Fan Video of the Day: Cherish

20 Responses

  1. Ok then…I perish the thought of us not being loving with each other…not that it was ever possible! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€

    You made my day…my week…my year…my life!

    So…here we are! And here we shall stay. Fuck off cruel world! The boss is back in town! haha.


  2. If I ever get that over weight, I will hate myself!

    Likely a desk job worker.

  3. Now I can relax and wake to a new day…always smiling of course, as love continues to grow within.

    I so needed that!

    Just like we all need you Madonna. It’s a cruel world out here.

    Thank you.

  4. Ok…get some rest, and I will do the same.

    Doubt is such a useless thing, is it not?

    I despise doubtfulness, that so many cast about with each other. Not always, but it is there, in the world, the doubtfulness of the true power of love, able to change the world for the better, just as you have already proven so many times, with so many songs of what matters.

    You have been a guide for me. Your dreams of love in songs written and sang, have always been there for me and so many, lending the much needed hand of love, when togetherness fails us.

    We are touched by God’s love, you thru me, and me back thru you. This is how the world will change, where love builds up in others, and builds apon even greater love we strive for. Why? Because it feels good you moron! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€

    Oh man, I am always explaining. I jest! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€

    With exceeding joyfulness then, we embrace our loving friendship, not to be tainted by anyone, for no one shall be able to, so long as we love and repect each other the way we do.

    I will try not to be to time consuming of you, unless of course you want to spend more time with me, with me saying, “Of course, you moron!” πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€

    Why turn to anyone that less loving as I am for you? Go ahead if you want to, but you’ll be back!

    You taught me that one! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€

    It’s true you know…they always come crawling back.

  5. What?

    I called you moron twice?

    Well, you gave me the finger twice.

    I won’t tell you what I would like to do with that finger…hmmm! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€

    Oppsss….my other side is showing!

  6. This is who I am. You will get used to me…I hope and pray that is! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€

  7. πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€

  8. These smiles don’t work if they get to close to one another.

    hmmm….I guess one cannot smile if they are kissing me, or I you, or what ever they are doing.

    OMG! Testerone levels are too high! Somebody help me! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€

    Oh….I am single. Damn.

    How does that song go again…happiness is in your own hand?


    You wrote it, not me! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€

    Everytime I hear, I always think the same thing, “What was she thinking when she wrote that?”

  9. I can’t stop laughing.

    You put this in me!

  10. Now take it out…it hurts damn it….from laughing to hard that is!

    You’re bad! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€

    Oh look, others are laughing too!!!


  12. Hey…where did everybody go…come back…we love you! Honest! We do!

    When you are loving of us two, that is!

  13. I have been kissed by an Angel!

    Thank you!

  14. Thank you Madonna. Thank you father. Thank you Jesus. Thank you Rosie. Thank you to all who are loving.

    God loves those who are loving!

    And so does Madonna. And so do I. And so does Rosie and Kelly. And so do all of you who are loving.

    This is who we are. We love to love. We live to love. We love to live. To love is to live. To live is to love. We are loving. This is who we are.

  15. With all my heart, with all my mind, with all my body and with all my soul, I love you Madonna!

    Love, Andy

  16. it is difficult to keep the right temporality with you, it is not good to be blog addict !!

  17. Now that’s funny.. And that’s entertaining!


  18. Wow!! That is one really big, really pale white a** I could have done without seeing. At least it was entertaining!

    Love and Light!

  19. It is not good to be clueless either Eric. Just saying.

    Seek the wisdom of God, for he is there for anyone who, with a sincere heart, turns towards the loving and tender feelings they feel deep within their soul.

    All the answers to life are all within our loving heart.

    We merely need to listen and feel the answers.

  20. who is Lithargoel? clueless= qui ne sais rien de rien!, i have no heart !! my heart is for my boy friend first and i m not obligied to love evrybody …and i love big M who loves the world, it is enough. love is a word to save…bisou Lithargoel

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