, lighting up the eternal all future thru us all like it does, however dim it may yet appear like it IS

    argh…….the blind leading the blind, until the day comes one of their own beloved is directly affected by their indirect perpetuation blindness, standing at their funeral, questioning everything…….oh right, i already told you that story……….uhm, well, leave the past in the past, visit if when you want, grieve it, but try to live in the constant flowing LOVE in the NOW of YOU

    at all times, what you turn towards you become, therefore ‘BE’ wisely compassionately lovingly discerning atonement of your real self that i know and constantly love

    at all time, where your heart is, there too is your treasure and your life, therefore turn towards the constant oneness wise compassionate constant equality feeling LOVE of your real self that i know and constantly love

    why be all these falsehoods that are less than YOU R?

    at all times, ‘BE discerning of this >+<

    in learning what to expect from all unwise bitter gnashing of teeth outside the kingdom of heaven inner sanctuary of blessed YOU that i know and constantly LOVE, do as i do

    or don't, and go be the miserable bitchy ass queen so annoying…….uhm….how is it so many of you queens enjoy being like that for so long, don't you know it's not the real YOU?………argh…….so annoying 😉

  1159. great music, thanks 😉

    well ok, i admit, i catch my (real) self in fantasy, mostly out of not being of ‘real’ life, still allowing my self to remain stuck in virtual life, and or the going nowhere with stuckness of the double face ones, and well, perhaps all of circumstantial too, no ones fault, a poor life is what some of just are, and yet, so pure and true the atonement i feel with many……

    my inner youth with those of youth as the activist i am …….and sadly was, of the day they may one day arrive here in Toronto, long after i have departed in my return to God…..well, wait a second, what if i already returned to God, and brought God back with me, sat God’s ass down, demanded everything of God, pointed out God’s flaws, oh sorry, the flaws of those who think they know God, just like they DON’T KNOW ‘ME’ ……………..FUCKERS!!!!!!!!!

    argh……seriously, the Catholic church is going to face God’s judgement, where already they have, too blind to realize ………GOD’S TRUTH HAS COME!!!!!!!!!!! YOU ARE SPIRITUAL MURDERERS!!!!!!!!!! ALL OF YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND I WILL CRUSH YOU ALL IN AN INSTANT WITH THE TRUTH YOU ARE TOO DEAF TO HEAR!!!!!!!!! HATERS!!!!!!!!!!

    ahhhhh…..that’s better, always need a good vent from time to time, throw this toxic stuff back into the void of nothingness it comes from…….you know, it’s the equivalent of thrown shit on a complete stranger, their spiritual murderous arrogance so disturbing to me like they are, and so unwise, don’t they know how to ‘read'(graceFULLY)?

    you know, they just won’t wake up, i realize they are so snared by their bully group mentality deluded power tripping, so distracted by it, consumed by it, that they don’t take time to know us, to read about us, and God forbid i start talking with them, i tried that, and i see these satanic spirits start coming out of them, right in the cathedral, looking at me like i am a sinner…….ohhhhh, i don’t think so you sad fucks, wait till you all one day realize the TRUTH, as you fall to your knees begging our forgiveness……….WHICH WE WILL NOT GRANT YOU!!!!!!!!!!! FUCKERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    seriously though………they are of evil spirits, not knowing their divine self is bound in useless absurdness that does interfer with their own greater thriving potential happiness set free like we are

    hey, let’s go free all those monks at the monastery in the mountains, i want to meet each one of them, bless them, maybe run off with one, get married in the parade here……..and and and…….well……be happy

    ahahhaaaaaaaaaaaa :mrgreen:

  1160. ohhhhh…….our cat died today

  1161. These infants being suckled, are like those who enter the kingdom of heaven within you and all around you of pure true exceeding oneness grace that you constantly feel, the pure true divine YOU within eternal all YOU that i have come to know and love as though you are 100% my own self, my sisters, my brothers, you all are, across all falsehood useless absurd segregating divisions that is not true at all of what IS our true loving compassionate nature, yes?


    i know what i am talking about, true of my own divine self, true of all YOU

    When you make the two one, and when you make the exceeding graceful 100% pure true pleasant feelings of your true nature that i know inside, inside the eternal all you, as your outside, and your outside like your inside, and when you make the male and the female one and the same, where there is no difference like some want you to foolishly absurdly falsely think, so that the male not be male, nor the female not be female, and when you fashion both eyes in place of an eye, without hypocrisy foolish absurdness thinking and false feeling………be quiet, enough chatter, listen!………ha……….really really realize the truth i know well about egotisms……..

    when you fashion a true loving hand, in place of a bully hand, and when you fashion sacred feet, in place of a bully boot, and when you fashion a likeness in place of a likeness, as my own self, then will you enter fully the kingdom of heaven constant pure true oneness grace of YOU, as the true nature of eternal all YOU

    ok, class dismissed, be sure to meditate purely and truly in your awareness fully on this, 100%, without doubt, like the fearful doubting ignorance world, that does not know you, does not know ‘me’, does not even care to want to know some of us…………argh


  1162. oh……uhm…….Jesus taught me this, ya, those are the words of brother Jesus

  1163. well don’t all look so enthusiastic at the same time in saying “welcome Jesus, greetings and peace be to you our most loving brother, thank you for stopping bi!!!!”……pffffff……….i so need to get out and make new friends…..

    oh hey, this art is selling, every time i go out, it sells, they love it, some are completely amazed by it, even the lesbians see themselves in the transgendered characters………uhm……well, i admit, that was intentional of me, although i think it was less intentional and maybe more just who i am? female male? without effort really, always connected with the lesbians more purely than the supposed gay boys, maybe because i am more lesbian than gay……….uhm……is there a difference between a gayboy who likes fucking ass and a lesbian who likes fucking vagina?

    well, someone needs to be asking these useless labeling questions?

    there is no difference, is there? i mean what about bisex lesbian me who still loves the female body? uhm?

    i am a lesbian trapped in a gay body?

    oh for fuck sakes, i really am fucked up……..

  1164. ya well, i think i would rather have the penis, than be a Madonna gay boy trapped in a lesbian body….., and i bet if you ask Madonna, she wishes she was me too?

    or maybe i need to work on wishing i am happy just being ‘me’, thankful to God ‘i am’ who ‘i am’, still trying to figure out whom i am most like?

    well ok, i am….. 😉

  1165. i’d rather be trapped inside madonna body lol

  1166. doubt she’s let me ….

    I wouldn’t fit inside LOL 🙂

  1167. London end Aug ? Venice early Sept ?

    that’s where i’ll be…..

    you’ll see 🙂

  1168. No Thank you ….

    thank you , thank you , thank you …

    spiritual soulmate…

    your spiritually, opened the door’s to


    come inside,

    I got Angel’s Galore

  1169. you know love blue,
    seeing with other,
    you grow love true,
    as their mother…..

    ah well, unrealistic expectations, circumstantial inability, the disability, non-compatible reality check vitality differences i age, illness, you learn to set yourself free, and just let love BE……..happy

    [Somewhere in Paris, an art show, Madonna walks over to me, grabs my hand, my not seeing it is her, whispers in my ear, “I don’t want to be your mother, i just want to be your lover!”



    oh, why do i always have to play the sad clown, pretending to be happy when im not, the momentary glimpses of what happiness looks and feels like in their smiling faces, so many now, every step was sacred, i always knew the truth for so long, 1994, what years is it now? does it matter? the eternal day light awareness of constant…….well………you know…….like infants, still growing……..the eternal one generation all unknowingly bound, the breaking of the chains, the eternal future always at stake, no pun intended, i love you all

    peace be to you

    bless you all with only love good enough to be YOU

  1170. ah fuck it, i’ll just wear the sunglasses again, even if it rains


    it was always about freeing them all from the mad flood i nearly drowned in…..well, i did drown i guess, but they revived me, thank God, i came back, to reveal the truth i am inside, one day happy, get married on a float, always my dream someday, waiting in the bridal chamber for someone to enter, so that i can exit with them, truly, happy, i pray, for sake of us all, God’s plan, i remain optimistic, divine will, just need to survive long enough to greet the one God has intended for me since birth, i really believe this about God, the preparation first, well…….of the entire world i guess, not just of me, the light comes full circle, eventually, when all are set free, and oh how i love them all so purely, their not knowing what we SEE, the pure compassion that runs so true, rid the world of taboo blues

  1171. the circle cannot be broken…

    truth does not change : change not does truth

    Happy Pride Day everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!

  1172. shhhhhhh……………………. shhhhhhhsh…isdhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

    you promised

  1173. I am taking a breather and break from deprecating “Madonna”-One reason is I need to focus on myself and second is I watched the trailer for “Filth and Wisdom” aesthetically is meets the eye nicely and the side show aspect had charm, even if it a bore its cool, I sat thru all of “Eyes Wide Shut” and 90% of “Enter The Void”. The album title M.D.N.A is interesting and appears contain molecules plus additives.
    Carry on Madonna, carry on…………………

  1174. I know ever since I found this blog you’ve stopped writing… Good. I just want you to know that as soon as you step foot here – I’ll know and your luck will change… I promise. Oh and you’re too late anyways – they are with me now you stupid bitch

  1175. Anda ya, ve pronto a reposar y contemplar tu ocaso despepitada ancianita, tus 60 primaveras no pueden cargar ya más con tantos espurios anhelos de mozuela en flor, tu primavera perduró lo que tarda la brisa en llevársela, un parpadeo, un instante. Inútiles son pretensiones y afanes de querer beber los aires, de querer andar sin sombra, !Querer hacer el tiempo avanzar hacia atrás¡. ¡Consumirte jadeante y agitada queriendo eternizar, inmortalizar el cuerpo!. ¡Envejeció! !Hace ya más de 25 veranos¡ y la fugáz flor que retoñó en primavera nunca volvió atrás. !Pereció y jamás voverá¡. Busca tu lugar, tu cuerpo de 18 años jamás volverá.

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  1178. Enhorabuena por tus éxitos!!! 💙💙💙
    Me encanto el post!!!!

    Qué grande es la felicidad de la recompensa cuando el esfuerzo fue mucho. Es algo que quienes tienen todo de arriba nunca podrán comprar.
    Buenas noches. 😊
    Te dejo mi nuevo post espero que te guste:


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